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Discover Canada, 13. Canada’s Economy

13. Canada's Economy

A Trading Nation

Canada has always been a trading nation and commerce remains the engine of economic growth. As Canadians, we could not maintain our standard of living without engaging in trade with other nations.

In 1988, Canada enacted free trade with the United States. Mexico became a partner in 1994 in the broader North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with over 444 million people and over $1 trillion in merchandise trade in 2008.

Today, Canada has one of the ten largest economies in the world and is part of the G8 group of leading industrialized countries with the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Japan and Russia.

Canada's Economy Includes Three Main Types of Industries: Service industries provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications, retail services, tourism and government. More than 75% of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries.

Manufacturing industries make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Manufactured products include paper, high technology equipment, aerospace technology, automobiles, machinery, food, clothing and many other goods. Our largest international trading partner is the United States.

Natural resources industries include forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining and energy. These industries have played an important part in the country's history and development. Today, the economy of many areas of the country still depends on developing natural resources, and a large percentage of Canada's exports are natural resources commodities. ------------------------------------------------------------

Caption: Images

of a lumber truck,

of Oil pump-jacks in Alberta,

an Atlantic lobster, and a

Hydro-electric dam on the Saguenay River, Quebec.


Canada enjoys close relations with the United States and each is the other's largest trading partner. Over three-quarters of Canadian exports are destined for the U.S.A. In fact we have the biggest bilateral trading relationship in the world. Integrated Canada-U.S.A. supply chains compete with the rest of the world. Canada exports billions of dollars worth of energy products, industrial goods, machinery, equipment, automotive, agricultural, fishing and forestry products, and consumer goods every year. Millions of Canadians and Americans cross every year and in safety what is traditionally known as “the world's longest undefended border.” At Blaine in the State of Washington, the Peace Arch, inscribed with the words “children of a common mother” and “brethren dwelling together in unity,” symbolizes our close ties and common interests.


Caption: Images

of a car assembly plant in Oakville, Ontario;

of a Port in Vancouver;

of a research laboratory;

of RIM's BlackBerry device; and of ice wine grapes in a Niagara Region in Ontario.


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13. Canada’s Economy 加拿大的| Kanada'nın|Kanada Ekonomisi 캐나다의| Kanadyjska| Канадская|Экономика Канады 13. Kanadas Wirtschaft 13. La economía de Canadá 13. L'économie du Canada 13. Economia canadese 13.カナダ経済 13. 캐나다 경제 13. Kanados ekonomika 13. Gospodarka Kanady 13. A economia do Canadá 13. Экономика Канады 13. Kanada Ekonomisi 13. Економіка Канади 13. 加拿大经济 13. 加拿大經濟

A Trading Nation |торговая|торговая нация |Ticaret Yapan|Ticaret Ülkesi |comércio|

Canada has always been a trading nation and commerce remains the engine of economic growth. |一直是|||||||商业|||引擎||| |||||Handels-||||||||| Kanada|olmuştur||olmuştur|||||ticaret|kalmaktadır||itici güç||ekonomik büyüme|büyüme |||||||||permanece|||||crescimento econômico カナダは常に貿易立国であり、商業が経済成長の原動力であることに変わりはない。 加拿大一直是一个贸易国家,商业仍然是经济增长的动力。 As Canadians, we could not maintain our standard of living without engaging in trade with other nations. |||||manter||padrão||||||||| |Kanadalılar olarak||||||||||katılmak||ticaret yapmak||| |||||||||||impegnarci||||| |||||utrzymać||||||||||| |||||||||||従事する||||| ||||||||||sin|||||| Como canadenses, não poderíamos manter nosso padrão de vida sem nos envolvermos no comércio com outras nações. 作为加拿大人,如果不与其他国家进行贸易,我们无法维持我们的生活水平。

In 1988, Canada enacted free trade with the United States. ||приняла|||||| ||instituiu|||||| ||yürürlüğe koydu|||||| ||verabschiedete|||||| |캐나다|체결했다||무역|||| ||promulgò|||||| ||实施了|||||| ||締結した|||||| En||||comercio libre|||| 1988年,加拿大与美国签署了自由贸易协议。 Mexico became a partner in 1994 in the broader North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with over 444 million people and over $1 trillion in merchandise trade in 2008. |||||||||||||Североамерикан||||||||||| |||||||mais ampla||||||||mais de||||||||| 멕시코||||에||||북미|||||NAFTA|||||||||상품|| |||||||umfassenderen|||||||||||||||Waren|| |||ortak|||||||||Anlaşması|Kuzey Amerika Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması|||||||trilyon dolar||mal ticareti|| |||||||更广泛的|||||||||||||万亿||商品|| |||||||||||||NAFTA|||||||1兆||商品|| O México tornou-se parceiro em 1994 no Acordo de Livre Comércio da América do Norte (Nafta) mais amplo, com mais de 444 milhões de pessoas e mais de US $ 1 trilhão em comércio de mercadorias em 2008.

Today, Canada has one of the ten largest economies in the world and is part of the G8 group of leading industrialized countries with the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Japan and Russia. |||||||||||||||||||||산업화된|||||||||||||| ||||||||Volkswirtschaften|||||||||||||industriellen|||||||||||||| Bugün||||||on ||ekonomilerinden biri|||||||||||||sanayileşmiş||||||Almanya|||Birleşik Krallık||Fransa||| |||||||||||||||||||||先進|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||principais|||||||||||||||

Canada's Economy Includes Three Main Types of Industries: |||||||산업 ||İçerir|||||Sanayi Sektörleri Service industries provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications, retail services, tourism and government. |||||||||||||||||varejo|||| Dienstleistungssektor|||||||||||||||||Einzelhandelsdien|||| ||sağlar||||iş imkânları|||||||||||perakende hizmetleri|hizmetler|turizm sektörü||hükümet işleri ||||||||||交通运输|||||||||旅游业|| |||||||||||||||銀行業|||||| ||||||||||||zdrowie|opieka zdrowotna|||||||| More than 75% of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries. |||||现在|||||

Manufacturing industries make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Üretim sanayileri|sanayi sektörleri||ürünler|||||||| fabricação||||||||||| Manufactured products include paper, high technology equipment, aerospace technology, automobiles, machinery, food, clothing and many other goods. ||||||||||||||||bens |||||||항공우주||자동차|기계|||||| |||||||Luft- und Raum||||||||| Üretilmiş||||||||||||||||mallar |||||||航空航天||汽车||||||| |||||||航空宇宙||自動車|機械|||||| Our largest international trading partner is the United States. |||comércio|||||

Natural resources industries include forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining and energy. ||||orman işleri|||madencilik||enerji sektörü 자연||||임업||||| ||||林業||||| |||||||estrazione mineraria|| These industries have played an important part in the country's history and development. ||||||||||||gelişimi Essas indústrias têm desempenhado um papel importante na história e no desenvolvimento do país. Today, the economy of many areas of the country still depends on developing natural resources, and a large percentage of Canada's exports are natural resources commodities. ||||많은|||||||||||||||||수출||||상품 |||||||||||||||||||||||||Rohstoffgüter |||||bölgeler||||||||||||||||||||emtia ürünleri |||||||||||||||||||||||||merci naturali ||||||||||||||||||百分比|||||||商品 |||||||||||||||||||||||||商品 ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------

Caption: Images Başlık: Görseller|

of a lumber truck, ||madeira de construção| ||Holz| ||kereste kamyonu|kereste kamyonu ||木材|卡车 ||材木| de un camión maderero|||

of Oil pump-jacks in Alberta, |||насосных станций|| |Öl|||| |||||앨버타 |||ジャック|| de|||||

an Atlantic lobster, and a ||омар рыба|| ||ロブスター|| un||langosta atlántica||

Hydro-electric dam on the Saguenay River, Quebec. |||||Сагеней|| Wasserkraft||||||| 수력|||||사구네이|| ||水坝|||萨格奈河|| 水力|||||サグネイ|| Hidroeléctrico|||||||


Canada enjoys close relations with the United States and each is the other's largest trading partner. O Canadá mantém relações estreitas com os Estados Unidos e cada um é o maior parceiro comercial do outro. Over three-quarters of Canadian exports are destined for the U.S.A. |||||||gidecek||||| ||四分の三|||||向けられている||||| In fact we have the biggest bilateral trading relationship in the world. ||||||双边||||| ||||||bilateralen||||| ||||||ikili ticaret||||| ||||||양자간의||||| ||||||二国間の||||| Na verdade, temos a maior relação comercial bilateral do mundo. Integrated Canada-U.S.A. Entegre|||| ||Estados Unidos|Canadá-EE.UU. Integrado| supply chains compete with the rest of the world. ||compiten|||||| Lieferketten|||||||| tedarik|tedarik zincirleri|rekabet eder|||||| ||競争する|||||| fornecimento|cadeias|||||||mundo Canada exports billions of dollars worth of energy products, industrial goods, machinery, equipment, automotive, agricultural, fishing and forestry products, and consumer goods every year. |||||||||||||автомобильные товары|||||||||| |||||no valor de|||||||||||||||||| |||||değerinde|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Ausrüstung|Automobilprodukte|Agrarprodukte||||||Verbraucherwaren||| |||||||||||||자동차|||||||소비자||| |||||valore di|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||自動車|||||||||| O Canadá exporta bilhões de dólares em produtos energéticos, bens industriais, máquinas, equipamentos, produtos automotivos, agrícolas, pesqueiros e florestais e bens de consumo todos os anos. Millions of Canadians and Americans cross every year and in safety what is traditionally known as “the world's longest undefended border.” |||||||||||||||||||неохраняемая| |||||||||||||||||||ungeschützte| |||||||||||||||||||무방비| |||||||||||||||||||無防備な| ||||||||||||||||||||confine non difeso Milhões de canadenses e americanos cruzam todos os anos e com segurança o que é tradicionalmente conhecido como "a fronteira indefesa mais longa do mundo". At Blaine in the State of Washington, the Peace Arch, inscribed with the words “children of a common mother” and “brethren dwelling together in unity,” symbolizes our close ties and common interests. |Блейн||||||||Арка|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||brothers|living|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||habitando juntos|||||||laços estreitos||| |블레인|||||||||||||어머니의 자녀|||||||||||상징한다|우리의||||| |||||||||||||||||gemeinsamen|||Brüder||||||||||| ||||||||||yazılı||||||||||kardeşler|birlikte yaşayan|||birlik içinde|sembolize eder|||bağlar|||çıkarlar |a Blaine|||||||||||||figli||||||||||||||||| |ブレイン||||||||アーチ|刻まれた||||||||||兄弟||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||hermanos||||||||||| Em Blaine, no estado de Washington, o Arco da Paz, inscrito com as palavras “filhos de uma mãe comum” e “irmãos vivendo juntos em unidade”, simboliza nossos laços estreitos e interesses comuns. У Блейні, штат Вашингтон, Арка миру, на якій написано «діти спільної матері» та «брати, що живуть разом у єдності», символізує наші тісні зв’язки та спільні інтереси.


Caption: Images

of a car assembly plant in Oakville, Ontario; ||||||Оквилл| |||Fertigung||||

of a Port in Vancouver;

of a research laboratory; |||araştırma laboratuvarı

of RIM's BlackBerry device; and |RIM||| |RIM'in|BlackBerry cihazı|| |RIMの||| of ice wine grapes in a Niagara Region in Ontario. |||виноград для ледя|||||| |||buz şarabı üzümleri|||Niagara Bölgesi||| ||||||ナイアガラ||| ||vinho de gelo|||||||
