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The Big Bang Theory, 2. Season 1, episode 1, Part 4

2. Season 1, episode 1, Part 4

Leonard: Hi.


Penny: Hi.

Sheldon: Hi.

Leonard: Hi.

Penny: Hi.

Leonard: Anyway, um. We brought home Indian food. And, um. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I don't have to tell you that, uh, a clean colon is just one less thing to worry about.

Sheldon: Leonard, I'm not expert here but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.

Penny: Oh, you're inviting me over to eat?

Leonard: Uh, yes.

Penny: Oh, that's so nice, I'd love to.

Leonard: Great.

Penny: So, what do you guys do for fun around here?

Sheldon: Well, today we tried masturbating for money.

Credits sequence.

Scene: Sheldon and Leonard's apartment.

Leonard: Okay, well, make yourself at home.

Penny: Okay, thankyou.

Leonard: You're very welcome.

Penny: This looks like some serious stuff, Leonard, did you do this?

Sheldon: Actually that's my work.

Penny: Wow.

Sheldon: Yeah, well, it's just some quantum mechanics, with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that's just a joke, it's a spoof of the Bourne-Oppenheimer approximation.

Penny: So you're like, one of those, beautiful mind genius guys.

Sheldon: Yeah.

Penny: This is really impressive.

Leonard: I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.

Penny: Holy smokes.

Sheldon: If by holy smokes you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at MIT, sure.

Leonard: What?

Sheldon: Oh, come on. Who hasn't seen this differential below “here I sit broken hearted?”

Leonard: At least I didn't have to invent twenty-six dimensions just to make the math come out.

Sheldon: I didn't invent them, they're there.

Leonard: In what universe?

Sheldon: In all of them, that is the point.

Penny: Uh, do you guys mind if I start?

Sheldon: Um, Penny, that's where I sit.

Penny: So, sit next to me.

Sheldon: No, I sit there.

Penny: What's the difference?

Sheldon: What's the difference?

Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon: In the winter that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer it's directly in the path of a cross breeze created by open windows there, and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create a parallax distortion, I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

Penny: Do you want me to move?

Sheldon: Well.

Leonard: Just sit somewhere else.

Sheldon: Fine. (Wanders in circles, looking lost. )

Leonard: Sheldon, sit!

Sheldon: Aaah!

Leonard: Well this is nice. We don't have a lot of company over.

Sheldon: That's not true. Koothrapali and Wolowitz come over all the time.

Leonard: Yes I now, but…

Sheldon: Tuesday night we played Klingon boggle until one in the morning.

Leonard: Yes, I remember.

Sheldon: I resent you saying we don't have company.

Leonard: I'm sorry.

Sheldon: That is an antisocial implication.

Leonard: I said I'm sorry.

Penny: So, Klingon boggle?

Leonard: Yeah, it's like regular boggle but, in Klingon. That's probably enough about us, tell us about you.

Penny: Um, me, okay, I'm Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.

Sheldon: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the Sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations and the time of your birth somehow effects your personality.

Penny: Participate in the what?

Leonard: I think what Sheldon's trying to say, is that Sagittarius wouldn't have been our first guess.

Penny: Oh, yeah, a lot of people think I'm a water sign. Okay, let's see, what else, oh, I'm a vegetarian, oh, except for fish, and the occasional steak, I love steak.

Sheldon: That's interesting. Leonard can't process corn.

Leonard: Wu-uh, do you have some sort of a job?

Penny: Oh, yeah, I'm a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory.

Leonard: Oh, okay. I love cheesecake.

Sheldon: You're lactose intolerant.

Leonard: I don't eat it, I just think it's a good idea.

Penny: Oh, anyways, I'm also writing a screenplay. It's about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from Lincoln Nebraska to be an actress, and winds up a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory.

Leonard: So it's based on your life?

Penny: No, I'm from Omaha.

Leonard: Well, if that was a movie I would go see it.

Penny: I know, right? Okay, let's see, what else? Um, that's about it. That's the story of Penny.

Leonard: Well it sounds wonderful.

Penny: It was. Until I fell in love with a jerk.

Sheldon (mouths): What's happening.

Leonard (mouths back): I don't know.

Penny: Oh God, you know, four years I lived with him, four years, that's like as long as High School.

Sheldon: It took you four years to get through High School?

Leonard: Don't.

Penny: I just, I can't believe I trusted him.

Leonard: Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.

Sheldon: You? No, you'll only make it worse.

Penny: You want to know the most pathetic part? Even though I hate his lying, cheating guts, I still love him. Is that crazy?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: No, it's not crazy it's, uh, uh, it's a paradox. And paradoxes are part of nature, think about light. Now if you look at Huygens, light is a wave, as confirmed by the double slit experiments, but then, along comes Albert Einstein and discovers that light behaves like particles too. Well, I didn't make it worse.

Penny: Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm such a mess, and on top of everything else I'm all gross from moving and my stupid shower doesn't even work.

Leonard: Our shower works.

Penny: Really? Would it be totally weird if I used it?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: No?

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: No.

Leonard: It's right down the hall.

Penny: Thanks. You guys are really sweet.

Sheldon: Well this is an interesting development.

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2. Season 1, episode 1, Part 4 2. Staffel 1, Folge 1, Teil 4 2. Temporada 1, episodio 1, Parte 4 2. Saison 1, épisode 1, partie 4 2. Stagione 1, episodio 1, parte 4 2.シーズン1、エピソード1、パート4 2. 시즌 1, 에피소드 1, 파트 4 2. Сезон 1, эпизод 1, часть 4 2. 第 1 季,第 1 集,第 4 部分

Leonard: Hi. Leonard|Szia


Penny: Hi.

Sheldon: Hi. Sheldon|

Leonard: Hi.

Penny: Hi.

Leonard: Anyway, um. |anyway| We brought home Indian food. |brought||| Llevamos comida india a casa. And, um. Y, um. I know that moving can be stressful, and I find that when I’m undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. |||||||||||||переживаю||||||||||| |||moving||||||||||experiencing||||||||||comforting|effect ||||può|||||||||||||||||||| |||mudarse||||||||||experimentando||||||||||| |||||||||||||переживаю||||||||||втішний| Sé que mudarse puede ser estresante, y encuentro que cuando estoy bajo estrés, que buena comida y compañía pueden tener un efecto reconfortante. Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I don’t have to tell you that, uh, a clean colon is just one less thing to worry about. |||||слабительное средство|||||||||||||||||||| |||||digestive aid|||||||||||clean|||||fewer|||| |||||hashajtó|||||||||||tiszta|vastagbél|||||||| |||||泻药|||||||||||||||||||| |||||проносний|||||||||||||||||||| |||||laxante||||||decir|tú|||||||||menos|||| Además, el curry es un laxante natural, y no tengo que decirte que, eh, un colon limpio es solo una cosa menos de qué preocuparse. Além disso, o caril é um laxante natural, e não preciso de lhe dizer que um cólon limpo é menos uma coisa com que se preocupar.

Sheldon: Leonard, I’m not expert here but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements. ||||||||||||||||||||||||кишечник| |||||||||||context||a|luncheon||||||omit||reference||bowel| ||||||||||||||almuerzo|||||a|omitir||||intestinos| ||||||||||||||обіду||||||||||| |Leonard||||||||||környezetében|||ebéd||||||kihagyni||utalás||bél| Sheldon: Leonard, no soy un experto aquí, pero creo que en el contexto de una invitación a un almuerzo, quizás quieras omitir la referencia a los movimientos intestinales. Sheldon: Leonard, não sou especialista nesta matéria, mas acho que no contexto de um convite para um almoço, talvez seja melhor saltares a referência aos movimentos intestinais.

Penny: Oh, you’re inviting me over to eat? ||tu es|m'invites|||| Penny||you are||||| |||||до|| |||invitándome|||| Penny: Oh, ¿me estás invitando a comer?

Leonard: Uh, yes. Leonard: Uh, sí.

Penny: Oh, that’s so nice, I’d love to. |||||I would|| Penny: Oh, eso es tan lindo, me encantaría.

Leonard: Great.

Penny: So, what do you guys do for fun around here? |||||you|||||

Sheldon: Well, today we tried masturbating for money. ||||tried|self-pleasuring|| |||||masturbando||dinero |||||maszturbálás|| Sheldon: Bueno, hoy intentamos masturbarse por dinero.

Credits sequence. |sequence Кредити(1)|послідовність Secuencia de créditos.

Scene: Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment. |||Leonard's| |||de Leonard| |||Leonard| Escena: El apartamento de Sheldon y Leonard.

Leonard: Okay, well, make yourself at home. ||||yourself||

Penny: Okay, thankyou. ||köszönöm

Leonard: You’re very welcome. |You are||

Penny: This looks like some serious stuff, Leonard, did you do this? ||||||cosas serias|Leonard|||| Penny: Esto parece algo serio, Leonard, ¿hiciste esto?

Sheldon: Actually that’s my work. Sheldon: En realidad, ese es mi trabajo.

Penny: Wow. |Wow Penny: Vaya.

Sheldon: Yeah, well, it’s just some quantum mechanics, with a little string theory doodling around the edges. |||||||||||||каракули||| |||||||||une||théorie des cordes||gribouillage|||bords |||||||||||string||sketching|||edges |||||||||||||малювання||| |||||||mecánica||||||garabateo|||bordes Sheldon: Sí, bueno, es solo un poco de mecánica cuántica, con un poco de teoría de cuerdas dibujando en los bordes. That part there, that’s just a joke, it’s a spoof of the Bourne-Oppenheimer approximation. |||||||||пародия на|||||аппроксимация Борна-Оппенгеймера |||||||||parodie|||Bourne|Oppenheimer| |part||||||||parody|||Bourne|Oppenheimer|approximation |||||||||||||Oppenheimer| |||||||||恶搞||||| |||||||||пародія||||| |||||||||parodia|||Bourne|Oppenheimer| Esa parte ahí, eso es solo una broma, es una parodia de la aproximación de Bourne-Oppenheimer. Essa parte aí, é apenas uma piada, é uma paródia da aproximação Bourne-Oppenheimer.

Penny: So you’re like, one of those, beautiful mind genius guys. ||||un|||||génie| |||||||||genius| Penny: Así que eres como uno de esos genios de mente brillante.

Sheldon: Yeah.

Penny: This is really impressive. ||||amazing

Leonard: I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board. ||||||mi| Si te gustan las tablas, esta es mi tabla.

Penny: Holy smokes. |sacré|fumée Penny: Vaya.

Sheldon: If by holy smokes you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men’s room at MIT, sure. |||||||||перефразирование||||||||||||||||||| ||par||||||dérivée|reformulation|||||||||écrit||||||toilettes|||MIT| ||||||||rephrased|rephrased version|||||||||written|||||||||| ||||||||derivált|kijelentés||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||похідна||||||||||написаного|||||||||| ||||santo cielo||||derivada|reformulación|||||||||garabateado|||||||baño||MIT| Sheldon: Si por vaya te refieres a una reafirmación derivada del tipo de cosas que puedes encontrar garabateadas en la pared de cualquier baño de hombres en el MIT, claro.

Leonard: What? Leonard|

Sheldon: Oh, come on. Who hasn’t seen this differential below “here I sit broken hearted?” ||||différentiel||ici||||hearted ||||||aquí||||afligido ||||диференціал|||||| ||||differenciál|||||| ¿Quién no ha visto este diferencial debajo de 'aquí estoy, con el corazón roto'?

Leonard: At least I didn’t have to invent twenty-six dimensions just to make the math come out. ||||||||||измерения||||||| ||||||||||||||||виходити| |||||||||||||||matemáticas|| Leonard: Al menos no tuve que inventar veintiséis dimensiones solo para hacer que las matemáticas encajen.

Sheldon: I didn’t invent them, they’re there. |||||他们在那里| Sheldon: No las inventé, ahí están.

Leonard: In what universe?

Sheldon: In all of them, that is the point.

Penny: Uh, do you guys mind if I start? |||||importan||| Penny: Eh, ¿les importa si empiezo?

Sheldon: Um, Penny, that’s where I sit. Sheldon: Um, Penny, ahí es donde me siento.

Penny: So, sit next to me. Penny: Entonces, siéntate a mi lado.

Sheldon: No, I sit there.

Penny: What’s the difference?

Sheldon: What’s the difference?

Leonard: Here we go.

Sheldon: In the winter that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. |||||||||||heating unit||||||||||||perspiration |||||||||||||||||||||||потіння |||invierno||||||||||||||||||||sudor |||||||||||radiátor||||||||||||izzadás Sheldon: En el invierno, ese asiento está lo suficientemente cerca del radiador para mantenerse caliente, y sin embargo, no tan cerca como para causar sudoración. In the summer it’s directly in the path of a cross breeze created by open windows there, and there. |||||||||||brisa||||||| En el verano, está directamente en la trayectoria de una brisa cruzada creada por las ventanas abiertas allí y allí. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create a parallax distortion, I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point. ||||||||||||||||||||||искажение перспективы||||||||||| ||||||||||||décourageant|||||||||parallaxe|||||||||||| |||TV||||||||therefore||||||||||viewing angle|distortion||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||parallaxis|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||паралакс|дисторсія||||||||||| |||||||||ni||así|||||||||||||||||||||| Está orientado hacia el televisor en un ángulo que no es ni directo, lo que desalienta la conversación, ni tan amplio como para crear una distorsión de paralaje. Podría seguir, pero creo que he dejado claro mi punto.

Penny: Do you want me to move?

Sheldon: Well. Sheldon|

Leonard: Just sit somewhere else.

Sheldon: Fine. (Wanders in circles, looking lost. ) vagabonde|||| paces around|||| deambula||||

Leonard: Sheldon, sit!

Sheldon: Aaah! |Aaah |Aaah

Leonard: Well this is nice. We don’t have a lot of company over.

Sheldon: That’s not true. Koothrapali and Wolowitz come over all the time. Koothrapali||Wolowitz||||| Koothrapali||Wolowitz||||| Kuthrapali||Wolowitz|||||

Leonard: Yes I now, but…

Sheldon: Tuesday night we played Klingon boggle until one in the morning. ||||||игра в слова||||| ||||||boggle||||| ||||||word game||||| |||||klingon|boggle||||| |||||klingon|boggle|||||

Leonard: Yes, I remember.

Sheldon: I resent you saying we don’t have company. ||обижаться на|||||| |je||||||| ||dislike|||||| ||me molesta|||||| Sheldon: Me molesta que digas que no tenemos compañía.

Leonard: I’m sorry. Leonard: Lo siento.

Sheldon: That is an antisocial implication. |||||подтекст |cela|||antisocial|implication ||||against social norms|suggestion ||||антисоціальне|наслідок ||||antiszociális|következmény Sheldon: Esa es una implicación antisocial.

Leonard: I said I’m sorry.

Penny: So, Klingon boggle? |||boggle ||кліппер|багаття Penny: Entonces, ¿boggle klingon?

Leonard: Yeah, it’s like regular boggle but, in Klingon. |||||word game||| |||||багл||| Leonard: Sí, es como el boggle regular pero, en klingon. That’s probably enough about us, tell us about you. Eso es probablemente suficiente sobre nosotros, cuéntanos sobre ti.

Penny: Um, me, okay, I’m Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know. |||||Стрелец||||||||||| |||||Стрілець||||||||||| |||||Nyilas|||||||||||

Sheldon: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the Sun’s apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations and the time of your birth somehow effects your personality. ||||||||||||||||||||||созвездия|||||||||| |||||||||la|masse||illusion||||||||définies arbitrairement||constellations|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||star patterns|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||önkényesen||csillagképekben|||||||||| ||||||||||||ілюзія||||очевидне||||випадково|||||||||||| ||||||||||masa||ilusión|||||||||||||||||||| Sheldon: Sí, nos dice que participas en la gran ilusión cultural de que la posición aparente del Sol en relación a constelaciones definidas arbitrariamente y el momento de tu nacimiento de alguna manera afectan tu personalidad.

Penny: Participate in the what? Penny: ¿Participar en qué?

Leonard: I think what Sheldon’s trying to say, is that Sagittarius wouldn’t have been our first guess. ||||Sheldon|||||||||||| ||||||||||Стрілець|||||| ||||Sheldon||||||||||||suposición ||||Sheldon|||||||||||| Leonard: Creo que lo que Sheldon está intentando decir, es que Sagitario no habría sido nuestra primera suposición.

Penny: Oh, yeah, a lot of people think I’m a water sign. Okay, let’s see, what else, oh, I’m a vegetarian, oh, except for fish, and the occasional steak, I love steak. ||||||||vegetáriánus|||||||||||

Sheldon: That’s interesting. Leonard can’t process corn. |||corn products ||обробити| Leonard||| Leonard no puede procesar maíz.

Leonard: Wu-uh, do you have some sort of a job? |Wu||||||||| |Wu||||||||| Leonard: Wu-uh, ¿tienes algún tipo de trabajo?

Penny: Oh, yeah, I’m a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory. ||||||||Cheesecake| Penny: Oh, sí, soy camarera en el Cheesecake Factory.

Leonard: Oh, okay. I love cheesecake. ||the dessert

Sheldon: You’re lactose intolerant. ||lactose| ||laktóz|intoleráns

Leonard: I don’t eat it, I just think it’s a good idea.

Penny: Oh, anyways, I’m also writing a screenplay. |||||||Пенни: О, кстати, я также пишу сценарий. |||||||scénario |||||||guion |||||||forgatókönyvet It’s about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from Lincoln Nebraska to be an actress, and winds up a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory. |Lincoln|Nebraska||||||finit||||||| ||Nebraska||||||termina||||||| |Lincoln|Nebraska|||||||||||||

Leonard: So it’s based on your life?

Penny: No, I’m from Omaha. ||||Omaha ||||Omaha ||||Omaha

Leonard: Well, if that was a movie I would go see it.

Penny: I know, right? Okay, let’s see, what else? Um, that’s about it. That’s the story of Penny.

Leonard: Well it sounds wonderful.

Penny: It was. Until I fell in love with a jerk. |||||||idiota

Sheldon (mouths): What’s happening. |сказав||

Leonard (mouths back): I don’t know.

Penny: Oh God, you know, four years I lived with him, four years, that’s like as long as High School.

Sheldon: It took you four years to get through High School?

Leonard: Don’t.

Penny: I just, I can’t believe I trusted him. ||||||||that person

Leonard: Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.

Sheldon: You? No, you’ll only make it worse.

Penny: You want to know the most pathetic part? Even though I hate his lying, cheating guts, I still love him. ||||||tricher|tripes|||| |||||||підлості|||| ||||||tramposo|entrañas|||| Is that crazy?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: No, it’s not crazy it’s, uh, uh, it’s a paradox. And paradoxes are part of nature, think about light. |paradojas||||||| |a paradoxok||||||| Now if you look at Huygens, light is a wave, as confirmed by the double slit experiments, but then, along comes Albert Einstein and discovers that light behaves like particles too. |||||||||||||||щель||||||||||||||| |||||Huygens||||||||||||||||Albert|Einstein|||||||| |||||||||||||||щілина||||||||||||||| |||||Huygens||||||||||rendija||||||Einstein|Einstein|||||||| |||||Huygens|||||||||||||||||||felfedezi|||||| Well, I didn’t make it worse.

Penny: Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m such a mess, and on top of everything else I’m all gross from moving and my stupid shower doesn’t even work. |||||||||||||||||огидний||||||||| ||||||||un desastre|||||||||asquerosa|||||||||

Leonard: Our shower works.

Penny: Really? Would it be totally weird if I used it? ||||raro||||

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: No?

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: No.

Leonard: It’s right down the hall.

Penny: Thanks. You guys are really sweet.

Sheldon: Well this is an interesting development. ||this situation||||situation change Шелдон||||||