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COURSERA Business Model Canvas, Wk3-01 Animated Video, Prototyping

Wk3-01 Animated Video, Prototyping

[MUSIC] You can think of a business model like a story. A story of how your enterprise will create, deliver, and capture value. And like a story, it can be one you've heard over and over before. For instance, you can start with what most people are fixated on. The value proposition. Travel for retirees. Then decide whom you can sell it to. Yeah, boomers. Sketch in how you'll get it to them. Okay, a website. And how that will generate revenue. Sure, sales fees. You make it easy and automated. Next you figure out what key resources you need to offer all that. Like a reliable website and brand recognition. Carl's thinking his key activities will be marketing, website, and maintenance. And then partners will do the booking. And finally where your costs will come from, sales, marketing platform development. All that will cost you. There you go, your first model. But don't expect a medal or a breakthrough. Predictable models can work but rarely give you a competitive advantage. So don't fall in love with your first idea. To compete in a world where the best model wins, you'll need to think harder and explore alternatives. For example, prototype a model where you give away your value proposition for free. This will instantly change everything. You might not find this model realistic, but exploring it will force you to think hard about potential alternatives. As an entrepreneur, you're thinking of your model 24/7. Now you have a tool to structure ideas as quick prototypes to consider with your team. Who knows, you might wind up with the disruptive model that changes an entire industry, like Skype with its freemium model, or an espresso, which became a multi-billion business by locking customers into purchasing high-margin espresso capsules. In fact, understanding innovative, or simply successful business models in other industries, can be a great place to start getting to your break-through. There's no right or wrong way to do it, just three rules to start with. First, focus on the business model. Not just your product, technology or service. Second, don't fall in love with your first models. The best models are built on clever, unexpected elements and that comes from creating many less obvious versions. Which leads to the third rule. Iterate rapidly and test your models early, in the real world. How do you do that? Don't worry guys, we're about to learn all about the real world beyond our canvas.

Wk3-01 Animated Video, Prototyping

[MUSIC] You can think of a business model like a story. 【音楽】ビジネスモデルは物語のように考えることができます。 A story of how your enterprise will create, deliver, and capture value. 企業がどのように価値を創造、提供、獲得するかについてのストーリー。 And like a story, it can be one you've heard over and over before. そして物語のように、それはあなたが以前に何度も聞いたことがあるものである可能性があります。 For instance, you can start with what most people are fixated on. たとえば、ほとんどの人が固執しているものから始めることができます。 The value proposition. バリュープロポジション。 Travel for retirees. 退職者のための旅行。 Then decide whom you can sell it to. 次に、誰に販売できるかを決定します。 Yeah, boomers. Sketch in how you'll get it to them. それらにどのように到達するかをスケッチします。 Okay, a website. And how that will generate revenue. Sure, sales fees. 確かに、販売手数料。 You make it easy and automated. あなたはそれを簡単かつ自動化します。 Next you figure out what key resources you need to offer all that. 次に、それらすべてを提供するために必要な主要なリソースを把握します。 Like a reliable website and brand recognition. 信頼できるウェブサイトとブランド認知度のように。 Carl's thinking his key activities will be marketing, website, and maintenance. And then partners will do the booking. そして、パートナーが予約を行います。 And finally where your costs will come from, sales, marketing platform development. そして最後に、あなたのコストがどこから来るのか、販売、マーケティングプラットフォームの開発。 All that will cost you. それはすべてあなたに費用がかかります。 There you go, your first model. But don't expect a medal or a breakthrough. しかし、メダルや突破口を期待しないでください。 Predictable models can work but rarely give you a competitive advantage. 予測可能なモデルは機能しますが、競争上の優位性をもたらすことはめったにありません。 So don't fall in love with your first idea. だから、あなたの最初のアイデアに恋をしないでください。 To compete in a world where the best model wins, you'll need to think harder and explore alternatives. 最高のモデルが勝つ世界で競争するには、もっと考えて、代替案を探す必要があります。 For example, prototype a model where you give away your value proposition for free. たとえば、価値提案を無料で提供するモデルのプロトタイプを作成します。 This will instantly change everything. これにより、すべてが即座に変更されます。 You might not find this model realistic, but exploring it will force you to think hard about potential alternatives. このモデルは現実的ではないかもしれませんが、それを探索すると、潜在的な代替案について真剣に考える必要があります。 As an entrepreneur, you're thinking of your model 24/7. 起業家として、あなたは24時間年中無休でモデルを考えています。 Now you have a tool to structure ideas as quick prototypes to consider with your team. これで、チームで検討するための迅速なプロトタイプとしてアイデアを構造化するためのツールができました。 Who knows, you might wind up with the disruptive model that changes an entire industry, like Skype with its freemium model, or an espresso, which became a multi-billion business by locking customers into purchasing high-margin espresso capsules. Siapa tahu, Anda mungkin berakhir dengan model pengganggu yang mengubah seluruh industri, seperti Skype dengan model freemiumnya, atau espresso, yang menjadi bisnis multi-miliar dengan mengunci pelanggan untuk membeli kapsul espresso bermargin tinggi. フリーミアムモデルを備えたSkypeや、顧客を利益率の高いエスプレッソカプセルの購入に縛り付けることで数十億のビジネスとなったエスプレッソなど、業界全体を変える破壊的なモデルにたどり着くかもしれません。 In fact, understanding innovative, or simply successful business models in other industries, can be a great place to start getting to your break-through. 実際、他の業界で革新的な、または単に成功しているビジネスモデルを理解することは、ブレークスルーに到達するための素晴らしい場所になります。 There's no right or wrong way to do it, just three rules to start with. それを行うための正しい方法も間違った方法もありません。最初に3つのルールだけです。 First, focus on the business model. Not just your product, technology or service. 製品、テクノロジー、サービスだけではありません。 Second, don't fall in love with your first models. The best models are built on clever, unexpected elements and that comes from creating many less obvious versions. 最高のモデルは、巧妙で予想外の要素に基づいて構築されており、それは多くのあまり目立たないバージョンを作成することから生まれます。 Which leads to the third rule. これが3番目のルールにつながります。 Iterate rapidly and test your models early, in the real world. 現実の世界で、迅速に繰り返し、モデルを早期にテストします。 How do you do that? どうやってそれをしますか? Don't worry guys, we're about to learn all about the real world beyond our canvas. Jangan khawatir kawan, kita akan mempelajari semua tentang dunia nyata di luar kanvas kita. みんな心配しないでください、私たちは私たちのキャンバスを超えて現実の世界についてすべてを学ぼうとしています。