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INSPIRING & MOTIVATING, 1.07 (V) 01.04 - How a Clear Vision Creates Energy

1.07 (V) 01.04 - How a Clear Vision Creates Energy

I will say that Menlo is, it's some part for me a personally selfish journey. I wanted to create a place first and foremost that I wanted to come to every day. And so a lot of what you see at Menlo today, the big wide open room, the flexible workspace, the people working in pairs all day long, the noise and the energy, the space, the focus on keeping human energy up as high as we can possibly go on a consistent and regular basis throughout the day, first and foremost, energizes me. And I find that when people see an energized leader, especially one who can clearly communicate a vision for where we are heading as a company, it becomes an infectious kind of enthusiasm that permeates the entire organization. Now, you have to communicate that vision, you have to let people know where are we headed, why are we going in this direction, what's its purpose? And by me as a leader, continually communicating that message to our team and reinforcing it, not just through words, but through every practice inside the company, everything we do that speaks both verbally and physically to what we're trying to accomplish. And what's neat for me is when visitors come in to see us, and we'll have over 4000 people this year alone just walk in our doors to come and see what it is we've created. I will often walk in the door with them to Menlo, and I can hear it on their lips. They open the door, and they say wow, because they can feel the palpable energy in the room. And quite frankly, I get that feeling every day I walk in the door, and I think everybody who walks in to work at Menlo gets that same feeling.

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1.07 (V) 01.04 - How a Clear Vision Creates Energy

I will say that Menlo is, it's some part for me a personally selfish journey. 私はメンロが個人的に利己的な旅の一部だと言います。 I wanted to create a place first and foremost that I wanted to come to every day. Je voulais créer un lieu avant tout que je voulais fréquenter tous les jours. まずは毎日やってきたかった場所を作りたいと思っていました。 And so a lot of what you see at Menlo today, the big wide open room, the flexible workspace, the people working in pairs all day long, the noise and the energy, the space, the focus on keeping human energy up as high as we can possibly go on a consistent and regular basis throughout the day, first and foremost, energizes me. Et tout ce que vous voyez chez Menlo aujourd’hui, la grande salle grande ouverte, l’espace de travail flexible, les personnes qui travaillent en binôme toute la journée, le bruit et l’énergie, l’espace, l’objectif de maintenir l’énergie humaine nous pouvons éventuellement aller sur une base cohérente et régulière tout au long de la journée, avant tout, me dynamise. そして、今日のMenloで見られるものの多くは、大きな広いオープンルーム、フレキシブルな作業スペース、一日中ペアで働く人々、騒音とエネルギー、空間、人間のエネルギーを私たちはおそらく、一貫して定期的に一日を通して、私を活性化させることができます。 And I find that when people see an energized leader, especially one who can clearly communicate a vision for where we are heading as a company, it becomes an infectious kind of enthusiasm that permeates the entire organization. そして私は、人々が活発なリーダー、特に企業としての方向を明確に伝えることができるリーダーを見ると、組織全体に浸透している伝染性のある熱意になります。 Now, you have to communicate that vision, you have to let people know where are we headed, why are we going in this direction, what's its purpose? 今、あなたはそのビジョンを伝えなければなりません、私たちがどこに向かうのかを人々に知らせなければなりません、なぜこの方向に進むのでしょうか、その目的は何ですか? And by me as a leader, continually communicating that message to our team and reinforcing it, not just through words, but through every practice inside the company, everything we do that speaks both verbally and physically to what we're trying to accomplish. そして私をリーダーとして、メッセージをチームに継続的に伝え、言葉だけでなく会社内のあらゆる練習を通して、私たちが行うすべてのことは、口頭でも肉体的にも私たちが達成しようとしていることを話します。 And what's neat for me is when visitors come in to see us, and we'll have over 4000 people this year alone just walk in our doors to come and see what it is we've created. そして私にとってきれいなのは、来場者が私たちに会いに来てくれることです。今年だけで4000人以上の人が来て、私たちが何を作ったのか見ていきます。 I will often walk in the door with them to Menlo, and I can hear it on their lips. 私はしばしば彼らと一緒にメンロに向かって歩き、唇で聞くことができます。 They open the door, and they say wow, because they can feel the palpable energy in the room. 彼らはドアを開き、彼らは部屋の中で触知できるエネルギーを感じることができるので、うわべと言う。 And quite frankly, I get that feeling every day I walk in the door, and I think everybody who walks in to work at Menlo gets that same feeling. そして、率直に言って、毎日私がドアの中を歩いているような気分になります。私はMenloで働くすべての人が同じ気持ちになると思います。