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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Shadow, part 1

The Shadow, part 1


It is in the hot lands that the sun burns, sure enough! there the people become quite a mahogany brown, ay, and in the HOTTEST lands they are burnt to Negroes. But now it was only to the HOT lands that a learned man had come from the cold; there he thought that he could run about just as when at home, but he soon found out his mistake.

He, and all sensible folks, were obliged to stay within doors—the window-shutters and doors were closed the whole day; it looked as if the whole house slept, or there was no one at home.

The narrow street with the high houses, was built so that the sunshine must fall there from morning till evening--it was really not to be borne.

The learned man from the cold lands--he was a young man, and seemed to be a clever man--sat in a glowing oven; it took effect on him, he became quite meagre--even his shadow shrunk in, for the sun had also an effect on it. It was first towards evening when the sun was down, that they began to freshen up again.

In the warm lands every window has a balcony, and the people came out on all the balconies in the street--for one must have air, even if one be accustomed to be mahogany! * It was lively both up and down the street. Tailors, and shoemakers, and all the folks, moved out into the street--chairs and tables were brought forth--and candles burnt--yes, above a thousand lights were burning--and the one talked and the other sung; and people walked and church-bells rang, and asses went along with a dingle-dingle-dong! for they too had bells on. The street boys were screaming and hooting, and shouting and shooting, with devils and detonating balls--and there came corpse bearers and hood wearers—for there were funerals with psalm and hymn--and then the din of carriages driving and company arriving: yes, it was, in truth, lively enough down in the street. Only in that single house, which stood opposite that in which the learned foreigner lived, it was quite still; and yet some one lived there, for there stood flowers in the balcony--they grew so well in the sun's heat! and that they could not do unless they were watered--and some one must water them--there must be somebody there. The door opposite was also opened late in the evening, but it was dark within, at least in the front room; further in there was heard the sound of music.

The Shadow, part 1 A Sombra, parte 1


It is in the hot lands that the sun burns, sure enough! In den heißen Ländern brennt die Sonne, das ist klar! Ведь именно в жарких землях палит солнце! there the people become quite a mahogany brown, ay, and in the HOTTEST lands they are burnt to Negroes. Dort werden die Menschen ganz mahagonibraun, ja, und in den HEISSESTEN Ländern werden sie zu Negern verbrannt. там люди становятся совсем коричневыми, а в САМЫХ ГОРЯЧИХ землях их сжигают до негров. But now it was only to the HOT lands that a learned  man had come from the cold; there he thought that he could run about just as when at home, but he soon found out his mistake. Aber jetzt war ein gelehrter Mann aus der Kälte nur in die HOT-Länder gekommen; dort dachte er, er könne genauso herumlaufen wie zu Hause, aber er fand seinen Irrtum bald heraus. Но теперь только в знойные земли пришел ученый человек с холода; там он думал, что может бегать так же, как и дома, но вскоре понял свою ошибку.

He, and all sensible folks, were obliged to stay within doors—the window-shutters and doors were closed the whole day; it looked as if the whole house slept, or there was no one at home. Er und alle vernünftigen Leute waren gezwungen, innerhalb der Türen zu bleiben - die Fensterläden und Türen waren den ganzen Tag geschlossen; es sah aus, als ob das ganze Haus schliefe oder niemand zu Hause war.

The narrow street with the high houses, was built so that the sunshine must fall there from morning till evening--it was really not to be borne. Die schmale Straße mit den hohen Häusern war so gebaut, dass die Sonne von morgens bis abends auf sie fallen musste - das war wirklich nicht zu ertragen.

The learned man from the cold lands--he was a young man, and seemed to be a clever man--sat in a glowing oven; it took effect on him, he became quite meagre--even his shadow shrunk in, for the sun had also an effect on it. Der gelehrte Mann aus den kalten Ländern - er war ein junger Mann und schien ein kluger Mann zu sein - saß in einem glühenden Ofen; es wirkte auf ihn, er wurde ganz mager - sogar sein Schatten schrumpfte ein, denn die Sonne wirkte auch auf ihn ein. It was first towards evening when the sun was down, that they began to freshen up again. Erst gegen Abend, als die Sonne untergegangen war, begannen sie sich wieder zu erfrischen.

In the warm lands every window has a balcony, and the people came out on all the balconies in the street--for one must have air, even if one be accustomed to be mahogany! In den warmen Ländern hat jedes Fenster einen Balkon, und die Leute kamen auf alle Balkone in der Straße hinaus - denn man muss Luft haben, auch wenn man gewohnt ist, Mahagoni zu sein! * It was lively both up and down the street. * Auf der Straße herrschte reges Treiben, sowohl oben als auch unten. Tailors, and shoemakers, and all the folks, moved out into the street--chairs and tables were brought forth--and candles burnt--yes, above a thousand lights were burning--and the one talked and the other sung; and people walked and church-bells rang, and asses went along with  a dingle-dingle-dong! Schneider und Schuhmacher und alles Volk zog auf die Straße hinaus, Stühle und Tische wurden herbeigebracht, Kerzen brannten, ja, über tausend Lichter brannten, und der eine redete, der andere sang, und die Leute gingen, und die Kirchenglocken läuteten, und die Esel zogen mit einem Dingle-Dingle-Dong dahin! for they too had bells on. denn auch sie hatten Glocken an. The street boys were screaming and hooting, and shouting and shooting, with devils and detonating balls--and there came corpse bearers and hood wearers—for there were funerals with psalm and hymn--and then the din of carriages driving and company arriving: yes, it was, in truth, lively enough down in the street. Die Straßenjungen schrien und johlten und riefen und schossen, mit Teufeln und Sprengkugeln - und es kamen Leichenträger und Kapuzenträger - denn es gab Beerdigungen mit Psalm und Hymne - und dann der Lärm von fahrenden Kutschen und ankommenden Gesellschaften: ja, es war in der Tat lebhaft genug unten auf der Straße. Only in that single house, which stood opposite that in which the learned foreigner lived, it was quite still; and yet some one  lived there, for there stood flowers in the balcony--they grew so well in the sun's heat! Nur in dem einen Haus, das dem gegenüberstand, in dem der gelehrte Fremde wohnte, war es ganz still; und doch wohnte dort jemand, denn auf dem Balkon standen Blumen - sie wuchsen so gut in der Hitze der Sonne! and that they could not do unless they were watered--and some one must water them--there must be somebody there. und das können sie nicht, wenn sie nicht gegossen werden - und jemand muss sie gießen - es muss jemand da sein. The door opposite was also opened late in the evening, but it was dark within, at least in the front room; further in there was heard the sound of music. Die gegenüberliegende Tür wurde am späten Abend ebenfalls geöffnet, aber es war dunkel, zumindest im vorderen Raum; weiter drinnen hörte man Musik.