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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 18, Appendix

Chapter 18, Appendix

The essential element of Algebra:—the habitual registration of the exact limits of one's knowledge, the incessant calling into consciousness of the fact of one's own ignorance, is the element which Boole's would-be interpreters have left out of his method. It is also the element which modern Theosophy omits in its interpretation of ancient Oriental Mind Science. Men who wish to exploit other men fear nothing in logic or science except this element. They fear nothing in earth, heaven, or hell, so much as a public accustomed to realise exactly how much has been proved, and where its own ignorance begins. Exploiters fear this about equally, whether they call themselves priests, schoolmasters, college dons, political leaders, or organisers of syndicates and trusts. As long as general readers can be kept from the habit of registering at every step the fact of their own ignorance and the limits of their own knowledge, a clever charlatan can deceive them about anything he pleases:—“from pitch-and-toss to manslaughter”; from Zero to Infinity; from the contents of a meat tin to the contents of an engineer's report; from the interpretation of a bill before Parliament to the interpretation of Isaiah. Once get any fair proportion of the public into the steady habit of algebraising ignorance, and you will have done much towards reducing all kinds of parasitic creatures to the alternative of starvation, suicide, or earning their own living by rendering some kind of real service to the organism which supports them.

Chapter 18, Appendix 第18章、付録 Capítulo 18, Apêndice Capitolul 18, Anexă

The essential element of Algebra:—the habitual registration of the exact limits of one's knowledge, the incessant calling into consciousness of the fact of one's own ignorance, is the element which Boole's would-be interpreters have left out of his method. O elemento essencial da Álgebra:- o registo habitual dos limites exactos do próprio conhecimento, a chamada incessante à consciência do facto da própria ignorância, é o elemento que os aspirantes a intérpretes de Boole deixaram de fora do seu método. It is also the element which modern Theosophy omits in its interpretation of ancient Oriental Mind Science. É também o elemento que a Teosofia moderna omite na sua interpretação da antiga Ciência da Mente Oriental. Men who wish to exploit other men fear nothing in logic or science except this element. Os homens que desejam explorar outros homens não temem nada na lógica ou na ciência, excepto este elemento. They fear nothing in earth, heaven, or hell, so much as a public accustomed to realise exactly how much has been proved, and where its own ignorance begins. Não temem nada na terra, no céu ou no inferno, tanto quanto um público habituado a perceber exactamente quanto foi provado, e onde começa a sua própria ignorância. Exploiters fear this about equally, whether they call themselves priests, schoolmasters, college dons, political leaders, or organisers of syndicates and trusts. Os exploradores temem isto igualmente, quer se autodenominem padres, directores de escolas, directores de colégios, líderes políticos, ou organizadores de sindicatos e fideicomissos. As long as general readers can be kept from the habit of registering at every step the fact of their own ignorance and the limits of their own knowledge, a clever charlatan can deceive them about anything he pleases:—“from pitch-and-toss to manslaughter”; from Zero to Infinity; from the contents of a meat tin to the contents of an engineer's report; from the interpretation of a bill before Parliament to the interpretation of Isaiah. Desde que os leitores gerais possam ser afastados do hábito de registar a cada passo o facto da sua própria ignorância e os limites dos seus próprios conhecimentos, um charlatão inteligente pode enganá-los sobre qualquer coisa que lhe agrade:- "desde o arremesso até ao homicídio involuntário"; de Zero a Infinity; do conteúdo de uma lata de carne ao conteúdo de um relatório de um engenheiro; da interpretação de um projecto de lei perante o Parlamento à interpretação de Isaías. Once get any fair proportion of the public into the steady habit of algebraising ignorance, and you will have done much towards reducing all kinds of parasitic creatures to the alternative of starvation, suicide, or earning their own living by rendering some kind of real service to the organism which supports them. Uma vez que se tenha adquirido qualquer proporção justa do público no hábito constante de algebrar a ignorância, e terá feito muito para reduzir todos os tipos de criaturas parasitárias à alternativa da fome, suicídio, ou ganhar a sua própria vida, prestando algum tipo de serviço real ao organismo que as sustenta.