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Breakfast at Tiffany's, CHAPTER TEN The End of Holly's Dreams?

CHAPTER TEN The End of Holly's Dreams?

But she wasn't home. The next morning I went down to feed her cat. She still wasn't there. I didn't have a key to the apartment, so I used the fire escape. The cat was in the bedroom and he wasn't alone. A man was there, standing over a suitcase.

I stepped through the window. The man had a handsome face and shiny hair. He was packing Jose's clothes into the suitcase. I looked at the shoes and suits that Holly was always cleaning.

"Did Mr. Ybarra-Jaegar send you?" I asked.

"I am his cousin," he said, nervously. His English wasn't good. "Where is Jose?" I asked.

He repeated the question slowly. "Ah, where is he! He is waiting," he said. Then he returned to the suitcase.

So Jose was running away. I wasn't surprised, or sorry, but I was angry. The cousin closed the suitcase and gave me a letter. "My cousin left this for his friend. Please give it to her." On the envelope was written: For Miss H. Golightly.

I sat down on Holly's bed and held Holly's cat. I felt very, very sad.

"Yes," I said. "I'll give it to her. I gave her the letter, though I didn't want to. It was two mornings later, and I was sitting by her bed in a hospital room. The police took her there on the night after her arrest.

When I arrived, I walked quietly toward her. I was carrying a pack of cigarettes and some flowers. "Well, darling," she greeted me, "I lost the baby." She looked very young. Her pale hair was pushed back from her face, and her eyes without their dark glasses were clear. Was she really so sick? Yes, she was. "I almost died," she said. "The fat woman almost had me. Have I told you about the fat woman? I didn't know about her myself until my brother died. Then I saw her - she was there in the room with me. She was holding Fred in her arms. She was a terrible, fat old woman in a chair, with Fred on her knee, and she was laughing! When you die, you meet her. The fat woman comes and takes you. I saw her and I went crazy. Then I broke up everything in the apartment. Do you understand?" Except for O.J. Berman's lawyer, I was her only visitor. There were three other patients in her room. They looked at me with interest and spoke quietly in Italian.

Holly explained. "They think that you're bad for me, darling. You're the man who put me in here." "But that's not true," I said. "I can't tell them that. They don't speak English. And I don't want to destroy their fun." Then she asked me about Jose. "Have you seen him, darling?" When she saw the letter, she gave a little smile. Suddenly she seemed much older. "Darling," she said. "Open that cupboard and give me my purse. A girl can't read a letter without her lipstick." Looking in a small mirror, she painted her face. She colored her eyes and her mouth, put on her jewelry and her dark glasses. Now she wasn't a twelve-year-old child. She was a woman.

She opened the letter and read it quickly. Her small smile grew smaller and harder. She asked for a cigarette and started to smoke it. "It tastes terrible. But wonderful." She threw the letter to me. "You can use this when you write a romance. Read it to me. I'd like to hear it." It began: "My dearest little girl -" Holly stopped me. "What do you think of the writing?" "It's OK," I said. "Tight, ordinary, easy to read." "That's him," she said. "Tight and ordinary. What does he say?" I know you are different to other women. "My dearest little girl, I loved you. But Now I find that you are too different. Imagine my sadness when I discovered your secrets in the newspapers. I have important plans for the future. I cannot marry a woman like you. I feel very sorry for you and I am not angry with you. I hope you are not angry with me. I must protect my family and my name. Forget me, beautiful child. I have left New York City and gone home. But I hope that God is always with you and your child.

Jose." "What do you think?" she asked.

"It seems quite honest. And he sounds sad," I replied. "Sad!" "But you must understand that it's hard for him -" Holly didn't want to understand anything. But she wasn't angry. "All right, he's not totally bad. He has his reasons to leave. But I did love him." She started to cry.

The Italian women looked angrily at me. I was pleased. They thought Holly loved me. I felt proud.

I offered her another cigarette and she stopped crying. "Thanks, darling. And thanks for being a bad rider. All that exercise did it. Thanks to you, I'm not going into a home for single mothers. The food in those places is terrible. But I've scared the police. 'I lost the baby because your lesbian officer hit me!' I told them. They're going to pay me a lot of money to stay quiet! I'll make sure they do." She was making jokes. She didn't want to think about serious matters, about her arrest and the newspapers. She didn't understand the reality of her position. "Holly," I said, seriously. "This isn't a joke. We have to make plans." "You're too young to be serious. Too small. My problems are my problems. You don't need to think about them." "You're my friend and I'm worried. What are you going to do?" She looked out of the window. "Today's Wednesday, isn't it?" she said. "I'll sleep until Saturday-get a good sleep. On Saturday morning, I'll run out to the bank. Then I'll go to the apartment and pick up one or two nightdresses. Then I'll go to Idlewild Airport. As you know, I have a ticket for a seat on an airplane. Because you're my good friend, you can come to the airport with me. You can wave goodbye to me." "Holly. Holly. You can't do that." "Why not? Please stop disagreeing with me. I'm not running after Jose. Jose is history, I can't remember him. But I have a good airplane ticket. I'm not going to throw it away. It's already paid for. And I've never been to Brazil." "You're crazy! What medicine are they giving you in here? Don't you understand, you're a criminal. If you leave the country, they'll put you in prison. They'll throw away the key to the prison door. If you go to Brazil, you can never come home again." "That's not important. Home is where you're happy. I'm still looking for my home." "No, Holly, it's stupid. You're not a criminal. You haven't done anything wrong. The police will understand. You must stay here." She laughed and blew cigarette smoke in my face. But she was listening to me. I looked into her eyes. She was thinking about prison rooms, and doors that closed slowly...

"No!" she said. She put out her cigarette. "I'm going. Maybe the police won't catch me. Don't tell them anything about me. Don't be angry with me, darling." She put her hand over mine. Suddenly she was speaking seriously. "I talked to the lawyer. Oh, I didn't tell him anything about Rio. If I run away, O.J. has to pay ten thousand dollars. The lawyer doesn't want to lose O.J. 's money. He'll try to stop me. O.J. 's good to me, but I've helped him, too, in the past. I helped him win more than ten thousand dollars in a single game of cards." "No, this is the real problem: The police want me to speak in court against Sally. They won't put me in prison - they can't prove anything against me. But I refuse to hurt Sally. I'm not a good person, but I will never help send a friend to prison. Never. Not even a friend who's clearly a criminal. Old Sally wasn't always totally honest with me, but he's OK. I'll die before I help the police." She looked in her mirror and smoothed her lipstick with her finger. "And there's something more. Some places aren't good for a girl. If I help the police, I can't stay here. This neighborhood won't be good for me. And that's not good for a girl who does my kind of work, darling. I don't want to be poor and sad. I don't want to watch Mrs. Rusty Trawler go in and out of Tiffany's. I can't do that." A nurse came quietly into the room. It was time for visitors to leave the hospital.

Holly said one more thing before I left. "Do something for me, darling. Call one of the newspapers and get a list of the fifty richest men in Brazil. This isn't a joke. The fifty richest men - any color, from any family. And look around my apartment. Find that jewelry you gave me from Tiffany's. I'll need it in Brazil."

CHAPTER TEN The End of Holly's Dreams? CAPÍTULO DIEZ ¿El fin de los sueños de Holly? CHAPITRE DIX La fin des rêves de Holly ? 第10章 ホリーの夢の終わり? 챕터 10 홀리의 꿈의 끝은? CAPÍTULO DEZ O fim dos sonhos de Holly? ONUNCU BÖLÜM Holly'nin Rüyalarının Sonu mu? РОЗДІЛ 10 Кінець мрій Холлі? 第十章 霍莉梦想的终结? 第十章 霍莉夢想的終結?

But she wasn't home. Але її вдома не було. The next morning I went down to feed her cat. Наступного ранку я пішов покормити її кішку. She still wasn't there. Її все ще там не було. I didn't have a key to the apartment, so I used the fire escape. У мене не було ключа до квартири, тому я скористався пожежним виходом. The cat was in the bedroom and he wasn't alone. Кіт був у спальні, і він не був сам. A man was there, standing over a suitcase. Там был человек, стоящий над чемоданом. Там був чоловік, стоячий над чемоданом.

I stepped through the window. Я вийшов через вікно. The man had a handsome face and shiny hair. У мужчины было красивое лицо и блестящие волосы. Чоловік мав гарне обличчя і блискуче волосся. He was packing Jose's clothes into the suitcase. Він складав одяг Жозе в чемодан. I looked at the shoes and suits that Holly was always cleaning. Я посмотрел на туфли и костюмы, которые Холли всегда чистила.

"Did Mr. Ybarra-Jaegar send you?" "Вас послал мистер Ибарра-Джегар?" "Чи він послав вас, пан Ібарра-Яегар?" I asked. спитав я.

"I am his cousin," he said, nervously. "Я його двоюрідний брат," - він сказав, хвилюючись. His English wasn't good. "Where is Jose?" I asked.

He repeated the question slowly. "Ah, where is he! "Ах, где он! He is waiting," he said. Он ждет ", сказал он. Він чекає", - сказав він. Then he returned to the suitcase. Затем он вернулся к чемодану. Потім він повернувся до чемодана.

So Jose was running away. Итак, Хосе убегал. Так от Хосе втікав. I wasn't surprised, or sorry, but I was angry. Я не был удивлен или извините, но я был зол. Я не був здивований або сумнівався, але я був сердитий. The cousin closed the suitcase and gave me a letter. Двоюродный брат закрыл чемодан и дал мне письмо. Кузен закрив чемодан і вручив мені листа. "My cousin left this for his friend. "Мой двоюродный брат оставил это для своего друга. "Мій кузен залишив це для свого друга. Please give it to her." Пожалуйста, дайте это ей. " On the envelope was written: For Miss H. Golightly.

I sat down on Holly's bed and held Holly's cat. Я сел на кровать Холли и держал кота Холли. I felt very, very sad. Мне было очень, очень грустно. Я почувався дуже, дуже сумно.

"Yes," I said. "Так," сказав я. "I'll give it to her. "Я віддам їй це. I gave her the letter, though I didn't want to. Я дал ей письмо, хотя и не хотел. Я віддав їй лист, хоча не хотів цього. It was two mornings later, and I was sitting by her bed in a hospital room. Было два утра, и я сидел у ее кровати в больничной палате. Це було через два ранки, і я сидів біля її ліжка в лікарні. The police took her there on the night after her arrest. Полиция отвезла ее туда на ночь после ее ареста. Поліція доставила її туди вночі після її затримання.

When I arrived, I walked quietly toward her. Когда я приехал, я тихо пошел к ней. Коли я прибув, я тихо підійшов до неї. I was carrying a pack of cigarettes and some flowers. Я несла пачку сигарет і кілька квітів. "Well, darling," she greeted me, "I lost the baby." «Ну, дорогая, - поздоровалась она со мной, - я потеряла ребенка». "Ну, дорогий," вона мене привітала, "я втратила дитину." She looked very young. Она выглядела очень молодой. Her pale hair was pushed back from her face, and her eyes without their dark glasses were clear. Ее бледные волосы были откинуты назад, а глаза без темных очков были чистыми. Її бліде волосся було відкинуте назад від обличчя, а очі без її темних окулярів були чисті. Was she really so sick? Была ли она действительно так больна? Чи вона дійсно була так хвора? Yes, she was. Так, вона була. "I almost died," she said. Я|почти||| «Я чуть не умер», - сказала она. "Я майже померла", - вона сказала. "The fat woman almost had me. "Толстая женщина чуть не схватила меня. "Ту відьму майже придушив.", Have I told you about the fat woman? Я говорил тебе о толстой женщине? "Чи розповідала я тобі про ту відьму?" I didn't know about her myself until my brother died. Я сам не знал о ней, пока не умер мой брат. Я сам не знав про неї, поки не помер мій брат. Then I saw her - she was there in the room with me. Потом я увидел ее - она была там в комнате со мной. Потім я побачив її - вона була там у кімнаті зі мною. She was holding Fred in her arms. Вона тримала Фреда в обіймах. She was a terrible, fat old woman in a chair, with Fred on her knee, and she was laughing! Она была ужасной, толстой пожилой женщиной в кресле, с Фредом на коленях, и она смеялась! Вона була жахливою, важкою старою жінкою на стільці, з Фредом на колінах, і вона сміялася! When you die, you meet her. Когда ты умрешь, ты встретишь ее. Коли ви померите, ви зустрічаєте її. The fat woman comes and takes you. Толстая женщина приходит и забирает тебя. Товста жінка приходить і забирає вас. I saw her and I went crazy. Я видел ее, и я сошел с ума. Я бачив її і збожеволів. Then I broke up everything in the apartment. Потом я разобрал все в квартире. Потім я все розібрав в квартирі. Do you understand?" Чи розумієш? Except for O.J. За исключением OJ Крім О. Дж. Berman's lawyer, I was her only visitor. Адвокат Бермана, я был ее единственным посетителем. Адвокат Бермана, я була її єдиним відвідувачем. There were three other patients in her room. В ее комнате было еще три пациента. У її кімнаті було ще троє пацієнтів. They looked at me with interest and spoke quietly in Italian. Они с интересом смотрели на меня и тихо говорили по-итальянски. Вони дивилися на мене з цікавістю і розмовляли тихо по-італійськи.

Holly explained. Холли объяснила. "They think that you're bad for me, darling. «Они думают, что ты плох для меня, дорогая. «Вони думають, що ти для мене поганий, любий. You're the man who put me in here." Ты человек, который посадил меня здесь. " Ти - той чоловік, що посадив мене сюди." "But that's not true," I said. "Але це не так," - сказав я. "I can't tell them that. «Я не могу им этого сказать. "Я не можу їм цього сказати. They don't speak English. And I don't want to destroy their fun." И я не хочу разрушать их веселье ". І я не хочу зіпсувати їм веселощі." Then she asked me about Jose. Потім вона запитала мене про Хосе. "Have you seen him, darling?" "Чи бачив ти його, коханий?" When she saw the letter, she gave a little smile. Когда она увидела письмо, она слегка улыбнулась. Коли вона побачила лист, вона посміхнулася трохи. Suddenly she seemed much older. Внезапно она стала намного старше. Неочікувано вона здалася набагато старшою. "Darling," she said. "Любий," сказала вона. "Open that cupboard and give me my purse. «Открой этот шкаф и дай мне мою сумочку. "Відкрий той шафу та віддай мені свою гаманець. A girl can't read a letter without her lipstick." Девушка не может прочитать письмо без помады". Дівчина не може прочитати листа без своєї помади." Looking in a small mirror, she painted her face. Глядя в маленькое зеркало, она нарисовала свое лицо. Глянувши в маленьке дзеркало, вона розмалювала своє обличчя. She colored her eyes and her mouth, put on her jewelry and her dark glasses. Вона підкреслила свої очі та рот, наділа своє прикраси й темні окуляри. Now she wasn't a twelve-year-old child. Теперь она не была двенадцатилетним ребенком. Тепер вона вже не була дванадцятирічною дитиною. She was a woman. Вона стала жінкою.

She opened the letter and read it quickly. Her small smile grew smaller and harder. ||||||более жестким Ее маленькая улыбка становилась все меньше и сильнее. Її маленька посмішка стала меншою і твердою. She asked for a cigarette and started to smoke it. Вона попросила цигарку і почала курити її. "It tastes terrible. "Это ужасный вкус. "Це смачно жахливо. But wonderful." Но замечательно". She threw the letter to me. Она бросила письмо мне. Вона кинула мені листа. "You can use this when you write a romance. «Вы можете использовать это, когда вы пишете роман. "Ти можеш використовувати це, коли пишеш роман. Read it to me. Прочитайте это мне. Прочитай мені це. I'd like to hear it." Я хотел бы услышать это. " It began: "My dearest little girl -" Это началось: «Моя дорогая маленькая девочка -» Він почав: "Моя наймиліша дівчинко - " Holly stopped me. Холли остановила меня. Голлі зупинила мене. "What do you think of the writing?" "Что вы думаете о написании?" "Яке враження у вас від тексту?" "It's OK," I said. "Tight, ordinary, easy to read." «Плотный, обычный, легко читаемый». "Тісний, звичайний, легко читати." "That's him," she said. «Это он», - сказала она. "Ось він," - сказала вона. "Tight and ordinary. «Тяжелый и обычный. "Тісний і звичайний. What does he say?" Что он сказал?" Що він говорить? I know you are different to other women. Я знаю, что вы отличаетесь от других женщин. Я знаю, що ти відрізняєшся від інших жінок. "My dearest little girl, I loved you. «Моя дорогая девочка, я любил тебя. Моя найрідніша дівчинка, я тебе кохав. But Now I find that you are too different. Но теперь я обнаружил, что вы слишком разные. Але зараз я виявляю, що ти занадто різна. Imagine my sadness when I discovered your secrets in the newspapers. Представь мою печаль, когда я узнал о твоих секретах в газетах. Уявіть моє засмучення, коли я виявив ваші секрети в газетах. I have important plans for the future. У меня есть важные планы на будущее. У мене є важливі плани на майбутнє. I cannot marry a woman like you. Я не можу одружитися з жінкою, як ти. I feel very sorry for you and I am not angry with you. Мне очень жаль вас, и я не сержусь на вас. Мені дуже шкода вас, і я не злий на вас. I hope you are not angry with me. Я надеюсь, что ты не сердишься на меня. Сподіваюся, ви не злий на мене. I must protect my family and my name. Я должен защищать свою семью и свое имя. Я повинен захищати свою родину і своє ім'я. Forget me, beautiful child. Забудь меня, прекрасный ребенок. Забудьте мене, прекрасне дитя. I have left New York City and gone home. Я покинул Нью-Йорк и уехал домой. Я покинув Нью-Йорк і повернувся додому. But I hope that God is always with you and your child. Но я надеюсь, что Бог всегда с тобой и твоим ребенком. Але я сподіваюсь, що Бог завжди з вами і вашим дитям.

Jose." "What do you think?" she asked.

"It seems quite honest. "Это кажется довольно честным. "Виглядає досить чесно. And he sounds sad," I replied. И он звучит грустно, "ответил я. І він звучить сумно," я відповів. "Sad!" "Сумно!" "But you must understand that it's hard for him -" «Но вы должны понимать, что ему трудно ...» Holly didn't want to understand anything. Холли не хотела ничего понимать. Голлі не хотіла нічого розуміти. But she wasn't angry. Но она не злилась. Але вона не була сердита. "All right, he's not totally bad. "Хорошо, он не совсем плохой. "Добре, він не зовсім поганий. He has his reasons to leave. У него есть причины уйти. But I did love him." Но я его любил ". Але я його кохав." She started to cry. Вона почала плакати.

The Italian women looked angrily at me. Итальянские женщины сердито смотрели на меня. Італійські жінки з гнівом подивились на мене. I was pleased. Я был рад. Мені було приємно. They thought Holly loved me. Они думали, что Холли любит меня. Вони думали, що Холлі кохає мене. I felt proud. Я чувствовал гордость Я почувався гордим.

I offered her another cigarette and she stopped crying. Я предложил ей еще одну сигарету, и она перестала плакать. Я запропонував їй ще одну цигарку, і вона перестала плакати. "Thanks, darling. "Дякую, дорогий. And thanks for being a bad rider. И спасибо за то, что ты плохой гонщик. І дякую за поганий водіння. All that exercise did it. Všechno to cvičení to dokázalo. Все эти упражнения сделали это. Вся ця фізична вправа діє. Thanks to you, I'm not going into a home for single mothers. |||||||||для|| Благодаря тебе я не пойду в дом для одиноких матерей. Завдяки тобі, я не потрапляю до будинку для одиноких матерів. The food in those places is terrible. Еда в тех местах ужасная. Їжа в цих місцях жахлива. But I've scared the police. Но я напугал полицию. Проте я налякав поліцію. 'I lost the baby because your lesbian officer hit me!' 'Я втратив дитину через те, що ваша лесбійська офіцер вдарила мене!' I told them. Я сказал им. Я їм сказав. They're going to pay me a lot of money to stay quiet! Они собираются заплатить мне много денег, чтобы я молчал! Вони збираються заплатити мені багато грошей за моє мовчання! I'll make sure they do." Я позабочусь, чтобы они сделали. " Я переконуюся в тому, що вони це зроблять." She was making jokes. Она шутила. Вона жартувала. She didn't want to think about serious matters, about her arrest and the newspapers. Она не хотела думать о серьезных делах, о своем аресте и газетах. She didn't understand the reality of her position. Она не понимала реальность своего положения. Вона не розуміла реальності свого положення. "Holly," I said, seriously. "Холлі," я сказав серйозно. "This isn't a joke. "Це не жарт. We have to make plans." Мы должны строить планы ". "You're too young to be serious. Too small. My problems are my problems. Мои проблемы - мои проблемы. You don't need to think about them." Вам не нужно думать о них. " "You're my friend and I'm worried. "Ты мой друг, и я волнуюсь. What are you going to do?" Що ти збираєшся робити? She looked out of the window. Она посмотрела в окно. Вона вийшла за вікно. "Today's Wednesday, isn't it?" Сьогодні середа, чи не так? she said. "I'll sleep until Saturday-get a good sleep. «Я буду спать до субботы - выспаться. On Saturday morning, I'll run out to the bank. В субботу утром я выбегу в банк. Then I'll go to the apartment and pick up one or two nightdresses. Потом я пойду в квартиру и возьму одну или две ночные сорочки. Then I'll go to Idlewild Airport. Тогда я поеду в аэропорт Idlewild. As you know, I have a ticket for a seat on an airplane. Because you're my good friend, you can come to the airport with me. Поскольку ты мой хороший друг, ты можешь поехать со мной в аэропорт. You can wave goodbye to me." Вы можете помахать мне на прощание. " Можете помахати мені на прощання». "Holly. Holly. You can't do that." "Why not? Please stop disagreeing with me. Пожалуйста, перестаньте со мной спорить. I'm not running after Jose. Я не бегу за Хосе. Jose is history, I can't remember him. Хосе - это история, я его не помню. But I have a good airplane ticket. I'm not going to throw it away. Я не собираюсь его выбрасывать. It's already paid for. Он уже оплачен. And I've never been to Brazil." "You're crazy! What medicine are they giving you in here? Какое лекарство тебе здесь дают? Don't you understand, you're a criminal. Разве ты не понимаешь, ты преступник. If you leave the country, they'll put you in prison. Если вы покинете страну, вас посадят в тюрьму. They'll throw away the key to the prison door. Они выбросят ключ от двери тюрьмы. If you go to Brazil, you can never come home again." Если вы отправитесь в Бразилию, вы никогда не сможете вернуться домой снова. " "That's not important. "Это не важно. Home is where you're happy. I'm still looking for my home." Я все еще ищу свой дом. " Я все ще шукаю свій дім. "No, Holly, it's stupid. "Нет, Холли, это глупо. «Ні, Холлі, це дурнувато. You're not a criminal. Ти не злочинець. You haven't done anything wrong. Вы не сделали ничего плохого. The police will understand. Полиция поймет. You must stay here." She laughed and blew cigarette smoke in my face. Она смеялась и выпускала сигаретный дым мне в лицо. But she was listening to me. Но она слушала меня. I looked into her eyes. She was thinking about prison rooms, and doors that closed slowly... Она думала о тюремных комнатах и медленно закрывающихся дверях ...

"No!" she said. She put out her cigarette. Она потушила сигарету. "I'm going. "Я иду. Maybe the police won't catch me. Может быть, полиция не поймает меня. Don't tell them anything about me. Don't be angry with me, darling." Не сердись на меня, дорогая. She put her hand over mine. Suddenly she was speaking seriously. Внезапно она заговорила серьезно. "I talked to the lawyer. «Я разговаривал с адвокатом. Oh, I didn't tell him anything about Rio. О, я ничего не сказал ему о Рио. If I run away, O.J. Если я убегу, OJ has to pay ten thousand dollars. The lawyer doesn't want to lose O.J. 's money. He'll try to stop me. Он попытается остановить меня. O.J. 's good to me, but I've helped him, too, in the past. это хорошо для меня, но я помогал ему тоже в прошлом. I helped him win more than ten thousand dollars in a single game of cards." Я помог ему выиграть более десяти тысяч долларов в одной карточной игре ». "No, this is the real problem: The police want me to speak in court against Sally. «Нет, это настоящая проблема: полиция хочет, чтобы я выступил в суде против Салли. They won't put me in prison - they can't prove anything against me. Они не посадят меня в тюрьму - они не смогут ничего доказать против меня. Вони не посадять мене до в'язниці - вони не можуть нічого проти мене довести. But I refuse to hurt Sally. Но я отказываюсь ранить Салли. I'm not a good person, but I will never help send a friend to prison. Я не хороший человек, но я никогда не помогу отправить друга в тюрьму. Never. Not even a friend who's clearly a criminal. Даже не друг, который явно преступник. Old Sally wasn't always totally honest with me, but he's OK. Старая Салли не всегда была полностью честна со мной, но он в порядке. I'll die before I help the police." Я умру прежде, чем помогу полиции ". Я померу до того, як допоможу поліції. She looked in her mirror and smoothed her lipstick with her finger. Она посмотрела в зеркало и разгладила помаду пальцем. Вона глянула у дзеркало і погладила помаду пальцем. "And there's something more. "И есть кое-что еще. "І ще є щось. Some places aren't good for a girl. Некоторые места не подходят для девушки. If I help the police, I can't stay here. Если я помогу полиции, я не смогу остаться здесь. This neighborhood won't be good for me. Это соседство не будет хорошо для меня. And that's not good for a girl who does my kind of work, darling. И это не хорошо для девушки, которая делает мою работу, дорогая. I don't want to be poor and sad. Я не хочу быть бедным и грустным. I don't want to watch Mrs. Rusty Trawler go in and out of Tiffany's. Я не хочу смотреть, как миссис Расти Траулер входит и выходит из Тиффани. Я не хочу дивитися, як місіс Расті Траулер заходить і виходить з Тіффані. I can't do that." Я не могу этого сделать. " A nurse came quietly into the room. Медсестра тихо вошла в комнату. It was time for visitors to leave the hospital.

Holly said one more thing before I left. Голлі сказала ще одну річ, перш ніж я відійшов. "Do something for me, darling. "Сделай что-нибудь для меня, дорогая. "Зроби для мене одну річ, коханий. Call one of the newspapers and get a list of the fifty richest men in Brazil. Позвоните в одну из газет и получите список пятидесяти самых богатых людей в Бразилии. Зателефонуй до однієї з газет і дізнайся список п'ятидесяти найбагатших чоловіків в Бразилії. This isn't a joke. Это не шутка. The fifty richest men - any color, from any family. Пятьдесят самых богатых мужчин - любого цвета, из любой семьи. П'ятдесят найбагатших чоловіків - будь-якого кольору, з будь-якої сім'ї. And look around my apartment. И осмотри мою квартиру. І подивіться навколо моєї квартири. Find that jewelry you gave me from Tiffany's. Найди драгоценности, которые ты мне дал от Тиффани. Знайдіть ті прикраси, які ви мені подарували з Tiffany's. I'll need it in Brazil." Мне нужно это в Бразилии. "