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Society and people, Second Family

Second Family

Jessica: About three years ago I went and I lived in Madrid for a year and I stayed with a host family, and there was three boys: one was my age, one was two years younger, and one was, at the time he 9 years old, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I stayed in a city outside of Madrid, it's called Alcola de Hernades , and it's about a 30 minute train ride from Madrid, from downtown Madrid. In, I also went to school Monday to Friday. I went to a Spanish International language school, and so I went to class with Brazilians, French, German, Turkish, and so that was really good for my Spanish just because I was able to practice without having the ability to speak English, so my Spanish greatly improved, just from my friends, having to communicate to properly with them. My host family like I said was really wonderful. I would take the little one, Javi, my little brother, out a lot, we would go on what we called our citas , which is dates, so I would ask him where he wanted to go for our date and he would tell me, you know, like, in Madrid he wanted to see, one time we went to a wax museum, so he was able to vist the city which he did not have a lot of opportunity to do before that, so with the help of Javi and his host Mom, I was able to like thoroughly enjoy my Spanish experience and improve my Spanish as well.

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Second Family Zweite Familie Segunda familia Deuxième famille セカンド・ファミリー 두 번째 가족 Druga rodzina Segunda família Вторая семья 第二家庭

Jessica: About three years ago I went and I lived in Madrid for a year and I stayed with a host family, and there was three boys: one was my age, one was two years younger, and one was, at the time he 9 years old, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Jessica: Ongeveer drie jaar geleden ging ik en ik woonde een jaar in Madrid en ik verbleef bij een gastgezin, en er waren drie jongens: een was van mijn leeftijd, een was twee jaar jonger, en een was, op het moment dat hij 9 jaar oud, en het was een van de beste ervaringen in mijn leven. I stayed in a city outside of Madrid, it’s called Alcola de Hernades , and it’s about a 30 minute train ride from Madrid, from downtown Madrid. Ik verbleef in een stad buiten Madrid, het heet Alcola de Hernades, en het is ongeveer 30 minuten met de trein van Madrid, van het centrum van Madrid. In, I also went to school Monday to Friday. In ging ik ook van maandag tot vrijdag naar school. Em, também fui à escola de segunda a sexta-feira. I went to a Spanish International language school, and so I went to class with Brazilians, French, German, Turkish, and so that was really good for my Spanish just because I was able to practice without having the ability to speak English, so my Spanish greatly improved, just from my friends, having to communicate to properly with them. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||de forma adequada|| Ich besuchte eine internationale Spanisch-Sprachschule und ging mit Brasilianern, Franzosen, Deutschen und Türken in den Unterricht. Das war wirklich gut für mein Spanisch, weil ich so üben konnte, ohne Englisch sprechen zu müssen, so dass sich mein Spanisch stark verbesserte, allein durch meine Freunde, mit denen ich mich richtig unterhalten musste. Eu fui para uma escola de espanhol internacional, e então fui para a aula com brasileiros, franceses, alemães, turcos, e isso foi muito bom para o meu espanhol só porque eu era capaz de praticar sem ter a habilidade de falar inglês, então meu O espanhol melhorou muito, só dos meus amigos, tendo que me comunicar bem com eles. Uluslararası bir İspanyolca dil okuluna gittim ve bu yüzden Brezilyalılar, Fransızlar, Almanlar, Türklerle derslere girdim ve bu benim İspanyolcam için gerçekten iyi oldu çünkü İngilizce konuşma yeteneğim olmadan pratik yapabildim, bu yüzden İspanyolcam büyük ölçüde gelişti, sadece arkadaşlarımdan, onlarla düzgün iletişim kurmak zorunda kaldım. 我上的是西班牙国际语言学校,所以我和巴西人、法国人、德国人、土耳其人一起上课,这对我的西班牙语非常有好处,因为我可以在不说英语的情况下练习,所以我的西班牙语水平大大提高,只需和我的朋友一起,就可以和他们进行适当的交流。 My host family like I said was really wonderful. Minha família anfitriã, como eu disse, foi realmente maravilhosa. Dediğim gibi ev sahibi ailem gerçekten harikaydı. I would take the little one, Javi, my little brother, out a lot, we would go on what we called our citas , which is dates, so I would ask him where he wanted to go for our date and he would tell me, you know, like, in Madrid he wanted to see, one time we went to a wax museum, so he was able to vist the city which he did not have a lot of opportunity to do before that, so with the help of Javi and his host Mom, I was able to like thoroughly enjoy my Spanish experience and improve my Spanish as well. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||visit||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||encontros|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||museu de c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||de forma completa|||||||||| Ich ging mit dem Kleinen, Javi, meinem kleinen Bruder, viel aus, wir gingen zu so genannten citas, also Verabredungen, und ich fragte ihn, wohin er bei unserer Verabredung gehen wollte, und er sagte mir, dass er in Madrid etwas sehen wollte, einmal gingen wir in ein Wachsfigurenkabinett, so konnte er die Stadt besichtigen, wozu er vorher nicht viel Gelegenheit hatte. Eu levava muito o meu irmão Javi, meu irmãozinho, para sair muito, íamos no que chamávamos de nossas citas, que são os encontros, então eu perguntava a ele onde ele queria ir no nosso encontro e ele me dizia, você sabe, tipo, em Madrid ele queria ver, uma vez que fomos a um museu de cera, então ele pôde visitar a cidade o que ele não teve muitas oportunidades de fazer antes, então com a ajuda do Javi e Sua mãe anfitriã, eu pude desfrutar completamente minha experiência com o espanhol e melhorar meu espanhol também. Küçük kardeşim Javi'yi sık sık dışarı çıkarırdım, citas dediğimiz randevularımıza giderdik, bu yüzden ona randevumuz için nereye gitmek istediğini sorardım ve o da bana, bilirsiniz, Madrid'de görmek istediğini söylerdi, bir keresinde balmumu müzesine gittik, böylece daha önce yapma fırsatı bulamadığı şehri gezebildi, bu yüzden Javi ve ev sahibi annesinin yardımıyla İspanyolca deneyimimin tadını çıkarabildim ve İspanyolcamı da geliştirebildim.