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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 August, 2011

(Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 August, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Adam Navis.

Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Literature scholar François Gallix made a discovery in 2009. He found it at the University of Texas in the city of Austin in the United States of America. But what was his discovery? It was an unfinished book, by the famous British writer Graham Greene!

Voice 2

Today's Spotlight is on the writer Graham Greene. He wrote many stories. These stories explored questions of faith, morality and culture. They showed the conflict that many people experience in their lives. And all of his stories were influenced by his life experiences.

Voice 1

Graham Greene was born on October 2, 1904. He spent his early life in England with his family. As a young boy, Graham began to show signs of mental illness. A few times he even tried to kill himself. Greene struggled with his mental illness. But he also recognized that this mental illness helped him become a great writer. Later in life he told his wife,

Voice 3

"Regrettably, the disease is also my material for writing." Voice 2

Graham Greene first began writing while he was at university. In 1925 he published his first work - a book of poems. After finishing university, Graham began writing for newspapers.

Voice 1

During this time, he wrote about the teachings of the Catholic religion. At this time, Greene was not a Catholic believer. One day, a woman reader named Vivien Dayrell-Browning wrote to correct one of Greene's points. She was a Catholic believer. Their discussion began Greene's lifelong interest in religion. It also began his interest in Vivien.

Voice 2

After studying the Catholic faith for a few months, Greene expressed his agreement with the faith. And in 1926 Greene became a Catholic. The following year, he married Vivien.

Voice 1

Greene published his first novel in 1929. Readers responded well to this book. It was called The Man Within. With the success of this book, Greene stopped working for the newspapers. He decided to be a full-time author, writing books for his work.

Voice 2

Sadly, Greene's next two books were not successful like the first. But his fourth book, Stamboul Train, was very successful. In fact, it was such a success that two years later, it was made into a film. You may recognize the film. It was called Orient Express. Many of Greene's later books were also changed and created into films. Greene even wrote some of the film stories himself.

Voice 1

Like many writers, Graham Greene's life experiences influenced his writing. People who know about Greene's life often recognize him in the characters he created. The Ways of Escape is a true book Greene wrote about his life. In it he commented,

Voice 3

"The main characters in a novel must have some similarity to the author. They come out of his body as a child comes from its mother. Then, the connection is cut and they grow into independence. The more the author knows of his own qualities, the more he can distance himself from his invented characters. And then the more room they have to grow in." Voice 2

Religion in particular is one idea that he skilfully included in each of his stories. To Greene, religion was very important. He thought that anything written without considering religion was not great literature.

Voice 1

Religious ideas are not always clear in Greene's stories. But in many ways the struggles of the human soul were noticeable in his characters and stories. In his stories, Greene accepted the truth of good and evil, and of sin and grace. However, in his stories, Greene's characters often struggled with these ideas - just like he did in his own life.

Voice 2

These struggles were especially strong for Greene because he did not live a very moral life. He knew the truths of the Bible. But he also knew the sins of his life. He had many relationships with women who were not his wife. In fact, in 1948 he left his wife. They remained married. But for years he travelled and lived with other women. Greene knew he was not a good husband. At one point he wrote about himself to his wife,

Voice 3

"I have a character greatly opposed to normal home and family life." Voice 1

Part of Greene's behaviour was caused by his battle with mental illness. And part of his behaviour was simply his character. He had a strong desire to travel. He enjoyed exciting new places and people. And his travelling created new material for his writing. It was in travelling that he met people on which to base new characters. It was also in travelling that he experienced new situations and cultures which would give him new ideas for stories.

Voice 2

During World War Two, Greene worked for the British Secret Service. He was based in Sierra Leone. And he later wrote about his experiences in the war in his book The Heart of the Matter.

Voice 1

But even after writing that book, Greene was still interested in the country of Sierra Leone. So after the war in 1935 he organized a trip. He travelled about six hundred forty-four [644] kilometres through Sierra Leone and Liberia. He greatly desired to know what life was like for people in those places. He studied parts of their culture. This trip greatly influenced his book Journey Without Maps.

Voice 2

A few years later Greene travelled to Mexico. At that time, the government of Mexico was encouraging a movement away from the Catholic religion. Greene wanted to see the effects of this movement. His experience here produced two books. The more famous of these books is The Power and the Glory, a story about priests and religion. Some people even claim that this book was his best work.

Voice 1

Graham Greene continued to write until his death in 1991. More than once, Greene's writing got him in trouble. Two times he had legal trouble because of the thoughts he published about real people. And for a short time the Catholic Church even rejected his book The Power and the Glory.

Voice 2

Graham Greene was not a perfect man. He was full of conflict. And his writings show this conflict. But this is why his writing is still important today. He causes many people to think about important questions of faith, culture and morality. For Graham Greene, these questions lead to God. But it is a God of grace - a God who works in our lives, even if we are broken, sinful people.

Voice 1

The writer and producer of this program was Courtney Schutt. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. You can find this program and others on our website http://www.radio.english.net. This program is called Graham Greene.

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(Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 August, 2011 焦點||| (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4735) Graham Greene 29 de agosto de 2011 (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 agosto 2011 (スポットライト 4735) グラハム グリーン 2011 年 8 月 29 日 (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 sierpnia, 2011 (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4735)Грэм Грин 29 августа 2011 г. (Spotlight4735)Graham Greene 29 Ağustos, 2011 (Spotlight4735)Грем Грін 29 серпня, 2011 (Spotlight4735)格雷厄姆·格林 2011 年 8 月 29 日

Voice 1 Voz 1

Welcome to Spotlight. Bienvenido a Spotlight. I’m Adam Navis. Soy Adam Navis.

Voice 2 Voz 2

And I’m Robin Basselin. Y yo soy Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlight utiliza un método especial de transmisión en inglés. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Es más fácil de entender para las personas, sin importar en qué parte del mundo vivan.

Voice 1 Voz 1

Literature scholar François Gallix made a discovery in 2009. El estudioso de la literatura François Gallix hizo un descubrimiento en 2009. 文学者のフランソワ・ギャリックスは、2009 年にある発見をしました。 He found it at the University of Texas in the city of Austin in the United States of America. Lo encontró en la Universidad de Texas en la ciudad de Austin en los Estados Unidos de América. But what was his discovery? Pero, ¿cuál fue su descubrimiento? It was an unfinished book, by the famous British writer Graham Greene! ¡Era un libro inacabado, del famoso escritor británico Graham Greene!

Voice 2 Voz 2

Today’s Spotlight is on the writer Graham Greene. Spotlight de hoy está en el escritor Graham Greene. He wrote many stories. Escribió muchas historias. These stories explored questions of faith, morality and culture. |||||la foi||| ||탐구했다||||도덕성|| ||||||моральність|| Estas historias exploraron cuestiones de fe, moralidad y cultura. これらの物語は、信仰、道徳、文化の問題を探求しました。 They showed the conflict that many people experience in their lives. |||struggle||||||| |||갈등||||||| Mostraron el conflicto que muchas personas experimentan en sus vidas. 彼らは、多くの人が人生で経験する葛藤を示しました。 And all of his stories were influenced by his life experiences. Y todas sus historias fueron influenciadas por sus experiencias de vida. そして彼のすべての物語は、彼の人生経験に影響されました。

Voice 1 Voz 1

Graham Greene was born on October 2, 1904. 그레이엄|그린|||| Graham Greene nació el 2 de octubre de 1904. He spent his early life in England with his family. Pasó sus primeros años de vida en Inglaterra con su familia. As a young boy, Graham began to show signs of mental illness. ||||||||||心理的| Cuando era niño, Graham comenzó a mostrar signos de enfermedad mental. 少年の頃、グラハムは精神疾患の兆候を示し始めました。 A few times he even tried to kill himself. Algunas veces incluso trató de suicidarse. 数回、彼は自殺しようとさえしました。 Greene struggled with his mental illness. ||||心理| |luttait|||| |||||정신 질환 Greene luchó con su enfermedad mental. グリーンは精神疾患に苦しんでいました。 But he also recognized that this mental illness helped him become a great writer. Pero también reconoció que esta enfermedad mental lo ayudó a convertirse en un gran escritor. しかし、彼はこの精神疾患が偉大な作家になるのに役立ったことも認識していました。 Later in life he told his wife, Más tarde en la vida le dijo a su esposa,

Voice 3 Voz 3

"Regrettably, the disease is also my material for writing." ||||也|||| 유감스럽게도||||||주제|| "Lamentablemente, la enfermedad también es mi material para escribir". 「残念ながら、病気も私の執筆材料です。」 Voice 2 Voz 2

Graham Greene first began writing while he was at university. Graham Greene comenzó a escribir mientras estaba en la universidad. In 1925 he published his first work - a book of poems. En 1925 publicó su primera obra, un libro de poemas. After finishing university, Graham began writing for newspapers. Después de terminar la universidad, Graham comenzó a escribir para periódicos.

Voice 1 Voz 1

During this time, he wrote about the teachings of the Catholic religion. ||||||||||天主教| ||||||||||가톨릭| Durante este tiempo, escribió sobre las enseñanzas de la religión católica. この間、彼はカトリックの教えについて書いた。 At this time, Greene was not a Catholic believer. En ese momento, Greene no era un creyente católico. この時、グリーンはカトリック信者ではありませんでした。 One day, a woman reader named Vivien Dayrell-Browning wrote to correct one of Greene’s points. |||||||||||||||觀點 ||||||비비안|데이렐|브라우닝|||||||주장 Un día, una lectora llamada Vivien Dayrell-Browning escribió para corregir uno de los puntos de Greene. ある日、Vivien Dayrell-Browning という名前の女性読者が、Greene の指摘の 1 つを訂正するために手紙を書きました。 She was a Catholic believer. |||天主教徒| Ella era una creyente católica. Their discussion began Greene’s lifelong interest in religion. ||||durant toute sa vie||| ||||평생의||| Su discusión inició el interés de toda la vida de Greene en la religión. 彼らの議論は、グリーンの生涯にわたる宗教への関心の始まりでした。 It also began his interest in Vivien. También comenzó su interés en Vivien. それはまた、ヴィヴィアンに興味を持ち始めました。

Voice 2 Voz 2

After studying the Catholic faith for a few months, Greene expressed his agreement with the faith. |||||||||||||||croyance ||||신앙||||||||||| Después de estudiar la fe católica durante unos meses, Greene expresó su acuerdo con la fe. グリーンはカトリック信仰を数ヶ月研究した後、信仰への同意を表明した。 And in 1926 Greene became a Catholic. Y en 1926 Greene se convirtió al catolicismo. The following year, he married Vivien. Al año siguiente, se casó con Vivien.

Voice 1 Voz 1

Greene published his first novel in 1929. Greene publicó su primera novela en 1929. Readers responded well to this book. Los lectores respondieron bien a este libro. この本に対する読者の反応は良かった。 It was called The Man Within. ||||남자|내부의 Se llamaba El hombre interior. それはThe Man Withinと呼ばれていました。 With the success of this book, Greene stopped working for the newspapers. Con el éxito de este libro, Greene dejó de trabajar para los periódicos. この本の成功により、グリーンは新聞社での仕事をやめました。 He decided to be a full-time author, writing books for his work. Decidió ser un autor de tiempo completo, escribiendo libros para su trabajo. 彼はフルタイムの作家になることを決心し、自分の作品のために本を書きました。

Voice 2 Voz 2

Sadly, Greene’s next two books were not successful like the first. Lamentablemente, los siguientes dos libros de Greene no tuvieron tanto éxito como el primero. But his fourth book, Stamboul Train, was very successful. ||||이스탄불|||| Pero su cuarto libro, Stamboul Train, tuvo mucho éxito. しかし、彼の 4 冊目の本 Stamboul Train は大成功を収めました。 In fact, it was such a success that two years later, it was made into a film. De hecho, tuvo tanto éxito que dos años después se llevó al cine. 実際、2年後に映画化されるほどの大成功を収めました。 You may recognize the film. Puede que reconozcas la película. あなたは映画を認識するかもしれません。 It was called Orient Express. Se llamaba Expreso de Oriente. Many of Greene’s later books were also changed and created into films. Muchos de los libros posteriores de Greene también se cambiaron y convirtieron en películas. グリーンの後の本の多くも変更され、映画になりました。 Greene even wrote some of the film stories himself. Greene incluso escribió algunas de las historias de la película él mismo. グリーンは、映画のストーリーのいくつかを自分で書きました。

Voice 1 Voz 1

Like many writers, Graham Greene’s life experiences influenced his writing. |||||||영향을 미쳤|| Como muchos escritores, las experiencias de vida de Graham Greene influyeron en su escritura. 多くの作家と同様に、グレアム グリーンの人生経験は彼の執筆に影響を与えました。 People who know about Greene’s life often recognize him in the characters he created. |||||||인식하다|||||| Las personas que conocen la vida de Greene a menudo lo reconocen en los personajes que creó. グリーンの人生を知っている人は、彼が作成したキャラクターで彼を認識することがよくあります。 The Ways of Escape is a true book Greene wrote about his life. |||Évasion||||||||| The Ways of Escape es un verdadero libro que Greene escribió sobre su vida. The Ways of Escape は、Greene が彼の人生について書いた真の本です。 In it he commented, En él comentó, その中で彼は次のようにコメントしています。

Voice 3 Voz 3

"The main characters in a novel must have some similarity to the author. |||||||||resemblance to author||| 「小説の主人公は、作者と似たところがなければなりません。 They come out of his body as a child comes from its mother. |나온다||||||||||| 子供が母親から生まれるように、それらは彼の体から出てきます。 Then, the connection is cut and they grow into independence. そして、つながりを断ち切り独立へと成長していきます。 The more the author knows of his own qualities, the more he can distance himself from his invented characters. 作者は自分自身の資質を知れば知るほど、自分が発明した登場人物から遠ざかることができます。 And then the more room they have to grow in." ||||공간||||| そして、彼らが成長しなければならない余地が増えます。」 Voice 2

Religion in particular is one idea that he skilfully included in each of his stories. ||||||||능숙하게|포함했다||||| ||||||||вміло|||||| 特に宗教は、彼がそれぞれの物語に巧みに取り入れたアイデアの 1 つです。 To Greene, religion was very important. グリーンにとって、宗教は非常に重要でした。 He thought that anything written without considering religion was not great literature. |||무엇이든||||||||문학 彼は、宗教を考慮せずに書かれたものは偉大な文学ではないと考えていました。

Voice 1

Religious ideas are not always clear in Greene’s stories. 종교적인|||||||| グリーンの物語では、宗教的な考えが常に明確であるとは限りません。 But in many ways the struggles of the human soul were noticeable in his characters and stories. |||||lutte||||âme humaine||évidentes|||personnages|| |||||||||영혼||눈에 띄는||||| |||||боротьби||||||||||| しかし、多くの点で、人間の魂の闘争は、彼の登場人物や物語の中で顕著でした. In his stories, Greene accepted the truth of good and evil, and of sin and grace. |||||||||||||le péché|| |||||||||||||죄||은총 彼の物語の中で、グリーンは善と悪、罪と恵みの真実を受け入れました。 However, in his stories, Greene’s characters often struggled with these ideas - just like he did in his own life. しかし、彼の物語では、グリーンの登場人物は、彼自身の人生と同じように、これらのアイデアに苦労することがよくありました.

Voice 2

These struggles were especially strong for Greene because he did not live a very moral life. グリーンはあまり道徳的な生活を送っていなかったので、これらの闘争はグリーンにとって特に強かった. He knew the truths of the Bible. |||진리||| But he also knew the sins of his life. |||||les péchés||| しかし、彼は自分の人生の罪も知っていました。 He had many relationships with women who were not his wife. In fact, in 1948 he left his wife. 実際、1948 年に彼は妻と別れました。 They remained married. |restèrent| |결혼한 상태로| 彼らは結婚したままでした。 But for years he travelled and lived with other women. ||||여행했다||||| Greene knew he was not a good husband. At one point he wrote about himself to his wife, ある時、彼は妻に自分のことを書いた。

Voice 3

"I have a character greatly opposed to normal home and family life." |||||반대하는||정상적인|||| 「私は通常の家庭や家庭生活とは非常に対照的な性格を持っています。」 Voice 1

Part of Greene’s behaviour was caused by his battle with mental illness. |||행동||원인되었다|||투쟁||| グリーンの行動の一部は、精神疾患との戦いによって引き起こされました。 And part of his behaviour was simply his character. そして、彼の行動の一部は単に彼の性格でした. He had a strong desire to travel. ||||여행하고 싶은 욕|| He enjoyed exciting new places and people. And his travelling created new material for his writing. It was in travelling that he met people on which to base new characters. |||||||||||기초하다|| 彼が新しいキャラクターのベースとなる人々に出会ったのは旅行中だった. It was also in travelling that he experienced new situations and cultures which would give him new ideas for stories. |||여행 중||||경험했다|||||||||||| 彼が物語の新しいアイデアを与える新しい状況や文化を経験したのも旅行でした。

Voice 2

During World War Two, Greene worked for the British Secret Service. ||||||||영국|비밀| He was based in Sierra Leone. ||||시에라|레오네 彼はシエラレオネに拠点を置いていました。 And he later wrote about his experiences in the war in his book The Heart of the Matter. ||||||전쟁 경험|||||||||||

Voice 1

But even after writing that book, Greene was still interested in the country of Sierra Leone. |조차도||책을 쓰고|||||||||||| しかし、その本を書いた後でさえ、グリーンはまだシエラレオネの国に興味を持っていました. So after the war in 1935 he organized a trip. ||||||여행을 계획했다|| それで、1935年の戦後、彼は旅行を計画しました。 He travelled about six hundred forty-four [644] kilometres through Sierra Leone and Liberia. ||||||||||||라이베리아 He greatly desired to know what life was like for people in those places. 彼は、それらの場所の人々の生活がどのようなものかを知りたいと強く望んでいました。 He studied parts of their culture. This trip greatly influenced his book Journey Without Maps.

Voice 2

A few years later Greene travelled to Mexico. |||||||멕시코 At that time, the government of Mexico was encouraging a movement away from the Catholic religion. ||||||||장려하고 있었다||운동||||| 当時、メキシコ政府はカトリックから離れる動きを奨励していました。 Greene wanted to see the effects of this movement. グリーンは、この運動の影響を見たかった。 His experience here produced two books. The more famous of these books is The Power and the Glory, a story about priests and religion. |||||||||||||||les prêtres|| |||||||||||||||religious leaders|| |||||||||||||||사제들|| これらの本の中でより有名なのは、司祭と宗教についての物語である The Power and the Glory です。 Some people even claim that this book was his best work. |||주장하다||||||| この本が彼の最高傑作だと主張する人さえいます。

Voice 1

Graham Greene continued to write until his death in 1991. More than once, Greene’s writing got him in trouble. 한 번 이상|||||||| 何度も、グリーンの執筆は彼を悩ませました。 Two times he had legal trouble because of the thoughts he published about real people. 두 번||||법적|||||||||| 彼が実在の人物について公表した考えのために、彼は 2 度法的なトラブルに見舞われました。 And for a short time the Catholic Church even rejected his book The Power and the Glory. |||||||||turned down||||||| |||||||||거부했다||||||| そして短期間、カトリック教会は彼の著書「力と栄光」を拒絶することさえしました。

Voice 2

Graham Greene was not a perfect man. He was full of conflict. And his writings show this conflict. But this is why his writing is still important today. He causes many people to think about important questions of faith, culture and morality. For Graham Greene, these questions lead to God. But it is a God of grace - a God who works in our lives, even if we are broken, sinful people. |||||||||||||||||||pécheurs| |||||||||||||||||||죄 많은| |||||||||||||||||||грішні| しかし、それは恵みの神です。

Voice 1

The writer and producer of this program was Courtney Schutt. |||제작자|||||| The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. You can find this program and others on our website http://www.radio.english.net. This program is called Graham Greene.