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News in Levels, Chinese wine – level 2

Chinese wine – level 2

China´s wine market is very big, and it is still growing. In the past, Chinese wine was not very good quality, and Chinese winemakers worked hard to change the image of their wine.

Ian Dai is a well-known winemaker who is using techniques like natural fermentation because he believes that it helps the wine taste better. The 33-year-old man studied in Australia, and he is now near the Mongolian border, where he grew one of the best Chinese grapes.

Dai wanted to know how the taste of wine changed in different parts of the country. In 2018, he started his business, and in the first year, he sold 500 bottles. The following year, he sold 20,000 bottles.

Chinese winemakers work hard to make their wine better than in the past. They use healthier and riper grapes, and the result is great. Many Chinese buyers say that Chinese wine is almost as good as wine from Spain or France, especially red wine.

Difficult words: image (the idea which people have about something), fermentation (a process during which bacteria change the taste of some food or drink), ripe (when fruit is ready for people to pick it and eat it).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

Chinese wine – level 2 النبيذ الصيني|| Çin şarabı|| Chinesischer Wein - Stufe 2 Vino chino - nivel 2 Vin chinois - niveau 2 Vino cinese - livello 2 中国ワイン – レベル 2 중국 와인 - 레벨 2 Chińskie wino - poziom 2 Vinho chinês – nível 2 Китайское вино - уровень 2 Çin şarabı - seviye 2 Китайське вино - рівень 2 中国葡萄酒 – 二级 中国葡萄酒 - 2 级

China´s wine market is very big, and it is still growing. سوق النبيذ الصيني||||||||||| Çin||||||||||| 中国のワイン市場は非常に大きく、現在も成長を続けています。 O mercado de vinhos da China é muito grande e continua crescendo. In the past, Chinese wine was not very good quality, and Chinese winemakers worked hard to change the image of their wine. かつて、中国ワインはあまり品質が良くなく、中国のワインメーカーはワインのイメージを変えようと懸命に働いていました。 No passado, o vinho chinês não era de muito boa qualidade e os vinicultores chineses trabalharam muito para mudar a imagem de seu vinho.

Ian Dai is a well-known winemaker who is using techniques like natural fermentation because he believes that it helps the wine taste better. |||||||||||||发酵|||||||||| イアン・ダイは、ワインの味を良くするために自然発酵などの技術を使用している有名なワインメーカーです。 Ian Dai é um enólogo conhecido que está usando técnicas como a fermentação natural porque acredita que isso ajuda a melhorar o sabor do vinho. Ян Дай - відомий винороб, який використовує такі техніки, як природне бродіння, оскільки вважає, що це допомагає вину мати кращий смак. The 33-year-old man studied in Australia, and he is now near the Mongolian border, where he grew one of the best Chinese grapes. 33 歳の男性はオーストラリアに留学し、現在はモンゴルとの国境に近く、中国で最高のブドウの 1 つを栽培しています。 O homem de 33 anos estudou na Austrália e agora está perto da fronteira com a Mongólia, onde cultivou uma das melhores uvas chinesas.

Dai wanted to know how the taste of wine changed in different parts of the country. ダイは、国のさまざまな地域でワインの味がどのように変化するかを知りたがっていました。 Dai queria saber como o sabor do vinho mudava em diferentes partes do país. Дай хотів дізнатися, як змінюється смак вина в різних частинах країни. In 2018, he started his business, and in the first year, he sold 500 bottles. 2018年に起業し、初年度は500本を販売。 Em 2018, iniciou o seu negócio e, no primeiro ano, vendeu 500 garrafas. The following year, he sold 20,000 bottles. 翌年、彼は20,000本のボトルを販売しました。 No ano seguinte, vendeu 20.000 garrafas.

Chinese winemakers work hard to make their wine better than in the past. 中国のワインメーカーは、過去よりも優れたワインを作るために懸命に働いています。 Os produtores de vinho chineses trabalham duro para tornar seu vinho melhor do que no passado. They use healthier and riper grapes, and the result is great. ||||更成熟|||||| 彼らはより健康で熟したブドウを使用しており、その結果は素晴らしいものです。 Eles usam uvas mais saudáveis e maduras, e o resultado é ótimo. Many Chinese buyers say that Chinese wine is almost as good as wine from Spain or France, especially red wine. 多くの中国のバイヤーは、中国のワインはスペインやフランスのワイン、特に赤ワインとほぼ同じくらい良いと言っています. Muitos compradores chineses dizem que o vinho chinês é quase tão bom quanto o vinho da Espanha ou da França, especialmente o vinho tinto.

Difficult words: image (the idea which people have about something), fermentation (a process during which bacteria change the taste of some food or drink), ripe (when fruit is ready for people to pick it and eat it). ||||||||||发酵|||||细菌|||||||||成熟|||||||||||| Palavras difíceis: imagem (a ideia que as pessoas têm sobre algo), fermentação (processo durante o qual as bactérias alteram o sabor de algum alimento ou bebida), maduro (quando a fruta está pronta para as pessoas colhê-la e comê-la).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. Originalni videoposnetek si lahko ogledate v razdelku Raven 3.