Polish with Dorota
Weird Polish word "to" - all you need to know about it!
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Czasowniki ruchu (iść, chodzić, jechać, jeździć)
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Dwa czy dwie? (Polish/English subtitles available)
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Smaki (tastes) - A1
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: CZY / JEŚLI - A1/A2
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Już czy jeszcze?
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Rodzina (Family)
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: umieć / wiedzieć / znać
Polish with Dorota
Polish lesson with Dorota: Dużo czy bardzo?
Polish with Dorota
Learn how to hear and say "sz" and "ś"
Polish with Dorota
Fat Thursday - why all the donuts?
Polish with Dorota
How to talk in Polish about your hobby - easy, useful phrases
Polish with Dorota
Polish with Dorota: 7 practical phrases with the verb "brać" (A1)
Polish with Dorota
8 cool useful phrases with the word "czas" (time)
Polish with Dorota
How to say "I don't care" in Polish in 4 ways (1 is vulgar!)
Polish with Dorota
3 very common Polish language mistakes!
Polish with Dorota
Imperative mood explained - Part 1 (Rób/Zrób)
Polish with Dorota
Difference between: długi. drugi, drogi
Polish with Dorota
Learn how to hear and say "cz" and "ć" in Polish with pronunciation tips
Polish with Dorota
Different meanings of the word "tak" and "nie" in Polish