Μάθημα 3 : Το ρήμα είμαι
Lesson||verb|I am
Lektion 3 : Das Verb ich bin
Lesson 3: The verb I am
Lección 3 : El verbo soy
Leçon 3 : Le verbe je suis
Lezione 3 : Il verbo sono
Lição 3 : O verbo I am
Урок 3 : Глагол I am
Ders 3 : I am fiili
Το ρήμα είμαι (=to be) στα ελληνικά .
|verb|||be||Greek language
Das Verb Ich bin (= sein) auf Griechisch.
The verb I am (= to be) in Greek.
Le verbe être (=to be) en grec.
O verbo sou (= ser) em grego.
Εγώ είμαι = I am
Ich bin = ich bin
I am = I am
Je suis = I am
Εσύ είσαι = You are
Du bist = Du bist
You are = You are
Tu es = You are
Αυτός είναι = He is
Das heißt = Er ist
That is = He is
Αυτή είναι = She is
Das ist = Sie ist
She is = She is
Αυτό είναι = It is
Dies ist = es ist
This is = It is
Εμείς είμαστε = We are
Wir sind = Wir sind
We are = We are
Nós somos = nós somos
Εσείς είσαστε = You are
|you are||
Du bist = Du bist
You are = You are
Αυτοί είναι = They are
Sie sind = Sie sind
They are = They are
Εγώ είμαι ; = am I ?
||am I?|
I am ; = am I?
Εσύ είσαι ; = are You ?
You're ; = are You?
Αυτός είναι ; = is He ?
That's him ; = is He?
Αυτή είναι ; = is She ?
She is ; = is She?
Αυτό είναι ; = is It ?
This is ; = is It?
Εμείς είμαστε ;= are We ?
Are we? = Are We?
Εσείς είσαστε ;= are You ?
Are you? = Are You?
Αυτοί είναι ; = are They ?
They are ; = are They?
Εγώ δεν είμαι = I am not
………………………………………………… I am not = I am not
Εσύ δεν είσαι = You are not
You are not = You are not
Αυτός δεν είναι = He is not
He is not = He is not
Αυτή δεν είναι = She is not
Αυτό δεν είναι = It is not
Εμείς δεν είμαστε = We are not
Εσείς δεν είσαστε = You are not
Αυτοί δεν είναι = They are not
Παραδείγματα :
Exemples :
(Εγώ) είμαι καλά = I am well
(I) I am well = I am well
(Je) vais bien = I am well
(Εγώ) είμαι καθηγητής = I am teacher
|||||un professeur
||Ich bin Lehrer.|||
||professor|||a teacher
(I) am a teacher = I am teacher
(Je) suis professeur = I am teacher
(Εσύ) είσαι μαθητής = you are pupil
|||||un élève
(You) are a student = you are pupil
(Αυτοί ) είναι ποδοσφαιριστές = they are soccer players
||joueurs de football||||
||soccer players|||soccer|players
(They) are soccer players = they are soccer players
(Εσύ) είσαι καλά; = are you well?
(Εσύ) είσαι καλά; = Es-tu bien ?
(Αυτός) είναι γιατρός ; = He is doctor
||un médecin|||
||a doctor|||a doctor
(Is he) a doctor? = He is doctor
(Αυτός) είναι γιατρός ; = Il est médecin ?
(Αυτή) δεν είναι φοιτήτρια = She is not student
|||a student||||a student
(She) is not a student = She is not student
(Αυτή) δεν είναι φοιτήτρια = Elle n'est pas étudiante
(Lei) non è una studentessa = Non è una studentessa