אברהם והשטן - חלק א
Abraham|and the Satan|part|1
Abraham und Satan – Teil I
Abraham and the Devil - Part A
אַבְרָהָם התעורר לִפנות בוקר.
Abraham|woke up|at dawn|morning
Abraham woke up early in the morning.
בַּחוץ עדיין היה חשוך, אך קריאת התרנגול בִּישְׂרָה שהבוקר בא.
outside|still|was|dark|but|crowing|rooster|glad tidings|that morning|came
Outside it was still dark, but the rooster's crow signaled that morning had come.
כשהִתיַישֵב, נִזכַּר בְּלב כבד בְּמה שציוָוה אותו אלוהים: עליו לקחת אֶת יִצְחָק וּלְהַקריב אותו.
when he settled down|he remembered|with a heart|heavy|in what|commanded|him|God|he|to take|the|Isaac|and to sacrifice|him
As he sat down, he remembered with a heavy heart what God had commanded him: he was to take Isaac and sacrifice him.
אֶת בְּנוֹ האהוּב!
the|his son|beloved
His beloved son!
אַבְרָהָם לא שאל שאלות, מה שהאֵל מְצַוֶוה – הוא מְקַיֵים.
Abraham|not|asked|questions|what|that God|commands|he|fulfills
Abraham did not ask questions, what the God commands – he fulfills.
קם, הִתלַבּש בְּשֶקט ויָצא מהבית על קְצוֹת אֶצְבְּעותיו, שלא להעיר אֶת שָׂרָה.
got up|got dressed|quietly|and he left|from the house|on|tips|of his toes|in order not to|wake up|(definite article)|Sarah
He got up, dressed quietly and left the house on the tips of his toes, so as not to wake Sarah.
חֶרש-חֶרש נכנס אַבְרָהָם לָאוּרְוָוה והֵכין אֶת חמורו לַמסע.
||entered|Abraham|to the city|and prepared|the|his donkey|for the journey
Silently, Abraham entered the stable and prepared his donkey for the journey.
כשיָצא אַבְרָהָם עִם החמור מִן האורווה, הֵחלה השֶמש לעלות בַּשָמים.
when Abraham left|Abraham|with|the donkey|from|the stable|began|the sun|to rise|in the sky
When Abraham left with the donkey from the stable, the sun began to rise in the sky.
על הרֶקע החיוֵור נִראֲתה דְמוּתוֹ של יִצְחָק.
on|the background|white|was seen|his death|of|Isaac
Against the pale background, the figure of Isaac was visible.
גם יִצְחָק התעורר מוקדם, הוא הֵבין שמשהו מיוחד עומד להִתרַחֵש.
also|Yitzhak|woke up|early|he|understood||special|was about|to happen
Isaac also woke up early; he understood that something special was about to happen.
אתמול חיבק אותו אביו וּדְמעות בְּעֵינָיו... מה הוא מְתַכנן?
yesterday|hugged|him|his father|and tears|in his eyes|what|he|is planning
Yesterday, his father hugged him with tears in his eyes... what is he planning?
קולו של אַבְרָהָם קָטע אֶת הִרְהוּרָיו: "יִצְחָק בני!
his voice|of|Abraham|interrupted|the|his thoughts|Isaac|my son
The voice of Abraham interrupted his thoughts: "Isaac my son!
בוא, הכול מוכן לַמסע!
come|everything|ready|for the journey
Come, everything is ready for the journey!
קרא אַבְרָהָם והנערים באו בריצה ועָזרו לאַבְרָהָם הַקָשיש להטעין חבילת עצים על החמור.
called|Abraham|and the boys|came|running|and helped|Abraham|the old man|to load|a bundle of|wood|onto|the donkey
Abraham called and the boys came running and helped the elderly Abraham load a bundle of wood onto the donkey.
אַבְרָהָם נָטל לַפּיד אֵש, תָחַב לַחֲגוֹרָתוֹ אֶת סַכּינוֹ, וכל החבורה יצאה צָפוֹנה, אל אֶרץ המוֹרִיָה אשר בֶּהָרים.
Abraham|took|torch|fire|tucked|into his belt|his|knife|and all|the group|went out|northward|to|land|Moriah|which|in the mountains
Abraham took a torch, tucked his knife into his belt, and the whole group set out northward, to the land of Moriah which is in the mountains.
החמה עלתה בַּמָרוֹם והחוֹם היה כָּבֵד מִנְשׂוֹא, אך אַבְרָהָם, על אף זִקנתו, הִתקַדֵם בִּצעדים נִמרָצים נִשעָן על מקלו, והנערים מיהרו אחריו וניסוּ להשׂיגוֹ.
the sun|rose|in the heights|and the heat|was|heavy|from the burden|but|Abraham|despite|even|his old age|advanced|in steps|vigorous|leaning|on|his cane|and the boys|hurried|after him|and tried|to catch up to him
The sun rose high and the heat was heavy to bear, but Abraham, despite his old age, moved forward with vigorous steps leaning on his staff, and the boys hurried after him trying to catch up.
לְפֶתע הופיעה מֵחוּרשת עצים קטנה דמות כְּפוּפה.
suddenly|appeared|from the forest|trees|small|figure|hunched
Suddenly, a hunched figure appeared from behind a small thicket of trees.
זה היה זקֵן בַּעל מַראֶה לא נעים: בְּעֵינָיו בָּער ניצוץ מרוּשע, ורֵיח גוֹפְרית נישָׂא סְביבו.
it|was|old man|with|appearance|not|pleasant|in his eyes|burned|spark|evil|and the smell|sulfur|carried|around him
It was an old man with an unpleasant appearance: in his eyes burned a wicked spark, and the smell of sulfur wafted around him.
למעשֶׂה, לא היה זה איש אֶלָא השׂטן שהתחפש לאדם.
|not|was|this|man|||who disguised himself|as a human
In fact, it was no man but the devil disguised as a human.
בְּלֵב השׂטן בָּערה שִׂנאה לאַבְרָהָם: הוא זעם על שאלוהים בחר בו, ולכן הֶחליט לשַכנֵע אותו לְהַמְרוֹת אֶת פִּי האֵל.
in the heart of|the devil|burned|hatred|to Abraham|he|was angry|that|God|chose|in him|and therefore|decided||him|to disobey|the|command of|God
In the heart of the devil burned hatred for Abraham: he was angry that God had chosen him, and therefore decided to persuade him to rebel against the will of God.
אַבְרָהָם אחז בְּכוח בְּיַד יִצְחָק והִמשיך ללכת בְּמֶרֶץ.
Abraham|held|with strength|by the hand|Isaac|and continued|to walk|with energy
Abraham firmly held Isaac's hand and continued to walk with determination.
השׂטן הלך לְצִדו זמן-מה, וּלפתע שאל: "אֱמוֹר לי, אדונִי, לאן אתה הולך?"
the devil|walked|beside him|||and suddenly|asked|tell|me|my master|where|you|going
The devil walked alongside him for a while, and suddenly asked: "Tell me, my lord, where are you going?"
אַבְרָהָם לא הִסתַכּל בְּפָנָיו, הִבּיט קָדימה ואמר, כאילו לעצמו: "אני הולך להתפלל!"
Abraham|not|looked|at his face|looked|forward|and said|as if|to himself|I|am going|to pray
Abraham did not look at him, he looked ahead and said, as if to himself: "I am going to pray!"
כְּשֶשָמע השׂטן אֶת התשובה, הִתפַּשֵט חיוך עַרְמוּמי על פָּנָיו: "באמת?"
when he heard|the devil|(preposition for direct object)|the answer|a sly smile spread|smile|cunning|on|his face|really
When the devil heard the answer, a sly smile spread across his face: "Really?"
שאל בְּלַעג, "מִמָתַי הולכים להתפלל עִם ערֵימת עצים וְלַפּיד אש וסכין חדה?"
asked|in mockery|when|they go|to pray|with|pile of|wood||fire|and knife|sharp
He asked mockingly, "Since when do people go to pray with a pile of wood and a torch and a sharp knife?"
אַבְרָהָם ענה בִּמהירות: "כשיוצאים לַדֶרך, לא יודעים כמה מִתעַכְּבים.
Abraham|answered|quickly|when they leave|for the journey|not|know|how much|will be delayed
Abraham replied quickly: "When you set out on the road, you don't know how long it will take.
אולי יעברו יום או יומיים וְנִצטָרֵך לִמצוא אוכל וּלְבַשְלוֹ."
maybe|will pass|day|or|two days|and I will need|to find|food|and to cook it
Maybe a day or two will pass and I will need to find food and cook."
צחק השׂטן צחוק מרושע: "חה-חה-חה, אֶת מי אתה מרמֶה?!
laughed|the devil|laugh|evil||||whom|who|you|fooling
The devil laughed a wicked laugh: "Ha-ha-ha, who are you trying to fool?!
הלוֹא שמעתי שאלוהים אמר לךָ: 'קח אֶת בִּנך, אֶת יְחידךָ, אשר אהבתָ, וְהַעֲלֵהוּ לְעוֹלָה...' אתה הולך להקריב אֶת בִּנךָ, לִשְחוֹט אותו!"
surely|I heard|that God|said|to you|take|the|your son|the|your only son|whom|you loved|and offer him up|as a burnt offering|you|are going|to sacrifice|the|your son|to slaughter|him
Did I not hear that God told you: 'Take your son, your only one, whom you love, and offer him as a burnt offering...' You are going to sacrifice your son, to slaughter him!"
התקרב השׂטן לאַבְרָהָם ולחש: "אַבְרָהָם... הלוֹא אדם טוב אתה.
approached|the Satan|to Abraham|and whispered|Abraham|surely|man|good|you
The Satan approached Abraham and whispered: "Abraham... you are a good man.
הִסתַכּל בְּבִנך – נער צעיר וְתַם, כמה תפילות הִתפַּללתָ עד שנולד לךָ, וְכָעֵת אתה הולך לשחוט אותו?"
looked|at your son|boy|young|innocent|how many|prayers|you prayed|until|he was born|to you|and now|you|are going|to slaughter|him
Look at your son – a young and innocent boy, how many prayers have you prayed until he was born to you, and now you are going to slaughter him?"
דִברֵי השׂטן זִעְזְעוּ אֶת אַבְרָהָם, אך הוא הִתעַקֵש: "הולך אני לקיֵים אֶת דִברֵי בּוֹרְאִי."
words|the devil|disturbed|at|Abraham|but||insisted|I am going|I||at|words|my Creator
The words of the Satan shook Abraham, but he insisted: "I am going to fulfill the words of my Creator."
השׂטן הֶאדים כולו ואמר: "מחר אלוהים יבוא אליךָ בִּטְעָנוֹת שרוצֵח אתה, שֶשָפכתָ אֶת דם בִּנךָ!"
the devil|turned red|completely|and said|tomorrow|God|will come|to you|with accusations|that you murder|||(direct object marker)|blood|your son
The Satan turned completely red and said: "Tomorrow God will come to you with accusations that you are a murderer, that you have shed your son's blood!"
אך אַבְרָהָם חזר על דְבָרָיו: "למרות הכול הולך אני לקיֵים אֶת דִברֵי האֵל."
but|Abraham|repeated|on|his words|despite|everything|I will go|I|to fulfill|the|words of|God
But Abraham repeated his words: "Despite everything, I will go to fulfill the words of God."
הֵבין השׂטן כי אַבְרָהָם נָחוּש בְּדַעתו, והֶחליט לנסות דֶרך אחרת.
understood|the devil|that|Abraham|resolute|in his mind|and decided|to try|way|another
The Satan understood that Abraham was determined in his mind, and decided to try another way.
הוא התגנב לאחור ונעלם.
He|sneaked|backward|and disappeared
He sneaked away and disappeared.
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