Jø Nesbø - Snømannen Part 9 (2)
Jo|Nesbø|The Snowman|Part
Jø Nesbø - Le bonhomme de neige, partie 9 (2)
Йо Несбё - Снеговик, часть 9 (2)
Jo Nesbø - The Snowman Part 9 (2)
Tidenes skandale.
of all time|scandal
The scandal of the century.
Mistillit til hele politietaten.
mistrust|towards|the whole|police force
Lack of trust in the entire police force.
Slaktetid på sjefsnivå.»
slaughter time|at|executive level
Slaughter time at the executive level.
Hagen åpnet en glipe mellom fingrene hvor han kikket ut på Harry.
Hagen opened a gap between his fingers where he peeked out at Harry.
«Takk for den presise oppsummeringen.»
Thank you|for|the|precise|summary
"Thank you for the precise summary."
«For all del.»
"By all means."
«Jeg kommer til å innkalle Kriminalsjefen og Politimesteren.
I|will come|to|(infinitive marker)|summon|the Chief of Police|and|the Police Commissioner
"I will summon the Chief of Police and the Police Commissioner."
Imens vil jeg at du og Bjørn Holm holder pottetett.
Meanwhile|will|I|that|you|and|Bjørn|Holm|keep|potty trained
"In the meantime, I want you and Bjørn Holm to keep it under wraps."
Hva med Arve Støp, vil han gå ut med dette?»
"What about Arve Støp, will he go public with this?"
«Neppe, sjef.» Harry smilte skjevt.
Probably not|boss|Harry|smiled|crookedly
"Hardly, boss." Harry smiled wryly.
«Han er gått tom.»
He|is|run|out of (something)
"He has run out."
«Tom for hva?»
"Out of what?"
«For integritet.»
"Out of integrity."
Klokka var blitt ti og fra sitt kontorvindu så Harry det bleke, nesten nølende dagslyset legge seg på hustakene og et søndagsstille Grønland.
The clock|was|become|ten|and|from|his|office window|saw|Harry|it|pale|almost|hesitant|daylight|lay|itself|on|the rooftops|and|a|Sunday quiet|Grønland
The clock had struck ten and from his office window, Harry saw the pale, almost hesitant daylight settle on the rooftops and a Sunday-quiet Grønland.
Det hadde gått over seks timer siden Katrine Bratt var forsvunnet fra Støps leilighet, og letingen var foreløpig resultatløs.
It|had|passed|over|six|hours|since|Katrine|Bratt|was|missing|from|Støps|apartment|and|search|was|so far|without results
More than six hours had passed since Katrine Bratt had disappeared from Støp's apartment, and the search had so far yielded no results.
Hun kunne selvfølgelig fortsatt være i Oslo, men hvis hun hadde vært forberedt på en retrett, kunne hun ha kommet langt.
She|could|of course|still|be|in|Oslo|but|if|she|had|been|prepared|for|a|retreat|could|she|have|come|far
She could of course still be in Oslo, but if she had been prepared for a retreat, she could have gone far.
Og Harry tvilte ikke på at hun hadde vært forberedt.
And Harry had no doubt that she had been prepared.
Like lite som han nå tvilte på at Katrine var Snømannen.
As|little|as|he|now|doubted|on|that|Katrine|was|the Snowman
Just as little as he now doubted that Katrine was the Snowman.
For det første var det selvfølgelig bevisene; brevet og drapsforsøkene.
First|it|first|was|it|of course|the evidence|the letter|and|the murder attempts
First of all, there were of course the evidence; the letter and the assassination attempts.
Men like mye at med Katrine Bratt ble det hele bekreftet: Følelsen av å bli observert på kloss hold, at noen hadde kommet seg på innsiden av livet hans.
But|as much|much|that|with|Katrine|Bratt|was|it|whole|confirmed|The feeling|of|to|be|observed|at|close|range|that|someone|had|gotten|himself|on|inside|of|life|his
But just as much that with Katrine Bratt, it was all confirmed: The feeling of being observed up close, that someone had gotten inside his life.
Avisutklippene på veggen, rapportene.
The newspaper clippings|on|the wall|the reports
The newspaper clippings on the wall, the reports.
Hun hadde lært ham å kjenne så godt at hun kunne forutsi hans neste trekk, kunne bruke ham i spillet sitt.
She|had|learned|him|to|know|so|well|that|she|could|predict|his|next|move|could|use|him|in|the game|her
She had gotten to know him so well that she could predict his next move, could use him in her game.
Og nå var hun et virus i blodstrømmen hans, en spion på innsiden av hodet.
And|now|was|she|a|virus|in|bloodstream|his|a|spy|on|the inside|of|head
And now she was a virus in his bloodstream, a spy inside his head.
Han hørte noen komme inn døra, men snudde seg ikke.
He|heard|someone|come|in|the door|but|turned|himself|not
He heard someone come in the door, but did not turn around.
«Vi har sporet mobiltelefonen hennes,» lød Skarres stemme.
We|have|tracked|mobile phone|her|sounded|Skarre's|voice
"We have tracked her mobile phone," Skarre's voice said.
«Hun har kommet seg til Sverige.»
"She has made it to Sweden."
«Ja vel?»
"Oh really?"
«Driftssentralen til Telenor sier at signalene flytter seg sørover.
The operations center|of|Telenor|says|that|signals|move|themselves|southward
"The operations center of Telenor says that the signals are moving south.
Lokalisering og fart stemmer med toget til København som gikk fra Oslo S fem over sju.
Localization|and|speed|matches|with|train|to|Copenhagen|that|departed|from|Oslo|Central Station|five|past|seven
The location and speed match the train to Copenhagen that left Oslo S five past seven.
Jeg har snakket med politiet i Helsingborg, de trenger en formell henstilling om pågripelse.
I|have|spoken|with|the police|in|Helsingborg|they|need|a|formal|request|for|arrest
I have spoken with the police in Helsingborg, they need a formal request for arrest."
Det er en halv time til toget er der.
It is half an hour until the train arrives.
Hva gjør vi?»
What do we do?
Harry nikket langsomt som til seg selv.
Harry nodded slowly as if to himself.
En måke seilte forbi på stive vinger før den plutselig endret retning og skar nedover mot trærne i parken.
A|seagull|sailed|past|on|stiff|wings|before|it|suddenly|changed|direction|and|swooped|downwards|towards|the trees|in|the park
A seagull sailed by on stiff wings before it suddenly changed direction and swooped down towards the trees in the park.
Den hadde kanskje fått øye på noe.
It might have spotted something.
Eller bare ombestemt seg.
Or|just|changed|his mind
Or just changed its mind.
Slik mennesker gjør.
The way|people|do
Like people do.
Oslo S klokka sju om morgenen.
Oslo|Central Station|at|seven|in|the morning
Oslo Central Station at seven in the morning.
Hun kan greie å komme seg til Danmark om vi ikke snart …»
She might manage to get to Denmark if we don't soon ..."
«Be Hagen snakke med Helsingborg,» sa Harry, snudde seg brått og grep jakka på stumtjeneren.
Let|Hagen|talk|with|Helsingborg|said|Harry|turned|himself|suddenly|and|grabbed|the jacket|on|the valet
"Have Hagen talk to Helsingborg," said Harry, suddenly turning and grabbing the coat from the coat rack.
Skarre ble stående og se forbauset etter førstebetjenten som strenet nedover korridoren med lange, seige skritt.
Skarre|was|standing|and|to see|astonished|after|the first officer|who|hurried|down|the corridor|with|long|heavy|strides
Skarre stood there, astonished, watching the chief officer stride down the corridor with long, heavy steps.
Betjent Orø på Våpendepotet på Politihuset så oppriktig forbauset på den snauklipte førstebetjenten og gjentok:
Officer|Orø|at|the Armory|at|the Police Station|looked|genuinely|surprised|at|the|crew-cut|first officer|and|repeated
Officer Orø at the Armory at the Police Station looked genuinely surprised at the closely cropped sergeant and repeated:
Computer Science
Gass, altså?»
"Gas, then?"
«To bokser,» sa Harry.
"Two cans," said Harry.
«Og en eske ammo til revolveren.»
And|a|box|ammo|for|the revolver
"And a box of ammo for the revolver."
Betjenten haltet bannende mot lageret.
The officer|limped|cursing|towards|the warehouse
The officer limped cursing towards the warehouse.
Hole-fyren var klin gær'n, det var noe alle visste, men tåregass?
||was|completely|crazy|it|was|something|everyone|knew|but|tear gas
The Hole guy was completely crazy, that was something everyone knew, but tear gas?
Hadde det vært noen andre på Politihuset, hadde han tippet på at det skulle være til et utdrikningslag med kompiser.
Had|it|been|someone|other|at|the Police Station|had|he|guessed|that|it|it|would|be|for|a|bachelor party|with|friends
If it had been anyone else at the Police Station, he would have guessed it was for a bachelor party with friends.
Men så vidt han hadde hørt, hadde ikke Hole kompiser, i hvert fall ikke blant kolleger i korpset.
But|as|far|he|had|heard|had|not|Hole|friends|at|every|least|not|among|colleagues|in|the band
But as far as he had heard, Hole had no friends, at least not among colleagues in the corps.
Førstebetjenten kremtet da Orø kom tilbake: «Har Katrine Bratt på Voldsavsnittet fått noe våpen her?»
The first officer|cleared his throat|when|Orø|came|back|Has|Katrine|Bratt|on|the Violent Crime Unit|received|any|weapons|here
The first officer cleared his throat when Orø returned: "Has Katrine Bratt from the Violence Section received any weapons here?"
«Dama fra Bergen politikammer?
The woman|from|Bergen|
"The lady from the Bergen police station?"
Bare det hun skal ha i henhold til instruksen.»
Only|what|she|shall|have|in|accordance|to|the instruction
"Only what she is supposed to have according to the instructions."
«Og hva sier instruksen?»
And|what|does say|the instruction
"And what does the instruction say?"
«At du leverer inn alle våpen og ubrukt ammo på politikammeret du forlater og får ny revolver og to esker med patroner på kammeret du kommer til.»
That|you|submit|in|all|weapons|and|unused|ammunition|at||you|leave|and|receive|new|revolver|and|two|boxes|of|cartridges|at|the station|you|arrive|at
"That you hand in all weapons and unused ammo at the police station you are leaving and get a new revolver and two boxes of cartridges at the station you are arriving at."
«Så hun har altså ikke noe tyngre våpen enn en revolver?»
"So she doesn't have any heavier weapon than a revolver?"
Orø ristet forbauset på hodet.
Orø|shook|in surprise|his|head
Orø shook his head in astonishment.
«Takk,» sa Hole og la patroneskene ned i den svarte bagen ved siden av de grønne, sylinderformede boksene med den pepperstinkende tåregassen som Corso og Stoughton kokte sammen i 1928.
Thank you|said|Hole|and|put|cartridges|down|in|the||bag|next|to the side|of|the|green|cylindrical|boxes|with|the|pepper-scented|tear gas|that|Corso|and|Stoughton|cooked|together|in
"Thank you," said Hole, placing the cartridges down in the black bag next to the green, cylindrical boxes containing the pepper-scented tear gas that Corso and Stoughton concocted together in 1928.
Betjenten svarte ikke, først da han hadde fått Holes signatur på utleveringen, mumlet han et «ha en fredelig søndag».
The officer|did not answer|not|not until|when|he|had|received|Hole's|signature|on|the delivery|mumbled|he|a|have|a|peaceful|Sunday
The officer did not respond; only after he had received Hole's signature on the release did he mumble a "have a peaceful Sunday."
Harry satt på venterommet på Ullevål sykehus med den svarte bagen ved siden av seg.
Harry|sat|in|the waiting room|at|Ullevål|hospital|with|the||bag|next|side|of|him
Harry sat in the waiting room at Ullevål hospital with the black bag beside him.
Det luktet søtt av sprit, gamle mennesker og langsom død.
It smelled sweet of alcohol, old people, and slow death.
En kvinnelig pasient hadde satt seg i stolen overfor ham og stirret på ham som om hun prøvde å finne noe som ikke var der; en person hun hadde kjent, en kjær som aldri kom, en sønn hun mente å dra kjensel på.
A|female|patient|had|sat|herself|in|the chair|opposite|him|and|stared|at|him|as|if|she|tried|to|find|something|that|not|was|there|a|person|she|had|known|a|loved one|who|never|came|a|son|she|thought|to|recognize|recognition|of
A female patient had sat down in the chair opposite him and stared at him as if she were trying to find something that wasn't there; a person she had known, a loved one who never came, a son she thought she recognized.
Harry sukket, kikket på klokka og så for seg stormingen av toget i Helsingborg.
Harry|sighed|looked|at|the clock|and|envisioned|in|himself|storming|of|the train|in|Helsingborg
Harry sighed, glanced at the clock, and envisioned the storming of the train in Helsingborg.
Togføreren som fikk beskjed fra stasjonsmesteren om å stoppe en kilometer før stasjonen.
The train driver|who|received|message|from|the station master|to||stop|one|kilometer|before|the station
The train conductor who was instructed by the station master to stop a kilometer before the station.
De væpnede politimennene som sto klare med hunder, spredt langs skinnegangen på begge sider.
The|armed|police officers|who|stood|ready|with|dogs|spread|along|the railway|on|both|sides
The armed policemen who stood ready with dogs, spread along the tracks on both sides.
Det effektive søket gjennom vognene, kupeene, toalettene.
The|effective|search|through|the carriages|the compartments|the restrooms
The effective search through the carriages, compartments, and restrooms.
De forskrekkede passasjerene som fór sammen ved synet av politi med våpen som fortsatt var så uvanlig her i de skandinaviske lykkeland.
The|terrified|passengers|who|recoiled|together|at|sight|of|police|with|weapons|that|still|was|so|unusual|here|in|the|Scandinavian|land of happiness
The startled passengers who flinched at the sight of armed police, which was still so unusual here in the Scandinavian happy lands.
De skjelvende, letende hendene til kvinnene som ble bedt om å fremvise legitimasjon.
The|trembling|searching|hands|of|the women|who|were|asked|to||show|identification
The trembling, searching hands of the women who were asked to show identification.
Politiets høye skuldre, nervøsitet, men også forventning.
The police|high|shoulders|nervousness|but|also|expectation
The police's high shoulders, nervousness, but also anticipation.
Deres utålmodighet, tvil, irritasjon og til slutt resignerte skuffelse da de ikke fant det de lette etter.
Their|impatience|doubt|irritation|and|finally|resigned|resigned|disappointment|when|they|not|found|it|they|were looking|for
Their impatience, doubt, irritation, and finally resigned disappointment when they did not find what they were looking for.
Og til slutt, om de var heldige og dyktige, de bannende ropene da de fant kilden til signalene som basestasjonene hadde fanget opp; Katrine Bratts mobiltelefon i en søppelbøtte på toalettet.
And|to|end|if|they|were|lucky|and|skilled|they|cursing|shouts|when|they|found|source|of|signals|that|the base stations|had|captured|up|Katrine|Bratt's|mobile phone|in|a|trash can|in|the bathroom
And finally, if they were lucky and skilled, the cursing shouts when they found the source of the signals that the base stations had picked up; Katrine Bratt's mobile phone in a trash can in the bathroom.
Et smilende ansikt dukket opp foran ham: «Du kan treffe ham nå.»
A|smiling|face|appeared|up|in front of|him|You|can|meet|him|now
A smiling face appeared in front of him: "You can meet him now."
Harry fulgte etter klaprende tresko og brede, energiske hofter i hvite bukser.
Harry|followed|after|clattering|wooden shoes|and|wide|energetic|hips|in|white|pants
Harry followed the clattering wooden shoes and wide, energetic hips in white pants.
Hun skjøv opp døra for ham: «Men ikke bli for lenge, han trenger hvile.»
She|pushed|open|the door|for|him|But|not|stay|too|long|he|needs|rest
She pushed the door open for him: "But don't stay too long, he needs rest."
Ståle Aune lå på enerom.
Ståle|Aune|lay|in|single room
Ståle Aune was lying in a single room.
Hans runde, rødmussede ansikt var innsunket og så blekt at det nesten gikk i ett med putetrekket.
His|round|sunburned|face|was|sunken|and|looked|pale|that|it|almost|went|in|one|with|the pillowcase
His round, reddish face was sunken and so pale that it almost blended in with the pillowcase.
Tynne hårstrå, som et barns, lå på den trinne sekstiåringens panne.
Thin|hair strands|like|a|child's|lay|on|the|trim|sixty-year-old|forehead
Thin strands of hair, like a child's, lay on the broad forehead of the sixty-year-old.
Om det ikke hadde vært for at blikket var det samme skarpe, dansende, ville Harry trodd at han så på liket av Voldsavsnittets faste psykolog og Harrys personlige sjelesørger.
If|it|not|had|been|for|that|gaze|was|the|same|sharp|dancing|would|Harry|believed|that|he|saw|at|corpse|of|the Violent Crimes Unit's|permanent|psychologist|and|Harry's|personal|spiritual advisor
If it hadn't been for the fact that the gaze was the same sharp, dancing one, Harry would have thought he was looking at the corpse of the Violence Section's regular psychologist and Harry's personal spiritual advisor.
«Gud bedre, Harry,» sa Ståle Aune.
"Good heavens, Harry," said Ståle Aune.
«Du ser jo ut som et skjelett.
"You look like a skeleton.
Er du ikke frisk?»
Aren't you well?"
Harry måtte smile.
Harry|had to|smile
Harry had to smile.
Aune satte seg opp med en grimase.
Aune sat up with a grimace.
«Beklager at jeg ikke har besøkt deg før,» sa Harry og trakk en stol skrapende inntil senga.
Sorry|that|I|not|have|visited|you|earlier|said|Harry|and|pulled|a|chair|scraping|up to|the bed
"Sorry I haven't visited you before," Harry said, dragging a chair scraping against the bed.
«Det er bare det at sykehus … det … jeg veit ikke.»
"It's just that hospitals... it... I don't know."
«Sykehus minner deg om moren din da du var liten.
"Hospitals remind you of your mother when you were little.
Det er greit.»
It's okay."
Harry nikket og så ned på hendene sine.
Harry nodded and looked down at his hands.
«Behandler de deg bra?»
Do they treat|you|you|well
"Are they treating you well?"
«Det spør man om når man besøker folk i fengsel, Harry, ikke på sykehus.»
"That's what you ask when you visit people in prison, Harry, not in the hospital."
Harry nikket igjen.
Harry nodded again.
Ståle Aune sukket.
Ståle Aune sighed.
«Jeg kjenner deg for godt, Harry, så jeg vet at dette ikke er en høflighetsvisitt.
I|know|you|too|well|Harry|so|I|know|that|this|not|is|a|courtesy visit
"I know you too well, Harry, so I know this isn't a courtesy visit."
Og jeg vet at du bryr deg likevel.
And|I|know|that|you|care|about me|anyway
And I know that you care anyway.
Så bare kom med det, du.»
So just go ahead, you."
«Det kan vente.
"It can wait.
De sa at du ikke var i form.»
They said that you weren't in shape."
«Form er relativt.
"Form is relative.
Og relativt er jeg i kjempeform.
And|relatively|am|I|in|great shape
And relatively, I am in great shape.
Du skulle sett meg i går.
You|should have|seen|me|yesterday|yesterday
You should have seen me yesterday.
Det vil si, du skulle __ikke__ sett meg i går.»
That is to say, you should not have seen me yesterday."
Harry smilte til hendene sine.
Harry smiled at his hands.
«Er det Snømannen?» spurte Aune.
Is|it|the Snowman|asked|Aune
"Is it the Snowman?" Aune asked.
Harry nikket.
Harry nodded.
«Endelig,» sa Aune.
"Finally," Aune said.
«Jeg holder på å kjede meg i hjel her.
I|am holding|in the process of|to|bore|myself|to|death|here
"I'm about to bore myself to death here.
Få høre.»
Let's hear it."
Harry trakk pusten.
Harry took a breath.
Så ga han et resymé av det som hadde skjedd i saken.
Then|he gave|he|a|summary|of|what|that|had|happened|in|case
Then he gave a summary of what had happened in the case.
Prøvde å kutte ut unødvendig, trettende informasjon uten å miste de vesentlige detaljene.
Tried to cut out unnecessary, redundant information without losing the essential details.
Aune avbrøt ham bare et par ganger med korte spørsmål, ellers lyttet han i taushet med en konsentrert, nesten henført mine.
Aune interrupted him only a couple of times with short questions; otherwise, he listened in silence with a concentrated, almost rapt expression.
Og da Harry var ferdig, så det nesten ut som den syke mannen hadde kviknet til; han hadde fått farge i kinnene og hadde satt seg høyere opp i senga.
And|when|Harry|was|finished|looked|it|almost|out|like|the|sick|man|had|perked|up|he|had|gotten|color|in|the cheeks|and|had|sat|himself|higher|up|in|the bed
And when Harry was finished, it almost seemed like the sick man had perked up; he had gained color in his cheeks and had sat up higher in the bed.
«Interessant,» sa han.
"Interesting," he said.
«Men du vet jo alt hvem den skyldige er, så hvorfor komme til meg?»
But|you|know|after all|everything|who|the|guilty|is|so|why|come|to|me
"But you already know who the guilty one is, so why come to me?"
«Denne kvinnen er gal, ikke sant?»
"This woman is crazy, right?"
«Personer som begår slike forbrytelser er uten unntak gale.
"People who commit such crimes are invariably insane.
Men ikke nødvendigvis i strafferettslig forstand.»
But|not|necessarily|in|criminal law|sense
But not necessarily in a legal sense."
«Likevel er det et par ting jeg ikke forstår ved henne,» sa Harry.
"Still, there are a couple of things I don't understand about her," Harry said.
Selv er det bare et par ting jeg faktisk __forstår__ ved folk, så da er du en bedre psykolog enn meg.»
I only actually understand a couple of things about people, so you're a better psychologist than I am."
«Hun var bare nitten år da hun drepte de to kvinnene i Bergen og Gert Rafto.
"She was only nineteen when she killed the two women in Bergen and Gert Rafto.
Hvordan kan en person som er så gal komme seg igjennom de psykologiske testene til Politihøyskolen og fungere i en jobb i alle disse årene uten at noen oppdager noe?»
How|can|a|person|who|is|so|crazy|get|himself|through|the|psychological|tests|of|Police Academy|and|function|in|a|job|in|all|these|years|without|that|anyone|discovers|anything
"How can a person who is so crazy get through the psychological tests of the Police Academy and function in a job for all these years without anyone noticing anything?"
«Godt spørsmål.
"Good question."
Kanskje er hun et cocktail-tilfelle.»
"Maybe she is a cocktail case."
«En person med litt av alt.
A|person|with|a little|of|everything
"A person with a bit of everything.
Schizofren nok til at hun hører stemmer, men klarer å skjule sykdommen for omgivelsene.
Schizophrenic|enough|to|that|she|hears|voices|but|manages|to|hide|the illness|from|the surroundings
Schizophrenic enough to hear voices, but able to hide the illness from those around her.
Tvangspreget personlighetsforstyrrelse paret med en dæsj paranoia som skaper vrangforestillinger om hvilken situasjon hun er i og hva hun må gjøre for å slippe unna, men som for omverdenen bare oppleves som en viss innesluttethet.
obsessive-compulsive|personality disorder|paired|with|a|dash|paranoia|that|creates|delusions|about|what|situation|she|is|in|and|what|she|must|do|to||escape|from|but|which|for|the outside world|only|is experienced|as|a|certain|introversion
Compulsive personality disorder paired with a dash of paranoia that creates delusions about what situation she is in and what she must do to escape, but which is only perceived by the outside world as a certain introversion.
Det bestialske og raseriet som kommer fram ved drapene du beskriver, stemmer med en borderline-personlighet, men altså en som kan kontrollere raseriet sitt.»
The|bestial|and|rage|that|comes|forth|in|the murders|you|describe|corresponds|with|a|||but|thus|one|who|can|control|his rage|his
The bestiality and rage that come out in the murders you describe align with a borderline personality, but one that can control her rage."
Du aner ikke, altså?»
You|have any idea|not|I mean
"You have no idea, do you?"
Aune lo.
Aune laughed.
Latteren gikk over i hoste.
The laughter|turned|into|to|cough
The laughter turned into a cough.
«Jeg beklager, Harry,» rallet han.
"I'm sorry, Harry," he slurred.
«De fleste tilfeller er sånn.
The|most|cases|are|like that
"Most cases are like that.
Vi har laget oss et sett med båser i psykologien som kyrne våre ikke vil stå i. De er rett og slett noen uforskammede, utakknemlige vriompeiser.
We|have|made|ourselves|a|set|with|stalls|in|psychology|that|our cows|||will|stand|in|They|are|simply|and|just|some|rude|ungrateful|troublemakers
We have created a set of boxes in psychology that our cows do not want to stand in. They are simply some rude, ungrateful creatures.
Tenk all den forskningen vi har gjort på dem!»
Think of all the research we have done on them!"
«Det er noe annet også.
"There is something else too.
Da vi fant liket av Gert Rafto, var hun oppriktig forskrekket.
When we found the body of Gert Rafto, she was genuinely shocked.
Jeg mener, hun spilte ikke.
I mean, she wasn't acting.
Jeg kunne se sjokket, pupillene hennes fortsatte å være store og svarte selv om jeg satte lommelykta rett i ansiktet hennes.»
I|could|see|the shock|her pupils|her|continued|to|be|large|and|black|even|though|I|put|the flashlight|right|in|the face|her
I could see the shock, her pupils remained large and black even though I shone the flashlight right in her face."
«Hei sann!
"Hello there!"
Det er interessant.» Aune satte seg høyere opp i senga.
It|is|interesting|Aune|sat|himself|higher|up|in|the bed
"That's interesting." Aune sat up higher in the bed.
«Hvorfor satte du lommelykta i ansiktet hennes?
Why|did you put|you|flashlight|in|face|her
"Why did you shine the flashlight in her face?
Mistenkte du henne allerede da?»
Did you suspect her even then?"
Harry svarte ikke.
Harry did not respond.
«Du kan ha rett,» sa Aune.
"You may be right," Aune said.
«Hun kan ha fortrengt drapene, det er slett ikke uvanlig.
She|can|have|repressed|the murders|it|is|at all|not|unusual
"She may have repressed the murders, that's certainly not unusual.
Du forteller jo også at hun faktisk har vært til stor hjelp i etterforskningen, og ikke sabotert den.
You|tell|indeed|also|that|she|actually|has|been|to|great|help|in|the investigation|and|not||it
You also mention that she has actually been a great help in the investigation, and not sabotaged it.
Det kan tyde på at hun har hatt mistanke til seg selv og et oppriktig ønske om å finne ut av det.
It may indicate that she has had suspicions about herself and a genuine desire to find out.
Hva vet du om noktambulisme, altså søvngjengeri?»
What|do you know|you|about|sleepwalking|I mean|sleepwalking
What do you know about noctambulism, that is, sleepwalking?
«Jeg veit at folk kan gå i søvne.
I know that people can walk in their sleep.
Snakke i søvne.
Talk in their sleep.
Spise, kle på seg og til og med gå ut og kjøre bil i søvne.»
Eat, get dressed, and even go out and drive a car in your sleep.
Dirigenten Harry Rosenthal dirigerte og sang instrumentene til hele symfonier i søvne.
The conductor|Harry|Rosenthal|conducted|and|sang|the instruments|of|whole|symphonies|in|sleep
Conductor Harry Rosenthal conducted and sang the instruments of entire symphonies in his sleep.
Og det har vært minst fem drapssaker hvor drapsmannen er blitt frikjent fordi retten mener han eller hun er en __parasomniac__, altså en som lider av søvnforstyrrelser.
And|it|has|been|at least|five|murder cases|where|the murderer|is|been|acquitted|because|the court|believes|he|or|she|is|a|parasomniac|thus|a|who|suffers|from|sleep disorders
And there have been at least five murder cases where the murderer has been acquitted because the court believes he or she is a parasomniac, that is, someone who suffers from sleep disorders.
Det var en mann i Canada som for noen år siden sto opp, kjørte over to mil, parkerte, drepte svigermoren sin som han ellers hadde et utmerket forhold til, holdt på å kvele svigerfaren sin, kjørte tilbake og la seg til å sove igjen.
It|was|a|man|in|Canada|who|for|some|years|ago|stood|up|drove|over|two|miles|parked|killed|mother-in-law|his|who|he|otherwise|had|an|excellent|relationship|to|was about|to|to|||||||||||sleep|again
There was a man in Canada who a few years ago got up, drove over twenty kilometers, parked, killed his mother-in-law with whom he otherwise had an excellent relationship, almost choked his father-in-law, drove back, and went to sleep again.
Han ble frikjent.»
He was acquitted.
«Du mener at hun kan ha drept i søvne?
"You mean that she might have killed in her sleep?
At hun er en slik __parasomniac?»__
That she is such a parasomniac?"
«Det er en kontroversiell diagnose.
"It is a controversial diagnosis.
Men forestill deg en person som med jevne mellomrom går inn i en slags dvaletilstand og etterpå ikke kan huske klart hva de har gjort.
But|imagine|yourself|a|person|who|with||intervals|goes|into|in|a|kind|hibernation state|and|afterwards|not|can|remember|clearly|what|they|have|done
But imagine a person who periodically enters a kind of hibernation and afterwards cannot clearly remember what they have done.
En som har et uklart, fragmentarisk bilde av det som har hendt, som en drøm.»
Someone who has a vague, fragmented picture of what has happened, like a dream."
«Og anta at denne kvinnen i løpet av etterforskningen har begynt å skjønne hva hun har gjort.»
And|assume|that|this|woman|in|course|of|the investigation|has|begun|to|understand|what|she|has|done
"And assume that this woman has started to understand what she has done during the investigation."
Harry nikket langsomt: «Og skjønner at for å slippe unna må hun skaffe en syndebukk.»
Harry|nodded|slowly|And|understands|that|in order to|to|escape|away|must|she|find|a|scapegoat
Harry nodded slowly: "And understands that to get away, she needs to find a scapegoat."
«Det kan tenkes.» Ståle Aune skar en grimase.
It|can|be thought|Ståle|Aune|made|a|grimace
"That is possible." Ståle Aune made a grimace.
«Men nå er det slik at det meste kan tenkes når det gjelder den menneskelige psyke.
But|now|is|it|such|that|the|most|can|be thought of|when|it|comes to|the|human|psyche
"But the fact is that almost anything can be imagined when it comes to the human psyche."
Problemet er at vi kan ikke se de sykdommene vi snakker om, vi må bare anta at de er der ut fra symptomene.»
The problem|is|that|we|can|not|see|the|diseases|we|talk|about|we|must|only|assume|that|they|are|there|out|from|the symptoms
The problem is that we cannot see the diseases we are talking about, we can only assume that they are there based on the symptoms.
«Som muggsopp.»
"Like mold."
«Hva er det som gjør et menneske så psykisk syk som denne kvinnen?»
"What makes a person as mentally ill as this woman?"
Aune stønnet.
Aune groaned.
«Alt mulig!
"Everything possible!
Gener og oppvekst.»
Genes and upbringing."
«En alkoholisert, voldelig far?»
"An alcoholic, violent father?"
«Ja, ja!
"Yes, yes!"
Nitti poeng for det.
"Ninety points for that."
Legg til en mor med en psykiatrisk historie, en traumatisk opplevelse eller to i oppveksten og du har full score.»
"Add a mother with a psychiatric history, a traumatic experience or two in childhood and you have a full score."
«Høres det sannsynlig ut at hun når hun er blitt sterkere enn sin alkoholiserte, voldelige far, vil hun prøve å skade ham?
Does it sound|it|likely|out|that|she|when|she|is|become|stronger|than|her|alcoholic|violent|father|will|she|try|to|harm|him
"Does it sound likely that when she becomes stronger than her alcoholic, violent father, she will try to hurt him?
Drepe ham?»
Kill him?"
«Absolutt ikke umulig.
"Absolutely not impossible.
Jeg husker ett tilfel…» Ståle Aune holdt brått inne.
I remember one more incident..." Ståle Aune suddenly stopped.
Stirret på Harry.
Stared at Harry.
Så bøyde han seg fram og hvisket med et lys vilt dansende i øynene: «Sier du det jeg tror du sier, Harry?»
Then|bent|he|himself|forward|and|whispered|with|a|light|wildly|dancing|in|eyes|Do (you) say|you|what|I|think|you|say|Harry
Then he leaned forward and whispered with a light wildly dancing in his eyes: "Are you saying what I think you are saying, Harry?"
Harry Hole studerte neglene sine.
Harry|Hole|studied|his nails|his
Harry Hole studied his nails.
«Jeg fikk se et bilde av en mann på politikammeret i Bergen.
I|got|to see|a|picture|of|a|man|at||in|Bergen
"I saw a picture of a man at the police station in Bergen."
Jeg syntes det var noe merkelig kjent ved ham, som om jeg hadde møtt ham.
I thought there was something strangely familiar about him, as if I had met him before.
Først nå skjønner jeg hvorfor.
Only now do I understand why.
Det var familielikheten.
It|was|the family resemblance
It was the family resemblance.
Før Katrine Bratt giftet seg, het hun Rafto.
Before|Katrine|Bratt|married|herself|was called|she|Rafto
Before Katrine Bratt got married, her last name was Rafto.
Gert Rafto var hennes far.»
Gert Rafto was her father.
Harry fikk telefonen fra Skarre på vei til flytoget.
Harry|received|the phone|from|Skarre|on|way|to|the airport train
Harry received the phone call from Skarre on his way to the airport train.
Han hadde tatt feil, de hadde ikke funnet mobiltelefonen hennes på toalettet.
He|had|taken|wrong|they|had|not|found|her mobile phone|her|in|the bathroom
He had made a mistake, they had not found her mobile phone in the restroom.
Den lå på bagasjehylla i en av kupeene.
It|was lying|on|luggage rack|in|one|of|the compartments
It was on the luggage rack in one of the compartments.
Åtti minutter senere var han innhyllet i grått.
Eighty minutes later he was enveloped in gray.
Kapteinen meldte om lavt skydekke og regn i Bergen.
The captain|reported|about|low|cloud cover|and|rain|in|Bergen
The captain reported low cloud cover and rain in Bergen.
Null sikt, tenkte Harry.
Zero visibility, thought Harry.
De fløy kun på instrumenter nå.
They were flying solely on instruments now.
Døra til villaen ble revet opp bare sekunder etter at Thomas Helle, betjent i Savnetgruppa, hadde trykket på ringeapparatet over dørskiltet hvor det sto Andreas, Eli og Trygve Kvale.
The door|to|the villa|was|ripped|open|only|seconds|after|that|Thomas|Helle|officer|in|the Missing Persons Unit|had|pressed|on|the doorbell|above|the door sign|where|it|said|Andreas|Eli|and|Trygve|Kvale
The door to the villa was ripped open just seconds after Thomas Helle, an officer in the Missing Persons Unit, had pressed the doorbell above the nameplate that read Andreas, Eli, and Trygve Kvale.
«Takk Herren for at dere kom så fort.» Mannen som sto foran Helle så over skulderen hans.
Thank|the Lord|for|that|you (plural)|came|so|quickly|The man|who|stood|in front of|Helle|looked|over|shoulder|his
"Thank the Lord that you came so quickly." The man standing in front of Helle looked over his shoulder.
«Hvor er de andre?»
"Where are the others?"
«Det er bare meg.
"It's just me."
Du har fremdeles ikke hørt noe fra din kone?»
"You still haven't heard anything from your wife?"
Mannen, som Helle antok måtte være den Andreas Kvale som hadde ringt til Krimvakta, stirret vantro på ham: «Hun er borte, sa jeg jo.»
The man|who|Helle|assumed|must|be|the|Andreas|Kvale|who|had|called|to|Krimvakta|stared|in disbelief|at|him|She|is|gone|said|I|already
The man, whom Helle assumed must be the Andreas Kvale who had called the Crime Watch, stared at him in disbelief: "She's gone, I told you."
«Vi vet det, men de pleier å komme tilbake.»
"We know that, but they usually come back."
«Hvem 'de'?»
"Who are 'they'?"
Thomas Helle sukket: «Kan jeg komme inn, Kvale?
Thomas Helle sighed: "Can I come in, Kvale?"
Dette regnet …»
"This rain..."
«Å, unnskyld!
"Oh, sorry!"
Vær så god.» Mannen i femtiårene steg til side og i halvmørket bak ham fikk betjent Helle øye på en mørkhåret gutt i tjueårene.
be|so|good|The man|in|his fifties|stepped|to|side|and|in|the dim light|behind|him|got|officer|Helle|sight|on|a|dark-haired|boy|in|his twenties
"Please go ahead." The man in his fifties stepped aside and in the dim light behind him, Officer Helle spotted a dark-haired boy in his twenties.
Thomas Helle bestemte seg for å ta det slik, stående i gangen.
Thomas|Helle|decided|himself|to|to|take|it|like this|standing|in|the hallway
Thomas Helle decided to take it that way, standing in the hallway.
De hadde knapt folk til å bemanne telefonen i dag, det var søndag og de som var på vakt lette etter Katrine Bratt.
They|had|hardly|people|to||staff|the phone|in|today|it|was|Sunday|and|they|who|were|on|duty|searched|for|Katrine|Bratt
They barely had enough people to staff the phone today, it was Sunday and those on duty were looking for Katrine Bratt.
En fra deres egne rekker.
One from their own ranks.
Alt var hemmelig, men ryktene gikk om at hun kunne være innblandet i Snømannen-saken.
Everything|was|secret|but|the rumors|went|around|that|she|could|be|involved|in||
Everything was secret, but rumors were circulating that she might be involved in the Snowman case.
«Hvordan oppdaget dere at hun var borte?» spurte Helle og gjorde seg klar til å notere.
How|discovered|you (plural)|that|she|was|missing|asked|Helle|and|made|herself|ready|to|(infinitive marker)|take notes
"How did you discover that she was missing?" Helle asked, preparing to take notes.
«Trygve og jeg kom tilbake fra telttur i Nordmarka i dag.
Trygve|and|I|came|back|from|camping trip|in|Nordmarka|in|today
"Trygve and I returned from a camping trip in Nordmarka today.
Vi har vært borte i to dager.
We have been away for two days.
Uten mobiltelefon, bare fiskestang.
Without|mobile phone|only|fishing rod
Without a mobile phone, just a fishing rod."
Hun var ikke her, ingen beskjed, og som jeg sa på telefonen var døra ulåst.
She|was|not|here|no|message|and|as|I|said|on|the phone|was|the door|unlocked
She was not here, no message, and as I said on the phone, the door was unlocked.
Den er alltid låst, selv når hun er hjemme.
It is always locked, even when she is home.
Min kone er en svært engstelig kvinne.
My wife is a very anxious woman.
Og ingen av ytterklærne hennes er borte.
And|none|of|outer clothes|her|are|missing
And none of her outerwear is missing.
Ingen sko heller.
No shoes either.
Bare tøflene.
Just|the slippers
Just the slippers.
I dette været …»
In this weather ...
«Har dere ringt alle hun kjenner?
Have|you (plural)|called|everyone|she|knows
"Have you called everyone she knows?"
Inklusive naboene?»
Including|the neighbors
Including the neighbors?
Of course
"Of course.
Ingen har hørt noe fra henne.»
No one|has|heard|anything|from|her
No one has heard anything from her.
Thomas Helle noterte.
Thomas Helle noted.
En følelse hadde allerede kommet krypende; en følelse av gjenkjennelse.
A feeling had already crept in; a feeling of recognition.
Forsvunnet hustru og mor.
Missing wife and mother.
«Du sa din kone var en fryktsom kvinne,» sa han lett.
"You said your wife was a fearful woman," he said lightly.
«Så hvem ville hun eventuelt åpnet for?
"So who would she possibly have opened the door for?"
Og eventuelt sluppet inn?»
And possibly let in?
Han så far og sønn veksle blikk.
He saw father and son exchange glances.
«Ikke mange,» sa faren bestemt.
Not|many|said|the father|firmly
"Not many," the father said firmly.
«Det måtte være noen hun kjente.»
It|had to|be|someone|she|knew
"It had to be someone she knew."
«Eller noen hun ikke har følt seg truet av, kanskje,» sa Helle.
"Or someone she hasn't felt threatened by, perhaps," said Helle.
«Som et barn eller en kvinne?»
"Like a child or a woman?"
Andreas Kvale nikket.
Andreas Kvale nodded.
«Eller noen som har hatt en plausibel forklaring for å komme inn.
"Or someone who had a plausible explanation to get in."
En fra strømleverandøren som skal lese av strømmåleren, for eksempel.»
A|from|the electricity supplier|who|will|read|off|the electricity meter|for|example
A representative from the power supplier who is going to read the electricity meter, for example.
Ektemannen trakk på det.
The husband|hesitated|on|it
The husband shrugged.
«Har dere sett noe uvanlig rundt huset i det siste?»
Have|you (plural)|seen|anything|unusual|around|the house|in|it|recent
"Have you seen anything unusual around the house lately?"
Hva mener du?»
What|do you mean|you
What do you mean?"
Helle bet seg i underleppen.
Helle|bit|herself|in|lower lip
Helle bit her lower lip.
Tok sats.
Took a leap.
«Noe som kan ligne en … snømann?»
"Something that could resemble a ... snowman?"
Andreas Kvale så på sønnen som ristet energisk, nesten vettskremt på hodet.
Andreas Kvale looked at his son who was shaking his head energetically, almost terrified.
«Bare så vi fikk utelukket det,» sa Helle lett.
"Just so we could rule that out," Helle said lightly.
Sønnen sa noe.
The son|said|something
The son said something.
Lavt og mumlende.
Low and mumbling.
«Hva?» sa Helle.
"What?" said Helle.
«Han sier at det ikke er noe snø lenger,» sa faren.
"He says there is no snow anymore," said the father.
«Nei visst.» Helle stakk notisblokka i jakkelomma.
No|of course|Helle|put|notepad|in|jacket pocket
"Of course not." Helle shoved the notepad into her jacket pocket.
«Vi sender ut en etterlysning til patruljebilene.
We|send|out|a|alert|to|the patrol cars
"We are issuing a search request to the patrol cars.
Hvis hun ikke har dukket opp til i kveld, vil vi trappe opp letingen.
If|she|not|has|shown|up|by|in|evening|will|we|escalate|up|the search
If she hasn't shown up by tonight, we will intensify the search.
I nittini prosent av tilfellene vil hun da allerede ha kommet til rette.
In|ninety-nine|percent|of|the cases|will|she|then|already|have|arrived|to|right
In ninety-nine percent of the cases, she will have already been found by then.
Så her er mitt visittkort med …»
So|here|is|my|business card|with
So here is my business card with ..."
Helle kjente Andreas Kvales hånd legge seg på overarmen hans.
Helle|felt|Andreas|Kvale's|hand|to lay|himself|on|upper arm|his
Helle felt Andreas Kvale's hand lay on his upper arm.
«Det er noe jeg må vise deg, betjent.»
"There is something I need to show you, officer."
Thomas Helle fulgte etter Kvale gjennom en dør innerst i gangen, ned en kjellertrapp.
Thomas|Helle|followed|after|Kvale|through|a|door|innermost|in|hallway|down|a|basement staircase
Thomas Helle followed Kvale through a door at the end of the hallway, down a basement staircase.
Han åpnet en dør til et rom hvor det luktet av såpe og klær som hang til tørk.
He|opened|a|door|to|a|room|where|it|smelled|of|soap|and|clothes|that|were hanging|for|drying
He opened a door to a room where it smelled of soap and clothes hanging to dry.
I hjørnet sto en gammeldags klesrulle ved siden av en Electrolux vaskemaskin av eldre årgang.
In|the corner|stood|a|old-fashioned|clothes dryer|next|to|of|an|Electrolux|washing machine|of|older|vintage
In the corner stood an old-fashioned clothes rack next to an older model Electrolux washing machine.
Murgulvet skrånet ned mot en kum i midten.
The concrete floor|sloped|down|towards|a|drain|in|the middle
The tiled floor sloped down towards a drain in the middle.
Gulvet var vått og det var vann borte ved veggen som om gulvet nylig var blitt spylt med den grønne vannslangen som lå der.
The floor|was|wet|and|it|was|water|away|by|the wall|as|if|the floor|recently|was|been|washed|with|the|green|water hose|that|lay|there
The floor was wet and there was water by the wall as if the floor had recently been washed with the green garden hose that lay there.
Men det var ikke først og fremst det som fanget Thomas Helles oppmerksomhet.
But it was not primarily that which caught Thomas Helle's attention.
Det var kjolen som hang på tørkesnoren, festet med hver sin klesklype i skulderen.
It|was|dress|that|hung|on|the clothesline|fastened|with|each|its|clothespin|in|the shoulder
It was the dress that hung on the clothesline, fastened with a clothespin on each shoulder.
Eller rettere sagt; det som var igjen av kjolen.
Or|more precisely|said|it|that|was|left|of|the dress
Or rather; what was left of the dress.
Den var kuttet av rett under brystet.
It|was|cut|off|right|under|the breast
It had been cut off just below the bust.
Kuttkanten var skjev og svart på grunn av de krøllete, brente bomullstrådene.
The cut edge|was|crooked|and|black|due to|the reason for||the|curled|burned|cotton threads
The cut edge was uneven and black due to the crumpled, burned cotton threads.
Kapittel 29
Chapter 29
Dag 20.
Day 20.
Tear gas
Tear gas
Regnet lekket gjennom himmelen og ned på Bergen som lå i blå ettermiddagsskumring.
The rain|leaked|through|the sky|and|down|on|Bergen|which|lay|in|blue|afternoon twilight
The rain leaked through the sky and down on Bergen, which lay in a blue afternoon twilight.
Båten som Harry hadde bestilt lå klar ved kaia ved foten av Puddefjordsbroen da Harrys drosje stoppet utenfor båtutleiefirmaet.
The boat|that|Harry|had|ordered|was|ready|by|the dock|at|the foot|of|the Puddefjord Bridge|when|Harry's|taxi|stopped|outside|the boat rental company
The boat that Harry had ordered was ready at the dock at the foot of the Puddefjord Bridge when Harry's taxi stopped outside the boat rental company.
Båten var en velbrukt, tjuesju fots, finsk cabincruiser.
The boat|was|a|well-used|twenty-seven|foot|Finnish|cabin cruiser
The boat was a well-used, twenty-seven-foot Finnish cabin cruiser.
«Jeg skal fiske,» svarte Harry og pekte på det nautiske kartet.
"I'm going fishing," Harry replied, pointing at the nautical chart.
«Noen skjær eller noe jeg burde vite hvis jeg skal hit?»
Any|pitfalls|or|something|I|should|know|if|I|am going|here
"Are there any reefs or anything I should know if I'm going here?"
«Finnøy?» sa utleiekaren.
Finnøy|said|the rental guy
"Finnøy?" said the rental guy.
«Du skal få med en stang med søkke og sluk, men det er dårlig med fisk der ute.»
"You will get a rod with a sinker and lure, but there isn't much fish out there."
«Vi får se.
"We'll see.
Hvordan starter man denne greia?»
How|do you start|one|this|thing
How do you start this thing?"
Da Harry tøffet forbi Nordneset, kunne han skimte totempælen i skumringen inne blant de nakne trærne i parken.
When|Harry|chugged|past|Nordneset|could|he|glimpse|the totem pole|in|the twilight|inside|among|the|bare|trees|in|the park
As Harry cruised past Nordneset, he could glimpse the totem pole in the twilight among the bare trees in the park.
Sjøen hadde lagt seg flat under regnet som pisket overflaten så den skummet.
The sea|had|laid|itself|flat|under|the rain|which|whipped|the surface|so|it|foamed
The sea had flattened under the rain that whipped the surface so it foamed.
Harry skjøv spaken ved siden av rattet framover, baugen løftet seg så han måtte ta et støtteskritt, og båten skjøt fart.
Harry|pushed|lever|next|side|of|steering wheel|forward|bow|lifted|itself|so|he|had to|take|a|support step|and|the boat|shot|speed
Harry pushed the lever next to the steering wheel forward, the bow lifted so he had to take a steady step, and the boat sped up.
Et kvarter senere dro Harry spaken tilbake og svingte inn mot en brygge på utsiden av Finnøy, hvor han var ute av syne fra Raftos hytte.
A quarter of an hour later, Harry pulled the lever back and turned towards a dock on the outside of Finnøy, where he was out of sight from Rafto's cabin.
Han fortøyde, dro fram fiskestanga og lyttet til regnet.
He|moored|took|out|fishing rod|and|listened|to|the rain
He moored, took out the fishing rod, and listened to the rain.
Fiske var ikke hans greie.
Fishing was not his thing.
Sluken var tung, kroken satte seg fast i bånn og Harry dro opp tang som snurret seg rundt stanga da han vippet den opp.
The lure|was|heavy|the hook|got|itself|stuck|in|bottom|and|Harry|pulled|up|weed|that|spun|itself|around|the rod|when|he|lifted|it|up
The lure was heavy, the hook got stuck on the bottom, and Harry pulled up seaweed that twisted around the rod as he lifted it.
Han løsnet kroken og renset den.
He|unhooked|the hook|and|cleaned|it
He unhooked the hook and cleaned it.
Så prøvde han å slippe sluken ned i vannet igjen, men noe i snella hadde låst seg og sluken ble hengende tjue centimeter under tuppen av stanga og ville verken opp eller ned.
So|he tried|he|to|let go|the lure|down|in|the water|again|but|something|in|the reel|had|locked|itself|and|the lure|was|hanging|twenty|centimeters|under|tip|of|the rod|and|would|neither|up|nor|down
So he tried to drop the lure back into the water, but something in the reel had locked up and the lure was hanging twenty centimeters below the tip of the rod and wouldn't go up or down.
Harry kikket på klokka.
Harry|looked|at|the clock
Harry glanced at the clock.
Hvis noen var blitt skremt opp av motorduren, burde de ha falt til ro igjen nå og han måtte få gjort dette før det ble for mørkt.
If|someone|were|become|scared|up|by|engine noise|should|they|have|fallen|to|calm|again|now|and|he|had to|get|done|this|before|it|became|too|dark
If anyone had been startled by the engine noise, they should have settled down again by now and he needed to get this done before it got too dark.
Han la fra seg stanga i setet, åpnet bagen, dro opp revolveren, åpnet esken med patroner og trædde dem inn i revolvertønna.
He|laid|from|himself|rod|in|seat|opened|bag|pulled|up|revolver|opened|box|with|cartridges|and|threaded|them|into|in|revolver cylinder
He set the rod down in the seat, opened the bag, pulled out the revolver, opened the box of cartridges, and loaded them into the revolver's cylinder.
Stakk de termoslignende CS-boksene i hver sin lomme og gikk i land.
He stuffed the thermos-like CS boxes into each of his pockets and went ashore.
Det tok ham fem minutter å gå opp til toppen av den mennesketomme øya og ned til de vinterstengte hyttene på den andre siden.
It|took|him|five|minutes|to|walk|up|to|the top|of|the|deserted|island|and|down|to|the|winter-closed|cabins|on|the|other|side
It took him five minutes to walk up to the top of the deserted island and down to the winter-closed cabins on the other side.
Hytta til Rafto lå mørk og utilnærmelig foran ham.
The cabin|of|Rafto|lay|dark|and|inaccessible|in front of|him
Rafto's cabin lay dark and inaccessible in front of him.
Han fant et sted på et svaberg tjue meter fra hytta hvor han hadde full oversikt over alle dører og vinduer.
He|found|a|place|on|a|flat rock|twenty|meters|from|the cabin|where|he|had|full|view|over|all|doors|and|windows
He found a spot on a rocky shore twenty meters from the cabin where he had a full view of all the doors and windows.
Regnet hadde for lengst trengt gjennom skuldrene på den grønne militærjakka.
The rain|had|for|long|penetrated|through|the shoulders|on|the|green|military jacket
The rain had long since soaked through the shoulders of the green military jacket.
Så dro han opp en av CS-boksene og dro ut splinten.
Then|he pulled|he|up|one|of|||and|pulled|out|the pin
Then he pulled up one of the CS canisters and pulled out the pin.
Om fem sekunder ville det fjærbelastede håndtaket sprette opp og gassen begynne å frese ut.
In five seconds, the spring-loaded handle would pop up and the gas would start hissing out.
Han løp mot hytta med boksen på strak arm og kylte den mot vinduet.
He|ran|towards|cabin|with|the box|on|straight|arm|and|threw|it|against|the window
He ran towards the cabin with the canister extended and hurled it against the window.
Glasset knuste med en tynn, spinkel lyd.
The glass|shattered|with|a|thin|frail|sound
The glass shattered with a thin, fragile sound.
Harry trakk seg tilbake til svaberget og løftet revolveren.
Harry|withdrew|himself||to|the gravel bank|and|lifted|the revolver
Harry retreated to the rocky shore and lifted the revolver.
Over regnet kunne han høre hissingen fra tåregassboksen der inne, og han kunne se innsiden av vinduene farges grå.
Over|the rain|could|he|hear|hissing|from|the tear gas canister|there|inside|and|he|could|see|the inside|of|the windows|turning|gray
Above the rain, he could hear the hissing from the tear gas canister inside, and he could see the insides of the windows turning gray.
Hvis hun var der inne, ville hun ikke holde ut mer enn noen sekunder.
If|she|were|there|inside|would|she|not|endure|out|more|than|a few|seconds
If she was inside, she wouldn't be able to endure more than a few seconds.
Han siktet.
He aimed.
Ventet og siktet.
Waited and aimed.
Etter to minutter hadde fremdeles ingenting skjedd.
After two minutes, still nothing had happened.
Harry ventet i to til.
Harry waited for two more.
Så gjorde han klar den andre boksen, gikk mot døra med revolveren hevet og kjente på døra.
Then|he made|he|ready|the|second|box|walked|towards|the door|with|the revolver|raised|and|felt|on|the door
He then prepared the second box, walked towards the door with the revolver raised and felt the door.
Men spinkel.
But flimsy.
Han tok fire skritts fart.
He took four steps back.
Døra revnet langs hengslene, og han falt inn i det røykfylte rommet med høyre skulder først.
The door|split|along|the hinges|and|he|fell|into|in|the|smoke-filled|room|with|right|shoulder|first
The door ripped along the hinges, and he fell into the smoke-filled room with his right shoulder first.
Gassen angrep straks øyene.
The gas|attacked|immediately|the islands
The gas immediately attacked the eyes.
Harry holdt pusten mens han famlet seg fram til kjellerlemmen, vippet den til side, dro ut splinten på den andre boksen og slapp den innenfor.
Harry|held|breath|while|he|fumbled|himself|forward|to|cellar hatch|tipped|it|to|side|pulled|out|pin|on|the|other|box|and|released|it|inside
Harry held his breath as he fumbled his way to the cellar hatch, tipped it aside, pulled the pin from the other box, and dropped it inside.
Så løp han ut igjen.
Then he ran out again.
Fant en vannpytt og sank på kne med rennende nese og øyne, stakk hodet under med øynene åpne, så dypt han kom, til nesa skuret mot grus.
Found a puddle and sank to his knees with a running nose and eyes, stuck his head under with his eyes open, as deep as he could go, until his nose scraped against the gravel.
To ganger gjentok han det grunne dykket.
He repeated the shallow dive twice.
Det svidde fortsatt som helvete i nese og gane, men synet hadde klarnet.
It still burned like hell in his nose and palate, but his vision had cleared.
Han pekte revolveren mot huset igjen.
He|pointed|the revolver|at|the house|again
He pointed the revolver at the house again.
Og ventet.
And waited.
«Kom igjen!
"Come on!"
Kom igjen, jævla fitte!»
Come on, you fucking cunt!"
Men ingen kom.
But|no one|came
But no one came.
Etter et kvarter hadde det sluttet å ryke fra hullet i glassruta.
After|a|quarter|had|it|stopped|to|smoke|from|hole|in|the glass window
After a quarter of an hour, the smoke had stopped coming from the hole in the glass window.
Harry gikk bort til huset og sparket opp døra.
Harry|walked|over|to|the house|and|kicked|open|the door
Harry walked over to the house and kicked the door open.
Hostet og kastet et siste blikk innenfor.
He coughed and took a last look inside.
Tåkelagt ødeland.
Foggy wasteland.
Instrument flying
Instrument flying.
Faen, faen!
Damn, damn!
Da han gikk tilbake til båten, var det blitt så mørkt at han visste at han ville få problemer med sikten.
When|he|walked|back|to|the boat|was|it|become|so|dark|that|he|knew|that|he|would|have|problems|with|visibility
When he returned to the boat, it had become so dark that he knew he would have problems with visibility.
Han løsnet fortøyningen, gikk om bord og grep rundt starteren.
He|untied|the mooring|walked|on|board|and|grabbed|around|the starter
He loosened the mooring, boarded, and grabbed the starter.
En tanke fór gjennom hodet hans; han hadde ikke sovet på halvannet døgn, hadde ikke spist siden i morges, var våt til skinnet og hadde reist bomtur til føkking Bergen.
A|thought|raced|through|head|his|he|had|not|slept|for|one and a half|day|had|not|eaten|since|in|morning|was|wet|to|skin|and|had|traveled|round trip|to|fucking|Bergen
A thought crossed his mind; he hadn't slept for a day and a half, hadn't eaten since this morning, was soaked to the skin, and had made a round trip to fucking Bergen.
Om ikke denne motoren startet på første forsøk, kom han til å pepre skroget med seks 38 millimeters blybiter og svømme til land.
If|not|this|engine|started|on|first|attempt|would|he|to||pepper|hull|with|six|millimeter|lead pellets|and|swim|to|shore
If this engine didn't start on the first try, he was going to pepper the hull with six 38 millimeter lead pellets and swim to shore.
Motoren startet med et brøl.
The engine|started|with|a|roar
The engine started with a roar.
Harry syntes nesten det var synd.
Harry|thought|almost|it|was|a pity
Harry thought it was almost a shame.
Han skulle til å skyve spaken framover da han fikk øye på henne.
He|was about|to|infinitive marker|push|lever|forward|when|he|got|sight|of|her
He was about to push the lever forward when he caught sight of her.
Hun sto rett foran ham, i trappa som ledet ned under dekk.
She|stood|directly|in front of|him|in|the stairs|that|led|down|under|deck
She stood right in front of him, on the stairs leading down below deck.
Nonchalant lent mot karmen, iført en grå genser over en svart kjole.
Nonchalant|leaned|against|the frame|wearing|a|gray|sweater|over|a|black|dress
Nonchalantly leaning against the frame, wearing a gray sweater over a black dress.
«Hendene i været,» sa hun.
The hands|in|the air|said|she
"Hands in the air," she said.
Det hørtes så barnslig ut at det nesten virket som en spøk.
It sounded so childish that it almost seemed like a joke.
Det gjorde ikke den svarte revolveren som pekte opp på ham.
It didn't match the black revolver that was pointed at him.
Eller løftet som fulgte: «Hvis du ikke gjør som jeg sier, skyter jeg deg i magen, Harry.
Or the lift that followed: "If you don't do as I say, I'll shoot you in the stomach, Harry."
Som tar seg av nervene i ryggen og paralyserer deg.
That takes care of the nerves in the back and paralyzes you.
Så ett i hodet.
Then one in the head.
Men vi begynner altså med magen …»
But|we|start|therefore|with|the stomach
But we start with the stomach..."
Revolverløpet pekte lavere.
The revolver barrel|pointed|lower
The barrel of the revolver pointed lower.
Harry slapp rattet og spaken og rakte armene over hodet.
Harry|let go|steering wheel|and|gear lever|and|reached|arms|over|head
Harry let go of the steering wheel and the lever and raised his arms above his head.
«Rygg, er du snill,» sa hun.
"Back up, please," she said.
Hun kom opp fra trappa og først nå så Harry skinnet i øynene hennes, det samme han hadde sett da de arresterte Becker, det samme han hadde sett i baren på Fenris.
She|came|up|from|the stairs|and|first|now|saw|Harry|the shine|in|eyes|her|the|same|he|had|seen|when|they|arrested|Becker|the|same|he|had|seen|in|the bar|at|Fenris
She came up from the stairs and only now did Harry see the shine in her eyes, the same he had seen when they arrested Becker, the same he had seen in the bar at Fenris.
Men det føk gnister over linsen som rykket og skalv.
But sparks flew over the lens that jerked and trembled.
Harry rygget til han kjente setet bakerst i båten mot knehasene.
Harry|backed|until|he|felt|seat|at the back|in|the boat|against|the backs of his knees
Harry backed up until he felt the seat at the back of the boat against his knees.
«Sett deg,» sa Katrine og slo av motoren.
Sit|down|said|Katrine|and|turned|off|the engine
"Sit down," said Katrine and turned off the engine.
Harry dumpet ned, satte seg på fiskestanga og kjente vannet på plastsetet trekke gjennom buksene.
Harry|plopped|down|sat|himself|on|fishing rod|and|felt|the water|on|the plastic seat|pulling|through|the pants
Harry plopped down, sat on the fishing rod, and felt the water on the plastic seat seep through his pants.
«Hvordan fant du meg?» spurte hun.
"How did you find me?" she asked.
Harry trakk på skuldrene.
Harry shrugged.
«Få høre,» sa hun og løftet pistolen.
Let|hear|said|she|and|raised|the gun
"Go ahead," she said, raising the gun.
«Still nysgjerrigheten min, Harry.»
"Satisfy my curiosity, Harry."
«Vel,» sa Harry og prøvde å lese hennes bleke, dratte ansikt.
"Well," Harry said, trying to read her pale, drawn face.
Men dette var ukjent terreng, ansiktet til denne kvinnen tilhørte ikke den Katrine Bratt han kjente.
But this was uncharted territory, the face of this woman did not belong to the Katrine Bratt he knew.
Trodde han kjente.
He thought he knew.
«Alle har et mønster,» hørte Harry seg selv si.
"Everyone has a pattern," Harry heard himself say.
«En måte å spille på.»
"A way to play."
«Ja vel.
Og hva er min måte?»
"And what is my way?"
«Å peke en vei og løpe den motsatte.»
"To point a way and run the opposite."
Harry kjente tyngden av revolveren i høyre jakkelomme.
Harry|felt|weight|of|the revolver|in|right|jacket pocket
Harry felt the weight of the revolver in his right jacket pocket.
Han reiste seg litt opp, flyttet bort fiskestanga og lot høyrehånden bli liggende på setet:
He|raised|himself|a little|up|moved|away|fishing rod|and|let|right hand|remain|lying|on|the seat
He sat up a little, moved the fishing rod aside, and let his right hand rest on the seat.
«Du skriver et brev som du undertegner med Snømannen, sender til meg, og rusler noen uker seinere inn på Politihuset.
You|write|a|letter|that|you|sign|with|the Snowman|send|to|me|and|strolls|a few|weeks|later|into|at|the Police Station
"You write a letter that you sign with The Snowman, send it to me, and stroll into the Police Station a few weeks later.
Det første du gjør er å fortelle meg at Hagen har sagt at jeg skal ta meg av deg.
The first thing you do is tell me that Hagen has said I should take care of you.
Hagen sa aldri det.»
Hagen never said that.
«Alt korrekt så langt.
"Everything is correct so far.
Anything else?"
«Du hev frakken i vannet foran Støps leilighet og flyktet motsatt vei, over taket.
You|had|coat|in|the water|in front of|Støp's|apartment|and|fled|opposite|direction|over|the roof
"You threw the coat in the water in front of Støp's apartment and fled the other way, over the roof.
Mønsteret er derfor at når du planter mobiltelefonen din på et tog mot øst, flykter du selv mot vest.»
The pattern|is|therefore|that|when|you|plant|your mobile phone|your|on|a|train|towards|east|flee|you|yourself|towards|west
The pattern is therefore that when you plant your mobile phone on a train heading east, you yourself flee west.
Og hvordan flyktet jeg?»
And|how|did I escape|I
And how did I flee?"
«Ikke med fly, selvfølgelig, du visste at Gardermoen ville være under overvåkning.
Not|by|plane|of course|you|knew|that|Gardermoen|would|be|under|surveillance
"Not by plane, of course, you knew that Gardermoen would be under surveillance."
Jeg tipper at du plantet telefonen på Oslo S i god tid før toget skulle gå, gikk over til bussterminalen og tok en tidlig buss vestover.
I|guess|that|you|planted|phone|at|Oslo|Central Station|in|good|time|before|train|was to|leave|walked|over|to|bus terminal|and|took|a|early|bus|westward
I guess you planted the phone at Oslo S well before the train was supposed to leave, walked over to the bus terminal, and took an early bus west.
Jeg tipper du delte opp reisen i etapper.
I guess you broke the journey into stages.
Skiftet busser.»
The change|buses
Changed buses.
«Timeekspressen til Notodden,» sa Katrine.
The express train|to|Notodden|said|Katrine
"The hourly express to Notodden," said Katrine.
«Bergensbussen derfra.
the Bergen bus|from there
"The Bergen bus from there.
Gikk av på Voss og kjøpte klær.
Got off|at|in|Voss|and|bought|clothes
Got off in Voss and bought clothes.
Buss til Ytre Arna.
Bus to Ytre Arna.
Lokalbuss derfra til Bergen.
Local bus|from there|to|Bergen
Local bus from there to Bergen.
Betalte en fisker på Zachariasbryggen for å svinge meg ut hit.
I paid a fisherman at Zachariasbryggen to swing me out here.
Ikke dårlig tippet, Harry.»
Not a bad guess, Harry.
«Det var ikke så vanskelig.
It wasn't that difficult.
Vi er ganske like, du og jeg.»
We are quite alike, you and I.
Katrine la hodet på skakke: «Hvis du var så sikker, hvorfor kom du alene?»
Katrine|laid|head|on|sideways|If|you|were|so|sure|why|did come|you|alone
Katrine tilted her head: "If you were so sure, why did you come alone?"
«Jeg er ikke aleine.
"I am not alone.
Müller-Nilsen og folka hans er på vei hit med båt nå.»
||and|his people|his|are|on|way|here|with|boat|now
Müller-Nilsen and his crew are on their way here by boat now."
Katrine lo.
Katrine laughed.
Harry flyttet hånden nærmere jakkelomma.
Harry|moved|hand|closer|jacket pocket
Harry moved his hand closer to the jacket pocket.
«Jeg er enig i at vi er like, Harry.
"I agree that we are alike, Harry.
Men når det gjelder å juge, er jeg bedre enn deg.»
But|when|it|comes to|to|lie|am|I|better|than|you
But when it comes to lying, I am better than you."
Harry svelget.
Harry swallowed.
Hånden var kald.
The hand|was|cold
The hand was cold.
Fingrene måtte lystre.
The fingers|had to|obey
The fingers had to obey.
«Ja, det faller visst lettere for deg,» sa Harry.
"Yes, it seems easier for you," said Harry.
«Akkurat som å drepe.»
"Just like killing."
Du ser ut som du har lyst til å drepe meg nå.
You look like you want to kill me right now.
Den hånden din nærmer seg jakkelomma faretruende.
The|hand|your|approaches|itself|jacket pocket|threateningly
That hand of yours is dangerously close to the jacket pocket.
Reis deg opp og ta av jakka.
Stand|yourself|up|and|take|off|the jacket
Stand up and take off your jacket.
Og hiv den hit.»
And throw it here.
Harry bannet innvendig, men gjorde som hun sa.
Harry cursed inwardly, but did as she said.
Jakka landet på dekket foran Katrine med et dunk.
The jacket|landed|on|the deck|in front of|Katrine|with|a|thud
The jacket landed on the deck in front of Katrine with a thud.
Uten å ta blikket fra Harry grep hun den og slengte den over bord.
Without taking her eyes off Harry, she grabbed it and threw it overboard.
«Det var på tide du skaffet deg en ny uansett,» sa hun.
"It was about time you got a new one anyway," she said.
«Mm, « sa Harry.
"Mm," said Harry.
«Du mener en som vil matche gulroten midt i trynet mitt?»
"You mean one that will match the carrot in the middle of my face?"
Katrine blunket to ganger og Harry så noe som lignet forvirring i blikket hennes.
Katrine blinked twice and Harry saw something that resembled confusion in her eyes.
«Hør, Katrine.
"Listen, Katrine.
Jeg har kommet for å hjelpe deg.
I have come to help you.
Du trenger hjelp.
You need help.
Du er syk, Katrine.
You are sick, Katrine.
Det var sykdommen som fikk deg til å drepe dem.»
It|was|the disease|that|made|you|to||kill|them
It was the illness that made you kill them."
Katrine hadde begynt å riste langsomt på hodet.
Katrine had started to slowly shake her head.
Hun pekte mot land.
She pointed towards the land.
«Jeg har sittet i det naustet der i to timer og ventet på deg, Harry.
"I have been sitting in that boathouse for two hours waiting for you, Harry.
For jeg visste du ville komme.
Because I knew you would come.
Jeg har studert deg, Harry.
I have studied you, Harry.
Du finner alltid det du leter etter.
You always find what you are looking for.
Det var jo derfor jeg valgte deg.»
It|was|after all|why|I|chose|you
"That was why I chose you."
«Valgte meg?»
"Chose me?"
«Valgte deg til å finne Snømannen for meg.
Chose|you|to||find|the Snowman|for|me
"Chose you to find the Snowman for me.
Det var derfor du fikk det brevet.»
That was why you received that letter."
«Hvorfor kunne du ikke finne Snømannen selv?
Why|could|you|not|find|the Snowman|yourself
"Why couldn't you find the Snowman yourself?
Du hadde jo ikke akkurat behøvd å lete langt unna.»
You|had|after all|not|exactly|needed|to|search|far|away
You didn't exactly need to look far away."
Hun ristet på hodet.
She shook her head.
«Jeg har prøvd, Harry.
"I have tried, Harry."
Jeg har prøvd i mange år.
I have tried for many years.
Jeg visste at jeg ikke ville klare det alene.
I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it alone.
Det måtte bli deg, du er den eneste som har greid å fange en seriemorder.
It|had to|be|you|you|are|the|only|who|has|managed|to|catch|a|serial killer
It had to be you, you are the only one who has managed to catch a serial killer.
Jeg trengte Harry Hole.» Hun smilte trist.
I needed Harry Hole." She smiled sadly.
«Et siste spørsmål, Harry.
"One last question, Harry.
Hvordan kom du på tanken at jeg hadde lurt deg?»
How did you come up with the idea that I had tricked you?"
Harry lurte på hvordan det ville skje.
Harry wondered how it would happen.
En kule i pannen?
A bullet in the forehead?
The filament
The filament?
En tur ut på sjøen og så drukning?
A|trip|out|on|the sea|and|then|drowning
A trip out to sea and then drowning?
Han svelget.
He swallowed.
Han burde være redd.
He should be afraid.
Så redd at han ikke greide å tenke, så redd at han falt klynkende om på dekk og tryglet henne om å få leve.
So scared that he couldn't think, so scared that he fell down whimpering on the deck and begged her to let him live.
Hvorfor gjorde han ikke det?
Why didn't he do that?
Det kunne ikke være stoltheten, den hadde han svelget med whisky og spydd ut igjen for mange ganger.
It couldn't be pride, he had swallowed it with whisky and spat it out again too many times.
Det kunne selvfølgelig være at det var hans rasjonelle hjerne, at han visste at det ikke ville hjelpe, men tvert om forkorte livet hans ytterligere.
It|could|of course|be|that|it|was|his|rational|brain|that|he|knew|that|it|not|would|help|but|on the contrary|around|shorten|life|his|further
It could of course be that it was his rational brain, that he knew it wouldn't help, but rather shorten his life even further.
Men han kom fram til at det var trettheten.
But|he|came|forward|to|that|it|was|the fatigue
But he concluded that it was the fatigue.
En altomfattende, dyp tretthet som gjorde at han bare ønsket å få det overstått.
An|all-encompassing|deep|fatigue|that|made|him|he|just|wanted|to|get|it|over with
A comprehensive, deep fatigue that made him just want to get it over with.
«Jeg har hele tiden visst inni meg at alt dette startet for lenge siden,» sa Harry og noterte at han ikke lenger kjente kulda.
I|have|all|time|known|inside|me|that|everything|this|started|for|long|ago|said|Harry|and|noted|that|he|no longer|longer|felt|the cold
"I have always known deep down that all of this started a long time ago," Harry said, noting that he no longer felt the cold.
«At alt var planlagt og at den som sto bak hadde greid å komme seg på innsiden av mitt liv.
"That everything was planned and that the one behind it had managed to get inside my life."
Det er ikke så mange å velge mellom der, Katrine.
There aren't many to choose from there, Katrine.
Og da jeg så avisutklippene i leiligheten din, visste jeg at det var deg.»
And|when|I|saw|the newspaper clippings|in|the apartment|your|knew|I|that|it|was|you
And when I saw the newspaper clippings in your apartment, I knew it was you."
Harry så at hun blunket, desorientert.
Harry saw her blink, disoriented.
Og han kjente en kile av tvil drive inn i tankerekkene, inn i logikken han hadde sett så klart.
And|he|felt|a|wedge|of|doubt|drive|in|into|the tankers|in|into|the logic|he|had|seen|so|clearly
And he felt a wedge of doubt drive into his train of thought, into the logic he had seen so clearly.
Eller hadde han det?
Or did he?
Hadde ikke tvilen vært der hele tiden?
Hadde|not|the doubt|been|there|whole|time
Hadn't the doubt been there all the time?
En regnbyge avløste den jevne sildringen, vannet hamret mot dekket.
A|rain shower|replaced|the|steady|dripping|the water|hammered|against|the deck
A rain shower replaced the steady dripping, the water hammered against the deck.
Han så munnen hennes åpne seg og fingeren som krøket seg rundt avtrekkeren.
He|saw|mouth|her|open|itself|and|finger|that|curled|itself|around|the trigger
He saw her mouth open and the finger that curled around the trigger.
Han grep rundt fiskestanga ved siden av seg og stirret inn i revolvermunningen.
He|grabbed|around|fishing rod|next|to||himself|and|stared|into|in|the muzzle of the revolver
He grabbed the fishing rod next to him and stared into the barrel of the gun.
Så det var slik det skulle slutte, i en båt på Vestlandet, uten vitner, uten spor.
So|it|was|like|it|should|end|in|a|boat|in|Western Norway|without|witnesses|without|traces
So this was how it would end, in a boat on the West Coast, without witnesses, without traces.
Et bilde dukket opp.
An image appeared.
Av Oleg.
Of Oleg.
Han svingte fiskestanga fram foran seg, mot Katrine.
He|swung|fishing rod|forward|in front of|himself|towards|Katrine
He swung the fishing rod in front of him, towards Katrine.
Det var et siste desperat utfall, et patetisk forsøk på å vippe spillet, på å avlede skjebnen.
It|was|a|last|desperate|outcome|a|pathetic|attempt|to||tip|the game|to||divert|fate
It was a final desperate move, a pathetic attempt to tip the game, to divert fate.
Den myke tuppen traff Katrine bløtt på kinnet, hun kunne knapt ha kjent det og slaget verken skadet eller fikk henne ut av balanse.
The soft tip hit Katrine gently on the cheek, she could hardly have felt it and the blow neither hurt nor knocked her off balance.
I ettertid kunne ikke Harry huske om det som skjedde var planlagt, bare halvt tenkt eller ren, skjær flaks: Farten på sluken fikk den tjue centimeter lange slakken av snøret til å legge seg rundt bakhodet hennes slik at sluken svingte rundt hodet og traff fortennene i den åpne munnen hennes.
In|hindsight|could|not|Harry|remember|whether|it|that|happened|was|planned|only|half|thought|or|pure|sheer|luck|The speed|of|the lure|caused|it|twenty|centimeter|long|slack|of|the line|to||lay|itself|around|the back of the head|her|so|that|the lure|swung|around|the head|and|hit|the front teeth|in|the|open|mouth|her
In hindsight, Harry could not remember whether what happened was planned, only half thought out, or pure, sheer luck: The speed of the lure caused the twenty-centimeter-long slug of line to wrap around the back of her head so that the lure swung around her head and hit her front teeth in her open mouth.
Og da Harry rykket stangen hardt til seg, gjorde spissen på kroken jobben den var konstruert for; den fant kjøtt.
And|when|Harry|pulled|the rod|hard|towards|himself|did|the tip|of|the hook|the job|it|was|constructed|for|it|found|meat
And when Harry yanked the rod hard towards him, the tip of the hook did the job it was designed for; it found flesh.
Den bet seg fast i Katrine Bratts høyre munnvik.
It|bit|itself|firmly|in|Katrine|Bratt's|right|corner of the mouth
It bit into Katrine Bratt's right corner of her mouth.
Og Harrys desperate rykk var så voldsomt at Katrine Bratts hode følgelig ble vridd bakover og rundt mot høyre med en slik kraft at han et øyeblikk hadde følelsen av å skru hodet rett av kroppen hennes.
And Harry's desperate tug was so violent that Katrine Bratt's head was consequently twisted backward and to the right with such force that for a moment he felt like he was twisting her head right off her body.
Med en forsinkelse fulgte kroppen hodets rotasjon, først rundt mot høyre og så rett mot Harry.
With|a|delay|followed|the body|head|rotation|first|around|to|the right|and|then|straight|to|Harry
With a delay, the body followed the head's rotation, first around to the right and then straight towards Harry.
Kroppen hennes var fortsatt i spinn da hun stupte i dørken foran ham.
The body|her|was|still|in|spin|when|she|dove|into|the deck|in front of|him
Her body was still spinning when she dove onto the deck in front of him.
Harry reiste seg og slapp seg ned på henne med knærne først.
Harry got up and dropped down onto her with his knees first.
De traff henne på hver side av halsen i høyde med kravebeinet, og han visste at det paralyserte armene hennes.
They hit her on either side of the neck at the level of the collarbone, and he knew it paralyzed her arms.
Han vred revolveren ut av den kraftløse hånden hennes og presset munningen mot et av de vidåpne øynene.
He|twisted|the revolver|out|of|the|powerless|hand|her|and|pressed|the muzzle|against|one|of|the|wide-open|eyes
He twisted the revolver out of her powerless hand and pressed the muzzle against one of her wide-open eyes.
Våpenet kjentes lett og han kunne se jernet presse mot det myke øyeeplet hennes, men hun blunket ikke.
The weapon|felt|light|and|he|could|see|the metal|press|against|the|soft|eyeball|her|but|she|blinked|not
The weapon felt light and he could see the metal pressing against her soft eyeball, but she did not blink.
Tvert om.
across|the other way
On the contrary.
Hun gliste.
She grinned.
Med en munnvik som var revnet og tenner som regnet prøvde å vaske rene for blod.
With|a|corner of the mouth|that|was|torn|and|teeth|that|rained|tried|to|wash|clean|of|blood
With a corner of the mouth that was torn and teeth that rained tried to wash clean of blood.
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