نظریه بیگ بنگ و انبساط جهان
La théorie du Big Bang et l'expansion de l'univers
De Big Bang-theorie en de uitdijing van het heelal
A teoria do Big Bang e a expansão do universo
The Big Bang theory and the expansion of the universe
بحث بیگبنگ و انبساط جهان یکی از اون چیزایی بود که
The discussion of the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe was one of those things that
توی کامنتها زیاد پرسیده شده بود.
in|||a lot|asked|been|was
was frequently asked in the comments.
وقتی که نظریهی بیگبنگ رو به عنوان یه توضیح برای نحوهی شروع این جهان
When the Big Bang theory is presented as an explanation for how this universe began
در نظر میگیریم و میپذیریم که جهان ما در حال انبساطه، سوالاتی پیش میاد مثل اینکه:
in|opinion|||and|||that|universe|our|in|state|expanding|questions|forward|it comes|like|that
We consider and accept that our universe is expanding, questions arise such as:
این انبساط تا کی قراره ادامه داشته باشه؟
this|expansion|until|when|is going to|continue|have|it is
How long is this expansion going to continue?
یعنی تا ابد همینطور جهان بزرگ و بزرگتر میشه؟
meaning|until|forever|this way|universe|big|and|bigger|it becomes
Does this mean the universe will keep getting bigger forever?
یا اینکه بالاخره یه جایی متوقف میشه؟
or|that|eventually|a|place|stopped|it becomes
Or will it eventually stop at some point?
این درسته که میگن بعد از انفجار بزرگ، جهان با سرعتی بالاتر از سرعت نور منبسط شده؟
this|is true|that|they say|after|from|explosion|big|universe|with|speed|higher|than|speed|light|expanded|has become
Is it true that they say after the Big Bang, the universe expanded at a speed greater than the speed of light?
اگه اینجوریه پس تکلیف نسبیت خاص چی میشه که میگه هیچ چیزی نمیتونه
if|this is the case|then|status|relativity|special|what|it becomes|that|it says|nothing|thing||
If that's the case, then what happens to special relativity which states that nothing can move faster than the speed of light?
سریعتر از سرعت نور حرکت کنه؟ جهان قابل مشاهده چیه؟
What is the observable universe?
چرا وسعتش از عمر جهان بیشتره؟
why|its extent|than|age|universe|is more
Why is its extent greater than the age of the universe?
اگه جهان ما از یه نقطهی خیلی ریز شروع شده، پس الان
if|world|our|from|a|||very|small|start|has become|then|now
If our universe started from a very tiny point, then now
میتونیم یه جای مشخصی رو به عنوان مرکز جهان یا نقطهی شروع جهان در نظر بگیریم؟
||a|place|specific|it|as|title|center|world|or|||start|world|in|consider|we take
can we consider a specific place as the center of the universe or the starting point of the universe?
توی این ویدیو میخوایم با هم به این سوالهای جالب
In this video, we want to answer these interesting questions
جواب بدیم که میشه گفت لبهی دانش ما انساناست.
answer|we give|that|it becomes|to say|edge|of|knowledge|our|human
that can be said to be the edge of our human knowledge.
با بیگبنگ شروع میکنیم.
We start with the Big Bang.
اصلا چی شد که یه همچین ایدهی عجیبی مطرح شد که جهان ما با این وسعتش
at all|what|happened|that|a|such|||strange|raised|became|that|universe|our|with|this|vastness
What even led to such a strange idea that our universe, with its vastness,
از یه نقطهای خیلی کوچیکتر از یدونه اتم به وجود اومده که یهو دچار یه انفجار خیلی عظیم
came into existence from a point much smaller than a single atom, which suddenly underwent a massive explosion
میشه که فضا و زمان و ماده و خلاصه همه چیز از تو دل همین انفجار به وجود میاد.
becomes|that|space|and|time|and|matter|and|in short|all|things|from|inside|heart|this|explosion|to|existence|comes
from which space, time, matter, and basically everything emerged.
از زمانی که انسان شروع به تفکر کرد این سوال توی ذهنش بود که
from|time|that|human|started|to|thinking|he did|this|question|in|his mind|it was|that
Since the time humans began to think, this question has been in their minds,
این جهانی که داره توش زندگی میکنه چطوری به وجود اومده.
this|universe|that|is|in it|living|||how|to|existence|it has come
how did this world they live in come into existence?
اواخر قرن شونزدهم میلادی، یه کشیش ایتالیایی به نام جوردانو برونو
In the late sixteenth century, an Italian priest named Giordano Bruno
ایدهی جهان ایستا (Static Universe) رو مطرح کرد.
||universe|static|||it|proposed|he did
proposed the idea of a Static Universe.
توی این مدل، فضا و زمان بینهایت بودن، جهان هم کاملا ثابت بود،
in|this|model|space|and|time||infinite|to be|universe|also|completely|fixed|was
In this model, space and time were infinite, and the universe was completely static,
یعنی نه در حال انبساط بود نه در حال انقباض.
that is|not|in|state|expansion|was|not|in|state|contraction
meaning it was neither expanding nor contracting.
با اینکه کلیسای کاتولیک که اون زمان حسابی جولان میداد،
with|that|church|Catholic|that|that|time|really|dominance|was giving
Although the Catholic Church was quite dominant at that time,
برونو رو به جرم کفر، زندهزنده آتیشش زد و کشت،
Bruno|him|to|crime|heresy|||his fire|set|and|killed
they burned Bruno alive for heresy and killed him,
ولی ایدهی جهان ایستا تا چند قرن بعد همچنان پرطرفدار باقی موند.
But the idea of a static universe remained popular for several centuries.
سال 1912 یه ستارهشناس آمریکایی به نام وستو اسلیفر (Vesto Slipher)
In 1912, an American astronomer named Vesto Slipher
دنبال کشف این موضوع بود که سحابیهای مارپیچی از چه موادی ساخته شدن.
in search of|discovering|this|subject|was||nebula||spiral|from|what|materials|made|became
was trying to discover what materials spiral nebulae were made of.
اون زمان ما هنوز هیچ اطلاعی از کهکشانهای دیگه نداشتیم،
that|time|we|still|no|information|about|||other|did not have
At that time, we still had no information about other galaxies,
جهان برای ما فقط همین کهکشان راهشیری خودمون بود،
universe|for|us|only|this|galaxy|||our own|was
The universe for us was just this Milky Way galaxy of ours,
لکههای نورانی کوچیک و بزرگی که الان میدونیم کهکشانهای دیگهای هستن،
spots||luminous|small|and|large|that|now|||||||they are
the small and large luminous spots that we now know are other galaxies,
اون زمان فکر میکردیم سحابیان، یعنی ابرهایی از گاز گردوغبارن.
that|time|thought|||||meaning|clouds|of|gas|they are dust
at that time we thought they were nebulae, meaning clouds of gas and dust.
اسلیفر متوجه شد که این اجرام دارن با سرعت زیادی از ما دور میشن.
Slipher|realized|he became|that|these|objects|they are|with|speed|high|from|us|far|they are getting
Slipher realized that these objects are moving away from us at high speed.
این کشف رو با استفاده از اثر داپلر یا دوپلر (Doppler Effect) انجام داد،
this|discovery|it|with|use|of|effect|Doppler|or|Doppler|||done|he gave
This discovery was made using the Doppler Effect,
که قبلا ازش حرف زدم اما یه خلاصهی کوچولو هم اینجا میگم.
that|before|about it|word|I spoke|but|a|summary||little|also|here|I say
which I mentioned earlier, but I'll give a brief summary here.
صدای بوق ماشین اگه دقت کرده باشید، زمانی که داره به شما نزدیک میشه
sound|horn|car|if|attention|I have paid|you are|time|that|it is|to|you|close|it becomes
If you've noticed, the sound of a car horn changes when it is approaching you
فرق میکنه با زمانی که داره از شما دور میشه.
difference|||with|time|that|it is|from|you|far|it becomes
compared to when it is moving away from you.
دلیل این اتفاق، که بهش میگن اثر داپلر، اینه که وقتی منبع
reason|this|event|that|to it|they call|effect|Doppler|this is|that|when|source
The reason for this phenomenon, known as the Doppler effect, is that when the source
تولید کنندهی صوت (یعنی همون ماشین) داره به شما نزدیک میشه،
|||sound|that is|same|car|is|to|you||
of sound (that is, the car) is approaching you,
امواج صوتی که از خودش منتشر میکنه طول موجشون کوتاهتر میشه.
waves|sound|that|from|itself|emitted|||length|their wavelength|||it becomes
the sound waves it emits have shorter wavelengths.
برای همین هرچی به شما نزدیکتر میشه، صداش زیرتر میشه، صداش جیغتر میشه.
for|this reason|the more|to|you|||it becomes|its sound|lower|it becomes|its sound|screaming||it becomes
That's why the closer it gets to you, the higher-pitched the sound becomes, the more shrill it sounds.
برعکس، وقتی که منبع صوت از شما دور میشه،
on the contrary|when|that|source|sound|from|you|far|it becomes
On the contrary, when the sound source moves away from you,
طول موج صداش بلندتر میشه، برای همین صداش بمتر میشه.
length|wave|its sound|longer|it becomes|for|this reason|its sound|bass||it becomes
its wavelength becomes longer, which is why its sound becomes deeper.
این قضیه فقط مخصوص امواج صوتی نیست، در مورد نور و
this|issue|only|specific|waves|sound|is not|in|regarding|light|and
This phenomenon is not only specific to sound waves; the Doppler effect also occurs with light and
بقیهی امواج الکترومغناطیسی هم اثر داپلر اتفاق میفته.
||waves|electromagnetic|also|effect|Doppler|occurrence|it happens
other electromagnetic waves.
اجرام فضایی که به ما نزدیک میشن، نوری که ازشون به ما میرسه،
celestial bodies|space|that|to|us|close|they become|light|that|from them|to|us|it reaches
Celestial bodies that approach us, the light that reaches us from them,
طول موجش کوتاهتر میشه، یعنی میره به سمت نور آبی،
length|its wave|||it becomes|that is|it goes|to|towards|light|blue
its wavelength becomes shorter, meaning it shifts towards blue light,
که به این حالت میگن Blue Shift یا انتقال به آبی.
that|to|this|state|they call|Blue|Shift|or|transfer|to|blue
this phenomenon is called Blue Shift.
اما برعکس، اجرامی که از ما دور میشن، نورشون طول موجش بلندتر میشه،
but|conversely|celestial bodies|that|from|us|far|they become|their light|length|its wave|longer|it becomes
On the other hand, celestial bodies that are moving away from us, their light has a longer wavelength,
میره به سمت نور قرمز، که بهش میگن Red Shift یا انتقال به سرخ.
he goes|to|direction|light|red|that|to it|they call|Red|Shift|or|transfer|to|red
It goes towards the red light, which is called Red Shift.
اسلیفر با استفاده از همین قضیه نتیجه گرفت که اون سحابیهای مارپیچی،
Slipher|with|using|from|this|principle|conclusion|he took|that|those|nebula||spiral
Slipher concluded from this that those spiral nebulae,
که الان میدونیم کهکشان بودن، دارن از ما دور میشن.
which we now know were galaxies, are moving away from us.
پس اینجا برای اولین بار این ایده مطرح شد که دنیای ما در حال منبسط شدنه،
So here for the first time the idea was raised that our universe is expanding,
البته خیلی دیگه طول کشید تا از طرف دانشمندا پذیرفته بشه.
of course|very|anymore|length|it took|until|from|side|scientists|accepted|it becomes
Of course, it took a long time for scientists to accept it.
حتی اینشتین هم طرفدار نظریهی جهان ایستا بود، سال 1917،
even|Einstein|also|supporter|theory||universe|static|he was|year
Even Einstein was a supporter of the static universe theory in 1917,
توی مقالهای که در مورد کیهانشناسی نوشت نظرش این بود که
in the|||that|in|about|the universe||he wrote|his opinion|this|it was|that
in an article he wrote about cosmology, his opinion was that
یه جهان ثابت داریم که توش زمان بینهایته اما فضا محدوده.
a|universe|static|we have|that|in it|time||infinite|but|space|limited
we have a static universe where time is infinite but space is limited.
سال 1922 یه دانشمند روسی به نام الکساندر فریدمان (Alexander Friedmann)
In 1922, a Russian scientist named Alexander Friedmann
فرمولهایی به دست آورد که نشون میداد جهان در حال انبساطه،
derived formulas that showed the universe is expanding,
بر خلاف چیزی که اینشتین فکر میکرد.
against|contrary to|something|that|Einstein|thought||
contrary to what Einstein thought.
دو سال بعد ادوین هابل معروف (Edwin Hubble) کشف کرد که این سحابیها در واقع
two|year|later|Edwin|Hubble|famous|||discovery|he made|that|these|nebula||in|actually
Two years later, the famous Edwin Hubble discovered that these nebulae are actually
خودشون کهکشانهای دیگهای هستن که فاصلههای خیلی زیادی از ما دارن.
they|||||they are|that|distances||very|far|from|us|they have
They are other galaxies that are very far from us.
اینجا نقطهای بود که باورهای ما در مورد اینکه مرکز جهانیم و
here|||was|that|beliefs|our|in|about|that|center|we are|and
This was the point where our beliefs about being the center of the universe and
همه چیز داره حول ما میچرخه، شکستن و فروریختن.
everything|thing|it is|around|us|||breaking|and|collapsing
everything revolving around us broke and collapsed.
معلوم شد که کهکشان ما فقط یکی از میلیاردها کهکشان دیگهست که تو فضا شناورن.
clear|it became|that|galaxy|our|only|one|of|billions|galaxies|||that|in|space|they are floating
It became clear that our galaxy is just one of billions of other galaxies floating in space.
هیچ امتیاز خاصی هم نسبت به اونا نداره.
no|advantage|special|also|compared|to|them|doesn't have
It doesn't have any special advantage over them.
بعد از چند سال تحقیق، سال 1929، هابل با تخمین زدن
After several years of research, in 1929, Hubble estimated
فاصلهی کهکشانهایی که قبلا اسلیفر انتقال به سرخشون رو اندازهگیری کرده بود،
||||that|previously|Slipher|redshift|to|their redshift|it|||has done|was
the distance of galaxies that Slipher had previously measured their redshift,
به این نتیجه رسید که هرچقدر فاصلهی این کهکشانها
to|this|conclusion|reached|that|the more|the distance||these||
and concluded that the farther away these galaxies are.
از زمین بیشتر باشه با سرعت بیشتری از ما دور میشن.
from|earth|more|it is|with|speed|more|from|us|far|they become
If they are further away from the Earth, they move away from us at a faster speed.
چیزی که به عنوان قانون هابل شناخته میشه.
something|that|as|title|law|Hubble|known|it is
What is known as Hubble's law.
سال 1931 یه دانشمند بلژیکی به نام ژرژ لومتر (Georges Lemaitre)
In 1931, a Belgian scientist named Georges Lemaitre
که یه کشیش مسیحی بود، براساس معادلات فریدمان و بحث انبساط جهان،
that|a|priest|Christian|he was|based on|equations|Friedman|and|discussion|expansion|universe
who was a Christian priest, based on Friedmann's equations and the discussion of the expansion of the universe,
پیشنهاد کرد که بیاییم جهت زمان رو معکوس کنیم.
suggested|he did|that|we come|to|time|it|reverse|we do
He suggested that we reverse the direction of time.
یعنی الان هرچقدر که زمان میگذره، اجزای سازندهی جهان دارن از هم دورتر میشن،
that is|now|as much as|that|time|||components|of the universe||universe|they are|from|each other|farther|they become
That is, as time passes now, the building blocks of the universe are moving further apart,
حالا اگه بیایم مثل یه فیلم برعکسش کنیم، هرچقدر به زمانهای گذشته برگردیم،
now|if|we come|like|a|movie|its reverse|we do|as much as|to|||past|we return
now if we reverse it like a movie, the further back we go in time,
قاعدتا این اجزا دوباره باید به هم نزدیکتر بشن، یعنی درنهایت
theoretically|these|components|again|must|to|each other|||they become|that is|ultimately
theoretically these components should come closer together again, meaning ultimately.
به یه نقطهای میرسیم که تمام این اجزا از اون نقطه شروع به حرکت کردن.
to|a|point|||||||||||start|to|movement|to do
We reach a point where all these components start moving from that point.
اسم این نقطه رو گذاشت اتم اولیه (Primeval Atom)،
name|this|point|it|he named|atom|primeval|Primeval|Atom
This point was named the Primeval Atom,
نظریهش هم معروف شد به نظریهی اتم اولیه.
and his theory became known as the Primeval Atom theory.
لومتر معتقد بود جهان ما نتیجهی یه انفجار بزرگه که میلیاردها سال قبل اتفاق افتاده.
Lemaitre|he believed|he was|universe|our|result||a|explosion|big|that|billions|years|ago|event|it happened
Lemaître believed that our universe is the result of a great explosion that occurred billions of years ago.
اما جالبه که اون زمان برخلاف الان، بیشتر دانشمندا و ستارهشناسا با این ایده مخالف بودن.
but|interesting|that|that|time|contrary to|now|most|scientists|and|||with|this|idea|opposed|to be
But interestingly, at that time, unlike now, most scientists and astronomers opposed this idea.
یکی از دلایل این مخالفت این بود که این نظریه،
One of the reasons for this opposition was that this theory,
یه نقطهی شروعی برای زمان در نظر میگرفت.
considered a starting point for time.
حتی خیلیها اعتراض داشتن که این نظریه داره مفاهیم مذهبی رو وارد مسایل علمی میکنه،
even|||objection|to have|that|this|theory|it is|concepts|religious|to|entering|issues|scientific||
Many even objected that this theory was introducing religious concepts into scientific matters,
اصلا خودِ کشیش بودن لومتر باعث میشد که این بدبینی بیشتر بشه.
at all|the|priest|being|Lemaitre|caused|it became|that|this|pessimism|more|it becomes
The fact that Lemaitre was a priest made this pessimism even greater.
به هر حال کسایی که موافق این ایده بودن سعی میکردن ایراداتشو برطرف کنن و
to|every|case|those|that|agreeing|this|idea|they were|effort|||its flaws|eliminate|they do|and
In any case, those who agreed with this idea tried to address its flaws and
کاملترش کنن، مخالفا هم سعی میکردن نظریههای جایگزینی براش پیدا کنن.
||they do|opponents|also|effort|||||alternative|for it|find|they do
make it more complete, while the opponents tried to find alternative theories for it.
مثلا یکیشون نظریهی حالت پایدار (Steady State) بود که سال 1948
for example|one of them|||state|steady|steady|state|it was|that|year
For example, one of them was the Steady State theory, which was proposed in 1948.
توسط سه تا دانشمند به نام فرد هویل (Fred Hoyle) و
Presented by three scientists named Fred Hoyle and
توماس گولد (Thomas Gold) و هرمان بوندی (Hermann Bondi) ارائه شد.
Thomas Gold and Hermann Bondi.
اینا انبساط جهان رو همچنان قبول داشتن، اما مشکلشون این بود که
they|expansion|universe|it|still|accepted|they had|but|their problem|this|was|
They still accepted the expansion of the universe, but their problem was that
نمیتونستن بپذیرن که فضا و زمان یه نقطهی شروعی دارن.
||accept|that|space|and|time|a|||starting|they have
they couldn't accept that space and time have a starting point.
خلاصهی نظریهشون این بود که جهان ما دائما در حال منبسط شدنه،
||||this|was|that|universe|our|constantly|in|state of|expanding|is
Their theory summarized that our universe is constantly expanding,
اما توی فضاهای بین کهکشانها مرتبا مادهی جدید ساخته میشه،
but in the spaces between galaxies, new matter is continuously being created,
که باعث میشه ستارهها و کهکشانهای جدید به وجود بیان.
which leads to the formation of new stars and galaxies.
یعنی جهانی که این نظریه توصیف میکرد، نه ابتدایی داشت،
In other words, the universe described by this theory had no beginning,
نه انتهایی، همیشه وجود داشته و تا ابد هم وجود داره.
There is no end; it has always existed and will exist forever.
البته خب الان دیگه این نظریه کاملا رد شده
of course|well|now|anymore|this|theory|completely|rejected|has been
Of course, this theory has now been completely rejected.
چون با شواهدی که توی دنیای واقعی میبینیم جور در نمیاد.
because|with|evidence|that|in|world|real|||fitting|in|does not come
Because it does not match the evidence we see in the real world.
اصطلاح بیگبنگ (Big Bang) یا انفجار بزرگ هم اولین بار سال 1949
The term Big Bang was first used in 1949.
از طرف یکی از مخالفان این نظریه بهش داده شد، یعنی همین فرد هویل.
from|side|one|of|opponents|this|theory|to him|given|was|that is|this|person|Hoyle
It was given by one of the opponents of this theory, namely the same person, Hoyle.
هنوزم نظریات مختلفی وجود داره، احتمالشم خیلی زیاده که در آینده بیگبنگ
still|theories|various|existence|has|probability also|very|high|that|in|future||
There are still various theories, and it is very likely that in the future the Big Bang
جاشو بده به یه نظریهی بهتر و کاملتر، اما خب فعلا با تمام ایراداتی که داره
its place|give|to|a|||better|and|more complete|but|well|for now|with|all|flaws|that|has
will be replaced by a better and more complete theory, but for now, despite all its flaws
بهتر از بقیه تونسته جهان ما رو توصیف کنه.
better|than|others|has been able|universe|our|to|description|to do
it has managed to describe our universe better than the others.
حالا دیگه مراحل کاملتر شدن این نظریه رو ازش رد میشیم،
now|anymore|stages|||becoming|this|theory|it|from it|pass|we go
Now we will go through the more complete stages of this theory.
میریم سراغ اینکه اصلا حرفش چیه، شروع جهان ما رو چطوری توضیح میده.
we go|towards|that|at all|its argument|what it is|beginning|universe|our|it|how|explanation|it gives
Let's get to the point of what it is saying, how it explains the beginning of our universe.
بیگبنگ، خارج از اینکه اصلا درست باشه یا نباشه، فقط مربوط به اینه که جهان
||outside|of|that|at all|correct|it is|or|it is not|only|related|to|this is|that|universe
The Big Bang, regardless of whether it is correct or not, only relates to how the universe
چطور از اون نقطهی اولیه به اینجا رسیده، با قبلش کاری نداره.
has reached this point from that initial point, and it has nothing to do with what came before.
با محاسباتی که دانشمندا و ستارهشناسا تو چند دههی گذشته انجام دادن،
with|calculations|that|scientists|and|||in|several|||past|performed|they gave
With the calculations that scientists and astronomers have done over the past few decades,
مراحل شکلگیری جهان بعد از انفجار بزرگ به این صورت پیشنهاد شده.
stages|||universe|after|from|explosion|big|to|this|manner|proposed|has been
the stages of the formation of the universe after the Big Bang have been proposed as follows.
حدود 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش، جهان ما از یه نقطهی بینهایت کوچیک و داغ و متراکم،
About 13.8 billion years ago, our universe began to expand from an infinitely small, hot, and dense point,
به نام تکینگی (Singularity) شروع به انبساط میکنه.
known as singularity.
بیشترین ابهام مربوط به اون لحظات اولیهی بعد از انفجاره، هرچقدر که زمان
the most|ambiguity|related|to|those|moments|||after|from|explosion|as much as|that|time
The greatest ambiguity relates to those initial moments after the explosion; the more time
بیشتری میگذره بهتر میتونیم توضیح بدیم که چه اتفاقاتی افتاده.
more|||better|||explanation|we give|that|what|events|happened
that passes, the better we can explain what happened.
از شروع انفجار تا 10 به توان منفی 43 ثانیه، اندازهی جهان 1.6 ضربدر 10 به توان منفی
from|start|explosion|to|to the power of|exponent|negative|seconds|||universe|multiplied by|to the power of|exponent|negative
From the start of the explosion to 10 to the power of negative 43 seconds, the size of the universe was 1.6 times 10 to the power of negative
35 متر بود یعنی میلیاردها میلیارد برابر کوچیکتر از یه دونه اتم.
35 meters, which is billions of billions times smaller than a single atom.
10 به توان منفی 43 ثانیه هم، یعنی یک ثانیه به رو یک میلیارد میلیارد میلیارد میلیارد
to|power|negative|seconds|also|that is|one|second|to|the|one|billion|billion|billion|billion
10 to the power of negative 43 seconds, which means one second divided by one billion billion billion billion.
میلیارد (5 تا) قسمت تقسیم کنید، یکی از اون قسمتها.
billion|times|parts|divide|you do|one|of|those||
(5 times) divide it into that many parts, one of those parts.
اینجا تمام نیروهای بنیادی یکی بودن، یعنی گرانش و الکترومغناطیس و
here|all|forces|fundamental|one|being|that is|gravity|and|electromagnetism|and
Here, all fundamental forces were the same, meaning gravity, electromagnetism, and
هستهای قوی و هستهای ضعیف، هر چهارتاشون یه نیروی واحد بودن.
||strong|and|||weak|each|all four of them|a|force|unit|being
strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces, all four of them were a single force.
دمای جهان هم حدود 10 به توان 32 درجه بود که
The temperature of the universe was about 10 to the power of 32 degrees,
هیچ ذرهای توی این دما نمیتونست وجود داشته باشه.
and no particle could exist at this temperature.
10 به توان منفی 37 ثانیه بعد از انفجار، دما شروع به پایین اومدن کرد
10 to the power of negative 37 seconds after the explosion, the temperature began to decrease
و نیروی گرانش از اون نیروی واحد جدا شد.
and the force of gravity separated from that unit force.
این مرحله معروفه به مرحلهی تورم که جهان با یه سرعت
this|stage|is known|to|||inflation|that|universe|with|a|speed
This stage is known as the inflation stage, where the universe began to expand at a speed
خیلی خیلی بیشتر از سرعت نور شروع به انبساط کرد.
much, much greater than the speed of light.
اینجا نیروی هستهای قوی هم از اون نیروی واحد جدا شد.
Here, the strong nuclear force also separated from that unified force.
این تورم شدید حدود 10 به توان منفی 32 ثانیه بعد از انفجار، متوقف شد،
This intense inflation stopped about 10 to the power of negative 32 seconds after the explosion,
یعنی جهان همچنان به انبساطش ادامه میداد اما سرعتش یه مقدار کمتر شد.
that means|universe|still|to|its expansion|continuation|it was giving|but|its speed|a|amount|less|it became
This means that the universe continued to expand, but its speed decreased a bit.
اینجا اندازهی جهان تقریبا یک میلیمتر بود.
here|||universe|approximately|one|||it was
Here, the size of the universe was approximately one millimeter.
دما به اندازهای رسید که ذرات بنیادی مختلفی مثل کوارک و گلوئون تونستن به وجود بیان.
temperature|to|||it reached|that|particles|fundamental|various|like|quark|and|gluon|they could|to|existence|they came
The temperature reached a point where various fundamental particles like quarks and gluons could come into existence.
سرد شدن جهان همچنان ادامه داشت تا اینکه نیروهای الکترومغناطیس و
cold|becoming|universe|still|continuation|it had|until|that|forces|electromagnetic|and
The cooling of the universe continued until the electromagnetic forces and
هستهای ضعیف هم از همدیگه جدا شدن.
||weak|also|from|each other|separated|became
Weak nuclei also separated from each other.
تقریبا یک میکروثانیه بعد از انفجار، کوارکها و گلوئونها با هم
About a microsecond after the explosion, quarks and gluons combined.
ترکیب شدن و پروتونها و نوترونها به وجود اومدن.
Protons and neutrons were formed.
اینجا یه فرایند نابودسازی بزرگ شروع شد که باعث شد ذرات پروتون و نوترون
Here, a massive annihilation process began that caused proton and neutron particles.
با ذرات پادپروتون و پادنوترون همدیگه رو نابود کنن،
with|particles|antiproton|and|antineutron|each other|them|destroy|they
They annihilate each other with antiprotons and antineutrons,
طوری که تقریبا از هر صد میلیارد تا فقط یکیشون باقی موند.
so|that|almost|from|every|hundred|billion|until|only|one of them|remaining|stayed
so that almost one out of every hundred billion remains.
یک ثانیه بعد از انفجار، الکترونها و پوزیترونها هم با همدیگه
one|second|after|from|explosion|||and|||also|with|each other
One second after the explosion, electrons and positrons also
خنثی شدن که باعث شد یه مقدار کمی الکترون باقی بمونه.
||that|caused|it became|a|amount|small|electron|remaining|it stays
annihilated each other, which caused a small amount of electrons to remain.
نکتهی جالب اینه که گفته میشه بعد از گذشت یک ثانیه از عمر جهان،
||interesting|this is|that|said|it is said|after|from|passing|one|second|from|age|universe
The interesting point is that it is said that after one second of the universe's existence,
اندازهش به چند سال نوری میرسه که یه کم جلوتر میگم چطور چنین چیزی ممکنه.
||to|several|years|light|||that|a|little|ahead|I will say|how|such|thing|it is possible
its size reaches several light years, and I will explain how such a thing is possible shortly.
بعد از گذشت چند دقیقه، دمای جهان کاهش پیدا کرد به یک میلیارد درجه
after|from|passing|several|minutes|temperature|universe|decrease|find|it did|to|one|billion|degrees
After a few minutes, the temperature of the universe dropped to one billion degrees,
که باعث شد بعضی از پروتونها و نوترونها بتونن کنار هم جمع بشن و
that|cause|it became|some|of|||and|||they can|next to|each other|gather|they become|
which allowed some protons and neutrons to gather together and
هستههای دوتریوم و هلیوم به وجود بیاد.
Deuterium and helium nuclei are formed.
حدود 380 هزار سال بعد هم الکترونها تونستن جذب پروتونها و نوترونها بشن و
about|thousand|years|later|also|||they could|attract|||and|||they become|
About 380,000 years later, electrons were able to be attracted to protons and neutrons and
اولین اتمهای خنثی تشکیل بشن، که بیشترشون اتمهای هیدروژن بودن.
first|||neutral|formation|they become|that|most of them|||hydrogen|they were
the first neutral atoms were formed, most of which were hydrogen atoms.
این باعث شد تابش از ماده جدا بشه و فوتونها توی فضا پراکنده بشن.
this|caused|it became|radiation|from|matter|separated|it becomes|and|||in|space|scattered|they become
This caused radiation to separate from matter and photons to scatter in space.
این فوتونها که از 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش تا همین الان
These photons that have existed since 13.8 billion years ago until now
توی همهی قسمتهای جهان ما وجود دارن معروفن به تابش زمینهی کیهانی.
in|||||universe|our|existence|they have|they are known|as|radiation|||cosmic
in all parts of our universe are known as cosmic microwave background radiation.
این تابش قبل از اینکه سال 1964 کشف بشه، توی نظریهی بیگبنگ پیشبینی شده بود.
this|radiation|before|from|that|year|discovery|it is|in|||||||it has been|
This radiation was predicted in the Big Bang theory before it was discovered in 1964.
از این به بعد، کمکم اون جاهایی که اتمهای هیدروژن یه مقدار غلظت بیشتری داشتن،
from|this|to|after|||those|places|where|||hydrogen|a|amount|concentration|more|they had
From then on, gradually those places where hydrogen atoms had a slightly higher density,
بر اثر جاذبه کنار هم جمع شدن و ابرهای هیدروژنی رو تشکیل دادن.
by|effect|gravity|beside|together|gather|to become|and|clouds|hydrogen|them|formation|to give
Due to gravity, they gathered together and formed hydrogen clouds.
باز این ابرها به هم فشرده شدن و اولین ستارهها و
again|these|clouds|to|together|compressed|to become|and|first|||and
These clouds were compressed again, leading to the formation of the first stars and
بعد هم اولین کهکشانهای جهان به وجود اومدن.
then|also|first|||universe|to|existence|to come
then the first galaxies of the universe.
کهکشانهای اولیه هم دوباره بر اثر جاذبه با هم ترکیب شدن و
||early|also|again|by|effect|gravity|with|together|combination|to become|
The early galaxies also combined again due to gravity.
کهکشانهای بزرگتر و پیچیدهتر تشکیل شدن که این فرایند همچنان ادامه داره.
||||and|||formed|they became|that|this|process|still|continues|it has
Larger and more complex galaxies are formed, and this process continues.
خب حرف کلی نظریهی بیگبنگ رو شنیدیم،
well|word|general|||||it|we heard
Well, we've heard the general idea of the Big Bang theory,
حالا بریم ببینیم مخالفان این نظریه چی میگن.
now|let's go|we see|opponents|this|theory|what|they say
now let's see what the opponents of this theory say.
PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=5.77 PAR_CWT:AvJ9dfk5=7.67
ai_request(all=82 err=0.00%) translation(all=163 err=0.00%) cwt(all=2005 err=20.90%)