Vendre la mèche
Sell the mech
Trahir un secret (d’un complot).
Betray a secret (of a plot).
비밀 (음모)을 배신하십시오.
La mèche qui nous occupe cette fois n’est pas celle de cheveux, mais celle qui servait autrefois à faire un brin de lumière à l’aide d’une lampe à huile, celle qui permettait aux artificiers de faire exploser des mines ou partir des pièces d’artillerie, ou bien celle qui sert encore à allumer des pétards.
The wick that concerns us this time is not that of hair, but the one that was used in the past to make a bit of light using an oil lamp, the one that allowed the artificers to detonate mines or start artillery pieces, or the one still used to light firecrackers.
Pour comprendre l’origine de cette expression, il faut remonter au XVIe siècle, lorsqu’on utilisait l’expression "éventer ou découvrir la mèche".
To understand the origin of this expression, we must go back to the 16th century, when the expression "fan or uncover the wick" was used.
Lorsqu’un artificier éventait (exposait à l’air) ou découvrait la mèche d’une mine ou d’un engin explosif ennemi, il permettait d’en éviter les dégâts.
When an artificer fanned (exposed to the air) or discovered the fuse of an enemy mine or explosive device, he helped prevent damage.
인공물이 벤트 (공중에 노출)되거나 광산이나 적 폭발 장치의 심지를 발견했을 때 손상을 피할 수있었습니다.
Le verbe 'éventer' a d’abord eu la signification de "exposer au vent, à l’air", puis celle de "ébruiter, divulguer" avant de prendre enfin celle de "trouver, découvrir".
The verb 'fan' first had the meaning of "to expose to the wind, to the air", then that of "to noise, to disclose" before finally taking that of "to find, to discover".
"팬"이라는 단어는 처음에는 "바람에, 공기에", 그리고 "소음으로, 누설하다"의 의미를 가지고 "마침내 발견하고 발견"한다는 의미를가집니다.
Par métaphore "éventer la mèche" est devenu "découvrir les dessous d’un complot (avant qu’il fasse des dégâts) ou d’une affaire devant demeurer cachée"
By metaphor "fanning the wick" has become "discovering the underside of a plot (before it does damage) or a case that must remain hidden"
은유로 "심지를 부채질하십시오"는 "음모의 밑바닥을 발견합니다 (손상되기 전에) 또는 숨겨진 상태로 남아 있습니다"
Puis, à partir du XIXe siècle, le mot 'vendre' au sens de 'trahir' ("tu n’es qu’un vendu !
Then, from the 19th century, the word 'sell' in the sense of 'betray' ("you are only sold!
est venu se greffer sur l’expression d’origine pour nous donner celle d’aujourd’hui.
came to be grafted on the original expression to give us that of today.
오늘의 표현을 우리에게주기 위해 원래 표현에 이식하기 위해 왔습니다.