Životopis Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović
Curriculum Vitae|of Kolinda||
Biographie von Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Biography of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Biografía de Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Biographie de Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Biografia de Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović'in Biyografisi
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović izabrana je za Predsjednicu Republike Hrvatske 11. siječnja 2015. godine.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović wurde am 11. Januar 2015 zur Präsidentin der Republik Kroatien gewählt.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović was elected President of the Republic of Croatia on 11 January 2015.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović foi eleita Presidente da República da Croácia em 11 de janeiro de 2015.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, 11 Ocak 2015'te Hırvatistan Cumhurbaşkanı seçildi.
Rođena je 29. travnja 1968. u Rijeci gdje pohađa osnovnu školu, a srednju školu završava u Los Alamosu u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
geboren||April||Rijeka|wo|besucht|Grundschule|||mittlere||abschließt||Los|Los Alamos||den Vereinigten||Staaten
||||||attends||||||finishes|||Los Alamos||||
Sie wurde am 29. April 1968 in Rijeka geboren, besuchte dort die Grundschule und beendete das Gymnasium in Los Alamos in den Vereinigten Staaten.
She was born on April 29, 1968 in Rijeka, where she attended elementary school and finished high school in Los Alamos in the United States.
29 Nisan 1968'de ilkokulu gittiği Rijeka'da doğdu, liseyi Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde Los Alamos'ta bitirdi.
Godine 1993. diplomira engleski i španjolski jezik na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a osim toga usavršava se i u području portugalskog jezika.
|schließt ab|||Spanisch|Sprache||Philosophischen||der Universität||||außer|davon|vervollkommnet||||im Bereich|Portugiesisch|
|||||||||||||||he perfects||||||
1993 graduierte er in Anglistik und Spanisch an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zagreb und studiert zusätzlich Portugiesisch.
In 1993, he graduated in English and Spanish at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, and in addition he is studying in the field of Portuguese.
Naredne godine u Beču završava Diplomatsku akademiju, a 2000. stječe akademski naziv magistre međunarodnih odnosa na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Im folgenden Jahr absolvierte er die Diplomatische Akademie in Wien, und im Jahr 2000 erhielt er den akademischen Titel „Master of International Relations“ an der Fakultät für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Zagreb.
The following year he graduated from the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, and in 2000 he obtained the academic title of Master of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb.
Od 2002. do 2003. boravi na Sveučilištu „George Washington“ u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama kao dobitnica Fulbrightove stipendije za preddoktorsko istraživanje iz međunarodnih odnosa i sigurnosne politike.
Von 2002 bis 2003 besuchte sie die George Washington University in den Vereinigten Staaten als Empfängerin eines Fulbright Predoctoral Fellowship in International Relations and Security Policy.
From 2002 to 2003, she attended George Washington University in the United States as a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship for Pre-Doctoral Research in International Relations and Security Policy.
U to vrijeme dodijeljena joj je Predsjednikova medalja za znanstveni, društveni i politički rad.
|zu|Zeit|zugeteilt|ihr||des Präsidenten|Medaille||wissenschaftlichen|gesellschaftliche|||
Damals wurde ihr die President's Medal for Scientific, Social and Political Work verliehen.
At that time, she was awarded the President’s Medal for Scientific, Social and Political Work.
Dobitnica je i stipendije Lukšić za usavršavanje u području upravljanja u visokim strukturama vlasti na Kennedy School of Government Sveučilišta „Harvard“ u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama 2009. godine.
Die Gewinnerin||||Lukšić||Weiterbildung||Bereich|Management||hohen||der Regierung||Kennedy|Schule|der|Regierung|Universität|Harvard|||||
2009 erhielt sie ein Lukšić-Stipendium für die Weiterbildung im Bereich Management in hohen Regierungsstrukturen an der Kennedy School of Government der Harvard University in den USA.
She also won a Lukšić scholarship for advanced training in the field of management in high government structures at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in the United States in 2009.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović karijeru započinje 1992. u Ministarstvu znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, a 1993. prelazi u Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Republike Hrvatske.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović begann ihre Karriere 1992 im Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technologie der Republik Kroatien und wechselte 1993 in das Außenministerium der Republik Kroatien.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović began her career in 1992 at the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia, and in 1993 she transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.
U Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova obnaša razne dužnosti - 1995. postaje pročelnica Odjela za Sjevernu Ameriku, a 1997. odlazi u Veleposlanstvo Republike Hrvatske u Kanadi na mjesto savjetnice, a potom i ministrice savjetnice i zamjenika šefa misije.
||||verricht|verschiedene|Pflichten|wird|Leiterin|Abteilung||Nordamerika|||geht||Botschaft||||||Stelle|Beraterin||dann|||Beraterin||des Stellvertreters|des Chefs|Missionen
Sie bekleidet verschiedene Positionen im Außenministerium - 1995 wurde sie Leiterin der Abteilung für Nordamerika, und 1997 ging sie als Beraterin an die Botschaft der Republik Kroatien in Kanada, dann als Ministerin und stellvertretende Leiterin des Mission.
She holds various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - in 1995 she became the Head of the Department for North America, and in 1997 she went to the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Canada as Counselor, and then as Minister Counselor and Deputy Head of Mission.
Od 2001. do 2003. obnaša dužnost ministrice savjetnice u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova, a u studenom 2003. izabrana je u Hrvatski sabor u 7. izbornoj jedinici.
Von 2001 bis 2003 war sie Ministerberaterin im Außenministerium und wurde im November 2003 im 7. Wahlkreis in das kroatische Parlament gewählt.
From 2001 to 2003, she was an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in November 2003 she was elected to the Croatian Parliament in the 7th constituency.
Iste godine prisegnula je na dužnost ministrice europskih integracija Republike Hrvatske, a potom 2005. ministrice vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija Republike Hrvatske i tu je dužnost obnašala do 2008. godine.
im selben||vereidigt|||Amt||europäischer|Integration|||||||Außenminister|||||||hier||Pflicht|ausübte|bis|
Im selben Jahr wurde sie als Ministerin für Europäische Integration der Republik Kroatien vereidigt, 2005 dann Ministerin für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Europäische Integration der Republik Kroatien, die sie bis 2008 innehatte.
In the same year, she was sworn in as Minister of European Integration of the Republic of Croatia, and then in 2005 Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia, a position she held until 2008.
Glavni cilj njenog mandata bio je voditi Hrvatsku na putu euroatlantske integracije te je vodila i Državno izaslanstvo za pregovore o pristupanju Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji.
The main goal of her mandate was to lead Croatia on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration, and she also led the State Delegation for negotiations on the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union.
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović 2008. postaje veleposlanica Republike Hrvatske u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
In 2008, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović became the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the United States of America.
Na dužnost pomoćnice glavnog tajnika NATO-a za javnu diplomaciju imenovana je 2011. i na toj dužnosti ostaje do 2014., kao prva žena u povijesti NATO-a koja je obnašala dužnost pomoćnice glavnog tajnika i najviše rangirana žena u NATO-u.
She was appointed NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy in 2011 and will remain in office until 2014, as the first woman in NATO history to serve as Assistant Secretary General and the highest-ranking woman in NATO.
Udana je i majka dvoje djece.
She is married and the mother of two children.
Tečno govori engleski, španjolski i portugalski jezik te se služi talijanskim, francuskim i njemačkim jezikom.
fließend|||||||er||bedient sich|Italienisch|||Deutsch|Sprache
Er spricht fließend Englisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch und spricht Italienisch, Französisch und Deutsch.
He is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese and speaks Italian, French and German.