
LingQ'yu daha iyi hale getirmek için çerezleri kullanıyoruz. Siteyi ziyaret ederek, bunu kabul edersiniz: çerez politikası.




Everyone wants a good lifestyle. I do too. I want a good job that is quite near my house – I don't want to spend a long time on trains and buses. I also want a nice house where I can relax. I like decorating and shopping for furniture. I also want lots of friends so I can do stuff with them. My idea of a good lifestyle is being happy at work, going to the gym or going out for a meal after work, and spending the weekends with friends doing things or going places. Of course I have to have a holiday every year in another country. I haven't got that lifestyle yet because I haven't got enough money. I'm a little jealous of my friend's lifestyle. She has everything and is always going out and having fun.


Everyone wants a good lifestyle. I do too. I want a good job that is quite near my house – I don't want to spend a long time on trains and buses. I also want a nice house where I can relax. I like decorating and shopping for furniture. I also want lots of friends so I can do stuff with them. また、たくさんの友達が欲しいので、彼らと何かできるようにしています。 My idea of a good lifestyle is being happy at work, going to the gym or going out for a meal after work, and spending the weekends with friends doing things or going places. 良いライフスタイルの私の考えは、仕事で幸せになり、ジムに行くか、仕事の後に食事に出かけ、週末を友人と物事をしたり、場所に行ったりすることです。 Of course I have to have a holiday every year in another country. もちろん、私は毎年別の国で休暇をとる必要があります。 I haven't got that lifestyle yet because I haven't got enough money. まだお金が足りないので、そのライフスタイルはまだありません。 I'm a little jealous of my friend's lifestyle. She has everything and is always going out and having fun. 彼女はすべてを持っており、常に外出して楽しんでいます。