
LingQ'yu daha iyi hale getirmek için çerezleri kullanıyoruz. Siteyi ziyaret ederek, bunu kabul edersiniz: çerez politikası.




If you're lucky, you have more good memories than bad ones. I'm very lucky. I have lots of good memories. I don't have many painful memories. I don't know why. Lots of bad things happened to me when I was younger but I don't really have strong memories of them. I do have very clear memories of happy times. My earliest memory is of my first day in kindergarten. I guess I was three. I remember playing in the sand and eating it. I don't remember my mother getting angry though. My most wonderful memory is a holiday to Mexico when I was ten. I remember every sound and smell so clearly. When I look at our family photos, the memories of what we did come flooding back. I'd like to relive those memories one day.


If you're lucky, you have more good memories than bad ones. 運がよければ、悪い思い出よりも良い思い出があります。 I'm very lucky. I have lots of good memories. I don't have many painful memories. I don't know why. Lots of bad things happened to me when I was younger but I don't really have strong memories of them. 若い頃、私にはたくさんの悪いことが起こりましたが、それらについての強い思い出はありません。 I do have very clear memories of happy times. My earliest memory is of my first day in kindergarten. I guess I was three. I remember playing in the sand and eating it. 砂で遊んで食べたのを覚えています。 I don't remember my mother getting angry though. My most wonderful memory is a holiday to Mexico when I was ten. I remember every sound and smell so clearly. When I look at our family photos, the memories of what we did come flooding back. 家族の写真を見ると、私たちがしたことの思い出が溢れ返ってきます。 I'd like to relive those memories one day.