The Landlady (1)
ذا لاندليدي (1)
Die Vermieterin (1)
La casera (1)
La propriétaire (1)
女将 (1)
집주인 (1)
Gospodyni (1)
A senhoria (1)
女房东 (1)
Billy Weaver had travelled down from London on the slow afternoon train, changing trains on the way, and by the time he got to Bath it was about nine o'clock in the evening.
كان بيلي ويفر قد سافر من لندن في القطار البطيء بعد الظهر ، غير القطارات في الطريق ، وعندما وصل إلى باث كانت الساعة حوالي التاسعة مساءً.
Billy Weaver war mit dem langsamen Nachmittagszug von London angereist, hatte unterwegs den Zug gewechselt, und als er in Bath ankam, war es etwa neun Uhr abends.
Billy Weaver coborase de la Londra cu trenul lent de după-amiază, schimbând trenurile pe drum, iar când ajunse la Bath era cam ora nouă seara.
The air was very cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks.
كان الهواء شديد البرودة والرياح مثل شفرة مسطحة من الجليد على وجنتيه.
Die Luft war sehr kalt und der Wind fühlte sich an wie eine flache Klinge aus Eis auf seinen Wangen.
L'air était très froid et le vent était comme une lame de glace plate sur ses joues.
Aerul era foarte rece și vântul era ca o lamă plată de gheață pe obrajii lui.
'Excuse me,' he said, 'but is there a fairly cheap hotel not too far away from here?'
قال: "معذرة ، لكن هل يوجد فندق رخيص نسبيًا ليس بعيدًا جدًا عن هنا؟"
'Entschuldigen Sie bitte', sagte er, 'gibt es hier in der Nähe ein recht günstiges Hotel?'
— Scuză-mă, spuse el, dar există un hotel destul de ieftin, nu prea departe de aici?
'Try the pub down the road,' a man at the station said, pointing.
قال رجل في المحطة وهو يشير: "جرب الحانة على الطريق".
'Probiere die Kneipe die Straße hinunter aus', sagte ein Mann am Bahnhof und deutete dorthin.
„Încercați cârciuma de mai jos”, a spus un bărbat de la gară, arătând.
'They might take you in.
قد يأخذونك.
'Vielleicht nehmen sie dich auf.
— S-ar putea să te primească.
It's about a kilometer along on the other side.'
إنها حوالي كيلومتر على الجانب الآخر.
Es ist ungefähr einen Kilometer weiter auf der anderen Seite.'
E cam un kilometru pe cealaltă parte.
Billy thanked him and picked up his suitcase and set out to walk to the inn.
شكره بيلي وحمل حقيبته وانطلق إلى النزل.
Billy bedankte sich und nahm seinen Koffer auf und machte sich auf den Weg zum Gasthaus.
Billy i-a mulțumit și și-a luat valiza și a pornit să meargă spre han.
He had never been to Bath before.
Er war noch nie zuvor in Bath gewesen.
Nu mai fusese niciodată la Bath.
He didn't know anyone who lived there, but his boss at the Head Office in London had told him it was a splendid city.
Er kannte niemanden, der dort lebte, aber sein Chef in der Hauptverwaltung in London hatte ihm gesagt, dass es eine prächtige Stadt sei.
Nu cunoștea pe nimeni care să locuiască acolo, dar șeful lui de la sediul central din Londra îi spusese că este un oraș splendid.
'Find your own accommodation,' he had said, 'and then go along and report to the Local Manager as soon as you've got yourself settled.'
|||||||||||||||||||||||comfortably established
Suchen Sie sich eine eigene Unterkunft", hatte er gesagt, "und melden Sie sich dann beim örtlichen Leiter, sobald Sie sich eingelebt haben".
„Găsește-ți propria locuință”, spusese el, „și apoi du-te și raportează-te la managerul local de îndată ce te-ai stabilit.
Billy was seventeen years old.
Billy avea șaptesprezece ani.
He was wearing a new dark blue overcoat, a new brown hat, a new brown suit, and he was feeling fine.
Er trug einen neuen dunkelblauen Mantel, einen neuen braunen Hut, einen neuen braunen Anzug und fühlte sich gut.
Purta un palton nou albastru închis, o pălărie maro nouă, un costum maro nou și se simțea bine.
He walked briskly down the street.
||Er ging zügig die Straße entlang.|||
Er ging zügig die Straße entlang.
A mers cu viteză pe stradă.
He was trying to do everything briskly these days.
In letzter Zeit versuchte er, alles zügig zu erledigen.
Încerca să facă totul cu brio zilele astea.
All successful businessmen, he had decided, were brisk.
|||||||efficient and energetic
Alle erfolgreichen Geschäftsleute, hatte er beschlossen, waren flott.
Toți oamenii de afaceri de succes, decisese el, erau vioi.
The top men at Head Office were brisk all the time.
|||||||efficient and active|||
Die obersten Männer in der Zentrale waren die ganze Zeit flott.
Oamenii de top de la sediul central erau vioi tot timpul.
They were amazing.
Sie waren erstaunlich.
Au fost uimitoare.
There were no shops on this wide street, only a line of tall houses on each side, all of them looking the same.
Auf dieser breiten Straße gab es keine Geschäfte, nur eine Reihe hoher Häuser auf beiden Seiten, die alle gleich aussahen.
Pe această stradă largă nu erau magazine, ci doar un șir de case înalte de fiecare parte, toate arătând la fel.
They had grand entrances and four or five steps going up to their front doors, and it was obvious that they had been very grand houses indeed.
Sie hatten prächtige Eingänge und vier oder fünf Stufen vor ihren Haustüren, und es war offensichtlich, dass es sich um sehr prächtige Häuser handelte.
Aveau intrări mărețe și patru sau cinci trepte care duceau la ușile lor din față și era evident că fuseseră într-adevăr case foarte mari.
But now, even in the darkness, he could see that the paint was coming off the doors and windows, and that the handsome white exteriors had cracks and patches from lack of repair.
Aber jetzt konnte er selbst im Dunkeln sehen, dass die Farbe von Türen und Fenstern abblätterte und dass die hübschen weißen Außenwände Risse und Flecken von mangelnder Reparatur hatten.
Mais à présent, même dans l'obscurité, il pouvait voir que la peinture se détachait des portes et des fenêtres, et que les beaux extérieurs blancs présentaient des fissures et des taches dues à l'absence de réparations.
Dar acum, chiar și în întuneric, putea vedea că vopseaua ieșea de pe uși și ferestre și că exteriorul frumos alb avea crăpături și pete din lipsă de reparații.
Suddenly, in a downstairs window that was illuminated by a nearby street lamp, Billy saw a printed notice leaning against the glass in one of the windows.
Plötzlich sah Billy in einem Fenster im Erdgeschoss, das von einer nahe gelegenen Straßenlaterne beleuchtet wurde, einen gedruckten Zettel, der an das Glas eines der Fenster gelehnt war.
Soudain, dans une fenêtre du rez-de-chaussée éclairée par un lampadaire voisin, Billy aperçoit un avis imprimé appuyé contre la vitre de l'une des fenêtres.
Deodată, într-o fereastră de la parter, care era iluminată de o lampă stradală din apropiere, Billy a văzut un anunț tipărit sprijinit de geamul uneia dintre ferestre.
Scria CAZĂ ȘI MIC dejun.
He stopped walking.
S-a oprit din mers.
He moved a bit closer.
S-a apropiat puțin.
Green curtains were hanging down on each side of the window.
|Grüne Vorhänge|||||||||
Grüne Vorhänge hingen an beiden Seiten des Fensters herunter.
Perdelele verzi atârnau de fiecare parte a ferestrei.
He went right up to it and looked through the glass into the room, and the first thing he saw was a bright fire burning in the fireplace.
Er ging direkt hin und schaute durch das Glas in den Raum, und das erste, was er sah, war ein helles Feuer, das im Kamin brannte.
S-a dus direct la el și a privit prin sticlă în cameră și primul lucru pe care l-a văzut a fost un foc strălucitor care ardea în șemineu.
On the carpet in front of the fire, a pretty little dog was curled up asleep.
Auf dem Teppich vor dem Feuer lag ein hübscher kleiner Hund, eingerollt und schlafend.
Pe covorul din fața focului, un câine drăguț era ghemuit adormit.
The room itself, which he could only see in half-darkness, was filled with pleasant furniture.
Der Raum selbst, den er nur halbdunkel sehen konnte, war mit angenehmen Möbeln gefüllt.
Însăși încăperea, pe care o putea vedea doar în întuneric, era plină de mobilier plăcut.
There was a piano and a big sofa and several comfortable armchairs; and in one corner he saw a large parrot in a cage.
Es gab ein Klavier und ein großes Sofa und mehrere bequeme Sessel; und in einer Ecke sah er einen großen Papagei in einem Käfig.
Era un pian și o canapea mare și câteva fotolii confortabile; iar într-un colţ văzu un papagal mare într-o cuşcă.
Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this, Billy told himself, and it looked to him as if it would be a pretty decent house to stay in.
Tiere waren normalerweise ein gutes Zeichen an einem Ort wie diesem, sagte sich Billy, und es sah für ihn so aus, als ob es ein ziemlich anständiges Haus wäre, um zu bleiben.
Animalele erau de obicei un semn bun într-un loc ca acesta, își spuse Billy și i se părea că ar fi o casă destul de decentă în care să stea.
Certainly it would be more comfortable than a pub.
Es wäre sicherlich bequemer als eine Kneipe.
Cu siguranță ar fi mai confortabil decât un pub.
On the other hand, a pub would be more friendly than a guesthouse.
Andererseits wäre eine Kneipe freundlicher als ein Gasthaus.
Pe de altă parte, un pub ar fi mai prietenos decât o pensiune.
There would be beer and cards in the evenings, and lots of people to talk to, and it would probably be a lot cheaper, too.
Abends gäbe es Bier und Karten, viele Leute, mit denen man sich unterhalten könnte, und wahrscheinlich wäre es auch viel billiger.
Ar fi bere și felicitări seara și mulți oameni cu care să vorbești și probabil ar fi mult mai ieftin.
He had stayed a couple of nights in a pub once before and had liked it.
Er hatte schon einmal ein paar Nächte in einer Kneipe verbracht und es hatte ihm gefallen.
Mai stătuse o dată câteva nopți într-un pub și îi plăcuse.
He had never stayed in any guesthouses and, to be perfectly honest, he was a tiny bit frightened of them.
Er hatte noch nie in einem Gästehaus übernachtet, und um ehrlich zu sein, hatte er auch ein wenig Angst vor ihnen.
Nu stătuse niciodată în nicio pensiune și, ca să fiu perfect sincer, îi era puțin frică de ele.
The word 'guesthouse' suggested watery vegetables and greedy landladies.
Das Wort "Gasthaus" ließ an wässriges Gemüse und gierige Wirte denken.
Cuvântul „pensiune” sugera legume apoase și proprietare lacome.
After hesitating like this in the cold for two or three minutes, Billy decided that he would walk on and look at the pub before making up his mind.
Nachdem er zwei oder drei Minuten in der Kälte gezögert hatte, beschloss Billy, weiterzugehen und sich die Kneipe anzusehen, bevor er sich entschied.
După ce a ezitat așa în frig timp de două sau trei minute, Billy a decis să meargă mai departe și să se uite la cârciumă înainte de a se decide.
He turned to go.
Er wandte sich, um zu gehen.
S-a întors să plece.
And now a strange thing happened to him.
Und nun geschah etwas Seltsames mit ihm.
Și acum i s-a întâmplat un lucru ciudat.
He was just going to step back and turn away from the window when his eye was caught and held in the most peculiar manner by the small notice that was there.
Gerade als er zurücktreten und sich vom Fenster abwenden wollte, wurde sein Auge auf seltsame Weise von dem kleinen Hinweisschild gefangen gehalten, das dort angebracht war.
Tocmai avea de gând să facă un pas înapoi și să se întoarcă de la fereastră când privirea i-a fost surprinsă și ținută în cel mai ciudat mod de micul anunț care era acolo.
Each word was like a large black eye staring at him through the glass, holding him, forcing him to stay where he was and not to walk away from that house, and the next thing he knew, he was actually moving across from the window to the front door, climbing the steps that led to it and reaching for the bell.
||||||||anstarrend|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nach der Klingel greifen|||
Jedes Wort war wie ein großes schwarzes Auge, das ihn durch das Glas anstarrte, ihn festhielt, ihn zwang, dort zu bleiben, wo er war, und nicht von diesem Haus wegzugehen, und das nächste, was er wusste, war, dass er tatsächlich vom Fenster zur Haustür hinüberging, die Stufen hinaufstieg und nach der Klingel griff.
Fiecare cuvânt era ca un ochi mare și negru care se uita la el prin sticlă, ținându-l, forțându-l să rămână acolo unde era și să nu se îndepărteze de acea casă, iar următorul lucru pe care l-a știut, el se muta de fapt de la fereastră la ușa din față, urcând treptele care duceau la ea și întinzându-se spre sonerie.
He pressed it.
Er drückte sie.
Far away in a back room he heard it ringing, and then at once - it must have been at once because he hadn't even had time to take his finger from the bell-button - the door swung open and a woman was standing there.
Weit weg in einem Hinterzimmer hörte er es läuten, und auf einmal - es muss sofort gewesen sein, denn er hatte nicht einmal Zeit gehabt, den Finger vom Klingelknopf zu nehmen - schwang die Tür auf und eine Frau stand da.
Departe, într-o încăpere din spate, a auzit sunetul, apoi imediat - trebuie să fi fost imediat pentru că nici măcar nu avusese timp să-și ia degetul de la sonerie - ușa s-a deschis și o femeie stătea acolo. .
She was about forty-five or fifty years old, and the moment she saw him, she gave him a warm welcoming smile.
Sie war etwa fünfundvierzig oder fünfzig Jahre alt und schenkte ihm sofort ein warmes Begrüßungslächeln.
Avea vreo patruzeci și cinci sau cincizeci de ani și, în momentul în care l-a văzut, i-a aruncat un zâmbet cald și primitor.
'Please come in,' she said pleasantly.
|||||„Bitte kommen Sie herein“, sagte sie freundlich.
— Te rog, intră, spuse ea plăcut.
She stepped to one side, holding the door wide open, and Billy found himself automatically starting forward into the house: the force or, more accurately, the desire to follow her was extraordinarily strong.
Sie trat zur Seite und hielt die Tür weit offen, und Billy ertappte sich dabei, wie er automatisch nach vorne ins Haus ging: Der Drang, oder besser gesagt, das Verlangen, ihr zu folgen, war außerordentlich stark.
Ea făcu un pas într-o parte, ținând ușa larg deschisă, iar Billy se trezi automat pornind înainte în casă: forța sau, mai exact, dorința de a o urma era extraordinar de puternică.
'I saw the notice in the window,' he said, holding himself back.
|||||||||restraining himself||
'Ich habe das Schild im Fenster gesehen', sagte er und hielt sich zurück.
— Am văzut anunţul în fereastră, spuse el, reţinându-se.
'Yes, I know.'
'Ja, das weiß ich.'
'Da, știu.'
'I was wondering about a room.'
||Ich habe mich gefragt|||
'Ich habe mich gefragt, ob es ein Zimmer gibt.'
"Zastanawiałem się nad pokojem".
— Mă întrebam despre o cameră.
'It's all ready for you, my dear,' she said.
'Es ist alles für dich bereit, mein Lieber', sagte sie.
— Totul este gata pentru tine, draga mea, spuse ea.
She had a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes.
Sie hatte ein rundes rosafarbenes Gesicht und sehr sanfte blaue Augen.
Avea o față rotundă, roz și ochi albaștri foarte blânzi.
'I was on my way to a pub,' Billy told her.
'Ich war auf dem Weg in eine Kneipe', erzählte Billy ihr.
— Eram în drum spre un pub, îi spuse Billy.
'But I noticed the sign in your window.'
— Dar am observat semnul pe fereastra ta.
'My dear boy,' she said, 'why don't you come in out of the cold?'
'Mein lieber Junge', sagte sie, 'warum kommst du nicht herein aus der Kälte?'
Mon cher garçon, dit-elle, pourquoi n'entres-tu pas pour te protéger du froid ?
„Dragul meu băiat”, a spus ea, „de ce nu intri din frig?”
'How much do you charge?'
'Wie viel verlangen Sie?'
— Cât percepeţi?
'Nine pounds a night, including breakfast.'
'Neun Pfund pro Nacht, inklusive Frühstück.'
— Nouă lire pe noapte, inclusiv micul dejun.
It was amazingly cheap.
Es war erstaunlich billig.
It was less than half of what he had been willing to pay.
||||||||||bereit gewesen||
Es war weniger als die Hälfte von dem, was er hatte zahlen wollen.
Era mai puțin de jumătate din ceea ce fusese dispus să plătească.
'If that is too much,' she added, 'then perhaps I can reduce it just a tiny bit.
'Wenn das zu viel ist', fügte sie hinzu, 'dann kann ich es vielleicht ein kleines bisschen reduzieren.'
„Dacă este prea mult”, a adăugat ea, „atunci poate că o pot reduce doar un pic.
Do you desire an egg for breakfast?
Möchten Sie ein Ei zum Frühstück?
Îți dorești un ou la micul dejun?
Eggs are expensive at the moment.
Ouăle sunt scumpe în acest moment.
It would cost less without the egg.'
Es w�rde weniger kosten ohne das Ei.'
Ar costa mai puțin fără ou.
'Nine pounds is fine,' he answered.
'Neun Pfund ist in Ordnung', antwortete er.
— Nouă lire sunt în regulă, a răspuns el.
'I would like very much to stay here.'
'Ich w�rde sehr gerne hier bleiben.'
— Mi-ar plăcea foarte mult să rămân aici.
'I knew you would.
'Ich wusste, dass du es würdest.'
— Știam că ai face-o.
Do come in.'
'Komm doch rein.'
She seemed terribly nice.
Sie schien furchtbar nett zu sein.
Wydawała się strasznie miła.
Părea teribil de drăguță.
She looked exactly like the mother of one's best school friend welcoming one into the house to stay for the Christmas holidays.
Sie sah genauso aus wie die Mutter des besten Schulfreundes, die einen in den Weihnachtsferien bei sich zu Hause aufnimmt.
Arăta exact ca mama celui mai bun prieten al lui de școală, care îi întâmpina pe cineva în casă să stea de sărbătorile de Crăciun.
Billy took off his hat and stepped inside.
Billy nahm seinen Hut ab und trat hinein.
Billy își scoase pălăria și păși înăuntru.
'Just hang it there,' she said, 'and let me help you with your coat.'
'Häng ihn einfach dort auf,' sagte sie, 'und lass mich dir mit deinem Mantel helfen.'
— Atârnă-l acolo, spuse ea, și lasă-mă să te ajut cu haina.
There were no other hats or coats in the hall.
Es gab keine anderen Hüte oder Mäntel im Flur.
În hol nu erau alte pălării sau paltoane.
There were no umbrellas, no walking-sticks - nothing.
Nu erau umbrele, nici bastoane - nimic.
'We have it all to ourselves,' she said, smiling at him over her shoulder as she led the way upstairs.
Wir haben es ganz für uns allein", sagte sie und lächelte ihm über die Schulter zu, während sie ihm den Weg nach oben zeigte.
— Avem totul pentru noi, spuse ea, zâmbindu-i peste umăr în timp ce conducea drumul sus.
'You see, I don't very often have the pleasure of taking a visitor into my little nest.'
'Sie sehen, ich habe nicht sehr oft das Vergnügen, einen Besucher in mein kleines Nest zu nehmen.'
— Vezi tu, nu prea am plăcerea să iau un vizitator în micul meu cuib.
The old girl is slightly mad, Billy told himself.
Das alte Mädchen ist ein wenig verrückt, sagte sich Billy.
Bătrâna este puțin supărată, își spuse Billy.
But at nine pounds a night, who cares about that?
|||||||kümmert sich||
Aber bei neun Pfund pro Nacht, wen kümmert das schon?
Dar cu nouă lire pe noapte, cui îi pasă de asta?
'I should've thought you'd be simply full of visitors wanting to stay,' he said politely.
Ich hätte gedacht, dass Sie einfach voller Besucher sind, die bleiben wollen", sagte er höflich.
— Ar fi trebuit să mă gândesc că vei fi pur și simplu plin de vizitatori care doresc să rămână, spuse el politicos.
'Oh, I am, my dear, I am, of course I am.
Oh ja, meine Liebe, natürlich bin ich das.
— Oh, sunt, draga mea, sunt, desigur că sunt.
But the trouble is that I am just a tiny bit careful about whom I choose - if you see what I mean.'
Aber das Problem ist, dass ich ein bisschen vorsichtig bin, wen ich auswähle - wenn Sie verstehen, was ich meine.
Dar necazul este că sunt puțin atent pe cine aleg, dacă înțelegi ce vreau să spun.
'Ah, yes.'
'But I'm always ready.
'Aber ich bin immer bereit.'
Everything is always ready day and night in this house just in case an acceptable young gentleman comes along.
Alles ist Tag und Nacht in diesem Haus immer bereit, falls ein akzeptabler junger Herr vorbeikommt.
Totul este întotdeauna gata zi și noapte în această casă, în cazul în care vine un tânăr acceptabil.
And it is such a pleasure, my dear, when now and again I open the door and I see someone standing there who is just exactly right.'
Und es ist so eine Freude, mein Lieber, wenn ich ab und zu die Tür öffne und jemanden sehe, der genau richtig ist.'
Și este o mare plăcere, draga mea, când deschid din când în când ușa și văd pe cineva care stă acolo, care are exact dreptate.
She was halfway up the stairs, and she paused, turned her head and smiled down at him.
Auf halber Höhe der Treppe hielt sie inne, drehte ihren Kopf und lächelte zu ihm hinunter.
Era la jumătatea scărilor și se opri, întoarse capul și îi zâmbi.
'Like you,' she added, and her blue eyes travelled slowly all the way down the length of Billy's body, to his feet, and then up again.
Wie du", fügte sie hinzu, und ihre blauen Augen wanderten langsam an Billys Körper hinunter, zu seinen Füßen und dann wieder hinauf.
— La fel ca tine, adăugă ea, iar ochii ei albaștri au călătorit încet pe toată lungimea corpului lui Billy, până la picioarele lui, apoi din nou în sus.
On the first floor she said to him, 'This floor is mine.'
La primul etaj, ea i-a spus: „Acest etaj este al meu”.
They climbed up more stairs.
Sie stiegen noch mehr Treppen hinauf.
Au urcat mai multe scări.
'And this one is all yours,' she said.
'Und dieser hier gehört ganz dir', sagte sie.
— Și acesta este tot al tău, spuse ea.
'Here's your room.
'Hier ist dein Zimmer.'
— Iată camera ta.
I do hope you'll like it.'
Sper că o să-ți placă.
She took him into a small but charming front bedroom, switching on the light as she went in.
Sie führte ihn in ein kleines, aber charmantes Schlafzimmer und schaltete das Licht ein, als sie hineinging.
L-a dus într-un dormitor mic, dar fermecător din față, aprinzând lumina în timp ce intra.
'The morning sun comes right in the window, Mr Perkins.
It is Mr Perkins, isn't it?'
Sie sind doch Mr. Perkins, nicht wahr?
'No,' he said.
'It's Weaver.'
Das ist Weaver.
'Mr Weaver.
How nice.
I've put a hot water bottle between the sheets to warm them, Mr Weaver.
Ich habe eine Wärmflasche zwischen die Laken gelegt, um sie zu wärmen, Herr Weaver.
And you may light the gas fire at any time if you feel cold.'
Und Sie können jederzeit das Gasfeuer anzünden, wenn Ihnen kalt ist.
Și poți aprinde focul cu gaz în orice moment dacă ți-e frig.
'Thank you,' Billy said.
'Thank you very much.'
He noticed that the bedclothes had been neatly turned back on one side, all ready for someone to get in.
Er bemerkte, dass das Bettzeug auf einer Seite ordentlich zurückgeschlagen worden war, so dass jemand einsteigen konnte.
'I'm so glad you appeared,' she said, looking seriously into his face.
Ich bin so froh, dass Sie gekommen sind", sagte sie und sah ihm ernst ins Gesicht.
'I was beginning to get worried.'
Ich habe mir schon langsam Sorgen gemacht.
— Începeam să fiu îngrijorat.
'That's all right,' Billy answered brightly.
'Das ist schon in Ordnung', antwortete Billy fröhlich.
'You mustn't worry about me.'
'Du musst dich keine Sorgen um mich machen.'
"Nie musisz się o mnie martwić".
He put his suitcase on the chair and started to open it.
Er stellte seinen Koffer auf den Stuhl und begann, ihn zu öffnen.
'And what about supper, my dear?
Und was ist mit dem Abendessen, meine Liebe?
Did you manage to get anything to eat before you came here?'
Hast du etwas zu essen bekommen, bevor du hierher gekommen bist?'
'I'm not hungry, thank you,' he said.
'I think I'll just go to bed as soon as possible because tomorrow I've got to get up rather early and report to the office.'
Ich denke, ich werde so schnell wie möglich ins Bett gehen, denn morgen muss ich ziemlich früh aufstehen und mich im Büro melden.
'Very well, then.
I'll leave you now so that you can unpack.
Ich werde dich jetzt alleine lassen, damit du auspacken kannst.
But before you go to bed, would you be kind enough to come into the sitting room on the ground floor and sign the book?
Aber bevor du zu Bett gehst, könntest du bitte so freundlich sein und ins Wohnzimmer im Erdgeschoss kommen und das Buch unterschreiben?
Everyone has to do that because it's the law, and we don't want to break any laws at this stage in the proceedings, do we?'
Jeder muss das tun, weil es das Gesetz ist, und wir möchten in diesem Stadium des Verfahrens keine Gesetze brechen, oder?'
She gave him a little wave of the hand and went quickly out of the room and closed the door.
The fact that his landlady appeared to be slightly crazy didn't worry Billy at all.
Die Tatsache, dass seine Vermieterin ein wenig verrückt zu sein schien, beunruhigte Billy nicht im Geringsten.
She was not only harmless - there was no question about that - but she was also quite obviously a kind and generous person.
||||not dangerous|||||||||||||||||
Sie war nicht nur harmlos - daran bestand kein Zweifel -, sondern ganz offensichtlich auch ein freundlicher und großzügiger Mensch.
He guessed that she had probably lost a son of her own or something like that, and had never recovered from it.
|||||||||||||||||||darüber hinweggekommen||
Er vermutete, dass sie wahrscheinlich einen eigenen Sohn oder etwas Ähnliches verloren hatte und sich davon nie erholt hatte.
So a few minutes later, after unpacking and washing his hands, he walked downstairs to the ground floor and entered the sitting room.
Ein paar Minuten später, nachdem er ausgepackt und sich die Hände gewaschen hatte, ging er die Treppe hinunter ins Erdgeschoss und betrat das Wohnzimmer.
His landlady wasn't there, but the fire was still burning and the little dog was still sleeping in front of it.
Seine Vermieterin war nicht da, aber das Feuer brannte immer noch und der kleine Hund schlief immer noch davor.
The room was wonderfully warm and comfortable.
Der Raum war wunderbar warm und gemütlich.
I'm a lucky fellow, he thought, rubbing his hands.
|||glücklicher Kerl|||||
|||fortunate person|||||
Ich bin ein Glückspilz, dachte er und rieb sich die Hände.
This is great.
He found the guest-book lying open on the piano, so he took out his pen and wrote down his name and address.
There were only two other names above his on the page and, as one always does, he started to read them.
Auf der Seite standen nur zwei andere Namen über seinem, und wie immer begann er, sie zu lesen.
One was a Christopher MulhoUand from Cardiff.
Einer war ein Christopher MulhoUand aus Cardiff.
The other was Gregory W. Temple from Bristol.
Der andere war Gregory W. Temple aus Bristol.
That's funny, he thought suddenly.
Das ist lustig, dachte er plötzlich.
Christopher Mulholland.
That name sounds familiar.
Now where had he heard that rather unusual name before?
Wo hatte er diesen eher ungewöhnlichen Namen schon einmal gehört?
Gdzie on wcześniej słyszał to dość nietypowe imię?
Was he a boy at school?
Was it one of his sister's numerous young men, perhaps, or a friend of his father's?
War es einer der zahlreichen jungen Männer seiner Schwester, vielleicht, oder ein Freund seines Vaters?
No, no, it wasn't any of those.
Nein, nein, es war keiner von denen.
He glanced down again at the book.
|looked quickly|||||
Er warf erneut einen Blick auf das Buch nach unten.
In fact, thinking about it again, he wasn't at all sure that the second name wasn't as familiar to him as the first.
Wenn er noch einmal darüber nachdachte, war er sich gar nicht so sicher, ob ihm der zweite Name nicht genauso vertraut war wie der erste.
'Gregory Temple?'
he said aloud, searching his memory.
sagte er laut und durchsuchte sein Gedächtnis.
'Christopher Mulholland...?'
'Christopher Mulholland...?'
'Such charming boys,' a voice behind him answered, and he turned and saw his landlady walking into the room carrying the tea tray in front of her.
'Solch charmante Jungs', antwortete eine Stimme hinter ihm, und er drehte sich um und sah seine Vermieterin herein kommen, die das Teetablett vor sich trug.
'They sound somehow familiar,' he said.
'Sie klingen irgendwie bekannt,' sagte er.
'They do?
How interesting.'
'Wie interessant.'
'I'm almost positive I've heard those names before somewhere.
Ich bin mir fast sicher, dass ich diese Namen schon einmal irgendwo gehört habe.
Isn't that strange?
Ist das nicht seltsam?
Maybe it was in the newspapers.
Vielleicht stand es in den Zeitungen.
They weren't famous in any way, were they?
Sie waren nicht auf irgendeine Weise berühmt, oder?
I mean, famous footballers or something like that?'
Mam na myśli sławnych piłkarzy czy coś w tym rodzaju?".
'Famous,' she said, setting the tray down on the low table in front of the sofa.
'Berühmt', sagte sie und stellte das Tablett auf den niedrigen Tisch vor dem Sofa.
'Oh no, I don't think they were famous.
'Oh nein, ich glaube nicht, dass sie berühmt waren.
But they were extraordinarily handsome, both of them, I can promise you that.
Aber sie waren außergewöhnlich hübsch, beide, das kann ich dir versprechen.
They were tall and young and handsome, my dear, just exactly like you.'
Sie waren groß und jung und hübsch, mein Lieber, genau wie du.
Once more, Billy glanced down at the book.
Noch einmal warf Billy einen Blick auf das Buch.
'Look here,' he said, noticing the dates.
'Schau mal hier', sagte er und bemerkte die Daten.
'This last entry is over two years old.'
'Is it?'
'Yes, indeed.
And Christopher Mulholland's is nearly a year before that - more than three years ago.'
'Oh dear,' she said, shaking her head.
||||„Oh je“, sagte sie und schüttelte den Kopf.||
'Ach du liebe Zeit', sagte sie und schüttelte den Kopf.
'I never would have thought it.
'Das hätte ich nie gedacht.'
"Nigdy bym na to nie wpadł.
How time flies away from us all, doesn't it, Mr Wilkins?'
||passes quickly||||||||
'Wie die Zeit an uns allen vorbeifliegt, nicht wahr, Herr Wilkins?'