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Girl In Space (Season 1), EPISODE 4: NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY (1)



X: Sometimes, you just want things to stay the way they are forever. But you can't. And they won't.

And maybe it's for the best.

It's Girl In Space.

[[SFX: INTRO MUSIC, 1:10]]


X, played back over a tape recorder: [[Lower-pitched voice]] … Yeah… the Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. The essence of chaos.

[[Higher-pitched voice]] I'm still not clear on chaos.

[[Lower-pitched voice]] Oh, it simply deals with, uh, unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the butterfly effect.

...Math is super romantic…


[[SFX: Enforcer One, Infirmary]]

X: [[Sounds ill/weak, tone is unusually serious]] Day... 10,311 or 12, I'm guessing. Hour unknown.

There's something wrong with Ra.

I haven't seen it for myself, or even been permitted to leave the Enforcer One's infirmary -- but I can feel it.

And before you dismiss that outright as unsubstantiated mumbo-jumbo, or worse, some kind of psychological projection, Ra's condition has been substantiated -- by no less than Captain Miles Chen himself, in a series of increasingly frequent updates.

At first, it didn't sound too concerning -- just a slight increase in solar flare activity. Electromagnetic radiation emissions just a little higher than normal.

But then… Ra began to dim. Visibly. Significantly.

The solar flares became more erratic. Radiation levels left the zone of acceptable stability.

Then -- again, according to Captain Miles Chen -- in light of the lack of Ra's light, the plants in the Cavatica's glasshouse pod began to wilt.

And the on-board atmo, which is hooked up to the hydroponic system in the glasshouse, stopped cycling entirely. And two of the birds in the aviary have died.

And Daisy -- I think I've mentioned her before, but she's the dairy goat -- Daisy is sick.

Apparently, her symptoms are similar to (if milder than) mine -- lethargy, loss of appetite, mild seizures, and headaches.

...I don't know how you can tell if a goat has a headache, but I guess that's just one more reason I'm not a doctor.

[[Momentary frustration/anger breaks through]] These people… their… blockheaded meddling is causing irreparable damage. I don't know why they can't see it. Or why, if they can, they don't seem to care.

[[Composes self]] On the lighter side... apparently, Charlotte has become even more uncooperative, if you can believe it. The Caldwell Enterprises personnel aboard the Cavatica have reported that her aural receptors are malfunctioning, and that she sent two of their engineers to the infirmary -- one with a broken arm, and the other with three broken ribs.

I advised Captain Miles Chen to have someone look into disabling her, but he said they had already tried -- and curiously, she didn't seem to be tied to the ship. They couldn't figure out what was powering her, so they couldn't cut that power.

He did ask me for an explanation of her behavior (which we all know is inexplicable), but I just told him that, to my knowledge, A.I.s can only act within the parameters of their programming, and I had no idea who'd programmed her. (It certainly wasn't me.)

He gave me a funny look, like he still expected some kind of answer, so I told him she was probably just mad that I'd left her locked in the glasshouse when they had kidnapped me. Either that, or someone accidentally called her “Char”, which she totally hates.

...I know… I shouldn't joke. But I don't know what else to do. I've never been good at taking things as seriously as I should. It used to drive my parents insane.

And in a way, it is kind of funny, if not, like, ha-ha funny. A whole fleet of the universe's top scientists and engineers floundering around in my lab, doing as much damage as a T-rex loose in a museum.

Sorry -- their lab, as they've continued to impress upon me.

Not that I'm bitter.

...All right, maybe I'm a little bitter.

I told Captain Miles Chen that they didn't have to keep figuratively stumbling around in the dark. That I could help. That the Cavatica needed me -- that I wasn't boasting or lying or suffering from delusions of grandeur when I said Ra couldn't function without me. That if he let me go back, I could get Ra under control. I could get the Cavatica's atmo cycling again. I could help.

But he only responded that Caldwell Enterprises had their ‘best people' working on it, and that I should ‘calm down and get some rest.' I told him that a.) I didn't appreciate being patronized, and b.) I knew the Cavatica better than anyone, which is why they were foolish to turn down my help.

That was when Captain Miles Chen did something weird.

He took a step really close to my enclosure, like, actually leaned over the clear protective fencing -- and his voice got all quiet and scary, even though it was a little shaky around the edges. He gritted his teeth together and said, very slowly, “Don't you understand? I am trying to help you, but my hands are tied.”

[[Momentary pause]] I responded by jangling my restrained wrists at him to berate his poor choice of words.

[[Regretful sigh]] I don't know why I did that. I think that despite my mask of apathetic bravado, I was upset, too -- we were both angry and frustrated and tired and scared and confused and, you know, I couldn't stop throwing up.

Anyway, after I did that, he took a step back and said I should be grateful he had convinced them to let me keep the recorder. And with that, he stormed out.

[[Small pause]] The recorder, incidentally, now has a giant blue “PROPERTY OF CALDWELL ENTERPRISES” sticker affixed to the side. It makes me miss my lil' penguin dude even more. He was so chill.

[[Exhales]] I don't know. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be? Strapped to an upright gurney with my arms crossed over my chest, puking up fake food pellets, reciting poetry and passages from “Jurassic Park” to keep myself sane?

… The morning shadows wear away, But these grow longer all the day; But oh, love's day is short, if love decay. Love is a growing, or full constant light, And his first minute, after noon, is night.

...Aw yeah. Still got it. I'll let you guess whether that's from a poem or “Jurassic Park”.

...Speaking of which, the velociraptors and the T-rex got out, eventually. No man-made system works perfectly forever. No prison can hold me forever. Tropical storms arise. Power goes out. And who knows what can change in the darkness…?

[[SFX: Distant door opening, single pair of footsteps]]

Hmm. Hold on. Someone's coming. ...If it's Captain Miles Chen, I might… I'm thinking about apologizing, and telling him I understand he was just following orders. Maybe. I don't know.


[[SFX: Enforcer One, Infirmary]]

X: [[Sounds groggy, achey]] So… [[Groans]] I just woke up, but… I don't remember falling asleep? All I remember is Dr. Keane coming in and adjusting my… ah. Yep. My IVs. They must have drugged me? I mean, more than they're already drugging me?

Hey, maybe they've administered some sort of miracle cure! ...Though if they did, I would probably feel better, not worse. And I probably wouldn't feel like there was something… wrong. And Dr. Keane wouldn't have looked so… apologetic.

[[SFX: Soft fabric and metallic sounds of X moving]]

Hmm. Preliminary tests show that I can move my neck, wiggle my toes and my fingers… though it's weird… I can move my left hand to press the buttons on my recorder, but not… [[slight grunt]]

[[SFX: Recorder dropping, voice sounds far away]] Ah crap. I didn't mean to do that. Great. [[Raises voice]] Welp, I hope that the recorder's still recording, and that you can still hear me.

[[SFX: Soft fabric and metallic sounds of X moving]]

Wait. Hold on. If I crane my neck and push my chin down against its restraint, then I can kind of see…

Oh my gosh.

[[Silence, then sound of disbelief]] That's… yeah. I'm… pretty sure that's a tattoo. Around my right wrist, like a cuff. It's all glossy with some kind of translucent salve, but beneath that it says, “PROPERTY OF CALDWELL ENTERPRISES” in big blue letters.

[[Processes]] I guess they really took issue with my claim that “I'm not anyone's anything.”

[[Processes; another pause]] Man. I wish they would have said something to me first. I would've requested purple ink instead of blue.

[[Hums theme song for “Jurassic Park” until recorder cuts off]]

SCENE 3 [[SFX: Enforcer One, Council Room]]

X: [[Recorder cuts in abruptly; her voice sounds far away]] Okay. You've got me here. I feel like crap. What do you want to know?

Cpt Miles Chen: [[Directly into recorder; sounds more human and less militaristic than usual]] Testing… one… two… Uh. Chen here. I told X I would hold on to her recorder while she was being questioned.

Council Member 1: [[Flatly, voice modulated by hazmat suit]] One of the Cavatica's two escape pods has been jettisoned. Please explain.

X: I already told you, I don't know anything about that. I thought they were both still there. And I could have sworn Charlotte told me that both pods were intact when she was prepping the ship for the arrival of your fleet.

Council Member 1: Prepping the ship?

X: [[Irritably]] I don't know… what were we supposed to do? Proceed to Conference Room B, twiddle our thumbs, and await capture?

Council Member 1: Hrmmm. [[Unamused]] Is it possible Dr. Rousseau could have taken the pod?

X: I... guess? Like I said, I don't know. Or the pod could have misfired, jettisoned itself when the Cavatica began to die. Or maybe one of my parents jettisoned it thousands of days ago. Or maybe some kind of mysterious sentient galactic entity took it for a joyride. I mean, we live in a freaking majestic age of space travel. Anything is possible.

[[Pause, slyly]] Or hey, maybe Dr. Singh took it and sailed away to --

Council Member 1: No. Next question: Where is the master control console for the A.I. entity named Charlotte?

X: I've told you before -- as far as I know, she doesn't have one. She's self-sufficient. I'm just as clueless as you are there. Trust me.

Council Member 1: If you say so. [[Confers/mutters with unseen individuals:]] Have Thorsson and one of the engineers get back to work trying to open the two sealed pods. The A.I.'s controls are likely in there.

[[To X]] You've mentioned several times now that you know how to bring Ra Ten-Seventy-Nine back to a stable state. Please relay this process to us so that we may prevent further losses within the Cavatica's ecosystem.

X: I can't… ugh. I've told you like a million times: it's more than just… In part, it's biometrics, which you should know, but in part, I just need to be there. He's dimming because I'm not there. There's no process anyone can follow.

Council Member 1: Let me get this straight. Are you insinuating that a red dwarf star is capable of... somehow recognizing another entity?

X: [[Aghast]] ...You really don't know anything about the Ra Initiative, do you?

Council Member 1: [[Confers/mutters with unseen individuals:]] Add a psychiatric screening to the tests.

Cpt Miles Chen: [[Professionally]] Permission to speak freely, sir?

Council Member 1: [[To Chen]] Denied. [[To X:]] Despite increasingly aggressive medical treatment, your health continues to steadily degenerate. What is your endgame, exactly?

X: What? You think I'm purposefully making myself sick?! I can be petty sometimes, but I'm not that petty. Jeez.

Dr Keane: Excuse me, Councillor. I have a theory. I believe my patient's body has adapted to the unique radiation given off by Ra Ten-Seventy-Nine. This far removed from its source, she is going into withdrawal. Think of it as... reverse radiation poisoning. While I can't speak to the necessity of my patient's role and work aboard the Cavatica, I can say that she needs to be there, for her own physical well-being.

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X: Sometimes, you just want things to stay the way they are forever. But you can't. And they won't.

And maybe it's for the best.

It's Girl In Space.

[[SFX: INTRO MUSIC, 1:10]]


**X, played back over a tape recorder:** [[Lower-pitched voice]] … Yeah… the Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules. X, воспроизведенное на магнитофоне: [[Голос более низким голосом]] … Да… Тираннозавр не подчиняется никаким установленным шаблонам или расписанию парковки. The essence of chaos.

[[Higher-pitched voice]] I'm still not clear on chaos. [[Голос более высоким голосом]] Я все еще не могу понять, что такое хаос.

[[Lower-pitched voice]] Oh, it simply deals with, uh, unpredictability in complex systems. [[Голос более низким голосом]] О, это просто имеет дело с непредсказуемостью в сложных системах. The shorthand is the butterfly effect.

...Math is super romantic…

**SCENE 1**

[[SFX: Enforcer One, Infirmary]]

**X:** [[Sounds ill/weak, tone is unusually serious]] Day... 10,311 or 12, I'm guessing. Hour unknown.

There's something wrong with Ra. Что-то не так с Ра.

I haven't seen it for myself, or even been permitted to leave the Enforcer One's infirmary -- but I can feel it.

And before you dismiss that outright as unsubstantiated mumbo-jumbo, or worse, some kind of psychological projection, Ra's condition has been substantiated -- by no less than Captain Miles Chen himself, in a series of increasingly frequent updates. E antes que você descarte isso completamente como besteira sem fundamento, ou pior, algum tipo de projeção psicológica, a condição de Ra foi comprovada - por nada menos que o próprio capitão Miles Chen, em uma série de atualizações cada vez mais frequentes. И прежде чем вы отвергнете это как необоснованную чепуху или, что еще хуже, какую-то психологическую проекцию, состояние Ра было подтверждено не кем иным, как самим капитаном Майлзом Ченом в серии все более частых обновлений.

At first, it didn't sound too concerning -- just a slight increase in solar flare activity. A princípio, não parecia muito preocupante - apenas um ligeiro aumento na atividade das explosões solares. Поначалу это не звучало слишком тревожно — просто небольшое увеличение активности солнечных вспышек. Electromagnetic radiation emissions just a little higher than normal.

But then… Ra began to __dim__. Но потом… Ра начал тускнеть. Visibly. Significantly. Существенно.

The solar flares became more erratic. As explosões solares tornaram-se mais erráticas. Radiation levels left the zone of acceptable stability.

Then -- again, according to Captain Miles Chen -- in light of the lack of Ra's light, the plants in the Cavatica's glasshouse pod began to wilt. ||||||||||||||||||||||||fâner Então - novamente, de acordo com o capitão Miles Chen - devido à falta de luz de Ra, as plantas na estufa do Cavatica começaram a murchar.

And the on-board atmo, which is hooked up to the hydroponic system in the glasshouse, stopped cycling entirely. E o atmo a bordo, que está conectado ao sistema hidropônico da estufa, parou de funcionar completamente. А бортовая атмосфера, подключенная к гидропонной системе в теплице, полностью перестала работать. And two of the birds in the aviary have died.

And Daisy -- I think I've mentioned her before, but she's the dairy goat -- Daisy is sick.

Apparently, her symptoms are similar to (if milder than) mine -- lethargy, loss of appetite, mild seizures, and headaches. ||||||||||lethargy|||||seizures|| Aparentemente, seus sintomas são semelhantes (se mais leves que) aos meus - letargia, perda de apetite, convulsões leves e dores de cabeça.

...I don't know how you can tell if a goat has a headache, but I guess that's just one more reason I'm not a doctor. ...Я не знаю, как определить, что у козы болит голова, но, думаю, это еще одна причина, по которой я не врач.

[[Momentary frustration/anger breaks through]] These people… their… blockheaded meddling is causing irreparable damage. [[frustração/raiva momentânea irrompe]] Essas pessoas... suas... intromissões obstinadas estão causando danos irreparáveis. I don't know why they can't see it. Or why, if they can, they don't seem to __care__. Ou por que, se podem, não parecem se importar.

[[Composes self]] On the lighter side... apparently, Charlotte has become even more uncooperative, if you can believe it. [[compõe-se]] No lado mais leve... aparentemente, Charlotte se tornou ainda menos cooperativa, se você pode acreditar. [[Сосредотачивается на себе]] На более легкой стороне... видимо, Шарлотта стала еще более несговорчивой, если вы можете в это поверить. The Caldwell Enterprises personnel aboard the Cavatica have reported that her aural receptors are malfunctioning, and that she sent two of their engineers to the infirmary -- one with a broken arm, and the other with three broken ribs. |||||||||||aural||||||||||||||infirmary||||||||||||ribs Персонал компании "Колдуэлл Энтерпрайзис" на борту "Каватики" сообщил, что ее слуховые рецепторы неисправны, и что она отправила двух своих инженеров в лазарет - одного со сломанной рукой, а другого с тремя сломанными ребрами.

I advised Captain Miles Chen to have someone look into disabling her, but he said they had already tried -- and curiously, she didn't seem to be tied to the ship. Aconselhei o capitão Miles Chen a pedir a alguém que tentasse desativá-la, mas ele disse que já haviam tentado - e, curiosamente, ela não parecia estar amarrada ao navio. Я посоветовал капитану Майлзу Чену найти кого-нибудь, чтобы вывести ее из строя, но он сказал, что они уже пытались — и, что любопытно, она, похоже, не была привязана к кораблю. They couldn't figure out what was powering her, so they couldn't cut that power. Они не могли понять, что приводило ее в действие, поэтому они не могли отключить эту силу.

He did ask me for an explanation of her behavior (which we all know is inexplicable), but I just told him that, to my knowledge, A.I.s can only act within the parameters of their programming, and I had no idea who'd programmed her. |||||||||||||||inexplicable||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ele me pediu uma explicação sobre o comportamento dela (que todos nós sabemos ser inexplicável), mas eu apenas disse a ele que, pelo que sei, IAs só podem agir dentro dos parâmetros de sua programação, e eu não tinha ideia de quem havia programado. dela. (It certainly wasn't me.)

He gave me a funny look, like he still expected some kind of answer, so I told him she was probably just mad that I'd left her locked in the glasshouse when they had kidnapped me. Ele me deu um olhar engraçado, como se ainda esperasse algum tipo de resposta, então eu disse a ele que ela provavelmente só estava brava por eu tê-la deixado trancada na estufa quando eles me sequestraram. Either that, or someone accidentally called her “Char”, which she totally hates. Ou isso, ou alguém acidentalmente a chamou de “Char”, o que ela odeia totalmente. Либо так, либо кто-то случайно назвал ее «Чар», которую она совершенно ненавидит.

...I know… I shouldn't joke. But I don't know what else to do. I've never been good at taking things as seriously as I should. Я никогда не умел воспринимать вещи так серьезно, как следовало бы. It used to drive my parents insane. Costumava deixar meus pais loucos. Раньше это сводило с ума моих родителей.

And in a way, it is kind of funny, if not, like, ha-ha funny. E de certa forma, é meio engraçado, se não, tipo, ha-ha engraçado. И в каком-то смысле это забавно, если не ха-ха забавно. A whole fleet of the universe's top scientists and engineers floundering around in my lab, doing as much damage as a T-rex loose in a museum. Целый флот лучших ученых и инженеров вселенной барахтается в моей лаборатории, нанося столько же вреда, сколько тираннозавр в музее.

Sorry -- their lab, as they've continued to impress upon me. Извините, их лаборатория, поскольку они продолжают впечатлять меня.

Not that I'm bitter.

...All right, maybe I'm a little bitter.

I told Captain Miles Chen that they didn't have to keep figuratively stumbling around in the dark. Я сказал капитану Майлзу Чену, что им не нужно, образно говоря, спотыкаться в темноте. That I could help. Чтобы я мог помочь. That the Cavatica needed me -- that I wasn't boasting or lying or suffering from delusions of grandeur when I said Ra couldn't function without me. That if he let me go back, I could get Ra under control. I could get the Cavatica's atmo cycling again. I could help.

But he only responded that Caldwell Enterprises had their ‘best people' working on it, and that I should ‘calm down and get some rest.' I told him that a.) I didn't appreciate being patronized, and b.) Мне не нравилось, когда меня опекали, и б.) I knew the Cavatica better than anyone, which is why they were foolish to turn down my help.

That was when Captain Miles Chen did something weird.

He took a step really close to my enclosure, like, actually leaned over the clear protective fencing -- and his voice got all quiet and scary, even though it was a little shaky around the edges. Он сделал шаг вплотную к моему ограждению, как бы перегнулся через чистое защитное ограждение — и голос у него стал весь тихий и страшный, хотя и немного дрожащий по краям. He gritted his teeth together and said, very slowly, “Don't you understand? Он стиснул зубы и очень медленно сказал: — Разве ты не понимаешь? I am trying to help you, but my hands are tied.”

[[Momentary pause]] I responded by jangling my restrained wrists at him to berate his poor choice of words. [[Мгновенная пауза]] Я ответил, позвякивая своими связанными запястьями, чтобы отругать его плохой выбор слов.

[[Regretful sigh]] I don't know why I did that. I think that despite my mask of apathetic bravado, I was upset, too -- we were both angry and frustrated and tired and scared and confused and, you know, I couldn't stop throwing up. Я думаю, что, несмотря на мою маску апатичной бравады, я тоже был расстроен — мы были и злы, и расстроены, и устали, и напуганы, и растеряны, и, знаете, меня не переставало тошнить.

Anyway, after I did that, he took a step back and said I should be grateful he had convinced them to let me keep the recorder. And with that, he stormed out.

[[Small pause]] The recorder, incidentally, now has a giant blue “PROPERTY OF CALDWELL ENTERPRISES” sticker affixed to the side. It makes me miss my lil' penguin dude even more. Это заставляет меня скучать по моему маленькому пингвиненку еще больше. He was so chill. Он был таким холодным.

[[Exhales]] I don't know. Is this what the rest of my life is going to be? Это то, что остальная часть моей жизни будет? Strapped to an upright gurney with my arms crossed over my chest, puking up fake food pellets, reciting poetry and passages from “Jurassic Park” to keep myself sane?

__… The morning shadows wear away, But these grow longer all the day; But oh, love's day is short, if love decay. … Утренние тени стираются, Но с каждым днем они становятся длиннее; Но о, день любви короток, если любовь увядает. Love is a growing, or full constant light, And his first minute, after noon, is night.__ Любовь — это растущий, или полный постоянный свет, И его первая минута, после полудня, — ночь.

...Aw yeah. ...О да. Still got it. Все еще понял. I'll let you guess whether that's from a poem or “Jurassic Park”. Я позволю вам угадать, из стихотворения это или из «Парка Юрского периода».

...Speaking of which, the velociraptors and the T-rex got out, eventually. No man-made system works perfectly forever. No prison can hold me forever. Tropical storms arise. Power goes out. Власть выходит. And who knows what can change in the darkness…?

[[SFX: Distant door opening, single pair of footsteps]]

Hmm. Hold on. Someone's coming. ...If it's Captain Miles Chen, I might… I'm thinking about apologizing, and telling him I understand he was just following orders. Maybe. I don't know.

**SCENE 2**

[[SFX: Enforcer One, Infirmary]]

**X:** [[Sounds groggy, achey]] So… [[Groans]] I just woke up, but… I don't remember falling asleep? All I remember is Dr. Keane coming in and adjusting my… ah. Yep. My IVs. They must have drugged me? I mean, more than they're already drugging me?

Hey, maybe they've administered some sort of miracle cure! ...Though if they did, I would probably feel better, not worse. ...Хотя, если бы они это сделали, мне бы, наверное, стало лучше, а не хуже. And I probably wouldn't feel like there was something… wrong. И я, вероятно, не чувствовал бы, что что-то… не так. And Dr. Keane wouldn't have looked so… apologetic.

[[SFX: Soft fabric and metallic sounds of X moving]]

Hmm. Preliminary tests show that I can move my neck, wiggle my toes and my fingers… though it's weird… I can move my left hand to press the buttons on my recorder, but not… [[slight grunt]]

[[SFX: Recorder dropping, voice sounds far away]] Ah crap. I didn't mean to do that. Я не хотел этого делать. Great. [[Raises voice]] Welp, I hope that the recorder's still recording, and that you can still hear me.

[[SFX: Soft fabric and metallic sounds of X moving]]

Wait. Hold on. If I crane my neck and push my chin down against its restraint, then I can kind of see… Если я вытяну шею и прижму подбородок к его ограничителю, то я как бы увижу…

__Oh my gosh.__

[[Silence, then sound of disbelief]] That's… yeah. I'm… pretty sure that's a __tattoo__. Around my right wrist, like a cuff. It's all glossy with some kind of translucent salve, but beneath that it says, “PROPERTY OF CALDWELL ENTERPRISES” in big blue letters. Он весь блестит какой-то полупрозрачной мазью, но под ним большими синими буквами написано: «СОБСТВЕННОСТЬ CALDWELL ENTERPRISES».

[[Processes]] I guess they really took issue with my claim that “I'm not anyone's anything.” [[Процессы]] Думаю, они действительно не согласились с моим заявлением о том, что «я никому ничего не представляю».

[[Processes; another pause]] Man. I wish they would have said something to me first. Хотел бы я, чтобы они сказали что-нибудь мне сначала. I would've requested purple ink instead of blue.

[[Hums theme song for “Jurassic Park” until recorder cuts off]]

**SCENE 3** [[SFX: Enforcer One, Council Room]]

**X:** [[Recorder cuts in abruptly; her voice sounds far away]] Okay. X: [[Рекордер резко прерывается; ее голос звучит далеко]] Хорошо. You've got me here. I feel like crap. Я чувствую себя дерьмом. What do you want to know?

**Cpt Miles Chen:** [[Directly into recorder; sounds more human and less militaristic than usual]] Testing… one… two… Uh. Chen here. I told X I would hold on to her recorder while she was being questioned. Я сказал, что XI будет держать свой диктофон, пока ее допрашивают.

**Council Member 1:** [[Flatly, voice modulated by hazmat suit]] One of the Cavatica's two escape pods has been jettisoned. Член Совета 1: [[Резко, голос, смоделированный защитным костюмом]] Одна из двух спасательных капсул «Каватики» была сброшена. Please explain.

**X:** I already told you, I don't know anything about that. I thought they were both still there. And I could have sworn Charlotte told me that both pods were intact when she was prepping the ship for the arrival of your fleet.

**Council Member 1:** Prepping the ship?

**X:** [[Irritably]] I don't know… what were we supposed to do? X: [[Раздраженно]] Я не знаю… что мы должны были делать? Proceed to Conference Room B, twiddle our thumbs, and await capture?

**Council Member 1:** Hrmmm. [[Unamused]] Is it possible Dr. Rousseau could have taken the pod? [[Неудивительно]] Возможно ли, что доктор Руссо мог взять капсулу?

**X:** I... guess? Х: Я... думаю? Like I said, I don't know. Or the pod could have misfired, jettisoned itself when the Cavatica began to die. Или капсула могла дать осечку, выбросившись за борт, когда Каватика начала умирать. Or maybe one of my parents jettisoned it thousands of days ago. Or maybe some kind of mysterious sentient galactic entity took it for a joyride. I mean, we live in a freaking majestic age of space travel. Я имею в виду, мы живем в чертовски величественный век космических путешествий. Anything is possible.

[[Pause, slyly]] Or hey, maybe Dr. Singh took it and sailed away to --

**Council Member 1:** No. Next question: Where is the master control console for the A.I. entity named Charlotte?

**X:** I've told you before -- as far as I know, she doesn't have one. She's self-sufficient. I'm just as clueless as you are there. Я такой же невежественный, как и ты. Trust me.

**Council Member 1:** If you say so. Член Совета 1: Если вы так говорите. [[Confers/mutters with unseen individuals:]] Have Thorsson and one of the engineers get back to work trying to open the two sealed pods. [[Совещается/бормочет с невидимыми людьми:]] Пусть Торссон и один из инженеров вернутся к работе и попытаются открыть две запечатанные капсулы. The A.I.'s controls are likely in there.

[[To X]] You've mentioned several times now that you know how to bring Ra Ten-Seventy-Nine back to a stable state. [[К X]] Ты уже несколько раз упомянул, что знаешь, как вернуть Ра Десять-Семьдесят Девять в стабильное состояние. Please relay this process to us so that we may prevent further losses within the Cavatica's ecosystem. Пожалуйста, передайте нам этот процесс, чтобы мы могли предотвратить дальнейшие потери в экосистеме Cavatica.

**X:** I can't… ugh. I've told you like a million times: it's more than just… In part, it's biometrics, which you should know, but in part, I just need to be there. Я тебе уже миллион раз говорил: это больше, чем просто… Отчасти это биометрия, которую ты должен знать, но отчасти мне просто нужно быть там. He's dimming because I'm not there. There's no process anyone can follow. Нет никакого процесса, которому кто-либо может следовать.

**Council Member 1:** Let me get this straight. Член Совета 1: Позвольте мне прояснить это. Are you insinuating that a red dwarf star is capable of... somehow recognizing another entity?

**X:** [[Aghast]] ...You really don't know anything about the Ra Initiative, do you? X: [[Aghast]] ...Вы действительно ничего не знаете об Инициативе Ра, не так ли?

**Council Member 1:** [[Confers/mutters with unseen individuals:]] Add a psychiatric screening to the tests.

**Cpt Miles Chen:** [[Professionally]] Permission to speak freely, sir? Капитан Майлз Чен: [[Профессионально]] Разрешите говорить свободно, сэр?

**Council Member 1:** [[To Chen]] Denied. [[To X:]] Despite increasingly aggressive medical treatment, your health continues to steadily degenerate. What is your endgame, exactly? Каков именно ваш эндшпиль?

**X:** What? You think I'm purposefully making myself sick?! I can be petty sometimes, but I'm not that petty. Иногда я могу быть мелочным, но я не такой мелочный. Jeez.

**Dr Keane:** Excuse me, Councillor. I have a theory. I believe my patient's body has adapted to the unique radiation given off by Ra Ten-Seventy-Nine. This far removed from its source, she is going into withdrawal. Это далеко от своего источника, она уходит. Think of it as... reverse radiation poisoning. While I can't speak to the necessity of my patient's role and work aboard the Cavatica, I can say that she needs to be there, for her own physical well-being. Хотя я не могу говорить о необходимости роли и работы моей пациентки на борту «Каватики», я могу сказать, что ей нужно быть там для ее собственного физического благополучия.