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Easy Conversations, 44. Time for a Nap

44. Time for a Nap

A: I'm going to take a nap.

B: You should unplug the phone.

A: That's a good idea.

B: Do you want me to wake you in an hour?

A: No, thanks.

Just let me sleep until I wake up. B: I'll start dinner at 6:00.

A: Okay.

I think I'll be awake by then. B: If not, your nose will wake you up.

A: You mean I will smell the food cooking?

B: You might even dream about dinner.

A: I don't think I'm going to dream about anything.

I'm really tired. B: Have a nice nap.

44. Time for a Nap

A: I’m going to take a nap.

B: You should unplug the phone.

A: That’s a good idea.

B: Do you want me to wake you in an hour?

A: No, thanks.

Just let me sleep until I wake up. B: I’ll start dinner at 6:00.

A: Okay.

I think I’ll be awake by then. B: If not, your nose will wake you up. B:そうでなければ、あなたの鼻はあなたを目覚めさせます。

A: You mean I will smell the food cooking? A:料理の匂いがするということですか?

B: You might even dream about dinner. B:あなたも夕食を夢見るかもしれません。

A: I don’t think I’m going to dream about anything.

I’m really tired. B: Have a nice nap.