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Easy Conversations, 60. Use a Tissue

60. Use a Tissue

A: Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve. B: But I don't have a tissue. A: Then go find a tissue in the bathroom.

B: I didn't have time to get one from there. A: Your sleeves are not tissues.

B: But Mom, all my friends use their sleeves.

A: That doesn't make it right. B: I saw Dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday.

A: I will talk to your father about that.

B: I bet Dad did it all the time when he was my age.

A: Your daddy was a good little boy.

B: How do you know? Were you his mommy, too?

60. Use a Tissue 60. Use a Tissue 60. Utilizar um lenço de papel

A: Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve. R: Não limpar o nariz na manga. B: But I don't have a tissue. B: Mas eu não tenho um lenço de papel. A: Then go find a tissue in the bathroom. R: Então vai procurar um lenço de papel na casa de banho.

B: I didn't have time to get one from there. B:そこから入手する時間がありませんでした。 B: Não tive tempo de ir buscar um de lá. A: Your sleeves are not tissues. R: As mangas não são tecidos.

B: But Mom, all my friends use their sleeves. B: Mas mãe, todos os meus amigos usam as mangas.

A: That doesn't make it right. A:それは正しくありません。 R: Isso não o torna correcto. B: I saw Dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday. B: Ontem vi o pai a limpar o nariz na manga.

A: I will talk to your father about that. R: Vou falar com o teu pai sobre isso.

B: I bet Dad did it all the time when he was my age. B: Aposto que o meu pai estava sempre a fazer isso quando tinha a minha idade.

A: Your daddy was a good little boy. R: O teu pai era um bom rapazinho.

B: How do you know? B: Como é que sabe? Were you his mommy, too? あなたも彼のお母さんでしたか? Também eras a mãe dele?