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Easy Conversations, 67. Spanish Spoken Here

67. Spanish Spoken Here

A: You're very lucky. B: Why do you say that?

A: You speak two languages.

B: Well, my English isn't perfect. A: No one speaks perfect English.

B: Maybe I will be the first!

A: I've been thinking about learning Spanish. B: Spanish is easy. I'll be happy to teach you. A: How long will it take me to learn?

B: I think it will only take you a year or two.

A: How soon can we begin?

B: Ahora! That means right now.

67. Spanish Spoken Here 67. Espagnol parlé ici 67.ここで話されているスペイン語 67. Espanhol falado aqui 67. Тут розмовляють іспанською

A: You're very lucky. B: Why do you say that?

A: You speak two languages.

B: Well, my English isn't perfect. A: No one speaks perfect English.

B: Maybe I will be the first!

A: I've been thinking about learning Spanish. B: Spanish is easy. I'll be happy to teach you. A: How long will it take me to learn?

B: I think it will only take you a year or two.

A: How soon can we begin?

B: Ahora! That means right now.