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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, 12 Quick Tips for Writing Killer Email-Marketing Copy That Converts

12 Quick Tips for Writing Killer Email-Marketing Copy That Converts

When it comes to email marketing, copy is one of the top determinants of whether a campaign succeeds or fails. Here we share 12 quick tips to help you craft copy that converts for your next email campaign.

1. Keep it simple and strong (K.I.S.S.). Once subscribers open your email or click through to your landing page, you have mere seconds to capture their attention. So don't use difficult words, “market-speak,” or technical jargon. Instead, write as if you were talking to a friend. But at the same time, keep your content powerful and to the point to grab and keep readers' interest. 2. Make your message scannable. Don't overwhelm readers with long paragraphs and lots of copy. Breaking up your email-marketing copy with punchy subheads, numbered and bulleted lists, and small bites of information will allow subscribers to quickly read it and grasp your main message.

3. Use less “we” and more “you.” Keep the focus of your email-marketing copy on your recipients, rather than providing too much unnecessary information about yourself and your company.

4. Talk about the benefits versus the features. Let your customers and prospects know “what's in it for them” by talking about the benefits of your products and/or services, instead of simply listing the features. 5. Align the email copy with the subject line. How to write winning subject lines to effectively drive open rates is a topic for another article. But once you get people to open your email, be sure to follow through on what you promised in the subject line. If you don't, you'll likely hurt the trust between you and your subscribers. 6. Use search engine optimization (SEO) keywords judiciously. Using keywords in email-marketing copy is important for crafting copy that piques your readers' interest, as well as boosts your website success with search engines. But always make sure your content is useful and well written. Email-marketing copy can sound “spammy” when writers try to fit in too many keywords where they don't belong. 7. Know — and write — for your target market. The more you can find out about the people on your email list through market research, the better you can tailor the email-marketing message to meet their needs and solve their problems. Content relevancy is the key to email-marketing success.

8. Make your calls to action hard-hitting and plentiful. When you are writing calls to action for promotional emails, landing pages, email newsletters, and websites, use words that drive action, such as “buy now” and “sign up today.” Plus, provide several prominent calls to action throughout your copy, so when your recipients are ready to act, they can. In a previously published NewsLever article, we offer more tips on how to create effective calls to action.

9. Concentrate on a singular goal. Don't clutter your promotional emails and landing pages with multiple messages for subscribers. Although you want to include multiple calls to action, they should all lead to the same place and meet one objective.

10. Create a sense of urgency. Deadlines for a sale or bonus gifts for the first 100 subscribers who respond are good examples. Including a sense of urgency in your promotional emails will help encourage subscribers to take action right away, instead of leaving your email sit in their inboxes with the intention of eventually getting to it.

11. Punctuate prudently. Be careful not to distract subscribers — or dilute your marketing message — by overusing such punctuation as exclamation points, UPPERCASE LETTERS (that shout at the reader), and emoticons.

12. Proofread, and proofread again. Although this may seem obvious, proofreading is often overlooked. And typos and inaccuracies in your email-marketing copy can hurt your credibility with subscribers.

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12 Quick Tips for Writing Killer Email-Marketing Copy That Converts 12 Kurztipps zum Schreiben von überzeugenden E-Mail-Marketingtexten, die konvertieren 12 Quick Tips for Writing Killer Email-Marketing Copy That Converts 12 consejos rápidos para escribir textos de email marketing que conviertan 12 conseils rapides pour rédiger des textes de marketing par courriel qui convertissent キラーEメールを書くための12のクイックヒント-変換するマーケティングコピー 12 dicas rápidas para escrever uma cópia de marketing por e-mail que converte 12 быстрых советов по написанию убийственных конвертирующих копий для email-маркетинга Dönüşüm Sağlayan Etkileyici E-posta Pazarlama Metni Yazmak İçin 12 Hızlı İpucu 撰写可转化的杀手级电子邮件营销文案的 12 个快速提示

When it comes to email marketing, copy is one of the top determinants of whether a campaign succeeds or fails. メールマーケティングに関して言えば、コピーはキャンペーンが成功するか失敗するかを決定する最も重要な要素の1つです。 Here we share 12 quick tips to help you craft copy that converts for your next email campaign.

1\\. Keep it simple and strong (K.I.S.S.). シンプルで強力なものにしてください(KISS)。 Once subscribers open your email or click through to your landing page, you have mere seconds to capture their attention. 購読者があなたの電子メールを開くか、あなたのランディングページにクリックスルーすると、あなたは彼らの注意を引くためにほんの数秒しかありません。 So don't use difficult words, “market-speak,” or technical jargon. したがって、「市場で話す」という難しい言葉や専門用語は使用しないでください。 Instead, write as if you were talking to a friend. 代わりに、友達と話しているように書いてください。 But at the same time, keep your content powerful and to the point to grab and keep readers' interest. しかし同時に、コンテンツを強力に保ち、読者の興味を引き付けて維持することができます。 2\\\\. Make your message scannable. Don't overwhelm readers with long paragraphs and lots of copy. 長い段落とたくさんのコピーで読者を圧倒しないでください。 Breaking up your email-marketing copy with punchy subheads, numbered and bulleted lists, and small bites of information will allow subscribers to quickly read it and grasp your main message. メールマーケティングのコピーをパンチの効いた小見出し、番号と箇条書きのリスト、および少量の情報で分割すると、サブスクライバーはそれをすばやく読んでメインメッセージを把握できます。

3\\\\. Use less “we” and more “you.” Keep the focus of your email-marketing copy on your recipients, rather than providing too much unnecessary information about yourself and your company. 「私たち」を減らし、「あなた」を増やします。あなた自身とあなたの会社についてあまりにも多くの不必要な情報を提供するのではなく、あなたの電子メールマーケティングコピーの焦点をあなたの受信者に保ちなさい。

4\\\\. Talk about the benefits versus the features. 利点と機能について話します。 Let your customers and prospects know “what's in it for them” by talking about the benefits of your products and/or services, instead of simply listing the features. 単に機能をリストするのではなく、製品やサービスの利点について話すことで、顧客や見込み客に「彼らにとって何が含まれているのか」を知らせましょう。 5\\\\. Align the email copy with the subject line. メールのコピーを件名に合わせます。 How to write winning subject lines to effectively drive open rates is a topic for another article. オープンレートを効果的に高めるために勝利の件名を書く方法は、別の記事のトピックです。 Làm thế nào để viết các dòng tiêu đề chiến thắng để tăng tỷ lệ mở một cách hiệu quả là một chủ đề cho một bài viết khác. But once you get people to open your email, be sure to follow through on what you promised in the subject line. ただし、他の人にメールを開かせたら、件名で約束したことを必ず実行してください。 If you don't, you'll likely hurt the trust between you and your subscribers. そうしないと、あなたとあなたの加入者の間の信頼を傷つける可能性があります。 6\\\\. Use search engine optimization (SEO) keywords judiciously. 検索エンジン最適化(SEO)キーワードを慎重に使用してください。 Using keywords in email-marketing copy is important for crafting copy that piques your readers' interest, as well as boosts your website success with search engines. メールマーケティングのコピーでキーワードを使用することは、読者の興味をそそるコピーを作成するために重要であるだけでなく、検索エンジンでWebサイトの成功を後押しします。 But always make sure your content is useful and well written. ただし、コンテンツが有用でよく書かれていることを常に確認してください。 Email-marketing copy can sound “spammy” when writers try to fit in too many keywords where they don't belong. メールマーケティングのコピーは、ライターが自分が属していないキーワードをあまりにも多く入れようとすると、「スパム」に聞こえる可能性があります。 7\\\\. Know — and write — for your target market. あなたのターゲット市場のために知って、そして書いてください。 The more you can find out about the people on your email list through market research, the better you can tailor the email-marketing message to meet their needs and solve their problems. Content relevancy is the key to email-marketing success. コンテンツの関連性は、Eメールマーケティングの成功の鍵です。

8\\\\. Make your calls to action hard-hitting and plentiful. 強力で豊富な行動を呼びかけます。 When you are writing calls to action for promotional emails, landing pages, email newsletters, and websites, use words that drive action, such as “buy now” and “sign up today.” Plus, provide several prominent calls to action throughout your copy, so when your recipients are ready to act, they can. プロモーションメール、ランディングページ、メールニュースレター、ウェブサイトの召喚状を作成するときは、「今すぐ購入」や「今すぐ登録」など、行動を促す言葉を使用してください。さらに、コピー全体でいくつかの目立つ行動を呼びかけることで、受信者が行動する準備ができたときに行動できるようにします。 In a previously published NewsLever article, we offer more tips on how to create effective calls to action. 以前に公開されたNewsLeverの記事では、効果的な召喚状を作成する方法に関するヒントをさらに提供しています。

9\\\\. Concentrate on a singular goal. 単一の目標に集中します。 Don't clutter your promotional emails and landing pages with multiple messages for subscribers. 購読者向けの複数のメッセージでプロモーションメールやランディングページを乱雑にしないでください。 Although you want to include multiple calls to action, they should all lead to the same place and meet one objective. 複数の召喚状を含める必要がありますが、それらはすべて同じ場所につながり、1つの目的を達成する必要があります。

10\\\\. Create a sense of urgency. 切迫感を演出します。 Deadlines for a sale or bonus gifts for the first 100 subscribers who respond are good examples. 回答した最初の100人の加入者に対するセールまたはボーナスギフトの締め切りは良い例です。 Including a sense of urgency in your promotional emails will help encourage subscribers to take action right away, instead of leaving your email sit in their inboxes with the intention of eventually getting to it. プロモーションメールに切迫感を含めることで、購読者が最終的にメールに到達することを意図してメールを受信トレイに置いたままにするのではなく、すぐに行動を起こすように促すことができます。

11\\\\. Punctuate prudently. 慎重に句読点を付けます。 Be careful not to distract subscribers — or dilute your marketing message — by overusing such punctuation as exclamation points, UPPERCASE LETTERS (that shout at the reader), and emoticons. 感嘆符、大文字(読者に向かって叫ぶ)、絵文字などの句読点を使いすぎて、購読者の注意をそらしたり、マーケティングメッセージを薄めたりしないように注意してください。

12\\\\. Proofread, and proofread again. 校正し、もう一度校正します。 Although this may seem obvious, proofreading is often overlooked. これは明白に思えるかもしれませんが、校正は見過ごされがちです。 And typos and inaccuracies in your email-marketing copy can hurt your credibility with subscribers.