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Listen to know everything, Unit 135 A Nice Gift

Unit 135 A Nice Gift

W: We've been invited to Lisa and Tom's wedding in August, so we need to get them a present.

Do you have any ideas about what to buy them?

M: I don't know.

I'm not very good at buying gifts for people. What do you usually buy people for wedding gifts?

W: I'd like to buy something that they have especially asked for.

Most couples who are getting married go to several department stores and make a list of what they would like, and the stores put the list into a computer system. Then you can go and print out the list and choose something that they would like.

M: Are Lisa and Tom registered somewhere?

W: Yes, they are registered at two department stores.

I've already printed out their list from one store.

M: What have they asked for?

W: Well, they have asked for different things for their new house.

They would like towels, linens, decorations for the house, small appliances for the kitchen, china, silverware, crystal glasses, garden tools, and a patio set.

M: Wow!

That's a lot of stuff, how should we decide what to get them?

W: They have listed a coffee maker as one of the things they want, so why don't we buy them a nice coffee maker?

M: OK, how much is it?

W: It's forty dollars.

M: Maybe we could get them some nice coffee cups and some coffee to go with it.

W: That's a great idea.

I think that will make a lovely wedding present.

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Unit 135 A Nice Gift Jedinica||| Розділ||| Referat 135 Ein schönes Geschenk Unidad 135 Un bonito regalo Unité 135 Un beau cadeau Jednostka 135 Miły prezent Unidade 135 Um belo presente Unit 135 Приятный подарок Unit 135 一份精美的礼物

W: We've been invited to Lisa and Tom's wedding in August, so we need to get them a present. |||||||Tomov||||||||||| |||invitados||||||||||||darles||| W: Nos invitaron a la boda de Lisa y Tom en agosto, así que necesitamos un regalo para ellos. W: Fomos convidados para o casamento de Lisa e Tom em agosto, então precisamos dar um presente para eles. У: Нас пригласили на свадьбу Лизы и Тома в августе, поэтому нам нужно сделать им подарок.

Do you have any ideas about what to buy them? ||||ideje||||| ¿Tienes alguna idea sobre qué comprarlos?

M: I don't know.

I'm not very good at buying gifts for people. No soy muy bueno comprando regalos para la gente. What do you usually buy people for wedding gifts? ¿Qué es lo que usualmente compras para comprar regalos de boda?

W: I'd like to buy something that they have especially asked for. W: Me gustaría comprar algo que han pedido especialmente. W:彼らが特に求めているものを買いたいです。 У: Я бы хотел купить то, что они особенно просили.

Most couples who are getting married go to several department stores and make a list of what they would like, and the stores put the list into a computer system. La mayoría de las parejas que se casan van a varios almacenes y hacen una lista de lo que les gustaría, y las tiendas ponen la lista en un sistema de computadora. 結婚式を挙げるカップルのほとんどは、いくつかのデパートに行き、自分たちが欲しいものをリストアップする。 Большинство пар, собирающихся пожениться, посещают несколько универмагов и составляют список того, что они хотели бы получить, а магазины заносят этот список в компьютерную систему. Then you can go and print out the list and choose something that they would like. Luego puede ir e imprimir la lista y elegir algo que les gustaría. そして、リストをプリントアウトして、彼らが好きそうなものを選ぶことができる。 Затем вы можете распечатать список и выбрать то, что им понравится.

M: Are Lisa and Tom registered somewhere? M: ¿Están Lisa y Tom registrados en algún lugar? М: Лиза и Том где-то зарегистрированы?

W: Yes, they are registered at two department stores. ||||registrados|||| W: Sí, están registrados en dos grandes almacenes. W: Да, они зарегистрированы в двух универмагах.

I've already printed out their list from one store. ||imprimí|||||| Ya he impreso su lista de una tienda.

M: What have they asked for? M: ¿Qué han pedido?

W: Well, they have asked for different things for their new house. W: Bueno, han pedido cosas diferentes para su nueva casa.

They would like towels, linens, decorations for the house, small appliances for the kitchen, china, silverware, crystal glasses, garden tools, and a patio set. ||||||||||||||porcelain tableware||||||||| |||タオル|リネン類||||||||||||||||||| ||||ropa de cama||||||electrodomésticos pequeños|||||cubiertos de plata|cristales||||||juego de patio| ||||постільна бі|||||||||||срібний пос|||||||п Patio set| Les gustaría toallas, ropa de cama, adornos para la casa, pequeños electrodomésticos para la cocina, vajilla, cubiertos, vasos de cristal, herramientas de jardín y un juego de patio. Им нужны полотенца, постельное белье, украшения для дома, мелкая бытовая техника для кухни, фарфор, столовое серебро, хрустальные бокалы, садовый инвентарь и набор для патио.

M: Wow! M: wow!

That's a lot of stuff, how should we decide what to get them? Eso es un montón de cosas, ¿cómo debemos decidir qué obtenerlas? Это очень много вещей, как нам решить, что им подарить?

W: They have listed a coffee maker as one of the things they want, so why don't we buy them a nice coffee maker? |||han enumerado|||||||||||||||||||| W: Han enumerado una cafetera como una de las cosas que quieren, así que, ¿por qué no les compramos una cafetera? W: Eles listaram uma cafeteira como uma das coisas que desejam, então por que não compramos uma cafeteira bonita para eles? У: Они указали кофеварку как одну из вещей, которую они хотят, так почему бы нам не купить им хорошую кофеварку?

M: OK, how much is it? M: OK, ¿cuánto es? M: OK, quanto é?

W: It's forty dollars. В||| W: Son cuarenta dólares.

M: Maybe we could get them some nice coffee cups and some coffee to go with it. M: Tal vez podríamos conseguirles unas bonitas tazas de café y algo de café para acompañarlas. M: Talvez pudéssemos pegar para eles algumas xícaras de café e um pouco de café para acompanhar. М: Может быть, мы могли бы подарить им красивые кофейные чашки и кофе к ним.

W: That's a great idea. W: Esa es una gran idea.

I think that will make a lovely wedding present. Creo que eso hará un bonito regalo de boda. 素敵な結婚祝いになると思う。 Думаю, это будет прекрасный свадебный подарок.