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Matt's Today in History, Flight 19 Disappears, December 5, 1945

Flight 19 Disappears, December 5, 1945

On December 5th, 1945, a flight of five US Navy aircraft and 14 crew members disappeared during a training flight off the coast of Florida. In the more than 60 years since the incident, Flight 19 has become the focus of much speculation and has helped fuel the belief that the Bermuda Triangle (an area of the Atlantic Ocean between the endpoints of Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda) is home to strange paranormal activities.

Flight 19 was supposed to be a routine training flight over water. The trainee pilots were flying TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, the largest single-engine aircraft produced by the United States during the Second World War. The Avenger carried a crew of three: a pilot, a turret gunner and a third crewmen who served as radioman, bombardier and ventral gunner. The leader of the flight was Lieutenant Charles Carroll Taylor, a pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours under his belt, some of it spent as a combat pilot in the Pacific. Taylor was new to Florida, but the student pilots had all trained at the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station and were familiar with the area. The flight plan was known as "Navigation Problem 1" and called for the flight to fly due east from Ft. Lauderdale for 123 miles, northwest for 73 miles and then southwest back to the air station. On the first leg, the planes would drop bombs just south of the Grand Bahamas.

The planes took off at 2:10 PM local time. The weather was good but the sea state was bordering on rough. Taylor let one of the trainees lead the flight while his aircraft flew in the rearmost position. Based on radio communications with the air station, the first leg of the flight and the bombing practice took place according to plan. Soon after turning to the second leg, however, unknown problems arose and Taylor took over the lead position of the flight. Conversations between the aircraft, which were received by several ground stations, indicated that only Taylor thought the flight was lost. He radioed another instructor who happened to be flying in the area and told him that both his compasses were malfunctioning and that he did not know the direction to Fort Lauderdale. He also said that he believed he was flying over the Florida Keys, a group of islands located a significant distance from the planned route. The instructor told him to turn the flight so that the sun was on their port, or left, wing. This would put them heading in a northernly direction. If Taylor was in the easternmost Keys, then flying to the north would cause the flight to find the coastline of Florida in a short period of time.

As the hours ticked by, the weather in the area began to worsen. At 5:16PM, more than three hours after takeoff, an argument was heard between Taylor and one of the trainees. The student was insisting that they turn due west. After the dispute, Taylor ordered a turn to 270 degrees, or due west, saying, "We'll fly 270 degrees west until landfall or running out of gas." No matter where the flight was at this point, this was the right decision to take. If Taylor was in the Florida Keys, flying to the west would eventually place the flight on the Texas-Mexico side of the Gulf of Mexico. If flying in the Atlantic off the east coast of Florida, then flying west would take the pilots back to the Florida coast. Either way, they would end up over land as long as their fuel didn't run out first. At 6:04PM, another communication between Taylor and his flight was heard: "Holding 270, we didn't fly far enough east, we may as well just turn around and fly east again." There was no order in the transmission, just a suggestion. 15 minutes later, another message was received: "All planes close up tight...we'll have to ditch unless landfall...when the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together." That was the last anyone ever heard from Flight 19.

Four hours had passed since the flight took off from Fort Lauderdale; in that time, several land-based stations had triangulated the flight's position as being far off the east coast of central Florida. However, weather and interference from Cuban radio stations kept this information from being successfully transmitted to the pilots. The planes had taken off with five hours' worth of fuel onboard---by 7:10PM, it was unlikely than any of the Avengers were still in the air. At 7:37PM, a Navy PBM Mariner with a crew of 13 aboard took off to search for Flight 19. After one message, this aircraft also disappeared. A nearby oil tanker reported seeing a mid-air explosion several minutes after the Mariner left its base. The ship conducted a search of the area and found only burning wreckage. A court of inquiry later determined that the Mariner, which had a reputation for leaking fuel, most likely exploded early in its mission with the loss of the entire crew. The same court also concluded that the Flight 19 Avengers most likely became lost and crash-landed in the Atlantic when they ran out of fuel. The Avenger was not an ideal aircraft in which to make a water landing; it was heavy and tended to sink quickly. If the pilot trainees and their crews did not act quickly after ditching, their chances of survival were slim.

The days that followed the disappearance of Flight 19 saw the one of the largest ocean searches in history. No trace of the five Avengers was found. As days turned to months and then years, speculation as to the fate of the flight turned from the realm of the possible to the realm of the bizarre. Most people who have investigated the incident have done so under the assumption that Lt. Taylor was an experienced combat veteran who had successfully navigated vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean with no problem. This is simply not true. The truth of Taylor's performance as a pilot was kept from the public in 1945 out of respect to his family. While it is not fair to impugn the abilities of a man who served his nation in combat, it is an undeniable fact that Taylor ditched three aircraft during the war; two of those times, he did so because he was lost. During his communications with both the trainee pilots and his air station on December 5, 1945, Taylor showed signs of indecisiveness and panic. Whether or not this contributed to the loss of the flight will never be known.

Searches for the remains of Flight 19 have, thus far, turned up nothing. In 1981, the wreck of five Avengers was discovered off the coast of Florida. The engine serial numbers on the planes revealed that instead of one flight of aircraft, they had crashed at different times, albeit within two miles of each other. In 1986, another Avenger was found during the search for debris from the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. The wreck was raised several years later, but the aircraft could not be positively identified.

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Flight 19 Disappears, December 5, 1945 |消失| Skrydis 19 dingsta|| |يختفي| Flug 19 verschwindet, 5. Dezember 1945 Η πτήση 19 εξαφανίζεται, 5 Δεκεμβρίου 1945 Vuelo 19 desaparece, 5 de diciembre de 1945 Disparition du vol 19, 5 décembre 1945 Il volo 19 scompare, 5 dicembre 1945 19便消失、1945年12月5日 19 skrydis dingo, 1945 m. gruodžio 5 d. Lot 19 znika, 5 grudnia 1945 r. Desaparecimento do voo 19, 5 de Dezembro de 1945 Рейс 19 исчез, 5 декабря 1945 года Uçuş 19 Kayboluyor, 5 Aralık 1945 1945 年 12 月 5 日,19 号航班失踪 1945 年 12 月 5 日,19 號班機失踪

On December 5th, 1945, a flight of five US Navy aircraft and 14 crew members disappeared during a training flight off the coast of Florida. During|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||البحرية الأمريكية|طائرات|||||||||||ساحل|| |||||||||aviones||||||||||||| On December 5th, 1945, a flight of five US Navy aircraft and 14 crew members disappeared during a training flight off the coast of Florida. 1945年12月5日、フロリダ沖での訓練飛行中に、5機の米海軍航空機と14人の乗組員の飛行が姿を消しました。 5 декабря 1945 года звено из пяти самолетов ВМС США и 14 членов экипажа пропало во время тренировочного полета у берегов Флориды. 1945 年 12 月 5 日,一架由 5 架美国海军飞机和 14 名机组人员组成的航班在佛罗里达海岸的一次训练飞行中失踪。 In the more than 60 years since the incident, Flight 19 has become the focus of much speculation and has helped fuel the belief that the Bermuda Triangle (an area of the Atlantic Ocean between the endpoints of Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda) is home to strange paranormal activities. ||||||||||||focus|||||||fuel|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||conjecture||||intensify||||||Bermuda Triangle||||||||||||||||||||||unusual or unexplained|supernatural phenomena| |||||||||||||||||||nährt|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||etkinlikler |||||||||||||||||||助长|||||百慕大||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||تخمينات||||وقود|||||||||||الأطلسي||||نقاط النهاية||ميامي|||سان خوان|بورت|بورتو ريكو|||||||خارقة للطبيعة| |||||||||||||||||||||creencia|||Bermuda|Triángulo de las Bermudas|||||||||||||||||||||||| In the more than 60 years since the incident, Flight 19 has become the focus of much speculation and has helped fuel the belief that the Bermuda Triangle (an area of the Atlantic Ocean between the endpoints of Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda) is home to strange paranormal activities. En los más de 60 años transcurridos desde el incidente, el Vuelo 19 se ha convertido en el foco de mucha especulación y ha ayudado a alimentar la creencia de que el Triángulo de las Bermudas (un área del Océano Atlántico entre los extremos de Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico y Bermudas) es el hogar de extrañas actividades paranormales. Au cours des plus de 60 ans qui se sont écoulés depuis l'incident, le vol 19 est devenu le centre de nombreuses spéculations et a contribué à alimenter la conviction que le Triangle des Bermudes (une zone de l'océan Atlantique située entre les extrémités de Miami, Floride, San Juan, Porto Rico et Bermudes) abrite d'étranges activités paranormales. 事件から60年以上の間に、フライト19は多くの憶測の焦点となり、バミューダトライアングル(マイアミ、フロリダ、サンファン、プエルトリコの終点の間の大西洋の領域)という信念を刺激するのに役立ちました。バミューダ)は奇妙な超常的な活動の本拠地です。 Olayın üzerinden geçen 60 yılı aşkın sürede 19 sefer sayılı uçuş pek çok spekülasyonun odağı haline gelmiş ve Bermuda Şeytan Üçgeni'nin (Atlantik Okyanusu'nun Miami, Florida, San Juan, Porto Riko ve Bermuda uç noktaları arasında kalan bölge) garip paranormal faaliyetlere ev sahipliği yaptığı inancını körüklemeye yardımcı olmuştur. 在事件发生后的 60 多年里,19 号航班成为许多猜测的焦点,并助长了人们相信百慕大三角(位于迈阿密、佛罗里达、圣胡安、波多黎各和波多黎各端点之间的大西洋区域)百慕大)是奇怪的超自然活动的发源地。

Flight 19 was supposed to be a routine training flight over water. ||предполагалось быть|||||||| ||||||regularly scheduled|||| ||||||常规的|||| Flight 19 was supposed to be a routine training flight over water. 19便は、水上での定期的な訓練飛行であると想定されていました。 19号航班本应是例行的水上训练飞行。 The trainee pilots were flying TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, the largest single-engine aircraft produced by the United States during the Second World War. |||||طائرة قاذفة|المُنتقم|طوربيد||||أحادي|||||||||||| |||||复仇者|||||||||||||||||| |||||TBM||Torpedobomber|||||||||||||||| |stajyer|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||manufactured||||||||| Die angehenden Piloten flogen TBM Avenger-Torpedobomber, die größten einmotorigen Flugzeuge, die die Vereinigten Staaten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs produzierten. 訓練生のパイロットは、第二次世界大戦中に米国が製造した最大の単発機であるTBMアベンジャー雷撃機を操縦していました。 受训飞行员驾驶的是 TBM 复仇者鱼雷轰炸机,这是美国在第二次世界大战期间生产的最大的单引擎飞机。 The Avenger carried a crew of three: a pilot, a turret gunner and a third crewmen who served as radioman, bombardier and ventral gunner. |||||||||||||||член экипажа|||||||| ||||||||||rotating gun mount|||||crew member|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||ventral| |Rächer|||||||||Turm|||||||diente|||||ventral| ||||||||||kule topçusu||||||||||bombardımancı||alt tarafta| |||||||||||||||机组人员|||||||| ||||||||||برج||||||||||قاذف قنابل||سفلي| |||||||||||||||||sirvió como|||||ventral|artillero de torreta Die Avenger hatte eine dreiköpfige Besatzung: einen Piloten, einen Turmschützen und ein drittes Besatzungsmitglied, das als Funker, Bombenschütze und Bauchschütze diente. Le Avenger transportait un équipage de trois personnes: un pilote, un tireur à tourelle et un troisième équipier qui servait de radioman, de bombardier et de mitrailleur ventral. アベンジャーは3人の乗組員を運びました:パイロット、砲塔砲手、そしてラジオマン、ボンバルディア、腹側砲手を務めた3人目の乗組員。 复仇者号载有三名机组人员:一名飞行员、一名炮塔炮手和一名担任无线电员、投弹手和机腹炮手的机组人员。 The leader of the flight was Lieutenant Charles Carroll Taylor, a pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours under his belt, some of it spent as a combat pilot in the Pacific. ||||||||||||||||летных часов|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Kampfpilot|||| ||||||رائد|||||||||||تحت|||||||||قتالي|||| ||||||||Carroll||bir|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Charles Carroll Taylor||Taylor||||||||||de experiencia||||||||||| Der Leiter des Fluges war Leutnant Charles Carroll Taylor, ein Pilot mit mehr als 2.500 Flugstunden, von denen er einige als Kampfpilot im Pazifik verbracht hatte. The leader of the flight was Lieutenant Charles Carroll Taylor, a pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours under his belt, some of it spent as a combat pilot in the Pacific. 飛行のリーダーはチャールズ・キャロル・テイラー中尉であり、彼のベルトの下で2,500飛行時間以上のパイロットであり、その一部は太平洋で戦闘パイロットとして過ごしました。 Uçuşun lideri, bir kısmı Pasifik'te savaş pilotu olarak olmak üzere 2500'den fazla uçuş saati olan Teğmen Charles Carroll Taylor'dı. 这次飞行的领队是查尔斯·卡罗尔·泰勒中尉,他是一名拥有 2,500 多个飞行小时的飞行员,其中一些时间是在太平洋地区担任战斗飞行员。 Taylor was new to Florida, but the student pilots had all trained at the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station and were familiar with the area. ||||||||||||||قاعدة فورت لودرديل البحرية|لاودرديل|بحري|||||||| |||||||||||eğitilmiş||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||Lauderdale||||||||| Taylor was new to Florida, but the student pilots had all trained at the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station and were familiar with the area. テイラーはフロリダに不慣れでしたが、学生パイロットはすべてフォートローダーデール海軍航空基地で訓練を受けており、この地域に精通していました。 泰勒是佛罗里达州的新手,但学生飞行员都曾在劳德代尔堡海军航空站接受过训练,并且熟悉该地区。 The flight plan was known as "Navigation Problem 1" and called for the flight to fly due east from Ft. ||||||الملاحة||||||||||||فورت ||||||||||||||||||Fortaleza Der Flugplan trug die Bezeichnung "Navigationsproblem 1" und sah vor, dass der Flug von Ft. The flight plan was known as "Navigation Problem 1" and called for the flight to fly due east from Ft. 飛行計画は「航法問題1」として知られており、フォートから真東に飛行することを求めていた。 Uçuş planı "Navigasyon Problemi 1" olarak biliniyordu ve uçağın Ft. 该飞行计划被称为“导航问题 1”,并要求该航班从 Ft. 向正东飞行。 Lauderdale for 123 miles, northwest for 73 miles and then southwest back to the air station. |||северо-запад |||||||||| لودرديل|||شمال غرب|||||||||| Lauderdale for 123 miles, northwest for 73 miles and then southwest back to the air station. Lauderdale'e 123 mil, kuzeybatıya 73 mil ve sonra güneybatıya hava istasyonuna geri dönecek. 劳德代尔 123 英里,向西北行驶 73 英里,然后向西南返回航空站。 On the first leg, the planes would drop bombs just south of the Grand Bahamas. |||etape||||||||||| على||||||سوف|||||||جراند| |||tramo||aviones||||||||| Auf der ersten Etappe warfen die Flugzeuge die Bomben südlich der Grand Bahamas ab. On the first leg, the planes would drop bombs just south of the Grand Bahamas. İlk etapta uçaklar Büyük Bahamalar'ın hemen güneyine bomba bırakacaktı. 在第一站,飞机将在大巴哈马以南投掷炸弹。

The planes took off at 2:10 PM local time. |||||de la tarde|| The planes took off at 2:10 PM local time. The weather was good but the sea state was bordering on rough. |||||||||grenzend an||rau ||||||البحر|حالة||يقترب من||وعر |||||||durumu|||| |el clima||||||||||agitada Das Wetter war gut, aber der Seegang grenzte an rau. The weather was good but the sea state was bordering on rough. Hava güzeldi ancak denizin durumu dalgalı olma sınırındaydı. 天气很好,但海况近乎波涛汹涌。 Taylor let one of the trainees lead the flight while his aircraft flew in the rearmost position. |||||trainees||||||||||rearmost| |||||المتدربين||||||||||الأخيرة| ||||||||||||uçtu|||arka en geride| |||||||||||||||posición trasera| |||||||||||||||hinterster Position| Taylor let one of the trainees lead the flight while his aircraft flew in the rearmost position. Taylor, kendi uçağı en arkada uçarken kursiyerlerden birinin uçuşu yönetmesine izin verdi. 泰勒让一名学员领航,而他的飞机则在最后面飞行。 Based on radio communications with the air station, the first leg of the flight and the bombing practice took place according to plan. |||iletişimleri|||||||||||||bombalama|||||| Hava istasyonuyla yapılan telsiz haberleşmesine göre, uçuşun ilk ayağı ve bombalama tatbikatı plana uygun olarak gerçekleşmiştir. 根据与航空站的无线电通信,第一段飞行和轰炸练习按计划进行。 Soon after turning to the second leg, however, unknown problems arose and Taylor took over the lead position of the flight. ||||||||||traten auf|||||||||| ||||||||||ortaya çıktı|||||||||| ||girando||||||||surgieron problemas|||||||||| Kurz nach dem Abbiegen zur zweiten Etappe traten jedoch unbekannte Probleme auf, und Taylor übernahm die Führung des Fluges. Ancak ikinci ayağa döndükten kısa bir süre sonra bilinmeyen sorunlar ortaya çıktı ve Taylor uçuşun liderliğini devraldı. 然而,在转入第二航程后不久,未知的问题出现了,泰勒接替了飞行的领航位置。 Conversations between the aircraft, which were received by several ground stations, indicated that only Taylor thought the flight was lost. |||||||||||||||||||verloren ||||ki||||||||||||||| ||||||||varias||||||||||| Uçaklar arasında geçen ve birkaç yer istasyonu tarafından alınan konuşmalar, sadece Taylor'ın uçuşun kaybolduğunu düşündüğünü gösteriyordu. 几个地面站收到的飞机之间的对话表明,只有泰勒认为航班丢失了。 He radioed another instructor who happened to be flying in the area and told him that both his compasses were malfunctioning and that he did not know the direction to Fort Lauderdale. |||مدرب|||||||||||||||||يعمل بشكل خاطئ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||arızalı||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Fort Lauderdale| Er funkte einen anderen Fluglehrer an, der zufällig in der Gegend flog, und teilte ihm mit, dass seine beiden Kompasse nicht funktionierten und er die Richtung nach Fort Lauderdale nicht kenne. O sırada bölgede uçmakta olan başka bir eğitmenle telsiz bağlantısı kurdu ve ona her iki pusulasının da arızalı olduğunu ve Fort Lauderdale'e giden yönü bilmediğini söyledi. 他用无线电联系了恰好在该地区飞行的另一位教官,告诉他他的两个罗盘都发生了故障,而且他不知道劳德代尔堡的方向。 He also said that he believed he was flying over the Florida Keys, a group of islands located a significant distance from the planned route. ||||||||||||||||||||||||المسار ||||||||||||Key West Adaları|||||||||||planlanan| 他还说,他相信自己正在飞越佛罗里达群岛,这是一组距离计划路线很远的岛屿。 The instructor told him to turn the flight so that the sun was on their port, or left, wing. |||||||الرحلة||||||||اليسار||| |eğitmen||||||||||||||||| Eğitmen ona uçuşu güneş iskele ya da sol kanatta olacak şekilde çevirmesini söyledi. 教官让他调转飞机,让太阳照在他们的左翼或左翼上。 This would put them heading in a northernly direction. |||||||شمالي| |||||||kuzey yönünde| Bu da onları kuzeye doğru yöneltecektir. 这将使他们朝着北方的方向前进。 If Taylor was in the easternmost Keys, then flying to the north would cause the flight to find the coastline of Florida in a short period of time. |||||easternmost||||||||||||||costa|||||||| |||||الأقصى شرقاً||||||||||||||ساحل|||||||| |||||en doğudaki||||||||||||||kıyı çizg|||||||| |||||österreichisch|||||||||||||||||||||| If Taylor was in the easternmost Keys, then flying to the north would cause the flight to find the coastline of Florida in a short period of time. Taylor en doğudaki Keys'de olsaydı, kuzeye doğru uçmak uçağın kısa bir süre içinde Florida kıyı şeridini bulmasına neden olurdu. 如果泰勒在最东边的基斯群岛,那么向北飞行会让飞行在短时间内找到佛罗里达州的海岸线。

As the hours ticked by, the weather in the area began to worsen. |||ticked|||||||||peggiorare ||||||||||||verschlechtern ||||||||||||kötüleşmek ||||||||||||empeorar As the hours ticked by, the weather in the area began to worsen. Saatler ilerledikçe bölgedeki hava durumu daha da kötüleşmeye başladı. 随着时间的流逝,该地区的天气开始恶化。 At 5:16PM, more than three hours after takeoff, an argument was heard between Taylor and one of the trainees. |||||||takeoff = departure||||||||||| |||||||||tartışma||||||||| |||||||despegue||||||||||| 下午 5 点 16 分,也就是起飞三个多小时后,泰勒和其中一名学员发生了争吵。 The student was insisting that they turn due west. |||||||due| |||يصر||||| |||ısrar ediyordu||||| The student was insisting that they turn due west. Öğrenci, doğru batıya dönmeleri konusunda ısrar ediyordu. 学生坚持要他们转向正西。 After the dispute, Taylor ordered a turn to 270 degrees, or due west, saying, "We'll fly 270 degrees west until landfall or running out of gas." ||||||||||||||||||landfall||||| ||نزاع||||||||||||||||الوصول إلى اليابسة||||| ||||||||||||||||||karaya varış||||| ||||||||||||||||||Landung||||| After the dispute, Taylor ordered a turn to 270 degrees, or due west, saying, "We'll fly 270 degrees west until landfall or running out of gas." Tartışmanın ardından, Taylor 270 dereceye, yani doğru batıya, dönüş emri verdi ve "Kara düşene ya da benzinimiz bitene kadar 270 derece batıya uçacağız" dedi. 争执之后,泰勒下令转向 270 度,即正西,他说:“我们将向西飞行 270 度,直到着陆或燃油耗尽。” No matter where the flight was at this point, this was the right decision to take. |önemli değil|||||||||||||| Unabhängig davon, wo sich der Flug zu diesem Zeitpunkt befand, war es die richtige Entscheidung, ihn zu nehmen. Uçuş bu noktada nerede olursa olsun, bu alınacak doğru karardı. 无论此时飞机在何处,这都是正确的决定。 If Taylor was in the Florida Keys, flying to the west would eventually place the flight on the Texas-Mexico side of the Gulf of Mexico. |||||||||||||||||||||||الخليج|| |||||||||||||||||||Meksika|||||| Taylor Florida Keys'de olsaydı, batıya doğru uçması sonunda uçuşu Meksika Körfezi'nin Teksas-Meksika tarafına yerleştirirdi. 如果泰勒在佛罗里达群岛,向西飞行最终会将航班置于墨西哥湾的德克萨斯-墨西哥一侧。 If flying in the Atlantic off the east coast of Florida, then flying west would take the pilots back to the Florida coast. |||||||||||||||||الطيارين||||| If flying in the Atlantic off the east coast of Florida, then flying west would take the pilots back to the Florida coast. Eğer Atlantik'te Florida'nın doğu kıyısından uçuluyorsa, batıya uçmak pilotları Florida kıyısına geri götürecektir. 如果在佛罗里达东海岸附近的大西洋飞行,那么向西飞行将把飞行员带回佛罗里达海岸。 Either way, they would end up over land as long as their fuel didn't run out first. ||||||||||||||bitmezse|| In jedem Fall würden sie über Land landen, wenn ihnen nicht vorher der Treibstoff ausgeht. Her iki durumda da, yakıtları bitmediği sürece karaya ulaşacaklardı. 无论哪种方式,只要他们的燃料没有首先耗尽,他们就会在陆地上结束。 At 6:04PM, another communication between Taylor and his flight was heard: "Holding 270, we didn't fly far enough east, we may as well just turn around and fly east again." |||||||||||الانتظار||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||bekliyoruz||||||||||||||||| Um 18:04 Uhr war eine weitere Kommunikation zwischen Taylor und seinem Flug zu hören: "Holding 270, wir sind nicht weit genug nach Osten geflogen, wir können auch einfach umdrehen und wieder nach Osten fliegen." Saat 18:04'te Taylor ve uçağı arasında başka bir iletişim duyuldu: "270'i tutuyoruz, yeterince doğuya uçmadık, geri dönüp tekrar doğuya uçabiliriz." 下午6点04分,又听到泰勒和他的航班之间的另一条通信:“持有270,我们向东飞得不够远,我们不妨掉头再向东飞。” There was no order in the transmission, just a suggestion. ||||||الإرسال||| |||||||||öneri İletide herhangi bir emir yoktu, sadece bir öneri vardı. 传输中没有命令,只有建议。 15 minutes later, another message was received: "All planes close up tight...we'll have to ditch unless landfall...when the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together." ||||||||||||||الهبوط الاضطراري|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||ditch|||||||||||||| ||||||||||fest|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||biz|||suya atmak|||||||düşer||||||| ||||||||||||||abandonar el avión|||||||||||||| 15 Minuten später ging eine weitere Nachricht ein: "Alle Flugzeuge schließen dicht... wir müssen notwassern, wenn wir nicht landen... wenn das erste Flugzeug unter 10 Gallonen fällt, gehen wir alle zusammen runter." 15 minutes later, another message was received: "All planes close up tight...we'll have to ditch unless landfall...when the first plane drops below 10 gallons, we all go down together." 15 minutos más tarde, se recibió otro mensaje: "Todos los aviones cierran herméticamente ... tendremos que hacer zanjas a menos que toquemos tierra ... cuando el primer avión caiga por debajo de los 10 galones, bajamos todos juntos". 15 dakika sonra bir mesaj daha alındı: "Tüm uçaklar sıkıca kapansın... karaya inene kadar inmek zorundayız... ilk uçak 10 galonun altına düştüğünde hep birlikte ineceğiz." 15 分钟后,又收到一条消息:“所有飞机都紧闭……除非降落,否则我们将不得不迫降……当第一架飞机的油量降至 10 加仑以下时,我们一起降落。” That was the last anyone ever heard from Flight 19. ||||kimse|||| Esa fue la última vez que alguien escuchó sobre el vuelo 19. 这是最后一次听到 19 号航班的消息。

Four hours had passed since the flight took off from Fort Lauderdale; in that time, several land-based stations had triangulated the flight's position as being far off the east coast of central Florida. |||||||أقلعت|||فورت لودرديل||||||الأرض||||مثلثت||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||olarak|||||||| Vier Stunden waren seit dem Start in Fort Lauderdale vergangen; in dieser Zeit hatten mehrere landgestützte Stationen die Position des Fluges weit vor der Ostküste Zentralfloridas trianguliert. Four hours had passed since the flight took off from Fort Lauderdale; in that time, several land-based stations had triangulated the flight's position as being far off the east coast of central Florida. Habían pasado cuatro horas desde que el vuelo despegó de Fort Lauderdale; en ese tiempo, varias estaciones terrestres habían triangulado la posición del vuelo como distante de la costa este del centro de Florida. Uçağın Fort Lauderdale'den kalkışından bu yana dört saat geçmişti; bu süre içinde, karadaki birkaç istasyon uçağın konumunu Florida'nın doğu kıyısının çok uzağında olarak belirlemişti. 飞机从劳德代尔堡起飞已经过去了四个小时;在那段时间,几个陆基台站已经将航班的位置三角测量为远离佛罗里达州中部的东海岸。 However, weather and interference from Cuban radio stations kept this information from being successfully transmitted to the pilots. |||تشويش|||||||||||تم نقله||| |||||||||||||başarıyla|||| However, weather and interference from Cuban radio stations kept this information from being successfully transmitted to the pilots. Ancak, hava durumu ve Küba radyo istasyonlarından gelen parazitler bu bilgilerin pilotlara başarıyla iletilmesini engellemiştir. 然而,天气和古巴无线电台的干扰使这些信息无法成功传输给飞行员。 The planes had taken off with five hours' worth of fuel onboard---by 7:10PM, it was unlikely than any of the Avengers were still in the air. |||||||||||onboard = on board||||||||||||||| |||||||||||على متن||||||||||||||| |||||||||||uçakta||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||los|los Vengadores||||| Die Flugzeuge waren mit einer Treibstoffmenge von fünf Stunden an Bord gestartet - um 19:10 Uhr war es unwahrscheinlich, dass die Avengers noch in der Luft waren. The planes had taken off with five hours' worth of fuel onboard---by 7:10PM, it was unlikely than any of the Avengers were still in the air. Los aviones habían despegado con cinco horas de combustible a bordo; a las 7:10 p. M., Era poco probable que alguno de los Vengadores estuviera todavía en el aire. Uçaklar beş saatlik yakıtla havalanmıştı - saat 19:10'a kadar İntikamcılar'dan herhangi birinin hâlâ havada olması mümkün değildi. 飞机已经起飞,机上还带了五个小时的燃料——到晚上 7 点 10 分,不可能还有任何复仇者联盟还在空中。 At 7:37PM, a Navy PBM Mariner with a crew of 13 aboard took off to search for Flight 19. |||||Mariner||||||||||| ||||بي بي إم|مارينر|||||على متن|||||| ||||||||||||||arama yapmak|| ||||PBM Mariner|Mariner||||||||||| Um 19:37 Uhr startete ein Navy PBM Mariner mit 13 Mann Besatzung an Bord, um nach Flug 19 zu suchen. At 7:37PM, a Navy PBM Mariner with a crew of 13 aboard took off to search for Flight 19. Saat 19:37'de, içinde 13 kişilik mürettebat bulunan bir Donanma PBM Mariner uçağı 19 sefer sayılı uçağı aramak üzere havalandı. 晚上 7 点 37 分,一架载有 13 名机组人员的海军 PBM 水手号起飞搜寻 19 号航班。 After one message, this aircraft also disappeared. |واحدة||||| Nach einer Meldung verschwand auch dieses Flugzeug. After one message, this aircraft also disappeared. 一声信息过后,这架飞行器也消失了。 A nearby oil tanker reported seeing a mid-air explosion several minutes after the Mariner left its base. ||||||||Luft||||||||| |قريب من|نفط|||||||انفجار|عدة|||||||قاعدة |||||||||patlama|||||||| |||petrolero|||||||||||||| A nearby oil tanker reported seeing a mid-air explosion several minutes after the Mariner left its base. Yakındaki bir tanker, Mariner'in üssünden ayrılmasından birkaç dakika sonra havada bir patlama gördüğünü bildirdi. 附近的一艘油轮报告说,在水手号离开基地几分钟后,发现空中发生爆炸。 The ship conducted a search of the area and found only burning wreckage. ||||||||||||enkaza ||führte durch||||||||||Wrack ||أجرى|||||المنطقة|||||حطام ||||||||||||escombros quemados The ship conducted a search of the area and found only burning wreckage. Gemi bölgeyi araştırdı ve yalnızca yanmakta olan enkaza rastladı. 该船对该地区进行了搜索,只发现了燃烧的残骸。 A court of inquiry later determined that the Mariner, which had a reputation for leaking fuel, most likely exploded early in its mission with the loss of the entire crew. ||||لاحقاً||||الملاح||||سمعة||تسرب||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||leaking = to leak||||||||||||||| |Gericht||Untersuchung||festgestellt|||||||Ruf||||||||||||||||| |mahkeme|||||||||||itibar||||||||||||||||| |||investigación judicial|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ein Untersuchungsgericht stellte später fest, dass die Mariner, die dafür bekannt war, dass sie Treibstoff verlor, höchstwahrscheinlich zu Beginn ihres Einsatzes explodierte und die gesamte Besatzung dabei ums Leben kam. A court of inquiry later determined that the Mariner, which had a reputation for leaking fuel, most likely exploded early in its mission with the loss of the entire crew. Bir sorgulama mahkemesi daha sonra, yakıt sızdırma ünlüsü olan Mariner'ın muhtemelen görevine başlarken patladığını ve tüm mürettebatın kaybolduğunu belirledi. 调查法庭后来裁定,以漏油着称的水手号很可能在执行任务的早期就发生爆炸,导致全体船员丧生。 The same court also concluded that the Flight 19 Avengers most likely became lost and crash-landed in the Atlantic when they ran out of fuel. ||||||||||||||تحطم|||||||||| ||mahkeme||||||||muhtemelen|||||||||||tükenmek||| |||||||||||||||aterrizaron de emergencia||||||||| The same court also concluded that the Flight 19 Avengers most likely became lost and crash-landed in the Atlantic when they ran out of fuel. 同一法院还得出结论,复仇者联盟 19 号航班很可能在燃料耗尽时迷路并迫降在大西洋。 The Avenger was not an ideal aircraft in which to make a water landing; it was heavy and tended to sink quickly. ||||||||||||||||||كان يميل||| ||||||||||||||||||tendeva a||| ||||||||||||||||||neigte dazu||| |||||||||||||suya iniş|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||afundar| Die Avenger war kein ideales Flugzeug für eine Wasserlandung; sie war schwer und neigte dazu, schnell zu sinken. The Avenger was not an ideal aircraft in which to make a water landing; it was heavy and tended to sink quickly. El Avenger no era un avión ideal para realizar un aterrizaje en el agua; era pesado y tendía a hundirse rápidamente. Avenger suya iniş yapmak için ideal bir uçak değildi; ağırdı ve çabuk batma eğilimindeydi. 复仇者不是水上降落的理想飞机;它很重,而且很快就会下沉。 If the pilot trainees and their crews did not act quickly after ditching, their chances of survival were slim. ||||||||||||notwasserung|||||| ||||||||||||ditching|||||| ||||||الطاقم||||||الهبوط الاضطراري||||||ضعيف ||||||||||||suya iniş|||||| ||||||tripulaciones||||||aterrizaje forzoso||||||pocas Wenn die Pilotenschüler und ihre Besatzungen nach der Notwasserung nicht schnell gehandelt hätten, wären ihre Überlebenschancen gering gewesen. If the pilot trainees and their crews did not act quickly after ditching, their chances of survival were slim. Eğer pilot adayları ve mürettebatları pistten çıktıktan sonra hızlı hareket etmezlerse, hayatta kalma şansları çok azdı. 如果飞行员学员和他们的机组人员在水上迫降后不迅速采取行动,他们生还的机会就很渺茫。

The days that followed the disappearance of Flight 19 saw the one of the largest ocean searches in history. |||||||||||||||arama|| The days that followed the disappearance of Flight 19 saw the one of the largest ocean searches in history. Uçuş 19'un kaybolmasını takip eden günler, tarihteki en büyük okyanus arama çalışmalarından birine sahne oldu. 在 19 号航班失踪后的几天里,发生了历史上最大规模的海洋搜索之一。 No trace of the five Avengers was found. |أثر|||||كان| |Spur|||||| |iz|||||| |||||Vengadores|| No trace of the five Avengers was found. Beş İntikamcı'nın izine rastlanmadı. 没有发现五个复仇者联盟的踪迹。 As days turned to months and then years, speculation as to the fate of the flight turned from the realm of the possible to the realm of the bizarre. |||||||||||||||||||عالم|||||||||غريب ||||||||||||Schicksal|||||||Bereich||||||||| ||||||||||||kaderi|||||||||||||||| As days turned to months and then years, speculation as to the fate of the flight turned from the realm of the possible to the realm of the bizarre. A medida que los días se convirtieron en meses y luego en años, la especulación sobre el destino del vuelo pasó del reino de lo posible al reino de lo extraño. Günler aylara ve ardından yıllara dönüştükçe, uçuşun akıbetine ilişkin spekülasyonlar mümkünler aleminden tuhaflar alemine dönüştü. 随着日子变成几个月,然后变成几年,关于飞行命运的猜测从可能的领域变成了离奇的领域。 Most people who have investigated the incident have done so under the assumption that Lt. ||||حقق||||||||||رائد ||||||||bunu yaptı|||||| Die meisten Personen, die den Vorfall untersucht haben, sind davon ausgegangen, dass Lt. Most people who have investigated the incident have done so under the assumption that Lt. Olayı araştıran pek çok kişi bunu Teğmen 大多数调查该事件的人都是在 Lt. 的假设下这样做的。 Taylor was an experienced combat veteran who had successfully navigated vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean with no problem. ||||||||||weiten|Abschnitte||||||| |||||محارب قديم||||تجول||امتدادات||||||| ||||||||||geniş||||||||sorun Taylor was an experienced combat veteran who had successfully navigated vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean with no problem. Taylor, Pasifik Okyanusu'nun uçsuz bucaksız bölgelerinde sorunsuzca seyretmiş deneyimli bir savaş gazisiydi. 泰勒是一位经验丰富的战斗老兵,他曾毫无问题地成功航行在太平洋的广阔海域。 This is simply not true. ||basitçe|| Das ist einfach nicht wahr. Bu kesinlikle doğru değil. 这是不正确的。 The truth of Taylor's performance as a pilot was kept from the public in 1945 out of respect to his family. |||||||||||ال|||||||| |||Taylor'ın|||||||||||||||| |||Taylor|||||||||||||||| The truth of Taylor's performance as a pilot was kept from the public in 1945 out of respect to his family. Taylor'ın pilot olarak gösterdiği performansa ilişkin gerçekler, ailesine duyulan saygı nedeniyle 1945 yılında kamuoyundan saklanmıştır. 1945 年,出于对家人的尊重,泰勒作为一名飞行员的真实表现被保密。 While it is not fair to impugn the abilities of a man who served his nation in combat, it is an undeniable fact that Taylor ditched three aircraft during the war; two of those times, he did so because he was lost. ||||||question|||||||||||||||||||abandoned|||||||||||||||| ||||||in Frage stellen|||||||||||||||unbestreitbar|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||sorgulamak||yetenekleri||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||تشكيك في|||||||||أمة||||||لا يمكن إنكاره||||تخلص من|||||||||||||||| ||||||疑う||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||abandonó|||||||||||||||| Es ist zwar nicht fair, die Fähigkeiten eines Mannes, der seiner Nation im Kampf gedient hat, in Frage zu stellen, aber es ist eine unbestreitbare Tatsache, dass Taylor während des Krieges drei Flugzeuge abgeworfen hat; in zwei Fällen tat er dies, weil er verloren war. While it is not fair to impugn the abilities of a man who served his nation in combat, it is an undeniable fact that Taylor ditched three aircraft during the war; two of those times, he did so because he was lost. Ulusuna savaşta hizmet etmiş bir adamın yeteneklerini suçlamak adil olmasa da, Taylor'ın savaş sırasında üç uçaktan atladığı yadsınamaz bir gerçektir; bunlardan ikisinde kaybolduğu için bunu yapmıştır. 虽然指责一个在战斗中为国家服务的人的能力是不公平的,但不可否认的事实是,泰勒在战争期间放弃了三架飞机;其中两次,他这样做是因为他迷路了。 During his communications with both the trainee pilots and his air station on December 5, 1945, Taylor showed signs of indecisiveness and panic. ||||||||||||||||||تردد وذعر|| ||||||||||||||||||indecision|| ||||||||||||||||||Unentschlossenheit|| ||||||||||||||||belirtiler|||| ||||||||||||||||||indecisão|| Bei seinen Gesprächen mit den Pilotenschülern und seiner Flugstation am 5. Dezember 1945 zeigte Taylor Anzeichen von Unentschlossenheit und Panik. During his communications with both the trainee pilots and his air station on December 5, 1945, Taylor showed signs of indecisiveness and panic. Taylor, 5 Aralık 1945'te hem stajyer pilotlarla hem de hava istasyonuyla yaptığı görüşmeler sırasında kararsızlık ve panik belirtileri göstermiştir. 1945 年 12 月 5 日,在与实习飞行员和空军基地的交流中,泰勒表现出优柔寡断和恐慌的迹象。 Whether or not this contributed to the loss of the flight will never be known. ||ليس|||||||||||| Bu konuda|||||||||||||| si|||||||||||||| Whether or not this contributed to the loss of the flight will never be known. Bunun uçuşun kaybedilmesine katkıda bulunup bulunmadığı asla bilinemeyecektir. 这是否导致航班损失永远不得而知。

Searches for the remains of Flight 19 have, thus far, turned up nothing. |||||||bis jetzt|||| |||kalıntıları|||||||| búsquedas|||restos|||||||| Die Suche nach den Überresten von Flug 19 hat bisher nichts ergeben. Las búsquedas de los restos del vuelo 19, hasta ahora, no han arrojado nada. Uçuş 19'dan geriye kalanları bulmak için yapılan aramalarda şu ana kadar hiçbir şey bulunamadı. 迄今为止,对 19 号航班残骸的搜索一无所获。 In 1981, the wreck of five Avengers was discovered off the coast of Florida. ||relitto|||||||||| ||حطام|||||||||| ||enkaza|||||||||| ||naufragio|||||||||| ||destroços|||||||||| Im Jahr 1981 wurde das Wrack von fünf Avengers vor der Küste Floridas entdeckt. 1981 yılında Florida açıklarında beş Avengers gemisinin enkazı bulunmuştur. 1981 年,在佛罗里达海岸发现了五艘复仇者联盟的残骸。 The engine serial numbers on the planes revealed that instead of one flight of aircraft, they had crashed at different times, albeit within two miles of each other. |||||||||||||||||||||على الرغم|||||| |||||||zeigten sich||||||||||||||obwohl auch|||||| |||numaralar|||||||||||||||||||||||| Die Seriennummern der Triebwerke ergaben, dass es sich nicht um einen einzigen Flug handelte, sondern dass die Flugzeuge zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten abgestürzt waren, wenn auch in einem Abstand von nur zwei Meilen zueinander. The engine serial numbers on the planes revealed that instead of one flight of aircraft, they had crashed at different times, albeit within two miles of each other. Los números de serie de los motores de los aviones revelaron que en lugar de un vuelo de avión, se habían estrellado en diferentes momentos, aunque a dos millas entre sí. Uçaklardaki motor seri numaraları, uçakların tek bir uçuş yerine, birbirlerine iki mil mesafede olmalarına rağmen farklı zamanlarda düştüklerini ortaya çıkardı. 飞机上的发动机序列号显示,它们不是一架飞机,而是在不同的时间坠毁,尽管彼此相距不到两英里。 In 1986, another Avenger was found during the search for debris from the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. |||||||||||||||felaketi |||||||||Trümmer|||||| |||||||||حطام|||الفضاء|مكوك فضائي|| |||||||||escombros||||transbordador espacial|| 1986 wurde eine weitere Avenger bei der Suche nach den Trümmern des Space Shuttle Challenger gefunden. In 1986, another Avenger was found during the search for debris from the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. 1986 yılında, Uzay Mekiği Challenger faciasının enkazını arama çalışmaları sırasında bir başka Avenger daha bulundu. 1986 年,在寻找挑战者号航天飞机灾难碎片时发现了另一架复仇者。 The wreck was raised several years later, but the aircraft could not be positively identified. ||||||||||||||تم التعرف |||kaldırıldı||||||||||| Das Wrack wurde einige Jahre später gehoben, aber das Flugzeug konnte nicht eindeutig identifiziert werden. The wreck was raised several years later, but the aircraft could not be positively identified. Enkaz birkaç yıl sonra ortaya çıkarılmış, ancak uçağın kimliği kesin olarak tespit edilememiştir. 几年后,残骸被打捞上来,但无法确定飞机的身份。