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English at University, 13: Deadlines

13: Deadlines

Narrator Welcome back to English at University where we're following Mary's first year of study abroad and helping with some useful words and phrases. The new Business Studies students have been busy working on their first assignment and now the deadline is approaching to hand them in. Will they all complete their work on time? I'm sure you have Mary! Mary Me? Yes. Once I got my laptop problem fixed I saved my work onto that memory stick... oh no! Narrator What's wrong? Mary Daniel's got the memory stick. I must go and find him. Narrator Good luck! Prof.Not Hello Mary! Looking forward to reading that assignment of yours. Don't forget to email me by the end of the day. Mary Yes... yes of course you'll get it tonight. Prof.Not Good. Don't forget it counts towards 20 per cent of your final exam mark. See you later. Mary Really! Now where is Daniel when you need him? Narrator Yes, where is he? If you can't find him you're going to miss the deadline – may I suggest you ask for an extension. An extra period of time to get your work finished. You need to apologise to Sharon and say 'I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment' and try to talk her round so that she gives you a bit more time. Mary But I've done my work. Narrator We know that - but you haven't got it with you to hand in. So make sure you explain everything to Sharon and reassure her you'll get it sorted – but remember you don't get extensions for any old reason. Mary Ok thanks. I'll go and see her now. Sharon Oh cheeky. Well we'll do it again if you... oh hello Mary. I'll call you back. How are things? Mary Good, ok, bad really. I can't find Daniel... he's got my assignment... well… it's saved on his memory stick. Sharon Left it in his room did you? Mary No! Nothing like that. I've got to email it to Professor Not today and I can't find it... so I was wondering... well, 'I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment… so is it possible to get an extension for my assignment - please? Sharon We can't hand out extensions willy-nilly. Mary I have a very good reason for asking. I mean, it's written, it's just I can't find it. Sharon Hmmm. Mary If I could have just one more day before I hand it in, I'd be most grateful? It won't happen again. Please? Sharon Look, I'm seeing Robert... I mean Professor Not… this evening to go over some documents... and I could put in a good word for you... that means say you're hard working, normally reliable and you won't do it again. OK? Mary Sharon, you are amazing! Sharon Ooo, nobody's ever called me that before! Narrator Phew! It looks like Mary has managed to sweet talk Sharon into getting a deadline extension – but she had to be polite and humble. Here's a reminder of some of the phrases she used… I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment Is it possible to get an extension for my assignment please? I have a very good reason for asking. If I could have just one more day before I hand it in, I'd be most grateful. It won't happen again. You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. All Mary needs to do now is find Daniel and get hold of that memory stick. Daniel Ah Mary, there you are – I've been looking all over the place for you. Mary Me too! I need that memory stick – it's got my assignment saved on it. Daniel – I had to go and ask Sharon for extra time to hand it in. Daniel You managed to win her over did you! Well don't worry, I've got it here in my… my… oh no… it's gone… I must have dropped it.

13: Deadlines 13: Son Teslim Tarihleri

Narrator Welcome back to English at University where we're following Mary's first year of study abroad and helping with some useful words and phrases. The new Business Studies students have been busy working on their first assignment and now the deadline is approaching to hand them in. Will they all complete their work on time? I'm sure you have Mary! Mary Me? Yes. Once I got my laptop problem fixed I saved my work onto that memory stick... oh no! Narrator What's wrong? Mary Daniel's got the memory stick. I must go and find him. Narrator Good luck! Prof.Not Hello Mary! Looking forward to reading that assignment of yours. Don't forget to email me by the end of the day. Mary Yes... yes of course you'll get it tonight. Prof.Not Good. Don't forget it counts towards 20 per cent of your final exam mark. See you later. Mary Really! Now where is Daniel when you need him? Narrator Yes, where is he? If you can't find him you're going to miss the deadline – may I suggest you ask for an extension. An extra period of time to get your work finished. You need to apologise to Sharon and say 'I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment' and try to talk her round so that she gives you a bit more time. Mary But I've done my work. Narrator We know that - but you haven't got it with you to hand in. So make sure you explain everything to Sharon and reassure her you'll get it sorted – but remember you don't get extensions for any old reason. Mary Ok thanks. I'll go and see her now. Sharon Oh cheeky. Well we'll do it again if you... oh hello Mary. I'll call you back. How are things? Mary Good, ok, bad really. I can't find Daniel... he's got my assignment... well… it's saved on his memory stick. Sharon Left it in his room did you? Mary No! Nothing like that. I've got to email it to Professor Not today and I can't find it... so I was wondering... well, 'I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment… so is it possible to get an extension for my assignment - please? Sharon We can't hand out extensions willy-nilly. Mary I have a very good reason for asking. I mean, it's written, it's just I can't find it. Sharon Hmmm. Mary If I could have just one more day before I hand it in, I'd be most grateful? It won't happen again. Please? Sharon Look, I'm seeing Robert... I mean Professor Not… this evening to go over some documents... and I could put in a good word for you... that means say you're hard working, normally reliable and you won't do it again. OK? Mary Sharon, you are amazing! Sharon Ooo, nobody's ever called me that before! Narrator Phew! It looks like Mary has managed to sweet talk Sharon into getting a deadline extension – but she had to be polite and humble. Here's a reminder of some of the phrases she used… I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment Is it possible to get an extension for my assignment please? I have a very good reason for asking. If I could have just one more day before I hand it in, I'd be most grateful. It won't happen again. You can practise these phrases, pick up a few more plus learn some top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. All Mary needs to do now is find Daniel and get hold of that memory stick. Daniel Ah Mary, there you are – I've been looking all over the place for you. Mary Me too! I need that memory stick – it's got my assignment saved on it. Daniel – I had to go and ask Sharon for extra time to hand it in. Daniel You managed to win her over did you! Well don't worry, I've got it here in my… my… oh no… it's gone… I must have dropped it.