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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER VIII.


LUNCH was half over when Slim dashed into the dining room. For a moment, he stood abashed, and then he said in what was almost hysteria, "I've got to speak to Red. I've got to say something." Red looked up in fright, but the Astronomer said, "I don't think, son, you're being very polite. You've kept lunch waiting." "I'm sorry, Father." "Oh, don't rate the lad," said the Industrialist's wife. "He can speak to Red if he wants to, and there was no damage done to the lunch." "I've got to speak to Red alone," Slim insisted. "Now that's enough," said the Astronomer with a kind of gentleness that was obviously manufactured for the benefit of strangers and which had beneath it an easily-recognized edge. "Take your seat." Slim did so, but he ate only when someone looked directly upon him. Even then he was not very successful.

Red caught his eyes. He made soundless words, "Did the animals get loose?" Slim shook his head slightly. He whispered, "No, it's—" The Astronomer looked at him hard and Slim faltered to a stop.

With lunch over, Red slipped out of the room, with a microscopic motion at Slim to follow.

They walked in silence to the creek.

Then Red turned fiercely upon his companion. "Look here, what's the idea of telling my Dad we were feeding animals?" Slim said, "I didn't. I asked what you feed animals. That's not the same as saying we were doing it. Besides, it's something else, Red." But Red had not used up his grievances. "And where did you go anyway? I thought you were coming to the house. They acted like it was my fault you weren't there." "But I'm trying to tell you about that, if you'd only shut up a second and let me talk. You don't give a fellow a chance." "Well, go on and tell me if you've got so much to say." "I'm trying to. I went back to the space-ship. The folks weren't there anymore and I wanted to see what it was like." "It isn't a space-ship," said Red, sullenly. He had nothing to lose.

"It is, too. I looked inside. You could look through the ports and I looked inside and they were dead ." He looked sick. "They were dead." " Who were dead." Slim screeched, "Animals! like our animals! Only they aren't animals. They're people-things from other planets." For a moment Red might have been turned to stone. It didn't occur to him to disbelieve Slim at this point. Slim looked too genuinely the bearer of just such tidings. He said, finally, "Oh, my." "Well, what are we going to do? Golly, will we get a whopping if they find out?" He was shivering.

"We better turn them loose," said Red. "They'll tell on us." "They can't talk our language. Not if they're from another planet." "Yes, they can. Because I remember my father talking about some stuff like that to my mother when he didn't know I was in the room. He was talking about visitors who could talk with the mind. Telepathery or something. I thought he was making it up." "Well, Holy Smokes. I mean—Holy Smokes." Red looked up. "I tell you. My Dad said to get rid of them. Let's sort of bury them somewhere or throw them in the creek." "He told you to do that." "He made me say I had animals and then he said, 'Get rid of them.' I got to do what he says. Holy Smokes, he's my Dad." Some of the panic left Slim's heart. It was a thoroughly legalistic way out. "Well, let's do it right now, then, before they find out. Oh, golly, if they find out, will we be in trouble!" They broke into a run toward the barn, unspeakable visions in their minds.

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LUNCH was half over when Slim dashed into the dining room. |||||Слім||||| Обід вже наполовину закінчився, коли Слім вбіг до їдальні. For a moment, he stood abashed, and then he said in what was almost hysteria, "I've got to speak to Red. ||||||||||||||істерика|||||| Якусь мить він стояв принижений, а потім сказав майже в істериці: "Я повинен поговорити з Редом. I've got to say something." Red looked up in fright, but the Astronomer said, "I don't think, son, you're being very polite. Рудий злякано підняв очі, але Астроном сказав: "Не думаю, синку, що ти поводишся дуже чемно. You've kept lunch waiting." Ти змусив обід чекати." "I'm sorry, Father." "Oh, don't rate the lad," said the Industrialist's wife. "Ой, не оцінюйте хлопця", - сказала дружина промисловця. "He can speak to Red if he wants to, and there was no damage done to the lunch." "Він може поговорити з Рудим, якщо захоче, і обіду не було завдано жодної шкоди". "I've got to speak to Red alone," Slim insisted. "Я маю поговорити з Рудим наодинці", - наполягав Слім. "Now that's enough," said the Astronomer with a kind of gentleness that was obviously manufactured for the benefit of strangers and which had beneath it an easily-recognized edge. ||||||||||||||штучно створена|||||||||||||| "Ну все, досить", - сказав Астроном з м'якістю, яка, очевидно, була створена для чужинців, але мала під собою легко впізнаваний підтекст. "Take your seat." Slim did so, but he ate only when someone looked directly upon him. Слім так і робив, але їв тільки тоді, коли хтось дивився прямо на нього. Even then he was not very successful. Навіть тоді він не був дуже успішним.

Red caught his eyes. Рудий перехопив його погляд. He made soundless words, "Did the animals get loose?" Він вимовив беззвучні слова: "Тварини звільнилися?" Slim shook his head slightly. Слім злегка похитав головою. He whispered, "No, it's—" The Astronomer looked at him hard and Slim faltered to a stop. ||||||||зупинився||| Астроном пильно подивився на нього, і Слім зупинився.

With lunch over, Red slipped out of the room, with a microscopic motion at Slim to follow. |||||||||||мікроскопіч||||| Коли обід закінчився, Рудий вислизнув з кімнати, мікроскопічним рухом рушив за ним Слім.

They walked in silence to the creek.

Then Red turned fiercely upon his companion. |Рудий||||| "Look here, what's the idea of telling my Dad we were feeding animals?" Slim said, "I didn't. I asked what you feed animals. That's not the same as saying we were doing it. Besides, it's something else, Red." But Red had not used up his grievances. |||||||скарги Але Ред ще не витратив всі свої скарги. "And where did you go anyway? |||||взагалі "І куди ти взагалі пішов? I thought you were coming to the house. Я думав, ти йдеш до дому. They acted like it was my fault you weren't there." "But I'm trying to tell you about that, if you'd only shut  up a second and let me talk. You don't give a fellow a chance." "Well, go on and tell me if you've got so much to say." "I'm  trying to. I went back to the space-ship. The folks weren't there anymore and I wanted to see what it was like." "It isn't a space-ship," said Red, sullenly. |||||||похмуро "Це не космічний корабель," сказав Ред, похмуро. He had nothing to lose. він|||| В нього нічого не було, що можна втратити.

"It is, too. "Це так. I looked inside. You could look through the ports and I looked inside and they were  dead ." He looked sick. "They were dead." " Who were dead." Slim screeched, "Animals! like  our animals! Only they  aren't animals. They're people-things from other planets." ||істоти||| For a moment Red might have been turned to stone. На якусь мить Рудий міг би перетворитися на камінь. It didn't occur to him to disbelieve Slim at this point. У цей момент йому не спало на думку не вірити Сліму. Slim looked too genuinely the bearer of just such tidings. |||||носій|||| Слім виглядав надто щирим носієм саме такої звістки. He said, finally, "Oh, my." "Well, what are we going to do? Golly, will we get a whopping if they find out?" Чорт забирай, що нам буде, якщо вони дізнаються?" He was shivering. Він тремтів.

"We better turn them loose," said Red. "Краще їх відпустити", - сказав Рудий. "They'll tell on us." |||нас "They can't talk our language. Not if they're from another planet." "Yes, they can. Because I remember my father talking about some stuff like that to my mother when he didn't know I was in the room. Тому що я пам'ятаю, як мій батько говорив про такі речі з матір'ю, коли не знав, що я в кімнаті. He was talking about visitors who could talk with the mind. Він говорив про відвідувачів, які могли розмовляти з розумом. Telepathery or something. I thought he was making it up." "Well, Holy Smokes. I mean—Holy Smokes." Red looked up. "I tell you. My Dad said to get rid of them. ||сказав||||| Let's sort of bury them somewhere or throw them in the creek." Давайте їх десь закопаємо або викинемо в струмок". "He  told you to do that." "He made me say I had animals and then he said, 'Get rid of them.' I got to do what he says. Holy Smokes, he's my Dad." Some of the panic left Slim's heart. It was a thoroughly legalistic way out. ||||юридичний|| Це був цілком легальний вихід. "Well, let's do it right now, then, before they find out. "Ну, тоді давай зробимо це прямо зараз, поки вони не дізналися. Oh, golly, if they find out, will we be in trouble!" Боже, якщо вони дізнаються, у нас будуть проблеми!" They broke into a run toward the barn, unspeakable visions in their minds. Вони кинулися бігти до сараю, з невимовними видіннями в голові.