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Society and people, Routine


Hi, I'm Mike and this is my daily routine. I get up early every day, around 6:30 and I go to the gym for a work-out before I go to work. I usually do aerobic exercise for awhile and then do some weight lifting for maybe half an hour at the gym, then I'll return home, and as I work from my home, I turn on my computer and start working on what needs to be done. I usually skip breakfast and I'll work until about 12:00 then I'll prepare lunch and have a fairly big lunch because I don't eat breakfast. Then after lunch, I'll go back, continue working on Internet or whatever I have to do for work, until about 6:00 when I usually start getting phone calls from friends of mine who live abroad and then in the evenings if I'm not using my time doing things with the Internet or surfing the web, then I'm speaking to people on the Internet or on my phone and that pretty much sums up my usual daily routine.

Routine Rutina 루틴 Rotina 常规

Hi, I’m Mike and this is my daily routine. I get up early every day, around 6:30 and I go to the gym for a work-out before I go to work. I usually do aerobic exercise for awhile and then do some weight lifting for maybe half an hour at the gym, then I’ll return home, and as I work from my home, I turn on my computer and start working on what needs to be done. Genellikle bir süre aerobik egzersizi yapıyorum ve ardından spor salonunda yarım saat kadar ağırlık kaldırıyorum, sonra eve dönüyorum ve evimden çalıştığım için bilgisayarımı açıp yapılması gerekenler üzerinde çalışmaya başlıyorum. I usually skip breakfast and I’ll work until about 12:00 then I’ll prepare lunch and have a fairly big lunch because I don’t eat breakfast. Then after lunch, I’ll go back, continue working on Internet or whatever I have to do for work, until about 6:00 when I usually start getting phone calls from friends of mine who live abroad and then in the evenings if I’m not using my time doing things with the Internet or surfing the web, then I’m speaking to people on the Internet or on my phone and that pretty much sums up my usual daily routine. Öğle yemeğinden sonra geri dönerim, internette ya da iş için ne yapmam gerekiyorsa onunla çalışmaya devam ederim, saat 6:00'ya kadar genellikle yurtdışında yaşayan arkadaşlarımdan telefonlar almaya başlarım ve akşamları zamanımı internette bir şeyler yaparak ya da internette gezinerek kullanmıyorsam, o zaman internette ya da telefonumda insanlarla konuşurum ve bu benim normal günlük rutinimi hemen hemen özetler.