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Through the Looking-Glass, Chapter 10,11,12, Shaking, Waking, Which Dreamed it?

Chapter 10,11,12, Shaking, Waking, Which Dreamed it?

Chapter 10. Shaking

SHE took her off the table as she spoke, and shook her backwards and forwards with all her might.

The Red Queen made no resistance whatever: only her face grew very small, and her eyes got large and green: and still, as Alice went on shaking her, she kept on growing shorter—and fatter—and softer—and rounder—and—

Chapter 11. Waking

—and it really was a kitten, after all.

Chapter 12. Which Dreamed it?

'YOUR Red Majesty shouldn't purr so loud,' Alice said, rubbing her eyes, and addressing the kitten, respectfully, yet with some severity. 'You woke me out of oh! such a nice dream! And you've been along with me, Kitty—all through the Looking-glass world. Did you know it, dear?' It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr. 'If they would only purr for "yes", and mew for "no", or any rule of that sort,' she had said, 'so that one could keep up a conversation! But how can you talk with a person if they always say the same thing?' On this occasion the kitten only purred: and it was impossible to guess whether it meant 'yes' or 'no'. So Alice hunted among the chessmen on the table till she had found the Red Queen: then she went down on her knees on the hearth-rug, and put the kitten and the Queen to look at each other. 'Now, Kitty!' she cried, clapping her hands triumphantly. 'Confess that was what you turned into!' ('But it wouldn't look at it,' she said, when she was explaining the thing afterwards to her sister: 'it turned away its head, and pretended not to see it: but it looked a little ashamed of itself, so I think it must have been the Red Queen.') 'Sit up a little more stiffly, dear!' Alice cried with a merry laugh. 'And curtsey while you're thinking what to—what to purr. It saves time, remember!' And she caught it up and gave it one little kiss, 'just in honour of its having been a Red Queen.' 'Snowdrop, my pet!' she went on, looking over her shoulder at the White Kitten, which was still patiently undergoing its toilet, 'when will Dinah have finished with your White Majesty, I wonder? That must be the reason you were so untidy in my dream.—Dinah! Do you know that you're scrubbing a White Queen? Really, it's most disrespectful of you!' 'And what did Dinah turn to, I wonder?' she prattled on, as she settled comfortably down, with one elbow on the rug, and her chin in her hand, to watch the kittens. 'Tell me, Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty? I think you did—however, you'd better not mention it to your friends just yet, for I'm not sure. 'By the way, Kitty, if only you'd been really with me in my dream, there was one thing you would have enjoyed—I had such a quantity of poetry said to me, all about fishes! To-morrow morning you shall have a real treat. All the time you're eating your breakfast, I'll repeat "The Walrus and the Carpenter" to you; and then you can make believe it's oysters, my dear! 'Now, Kitty, let's consider who it was that dreamed it all. This is a serious question, my dear, and you should not go on licking your paw like that—as if Dinah hadn't washed you this morning! You see, Kitty, it must have been either me or the Red King. He was part of my dream, of course—but then I was part of his dream, too! Was it the Red King, Kitty? You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know—Oh, Kitty, do help to settle it! I'm sure your paw can wait!' But the provoking kitten only began on the other paw, and pretended it hadn't heard the question. Which do you think it was?

A BOAT, beneath a sunny sky Lingering onward dreamily In an evening of July — Children three that nestle near, Eager eye and willing ear, Pleased a simple tale to hear — Long has paled that sunny sky: Echoes fade and memories die: Autumn frosts have slain July. Still she haunts me, phantomwise, Alice moving under skies Never seen by waking eyes. Children yet, the tale to hear, Eager eye and willing ear, Lovingly shall nestle near. In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die: Ever drifting down the stream — Lingering in the golden gleam — Life, what is it but a dream?


Chapter 10,11,12, Shaking, Waking, Which Dreamed it? Kapitel 10,11,12, Schütteln, Aufwachen, Wer hat's geträumt? Capítulo 10,11,12, Tremor, despertar, quem sonhou? Глава 10,11,12, Встряска, пробуждение, кому это приснилось? Розділ 10,11,12, Тремтіння, прокидання, що наснилося?

Chapter 10. Shaking

SHE took her off the table as she spoke, and shook her backwards and forwards with all her might. Вона взяла її зі столу, коли говорила, і з усієї сили потрясла нею вперед-назад.

The Red Queen made no resistance whatever: only her face grew very small, and her eyes got large and green: and still, as Alice went on shaking her, she kept on growing shorter—and fatter—and softer—and rounder—and— Червона Королева не чинила жодного опору: тільки її обличчя стало дуже маленьким, а очі - великими і зеленими, і все одно, поки Аліса трясла її, вона продовжувала ставати коротшою, і товстішою, і м'якшою, і круглішою, і...

Chapter 11. Waking Пробудження

—and it really was a kitten, after all.

Chapter 12. Which Dreamed it?

'YOUR Red Majesty shouldn't purr so loud,' Alice said, rubbing her eyes, and addressing the kitten, respectfully, yet with some severity. "Ваша Руда Величність не повинна муркотіти так голосно", - сказала Аліса, протираючи очі і звертаючись до кошеняти, шанобливо, але з деякою суворістю. 'You woke me out of oh! such a nice dream! And you've been along with me, Kitty—all through the Looking-glass world. І ти пройшла зі мною, Котику, через увесь Задзеркальний світ. Did you know it, dear?' It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr. Дуже незручна звичка кошенят (Аліса якось зауважила це) - що б ви їм не казали, вони завжди муркочуть. 'If they would only purr for "yes", and mew for "no", or any rule of that sort,' she had said, 'so that one could keep up a conversation! "Якби вони муркотіли, коли "так", і нявкали, коли "ні", або ще якесь таке правило, - сказала вона, - щоб можна було підтримувати розмову! But how can you talk with a person if they always say the same thing?' Але як можна розмовляти з людиною, якщо вона завжди говорить одне й те саме? On this occasion the kitten only purred: and it was impossible to guess whether it meant 'yes' or 'no'. Цього разу кошеня лише муркотіло: і неможливо було здогадатися, що це означало - "так" чи "ні". So Alice hunted among the chessmen on the table till she had found the Red Queen: then she went down on her knees on the hearth-rug, and put the kitten and the Queen to look at each other. Тож Аліса шукала серед шахових фігур на столі, поки не знайшла Червону Королеву: тоді вона опустилася на коліна на камінний круг і поставила кошеня та Королеву так, щоб вони дивилися одна на одну. 'Now, Kitty!' she cried, clapping her hands triumphantly. кричала вона, переможно плескаючи в долоні. 'Confess that was what you turned into!' "Зізнайся, що це те, на що ти перетворився! ('But it wouldn't look at it,' she said, when she was explaining the thing afterwards to her sister: 'it turned away its head, and pretended not to see it: but it looked a little ashamed of itself, so I think it must have been the Red Queen.') ("Але воно не дивилося на неї, - сказала вона, коли згодом пояснювала сестрі, - воно відвернуло голову і вдавало, що не бачить її, але виглядало трохи засоромленим, тож я думаю, що це, мабуть, була Червона Королева"). 'Sit up a little more stiffly, dear!' "Сядь трохи жорсткіше, дорогенька! Alice cried with a merry laugh. Аліса заплакала від веселого сміху. 'And curtsey while you're thinking what to—what to purr. І реверанс, поки думаєш, що муркотіти. It saves time, remember!' And she caught it up and gave it one little kiss, 'just in honour of its having been a Red Queen.' І вона зловила його і поцілувала, "просто на честь того, що він був Червоною Королевою". 'Snowdrop, my pet!' "Пролісок, мій любий! she went on, looking over her shoulder at the White Kitten, which was still patiently undergoing its toilet, 'when will Dinah have finished with your White Majesty, I wonder? продовжила вона, дивлячись через плече на Біле Кошеня, яке все ще терпляче справляло нужду, - цікаво, коли Дайна закінчить з вашою Білою Величністю? That must be the reason you were so untidy in my dream.—Dinah! Do you know that you're scrubbing a White Queen? Ви знаєте, що миєте Білу Королеву? Really, it's most disrespectful of you!' Це дуже нешанобливо з вашого боку! 'And what did Dinah turn to, I wonder?' "І до чого ж, цікаво, звернулася Дайна? she prattled on, as she settled comfortably down, with one elbow on the rug, and her chin in her hand, to watch the kittens. просторікувала вона, зручно вмостившись, поставивши лікоть на килимок, а підборіддя поклавши на долоню, щоб спостерігати за кошенятами. 'Tell me, Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty? "Скажи мені, Дайна, ти звернулася до Шалтая-Болтая? I think you did—however, you'd better not mention it to your friends just yet, for I'm not sure. Думаю, що так, але краще поки що не згадувати про це друзям, бо я не впевнений. 'By the way, Kitty, if only you'd been really with me in my dream, there was one thing you would have enjoyed—I had such a quantity of poetry said to me, all about fishes! "До речі, Кітті, якби ти справді була зі мною у моєму сні, тобі б сподобалася одна річ - я прочитав стільки віршів про риб, і всі вони були про риб! To-morrow morning you shall have a real treat. Завтра вранці на вас чекає справжнє свято. All the time you're eating your breakfast, I'll repeat "The Walrus and the Carpenter" to you; and then you can make believe it's oysters, my dear! Поки ти снідатимеш, я повторюватиму тобі "Моржа і теслю", а потім ти зможеш уявити, що це устриці, дорогенька! 'Now, Kitty, let's consider who it was that dreamed it all. "А тепер, Кітті, давай подумаємо, хто ж це все приснилося. This is a serious question, my dear, and you should not go on licking your paw like that—as if Dinah hadn't washed you this morning! You see, Kitty, it must have been either me or the Red King. He was part of my dream, of course—but then I was part of his dream, too! Was it the Red King, Kitty? You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know—Oh, Kitty, do help to settle it! Ти була його дружиною, моя люба, тож маєш знати - о, Кітті, допоможи залагодити цю справу! I'm sure your paw can wait!' Я впевнений, що твоя лапа почекає! But the provoking kitten only began on the other paw, and pretended it hadn't heard the question. Але кошеня-провокатор став на іншу лапу і зробив вигляд, що не почув запитання. Which do you think it was?

A BOAT, beneath a sunny sky Lingering onward dreamily In an evening of July — Children three that nestle near, Eager eye and willing ear, Pleased a simple tale to hear — Long has paled that sunny sky: Echoes fade and memories die: Autumn frosts have slain July. Човен, під сонячним небом, мрійливо пливе вперед Липневого вечора - троє дітей, що притулились поруч, Жадібне око і охоче вухо, Приємно почути просту казку - Давно вже зблідло те сонячне небо: Відлуння згасає і спогади вмирають: Осінні морози вбили липень. Still she haunts me, phantomwise, Alice moving under skies Never seen by waking eyes. Вона все ще переслідує мене, примарно, Аліса, що рухається під небом, яку ніколи не бачили очі, що не сплять. Children yet, the tale to hear, Eager eye and willing ear, Lovingly shall nestle near. Діти, казку слухатимуть, Жадібне око і готове вухо, З любов'ю притуляться до тебе. In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die: Ever drifting down the stream — Lingering in the golden gleam — Life, what is it but a dream? У Країні Чудес вони лежать, Мріють, коли минають дні, Мріють, коли вмирає літо: Вічно пливуть за течією - Затримуються в золотому сяйві - Життя, що це, як не сон?