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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Do you like high-visibility fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Do you like high-visibility fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English,

I'm Neil.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Neil: Rob, it's good to see you keeping up

with fashion by wearing

the high-vis jacket

- although I have to say it is a bit dazzling.

Rob: Neil, I'm no fashion victim - this high-vis

or high-visibility jacket is for safety. I

wear it when I'm cycling around London

and I've just forgotten to take it off.

Neil: And a fashion victim, by the way, is

someone who always wears

what's thought to

be fashionable, even if it doesn't actually

look good on them. But wearing

high-vis clothing

has become the latest fashion statement

- that's something you wear to attract

attention and people who

know something about fashion.

Rob: Well, I can assure you, I don't wear

my bright jacket to look cool but in today's

programme we'll be discussing why some

people do. But first Neil, have you got

a question for us to think about?

Neil: OK, we know that fashions come

and go but in which decade were leg

warmers worn as a popular

fashion accessory? Was it... a) the 1970s,

b) the 1980s or c) the 1990s?

Rob: I do remember these so I'll say

b) the 1980s.

Neil: Well, we'll reveal the answer at the

end of the programme. Now let's talk more

about the oddest item of clothing to hit

the catwalk this year - the

humble hi-vis jacket.

Rob: Yes, they were designed to be worn for

safety by people like cyclists and

pedestrians and by workers

who need to be seen if, for example,

they're working in the road or directing

traffic. So it's strange to think that now

people choose to wear them to be on-trend

- that's following the latest fashion.

Neil: Hannah Marriott is the Fashion Editor

of the Guardian newspaper. She told the

BBC Radio 4 programme You and Yours,

why she thought people were turning to

bright, luminous clothing.

What was the reason?

Hannah Marriott: There's also just a trend

at the moment for people wearing very

bright things, very eye-catching things, it

feels that with social media, you know,

everyone's scrolling down their Instagram

screens at such speed and anything that

sort of catches the eye, that seems yeah,

like a bit of a talking point, something

that's going to get a bit of attention -

those kind of trends are getting a bit more

traction at the moment - than the sort of

understated cashmere jumper kind of fashion.

Rob: So her reason is social media. In our

fast-paced lives, we're quickly scrolling

through our social media feeds and

people want to stand out, attract our

attention and be noticed.

Neil: And these attention-seekers need to

wear some eye-catching - something that will

catch your eye and be noticed. High-vis

clothing certainly does that!

Rob: Hannah mentioned that wearing

something different creates a talking

point - something that you or I may

discuss at work or on social media - even

if it is to say "that guys looks ridiculous"!

And she also mentions that people are

becoming interested in and accepting

these kinds of trends - the word

she used was traction.

Neil: Traction here means this fashion

trend is starting to stick. Of course

fashion comes at a price. While an

ordinary high-vis vest used for workwear

is normally affordable, when they're sold

as a fashion item they can go for much

higher prices, particularly if they have a

designer label showing on the front.

Rob: This raises an important question.

We know that many people wearing high-vis

jackets are doing important jobs, so does

this fashion devalue what they're doing?

Neil: Yes, it's something Hannah Marriott

talked about. Let's hear from her again.

What word does she use to describe

a difficult issue?

Hannah Marriott: Every time fashion

borrows from workwear, there're always

some sort of thorny issues around it -

particularly when you're charging £2000

for something that is actually very similar

to, you know, a uniform that somebody

might be wearing who doesn't actually

make that much money, you know, there's

obviously some thorny class issues there.

Neil: So she used the word thorny to

describe the issue of things worn at work

becoming expensive fashion items.

Thorny issues are subjects that are

difficult deal with. Here she

particularly mentioned the issue of class

- so different groups of people in society

in different economic positions - some

can afford clothing for fashion, others can

only afford clothing for work.

Rob: And the other issue is that if

everyone starts wearing high-vis clothing,

then the people who need to stand out for

their own safety may not stand out as easily.

Neil: And we wouldn't want to miss you

when you're out cycling on your bike, Rob.

But would we miss you if you were

wearing a pair of leg warmers? Earlier I

asked in which decade were leg warmers

worn as a popular fashion accessory.

Was it... a) the 1970s, b) the

1980s or c) the 1990s?

Rob: Yes, and I said b) the 1980s.

It's got to be right!

Neil: Well, you know your fashion, Rob - it

was indeed the 1980s. Leg warmers were

originally worn by dancers to keep

their muscles from cramping after

stretching, but in the early 1980s

they became fashionable

for teenage girls to wear.

Rob: OK, let's move on and recap on some

of the vocabulary we've mentioned today.

Starting with fashion victim - that's

someone who always wears what's

thought to be fashionable, even

if it doesn't actually look good on them. Like

that pair of red jeans you used to wear, Neil.

Neil: They, Rob, were on-trend - that

means 'in keeping up with the latest

fashion'. Of course wearing something

red is very eye-catching which means

attracting attention and being noticed.

Rob: Next we mentioned traction.

If something gains traction it

becomes accepted and popular.

And then we had understated. In fashion,

this describes something that does not

attract attention and

is not that impressive.

Neil: And then we discussed the word

thorny. A tree or bush with thorns is

difficult to touch and handle and similarly

a thorny issue is a subject that is difficult

to deal with and discuss.

Rob: Well, we've covered some thorny and

less thorny issues today but we know that

fashions change and maybe high-vis

fashion won't be here forever.

Neil: That's it for now but please join us

next time for 6 Minute English.

See you soon. Goodbye.

Rob: Bye bye!

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Do you like high-visibility fashion? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube ||||high-visibility|high-visibility clothing||||| ||||alta visibilidade|||||| Mögen Sie gut sichtbare Mode? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube Vous aimez la mode haute visibilité ? Écouter 6 minutes d'anglais - YouTube Vi piace la moda ad alta visibilità? Ascolta 6 Minute English - YouTube Czy lubisz modę o wysokiej widoczności? Posłuchaj 6 Minute English - YouTube Gosta de moda de alta visibilidade? Ouvir 6 Minute English - YouTube Нравится ли вам мода на одежду повышенной видимости? Слушайте 6-минутный английский - YouTube Yüksek görünürlüklü modayı sever misiniz? 6 Minute English'i dinleyin - YouTube 你喜欢高调的时尚吗?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, |Привіт||||

I'm Neil.

Rob: And I'm Rob.

Neil: Rob, it's good to see you keeping up

with fashion by wearing

the high-vis jacket |高能见度|高可见度| ||високої вид| ||alta visibilidade|

- although I have to say it is a bit dazzling. |||||||||Very bright |||||||||まぶしい |||||||||вражаюче

Rob: Neil, I'm no fashion victim - this high-vis |||||受害者||| ||||style trends|fashionable person||high-visibility|

or high-visibility jacket is for safety. I ||видимість|||||

wear it when I'm cycling around London ||||riding a bike||

and I've just forgotten to take it off.

Neil: And a fashion victim, by the way, is |||модна жерт||||| 尼尔:顺便说一下,时尚受害者指的是

someone who always wears 总是穿着的人

what's thought to |Believed to be| 想到的东西

be fashionable, even if it doesn't actually

look good on them. But wearing

high-vis clothing

has become the latest fashion statement |||||Fashion trend

- that's something you wear to attract

attention and people who

know something about fashion.

Rob: Well, I can assure you, I don't wear ||||保证|||| ||||guarantee to you|||| ||||garanto||||

my bright jacket to look cool but in today's

programme we'll be discussing why some

people do. But first Neil, have you got

a question for us to think about? otázka k zamyšlení?

Neil: OK, we know that fashions come |||||时尚潮流| Neil: Dobře, víme, že móda přichází. Neil: OK, wiemy, że mody przychodzą i odchodzą, ale w którym dziesięcioleciu noszono legginsy?

and go but in which decade were leg |||||||Which decade leg |||||||нога a jít, ale v kterém desetiletí byly nohy i idź, ale w którym dziesięcioleciu noszono legginsy jako popularne

warmers worn as a popular 保暖衣物|||| утеплювачі|||| nosí se jako oblíbený okrycia na nogi?

fashion accessory? Was it... a) the 1970s, |Fashion accessory, 1970s||||| módní doplněk? Byla to... a) sedmdesátá léta, akcesorium modowe? Czy to było... a) lata 70.,

b) the 1980s or c) the 1990s? b) lata 80. czy c) lata 90.?

Rob: I do remember these so I'll say Rob: Pamiętam te rzeczy, więc powiem

b) the 1980s.

Neil: Well, we'll reveal the answer at the Neil: Cóż, odpowiedź ujawnimy na końcu programu. Teraz porozmawiajmy więcej o najdziwniejszym ubraniu, które pojawiło się

end of the programme. Now let's talk more end of the programme. Now let's talk more

about the oddest item of clothing to hit ||最奇怪的||||| ||найдивніший||||| ||o item mais estranho||||| about the oddest item of clothing to hit 关于最奇怪的服装单品

the catwalk this year - the |T台||| |fashion runway||| |ファッションショーのランウェイ||| |a passarela||| |подіум цього року|||

humble hi-vis jacket. 朴素的||| modest||| скромний||| simples e modesta||| skromna kamizelka odblaskowa.

Rob: Yes, they were designed to be worn for Rob: Ano, byly navrženy tak, aby se daly nosit pro Rob: Tak, zostały zaprojektowane do noszenia przez Роб: Да, они были разработаны для ношения в течение

safety by people like cyclists and ||||bike riders| ||||велосипедисти| osoby takie jak rowerzyści w celu poprawy bezpieczeństwa

pedestrians and by workers foot traffic|||

who need to be seen if, for example,

they're working in the road or directing ||||||指挥交通 ||||||Guiding traffic ||||||керуючи ||||||dirigindo pracują na drodze lub kierują ruchem.

traffic. So it's strange to think that now Dlatego dziwne jest myśleć, że teraz

people choose to wear them to be on-trend ludzie wybierają je, aby być trendy

- that's following the latest fashion. - to podąża za najnowszą modą.

Neil: Hannah Marriott is the Fashion Editor |汉娜||||| Neil: Hannah Marriott jest redaktorką mody

of the Guardian newspaper. She told the ||卫报|||| del periódico The Guardian. Ella le dijo al w gazecie Guardian. Powiedziała, że

BBC Radio 4 programme You and Yours,

why she thought people were turning to dlaczego sądziła, że ludzie zwracają się ku

bright, luminous clothing. |明亮的| |光る| |luminosa| |світловід| jasnym, lśniącym ubraniom.

What was the reason? ¿Cuál fue la razón? Jaki był powód?

Hannah Marriott: There's also just a trend |||also|just|| ||||||tendência

at the moment for people wearing very

bright things, very eye-catching things, it |||eye-catching|Eye-catching||

feels that with social media, you know,

everyone's scrolling down their Instagram |刷着Instagram||| |browsing through Instagram|||

screens at such speed and anything that ekrany tak szybko i wszystko to, co

sort of catches the eye, that seems yeah, ||吸引眼球||||| rodzaj przyciąga wzrok, coś takiego tak,

like a bit of a talking point, something jak trochę temat do rozmowy, coś

that's going to get a bit of attention - to zwróci trochę uwagi -

those kind of trends are getting a bit more te rodzaje trendów zyskują trochę więcej

traction at the moment - than the sort of 牵引力||||||| traction||||||| тяга||||||| atração||||||| momentum w tej chwili - niż ten rodzaj 目前的牵引力 - 比那种

understated cashmere jumper kind of fashion. |羊绒毛衣|羊绒毛衣||| Subtly elegant||cashmere sweater||| discreta|cápsula de cashmere|||| stonowany||||| скромний|кашеміровий|||| dzianinowy sweter z kaszmiru w skromnym stylu mody. 低调的羊绒毛衣时尚。

Rob: So her reason is social media. In our Rob: Jej powodem jest media społecznościowe. W naszym

fast-paced lives, we're quickly scrolling |快节奏的|||| |rapid-moving|||| szybkim tempie życia, szybko przewijamy

through our social media feeds and ||||社交媒体动态| poprzez nasze kanały mediów społecznościowych i

people want to stand out, attract our |||||draw attention| ludzie chcą się wyróżnić, przyciągnąć naszą

attention and be noticed. uwagę i zostać zauważonymi.

Neil: And these attention-seekers need to ||||people seeking attention||

wear some eye-catching - something that will

catch your eye and be noticed. High-vis

clothing certainly does that!

Rob: Hannah mentioned that wearing

something different creates a talking

point - something that you or I may

discuss at work or on social media - even

if it is to say "that guys looks ridiculous"! ||||||||absurd

And she also mentions that people are

becoming interested in and accepting

these kinds of trends - the word

she used was traction. |||grip or pull |||тяга

Neil: Traction here means this fashion |привабливість|||| Нил: Под тягой здесь понимается такая мода

trend is starting to stick. Of course ||||take hold|| ||||закріплювати|| trend zaczyna się utrwalać. Oczywiście 趋势开始变得有影响力。当然

fashion comes at a price. While an móda má svou cenu. Zatímco moda ma swoją cenę. Podczas gdy 时尚是有代价的。虽然

ordinary high-vis vest used for workwear ||||||工作服 |||High-visibility vest||| |||жилет||| |||colete refletor|||roupa de trabalho zwykły kamizelka odblaskowa używana na stanowisku pracy 普通的用于工装的高可见背心

is normally affordable, when they're sold ||reasonably priced||| ||acessível|||

as a fashion item they can go for much

higher prices, particularly if they have a

designer label showing on the front.

Rob: This raises an important question. ||提出|||

We know that many people wearing high-vis

jackets are doing important jobs, so does 夹克|||||| куртки||||||

this fashion devalue what they're doing? ||贬低||| ||undermine the worth||| ||знецінює||| ||desvaloriza|||

Neil: Yes, it's something Hannah Marriott

talked about. Let's hear from her again.

What word does she use to describe

a difficult issue? ||Tough problem

Hannah Marriott: Every time fashion

borrows from workwear, there're always 借鉴|||| позичає||робочий одяг|є|

some sort of thorny issues around it - |||棘手的||| |||challenging||| |||厄介な問題||| |||kolczasty||| |||espinhosas||| jakieś sprawy związane z tym -

particularly when you're charging £2000 |||charging |||cobrando szczególnie gdy pobierasz opłatę £2000

for something that is actually very similar za coś, co jest naprawdę bardzo podobne

to, you know, a uniform that somebody ||||制服|| ||||Standard attire||

might be wearing who doesn't actually

make that much money, you know, there's

obviously some thorny class issues there. clearly|||||

Neil: So she used the word thorny to ||||||棘手的| ||||||difficult or complex| ||||||espinhosa|

describe the issue of things worn at work

becoming expensive fashion items.

Thorny issues are subjects that are

difficult deal with. Here she

particularly mentioned the issue of class

- so different groups of people in society ||||||society

in different economic positions - some ||financial||

can afford clothing for fashion, others can |买得起||||| |able to buy|||||

only afford clothing for work. |负担得起|||

Rob: And the other issue is that if

everyone starts wearing high-vis clothing,

then the people who need to stand out for ||||||脱颖而出|| następnie osoby, które muszą wyróżnić się dla то люди, которые должны выделяться на

their own safety may not stand out as easily. swojego własnego bezpieczeństwa, mogą nie wyróżniać się tak łatwo.

Neil: And we wouldn't want to miss you |||would not|||be without you| Neil: I nie chcielibyśmy cię przegapić

when you're out cycling on your bike, Rob. kiedy jeździsz na rowerze, Robie.

But would we miss you if you were Ale czy bylibyśmy za tobą tęsknić, gdybyś był

wearing a pair of leg warmers? Earlier I |||||грілки для ні|| założył parę ochraniaczy na nogi? Wcześniej ja

asked in which decade were leg warmers

worn as a popular fashion accessory.

Was it... a) the 1970s, b) the

1980s or c) the 1990s?

Rob: Yes, and I said b) the 1980s.

It's got to be right!

Neil: Well, you know your fashion, Rob - it

was indeed the 1980s. Leg warmers were |||||leg warmers| 的确是上世纪80年代。腿套

originally worn by dancers to keep |||舞者穿着|| initially|used by||ballet dancers|| 最初是由舞者穿上以保持

their muscles from cramping after |muscle cramps||muscle spasms| |||cãibras| |||抽筋| |||судомами| |||痙攣| |||skurcze mięśni| ich mięśnie nie kurczą się po 在肌肉抽筋后

stretching, but in the early 1980s 拉伸运动||||| Aerobic warm-up||||| rozkładaniu, ale na początku lat 80.

they became fashionable stały się modne

for teenage girls to wear.

Rob: OK, let's move on and recap on some

of the vocabulary we've mentioned today. ||||talked about|this day

Starting with fashion victim - that's |||fashion victim|

someone who always wears what's

thought to be fashionable, even

if it doesn't actually look good on them. Like

that pair of red jeans you used to wear, Neil. ||||红色牛仔裤||||| 你过去经常穿的那条红色牛仔裤,尼尔。

Neil: They, Rob, were on-trend - that 尼尔:罗布,它们正处在潮流之中 - 这意味着与最新趋势保持一致

means 'in keeping up with the latest

fashion'. Of course wearing something

red is very eye-catching which means

attracting attention and being noticed. 吸引注意|||| приваблюючи||||

Rob: Next we mentioned traction.

If something gains traction it ||gathers momentum||

becomes accepted and popular.

And then we had understated. In fashion, ||||subtle|| ||||приглушений|| ||||sutilmente elegante||

this describes something that does not

attract attention and

is not that impressive. |||not very remarkable

Neil: And then we discussed the word

thorny. A tree or bush with thorns is ||||||荆棘| having thorns||thorny plant||bush|||

difficult to touch and handle and similarly

a thorny issue is a subject that is difficult

to deal with and discuss.

Rob: Well, we've covered some thorny and

less thorny issues today but we know that

fashions change and maybe high-vis

fashion won't be here forever. ||||always be around

Neil: That's it for now but please join us 尼尔|||||||| Ніл||||||||

next time for 6 Minute English. наступного разу||||

See you soon. Goodbye. До зустрічі|||

Rob: Bye bye!