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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Is being thrifty a virtue? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

Is being thrifty a virtue? - 6 Minute English - YouTube

Hello. This is 6 Minute English from

BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Sam.

Are you a saver or a spender, Sam?

Well, I'm trying to limit my spending

right now because I'm saving up

for a deposit to

buy a house.

Saving money is not always easy - as we'll

find out in today's programme, which is all

about 'thrift'. 'Thrift' is not a simple idea

to define. It's to do with living a simple

life free from the need to constantly

buy the latest products.

Today's consumer culture encourages us

to 'spend, spend, spend', but

it hasn't always

been that way. The Victorians for example

told people to 'save up for a rainy day',

meaning to keep some money back

in case of unforeseen emergencies.

But before we discover more about that,

it's time for today's quiz question. If you're

trying to save money you probably

know how hard it can be. So my

question is: what percentage

of people in the UK, do you think, have

less than £1000 in savings? Is it:

a) 5%, b) 15 %, or c) 30%?

Well, if I'm anything to go by

I'd say c) 30%.

OK. Well, we'll find the correct answer out

later. I mentioned before that 'thrift' is

a difficult idea to define, so here's

Alison Hulme, a lecturer at

the University of Northampton,

explaining more to BBC Radio 4's

programme Thinking Allowed:

There are two dictionary definitions

of thrift. The older of the two comes

from the word 'thrive'

etymologically, and described thrift

as the ability to live well

and to flourish, so it's

that sense of human flourishing.

The more recent definition is

the one we're probably

more familiar with which is about

frugality. All of that said, it's

been used historically

of course by various people in various

moments in various different

places in very different

ways and they've often had

a social or religious agenda.

It seems the oldest definition of 'thrift'

has nothing to do with

saving money and is

connected to the verbs 'thrive' and

'flourish' - meaning to grow

or develop successfully.

It was only later with the Puritans - 16th

century English Christians

with a reputation

for strict discipline - that the meaning

of thrift changed and became

associated with

frugality - being careful not to spend too

much money or eat too much food.

The Puritans believed that being

frugal was a religious virtue and

that people ought to

save money in order to give

to others in need.

Later on the meaning of 'thrift' changed

again. During the Victorian era,

it was connected

to the idea of managing your own money

in order to be a responsible citizen.

Throughout history then, there have been

different versions of 'thrift',

and this may be because

different religions or social groups

had their own agenda - a specific

aim or reason for

a particular group to do something.

For example, the Victorian

definition of thrift was based

on a social agenda about being

a respectable member of society.

Ideas about frugality and thrift changed

again during the Second World War

when the public

was encouraged to avoid waste

so that every material resource

could go into the war effort.

And in the post-war period, it changed

again as people's wealth

and standard of living

increased. Here's Alison Hulme again:

It's the idea that once people had enough

to meet their kind of

basic needs there was

this kind of moral slide into consumerism.

It's not a view that I subscribe

to in a simplistic

sense myself - I think there's a very fine

line to tread here.

There's no point denying

that, certainly in the developed world,

there's been a rise

in consumer capitalism, that's

just a truism, but thrift hasn't declined.

In modern times, people's motivation

to save up and be thrifty

declined once they had enough

to meet their basic needs - the

basic necessities needed to survive,

like food, clothes and

shelter and nothing extra.

Alison mentions that once these

basic needs were satisfied,

people moved away from thrift

into consumerism, the desire to buy

'luxury' products which

were not absolutely necessary.

According to some, this created

a moral slide - a decrease in the

standards of behaving

in good, fair and honest ways.

The rise in consumer capitalism

we have seen around the world

is an example of a truism

- something that is so obviously true

it is not worth repeating.

What is worth repeating

is the quiz question, Neil.

Yes, I asked you how many British people

had savings of under £1000.

And I said, c) 30%

In fact, Sam, it's b) 15%.

So I guess I'm not such a bad saver

after all!

OK. Well, today we've been talking about

the changing meanings of 'thrift',

an idea connected

to frugality - being careful

not to spend too much money.

The original meaning of 'thrift' was

to flourish - grow or develop

successfully - but that

definition changed as different religious

groups, like the Puritans, promoted their

own agenda - aim or reason for a

particular group to do something.

In recent times, people's ability

to meet their basic needs - the

necessities for survival

like food and shelter, have reduced the

importance of 'thrift', which

some believe has created

a moral slide - a reduction

in standards of moral behaviour.

And the associated rise of consumer

capitalism is an example of a truism -

something that

is obviously true and

generally accepted by all.

That's all for now. Join us again

next time for more topical discussion

and vocabulary. Bye for now!

Bye bye!

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Is being thrifty a virtue? - 6 Minute English - YouTube ||صرفه‌جو||فضیلت||| ||sparsam||Tugend||| ||frugal||||| ||econômico||||| ||frugale||||| Je šetrnost ctnost? - 6 minut angličtiny - YouTube Ist Sparsamkeit eine Tugend? - 6 Minuten Englisch - YouTube 倹約は美徳か? 절약하는 것이 미덕일까요? - 6분 영어 - YouTube Czy bycie oszczędnym jest cnotą? - 6 Minute English - YouTube Ser económico é uma virtude? - 6 Minutos de Inglês - YouTube 节俭是一种美德吗? - 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Hello. This is 6 Minute English from

BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

And I'm Sam.

Are you a saver or a spender, Sam? |||پس‌انداز کننده|||خرج‌کننده| ||||||Ausgeber| ||||||spender| |||poupador|||gastador| 你是个爱存钱还是花钱的人,Sam?

Well, I'm trying to limit my spending 嗯,我正在努力限制我的花费。

right now because I'm saving up 因为我在攒钱。

for a deposit to ||deposit| ||um depósito|

buy a house.

Saving money is not always easy - as we'll

find out in today's programme, which is all

about 'thrift'. 'Thrift' is not a simple idea |Sparsamkeit|||||| |thrift|Thrift||||| ||thrift||||| |poupança||||||

to define. It's to do with living a simple definovat. Má to co do činění s jednoduchým životem.

life free from the need to constantly život bez nutnosti neustále

buy the latest products. |os|| koupit nejnovější produkty.

Today's consumer culture encourages us

to 'spend, spend, spend', but

it hasn't always

been that way. The Victorians for example ||||ویکتوریایی‌ها|| ||||os vitorianos||

told people to 'save up for a rainy day', |||||para||chuvosa|

meaning to keep some money back

in case of unforeseen emergencies. ||||موارد اضطراری ||||Notfällen |||unforeseen|emergencies |||imprevistas|

But before we discover more about that,

it's time for today's quiz question. If you're

trying to save money you probably

know how hard it can be. So my

question is: what percentage

of people in the UK, do you think, have

less than £1000 in savings? Is it: |||Ersparnissen|| menos|||poupança||

a) 5%, b) 15 %, or c) 30%?

Well, if I'm anything to go by |||algo|||

I'd say c) 30%.

OK. Well, we'll find the correct answer out

later. I mentioned before that 'thrift' is

a difficult idea to define, so here's

Alison Hulme, a lecturer at |Hulme||| Alison|Hulme||professora|

the University of Northampton, |||دانشگاه نورتهمپتون |||Northampton |||Northampton |||Northampton

explaining more to BBC Radio 4's

programme Thinking Allowed:

There are two dictionary definitions |||dicionários|

of thrift. The older of the two comes

from the word 'thrive' |||prospera

etymologically, and described thrift ریشه‌شناسی، توصیف صرفه‌جویی||| etymologisch||| etymologically||| etimologicamente|||economia

as the ability to live well

and to flourish, so it's ||شکوفا شدن|| ||flourish|| ||florescer||

that sense of human flourishing. ||||florescimento

The more recent definition is

the one we're probably

more familiar with which is about

frugality. All of that said, it's Sparsamkeit||||| frugality||||| frugalidade||||| frugalità|||||

been used historically

of course by various people in various |||different|||

moments in various different

places in very different

ways and they've often had

a social or religious agenda. ||||agenda

It seems the oldest definition of 'thrift'

has nothing to do with

saving money and is

connected to the verbs 'thrive' and

'flourish' - meaning to grow

or develop successfully.

It was only later with the Puritans - 16th ||||||پیوریتن‌ها| ||||||Puritaner| ||||||Puritans| ||||||os puritanos|

century English Christians ||مسیحیان انگلیسی ||os cristãos

with a reputation

for strict discipline - that the meaning

of thrift changed and became

associated with

frugality - being careful not to spend too

much money or eat too much food.

The Puritans believed that being

frugal was a religious virtue and صرفه‌جویی||||| sparsam||||| simple living||||| frugal||||| šetrnost byla náboženská ctnost a

that people ought to ||should| ||devem| že by lidé měli

save money in order to give šetřit peníze, abyste mohli dávat

to others in need. ||of| ostatním potřebným.

Later on the meaning of 'thrift' changed Později se význam slova "spořivost" změnil.

again. During the Victorian era, |||vitoriana|

it was connected

to the idea of managing your own money

in order to be a responsible citizen. |||||responsible|

Throughout history then, there have been im Laufe der|||||

different versions of 'thrift',

and this may be because

different religions or social groups |ادیان مختلف||| |religions|||

had their own agenda - a specific

aim or reason for objetivo|||

a particular group to do something.

For example, the Victorian |||vitoriana

definition of thrift was based definice spořivosti byla založena na

on a social agenda about being o sociální agendě týkající se bytí

a respectable member of society. |عضو محترم جامعه||| |respectable||| |respeitável||| vážený člen společnosti.

Ideas about frugality and thrift changed Nápady na šetrnost a úspornost se změnily

again during the Second World War

when the public

was encouraged to avoid waste |||avoid| byla vyzvána, aby se zabránilo plýtvání

so that every material resource ||||منبع مادی aby každý materiální zdroj

could go into the war effort. mohly být použity na válečné úsilí.

And in the post-war period, it changed A v poválečném období se změnila.

again as people's wealth |||riqueza

and standard of living |padrão||vida

increased. Here's Alison Hulme again: erhöhte||||

It's the idea that once people had enough Je to myšlenka, že jakmile se lidé nasytí.

to meet their kind of splnit jejich druh

basic needs there was základních potřeb bylo

this kind of moral slide into consumerism. ||||||consumismo tento druh morálního sklouznutí ke konzumu. šāda veida morālā noslīde uz patērētismu.

It's not a view that I subscribe ||||||subscrevo Není to názor, který bych zastával. Tas nav viedoklis, kuram es piekrītu

to in a simplistic |||oversimplified zjednodušeně řečeno vienkāršotā veidā

sense myself - I think there's a very fine

line to tread here. ||خطی برای عبور| ||treten| ||tread| ||pisar| ||to tread|

There's no point denying |||انکار کردن |||denying |||negar

that, certainly in the developed world,

there's been a rise

in consumer capitalism, that's |||that is

just a truism, but thrift hasn't declined. ||حقیقت ساده|||| ||Binsenweisheit|||| ||truism|||| ||um truísmo||||diminuído ||a statement that is obviously true||||

In modern times, people's motivation

to save up and be thrifty šetřit a být hospodárný

declined once they had enough ||||suficiente klesl, jakmile měli dost

to meet their basic needs - the |satisfazer|||| k uspokojení jejich základních potřeb -

basic necessities needed to survive, |ضروریات اساسی||| |Bedürfnisse||| |necessities||| |necessidades||| základní potřeby nutné k přežití,

like food, clothes and

shelter and nothing extra. پناهگاه و بس||| abrigo|||

Alison mentions that once these

basic needs were satisfied,

people moved away from thrift ||longe||a economia

into consumerism, the desire to buy

'luxury' products which

were not absolutely necessary.

According to some, this created

a moral slide - a decrease in the ||||کاهش|| ||||Rückgang|| ||||decrease||

standards of behaving

in good, fair and honest ways.

The rise in consumer capitalism

we have seen around the world

is an example of a truism

- something that is so obviously true

it is not worth repeating. |||vale|

What is worth repeating ||vale|

is the quiz question, Neil.

Yes, I asked you how many British people

had savings of under £1000.

And I said, c) 30%

In fact, Sam, it's b) 15%.

So I guess I'm not such a bad saver ||||||||poupador

after all!

OK. Well, today we've been talking about

the changing meanings of 'thrift',

an idea connected

to frugality - being careful

not to spend too much money.

The original meaning of 'thrift' was

to flourish - grow or develop |gedeihen||| |to thrive|||

successfully - but that

definition changed as different religious

groups, like the Puritans, promoted their |||os puritanos|promoveram|

own agenda - aim or reason for a ||Ziel|||| |agenda|objetivo||||

particular group to do something.

In recent times, people's ability

to meet their basic needs - the

necessities for survival Notwendigkeiten||

like food and shelter, have reduced the |||shelter|||

importance of 'thrift', which

some believe has created

a moral slide - a reduction ||||Verringerung ||declínio||

in standards of moral behaviour. em||||

And the associated rise of consumer

capitalism is an example of a truism - ||||||verdadeiro

something that

is obviously true and

generally accepted by all.

That's all for now. Join us again

next time for more topical discussion ||||aktuellen|

and vocabulary. Bye for now!

Bye bye! Uz redzēšanos!