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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4774)Child Marriage in Yemen 26 September, 2011

(Spotlight4774)Child Marriage in Yemen 26 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Liz Waid. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A girl sits in a hall at the local court. She is only ten years old. She waits quietly. People hurry past her. They do not notice her. They do not know that this little girl is about to make history. Her name is Nujood Ali.

Voice 2

Ali waits on the bench for half a day. Finally, someone stops to ask her why she is waiting. She says,

Voice 3

“I came to get a divorce.”

Voice 1

The court did permit Ali to divorce her husband. The year was 2008. Ali was the youngest person permitted to end her marriage by divorce in the world. Child marriages happen in many countries. The young girls become brides before they are ready. And many child brides do not ever get the chance to get a divorce like Ali. But there are ways people can stop the problem of child marriages. Today's Spotlight is on child marriage, in Yemen and around the world. Voice 2

Ali grew up in Yemen. She lived with her family outside the city of Sana'a. When she was ten years old, her father sold her to be married. Ali's new husband was much older - he was in his thirties. Voice 1

After they married, Ali suffered. Her husband was very violent. He forced her to have sex. Her husband's parents also beat her. Ali knew she did not want to be married any more. She knew she wanted a divorce.

Voice 2

Two months later, Ali escaped. A female relative gave Ali money to travel to the court. After arriving, Ali waited at the court for half a day. A judge finally asked her why she was there. He listened to her story and wanted to help her.

Voice 1

The judge brought Ali to a lawyer named Shada Nasser. As a lawyer, Nasser defends people in court. In particular, her goal is to defend the rights of women. Nasser knew she wanted to help Ali.

Voice 2

Nasser told Ali's story in court. She told the judge about Ali's husband. She told him about the beatings, and forced sex. And the judge decided that Ali was permitted to end her marriage.

Voice 1

After her divorce, Nujood Ali wrote a book about her experience. A French writer helped her tell her story. Ali wanted to encourage other child brides who might have the same problems. The book became a bestseller. Millions of people wanted to read her amazing story.

Voice 2

Ali was a child bride. But she is not alone. In Yemen, child marriage is common. Yemen's Ministry of Social Affairs is a government group. It collects information about society. It says that 25 percent of girls in Yemen marry before the age of 15. The Yemen Times newspaper reports that some girls are married as young as eight. Yemeni law does not permit marriage for girls younger than 15. However, many marriages happen in secret. People pay police bribes so that the police do not report the marriages. But why are so many young girls married so young?

Voice 1

In some cultures, like in Yemen, it is traditional for young girls to marry. People see marriage as an honour. An unmarried woman is shameful for her family. And sometimes parents want their daughter to marry at a young age. They think this is the best choice for their child. That is because they believe that marriage means that the girl will have what she needs. A husband can provide food, clothing, and a home. He can protect her from danger.

Voice 2

However, some parents sell their children into marriage. In these cases usually the parents are very poor. They have no money to care for their children. They may sell a daughter to a much older man. They make money from this sale. They also no longer need to care for their daughter. The husband provides for the new bride.

Voice 1

Marriage also connects two families together. Poor families want to have a child marry someone with more money. This improves a family's social position. The marriage is good for the whole family. The parents believe that they gain honour because of this marriage. However in these situations, the daughter does not have a choice. She may not even know about the marriage before it happens. She has no time to prepare.

Voice 2

Another reason young girls get married is that many older men want younger brides. The bride may even be a man's second or third wife. The men want to have many children. Many child brides become pregnant at a very young age. A young bride might give birth to her first child at twelve years old. She is able to have many children while she is still young. But pregnancy at such a young age is dangerous. Young mothers have a higher risk of death in childbirth. And their babies are also at risk for serious problems, and even death.

Voice 1

Usually the husbands force their young wives to have sex. The husband wants to have sex with his wife to gain honour. It would shame his family if he did not. Sometimes the sex is violent. A husband may also beat his wife if she does not want to have sex. However, sex at this young age can also cause terrible damage to a girl's body. For these reasons, and more, child marriage is usually not legal. However, the tradition continues.

Voice 2

Child marriage is not just a problem in Yemen. It is a problem in many different cultures and religions around the world. There are many organizations working to end the tradition of child brides. One important organization is the International Center on Research for Women, or ICRW. The ICRW works with organizations around the world to improve the lives of women.

Voice 1

According to the ICRW, one of the most important ways to prevent child marriage is education. This means education for the community, and for girls. When girls continue their education, they marry at older ages. But they can also help their communities. Many nations with a tradition of child brides are very poor. Education can end poverty. Education means work. It means money. It means a future.

Voice 2

The most successful programs encourage girls to continue in school. But they also help communities understand why their daughters need an education. And these programs teach communities about the problems and dangers of child marriage. In countries like India, child marriage has greatly decreased through programs like these. Child marriage is not just a problem for girls. It is a problem for the whole community. And the whole community must work together to end it.

Voice 1

The writer of this program was Johanna Poole. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. You can find our programs on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called ‘Child Marriage in Yemen'. Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

(Spotlight4774)Child Marriage in Yemen 26 September, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Kinderheirat im Jemen 26 September, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Matrimonio infantil en Yemen 26 septiembre, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Mariage d'enfants au Yémen 26 septembre, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Il matrimonio infantile nello Yemen 26 settembre 2011 (Spotlight4774)イエメンでの子供の結婚2011年9月26日 (스포트라이트4774)예멘의 아동 결혼, 2011년 9월 26일 (Spotlight4774)Małżeństwa dzieci w Jemenie 26 września 2011 r. (Spotlight4774)Casamento infantil no Iémen 26 setembro, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Детские браки в Йемене 26 сентября, 2011 (Spotlight4774)Yemen'de Çocuk Evlilikleri 26 Eylül, 2011 (聚焦4774)也门童婚 2011年9月26日 (Spotlight4774)也門的童婚 2011 年 9 月 26 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Liz Waid. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlightは、英語の特別な放送方法を使用しています。 It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A girl sits in a hall at the local court. 地方裁判所のホールに女の子が座っている。 She is only ten years old. She waits quietly. People hurry past her. 人々は彼女を急いで通り過ぎます。 İnsanlar yanından aceleyle geçiyor. They do not notice her. They do not know that this little girl is about to make history. 彼らはこの小さな女の子が歴史を作ろうとしていることを知りません。 Her name is Nujood Ali.

Voice 2

Ali waits on the bench for half a day. アリはベンチで半日待つ。 Finally, someone stops to ask her why she is waiting. 最後に、誰かが彼女になぜ彼女が待っているのか尋ねるのをやめます。 She says,

Voice 3

“I came to get a divorce.” 「私は離婚するようになりました。」

Voice 1

The court did permit Ali to divorce her husband. 裁判所は、アリが夫と離婚することを許可しました。 Mahkeme Ali'nin kocasından boşanmasına izin vermiştir. The year was 2008. Ali was the youngest person permitted to end her marriage by divorce in the world. Ali, dünyada evliliğini boşanarak bitirmesine izin verilen en genç kişiydi. Child marriages happen in many countries. 児童婚は多くの国で行われています。 The young girls become brides before they are ready. 若い女の子たちは準備が整う前に花嫁になります。 And many child brides do not ever get the chance to get a divorce like Ali. そして、多くの子供花嫁は、アリのように離婚する機会を得ることはありません。 But there are ways people can stop the problem of child marriages. しかし、児童婚の問題を止める方法はいくつかあります。 Today's Spotlight is on child marriage, in Yemen and around the world. Voice 2

Ali grew up in Yemen. She lived with her family outside the city of Sana'a. 彼女は家族と一緒にサヌア市の外に住んでいました。 When she was ten years old, her father sold her to be married. 彼女が 10 歳のとき、彼女の父親は彼女を売って結婚させました。 Ali's new husband was much older - he was in his thirties. アリの新しい夫はずっと年上でした-彼は30代でした。 Voice 1

After they married, Ali suffered. 彼らが結婚した後、アリは苦しみました。 Her husband was very violent. Kocası çok şiddet yanlısıydı. He forced her to have sex. Onu seks yapmaya zorlamış. Her husband's parents also beat her. 彼女の夫の両親も彼女を殴りました。 Ali knew she did not want to be married any more. アリは彼女がもう結婚したくないことを知っていました。 She knew she wanted a divorce. 彼女は離婚したいと思っていました。

Voice 2

Two months later, Ali escaped. A female relative gave Ali money to travel to the court. 女性の親戚がアリに法廷に行くためのお金を与えた。 Bir kadın akrabası Ali'ye mahkemeye gitmesi için para verdi. After arriving, Ali waited at the court for half a day. A judge finally asked her why she was there. 裁判官はついに彼女になぜそこにいるのか尋ねました。 He listened to her story and wanted to help her.

Voice 1

The judge brought Ali to a lawyer named Shada Nasser. 裁判官はアリをシャダ・ナセルという弁護士に連れて行った。 Yargıç Ali'yi Shada Nasser adında bir avukata götürdü. As a lawyer, Nasser defends people in court. 弁護士として、ナセルは法廷で人々を擁護します。 In particular, her goal is to defend the rights of women. 特に、彼女の目標は女性の権利を守ることです。 Özellikle de kadınların haklarını savunmayı hedefliyor. Nasser knew she wanted to help Ali.

Voice 2

Nasser told Ali's story in court. She told the judge about Ali's husband. She told him about the beatings, and forced sex. 彼女は彼に殴打と強制セックスについて話しました。 And the judge decided that Ali was permitted to end her marriage. そして裁判官は、アリが彼女の結婚を終わらせることを許可されたと判断しました.

Voice 1

After her divorce, Nujood Ali wrote a book about her experience. A French writer helped her tell her story. フランスの作家が彼女の話を手伝ってくれました。 Ali wanted to encourage other child brides who might have the same problems. The book became a bestseller. Millions of people wanted to read her amazing story. 何百万人もの人々が彼女の驚くべき物語を読みたがっていました.

Voice 2

Ali was a child bride. アリは子供の花嫁でした。 But she is not alone. しかし、彼女は一人ではありません。 In Yemen, child marriage is common. Yemen's Ministry of Social Affairs is a government group. イエメンの社会問題省は政府グループです。 Yemen Sosyal İşler Bakanlığı bir hükümet grubudur. It collects information about society. 社会に関する情報を収集します。 It says that 25 percent of girls in Yemen marry before the age of 15. The Yemen Times newspaper reports that some girls are married as young as eight. イエメン・タイムズ紙は、8歳で結婚する少女もいると報じている。 Yemeni law does not permit marriage for girls younger than 15. イエメンの法律では、15歳未満の少女の結婚は許可されていません。 However, many marriages happen in secret. People pay police bribes so that the police do not report the marriages. 警察が結婚を報告しないように、人々は警察に賄賂を支払います。 İnsanlar polisin evlilikleri rapor etmemesi için polise rüşvet ödüyor. But why are so many young girls married so young? Peki neden bu kadar çok genç kız bu kadar genç yaşta evleniyor?

Voice 1

In some cultures, like in Yemen, it is traditional for young girls to marry. イエメンのようないくつかの文化では、若い女の子が結婚するのが伝統的です。 People see marriage as an honour. 人々は結婚を名誉と考えています。 İnsanlar evliliği bir onur olarak görüyor. An unmarried woman is shameful for her family. 未婚の女性は家族にとって恥ずべきことです。 And sometimes parents want their daughter to marry at a young age. そして時々両親は彼らの娘が若い年齢で結婚することを望みます。 They think this is the best choice for their child. That is because they believe that marriage means that the girl will have what she needs. それは、結婚は女の子が必要なものを手に入れることを意味すると彼らが信じているからです。 A husband can provide food, clothing, and a home. He can protect her from danger. 彼は彼女を危険から守ることができます。

Voice 2

However, some parents sell their children into marriage. しかし、一部の親は子供を結婚に売ります。 In these cases usually the parents are very poor. このような場合、通常、両親は非常に貧しいです。 They have no money to care for their children. They may sell a daughter to a much older man. 彼らは娘をずっと年上の男に売るかもしれません。 They make money from this sale. 彼らはこの販売からお金を稼ぎます。 Bu satıştan para kazanıyorlar. They also no longer need to care for their daughter. 彼らはまた、もはや娘の世話をする必要はありません。 The husband provides for the new bride. 夫は新しい花嫁を用意します。

Voice 1

Marriage also connects two families together. Poor families want to have a child marry someone with more money. 貧しい家庭は、子供にもっとお金のある人と結婚させたいと思っています。 This improves a family's social position. これは家族の社会的地位を向上させます。 The marriage is good for the whole family. 結婚は家族全員にとって良いことです。 The parents believe that they gain honour because of this marriage. 両親は、この結婚のおかげで彼らが名誉を得ると信じています。 However in these situations, the daughter does not have a choice. しかし、これらの状況では、娘には選択の余地がありません。 She may not even know about the marriage before it happens. 彼女はそれが起こる前に結婚についてさえ知らないかもしれません。 She has no time to prepare. 彼女には準備する時間がありません。

Voice 2

Another reason young girls get married is that many older men want younger brides. 若い女の子が結婚するもう1つの理由は、多くの年配の男性が若い花嫁を望んでいることです. The bride may even be a man's second or third wife. 花嫁は男性の2番目または3番目の妻でさえあるかもしれません。 The men want to have many children. Many child brides become pregnant at a very young age. 多くの子供花嫁は非常に若い年齢で妊娠します。 A young bride might give birth to her first child at twelve years old. 若い花嫁は12歳で最初の子供を産むかもしれません。 She is able to have many children while she is still young. 彼女は若いうちにたくさんの子供をもうけることができます。 But pregnancy at such a young age is dangerous. しかし、そのような若い年齢での妊娠は危険です。 Young mothers have a higher risk of death in childbirth. 若い母親は、出産時に死亡するリスクが高くなります。 And their babies are also at risk for serious problems, and even death. そして、彼らの赤ちゃんはまた、深刻な問題、さらには死の危険にさらされています。

Voice 1

Usually the husbands force their young wives to have sex. 通常、夫は若い妻にセックスを強要します。 The husband wants to have sex with his wife to gain honour. 夫は名誉を得るために妻とセックスしたいと思っています。 It would shame his family if he did not. もし彼がそうしなかったら、それは彼の家族を恥じるでしょう。 Sometimes the sex is violent. 時々セックスは暴力的です。 A husband may also beat his wife if she does not want to have sex. 妻がセックスをしたくない場合、夫は妻を殴ることもあります。 However, sex at this young age can also cause terrible damage to a girl's body. しかし、この若い年齢でのセックスは、女の子の体にひどいダメージを与える可能性もあります。 For these reasons, and more, child marriage is usually not legal. これらの理由、およびそれ以上の理由で、子供の結婚は通常合法ではありません。 However, the tradition continues. しかし、伝統は続いています。

Voice 2

Child marriage is not just a problem in Yemen. 児童婚はイエメンだけの問題ではありません。 It is a problem in many different cultures and religions around the world. それは世界中の多くの異なる文化や宗教の問題です。 There are many organizations working to end the tradition of child brides. 子供の花嫁の伝統を終わらせるために働いている多くの組織があります。 One important organization is the International Center on Research for Women, or ICRW. 重要な組織の1つは、国際女性研究センター(ICRW)です。 The ICRW works with organizations around the world to improve the lives of women. ICRWは、世界中の組織と協力して女性の生活を向上させています。

Voice 1

According to the ICRW, one of the most important ways to prevent child marriage is education. ICRWによると、子供の結婚を防ぐための最も重要な方法の1つは教育です。 This means education for the community, and for girls. これは、コミュニティと女の子のための教育を意味します。 When girls continue their education, they marry at older ages. 女の子が教育を続けるとき、彼らはより古い年齢で結婚します。 But they can also help their communities. しかし、彼らはまた彼らのコミュニティを助けることができます。 Many nations with a tradition of child brides are very poor. 子供の花嫁の伝統を持つ多くの国は非常に貧しいです。 Education can end poverty. 教育は貧困を終わらせることができます。 Eğitim yoksulluğu sona erdirebilir. Education means work. 教育は仕事を意味します。 It means money. It means a future.

Voice 2

The most successful programs encourage girls to continue in school. 最も成功したプログラムは、女の子が学校に通うことを奨励しています。 But they also help communities understand why their daughters need an education. しかし、彼らはまた、コミュニティが娘たちが教育を必要とする理由を理解するのを助けます。 And these programs teach communities about the problems and dangers of child marriage. そして、これらのプログラムは、児童婚の問題と危険性について地域社会に教えています。 In countries like India, child marriage has greatly decreased through programs like these. インドのような国では、このようなプログラムを通じて子供の結婚は大幅に減少しています。 Child marriage is not just a problem for girls. 子供の結婚は女の子だけの問題ではありません。 It is a problem for the whole community. それはコミュニティ全体の問題です。 And the whole community must work together to end it.

Voice 1

The writer of this program was Johanna Poole. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. あなたが聞いた声はイギリスとアメリカからのものでした。 All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. すべての引用はSpotlightによって適合され、声に出されました。 You can find our programs on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called ‘Child Marriage in Yemen'. このプログラムは「イエメンの子供結婚」と呼ばれています。 Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.