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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale

What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale

An observable universe is a big place that's been around for more than 13 billion years.

Up to two trillion galaxies made up of something like 20,000 billion billion stars

surround our home galaxy.

In the Milky Way alone,

scientists assume there are some 40 billion earth-like planets

in the habitable zone of their stars.

When we look at these numbers, it's hard to imagine that there is nobody else out there.

It would change our perception of ourselves forever if we found others.

Just knowing that this vast place is not dead would shift our perspective outward,

and could help us get over our irrelevant quarrels.

But before looking for our new best friends, or worst enemies,

we have a problem to solve: What are we actually looking for?

[Kurzgesagt intro]

In a universe that big and old,

we have to assume that civilizations start millions of years apart from eachother,

and develop in different directions and speeds.

So not only are we looking over distances of dozens to hundreds of thousands of light years,

we're looking for a civilization ranging from cavemen to super advanced.

So, we need a conceptual framework to enable us to think better thoughts

that make us able to search better.

Are there universal rules that intelligent species follow?

Currently our civilization sample size is only one,

so we may make incorrect assumptions based solely on ourselves.

Still, better than nothing.

We know that humans started out with nothing but minds and hands that could build tools.

We know that humans are curious, competitive, greedy for resources, and expansionist.

The more of these qualities our ancestors had,

the more successful they were in the civilization building game.

Being one with nature is nice,

but it's not the path to irrigation systems, or gunpowder, or cities.

So it's reasonable to assume that aliens able to take over their home planet also have these qualities.

And, if aliens have to follow the same laws of physics,

then there is a measurable metric for progress: Energy use.

Human progress can be measured very precisely by how much energy we extracted from our environment,

and how we made it usable to do things.

We started with muscles, until we learned to control fire.

Then we made machines that used kinetic energy from water and wind.

As our machines got better and our knowledge of materials expanded,

we began to harness the concentrated energy from dead plants we dug up from the ground.

As our energy consumption grew exponentially, so did the abilities of our civilization.

Between 1800 and 2015, population size had increased sevenfold,

while humanity was consuming 25 times more energy.

It's likely that this process will continue into the far future.

Based on these facts, scientist Nikolai Kardashev developed a method of categorizing civilizations,

from cave dwellers to gods ruling over galaxies:

The Kardashev Scale; a method of ranking civilizations by their energy use.

The scale has been refined and expanded on over the decades,

but in general it puts civilizations into four different categories.

A Type 1 civilization is able to use the available energy of their home planet.

A Type 2 civilization is able to use the available energy of their star and planetary system.

A Type 3 civilization is able to use the available energy of their galaxy.

A Type 4 civilization is able to use the available energy of multiple galaxies.

These levels differ by orders of magnitude.

It's like comparing an ant colony to a human metropolitan area.

To, ants we are so complex and powerful, we might as well be gods.

So to make the scale more useful, we need subcategories.

On the lower end of the spectrum, there are Type 0 to Type 1 civilizations:

Anything from hunter-gatherers, to something we could achieve in the next few hundred years.

These might actually be abundant in the Milky Way.

But a civilization that is not actively transmitting radio signals into space

might be as close as our nearest stellar neighbor, the Alpha Centauri system,

and we would have no way of realizing they exist.

But even if they transmitted radio signals like we do, it might not be very helpful.

On an interstellar scale, humanity is practically invisible.

Our signals may extend over an impressive 200 light years,

but this is only a tiny fraction of the Milky Way.

And even if someone were listening,

after a few light years our signals decay into noise,

impossible to identify as the source of an intelligent species.

Today, humanity ranks at about level 0.75.

We have altered our planet:

we've created huge structures, mined and stripped mountains,

removed rainforests, and drained swamps.

We've created rivers and lakes,

and changed the composition and temperature of the atmosphere. If progress continues, and we don't make Earth uninhabitable,

we will become a full Type 1 civilization in the next few hundred years.

Any civilization that becomes a Type 1 is bound to look outside,

because it's likely that it's still curious, competitive, greedy and expansionist.

The next reasonable step towards transitioning to Type 2 is trying to alter and mine other planets and bodies.

This might start with outposts in space, transition to infrastructure and industries near the home planet,

move on to colonies, and end with terraforming other planets,

by changing their atmosphere, their rotation, or position.

As a civilization expands and uses more and more stuff and space,

its energy consumption scales with them,

so at some point, they may embark on the largest project a lower Type 2 civilization can take on:

harnessing the energy of their star by building a Dyson Swarm.

Once this megastructure is finished,

energy has become practically unlimited for molding the home system however they see fit.

If they are still curious, competitive, greedy and expansionist,

and now have complete control over their home system,

stellar infrastructure in place, and the energy output of a star,

the next frontier moves to other stars light years away.

For a Type 2 civilization,

the distance to other stars might feel like the distance between Earth and Pluto does to us today:

Technically within reach,

but only with immense investments in terms of time, ingenuity, and resources.

This begins their transition towards Type 3.

This step is so far beyond us

that it becomes hard to imagine what exactly these challenges will look like,

and how they'll be solved.

Will they be able to find a solution to the vast distances

and travel times of hundreds or thousands of years?

Will they be able to communicate and keep a shared culture and biology between colonies light years apart?

Or will they split into separate Type 2 civilizations?

Maybe even different species?

Are there deadly challenges between the stars?

So the closer a species gets to Type 3,

the harder it becomes to fathom what it might actually look like.

They might discover new physics, may understand and control dark matter and energy,

or be able to travel faster than light.

We might be unable to grasp their motives, technology, and actions.

Humans are the ants, trying to understand the galactic metropolitan area.

A high Type 2 civilization might already consider humanity too primitive to even talk to.

A Type 3 civilization might feel about as like we feel about the bacteria living on the anthill.

Maybe they wouldn't even consider us conscious, or our survival relevant.

We could only pray that they're nice gods.

But the scale doesn't necessarily end here.

Some scientists suggest there might be Type 4 and Type 5 civilizations,

whose influence stretches over galaxy clusters or superclusters,

structures comprising thousands of galaxies and trillions of stars.

Ultimately, there might be a Type Omega civilization,

able to manipulate the entire universe, and possibly others.

Type omega civilizations might be the actual creators of our universe,

for reasons beyond our comprehension.

Maybe they were just bored.

As flawed as this classification may be,

this thought experiment is already telling us interesting things.

If our ideas about the nature of species that form interstellar civilizations is sort of correct,

then we can be pretty sure that there are no civilizations of Type 3 and beyond near the Milky Way.

Their influence would in all likelihood be so all-encompassing,

and their technology so far above our own, that we couldn't miss them.

The galaxy should flash with their activity in thousands of star systems.

We should be able to see or detect their artifacts or movements between different parts of their empire.

Even if a Type 3 civilization did exist in the past, and died a mysterious death,

we should be able to detect some of the remnants of their empire.

But when scientists looked, they didn't find remnants of harvested stars,

decaying megastructures or scars of great interstellar wars.

So they're very likely not out there and never were.

In a sense, this is very sad, but also very reassuring.

It leaves the galaxy to us and others similar to us.

So the most promising civilizations to look for may be somewhere in the spectrum from Type 1.5 to Type 2.5.

They wouldn't be too advanced to understand them and their motives.

They may have finished their first megastructures,

and they might be in the process of moving staff between stars,

transmitting enormous amounts of information into space,

by accident, or on purpose.

They would probably also look to the stars and look for others.

Then again, maybe we've got it all wrong.

Maybe progress to Type 2 does not mean expanding outwards,

and humanity is still too immature to imagine otherwise.

For now, all we really know is that we haven't seen anybody yet.

But, we've only just started looking.

Until we finally find friendly super aliens and can ask them to explain the rules of the universe to us,

most of us have to make do with learning stuff ourselves.

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*duck noise*

Subtitles by: Bruno Andre Fernandes Ortega and others

What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale Wie sehen außerirdische Zivilisationen aus? Die Kardashev-Skala ¿Qué aspecto tienen las civilizaciones extraterrestres? La escala de Kardashev À quoi ressemblent les civilisations extraterrestres ? L'échelle de Kardashev 宇宙人の文明はどのようなものか?カルダシェフ・スケール 외계 문명은 어떤 모습일까요? 카르다셰프 척도 Jak wyglądają obce cywilizacje? Skala Kardaszewa Como é que as civilizações extraterrestres se parecem? A Escala de Kardashev Как выглядят инопланетные цивилизации? Шкала Кардашева Uzaylı Uygarlıklar Neye Benziyor? Kardashev Ölçeği Як виглядають інопланетні цивілізації? Шкала Кардашева 外星文明是什么样子的?卡尔达肖夫量表 外星文明是什麼樣子的?卡爾達肖夫量表

An observable universe is a big place that's been around for more than 13 billion years. El universo observable es un lugar grande que existe desde hace más de 13.000 millones de años. L'univers observable est un vaste espace qui existe depuis plus de 13 milliards d'années.

Up to two trillion galaxies made up of something like 20,000 billion billion stars Hasta dos billones de galaxias formadas por algo así como 20.000 billones de billones de estrellas. Jusqu'à deux trillions de galaxies composées d'environ 20 000 milliards de milliards d'étoiles.

surround our home galaxy.

In the Milky Way alone, Sólo en la Vía Láctea,

scientists assume there are some 40 billion earth-like planets les scientifiques estiment qu'il existe environ 40 milliards de planètes semblables à la terre

in the habitable zone of their stars.

When we look at these numbers, it's hard to imagine that there is nobody else out there.

It would change our perception of ourselves forever if we found others. Si nous en trouvions d'autres, notre perception de nous-mêmes s'en trouverait changée à jamais.

Just knowing that this vast place is not dead would shift our perspective outward, |||||||||||||more externally focused El mero hecho de saber que este vasto lugar no está muerto cambiaría nuestra perspectiva hacia el exterior, Le simple fait de savoir que ce vaste espace n'est pas mort modifierait notre perspective vers l'extérieur,

and could help us get over our irrelevant quarrels. |||||||unimportant|petty arguments y podría ayudarnos a superar nuestras rencillas irrelevantes. et pourrait nous aider à surmonter nos querelles sans rapport avec le sujet.

But before looking for our new best friends, or worst enemies, Pero antes de buscar a nuestros nuevos mejores amigos, o peores enemigos,

we have a problem to solve: What are we actually looking for? tenemos un problema que resolver: ¿Qué buscamos realmente? у нас есть проблема, которую нужно решить: что мы на самом деле ищем?

[Kurzgesagt intro]

In a universe that big and old,

we have to assume that civilizations start millions of years apart from eachother, tenemos que asumir que las civilizaciones empiezan con millones de años de diferencia entre ellas, мы должны предположить, что цивилизации начинаются за миллионы лет друг от друга,

and develop in different directions and speeds.

So not only are we looking over distances of dozens to hundreds of thousands of light years, Así que no sólo estamos mirando a distancias de docenas a cientos de miles de años luz, Nous observons donc non seulement des distances de plusieurs dizaines à plusieurs centaines de milliers d'années-lumière,

we're looking for a civilization ranging from cavemen to super advanced. buscamos una civilización desde cavernícola hasta superavanzada. nous recherchons une civilisation allant de l'homme des cavernes à une civilisation très avancée.

So, we need a conceptual framework to enable us to think better thoughts ||||theoretical|||||||| Así pues, necesitamos un marco conceptual que nos permita pensar mejor

that make us able to search better. que nos permiten buscar mejor.

Are there universal rules that intelligent species follow? ¿Existen reglas universales que sigan las especies inteligentes? Existe-t-il des règles universelles que suivent les espèces intelligentes ?

Currently our civilization sample size is only one, Actualmente, el tamaño de nuestra muestra de civilización es sólo uno, Actuellement, notre échantillon de civilisation n'est que d'une seule personne,

so we may make incorrect assumptions based solely on ourselves. por lo que podemos hacer suposiciones incorrectas basadas únicamente en nosotros mismos.

Still, better than nothing. Aún así, mejor que nada.

We know that humans started out with nothing but minds and hands that could build tools. Sabemos que los humanos empezaron sin nada más que mentes y manos que podían construir herramientas. Nous savons que les humains n'avaient au départ qu'un esprit et des mains capables de fabriquer des outils.

We know that humans are curious, competitive, greedy for resources, and expansionist. Sabemos que los humanos son curiosos, competitivos, ávidos de recursos y expansionistas. We weten dat mensen nieuwsgierig, competitief, hebzuchtig en expansief zijn.

The more of these qualities our ancestors had,

the more successful they were in the civilization building game. plus ils réussissaient dans le jeu de la construction de la civilisation.

Being one with nature is nice, Ser uno con la naturaleza es agradable, Il est agréable de faire corps avec la nature,

but it's not the path to irrigation systems, or gunpowder, or cities. pero no es el camino a los sistemas de riego, ni a la pólvora, ni a las ciudades. mais ce n'est pas la voie qui mène aux systèmes d'irrigation, à la poudre à canon ou aux villes.

So it's reasonable to assume that aliens able to take over their home planet also have these qualities. Así que es razonable suponer que los alienígenas capaces de apoderarse de su planeta natal también tienen estas cualidades.

And, if aliens have to follow the same laws of physics, Y, si los extraterrestres tienen que seguir las mismas leyes de la física,

then there is a measurable metric for progress: Energy use. entonces hay una métrica medible para el progreso: El consumo de energía.

Human progress can be measured very precisely by how much energy we extracted from our environment,

and how we made it usable to do things.

We started with muscles, until we learned to control fire.

Then we made machines that used kinetic energy from water and wind. ||||||motion-based||||| Luego fabricamos máquinas que utilizaban la energía cinética del agua y del viento.

As our machines got better and our knowledge of materials expanded, A medida que mejoraban nuestras máquinas y se ampliaba nuestro conocimiento de los materiales,

we began to harness the concentrated energy from dead plants we dug up from the ground. |||||dense and potent|||||||||| empezamos a aprovechar la energía concentrada de las plantas muertas que desenterrábamos del suelo. nous avons commencé à exploiter l'énergie concentrée des plantes mortes que nous déterrions du sol. we begonnen de geconcentreerde energie te benutten van dode planten die we uit de grond hadden opgegraven. мы начали использовать концентрированную энергию мертвых растений, которые выкопали из земли. Topraktan çıkardığımız ölü bitkilerin yoğunlaştırılmış enerjisinden yararlanmaya başladık.

As our energy consumption grew exponentially, so did the abilities of our civilization. A medida que nuestro consumo de energía crecía exponencialmente, también lo hacían las capacidades de nuestra civilización.

Between 1800 and 2015, population size had increased sevenfold,

while humanity was consuming 25 times more energy.

It's likely that this process will continue into the far future.

Based on these facts, scientist Nikolai Kardashev developed a method of categorizing civilizations, Sur la base de ces faits, le scientifique Nikolai Kardashev a développé une méthode de catégorisation des civilisations,

from cave dwellers to gods ruling over galaxies: desde cavernícolas hasta dioses que gobiernan galaxias: des habitants des cavernes aux dieux régnant sur les galaxies : от пещерных жителей до богов, правящих галактиками:

The Kardashev Scale; a method of ranking civilizations by their energy use.

The scale has been refined and expanded on over the decades, 几十年来,该量表不断完善和扩大,

but in general it puts civilizations into four different categories.

A Type 1 civilization is able to use the available energy of their home planet.

A Type 2 civilization is able to use the available energy of their star and planetary system. Une civilisation de type 2 est capable d'utiliser l'énergie disponible de son étoile et de son système planétaire.

A Type 3 civilization is able to use the available energy of their galaxy. Une civilisation de type 3 est capable d'utiliser l'énergie disponible dans sa galaxie.

A Type 4 civilization is able to use the available energy of multiple galaxies.

These levels differ by orders of magnitude. Estos niveles difieren en órdenes de magnitud.

It's like comparing an ant colony to a human metropolitan area. |||||||||urban center|

To, ants we are so complex and powerful, we might as well be gods. Para las hormigas somos tan complejos y poderosos que podríamos ser dioses. Pour les fourmis, nous sommes si complexes et si puissants que nous pourrions tout aussi bien être des dieux.

So to make the scale more useful, we need subcategories.

On the lower end of the spectrum, there are Type 0 to Type 1 civilizations: En el extremo inferior del espectro se encuentran las civilizaciones de Tipo 0 a Tipo 1: À l'extrémité inférieure du spectre, on trouve les civilisations de type 0 à type 1 :

Anything from hunter-gatherers, to something we could achieve in the next few hundred years. |||foragers||||||||||| Cualquier cosa, desde cazadores-recolectores hasta algo que podríamos conseguir en los próximos cientos de años. Cela va des chasseurs-cueilleurs à ce que nous pourrions réaliser dans les prochaines centaines d'années. Что угодно, от охотников-собирателей до того, чего мы сможем достичь в ближайшие несколько сотен лет.

These might actually be abundant in the Milky Way. De hecho, podrían ser abundantes en la Vía Láctea.

But a civilization that is not actively transmitting radio signals into space

might be as close as our nearest stellar neighbor, the Alpha Centauri system, podría estar tan cerca como nuestro vecino estelar más cercano, el sistema Alfa Centauri, pourrait être aussi proche que notre voisin stellaire le plus proche, le système Alpha Centauri, misschien wel zo dicht bij onze dichtstbijzijnde stellaire buur, het Alpha Centauri-systeem,

and we would have no way of realizing they exist. y no tendríamos forma de darnos cuenta de que existen.

But even if they transmitted radio signals like we do, it might not be very helpful. Pero aunque transmitieran señales de radio como nosotros, podría no ser muy útil.

On an interstellar scale, humanity is practically invisible.

Our signals may extend over an impressive 200 light years,

but this is only a tiny fraction of the Milky Way.

And even if someone were listening,

after a few light years our signals decay into noise, après quelques années-lumière, nos signaux se transforment en bruit,

impossible to identify as the source of an intelligent species.

Today, humanity ranks at about level 0.75. Tegenwoordig staat de mensheid op ongeveer 0,75.

We have altered our planet: Nous avons modifié notre planète :

we've created huge structures, mined and stripped mountains, ||||extracted resources from||removed surface layers|

removed rainforests, and drained swamps. |||dried out|wetlands

We've created rivers and lakes,

and changed the composition and temperature of the atmosphere. If progress continues, and we don't make Earth uninhabitable, Si el progreso continúa, y no hacemos la Tierra inhabitable, Si les progrès se poursuivent et que nous ne rendons pas la Terre inhabitable,

we will become a full Type 1 civilization in the next few hundred years.

Any civilization that becomes a Type 1 is bound to look outside, Cualquier civilización que se convierta en un Tipo 1 está obligada a mirar hacia fuera,

because it's likely that it's still curious, competitive, greedy and expansionist.

The next reasonable step towards transitioning to Type 2 is trying to alter and mine other planets and bodies.

This might start with outposts in space, transition to infrastructure and industries near the home planet, ||||remote space stations||||||||||| Это может начаться с аванпостов в космосе, перехода к инфраструктуре и промышленности вблизи родной планеты,

move on to colonies, and end with terraforming other planets, |||||||planetary environment modification|| passer aux colonies et terminer par la terraformation d'autres planètes,

by changing their atmosphere, their rotation, or position.

As a civilization expands and uses more and more stuff and space,

its energy consumption scales with them,

so at some point, they may embark on the largest project a lower Type 2 civilization can take on: ||||||begin undertaking||||||||||| por lo que, en algún momento, pueden embarcarse en el mayor proyecto que una civilización de tipo 2 inferior puede emprender: Il se peut donc qu'à un moment donné, ils se lancent dans le plus grand projet qu'une civilisation de type 2 puisse entreprendre :

harnessing the energy of their star by building a Dyson Swarm. aprovechando la energía de su estrella construyendo un Enjambre Dyson. exploiter l'énergie de leur étoile en construisant un essaim de Dyson.

Once this megastructure is finished,

energy has become practically unlimited for molding the home system however they see fit. ||||||||||in any way||| energía se ha vuelto prácticamente ilimitada para moldear el sistema doméstico como mejor les parezca. L'énergie est devenue pratiquement illimitée pour modeler le système domestique comme ils l'entendent.

If they are still curious, competitive, greedy and expansionist,

and now have complete control over their home system,

stellar infrastructure in place, and the energy output of a star, infraestructura estelar existente, y la producción de energía de una estrella,

the next frontier moves to other stars light years away. ||new boundary|||||||

For a Type 2 civilization,

the distance to other stars might feel like the distance between Earth and Pluto does to us today: ||||distant celestial bodies|||||||||distant dwarf planet|||| la distancia a otras estrellas podría parecerse a la que hoy nos separa de Plutón: la distance qui nous sépare d'autres étoiles pourrait ressembler à la distance qui nous sépare aujourd'hui de la Terre et de Pluton :

Technically within reach, Técnicamente al alcance, Techniquement à portée de main,

but only with immense investments in terms of time, ingenuity, and resources. |||huge||||||creativity and skill||

This begins their transition towards Type 3.

This step is so far beyond us

that it becomes hard to imagine what exactly these challenges will look like,

and how they'll be solved.

Will they be able to find a solution to the vast distances ¿Serán capaces de encontrar una solución a las enormes distancias

and travel times of hundreds or thousands of years? y tiempos de viaje de cientos o miles de años?

Will they be able to communicate and keep a shared culture and biology between colonies light years apart? ¿Serán capaces de comunicarse y mantener una cultura y una biología compartidas entre colonias separadas por años luz?

Or will they split into separate Type 2 civilizations? ¿O se dividirán en civilizaciones separadas de tipo 2?

Maybe even different species? ¿Tal vez incluso de especies diferentes?

Are there deadly challenges between the stars? ¿Hay desafíos mortales entre las estrellas?

So the closer a species gets to Type 3, Así que cuanto más se acerca una especie al Tipo 3,

the harder it becomes to fathom what it might actually look like. |||||understand|||||| más difícil resulta imaginar cómo podría ser en realidad. plus il est difficile d'imaginer à quoi elle pourrait ressembler.

They might discover new physics, may understand and control dark matter and energy,

or be able to travel faster than light.

We might be unable to grasp their motives, technology, and actions. Puede que seamos incapaces de comprender sus motivos, su tecnología y sus acciones. 我们可能无法了解他们的动机、技术和行为。

Humans are the ants, trying to understand the galactic metropolitan area. ||||||||vast cosmic expanse||

A high Type 2 civilization might already consider humanity too primitive to even talk to. Une civilisation de type 2 pourrait déjà considérer l'humanité comme trop primitive pour lui parler.

A Type 3 civilization might feel about as like we feel about the bacteria living on the anthill. ||||||||||||||||small mound structure

Maybe they wouldn't even consider us conscious, or our survival relevant. Quizá ni siquiera nos considerarían conscientes, ni nuestra supervivencia relevante. Peut-être qu'ils ne nous considéreraient même pas comme conscients, ou que notre survie ne serait pas pertinente.

We could only pray that they're nice gods. Sólo podemos rezar para que sean dioses agradables.

But the scale doesn't necessarily end here. Mais l'échelle ne s'arrête pas nécessairement là.

Some scientists suggest there might be Type 4 and Type 5 civilizations,

whose influence stretches over galaxy clusters or superclusters, |||||groups of galaxies||massive galaxy groups cuya influencia se extiende sobre cúmulos o supercúmulos de galaxias, dont l'influence s'étend sur les amas ou superamas de galaxies,

structures comprising thousands of galaxies and trillions of stars. |consisting of|||||||

Ultimately, there might be a Type Omega civilization,

able to manipulate the entire universe, and possibly others.

Type omega civilizations might be the actual creators of our universe, |ultimate advanced civilization|||||||||

for reasons beyond our comprehension.

Maybe they were just bored. Может, им просто было скучно.

As flawed as this classification may be, |imperfect||||| Por muy errónea que sea esta clasificación, Aussi imparfaite que soit cette classification,

this thought experiment is already telling us interesting things.

If our ideas about the nature of species that form interstellar civilizations is sort of correct, Si nos idées sur la nature des espèces qui forment les civilisations interstellaires sont à peu près correctes,

then we can be pretty sure that there are no civilizations of Type 3 and beyond near the Milky Way. nous pouvons être sûrs qu'il n'y a pas de civilisations de type 3 et au-delà à proximité de la Voie lactée.

Their influence would in all likelihood be so all-encompassing, Con toda probabilidad, su influencia sería tan amplia, Leur influence serait selon toute vraisemblance si vaste, Их влияние, по всей вероятности, было бы настолько всеобъемлющим,

and their technology so far above our own, that we couldn't miss them. |||||||||||fail to notice| y su tecnología tan por encima de la nuestra, que no podíamos perdérnoslos. И их технологии настолько превосходят наши, что мы не могли их не заметить.

The galaxy should flash with their activity in thousands of star systems. La galaxia debería destellar con su actividad en miles de sistemas estelares.

We should be able to see or detect their artifacts or movements between different parts of their empire.

Even if a Type 3 civilization did exist in the past, and died a mysterious death,

we should be able to detect some of the remnants of their empire. |||||||||remaining traces|||

But when scientists looked, they didn't find remnants of harvested stars, |||||||||collected or gathered| Pero cuando los científicos miraron, no encontraron restos de estrellas cosechadas, Mais lorsque les scientifiques ont regardé, ils n'ont pas trouvé de restes d'étoiles récoltées,

decaying megastructures or scars of great interstellar wars. Crumbling|massive constructions||battle remnants|||| megaestructuras en descomposición o cicatrices de grandes guerras interestelares. des mégastructures en décomposition ou des cicatrices de grandes guerres interstellaires.

So they're very likely not out there and never were. Así que es muy probable que no estén ahí fuera y que nunca lo hayan estado. Il est donc très probable qu'ils n'existent pas et qu'ils n'aient jamais existé.

In a sense, this is very sad, but also very reassuring. ||||||||||comforting

It leaves the galaxy to us and others similar to us. Elle laisse la galaxie à nous et à nos semblables.

So the most promising civilizations to look for may be somewhere in the spectrum from Type 1.5 to Type 2.5. |||most hopeful||||||||||range of types|||| Así que las civilizaciones más prometedoras que hay que buscar pueden estar en algún punto del espectro entre el Tipo 1.5 y el Tipo 2.5.

They wouldn't be too advanced to understand them and their motives. ||||||||||reasons for actions Ils ne seraient pas trop avancés pour les comprendre et connaître leurs motivations.

They may have finished their first megastructures, Puede que hayan terminado sus primeras megaestructuras,

and they might be in the process of moving staff between stars, y podrían estar en proceso de trasladar personal entre estrellas, et il est possible qu'ils soient en train de déplacer du personnel d'une étoile à l'autre,

transmitting enormous amounts of information into space,

by accident, or on purpose.

They would probably also look to the stars and look for others. Probablemente también mirarían a las estrellas y buscarían a otros.

Then again, maybe we've got it all wrong. Pero quizá estemos equivocados.

Maybe progress to Type 2 does not mean expanding outwards, Tal vez el progreso hacia el Tipo 2 no signifique expandirse hacia el exterior, Le passage au type 2 n'est peut-être pas synonyme d'expansion vers l'extérieur,

and humanity is still too immature to imagine otherwise. y la humanidad es aún demasiado inmadura para imaginar otra cosa.

For now, all we really know is that we haven't seen anybody yet.

But, we've only just started looking.

Until we finally find friendly super aliens and can ask them to explain the rules of the universe to us,

most of us have to make do with learning stuff ourselves.

Whether you're going back to school leaving home for the first time, Tanto si vuelves al colegio como si dejas tu casa por primera vez, Que vous retourniez à l'école ou que vous quittiez la maison pour la première fois,

or if you're just entering a new phase in your life, |||||||stage||| o si acabas de entrar en una nueva etapa de tu vida,

our shop is stocked and ready for all your back-to-school needs. nuestra tienda está abastecida y lista para todas sus necesidades de vuelta al cole. notre magasin est approvisionné et prêt à répondre à tous vos besoins pour la rentrée scolaire.

Notebooks and notepads to organize your work,

stickers and mugs to make things look nice, pegatinas y tazas para que todo quede bonito,

lots and lots of posters to turn your dorm or room into an inspiring oasis of knowledge. ||||||||||||||peaceful retreat|| montones y montones de carteles para convertir tu dormitorio o habitación en un inspirador oasis de conocimiento.

We have new shirts and for the first time, a Kurzgesagt Earth sweater.

All of these products are designed and produced with love by the Kurzgesagt merch birbs. Al deze producten zijn met liefde ontworpen en geproduceerd door de Kurzgesagt merch birbs.

Our merch is the easiest way to support what we do and keep our videos free for everyone. Nos produits dérivés sont le moyen le plus simple de soutenir ce que nous faisons et de faire en sorte que nos vidéos restent gratuites pour tous.

Thank you for watching.

*duck noise*

Subtitles by: Bruno Andre Fernandes Ortega and others