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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 34 - Take my advice

Lesson 34 - Take my advice

The best thing about camping is being in touch with nature

and leaving behind all the stress and problems from the city life.

But take my advice, never leave food anywhere near your tent

unless you want to have a bear encounter! Yeah, you heard right.

This last camping trip was far too extreme even for

the bravest and most adventurous type of person, trust me!

Here's what happened: right in the middle of the night I had the pleasure to be awakened by a huge brown bear!

So, having a bear encounter wasn't exactly what I meant when I said I like being in touch with nature!

That was the craziest camping trip ever!

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Lesson 34 - Take my advice Lektion 34 - Befolge meinen Rat Lección 34 - Hazme caso Leçon 34 - Suivez mon conseil レッスン34 アドバイスを受けよう 레슨 34 - 내 조언을 따르세요 Lição 34 - Aceita o meu conselho Урок 34 - Прислушайтесь к моему совету 第 34 課 - 聽聽我的建議

The best thing about camping is being in touch with nature ||||露营|||||| キャンプの一番いいところは自然と触れ合うことです

and leaving behind all the stress and problems from the city life. そして都市生活からのすべてのストレスと問題を残します。

But take my advice, never leave food anywhere near your tent ||||||||||帐篷 しかし、私のアドバイスを聞いてください、あなたのテントの近くに食べ物を決して残さないでください

unless you want to have a bear encounter! |||||||遭遇 クマと出会うのでなければ! Yeah, you heard right. ええ、あなたは正しく聞いた。

This last camping trip was far too extreme even for この最後のキャンプ旅行は、

the bravest and most adventurous type of person, trust me! ||||冒险的||||| 勇敢で最も冒険的なタイプの人、私を信じてください!

Here's what happened: right in the middle of the night 起こったことは次のとおりです。真夜中に I had the pleasure to be awakened by a huge brown bear! ||||||唤醒||||| 巨大なヒグマに目覚めさせていただきました!

So, having a bear encounter wasn't exactly what I meant ||||bear sighting||||| だから、クマとの出会いは私が意図したことではありませんでした when I said I like being in touch with nature! 自然と触れ合うのが好きだと言った時!

That was the craziest camping trip ever! |||最疯狂的||| それはこれまでで最もクレイジーなキャンプ旅行でした!