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All Ears English, 29- Learn How to Take Action Today with Your English and How to Set a SMART Goal

29- Learn How to Take Action Today with Your English and How to Set a SMART Goal

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 29: Deep Thoughts Thursday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, you're gonna (going to) learn how to start taking action with your English today and how to set goals that are SMART. So put your ears into English!


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby.

Gabby: So today we have a pretty awesome quote. (Um) I was wondering if you would share that one.

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: From (uh) Pablo Picasso.

Lindsay: Oh yes. So did he really say this? I don't know, but we're assuming he did.

Okay. “Action is the foundational key to all success.” Gabby:


I love it. So you were talking about (um) just taking little steps… Lindsay:


Gabby: …to move toward your goal.

Lindsay: Yeah. I feel like it's really easy to get stuck in your head, right? Planning- you have a goal. You want to become fluent in English. You want to pass the TOEFL exam. It's very easy to start planning for that. How am I going to pass the exam? But what you really should do is just take one small action each day.

Gabby: Yeah. I totally agree. (Um) I have worked with students before who think about studying all the time and they think about all these things they should be doing and so it feels like they're spending a lot of time on learning English, but they're actually not doing anything and so they get… Lindsay:

(Mm) that's interesting.

Gabby: …frustrated when their English skills don't improve or their test scores don't go up. So, yeah, it is interesting because it's like you spend all that time thinking about the topic. So you think you should be improving, but it's all about actually doing those tasks that can improve your skills.

Lindsay: And that time that you spend thinking is energy wasted.

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: Isn't it?

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: (Huh). Okay. So what is that key action that you're going to take starting today or starting tomorrow? Think about that and then take the action.

Gabby: Right. Well, and if you have a big goal (like) (um) ‘get 100 on the TOEFL.' (You know) it's good to break that down into smaller steps, (um), or especially if you have a really general goal like ‘be fluent in English.' It's a really big, general goal that needs to broken down. And (um) there's something called a SMART goal, which is – okay it's an acronym so (S) - specific, (M) - measurable, (A) - achievable, (R) - reasonable, and (T) - timely. So (um) think about if your goal is all these things and (um) how you can break it down into the smallest little action possible because then it's easier to take action if you're just doing something small.

Lindsay: All right. Sounds like great advice. Interesting.

Gabby: Thanks.

Lindsay: Okay. So thanks for hanging out with us today.

Gabby: Thank you. We'll see you next week…

Lindsay: Next week.

Gabby: …for a ‘Meeting Monday.' We're talking about New Years in New York City.

Lindsay: Woo-hoo!

Gabby: See you then!


Gabby: Okay. So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. So check it out.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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29- Learn How to Take Action Today with Your English and How to Set a SMART Goal 29- تعرف على كيفية اتخاذ إجراء اليوم باستخدام لغتك الإنجليزية وكيفية تحديد هدف SMART 29- Lernen Sie, wie Sie heute mit Ihrem Englisch aktiv werden können und wie Sie sich ein SMART-Ziel setzen 29- Aprenda cómo actuar hoy con su inglés y cómo establecer un objetivo SMART 29- Apprenez à passer à l'action dès aujourd'hui avec votre anglais et à fixer un objectif SMART 29- 英語で今日から行動を起こす方法とSMARTゴールの設定方法を学ぶ 29- Dowiedz się, jak dziś podjąć działania w języku angielskim i jak wyznaczyć cel SMART 29- Saiba como agir hoje com o seu inglês e como definir um objetivo SMART 29- Узнайте, как начать действовать сегодня в отношении своего английского языка и как поставить SMART-цель 29- İngilizcenizle Bugün Nasıl Harekete Geçeceğinizi ve Nasıl SMART Hedef Belirleyeceğinizi Öğrenin 29- Дізнайтеся, як діяти сьогодні з вашою англійською мовою та як поставити SMART-цілі 29-学习如何用英语立即采取行动以及如何设定明智的目标 29-學習如何立即用英語採取行動以及如何設定明智的目標

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 29: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Линдси||||||||эпизод||мысли| ||||||||||Pensieri profondi|


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |ようこそ|||||||||||||| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||||||||||||||||||Massachusetts| ||||||||||||||||che arrivano||||||

Lindsay: In today's episode, you're gonna (going to) learn how to start taking action with your English today and how to set goals that are SMART. |||||||||||||||||||||||||明智的 Lindsay : Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui, vous allez (allez) apprendre comment commencer à agir avec votre anglais aujourd'hui et comment vous fixer des objectifs SMART. Lindsay: No episódio de hoje, vai aprender como começar a agir com o seu inglês hoje e como definir objectivos que sejam SMART. Lindsay:在今天的節目中,您將學習如何開始用您的英語採取行動以及如何設定明智的目標。 So put your ears into English! |||耳|| 所以,請豎起耳朵聽英文!


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. What's up?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby.

Gabby: So today we have a pretty awesome quote. |||||||很棒的| Gabby: Bugün oldukça harika bir alıntımız var. 蓋比:今天我們有一段非常棒的引言。 (Um) I was wondering if you would share that one. (Hum) Estava a pensar se poderia partilhar essa. (Um) Bunu paylaşıp paylaşmayacağınızı merak ediyordum. (嗯)我想知道你是否願意分享這個。

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: From (uh) Pablo Picasso. |||巴勃罗| |||パブロ・ピカソ|ピカソから Pablo Picasso'dan. 蓋比:來自(呃)巴勃羅·畢卡索。

Lindsay: Oh yes. So did he really say this? Yani bunu gerçekten söyledi mi? 那麼他真的說過這句話嗎? I don't know, but we're assuming he did. |||||假设|| |||||仮定している|| |||||supponendo che|| Bilmiyorum ama öyle olduğunu varsayıyoruz. 我不知道,但我們假設他知道。

Okay. Está bem. “Action is the foundational key to all success.” Gabby: |||基础的||||| |||基盤となる||||| "Eylem, tüm başarıların temel anahtarıdır." Gabby: “行動是一切成功的基礎。”蓋比:


I love it. Adoro-o. So you were talking about (um) just taking little steps… Lindsay: Yani küçük adımlar atmaktan bahsediyordun... Lindsay: 所以你說的是(嗯)只是採取一些小步驟...... Lindsay:


Gabby: …to move toward your goal. Gabby: ...para avançar em direção ao seu objetivo. 蓋比:……朝著你的目標前進。

Lindsay: Yeah. I feel like it's really easy to get stuck in your head, right? Sinto que é muito fácil ficar preso na nossa cabeça, não é? Kafanızın içinde sıkışıp kalmanın çok kolay olduğunu hissediyorum, değil mi? 我覺得你的頭腦很容易陷入困境,對嗎? Planning- you have a goal. Planlama- bir hedefiniz var. 計劃——你有一個目標。 You want to become fluent in English. 您想說一口流利的英語。 You want to pass the TOEFL exam. |||||TOEFL試験| 您想通過托福考試。 It's very easy to start planning for that. 開始為此進行計劃非常容易。 How am I going to pass the exam? 我怎樣才能通過考試? But what you really should do is just take one small action each day. Mas o que realmente deve fazer é tomar uma pequena ação todos os dias. 但你真正應該做的只是每天採取一個小行動。

Gabby: Yeah. I totally agree. 我完全同意。 (Um) I have worked with students before who think about studying all the time and they think about all these things they should be doing and so it feels like they're spending a lot of time on learning English, but they're actually not doing anything and so they get… Lindsay: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||studying|studying English|||in reality||actively engaged|not making progress|||||Lindsay (Euh) J'ai déjà travaillé avec des étudiants qui pensent tout le temps à étudier et ils pensent à toutes ces choses qu'ils devraient faire et donc on a l'impression qu'ils passent beaucoup de temps à apprendre l'anglais, mais ils ne sont en fait pas faire n'importe quoi et ainsi ils obtiennent… Lindsay : (Hum) Já trabalhei com alunos que estão sempre a pensar em estudar e em todas as coisas que deviam estar a fazer e, por isso, parece que estão a passar muito tempo a aprender inglês, mas, na verdade, não estão a fazer nada e, por isso, ficam... Lindsay: (Я уже работала со студентами, которые постоянно думают об учебе, они думают обо всех этих вещах, которые они должны делать, и поэтому им кажется, что они тратят много времени на изучение английского, но на самом деле они ничего не делают, и поэтому они становятся... Линдси: (Um) Daha önce sürekli ders çalışmayı düşünen ve yapmaları gereken tüm bu şeyleri düşünen öğrencilerle çalıştım ve bu yüzden İngilizce öğrenmek için çok fazla zaman harcıyorlarmış gibi hissediyorlar ama aslında hiçbir şey yapmıyorlar ve bu yüzden... Lindsay: (嗯)我之前和學生一起工作過,他們一直在考慮學習,他們考慮所有這些他們應該做的事情,所以感覺他們花了很多時間在學習英語上,但實際上他們並沒有做任何事情,然後他們就會得到… Lindsay:

(Mm) that's interesting. ||intriguing (Mm) c'est intéressant. (嗯)這很有趣。

Gabby: …frustrated when their English skills don't improve or their test scores don't go up. |沮丧|||||||||考试|分数||| |annoyed|||language proficiency|||get better||||test results||| Gabby:……當他們的英語技能沒有提高或考試成績沒有上升時,他們會感到沮喪。 So, yeah, it is interesting because it's like you spend all that time thinking about the topic. ||||engaging|since||as if|one|dedicate||||contemplating|regarding||subject matter Yani, evet, ilginç çünkü konu hakkında düşünmek için onca zaman harcıyorsunuz. 所以,是的,這很有趣,因為就像你花了所有時間思考這個主題。 So you think you should be improving, but it's all about actually doing those tasks that can improve your skills. ||||||||||||||任务||||| ||believe||ought to|verb|getting better|however|it is|entirely|regarding|truly|performing|the specific|activities|that|that are able to|enhancing|your|abilities Donc, vous pensez que vous devriez vous améliorer, mais il s'agit avant tout de faire les tâches qui peuvent améliorer vos compétences. Por isso, pensamos que devíamos estar a melhorar, mas o que importa é fazer as tarefas que podem melhorar as nossas competências. Yani kendinizi geliştirmeniz gerektiğini düşünüyorsunuz, ancak tüm mesele becerilerinizi geliştirebilecek görevleri gerçekten yapmakla ilgili. 所以你認為你應該要改進,但這一切都是為了實際完成那些可以提升你的技能的任務。

Lindsay: And that time that you spend thinking is energy wasted. ||||||||||浪费掉的 Lindsay|Additionally|that|time spent|that|you|use|contemplating|is verb|mental effort|spent in vain ||||||||||無駄にした Lindsay: Ve düşünmek için harcadığınız zaman boşa giden enerjidir. Lindsay:你花在思考上的時間就是浪費能量。

Gabby: Exactly. Gabby speaking|That's right

Lindsay: Isn't it? |is not|

Gabby: Exactly. |That's right

Lindsay: (Huh). Okay. So what is that key action that you're going to take starting today or starting tomorrow? |key||||step||you are|planning to|||beginning|this day||beginning|the next day Alors, quelle est cette action clé que vous allez entreprendre à partir d'aujourd'hui ou à partir de demain ? O halde bugünden ya da yarından itibaren gerçekleştireceğiniz kilit eylem nedir? 那麼從今天或明天開始您要採取的關鍵行動是什麼? Think about that and then take the action. Consider|consider|that idea|||||step forward Pense nisso e depois tome uma atitude. Bunu düşünün ve sonra harekete geçin. 想想然後採取行動。

Gabby: Right. Well, and if you have a big goal (like) (um) ‘get 100 on the TOEFL.' Eğer büyük bir hedefiniz varsa (örneğin) 'TOEFL'da 100 almak' gibi. 好吧,如果你有一個遠大的目標(例如)(嗯)“托福考 100 分。” (You know) it's good to break that down into smaller steps, (um), or especially if you have a really general goal like ‘be fluent in English.' |||||||||||||particularly|||||||||||| (Bilirsiniz) bunu daha küçük adımlara bölmek iyidir, (um) ya da özellikle 'akıcı İngilizce konuşmak' gibi gerçekten genel bir hedefiniz varsa. (你知道)將其分解為更小的步驟是很好的,(嗯),或者特別是如果你有一個非常總體的目標,例如「說流利的英語」。 It's a really big, general goal that needs to broken down. Bu, parçalara ayrılması gereken gerçekten büyük, genel bir hedef. 這是一個非常大的、整體的目標,需要分解。 And (um) there's something called a SMART goal, which is – okay it's an acronym so (S) - specific, (M) - measurable, (A) - achievable, (R) - reasonable, and (T) - timely. |||||||||||||首字母缩略词|||||可衡量的||可实现的||合理的|||及时的 |||||||||||||abbreviation|||||||||||| |||||||||||||頭字語|||||測定可能な||達成可能な||||| ||||||||||||||||||||raggiungibile||||| Et (euh) il y a quelque chose qui s'appelle un objectif SMART, qui est - d'accord, c'est un acronyme donc (S) - spécifique, (M) - mesurable, (A) - atteignable, (R) - raisonnable et (T) - opportun. E (um) há uma coisa chamada objetivo SMART, que é - ok, é um acrónimo, portanto (S) - específico, (M) - mensurável, (A) - alcançável, (R) - razoável e (T) - oportuno. (嗯)有一個叫做SMART 目標的東西,這是– 好吧,它是一個縮寫詞,所以(S) - 具體,(M) - 可衡量,(A) - 可實現,(R) - 合理, (T) - 及時。 So (um) think about if your goal is all these things and (um) how you can break it down into the smallest little action possible because then it's easier to take action if you're just doing something small. |||||||||||||||||||||最小の|||||||||||||||| Bu yüzden (um) hedefinizin tüm bu şeyler olup olmadığını ve (um) bunu nasıl mümkün olan en küçük eyleme dönüştürebileceğinizi düşünün çünkü o zaman sadece küçük bir şey yapıyorsanız harekete geçmek daha kolaydır. 所以(嗯)想想你的目標是否是所有這些事情,以及(嗯)如何將其分解為盡可能小的行動,因為如果你只做一些小事,那麼採取行動會更容易。

Lindsay: All right. Sounds like great advice. 聽起來是個好建議。 Interesting.

Gabby: Thanks.

Lindsay: Okay. So thanks for hanging out with us today. |||一起玩|||| |||||||this day Bugün bizimle takıldığınız için teşekkürler. 感謝您今天和我們一起出去玩。

Gabby: Thank you. We'll see you next week… 我們下週見…

Lindsay: Next week.

Gabby: …for a ‘Meeting Monday.' 加比:…「週一開會」。 We're talking about New Years in New York City. 我們正在談論紐約市的新年。

Lindsay: Woo-hoo! ||ウーフー

Gabby: See you then!


Gabby: Okay. So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. Son birkaç ay içinde 30 farklı öğrenciyle konuştum ve konuştuğum öğrencilerin çoğu orta veya yüksek orta seviyede olduklarını ve orta seviyenin ötesine geçmenin, ileri seviyeye geçmenin bir yolunu bulamadıklarını söylediler. And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||承诺| Size yardımcı olmak istediğimiz (istediğimiz) şey de bu, ancak gerçekten o seviyeye geçmek istiyorsanız (istiyorsanız), bu biraz daha fazla özveri gerektirecek, tamam mı? So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. ||||高级版|文字记录||||||||||||||||||||| Bu nedenle, sizin için hazırladığımız premium transkriptleri alın ve bunları almak için www.allearsenglish.com/conversations adresine gitmeniz gerekir. So check it out.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.