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All Ears English, 52- What to Do When You Can’t Learn Anymore

52- What to Do When You Can't Learn Anymore

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 52: Wisdom Wednesday, “What to Do When You Can't Learn Anymore.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Hey guys. In this episode, we're gonna (going to) talk about three effective strategies to use when you hit that wall in English and you just don't know how to keep going.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Doing good Gabby. How are you? We're hanging out here. It's really raining hard outside.

Gabby: Yeah, we're having a crazy thunderstorm here in Boston today.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So anyways, what are we talking about today?

Gabby: (Um) today we're talking about what to do when you feel you can't learn anymore so when you hit a wall, when you reach a plateau, what do you do? And Lindsay, I know you have some really good advice that you shared on your English and Culture blog, (um), so maybe you could share that with us today.


Yeah, sure. So over on my blog, I wrote about this about a year ago on my blog englishandculture.com/blog and so we started out with one idea. Okay guys, listen this is the deal. What we suggest –these are three ways that you can actually get out of the plateau that you're on and start making progress again. First way- get away from your native language.

Gaby: Yeah. (It) might seem obvious, but, (you know), we tend to gravitate towards people of our same culture, same language, because it's comfortable. So to get out of your slump, you really need to get away from your native language, (you know). Try to spend more time with people who speak English, (um), spend more, spend more time listening to English music, watching English TV, reading English books and so on.

Lindsay: Or if you have to move, then move. If you're living in a house where everyone in your home – obviously if you're living with your family, you can't move out.

Gabby: Well, maybe.

Lindsay: It depends. But if you're living in a house full of roommates (uh) from your home country, then, (you know), maybe it's time to look, to (uh), for an opportunity to live with native English speakers…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or other students of English who speak, (um), at home or get an internship, volunteer in English.

Gabby: Yeah, there's (there are) a lot of ways that you can get away from your native language, but just keep that in mind because it could be holding you back.

Lindsay: Awesome. And then we have another suggestion. Gabby.

Gabby: Choose a more challenging learning method. So maybe the problem is you're just not pushing yourself enough. (I mean) be honest.

Lindsay: (Hm). Yeah, and so how are you currently learning? (I mean) are you actually going out and implementing what you learn, what you listen to with this podcast?

Gabby: Right. (Um) challenge yourself, set up goals and have maybe a friend or a teacher make sure that you're accountable for your goals.

Lindsay: Or if you hear a new vocabulary word or three or four new vocabulary words on this podcast when you get together with your teacher or language exchange partner, actually try to use them. Don't just go back to the old phrases that you use every time.

Gabby: Yeah.

So challenge yourself to learn more. (Um), I would say, (you know), it's not only challenging yourself with more difficult (um) lessons or more difficult materials, but (you know), making sure you have supportive material (like), (I mean), we do offer transcripts for the podcast and that's a way that you can challenge yourself, but support your learning so that you're getting what we're saying here on the podcast.

Lindsay: Yeah.

And the last one is to work with a teacher who pushes you. So if you're at this upper intermediate level that we know a lot of you guys are, you're at a point where you need someone special who's going to actually move you, help you move, whose job it is to move you to the next level.

Gabby: Yeah.

Your teacher should understand where you are and where you can be or where you want to be and really push you to get fluent and keep learning. (I mean), I know that most teachers are very motivated and motivating to their students, (you know), but, but make sure that, that your teacher's doing his or her job.

Lindsay: Absolutely. And your teacher should be giving you alternative ways of saying things.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) you guys are at a level where you know one or two ways to say something but you want five different ways to say those things.

Gabby: Right. Right.

Lindsay: So make sure that you're getting those from your teacher…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and you're practicing them.

Gabby: Well, and, and let me go back and say it's not, it's not only your teacher's responsibility to push you. You need to ask for your teacher to push you. (I mean) he or she, they might think that they're pushing you, but if you don't feel like you're being challenged or pushed, then ask for more.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It's your responsibility as a student.

Lindsay: Don't be afraid to ask.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That was great.

Gabby: Yeah, Lindsay, those are great tips and thank you so much for sharing something that you've already made (um) on English and Culture.

Lindsay: Aw, you're so welcome.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening.

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Lindsay: Gabby what was that sound on your computer?

Gabby: [Gasps] I just got an email from All Ears English!

Lindsay: Really. Oh, that sounds awesome.

Gabby: Oh it's so awesome. I can't believe they wrote to me.

Lindsay: Oh my god and so what did they say?

Gabby: (Um) he said (like) they have (like) tips and they have a free e-book for me…

Lindsay: Oh, that sounds so cool.

Gabby: …and they have a question for me too. They wanna (want to) know what I think.

Lindsay: Oh my god. That sounds awesome. How can I get that?

Gabby: You can get on the All Ears English email list at allearsenglish.com.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So guys we're joking around here, but (uh) we just wanna (want to) let you know…

Gabby: I wasn't joking.

Lindsay: Oh, you weren't joking. I was joking. So we just want to let you know that you should go ahead and get on our email list because we're gonna (going to) be having some great conversations with (um) people on the list over the next few weeks. We've got something exciting coming out.

Gabby: Yeah and we've already been having great conversations. I wanna thank you guys if you already are on the email list and thank you especially if you've been responding to our questions ‘cause (because) we love having that conversation with you. So if you're not in the conversation, you can still join it. Come over to allearsenglish.com and join our email list.

Lindsay: See ya' (you) there.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

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52- What to Do When You Can’t Learn Anymore 52- Was tun, wenn man nicht mehr lernen kann 52- Qué hacer cuando ya no se puede aprender 52- Que faire quand on ne peut plus apprendre ? 52- O que fazer quando já não se consegue aprender mais 52 - 當你無法再學習時該怎麼辦

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 52: Wisdom Wednesday, “What to Do When You Can't Learn Anymore.” ||||||||||||||||||più Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 52 集:智慧星期三,“當你無法再學習時該怎麼辦。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Hey guys. In this episode, we're gonna (going to) talk about three effective strategies to use when you hit that wall in English and you just don't know how to keep going. ||||||||||有效的||||||||||||||||||| 在這一集中,我們將討論三種有效的策略,當你在英語中遇到困難並且不知道如何繼續下去時可以使用。


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Doing good Gabby. How are you? We're hanging out here. 我們在這裡閒逛。 It's really raining hard outside. 外面確實下著大雨。

Gabby: Yeah, we're having a crazy thunderstorm here in Boston today. ||||||雷暴|||| ||||||雷雨|||| 加比:是的,今天波士頓遭遇了一場瘋狂的雷雨。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So anyways, what are we talking about today? 無論如何,我們今天在談論什麼?

Gabby: (Um) today we're talking about what to do when you feel you can't learn anymore so when you hit a wall, when you reach a plateau, what do you do? Gabby:(嗯)今天我們討論的是當你覺得自己無法再學習時該怎麼辦,所以當你碰壁時,當你達到高原時,你會做什麼? And Lindsay, I know you have some really good advice that you shared on your English and Culture blog, (um), so maybe you could share that with us today. Lindsay,我知道您在英語和文化部落格上分享了一些非常好的建議,(嗯),所以也許您今天可以與我們分享。


Yeah, sure. So over on my blog, I wrote about this about a year ago on my blog englishandculture.com/blog and so we started out with one idea. 因此,在我的部落格上,大約一年前,我在我的部落格 englishandculture.com/blog 上寫了有關此內容的文章,因此我們從一個想法開始。 Okay guys, listen this is the deal. 好吧,夥計們,聽著,事情就這樣了。 What we suggest –these are three ways that you can actually get out of the plateau that you're on and start making progress again. |||||||||||||||停滞状态|||||||| ||||||||||||uscire||||||||||| |||||||||||||||停滞期|||||||| 我們的建議是,您可以透過以下三種方法真正擺脫目前的困境並再次開始取得進步。 First way- get away from your native language. 第一種方法-遠離你的母語。

Gaby: Yeah. (It) might seem obvious, but, (you know), we tend to gravitate towards people of our same culture, same language, because it's comfortable. ||||||||||引き寄せる||||||||||| (它)可能看起來很明顯,但是,(你知道),我們傾向於被具有相同文化、相同語言的人所吸引,因為這很舒服。 So to get out of your slump, you really need to get away from your native language, (you know). ||||||低谷|||||||||||| ||||||停滞|||||||||||| ||||||crisi|||||||||||| 因此,為了擺脫低迷,你真的需要遠離你的母語,(你知道)。 Try to spend more time with people who speak English, (um), spend more, spend more time listening to English music, watching English TV, reading English books and so on. 盡量花更多的時間和說英語的人在一起,(嗯),花更多的時間,花更多的時間聽英語音樂,看英語電視,讀英語書籍等等。

Lindsay: Or if you have to move, then move. Lindsay:或者如果你必須搬家,那就搬家吧。 If you're living in a house where everyone in your home – obviously if you're living with your family, you can't move out. Si vous vivez dans une maison où tout le monde habite chez vous – évidemment, si vous vivez avec votre famille, vous ne pouvez pas déménager. 如果你住在一棟房子裡,家裡的每個人都在——顯然,如果你和家人住在一起,你就不能搬出去。

Gabby: Well, maybe.

Lindsay: It depends. 林賽:這要看情況。 But if you're living in a house full of roommates (uh) from your home country, then, (you know), maybe it's time to look, to (uh), for an opportunity to live with native English speakers… |||||||||室友|||||||||||||||||||||||| Mais si vous vivez dans une maison pleine de colocataires (euh) de votre pays d'origine, alors, (vous savez), il est peut-être temps de chercher, de (euh), une opportunité de vivre avec des anglophones natifs… 但如果你住在一所房子裡,裡面全是來自你祖國的室友(呃),那麼,(你知道),也許是時候尋找(呃)與以英語為母語的人一起生活的機會了…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or other students of English who speak, (um), at home or get an internship, volunteer in English. ||||||||||||||实习||| ||||||||||||||インターンシップ||| ||||||||||||||tirocinio|volontariato|| Lindsay:……或其他學英文的學生,(嗯),在家或實習時,用英文當志工。

Gabby: Yeah, there's (there are) a lot of ways that you can get away from your native language, but just keep that in mind because it could be holding you back. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||trattenendo|| Gabby : Ouais, il y a (il y a) beaucoup de façons de s'éloigner de sa langue maternelle, mais gardez cela à l'esprit car cela pourrait vous retenir. 加比:是的,有很多方法可以讓你擺脫母語,但請記住這一點,因為它可能會阻礙你。

Lindsay: Awesome. And then we have another suggestion. 然後我們還有另一個建議。 Gabby.

Gabby: Choose a more challenging learning method. ||||更具挑战性的|| Gabby:選擇更有挑戰性的學習方法。 So maybe the problem is you're just not pushing yourself enough. 所以也許問題在於你對自己的要求不夠。 (I mean) be honest. (我的意思是)說實話。

Lindsay: (Hm). Yeah, and so how are you currently learning? ||||||目前| 是的,那你目前學習得怎麼樣? (I mean) are you actually going out and implementing what you learn, what you listen to with this podcast? (我的意思是)你真的出去實踐你在這個播客中學到的東西、你聽到的東西嗎?

Gabby: Right. (Um) challenge yourself, set up goals and have maybe a friend or a teacher make sure that you're accountable for your goals. ||||||||||||||||||负责任||| ||||||||||||||||||責任を持つ||| ||||||||||||||||||responsabile dei||| (嗯)挑戰自己,設定目標,也許有朋友或老師確保你對自己的目標負責。

Lindsay: Or if you hear a new vocabulary word or three or four new vocabulary words on this podcast when you get together with your teacher or language exchange partner, actually try to use them. Lindsay:或者,如果您在與老師或語言交換夥伴聚在一起時在此播客中聽到一個新詞彙或三四個新詞彙,請實際嘗試使用它們。 Don't just go back to the old phrases that you use every time. 不要只是回到每次使用的舊短語。

Gabby: Yeah.

So challenge yourself to learn more. 所以挑戰自己去了解更多。 (Um), I would say, (you know), it's not only challenging yourself with more difficult (um) lessons or more difficult materials, but (you know), making sure you have supportive material (like), (I mean), we do offer transcripts for the podcast and that's a way that you can challenge yourself, but support your learning so that you're getting what we're saying here on the podcast. (嗯),我想說,(你知道),這不僅是用更困難的(嗯)課程或更困難的材料來挑戰自己,而且(你知道),確保你有支持材料(比如),(我的意思是) ,我們確實提供播客的文字記錄,這是您挑戰自己的一種方式,但支持您的學習,以便您了解我們在播客上所說的內容。

Lindsay: Yeah.

And the last one is to work with a teacher who pushes you. 最後一個就是和一位督促你的老師一起工作。 So if you're at this upper intermediate level that we know a lot of you guys are, you're at a point where you need someone special who's going to actually move you, help you move, whose job it is to move you to the next level. |||||高级|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 所以,如果你處於中上水平,我們知道你們很多人都處於中上水平,那麼你正需要一個特別的人來真正感動你,幫助你感動,他的工作就是讓你感動下一個級別。

Gabby: Yeah.

Your teacher should understand where you are and where you can be or where you want to be and really push you to get fluent and keep learning. 你的老師應該了解你在哪裡、你可以在哪裡或你想在哪裡,並真正推動你變得流利並繼續學習。 (I mean), I know that most teachers are very motivated and motivating to their students, (you know), but, but make sure that, that your teacher's doing his or her job. |||||||||||激励的|||||||||||||老师的||||| (我的意思是),我知道大多數老師都非常積極主動地激勵他們的學生,(你知道),但是,但要確保你的老師正在做他或她的工作。

Lindsay: Absolutely. And your teacher should be giving you alternative ways of saying things. 你的老師應該提供你不同的表達方式。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) you guys are at a level where you know one or two ways to say something but you want five different ways to say those things. Lindsay:(嗯)你們現在的水平是知道一兩種表達方式,但你們想要五種不同的表達方式。

Gabby: Right. Right.

Lindsay: So make sure that you're getting those from your teacher… Lindsay:所以請確保你從你的老師那裡得到這些...

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and you're practicing them. Lindsay:……你正在練習它們。

Gabby: Well, and, and let me go back and say it's not, it's not only your teacher's responsibility to push you. 蓋比:嗯,而且,讓我回去說不是,督促你不只是你的老師的責任。 You need to ask for your teacher to push you. (I mean) he or she, they might think that they're pushing you, but if you don't feel like you're being challenged or pushed, then ask for more. (我的意思是)他或她,他們可能認為他們在推動你,但如果你不覺得自己受到挑戰或推動,那就要求更多。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It's your responsibility as a student. 蓋比:這是你身為學生的責任。

Lindsay: Don't be afraid to ask.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That was great.

Gabby: Yeah, Lindsay, those are great tips and thank you so much for sharing something that you've already made (um) on English and Culture. 加比:是的,林賽,這些都是很棒的建議,非常感謝你分享你已經在英語和文化方面所做的(嗯)一些東西。

Lindsay: Aw, you're so welcome.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening.

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Lindsay: Gabby what was that sound on your computer?

Gabby: [Gasps] I just got an email from All Ears English! |息を呑む||||||||| 加比:[喘氣]我剛剛收到一封來自 All Ears English 的電子郵件!

Lindsay: Really. Oh, that sounds awesome.

Gabby: Oh it's so awesome. I can't believe they wrote to me.

Lindsay: Oh my god and so what did they say?

Gabby: (Um) he said (like) they have (like) tips and they have a free e-book for me…

Lindsay: Oh, that sounds so cool.

Gabby: …and they have a question for me too. They wanna (want to) know what I think.

Lindsay: Oh my god. That sounds awesome. How can I get that?

Gabby: You can get on the All Ears English email list at allearsenglish.com.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So guys we're joking around here, but (uh) we just wanna (want to) let you know…

Gabby: I wasn't joking.

Lindsay: Oh, you weren't joking. I was joking. So we just want to let you know that you should go ahead and get on our email list because we're gonna (going to) be having some great conversations with (um) people on the list over the next few weeks. We've got something exciting coming out.

Gabby: Yeah and we've already been having great conversations. I wanna thank you guys if you already are on the email list and thank you especially if you've been responding to our questions ‘cause (because) we love having that conversation with you. So if you're not in the conversation, you can still join it. Come over to allearsenglish.com and join our email list.

Lindsay: See ya' (you) there.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.