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Asd 3, How Bill Gates remembers what he reads

How Bill Gates remembers what he reads

If you read enough, there's a similarity between things that make it easy,

because this thing is like this other thing.

If you have a broad framework, then you have a place to put everything.

If you want to learn science, reading the history of scientists and the story of scientists

about when they were confused and what tools or insights allowed them to make the progress they make.

So you have the timeline, or you have the map,

or you have the branches of science and what's known and what's not known.

So, incremental knowledge is so much easier to maintain in a rich way

than, you know, the first time somebody is telling you about Rome.

Why am I reading about Rome, I'm reading about Queen Victoria.

At first it is very daunting.

But then as you get the kind of scope, then all these pieces fit in.

So it's fun to say, okay, this is where this belongs and does this contradict something I knew before?

And I better look that up, I better figure it out.

You know, it really bothers you when you read things, and there's some inconsistency.

If you take a chessboard and randomly place the pieces and ask a chess person to memorize it,

they can't do it, because everything about chess positions is about the logic of how things developed.

So if you show them a position that's illogical or incorrect, you would never get to,

their encoding system isn't set up to absorb that.

How Bill Gates remembers what he reads In what way||||||he reads Wie sich Bill Gates das Gelesene merkt Cómo recuerda Bill Gates lo que lee Comment Bill Gates se souvient de ce qu'il lit Come Bill Gates ricorda quello che legge ビル・ゲイツの記憶術 빌 게이츠가 읽은 내용을 기억하는 방법 Jak Bill Gates zapamiętuje to, co czyta Como é que Bill Gates se lembra do que lê Как Билл Гейтс запоминает прочитанное Bill Gates okuduklarını nasıl hatırlıyor? Як Білл Гейтс запам'ятовує прочитане 比尔·盖茨如何记住他读过的内容 比爾蓋茲如何記住他所讀過的內容

If you read enough, there's a similarity between things that make it easy, ||||||Resemblance|among||||| ||||||схожість|||||| Se lermos o suficiente, há uma semelhança entre as coisas que facilitam as coisas,

because this thing is like this other thing. porque esta coisa é como outra coisa.

If you have a broad framework, then you have a place to put everything. ||||comprehensive|structure|||||||| ||||широкий|рамкова структура|||||||| Se tivermos um quadro alargado, temos um lugar para colocar tudo.

If you want to learn science, reading the history of scientists and the story of scientists Se queres aprender ciência, lê a história dos cientistas e a história dos cientistas

about when they were confused and what tools or insights allowed them to make the progress they make. ||||uncertain|||||understandings|enabled||||||| ||||збентеженість|||||розуміння|дозволили||||||| sobre os momentos em que estavam confusos e que ferramentas ou conhecimentos lhes permitiram fazer os progressos que fizeram.

So you have the timeline, or you have the map, Então tem a linha do tempo, ou tem o mapa,

or you have the branches of science and what's known and what's not known. ou temos os ramos da ciência e o que se sabe e o que não se sabe.

So, incremental knowledge is so much easier to maintain in a rich way |քայլ առ քայլ|իմացություն|է|||ավելի հեշտ||պահպանել|||հարուստ, բազմազան|հարուստ ձևով |Gradual||||||||||comprehensive|comprehensive manner |поступове||||||||||| Assim, o conhecimento incremental é muito mais fácil de manter de uma forma rica

than, you know, the first time somebody is telling you about Rome. քան||գիտես||առաջին անգամ|առաջին անգամ|||||| do que a primeira vez que alguém nos fala de Roma.

Why am I reading about Rome, I'm reading about Queen Victoria. Porque é que estou a ler sobre Roma, estou a ler sobre a Rainha Vitória.

At first it is very daunting. |սկզբում||||սկզբում շատ վախեցնող Спочатку||||extremely|intimidating |||||спочатку лякає No início, é muito assustador.

But then as you get the kind of scope, then all these pieces fit in. ||քանի որ||ստանաս||բնույթը||ծավալը|||||| ||while||||type||broader perspective||everything||elements|fall into place|into place |||||||||||||вписуються| Aber wenn man dann einen gewissen Spielraum hat, dann passen alle diese Teile zusammen. Mas depois, à medida que se vai adquirindo o tipo de âmbito, todas estas peças se encaixam.

So it's fun to say, okay, this is where this belongs and does this contradict something I knew before? |||||||է|||պատկանում է||հակասո՞ւմ է||հակասել|ինչ-որ բան||| |it is|Enjoyable||express|all right|||де||належить||"does" in this context translates to "is it" or "does it".||disagree with|||| ||весело||||||||належить||||суперечити|||| Es macht also Spaß zu sagen: Okay, das gehört hierher, und widerspricht das etwas, das ich schon vorher wusste? Հետևաբար, զվարճալի է ասել, լավ, սա այն տեղն է, որը պատկանում է, և արդյոք սա հակասում է այն բանին, ինչ ես նախկինում գիտեի: Por isso, é divertido dizer: "Muito bem, é aqui que isto pertence e será que isto contradiz algo que eu sabia antes?

And I better look that up, I better figure it out. ||||||||understand|| |||||||||це| Und das sollte ich besser nachschlagen, ich sollte es herausfinden. E é melhor eu ver isso, é melhor eu descobrir.

You know, it really bothers you when you read things, and there's some inconsistency. ||||турбує|||||||||discrepancy ||||турбує|||||||||невідповідність Wissen Sie, es stört einen wirklich, wenn man etwas liest und es Ungereimtheiten gibt. Sabe, incomoda-nos muito quando lemos coisas e há alguma incoerência.

If you take a chessboard and randomly place the pieces and ask a chess person to memorize it, ||position||шахова дошка||without order|||||request||chess game board|chess player||commit to memory| ||||шахова дошка||||||||||||| Wenn man ein Schachbrett nimmt und die Figuren willkürlich aufstellt und einen Schachspieler bittet, es sich einzuprägen, Se pegarmos num tabuleiro de xadrez, colocarmos as peças ao acaso e pedirmos a um xadrezista que o memorize,

they can't do it, because everything about chess positions is about the logic of how things developed. |are unable to|||||||board setups||||reasoning behind moves||||progressed or evolved können sie es nicht, denn bei Schachstellungen geht es immer um die Logik der Entwicklung der Dinge. não o podem fazer, porque tudo o que diz respeito às posições de xadrez tem a ver com a lógica do desenvolvimento das coisas.

So if you show them a position that's illogical or incorrect, you would never get to, |||demonstrate to|||standpoint|that is|nonsensical or wrong||wrong||"are unlikely to"|not ever|| Wenn Sie ihnen also einen unlogischen oder falschen Standpunkt aufzeigen, würden Sie niemals zum Zuge kommen, Assim, se lhes mostrarmos uma posição ilógica ou incorrecta, nunca chegaremos lá,

their encoding system isn't set up to absorb that. its|data conversion method|encoding method|is not|configured|||handle or process| |||||налаштована||поглинати| Ihr Kodierungssystem ist nicht dafür ausgelegt, das zu verkraften. o seu sistema de codificação não está preparado para absorver isso.