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Asd 3, Making fun of Stuart in Jon Snow fur cloak -THE BIG BANG THEORY

Making fun of Stuart in Jon Snow fur cloak -THE BIG BANG THEORY

"hey Jon Snow how come your horse has a basket on it?"


"How come your head has your face on it"?

"They don't wear bicycle helmets in Game of Thrones,you are thematically inaccurate

But I applaud your commitments to safety

Don't you guys have anything better to do?

Better than watching a guy at fur cloak riding a girls bike!


Thats it !!

You just lost bathroom privileges at the comic-book store

MURMUR-"Horse has a basket on it..Stupid

Leonard!! Leoanrd !!Leonard!!!


I never got to ask my question about Batman

what is it??

If Batman is bitten by a radioactive man bat

and then fought crime disguised as man bat

would He be man bat man bat man???

or simply man bat man bat batman???

Is he still wearing the batman suit under the man bat suit???

Making fun of Stuart in Jon Snow fur cloak -THE BIG BANG THEORY |||嘲笑斯图尔特||||毛皮大衣|披风|||| Se moquer de Stuart dans la cape de fourrure de Jon Snow -THE BIG BANG THEORY ジョン・スノウの毛皮マントを着たスチュアートをからかう -THE BIG BANG THEORY Gozar com o Stuart com o manto de pele do Jon Snow - THE BIG BANG THEORY Смеясь над Стюартом в меховом плаще Джона Сноу -THE BIG BANG THEORY

"hey Jon Snow how come your horse has a basket on it?"


"How come your head has your face on it"?

"They don't wear bicycle helmets in Game of Thrones,you are thematically inaccurate ||||头盔||||权力的游戏|||主题上不符|不符合主题

But I applaud your commitments to safety ||赞扬||||

Don't you guys have anything better to do?

Better than watching a guy at fur cloak riding a girls bike!


Thats it !!

You just lost bathroom privileges at the comic-book store

MURMUR-"Horse has a basket on it..Stupid 低声说|||||||

Leonard!! Leoanrd !!Leonard!!! 莱昂纳德||


I never got to ask my question about Batman ||||||||蝙蝠侠

what is it??

If Batman is bitten by a radioactive man bat |||被咬|||放射性的||蝙蝠

and then fought crime disguised as man bat ||||伪装成|||

would He be man bat man bat man???

or simply man bat man bat batman??? ||||||蝙蝠侠

Is he still wearing the batman suit under the man bat suit??? |||||蝙蝠侠||||||