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The Discovery of New Worlds, 04. The Tragedy of Nero

04. The Tragedy of Nero

"Butchered to make a Roman holiday." —BYRON.

Many changes had taken place in Rome since the days of Tiberius Cæsar, who died four years after the crucifixion of Christ. The last of the Cæsars was now reigning in the person of one Nero. So far his youth had not been uneventful. When he was nine years old the Romans kept the great festival of the foundation of Rome. For eight and a half centuries their city had been growing in strength and importance. The last great deed had been the conquest of Britain, after which the emperor had named his little son, Britannicus.

An account of this festival has come down to us. In the great amphitheatre African lions, leopards, and tigers were hunted by Roman officers; gladiators contended with lions, and bulls fought; but one of the chief objects of interest was the appearance of the two little Cæsars, Nero and Britannicus, dressed in military uniforms richly gilt. Britannicus was but six, while Nero was nine, but the two little fellows took part in a sham fight between the Greeks and the defenders of Troy. The Romans took a great fancy to the boy Nero; and his mother, Agrippina, a very powerful lady, determined that he should be emperor.

When Nero was fourteen another great triumph took place in Rome. The emperor and his wife, Agrippina, sat on two thrones to watch, with the rest of Rome, the captives from Britain led through the streets.

The story about Caractacus, the warrior British chieftain, is well known. He stood before the Roman emperor. It was the custom at a triumph to kill the captives. The other prisoners had pleaded for their lives, but the island chief was proud. Standing before the imperial throne, he spoke fearlessly to the great Cæsar.

"If to my high birth and distinguished rank I had added the virtues of moderation, Rome had beheld me rather as a friend than a captive. I had arms and men and horses, I possessed extraordinary riches: can it be any wonder that I was unwilling to lose them? Because you Romans aim at extending your rule over all mankind, must all men cheerfully submit to your yoke? I am now in your power: if you take my life, all is forgotten; spare me, and as long as I live I shall praise your forgiveness." "He ceased; from all around upsprung A murmur of applause, For well had truth and freedom's tongue Maintained their holy cause. The conqueror was the captive then;— He bade the slave be free again." So ends the story: the chains that bound Caractacus were removed, and he passed away from the staring throng of Romans, repeating his gratitude for the emperor's generosity.

When Nero was seventeen he became emperor of the Roman Empire, now larger than it had ever been before, while his mother Agrippina was made regent. For the first few years of his reign all went well. He was a joyous boy, enjoying his life to the full. Chariot-driving was his delight. Even when a child he had a little ivory chariot with horses, as a toy to drive along on the polished surface of the marble table.

But soon he became cruel and revengeful. When he was eighteen he determined on the death of Britannicus, lest he should try to win the empire for himself. The story says that he had poison mixed under his own eyes, and made trial of it first on a pig; then he poisoned Britannicus. The boy died at once.

Wanting to marry a wife to whom Agrippina strongly objected, he determined that his mother must die. A ship was built that would suddenly open in the middle and plunge her, unawares, into the sea. This ship he presented to her himself. It was a splendid-looking galley, with sails of silk. Kissing her passionately, Nero handed her on board. The night was warm and dark, though the sky was thick with stars, and the ship glided silently through the waters; till suddenly a signal rang out, and crash went the roof of the cabin, which was weighted with lead.

Agrippina found herself in the water; she struck out for the shore and was picked up by some fishermen. When Nero heard what had happened he was wild with rage, and by his orders she was stabbed to death. Then he married a wife who thought more of keeping good her complexion by bathing daily in asses' milk, than of helping her headstrong husband in the management of his vast empire. Luxury, cruelty, and banqueting were the order of the day, and Nero the emperor was the main actor in the coming tragedy.

04. The Tragedy of Nero |||Tragédie Nerona 04. Die Tragödie des Nero 04. La tragedia de Nerón 04. La tragédie de Néron 04. La tragedia di Nerone 04.ネロの悲劇(The Tragedy of Nero 04. Nerono tragedija 04\. A Tragédia de Nero 04. Трагедия Нерона 04\. Трагедія Нерона

"Butchered to make a Roman holiday." Brutally killed for entertainment||||| "Macellato per fare una festa romana". "Massacado para fazer um feriado romano." —BYRON. —BYRON.

Many changes had taken place in Rome since the days of Tiberius Cæsar, who died four years after the crucifixion of Christ. |||||||||||||||||||ukřižování Krista|| Molti cambiamenti erano avvenuti a Roma dai tempi di Tiberio Cesare, morto quattro anni dopo la crocifissione di Cristo. Muitas mudanças ocorreram em Roma desde os dias de Tibério César, que morreu quatro anos após a crucificação de Cristo. The last of the Cæsars was now reigning in the person of one Nero. |||||||vládl|||||| L'ultimo dei Cesari regnava ora nella persona di Nerone. O último dos Césares agora reinava na pessoa de um certo Nero. So far his youth had not been uneventful. |||||||nezajímavý Finora la sua giovinezza non era stata tranquilla. Até agora, sua juventude não tinha sido monótona. 到目前为止,他的青春还算顺利。 When he was nine years old the Romans kept the great festival of the foundation of Rome. ||||||||||||||založení|| Quando ele tinha nove anos, os romanos celebraram a grande festa da fundação de Roma. For eight and a half centuries their city had been growing in strength and importance. Por oito séculos e meio, sua cidade cresceu em força e importância. 八个半世纪以来,他们的城市的力量和重要性一直在增长。 The last great deed had been the conquest of Britain, after which the emperor had named his little son, Britannicus. |||||||||||||||||||Britannikem O último grande feito fora a conquista da Grã-Bretanha, após a qual o imperador batizara seu filhinho de Britannicus.

An account of this festival has come down to us. Do nas dotarła relacja z tego festiwalu. Um relato deste festival chegou até nós. До нас дійшов звіт про це свято. In the great amphitheatre African lions, leopards, and tigers were hunted by Roman officers; gladiators contended with lions, and bulls fought; but one of the chief objects of interest was the appearance of the two little Cæsars, Nero and Britannicus, dressed in military uniforms richly gilt. |||amfiteátr|||||||||||gladiátoři|soupeřili|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bohatě zdobené|pozlacené |||||||||||||||fought against||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gold-plated W wielkim amfiteatrze rzymscy oficerowie polowali na lwy afrykańskie, lamparty i tygrysy; gladiatorzy walczyli z lwami, a byki walczyły; ale jednym z głównych obiektów zainteresowania było pojawienie się dwóch małych cezarów, Nerona i Brytanika, ubranych w bogato złocone mundury wojskowe. Britannicus was but six, while Nero was nine, but the two little fellows took part in a sham fight between the Greeks and the defenders of Troy. |||||||||||||||||fingovaný boj|||||||obránci Tróje|| Brytyjczyk miał zaledwie sześć lat, Neron dziewięć, ale dwaj mali chłopcy wzięli udział w pozorowanej walce między Grekami a obrońcami Troi. The Romans took a great fancy to the boy Nero; and his mother, Agrippina, a very powerful lady, determined that he should be emperor. |||||||||||||Agrippina|||||||||| Os romanos gostavam muito do menino Nero; e sua mãe, Agripina, uma senhora muito poderosa, determinou que ele fosse imperador. Римлянам дуже сподобався хлопчик Нерон; і його мати, Агріпіна, дуже владна дама, вирішила, що він повинен стати імператором.

When Nero was fourteen another great triumph took place in Rome. Quando Nero tinha quatorze anos, outro grande triunfo ocorreu em Roma. Коли Нерону було чотирнадцять років, у Римі відбувся ще один великий тріумф. The emperor and his wife, Agrippina, sat on two thrones to watch, with the rest of Rome, the captives from Britain led through the streets. ||||||||||||||||||zajatci|||||| Cesarz i jego żona Agrypina zasiedli na dwóch tronach, aby wraz z resztą Rzymu obserwować, jak jeńcy z Wielkiej Brytanii prowadzą ulicami. O imperador e sua esposa, Agripina, sentaram-se em dois tronos para assistir, com o resto de Roma, os cativos da Bretanha conduzidos pelas ruas. Імператор і його дружина Агріпіна сиділи на двох тронах, щоб спостерігати за тим, як полонені з Британії разом з рештою Риму вели вулицями. 皇帝和他的妻子阿格里皮娜坐在两个宝座上,与罗马其他人一起观看来自英国的俘虏穿过街道。

The story about Caractacus, the warrior British chieftain, is well known. |||Caratacus||||||| Dobrze znana jest historia o Caractacusie, wojowniczym brytyjskim wodzu. A história de Caractacus, o chefe guerreiro britânico, é bem conhecida. He stood before the Roman emperor. Stał przed cesarzem rzymskim. Ele ficou diante do imperador romano. It was the custom at a triumph to kill the captives. Zwyczajem było zabijanie jeńców podczas triumfu. Era costume em um triunfo matar os cativos. Був звичай під час тріумфу вбивати полонених. The other prisoners had pleaded for their lives, but the island chief was proud. ||||prosili||||||||| Pozostali więźniowie błagali o życie, ale wódz wyspy był dumny. Os outros prisioneiros imploraram por suas vidas, mas o chefe da ilha estava orgulhoso. Інші в’язні благали їхнє життя, але вождь острова був гордий. 其他囚犯都为自己的生命求情,但岛长却很自豪。 Standing before the imperial throne, he spoke fearlessly to the great Cæsar. |||||||neohroženě|||| Stojąc przed cesarskim tronem, nieustraszenie przemawiał do wielkiego cezara. Diante do trono imperial, ele falou destemidamente ao grande César.

"If to my high birth and distinguished rank I had added the virtues of moderation, Rome had beheld me rather as a friend than a captive. ||||||||||||ctnosti umírněnosti||umírněnost|||||||||||zajatec „Gdyby do mojego wysokiego urodzenia i wybitnej rangi dodałem cnoty umiaru, Rzym postrzegał mnie raczej jako przyjaciela niż jeńca. "Se ao meu alto nascimento e posição distinta eu tivesse acrescentado as virtudes da moderação, Roma me veria mais como um amigo do que como um cativo. «Якщо я до свого високого походження та знатного звання додав чесноти помірності, то Рим бачив мене радше як друга, ніж як полоненого. “如果我在高贵的出身和显赫的地位上加上了温和的美德,罗马将我视为朋友而不是俘虏。 I had arms and men and horses, I possessed extraordinary riches: can it be any wonder that I was unwilling to lose them? Miałem broń, ludzi i konie, posiadałem niezwykłe bogactwa: czy można się dziwić, że nie chciałem ich stracić? Eu tinha armas, homens e cavalos, possuía riquezas extraordinárias: é de admirar que eu não quisesse perdê-las? 我有武器、人马,我拥有非凡的财富:难怪我不愿意失去它们? Because you Romans aim at extending your rule over all mankind, must all men cheerfully submit to your yoke? |||||||||||||||podrobit se|||jho řetězů Skoro wy, Rzymianie, dążycie do rozszerzenia waszych rządów na całą ludzkość, czy wszyscy ludzie muszą radośnie poddawać się waszemu jarzmu? Visto que vocês, romanos, pretendem estender seu domínio sobre toda a humanidade, todos os homens devem se submeter alegremente ao seu jugo? 因为你们罗马人的目的是扩大你们对全人类的统治,所以所有人都必须高兴地服从你们的轭吗? I am now in your power: if you take my life, all is forgotten; spare me, and as long as I live I shall praise your forgiveness." Jestem teraz w twojej mocy: jeśli odbierzesz mi życie, wszystko zostanie zapomniane; oszczędź mnie, a dopóki żyję, będę wysławiał Twoje przebaczenie. Estou agora em seu poder: se você tirar minha vida, tudo será esquecido; poupe-me, e enquanto eu viver louvarei o seu perdão". "He ceased; from all around upsprung A murmur of applause, For well had truth and freedom’s tongue Maintained their holy cause. |||||vypukl||šum||potlesk||||||svobody||Udržely||| |||||rose up||||||||||||||| „Ustał; zewsząd wznosił się pomruk oklasków, Bo dobrze język prawdy i wolności podtrzymywał ich świętą sprawę. "Ele cessou; de todos os lados ergueu-se Um murmúrio de aplausos, Pois bem a verdade e a língua da liberdade Mantiveram sua santa causa. “他停了下来;从四面八方传来一阵低语的掌声,因为真理和自由的舌头很好地维护了他们的神圣事业。 The conqueror was the captive then;— He bade the slave be free again." Il conquistatore era allora il prigioniero; - Egli disse allo schiavo di tornare libero". Zdobywca był wtedy jeńcem; — Kazał niewolnikowi być znowu wolnym.” O conquistador era o cativo então; – Ele ordenou que o escravo fosse livre novamente”. 征服者当时就是俘虏;——他命令奴隶重新获得自由。” So ends the story: the chains that bound Caractacus were removed, and he passed away from the staring throng of Romans, repeating his gratitude for the emperor’s generosity. Tak kończy się opowieść: łańcuchy, które krępowały Caractacusa, zostały usunięte, a on odszedł od gapiącego się tłumu Rzymian, powtarzając swoją wdzięczność za hojność cesarza. Assim termina a história: as correntes que prendiam Caractacus foram removidas e ele faleceu diante da multidão de romanos, repetindo sua gratidão pela generosidade do imperador. Так закінчується історія: ланцюги, які зв’язували Карактака, були зняті, і він помер від пригляданої юрби римлян, повторюючи свою вдячність за щедрість імператора. 故事就这样结束了:束缚卡拉克塔克斯的锁链被解开了,他在罗马人的注视下离开了人世,再次表达了对皇帝慷慨的感激之情。

When Nero was seventeen he became emperor of the Roman Empire, now larger than it had ever been before, while his mother Agrippina was made regent. |||||||||||||||||||||||||regentka Kiedy Neron miał siedemnaście lat został cesarzem Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, teraz większego niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej, podczas gdy jego matka Agrypina została regentką. Quando Nero tinha dezessete anos, ele se tornou imperador do Império Romano, agora maior do que nunca, enquanto sua mãe Agripina foi nomeada regente. 尼禄十七岁时成为罗马帝国的皇帝,现在比以往任何时候都大,而他的母亲阿格里皮娜则被任命为摄政王。 For the first few years of his reign all went well. Nos primeiros anos de seu reinado, tudo correu bem. Перші кілька років його правління все йшло добре. He was a joyous boy, enjoying his life to the full. |||radostný||||||| Ele era um menino alegre, aproveitando a vida ao máximo. Chariot-driving was his delight. Vozatajství|||| Dirigir carruagens era o seu deleite. Водіння колісниці було його насолодою. Even when a child he had a little ivory chariot with horses, as a toy to drive along on the polished surface of the marble table. Już jako dziecko miał mały rydwan z kości słoniowej z końmi, jako zabawkę do jazdy po wypolerowanej powierzchni marmurowego stołu. Mesmo quando criança, ele tinha uma pequena carruagem de marfim com cavalos, como um brinquedo para conduzir na superfície polida da mesa de mármore.

But soon he became cruel and revengeful. ||||||Ale brzy se stal krutým a pomstychtivým. ||||||seeking revenge Mas logo ele se tornou cruel e vingativo. When he was eighteen he determined on the death of Britannicus, lest he should try to win the empire for himself. Kiedy miał osiemnaście lat, zdecydował się na śmierć Brytanika, aby nie próbował zdobyć dla siebie imperium. Quando ele tinha dezoito anos, ele determinou a morte de Britannicus, para que ele não tentasse conquistar o império para si mesmo. Коли йому виповнилося вісімнадцять, він вирішив загинути Британіка, щоб не спробувати завоювати імперію для себе. 十八岁时,他决定杀死不列颠尼库斯,以免他试图为自己赢得帝国。 The story says that he had poison mixed under his own eyes, and made trial of it first on a pig; then he poisoned Britannicus. La storia dice che si fece mescolare del veleno sotto gli occhi e lo provò prima su un maiale; poi avvelenò Britannico. Historia mówi, że miał zmieszaną truciznę na własne oczy i wypróbował ją najpierw na świni; potem otruł Brytanika. A história diz que ele misturou veneno sob seus próprios olhos e o experimentou primeiro em um porco; então ele envenenou Britannicus. 传说他自己眼下掺了毒药,先在猪身上试了试;然后他毒死了大不列颠。 The boy died at once. O menino morreu na hora.

Wanting to marry a wife to whom Agrippina strongly objected, he determined that his mother must die. Querendo se casar com uma esposa a quem Agripina se opunha fortemente, ele determinou que sua mãe deveria morrer. A ship was built that would suddenly open in the middle and plunge her, unawares, into the sea. ||||||||||||||nepřipravenou||| Fu costruita una nave che all'improvviso si sarebbe aperta al centro e l'avrebbe fatta precipitare, senza saperlo, in mare. Zbudowano statek, który nagle otworzyłby się pośrodku i niezauważenie zanurzył go w morzu. Foi construído um navio que de repente se abriria no meio e o mergulharia, desprevenido, no mar. 建造了一艘船,它会突然在中间打开,并在不知不觉中将她投入大海。 This ship he presented to her himself. Ten statek sam jej przedstawił. Este navio ele mesmo apresentou a ela. It was a splendid-looking galley, with sails of silk. |||||galéra|||| Era uma galera de aparência esplêndida, com velas de seda. Це була чудова на вигляд галера з шовковими вітрилами. Kissing her passionately, Nero handed her on board. Baciandola appassionatamente, Nerone la fece salire a bordo. Beijando-a apaixonadamente, Nero a colocou a bordo. Пристрасно поцілувавши її, Нерон передав її на борт. The night was warm and dark, though the sky was thick with stars, and the ship glided silently through the waters; till suddenly a signal rang out, and crash went the roof of the cabin, which was weighted with lead. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zatížený olovem|| Noc była ciepła i ciemna, choć niebo było gęste od gwiazd, a statek bezszelestnie sunął po wodzie; aż nagle zabrzmiał sygnał i trzasnął dach kabiny, który był obciążony ołowiem. A noite estava quente e escura, embora o céu estivesse cheio de estrelas, e o navio deslizasse silenciosamente pelas águas; até que, de repente, um sinal soou e o telhado da cabine foi estrondoso, que era pesado com chumbo. Ніч була тепла й темна, хоча небо було вкрите зірками, а корабель безшумно ковзав по воді; поки раптом не пролунав сигнал, і з ударом обрушився дах кабіни, обтяжений свинцем.

Agrippina found herself in the water; she struck out for the shore and was picked up by some fishermen. Agrypina znalazła się w wodzie; wyruszyła na brzeg i została zabrana przez kilku rybaków. Agrippina se viu na água; ela partiu para a costa e foi apanhada por alguns pescadores. Агрипіна опинилася у воді; вона вибігла на берег і була підхоплена рибалками. When Nero heard what had happened he was wild with rage, and by his orders she was stabbed to death. Kiedy Nero dowiedział się, co się stało, oszalał z wściekłości i na jego rozkaz została zasztyletowana. Quando Nero soube do que havia acontecido, ficou furioso e, por ordem dele, ela foi morta a facadas. Then he married a wife who thought more of keeping good her complexion by bathing daily in asses' milk, than of helping her headstrong husband in the management of his vast empire. ||||||||||||pleť|||||oslicí mléko||||||tvrdohlavý|||||||| ||||||||||||skin appearance|||||donkeys'||||||stubborn or determined|||||||| Poi sposò una moglie che pensava più a mantenere la sua carnagione facendo bagni quotidiani nel latte d'asina, che ad aiutare il suo testardo marito nella gestione del suo vasto impero. Potem poślubił żonę, która bardziej myślała o utrzymaniu dobrej cery poprzez codzienne kąpiele w oślim mleku, niż o pomaganiu swojemu upartemu mężowi w zarządzaniu jego ogromnym imperium. Então ele se casou com uma esposa que pensava mais em manter sua pele saudável banhando-se diariamente em leite de jumenta, do que em ajudar seu obstinado marido na administração de seu vasto império. Потім він одружився з дружиною, яка більше думала про те, щоб зберегти гарний колір обличчя, щодня купаючись в ослиному молоці, ніж про допомогу своєму завзятому чоловікові в управлінні його величезною імперією. Luxury, cruelty, and banqueting were the order of the day, and Nero the emperor was the main actor in the coming tragedy. |||hody|||||||||||||||||| |жестокость|||||||||||||||||||| Luxo, crueldade e banquetes estavam na ordem do dia, e Nero, o imperador, era o ator principal na tragédia que se aproximava. Розкіш, жорстокість і бенкети були на чолі дня, а імператор Нерон був головною дійовою особою майбутньої трагедії. 奢华、残忍和宴会是当时的秩序,而皇帝尼禄是即将到来的悲剧的主角。