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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Learn English with Friends | Part 2 (1)

Learn English with Friends | Part 2 (1)

Hi everyone and welcome to the English LingQ Podcast with me, Elle.

Before we get into the second part of my chat with Cara of Leo Listening

about the TV Show Friends, let me show you the Friends shelf on LingQ.

So you see it here, learn English with Friends.

It is loaded with episodes.

If you would like to learn from one, you click import and you can

see here the instructions on how to import YouTube videos into LingQ.

The episode is hosted on YouTube.

Make sure you have the LingQ browser extension.

You click through then it's as easy as clicking on the extension and import.

And there you have it, your lesson with that episode that you chose of Friends.

You can work through the words and phrases as you watch, turning all

those blue highlighted words yellow.

You can review what you've learned at the end of the lesson if you'd like.

So if you are into Friends, give it a try and learn from content of interest.

Okay, let's get back to that interview with Cara.

We could, we could argue that, that there is a, there is a

lot of escapism and fantasy.

Um, it's fun to watch people living like this in New York.

Um, yeah.

You know, it doesn't, it doesn't ha It's not supposed to be a documentary

. No, exactly.



So, you know, maybe we should be a little bit uh, fairer to it, but I mean, I, I'm

a bit critical of the, the ongoing appeal of, of, of Friends because it's not as

if, like, okay, if for, for whatever reason friends had been the high point

of TV, if like, you know, friends had been the peak, the pinnacle, the ultimate

TV series and everything since Friends was simply a reflection of the decline

of TV and everything before Friends was just not as good, I would understand.

The thing is, I think TV has really gone on, oh, to be a really incredible,

creative medium, you know, since, you know, during the friends period, and

especially after the Friends period.

So we've had some really incredible TV series, you know, in the

two thousands, in the 2010s.

Um, things like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, like really

ambitious TV series that have really pushed the medium, like pushed it

to, to, to, to be more ambitious and really creative and really exciting.

Like you wanna stay in and watch certain shows on, on TV

or stream them or whatever.

That's obviously all developed since Friends.

So the idea that people are still watching like a sitcom from the nineties

with problematic, you know, fat, fat phobia, you know, I don't know.

It's, it's as if, it's as if like the last 10 or 15 years didn't happen.

I don't know.

Like, you know, am I alone in feeling this?

I see what you mean.

It's like why latch onto, well, why, let's discuss, why do we think people have

latched onto Friends for this very reason, this for this purpose of, you know,

entertainment and.English learning, so...

And English learning.

Cause it's not as, if, it's not as if there aren't other sitcoms.

I mean, there are good reasons to watch a sitcom, you know?

Um, it's, it's short.

Uh, the episodes are short.

The, the, the situations are very concrete and grounded in daily

life, so they're easier to, you know, understand and make sense of.

Um, and obviously if you enjoy watching the show, then you'll get addicted.

You'll want to keep watching it.

And I think that is often the um, in, in language learning, we need

things we can get addicted to, but you know that that could be a ton

of other sitcoms, either from that period or, or, or, or more recent.

Good ones.

Um yeah.


It's Subjective.



Even like, but I mean, I suppose there are quite a few bad ones as well, but

yeah, I mean, this is what, this is what I don't understand and, and occasionally

when I, you know, so there are repeats of Friends on TV all the time, right?

I think in every single country there's repeats of Friends all the

time, and so sometimes I come across them in France and, you know, there's

just all this canned laughter, fake laughter in the background.

I'm like, some of these jokes aren't even like, they're not even that funny.

I mean, if you took away that laughter, would people laugh?

So, I don't know.

I'm confused.

, I'm, I'm confused about this.

I'm with


Yeah, I, I guess I, I was thinking about this, um, lately, and I guess you are

right, it is a sitcom, so people start to kind of feel like they know the

characters, they learn to love them.

Um, they make mistakes.

People like seeing people that they're low point, you know,

it's like everyday life stuff.

But yeah, it is amazing to me too, actually.

Um, I guess, you know, it's, it's easy to follow.

There aren't too many crazy, um, you know, it, it doesn't

go too deep, uh, into anything.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, mean

it's, it's, it's not the goal of the program to such on really deep subjects.


Maybe it's just sheer ubiquity.

So maybe like for a lot of people, this was the first time that they

saw an American TV series, so maybe they didn't see, I don't know,

Cheers or Seinfeld or, you know, whatever other ones we can imagine.

I'd rather watch Frazier.

I mean...

yeah, that, that used to be on after Friends.

I remember when we watched it on Friday night...


It was friends and Frazier and I was like, I was a bit too young

I think, becasue I loved watch...

I loved Friends.

Then Frazier, come on, I didn't get like half the jokes.


Frazier's a bit.

Yeah it's a bit more sophisticated for sure.


So maybe that would alienate some people.

I dunno.

But um,


. Yeah.


It's a bit of a, it's a bit of a, but yeah, I guess people like watching

beautiful people in New York.


Um, you know, um, not often, not doing very much.

You know, the ones we talked about, the ones that have these well paid

jobs, they never seem to be at work.

They were always at the coffee shop.


Like in the middle of the day.


In the middle of the day, like I know, you know, you could have some flexibility in

your hours, but still it seems a bit much.

Like are they getting, are they, do they all happen to, of course

Rachel worked in the coffee shop.

Do they all happen to live super close, that they could just walk there?

It's a bit of a coincidence.

I doubt it.

Yeah, that was a bit of a...

Yeah, but I mean, that makes sense from a point of view of a sitcom.

Cause you wanna have like these familiar places and...


It's a sitcom.

It's not supposed to be real life, you know, completely real life-like.

Um, so Leo Listening your website and YouTube channel, it's all about

learning from movies and TV shows.

Um, what advice, what tips would you give anyone wanting to learn from a TV

show like friends or, um, or a movie?

Or anything else...

Um, or anything else.

Well, I mean, Yeah, so I, I, I talked about the importance of

like being motivated to watch it.

So I, I mean, I think that's the, the starting point is thinking about,

well, what, you know, what do you like to watch, um, in your own language?

At the same time, taking into account that, you know, it's probably

going to be easier to follow a TV series or a movie if you've already

seen it dubbed into your language.


So that can also be a factor.

But I think the, the main thing is to actually find something

that, that you want to watch.

So if you start watching Friends and you're like, what is this trash?

And you want to just turn it off, then you know, there's no point in continuing.

Like there's nothing inherent about friends that you wouldn't find,

I don't think in another sitcom.

You know, if you want something that is fairly accessible with relatively

short episodes and a very concrete like day-to-day life context that could be

found in lots of other sitcoms, and you, I'm sure you can find something

else that you might like, like better.

Um, so yeah, finding the motivation, finding something that is accessible and,

and also potentially, you know, useful.

So depending on your situation, you know, you might want to watch

something a bit more specialized.

Becasue some TV series are to do with like particular professions.

So like, um, medical dramas are so popular.


Grey's Anatomy

so that could be interesting if you...


For example, it's been going for years.

Oh, I know people who've learned English with, with that,

who've been following that.

I mean, that's especially interesting if you're like a healthcare worker.

But it could also just be interesting if you, if you like

that kind of hospital drama.

'm sure they exist in other languages.

Um, and there's also, you know, sometimes there are also TV series that are to

do with, um, yeah, other professions.

I watch a lot of property programs dubbed into French.

So, um, like Property Brothers in French is called ...they're,

they're Canadian, aren't they?

Drew and, um,...

I've heard, yeah, I've heard of it


I've never seen it, but I, I do know of them.

And that they are Canadian.


So I like, know a lot of words to do with like home renovations and building,

which isn't actually really that useful to me, but I mean, I suppose

it's always good, it's always good to expand your vocabulary, isn't it?

So um, yeah, that's one tip is kind of, you know, yeah.

What you're interested in, what you need trying to find a balance

between those things while also watching something accessible.

Um, and then yeah, kind of getting, getting into it is important.

So that's what I like about TV series is it kind of forces you to get into

the habit of watching it regularly.


Whereas a movie is more of a one-off.

So, I mean, that's why I'm, I have a, a movie club so that we're, we're

kind of go into a bit more depth with watching a movie and you're not

just kind of watching it once and then you never do anything with it.

Like you never talk about it or you never discuss it with other people.

So I think that can also be really interesting is finding people to

talk to about what you're watching.

Um, and then that kind of helps you actually implement what

you're, what you're learning.

So you might be picking up some new words and expressions from watching TV series

episodes or movies, but then you need to actually apply them and use them.

And so the, the most logical way to do that is, is then to

talk about what you've watched.

So I mean, that could be with a teacher, if your teacher is cool with, um, letting

you discuss what you've watched in class or you could just find other people who

like the, the movie or the TV series.

So I'm sure for a series like Friends, I mean there must be endless forums.


I'm sure.

Online where people are still talking about it or like sharing

Friends memes or whatever it is.

So, um, it's true that, yeah, the more popular a series is probably

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Learn English with Friends | Part 2 (1) Englisch lernen mit Freunden | Teil 2 (1) Μάθετε αγγλικά με φίλους | Μέρος 2 (1) Learn English with Friends | Part 2 (1) Aprender inglés con amigos | Parte 2 (1) Apprendre l'anglais avec des amis | Partie 2 (1) Imparare l'inglese con gli amici | Parte 2 (1) 友だちと英語を学ぶ|後編 (1) 친구와 함께 영어 배우기 | 파트 2 (1) Mokykitės anglų kalbos su draugais | 2 dalis (1) Nauka angielskiego z przyjaciółmi | Część 2 (1) Aprenda Inglês com Amigos | Parte 2 (1) Изучайте английский с друзьями | Часть 2 (1) Arkadaşlarınızla İngilizce Öğrenin | Bölüm 2 (1) Вивчайте англійську з друзями | Частина 2 (1) 和朋友一起学英语 |第 2 部分 (1) 和朋友一起學英語 |第 2 部分 (1)

Hi everyone and welcome to the English LingQ Podcast with me, Elle. 皆さんこんにちは、そして私エルのEnglish LingQ Podcastへようこそ。

Before we get into the second part of my chat with Cara of Leo Listening Bevor wir zum zweiten Teil meines Chats mit Cara von Leo Listening kommen Leo ListeningのCaraさんとのトーク後編に入る前に。

about the TV Show Friends, let me show you the Friends shelf on LingQ. über die TV-Show Friends, lassen Sie mich Ihnen das Friends-Regal auf LingQ zeigen. テレビ番組「フレンズ」について、LingQの「フレンズ」棚を紹介します。

So you see it here, learn English with Friends. だから、ここで見て、English with Friendsを学んでください。

It is loaded with episodes. エピソードを満載しています。

If you would like to learn from one, you click import and you can 一から学びたい方は、インポートをクリックすると

see here the instructions on how to import YouTube videos into LingQ. YouTubeの動画をLingQに取り込む方法は、こちらをご覧ください。

The episode is hosted on YouTube. Эпизод размещён на YouTube.|||размещён на YouTube|| |||hospedado|| Die Folge wird auf YouTube gehostet. このエピソードは、YouTubeで公開されています。

Make sure you have the LingQ browser extension. LingQのブラウザ拡張機能があることを確認してください。

You click through then it's as easy as clicking on the extension and import. Sie klicken sich durch, dann ist es so einfach wie das Klicken auf die Erweiterung und das Importieren. クリックすると、拡張子やインポートをクリックするのと同じくらい簡単です。

And there you have it, your lesson with that episode that you chose of Friends. Und da haben Sie es, Ihre Lektion mit der Episode, die Sie von Friends ausgewählt haben. そして、あなたが選んだ「フレンズ」のエピソードで、あなたのレッスンは終了です。

You can work through the words and phrases as you watch, turning all Puoi elaborare le parole e le frasi mentre guardi, girando tutto をすべて回しながら、見ながら単語やフレーズを覚えていくことができます。

those blue highlighted words yellow. ||||highlight in yellow diese blau hervorgehobenen Wörter gelb. quelle parole evidenziate in blu gialle. 青くハイライトされた文字が黄色になる。

You can review what you've learned at the end of the lesson if you'd like. ||||||||conclusion|||||| よろしければ、レッスンの最後に学んだことを復習してみてください。 如果愿意的话,您可以在课程结束时复习一下所学到的内容。

So if you are into Friends, give it a try and learn from content of interest. Quindi, se ti piacciono gli amici, provalo e impara dai contenuti di interesse. だから、もしあなたがフレンズにハマっているなら、試してみて、興味のあるコンテンツから学んでみてください。 因此,如果您喜欢《老友记》,不妨尝试一下,并从感兴趣的内容中学习。

Okay, let's get back to that interview with Cara. Ok, torniamo all'intervista con Cara. さて、キャラのインタビューに戻ろうか。 好的,让我们回到对卡拉的采访。

We could, we could argue that, that there is a, there is a ということを主張することができる。 我们可以,我们可以争辩说,有一个,有一个

lot of escapism and fantasy. ||бегство от реальности|| ||avoiding reality, imagination|| ||escapismo|| ||escapismo|| 脱力系、ファンタジー系が多い。 很多逃避现实和幻想。

Um, it's fun to watch people living like this in New York. Ehm, è divertente vedere le persone che vivono così a New York. 嗯,看到纽约人这样生活很有趣。

Um, yeah.

You know, it doesn't, it doesn't ha It's not supposed to be a documentary |||||||Это|||||| Weißt du, das tut es nicht, das hat es nicht Es soll kein Dokumentarfilm werden Sai, non, non ha Non dovrebbe essere un documentario あのね、それはないんだ、それはないんだ、それはドキュメンタリーではないはずなんだ。

. No, exactly. . Não, exatamente.



So, you know, maybe we should be a little bit uh, fairer to it, but I mean, I, I'm |||||||||||справедливее||||||| |||||||||||más justos||||||| |||||||||||più giusti||||||| Donc, vous savez, peut-être devrions-nous être un peu plus justes, mais je veux dire, je, je suis...". Quindi, sai, forse dovremmo essere un po' più giusti, ma voglio dire, io, io sono だから、私たちはもう少し公平であるべきかもしれません。

a bit critical of the, the ongoing appeal of, of, of Friends because it's not as немного критичен к|||||этого||привлекательность|||||||| ||||||en curso||||||||| ||||||continua||||||||| un poco crítico de la, el atractivo en curso de, de, de Friends porque no es tan un peu critique à l'égard de l'attrait continu de Friends parce qu'il n'est pas aussi un po' critico nei confronti dell'appello in corso di, di, di Friends perché non è così フレンズの継続的な魅力については、少し批判的です。

if, like, okay, if for, for whatever reason friends had been the high point ||||||||друзья были вершиной||||| si, como, vale, si por, por cualquier razón los amigos hubieran sido el punto álgido もし、もし、もし、もし、もし、もし、もし、どんな理由であれ、友達が高嶺の花であったなら

of TV, if like, you know, friends had been the peak, the pinnacle, the ultimate |||||||||тот|||вершина|| ||||||||||||the pinnacle|| della TV, se come, sai, gli amici erano stati l'apice, l'apice, il massimo テレビの、あの、友達がピークで、頂点で、究極のものであったとしたら

TV series and everything since Friends was simply a reflection of the decline ||||||||||||упадок Le serie TV e tutto quanto da Friends è stato semplicemente un riflesso del declino TVシリーズや『フレンズ』以降の作品は、単に衰退の反映に過ぎなかった。 自《老友记》以来的电视剧和所有电视剧都只是衰落的反映

of TV and everything before Friends was just not as good, I would understand. della TV e tutto prima di Friends non era altrettanto buono, capirei. のテレビで、フレンズ以前は何もかもがイマイチだったということなら、理解できるのですが。

The thing is, I think TV has really gone on, oh, to be a really incredible, ||||думаю|телевидение|||||||||| Il fatto è che penso che la TV sia diventata davvero incredibile, oh, その点、テレビは、ああ、本当にすごい存在になったと思うんです、

creative medium, you know, since, you know, during the friends period, and mezzo creativo, sai, da quando, sai, durante il periodo degli amici, e クリエイティブなメディアとして、友人たちの時代から、そして

especially after the Friends period. 特にフレンズ期間終了後

So we've had some really incredible TV series, you know, in the だから、私たちは、本当に素晴らしいテレビシリーズをいくつも持っているんです。

two thousands, in the 2010s. 2010年代には2,000人、です。

Um, things like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, like really ブレイキング・バッド、ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ、ウォーキング・デッドのようなものです。

ambitious TV series that have really pushed the medium, like pushed it ambiciosas series de televisión que realmente han empujado el medio, como empujarlo serie TV ambiziose che hanno davvero spinto il mezzo, come lo hanno spinto メディアを押し上げた野心的なテレビシリーズ。

to, to, to, to be more ambitious and really creative and really exciting. を、もっと野心的に、本当に創造的に、本当にエキサイティングにするために。

Like you wanna stay in and watch certain shows on, on TV Come se volessi restare a casa e guardare certi programmi in TV 家にこもってテレビで特定の番組を見たいとか。

or stream them or whatever. |ou transmiti-los ou o que quer que seja.||| o riprodurli in streaming o qualsiasi altra cosa. またはストリーミングで視聴することができます。

That's obviously all developed since Friends. Das ist offensichtlich alles seit Friends entwickelt. Ovviamente è tutto sviluppato da Friends. それは明らかにフレンズから発展したものばかりですね。

So the idea that people are still watching like a sitcom from the nineties ||||||||||ситком||| Quindi l'idea che le persone guardino ancora come una sitcom degli anni Novanta だから、人々はまだ90年代のシットコムのように見ているという考えです。

with problematic, you know, fat, fat phobia, you know, I don't know. 問題ありの、あの、脂肪、脂肪恐怖症の、あの、あの、あの、あの、あの、あの、あの、あの、あの。

It's, it's as if, it's as if like the last 10 or 15 years didn't happen. ||||Это||||||||| まるで、この10年、15年がなかったかのような感じです。 就好像,就好像过去 10 年或 15 年没有发生过一样。

I don't know.

Like, you know, am I alone in feeling this? Tipo, sai, sono solo io a sentirlo? みたいな、こんなことを感じるのは自分だけなのか?

I see what you mean.

It's like why latch onto, well, why, let's discuss, why do we think people have Это как|||зацикливаться на||||||||||| |||aggrapparsi||||||||||| |||agarrar||||||||||| Es como por qué aferrarse a, bueno, por qué, vamos a discutir, ¿por qué creemos que la gente tiene C'est comme si on se demandait pourquoi on s'accroche à, eh bien, pourquoi, discutons-en, pourquoi pensons-nous que les gens ont... なぜ、ラッチするのかという感じですが、まあ、なぜ、議論しましょうか、なぜ、人間は

latched onto Friends for this very reason, this for this purpose of, you know, зацепился за||||||||||||| agarrado||||||||||||| si è attaccato||||||||||||| Ich habe mich genau aus diesem Grund an Freunde geklammert, dies zu diesem Zweck, wissen Sie, se aferró a Amigos por esta misma razón, esto con este fin de, ya sabes, このような理由で、このような目的で、フレンズに取り付いたのです、

entertainment and.English learning, so...

And English learning.

Cause it's not as, if, it's not as if there aren't other sitcoms. ||||||||||||sitcoms Porque no es como, si, no es como si no hubiera otras comedias. 因为这并不是说,并不是说没有其他情景喜剧。

I mean, there are good reasons to watch a sitcom, you know? シチュエーションコメディを見るには、それなりの理由があるんだよ。

Um, it's, it's short. Ehm, è, è breve.

Uh, the episodes are short. ええと、エピソードが短いんです。

The, the, the situations are very concrete and grounded in daily Situasi ini sangat konkret dan membumi dalam keseharian その、シチュエーションはとても具体的で、日常に根ざしています。

life, so they're easier to, you know, understand and make sense of. vita, quindi sono più facili da, sai, capire e dare un senso. そのため、より理解しやすく、納得しやすいのです。

Um, and obviously if you enjoy watching the show, then you'll get addicted. ||||||||||||dipendente ||||||||||||viciado E ovviamente se ti piace guardare lo spettacolo, allora diventerai dipendente. あの、明らかに楽しんで見ていれば、ハマりますよ。

You'll want to keep watching it.

And I think that is often the um, in, in language learning, we need そして、これは言語学習において、しばしば必要とされることだと思う。

things we can get addicted to, but you know that that could be a ton

of other sitcoms, either from that period or, or, or, or more recent.

Good ones.

Um yeah.


It's Subjective.



Even like, but I mean, I suppose there are quite a few bad ones as well, but Incluso como, pero quiero decir, supongo que hay bastantes malos también, pero Anche come, ma voglio dire, suppongo che ce ne siano anche alcuni cattivi, ma 好きでも、でも、つまり、悪いものも結構あるんだろうけど、でも

yeah, I mean, this is what, this is what I don't understand and, and occasionally そう、つまり、これが、これが、私が理解できないことなんだ、そして、時々は

when I, you know, so there are repeats of Friends on TV all the time, right? の時、だからテレビではずっと『フレンズ』のリピートがあるんでしょう?

I think in every single country there's repeats of Friends all the Penso che in ogni singolo paese ci siano ripetizioni di Friends all the

time, and so sometimes I come across them in France and, you know, there's tiempo, así que a veces me encuentro con ellos en Francia y, ya sabes, hay

just all this canned laughter, fake laughter in the background. |всё это||записанный смех|||||| |||grabada|||||| |||gravado|la risata||la risata||| solo tutte queste risate in scatola, finte risate in sottofondo.

I'm like, some of these jokes aren't even like, they're not even that funny. Algunos de estos chistes ni siquiera son graciosos. Sono tipo, alcune di queste battute non sono nemmeno così divertenti.

I mean, if you took away that laughter, would people laugh? Si le quitaras esa risa, ¿se reiría la gente?

So, I don't know.

I'm confused.

, I'm, I'm confused about this.

I'm with


Yeah, I, I guess I, I was thinking about this, um, lately, and I guess you are

right, it is a sitcom, so people start to kind of feel like they know the

characters, they learn to love them.

Um, they make mistakes.

People like seeing people that they're low point, you know, Люди||||||||| A la gente le gusta ver a la gente en su punto más bajo, ya sabes,

it's like everyday life stuff.

But yeah, it is amazing to me too, actually.

Um, I guess, you know, it's, it's easy to follow.

There aren't too many crazy, um, you know, it, it doesn't

go too deep, uh, into anything.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, mean

it's, it's, it's not the goal of the program to such on really deep subjects. non è, non è, non è l'obiettivo del programma parlare di argomenti così profondi.


Maybe it's just sheer ubiquity. |||просто повсеместность|вездесущность |||pura|ubicuidad |||mera|ubiquidade Tal vez sea la ubicuidad. Mungkin itu hanya karena keberadaannya yang sangat banyak. Forse è solo pura ubiquità.

So maybe like for a lot of people, this was the first time that they Quindi forse, come per molte persone, questa era la prima volta che lo facevano

saw an American TV series, so maybe they didn't see, I don't know,

Cheers or Seinfeld or, you know, whatever other ones we can imagine. ||Seinfeld||||||||| Cheers o Seinfeld o, sai, qualunque altro possiamo immaginare.

I'd rather watch Frazier. Я бы||| |||Frazier |||Frazier

I mean...

yeah, that, that used to be on after Friends. ||это|||||| Ouais, ça, ça passait après Friends.

I remember when we watched it on Friday night...


It was friends and Frazier and I was like, I was a bit too young Eran amigos y Frazier y yo estaba como, yo era un poco demasiado joven

I think, becasue I loved watch... ||porque|||

I loved Friends.

Then Frazier, come on, I didn't get like half the jokes. |||||не понял|||||


Frazier's a bit. Frazier's|| de Frazier|| um pouco do Frazier||

Yeah it's a bit more sophisticated for sure.


So maybe that would alienate some people. ||||aislaría|| Jadi, mungkin hal itu akan mengasingkan sebagian orang.

I dunno.

But um,


. Yeah.


It's a bit of a, it's a bit of a, but yeah, I guess people like watching

beautiful people in New York.


Um, you know, um, not often, not doing very much.

You know, the ones we talked about, the ones that have these well paid

jobs, they never seem to be at work. |они||||||

They were always at the coffee shop.


Like in the middle of the day.


In the middle of the day, like I know, you know, you could have some flexibility in |||||||||||||||гнучкість|

your hours, but still it seems a bit much.

Like are they getting, are they, do they all happen to, of course

Rachel worked in the coffee shop.

Do they all happen to live super close, that they could just walk there? Живут ли|||||||||||||

It's a bit of a coincidence. Ini adalah suatu kebetulan.

I doubt it. Я||

Yeah, that was a bit of a...

Yeah, but I mean, that makes sense from a point of view of a sitcom.

Cause you wanna have like these familiar places and...


It's a sitcom.

It's not supposed to be real life, you know, completely real life-like. Es soll nicht das wirkliche Leben sein, weißt du, ganz wie im wirklichen Leben.

Um, so Leo Listening your website and YouTube channel, it's all about

learning from movies and TV shows.

Um, what advice, what tips would you give anyone wanting to learn from a TV

show like friends or, um, or a movie?

Or anything else...

Um, or anything else.

Well, I mean, Yeah, so I, I, I talked about the importance of

like being motivated to watch it.

So I, I mean, I think that's the, the starting point is thinking about,

well, what, you know, what do you like to watch, um, in your own language?

At the same time, taking into account that, you know, it's probably ||||учитывая|||||||

going to be easier to follow a TV series or a movie if you've already

seen it dubbed into your language. ||дублированный||| ||dublado||| melihatnya disulihsuarakan ke dalam bahasa Anda. visto dublado em seu idioma.


So that can also be a factor.

But I think the, the main thing is to actually find something

that, that you want to watch.

So if you start watching Friends and you're like, what is this trash? ||||||||||||low-quality show Jadi, jika Anda mulai menonton Friends dan berpikir, sampah apa ini?

And you want to just turn it off, then you know, there's no point in continuing.

Like there's nothing inherent about friends that you wouldn't find, |||присущий|||||| |||Naturally existing|||||| |||inherent|||||| Como se não houvesse nada inerente sobre amigos que você não encontraria,

I don't think in another sitcom.

You know, if you want something that is fairly accessible with relatively ||если|||||||доступный|| ||||||||relativamente|||

short episodes and a very concrete like day-to-day life context that could be

found in lots of other sitcoms, and you, I'm sure you can find something

else that you might like, like better.

Um, so yeah, finding the motivation, finding something that is accessible and,

and also potentially, you know, useful. and also potentially, you know, useful.

So depending on your situation, you know, you might want to watch

something a bit more specialized.

Becasue some TV series are to do with like particular professions.

So like, um, medical dramas are so popular.


Grey's Anatomy Grey|

so that could be interesting if you...


For example, it's been going for years. Das geht zum Beispiel schon seit Jahren.

Oh, I know people who've learned English with, with that,

who've been following that. who have|||

I mean, that's especially interesting if you're like a healthcare worker.

But it could also just be interesting if you, if you like

that kind of hospital drama.

'm sure they exist in other languages.

Um, and there's also, you know, sometimes there are also TV series that are to

do with, um, yeah, other professions.

I watch a lot of property programs dubbed into French. |||||property||||

So, um, like Property Brothers in French is called ...they're,

they're Canadian, aren't they?

Drew and, um,... Дрю||

I've heard, yeah, I've heard of it


I've never seen it, but I, I do know of them.

And that they are Canadian.


So I like, know a lot of words to do with like home renovations and building, |||||||||||||ремонт дома|| |||||||||||||renovaciones del hogar||

which isn't actually really that useful to me, but I mean, I suppose

it's always good, it's always good to expand your vocabulary, isn't it?

So um, yeah, that's one tip is kind of, you know, yeah.

What you're interested in, what you need trying to find a balance

between those things while also watching something accessible.

Um, and then yeah, kind of getting, getting into it is important.

So that's what I like about TV series is it kind of forces you to get into Eso es lo que me gusta de las series de televisión, que te obligan a meterte en

the habit of watching it regularly.


Whereas a movie is more of a one-off. ||фильм|||||единовременное событие| considerando que||||||||

So, I mean, that's why I'm, I have a, a movie club so that we're, we're

kind of go into a bit more depth with watching a movie and you're not

just kind of watching it once and then you never do anything with it.

Like you never talk about it or you never discuss it with other people.

So I think that can also be really interesting is finding people to

talk to about what you're watching.

Um, and then that kind of helps you actually implement what

you're, what you're learning.

So you might be picking up some new words and expressions from watching TV series Ver series de televisión puede servirte para aprender nuevas palabras y expresiones.

episodes or movies, but then you need to actually apply them and use them.

And so the, the most logical way to do that is, is then to

talk about what you've watched.

So I mean, that could be with a teacher, if your teacher is cool with, um, letting ||||||||||||||||to allow

you discuss what you've watched in class or you could just find other people who

like the, the movie or the TV series.

So I'm sure for a series like Friends, I mean there must be endless forums. ||||||||||||||foros |||||||||||||intermináveis|


I'm sure.

Online where people are still talking about it or like sharing

Friends memes or whatever it is.

So, um, it's true that, yeah, the more popular a series is probably