I. Il giudice vuole il suo tempo
the|the|judge|he wants|the|his|time
I. The judge wants his time
Di solito, alle normali operazioni della giustizia non è da rimproverare la fretta.
of|usual|to the|normal|operations|of the|justice|not|it is|to|to blame|the|hurry
Usually, there is no blame for haste in the normal operations of justice.
Il giudice incaricato d'istruire il processo contro Anna Rosa, onesto per natura e per principio, volle essere scrupolosissimo e perdere mesi e mesi di tempo prima di venire al cosí detto accertamento dei fatti, dopo aver raccolto, s'intende, dati e testimonianze.
the|judge|assigned|to instruct|the|trial|against|Anna|Rosa|honest|by|nature|and||principle|he wanted|to be|very scrupulous|and|to lose|months|and|months|of|time|before|to|to come|to the|so|called|verification|of the|facts|after|to have|collected|it is understood|data|and|testimonies
The judge assigned to instruct the trial against Anna Rosa, honest by nature and principle, wanted to be very scrupulous and to take months and months of time before coming to the so-called ascertainment of the facts, after having collected, of course, data and testimonies.
Ma non era stato possibile avere da me una qualunque risposta al primo interrogatorio che avrebbero voluto farmi, subito dopo trasportato dalla cameretta d'Anna Rosa all'ospedale.
but|not|it was|been|possible|to have|from|me|a|any|response|at the|first|interrogation|that|they would have|wanted|to do to me|immediately|after|transported|from the|small room|of Anna|Rosa|
But it had not been possible for me to give any answer to the first interrogation they would have liked to conduct with me, right after being transported from Anna Rosa's room to the hospital.
Quando poi i medici mi permisero d'aprir bocca la prima risposta che diedi, anziché mettere nell'imbarazzo chi m'interrogava, mise nell'imbarazzo me.
when|then|the|doctors|me|they allowed|to open|mouth|the|first|response|that||instead of|to put|in embarrassment|who|who was questioning me|it put|in embarrassment|me
When the doctors finally allowed me to speak, the first answer I gave, instead of embarrassing those who were questioning me, embarrassed me.
Ecco: cosí fulmineo era stato in Anna Rosa il trapasso da quella pietà, per cui mi aveva teso le braccia dal letto, all'impulso istintivo che l'aveva spinta a compiere su me quell'atto violento, ch'io, già cieco nel sentirmi accosto il calore della sua procacissima persona, veramente non avevo avuto né il tempo né il modo d'accorgermi di come avesse fatto a cavare improvvisamente la rivoltella di sotto al guanciale per tirarmi.
here|so|lightning-fast|it was|has been|in|Anna|Rosa|the|transition|from|that|mercy|for|which|me|had|stretched|the|arms|from the|bed|by the impulse|instinctive|that|it had|pushed|to|to carry out|on|me|that act|violent|that I|already|blind|in the|to feel myself|close|the|heat|of the|her|very provocative|person|truly|not|I had|had|neither|the|time|||way|to notice|of|how|had|done|to|to pull out|suddenly|the|gun|from|under|to the|pillow|to|to shoot me
Here: so swift had been Anna Rosa's transition from that pity, for which she had stretched her arms towards me from the bed, to the instinctive impulse that had driven her to commit that violent act against me, that I, already blind in feeling the warmth of her very alluring body close to me, truly had neither the time nor the means to realize how she had suddenly pulled the revolver from under the pillow to shoot me.
Cosicché, non parendomi allora ammissibile ch'ella, dopo avermi attratto a sé, avesse poi voluto uccidermi, con la piú schietta sincerità diedi, a chi m'interrogava, quella spiegazione del caso che mi sembrava piú probabile, cioè che il ferimento, anche quel mio ferimento come già il suo al piede, fosse stato accidentale dovuto al fatto, certo riprovevole, di quella rivoltella che si trovava sotto il guanciale e che certo io stesso dovevo avere urtato e fatto esplodere nello sforzo di sollevare l'inferma che m'aveva domandato d'essere messa a sedere sul letto.
so that|not|seeming to me|then|admissible|that she|after||attracted|to|her|she had|then|wanted|to kill me|with|the|more|sincere|sincerity|I gave|to|who|who questioned me|that|explanation|of the|case|that|I|seemed|more|likely|that is|that|the|||||||||||||||||made|||to|||who|||||||||||||||||||||||had me|asked|to be|put|to|to sit|on the|bed
Thus, not seeming admissible to me at the time that she, after having drawn me to her, would then want to kill me, I gave, with the utmost sincerity, to those who were questioning me, the explanation of the case that seemed most probable, namely that the injury, even my injury like her previous one to the foot, had been accidental due to the certainly reprehensible fact of that revolver being under the pillow and that I must have bumped into it and caused it to fire in the effort to lift the sick woman who had asked me to help her sit up on the bed.
Per me la bugia (bugia doverosa) era soltanto in quest'ultima parte della risposta; a chi m'interrogava apparve invece tutta quanta cosí sfacciata, che ne fui aspramente rimbrottato.
for|me|the|lie|lie|necessary)|it was|only|in||part|of the|response|to|who|was questioning me|it appeared|instead|all|how much|so|brazen|that|of it|I was|harshly|reprimanded
For me, the lie (a necessary lie) was only in this last part of the answer; to those who questioned me, however, it appeared so brazen that I was harshly reprimanded.
Mi si fece sapere che la giustizia si trovava già, per fortuna, in possesso della confessione esplicita della feritrice.
I|one|he made|to know|that|the|justice|it|he found|already|by|luck|in|possession|of the|confession|explicit||the one who inflicted harm
I was informed that justice was already, fortunately, in possession of the explicit confession of the assailant.
Io allora, per un bisogno irresistibile di dimostrare la mia sincerità, fui cosí ingenuo da dare a vedere, nello sbalordimento, la piú viva curiosità di conoscere qual mai ragione avesse potuto dare la feritrice del suo atto violento contro di me.
I|then|for|a|need|irresistible|to|to demonstrate|the|my|sincerity|I was|so|naive|to|to give|to|to see|in the|astonishment|the|more|alive|curiosity|to|to know|which|ever|reason|he had|could|to give|the|sharpshooter|of the|his|act|violent|against|to|me
Then, out of an irresistible need to prove my sincerity, I was so naive as to show, in my astonishment, the keenest curiosity to know what reason the assailant could have given for her violent act against me.
La risposta a questa domanda fu una fragorosissima sbruffata che quasi mi lavò la faccia.
the|answer|to|this|question|it was|a|very loud|splash|that|almost|me|washed|the|face
The answer to this question was a thunderous outburst that almost washed my face.
«Ah, lei voleva soltanto metterla a sedere sul letto?»
Ah|she|she wanted|only|to put her|at|to sit|on the|
"Ah, she just wanted to sit her on the bed?"
Restai basito.
I remained|astonished
I was stunned.
La giustizia doveva già anche trovarsi in possesso d'una prima deposizione di mia moglie, la quale, ora piú che mai con quella prova di fatto, aveva certo potuto testimoniare in perfettissima coscienza dell'antica data del mio innamoramento per Anna Rosa.
the|justice|it had to|already|also|to find oneself|in|possession|of a|first|deposition|of|my|wife|the|who|now|more|than|ever|with|that|evidence|of|fact|it had|certainly|been able to|to testify|in|perfect|conscience|of the ancient|date|of the|my|falling in love|for|Anna|Rosa
Justice must have already been in possession of an initial statement from my wife, who, now more than ever with that evidence, could certainly testify in perfect conscience about the ancient date of my infatuation for Anna Rosa.
Cosí sarebbe rimasto, senza dubbio, acquisito alla giustizia che Anna Rosa aveva tentato d'uccidermi per difendersi da una mia brutale aggressione, se Anna Rosa stessa non avesse assicurato con giuramento il giudice che non c'era stata veramente nessuna aggressione da parte mia, ma solo quel tale fascino involontariamente esercitato su lei con le mie curiosissime considerazioni sulla vita: fascino da cui ella s'era lasciata prendere cosí fortemente, da ridursi a commettere quella pazzia.
so|it would be|remained|without|doubt|acquired|to the|justice|that|Anna|Rosa|he/she had|attempted|to kill me|to|to defend oneself|from|a|my|brutal|aggression|if|||self|not|he/she had|assured|with|oath|the|judge|||there was|been|really|none||by|part||but|only|that|such|charm|unintentionally|exercised|on|she|with|the|my|very curious|considerations|on the|life|charm|from|which|she|had|let|to take|so|strongly|to|to reduce oneself|to|to commit|that|madness
Thus, it would have undoubtedly been established that Anna Rosa had attempted to kill me in self-defense from my brutal attack, if Anna Rosa herself had not sworn to the judge that there had truly been no aggression on my part, but only that certain charm I had inadvertently exerted on her with my curious considerations about life: a charm that had so strongly captivated her that it led her to commit that madness.
Il giudice scrupoloso, non soddisfatto del sommario ragguaglio che Anna Rosa aveva potuto dargli di quelle mie considerazioni, stimò suo dovere averne una piú precisa e particolare informazione, e volle venire di persona a parlare con me.
the|judge|scrupulous|not|satisfied|of the|summary|report|that|Anna|Rosa|he had|been able to|to give him|of|those|my|considerations|he deemed|his|duty|to have them|a|more|precise|and|particular|information||he wanted|to come|to|person|to|to speak|with|me
The meticulous judge, not satisfied with the brief report that Anna Rosa had been able to give him about my considerations, deemed it his duty to have a more precise and detailed information, and wanted to come in person to speak with me.
La coperta di lana verde
The green wool blanket
Ero stato ricondotto dall'ospedale a casa in barella; e, già entrato in convalescenza, avevo lasciato il letto e me ne stavo in quei giorni adagiato beatamente su una poltrona vicino alla finestra, con una coperta di lana verde sulle gambe.
I was|been|returned||to|home|in|gurney|and|already|entered|in|convalescence|I had|left|the|bed||me|there|I was|in|those|days|lying|blissfully|on|a|armchair|near|to the|window|with|a|blanket|of|wool|green|on the|legs
I had been brought home from the hospital on a stretcher; and, already in recovery, I had left the bed and was spending those days blissfully reclining on an armchair near the window, with a green wool blanket over my legs.
Mi sentivo come inebriato vaneggiare in un vuoto tranquillo, soave, di sogno.
I|felt|like|drunk|to rave|in|a|void|calm|sweet|of|dream
I felt like I was drunkenly rambling in a tranquil, sweet void of dreams.
Era ritornata la primavera, e i primi tepori del sole mi davano un languore d'ineffabile delizia.
it was|returned|the|spring|and|the|first|warmth|of the|sun|to me|they gave|a|lassitude|of ineffable|delight
Spring had returned, and the first warmth of the sun gave me a languor of ineffable delight.
Avevo quasi timore di sentirmi ferire dalla tenerezza dell'aria limpida e nuova ch'entrava dalla finestra semichiusa, e me ne tenevo riparato; ma alzavo di tanto in tanto gli occhi a mirare quell'azzurro vivace di marzo corso da allegre nuvole luminose.
I had|almost|fear|to|to feel|to hurt|by the|tenderness|of the air|clear|and|new|that entered|from the|window|half-closed|and|me|of it|I kept|sheltered|but|I raised|of|so much|at||the|eyes|to|to look at||vivid|of|March|run|by|cheerful|clouds|bright
I was almost afraid of being hurt by the tenderness of the clear and new air that entered through the half-open window, and I kept myself sheltered; but from time to time I raised my eyes to gaze at that lively blue of March filled with cheerful, bright clouds.
Poi mi guardavo le mani che ancora mi tremavano esangui; le abbassavo sulle gambe e con la punta delle dita carezzavo lievemente la peluria verde di quella coperta di lana.
then|I|I was looking at|the|hands|that|still|I|they were trembling|bloodless|the|I lowered|on the|legs|and|with|the|tips|of the|fingers|I was caressing|gently|the|hair|green|of|that|blanket|of|wool
Then I looked at my hands that still trembled pale; I lowered them onto my legs and with the tips of my fingers I gently caressed the green fuzz of that wool blanket.
Ci vedevo la campagna: come se fosse tutta una sterminata distesa di grano; e, carezzandola, me ne beavo, sentendomici davvero, in mezzo a tutto quel grano, con un senso di cosí smemorata lontananza, che quasi ne avevo angoscia, una dolcissima angoscia.
I|I saw|the|countryside|as|if|it were|all|a|vast|expanse|of|wheat|and|caressing it|I|of it|I enjoyed|feeling myself there|really|inside|middle|to|all|that||with||sense|of|so|forgetful|distance|that|almost|of it|I had|anguish|a|sweetest|
I saw the countryside: as if it were an endless expanse of wheat; and, caressing it, I reveled in it, truly feeling myself there, in the midst of all that wheat, with a sense of such forgetful distance, that I was almost anguished, a sweet anguish.
Ah, perdersi là, distendersi e abbandonarsi, cosí tra l'erba al silenzio dei cieli; empirsi l'anima di tutta quella vana azzurrità, facendovi naufragare ogni pensiero, ogni memoria!
Ah|to get lost|there|to stretch out|and|to abandon oneself|like this|among|the grass|to the|silence|of the|skies|to fill oneself|the soul|of|all|that|empty|blueness|making you|to shipwreck|every|thought||memory
Ah, to get lost there, to stretch out and surrender, like that among the grass in the silence of the skies; to fill one's soul with all that vain blueness, letting every thought, every memory, drown in it!
Poteva, domando io, capitare piú inopportuno quel giudice?
could it|I ask|I|to happen|more|untimely|that|judge
Could, I wonder, that judge have come at a more inopportune time?
Mi duole, a ripensarci, se egli quel giorno se n'andò da casa mia con l'impressione ch'io volessi burlarmi di lui.
I|it hurts|to|to think back|if|he|that|day|||from|home|my|with|the impression|that I|I wanted|to make fun of|of|him
It pains me, thinking back, if he left my house that day with the impression that I wanted to mock him.
Aveva della talpa, con quelle due manine sempre alzate vicino alla bocca, e i piccoli occhi plumbei quasi senza vista, socchiusi; scontorto in tutta la magra personcina mal vestita, con una spalla piú alta dell'altra.
he had|some|mole|with|those|two|little hands|always|raised|near|to the|mouth|and|the|small|eyes|lead-colored|almost|without|sight|half-closed|twisted|in|all|the|thin|little person|badly|dressed|with|a|shoulder|more|high|than the other
He had a mole, with those two little hands always raised near his mouth, and the small leaden eyes almost blind, half-closed; twisted in his whole skinny little body poorly dressed, with one shoulder higher than the other.
Per via, andava di traverso, come i cani; benché poi tutti dicessero che, moralmente, nessuno sapeva rigare piú diritto di lui.
by|way|he was going|of|across|like|the|dogs|although|then|everyone|they said|that|morally|nobody|he knew|to draw|more|straight|of|him
On the way, he walked sideways, like dogs; although everyone said that, morally, no one knew how to walk straighter than him.
Le mie considerazioni sulla vita?
the|my|considerations|on the|life
My thoughts on life?
«Ah signor giudice,» gli dissi, «non è possibile, creda, ch'io gliele ripeta.
Ah|Mr|judge|to him|I said|not|it is|possible|believe|that I|them to him|repeat
"Ah, Mr. Judge," I said to him, "it is not possible, believe me, for me to repeat them to you."
Guardi qua!
Look here!
Guardi qua!»
Look here!
E gli mostrai la coperta di lana verde, passandoci sopra delicatamente la mano.
and|to him|I showed|the|blanket|of|wool|green|passing it|over|softly|the|hand
And I showed him the green wool blanket, gently passing my hand over it.
«Lei ha l'ufficio di raccogliere e preparare gli elementi di cui la giustizia domani si servirà per emanare le sue sentenze?
she|she has|the office|to|to collect|and|to prepare|the|elements|of|which|the|justice|tomorrow|it|will serve|to|to issue|the|her|sentences
"Do you have the office to collect and prepare the elements that justice will use tomorrow to issue its sentences?"
E viene a domandare a me le mie considerazioni sulla vita, quelle che per l'imputata sono state la cagione d'uccidermi?
and|he comes|to|to ask|to|me|the|my|considerations|on the|life|those|that|for|the defendant|they are|they have been|the|cause|to kill me
And he comes to ask me for my thoughts on life, those that for the defendant were the reason for killing me?
Ma se io gliele ripetessi, signor giudice, ho gran paura che lei non ucciderebbe piú me, ma se stesso, per il rimorso d'avere per tanti anni esercitato codesto suo ufficio.
but|if|I|to her|I repeated|Mr|judge|I have|great|fear|that|she|not|she would kill|more|me|but|himself|self|for||remorse|of having|for|many|years|exercised|this|her|office
But if I were to repeat them to you, your honor, I am very afraid that you would no longer kill me, but yourself, out of remorse for having exercised this office for so many years.
No, no: io non gliele dirò, signor giudice!
No|not|I|not|to them|I will say|Mr|judge
No, no: I will not tell you, your honor!
È bene che lei anzi si turi gli orecchi per non udire il terribile fragore d'una certa rapina sotto gli argini, oltre i limiti che lei, da buon giudice, s'è tracciati e imposti per comporre la sua scrupolosissima coscienza.
it is|good|that|she|rather|one|she plugs|the|ears|to|not|to hear|the|terrible|roar|of a|certain|robbery|under|the|embankments|beyond|the|limits|that|she|by|good|judge|she has|traced|and|imposed|to|to compose|the|her|scrupulous|conscience
It is better that you actually plug your ears so as not to hear the terrible noise of a certain robbery under the banks, beyond the limits that you, as a good judge, have set and imposed on yourself to compose your scrupulously clean conscience.
Possono crollare, sa, in un momento di tempesta come quello che ha avuto la signorina Anna Rosa.
they can|collapse|you know|at|a|moment|of|storm|like|that|who|has|had|the|miss|Anna|Rosa
They can collapse, you know, in a moment of storm like the one that Miss Anna Rosa had.
Che rapina?
What robbery?
Eh, quella della gran fiumana, signor giudice!
Oh|that|of the|great|river|Mr|judge
Oh, that of the great flood, Mr. Judge!
Lei l'ha incanalata bene nei suoi affetti, nei doveri che s'è imposti, nelle abitudini che sè tracciate; ma poi vengono i momenti di piena, signor giudice, e la fiumana straripa, straripa e sconvolge tutto.
she|she has|channeled|well|in the|her|affections||duties|that|she has|imposed|in the|habits|that|she|traced|but|then|they come|the|moments|of|full|Mr|judge|and|the|river|overflows|||upsets|everything
You have channeled it well into your affections, into the duties you have imposed on yourself, into the habits you have traced; but then come the moments of flood, Mr. Judge, and the flood overflows, overflows and disrupts everything.
Io lo so.
I|it|I know
I know it.
Tutto sommerso, per me, signor giudice!
Everything is submerged, for me, your honor!
Mi ci sono buttato e ora ci nuoto, ci nuoto.
I|there|I am|thrown|and|now|there|I swim|there|I swim
I jumped in and now I'm swimming, I'm swimming.
E sono, se sapesse, già tanto lontano!
And|I am|if|he knew|already|much|far away
And I am, if you knew, already so far away!
Quasi non la vedo piú.
almost|not|her|I see|anymore
I can hardly see her anymore.
Si stia bene, signor giudice, si stia bene!
one|let him be|well|Mr|judge|||
Take care, Your Honor, take care!
Restò lí, stordito, a guardarmi come si guarda un malato incurabile.
he stayed|there|dazed|to|to look at me|as|one|he looks|a|sick|incurable
He stayed there, stunned, looking at me as one looks at an incurable patient.
Sperando di scomporlo da quel penoso atteggiamento, gli sorrisi; sollevai dalle gambe con tutt'e due le mani la coperta e gliela mostrai ancora una volta, domandandogli con grazia:
hoping|to|to break it down|from|that|painful|attitude|to him|I smiled|I lifted|from the|legs|with|all the|two||hands|the|||to him it|I showed|again|one|time|asking him|with|grace
Hoping to break him out of that painful attitude, I smiled at him; I lifted the blanket off my legs with both hands and showed it to him once again, asking him gracefully:
Ma davvero, scusi non le sembra bella, cosí verde, questa coperta di lana?
but|really|excuse me|not|to her|does it seem|beautiful|so|green|this|blanket|of|wool
But really, excuse me, don't you think this wool blanket is beautiful, so green?
Mi consolavo con la riflessione che tutto questo avrebbe facilitato l'assoluzione d`Anna Rosa.
I|consoled|with|the|reflection|that|everything|this|would have|facilitated|the acquittal|||Rosa
I consoled myself with the thought that all this would facilitate Anna Rosa's acquittal.
Ma d'altra parte c'era lo Sclepis che piú volte con un gran tremore di tutte le sue cartilagini era accorso a dirmi ch'io gli avevo reso e seguitavo a rendergli piú che mai difficile il cómpito della mia salvazione.
but|on the other|side|there was|the|Sclepis|who|more|times|with|a|great|tremor|of|all|the|his|cartilages|he was|ran|to|to tell me|that I|to him|I had|made|and|I continued|to|to make for him|more|than|ever|difficult|the|task|of the|my|salvation
But on the other hand, there was Sclepis who several times, with a great tremor of all his cartilages, rushed to tell me that I had made and continued to make my salvation more difficult than ever.
Possibile che non mi rendessi conto dello scandalo enorme suscitato con quella mia avventura, proprio nel momento che avrei dovuto dar prova d'avere piú di tutti la testa a segno?
possible|that|not|me|I realized|account|of the|scandal|huge|raised|with|that|my|adventure|just|in the|moment|that|I would have|to have to|to give|proof|to have|more|than|everyone|the|head|at|mark
Is it possible that I did not realize the enormous scandal caused by that adventure of mine, precisely at the moment when I should have proven to have my head on straight more than anyone else?
E non avevo, invece, dimostrato che aveva avuto ragione mia moglie a scapparsene in casa del padre per l'indegnità del mio comportamento verso di lei?
and|not|I had|instead|demonstrated|that|he had|had|reason|my|wife|to|to run away|at|home|of the|father|for|the indignity|of the|my|behavior|towards|of|her
And had I not, instead, demonstrated that my wife was right to run away to her father's house because of the indignity of my behavior towards her?
Io la tradivo; e solo per farmi bello agli occhi di quella ragazza esaltata avevo protestato di non volere piú che in paese mi si chiamasse usurajo!
I|she|I was cheating|and|only|to|to make myself|handsome|to the|eyes|of|that|girl|excited|I had|protested|to|not|to want|more|that|in|town|me|one|to be called|usurer
I was betraying her; and only to make myself look good in the eyes of that exalted girl had I protested that I no longer wanted to be called a usurer in the village!
E tanto era il mio accecamento per quella passione colpevole, che avevo voluto e m'ostinavo a voler rovinare me e gli altri, con tutto che per poco non m'era costata la vita, questa colpevole passione!
and|much|it was|the|my|blindness|for|that|passion|culpable|that|I had|wanted|and|I persisted|to|to want|to ruin|myself|and|the|others|with|everything|that|for|little|not|it had cost me|cost|the|life|this|culpable|passion
And so great was my blindness for that guilty passion, that I had wanted and stubbornly insisted on ruining myself and others, even though it had almost cost me my life, this guilty passion!
Ormai allo Sclepis, di fronte alla sollevazione di tutti, non restava che riconoscere le mie deplorevoli colpe, e per salvarmi non vedeva piú altro scampo che nella confessione aperta di esse da parte mia.
by now|at the|Sclepis|of|front|to the|uprising|of|everyone|not|remained|only|to recognize|the|my|deplorable|crimes|and|to|to save myself|not|he saw|more|other|escape|that|in the|confession|open|of|them|by|part|my
By now, in front of the uprising of everyone, Sclepis had no choice but to acknowledge my deplorable faults, and to save myself, he saw no other escape than in my open confession of them.
Bisognava però, perché questa confessione non fosse pericolosa, che io dimostrassi nello stesso tempo cosí viva e urgente per la mia anima la necessità d'un eroico ravvedimento, da ridare a lui l'animo e la forza di chiedere agli altri il sacrifizio dei proprii interessi.
it was necessary|however|because|this|confession|not|it was|dangerous|that|I|I demonstrated|at the same|same|time|so|alive||urgent|for|the|my|soul||necessity|of an|heroic|repentance|to|to give back|to|him||||strength|to|to ask|to the|others||sacrifice|of the||interests
However, in order for this confession not to be dangerous, I had to demonstrate at the same time how alive and urgent the necessity for a heroic repentance was for my soul, to give him the spirit and strength to ask others for the sacrifice of their own interests.
Io non facevo che dir di sí col capo a tutto quello che lui mi diceva, senza forzarmi a scrutare quanto e fin dove quella che era soltanto argomentazione dialettica, prendendo a mano a mano calore, diventasse in lui realmente sincera convinzione.
I|not|I was doing|only|to say|of||with|head|to|everything|that|which|he|to me|he was saying|without|to force myself|to|to scrutinize|how much|and|until|where|that|which|was|only|argumentation|dialectical|taking|at|hand|to|hand|heat|to become|in|he|really|sincere|conviction
I only nodded in agreement to everything he said, without forcing myself to scrutinize how much and to what extent what was merely dialectical argumentation, gradually gaining warmth, became in him a truly sincere conviction.
Certo appariva sempre piú soddisfatto; ma dentro di sé, forse, un pò perplesso, se quella sua soddisfazione fosse per vero sentimento di carità o per l'accorgimento del suo intelletto.
certainly|he appeared|always|more|satisfied|but|inside|six|himself|perhaps|a|little|perplexed|if|that|his|satisfaction|was|for|true|feeling|of|charity|or||the cleverness|of the|his|intellect
Certainly, he appeared increasingly satisfied; but inside himself, perhaps, a bit perplexed, whether this satisfaction was due to a true feeling of charity or to the cleverness of his intellect.
Si venne alla decisione chè io avrei dato un esemplare e solennissimo esempio di pentimento e d'abnegazione, facendo dono di tutto, anche della casa e d'ogni altro mio avere, per fondare con quanto mi sarebbe toccato dalla liquidazione della banca un ospizio di mendicità con annessa cucina economica aperta tutto l'anno, non solo a beneficio dei ricoverati, ma anche di tutti i poveri che potessero averne bisogno; e annesso anche un vestiario per ambo i sessi e per ogni età, di tanti capi all'anno; e che io stesso vi avrei preso stanza, dormendo senz'alcuna distinzione, come ogni altro mendico, in una branda, mangiando come tutti gli altri la minestra in una ciotola di legno, e indossando l'abito della comunità destinato a uno della mia età e del mio sesso.
Yes|he came|to the|decision|that|I|I would have|given|a|exemplary|and|most solemn|example|of|repentance|and||||of|||of the|||||my|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gender
It was decided that I would give a most exemplary and solemn demonstration of repentance and self-denial, donating everything, including the house and all my possessions, to establish a shelter for the needy with an attached economical kitchen open all year round, not only for the benefit of the residents but also for all the poor who might need it; and also an outfit for both sexes and all ages, with many garments each year; and that I myself would take a room there, sleeping without any distinction, like any other beggar, on a cot, eating like everyone else the soup from a wooden bowl, and wearing the community's clothing designated for someone of my age and sex.
Quel che piú mi coceva era che questa mia totale remissione fosse interpretata come vero pentimento, mentre io davo tutto, non m'opponevo a nulla, perché remotissimo ormai da ogni cosa che potesse avere un qualche senso o valore per gli altri, e non solo alienato assolutamente da me stesso e da ogni cosa mia, ma con l'orrore di rimanere comunque qualcuno, in possesso di qualche cosa.
what|that|more|to me|burned|it was|that||my|||||||||||||||||||||thing||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What troubled me the most was that this total renunciation of mine would be interpreted as true repentance, while I gave everything, did not oppose anything, because I was now very far from anything that could have any sense or value for others, and not only completely alienated from myself and everything of mine, but horrified at the thought of remaining someone, in possession of something.
Non volendo piú nulla, sapevo di non poter piú parlare.
not|wanting|more|nothing|I knew|to|not|to be able|more|to speak
Not wanting anything anymore, I knew I could no longer speak.
E stavo zitto, guardando e ammirando quel vecchio diafano prelato che sapeva voler tanto e la volontà esercitare con arte cosí fina, e non per un utile suo particolare, né tanto forse per fare un bene agli altri, quanto per il merito che ne sarebbe venuto a quella casa di Dio, di cui era fedelissimo e zelantissimo servitore.
and|I was|quiet|watching|and|admiring|that|old|diaphanous|prelate|who|he knew|to want|much|and|||||||||not|for|a|useful|his|particular|nor|much|perhaps|to|to do|a|good|to the|others|as much as|for|the|merit|that|of it|would be|come|to|that|house|of|God|of|of whom|he was|most faithful||most zealous|servant
And I was silent, watching and admiring that old diaphanous prelate who knew how to want so much and to exercise his will with such fine art, not for any personal gain, nor perhaps so much to do good for others, but for the merit that would come to that house of God, of which he was a most faithful and zealous servant.
Ecco: per sé, nessuno.
here is|for|oneself|nobody
Here: for himself, no one.
Era questa, forse, la via che conduceva a diventare uno per tutti.
this was|||||||||||
Was this perhaps the way that led to becoming one for all?
Ma c'era in quel prete troppo orgoglio del suo potere e del suo sapere.
but|there was|in|that|priest|too much|pride|of the|his|power||||knowledge
But there was too much pride in that priest about his power and his knowledge.
Pur vivendo per gli altri, voleva ancora essere uno per sé, da distinguere bene dagli altri per la sua sapienza e la sua potenza, e anche per la piú provata fedeltà e il maggior zelo.
Although|living|for|the|others|he wanted|still|to be|one|for|self|to|to distinguish|well|from the|others|for|the|his|wisdom|and|the|his|power|and|also|for|the|most|proven|loyalty|and|the|greater|zeal
Even while living for others, he still wanted to be one for himself, to be clearly distinguished from others by his wisdom and his power, and also for his proven loyalty and greater zeal.
Ragion per cui, guardandolo - sí, seguitavo ad ammirarlo - ma mi faceva anche pena.
reason|for|which|looking at him|yes|I continued|to|to admire him|but|I|he made|also|pitiful
For this reason, looking at him - yes, I continued to admire him - but he also made me feel pity.
Non conclude
Does not conclude.
Anna Rosa doveva essere assolta; ma io credo che in parte la sua assoluzione fu anche dovuta all'ilarità che si diffuse in tutta la sala del tribunale, allorché, chiamato a fare la mia deposizione, mi videro comparire col berretto, gli zoccoli e il camiciotto turchino dell'ospizio.
Anna|Rosa|she had to|to be|acquitted|but|I|I believe|that|in|part|the|her|acquittal|it was|also|due|to the hilarity|that|it|spread|in|all|the|room|of the|court|when|called|to|to make|the|my|testimony|I|they saw|to appear|with|cap|the|clogs|and||smock|blue|
Anna Rosa should have been acquitted; but I believe that part of her acquittal was also due to the hilarity that spread throughout the courtroom when, called to give my testimony, they saw me appear with the cap, clogs, and the blue smock of the asylum.
Non mi sono piú guardato in uno specchio, e non mi passa neppure per ll capo di voler sapere che cosa sia avvenuto della mia faccia e di tutto il mio aspetto.
not|I|I am|more|looked|in|a|mirror|and|not|I|passes|even|by|the|head|to|to want|to know|what|thing|it is|happened|of the|my|face|||all||my|appearance
I haven't looked in a mirror anymore, and it doesn't even cross my mind to want to know what has happened to my face and my whole appearance.
Quello che avevo per gli altri dovette apparir molto mutato e in un modo assai buffo, a giudicare dalla maraviglia e dalle risate con cui fui accolto.
that|which|I had|for|the|others|it must have|to appear|very|changed|and|in|a|way|quite|funny|to|to judge|from the|wonder|||laughter|with|whom|I was|welcomed
What I had for others must have appeared very changed and in a rather funny way, judging by the astonishment and laughter with which I was received.
Eppure mi vollero tutti chiamare ancora Moscarda, benché il dire Moscarda avesse ormai certo per ciascuno un significato cosí diverso da quello di prima, che avrebbero potuto risparmiare a quel povero svanito là, barbuto e sorridente, con gli zoccoli e il camiciotto turchino, la pena d'obbligarlo a voltarsi ancora a quel nome, come se realmente gli appartenesse.
yet|to me|they wanted|everyone|to call|still|Moscarda|although|the|to say||he had|by now|certain|for|each one|a|meaning|so|different|from|that|of|before|that|they would have|could have|to spare|to|that|poor|vanished|there|bearded||smiling|with|to him|clogs|||shirt|light blue||pain|to force him|to|to turn around|again|to|that|name|as|if|really|to him|belonged
Yet they all still wanted to call me Moscarda, although saying Moscarda must have had a meaning so different for each of them now, that they could have spared that poor faded man over there, bearded and smiling, with clogs and the blue smock, the pain of forcing him to turn back to that name, as if it really belonged to him.
Nessun nome.
No name.
Nessun ricordo oggi del nome di jeri; del nome d'oggi, domani.
none|memory|today|of the|name|of|yesterday|||of today|tomorrow
No memory today of yesterday's name; of today's name, tomorrow.
Se il nome è la cosa; se un nome è in noi il concetto d'ogni cosa posta fuori di noi; e senza nome non si ha il concetto, e la cosa resta in noi come cieca, non distinta e non definita; ebbene, questo che portai tra gli uomini ciascuno lo incida, epigrafe funeraria, sulla fronte di quella immagine con cui gli apparvi, e la lasci in pace non ne parli piú.
If|the|name|it is|the|thing||a|||inside|us||concept|of every||placed|outside|of||and|||||||||it|||to||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||peace||of it|to speak|more
If the name is the thing; if a name is in us the concept of every thing placed outside of us; and without a name there is no concept, and the thing remains in us as blind, not distinct and not defined; well, this that I carried among men let each one inscribe it, a tombstone inscription, on the forehead of that image with which you appeared to him, and leave it in peace, do not speak of it anymore.
Non è altro che questo, epigrafe funeraria, un nome.
not|it is|else|that|this|epitaph|funeral|a|name
It is nothing but this, a tombstone inscription, a name.
Conviene ai morti.
it is convenient|to the|dead
It benefits the dead.
A chi ha concluso.
to|who|he has|concluded
To those who have concluded.
Io sono vivo e non concludo.
I|am|alive|and|not|I conclude
I am alive and do not conclude.
La vita non conclude.
Life does not conclude.
E non sa di nomi, la vita.
and|not|he knows|of|names|the|life
And it knows no names, life.
Quest'albero, respiro trèmulo di foglie nuove.
this tree|breath|quivering|of|leaves|new
This tree, a trembling breath of new leaves.
Sono quest'albero.
I am|this tree
I am this tree.
Albero, nuvola; domani libro o vento: il libro che leggo, il vento che bevo.
tree|cloud|tomorrow|book|or|wind|the||that|I read||||I drink
Tree, cloud; tomorrow book or wind: the book I read, the wind I drink.
Tutto fuori, vagabondo.
Everything out, wanderer.
L'ospizio sorge in campagna, in un luogo amenissimo.
the hospice|stands|in|countryside|in|a|place|very pleasant
The hospice is located in the countryside, in a very pleasant place.
Io esco ogni mattina, all'alba, perché ora voglio serbare lo spirito cosí, fresco d'alba, con tutte le cose come appena si scoprono che sanno ancora del crudo della notte, prima che il sole ne secchi il respiro umido e le abbagli.
I|I go out|every|morning|at dawn|because|now|I want|to keep|it|spirit|like this|fresh|of dawn|with|all|the|things|like|just|they|they discover|that|they know|still|of the|raw|of the|night|before|that|the|sun|of it|to dry|the|breath|humid|and|the|to dazzle
I go out every morning at dawn, because now I want to keep my spirit like this, fresh at dawn, with all things as they are just discovered, still knowing the rawness of the night, before the sun dries their humid breath and blinds them.
Quelle nubi d'acqua là pese plumbee ammassate sui monti lividi, che fanno parere piú larga e chiara nella grana d'ombra ancora notturna, quella verde piaga di cielo.
those|clouds|of water|there|heavy|lead-colored|accumulated|on the|mountains|bruised|which|they make|to seem|more|wide|and|clear|in the|grain|of shadow|still|night|that|green|plague|of|sky
Those heavy leaden water clouds piled up on the pale mountains, which make the night shadow seem wider and clearer, that green patch of sky.
E qua questi fili d'erba, teneri d'acqua anch'essi, freschezza viva delle prode.
and|here|these|blades|of grass|tender|of water|they too|freshness|alive|of the|meadows
And here these blades of grass, tender with water as well, the vibrant freshness of the meadows.
E quell'asinello rimasto al sereno tutta la notte, che ora guarda con occhi appannati e sbruffa in questo silenzio che gli è tanto vicino e a mano a mano pare gli s'allontani cominciando, ma senza stupore a schiarirglisi attorno, con la luce che dilaga appena sulle campagne deserte e attonite.
and|that little donkey|left|at the|serene|all|the|night|who|now|he looks|with|eyes|cloudy|and|he snorts|into|this|silence|that|to him|it is|much|near|and|to|hand|a|hand|it seems|to him|to move away|starting|but|without|surprise|to|to clear up|around|with|the|light|that|spreads|barely|on the|countryside|deserted|and|astonished
And that little donkey left in the open all night, who now looks with misty eyes and snorts in this silence that is so close to him and gradually seems to drift away, beginning, but without surprise, to clear around him, with the light that barely spreads over the deserted and astonished fields.
E queste carraie qua, tra siepi nere e muricce screpolate, che su lo strazio dei loro solchi ancora stanno e non vanno.
and|these|cart tracks|here|between|hedges|black|and|||||||||||||not|they go
And these cart tracks here, between black hedges and cracked walls, that still remain on the agony of their furrows and do not go.
E l'aria è nuova.
and|the air|it is|new
And the air is new.
E tutto, attimo per attimo, è com'è, che savviva per apparire.
and|everything|moment|by||it is|as it is|which|it survives|to|to appear
And everything, moment by moment, is as it is, that it lives to appear.
Volto subito gli occhi per non vedere piú nulla fermarsi nella sua apparenza e morire.
I turn|immediately|the|eyes|to|not|to see|more|nothing|to stop|in the|his|appearance|and|to die
I immediately turn my eyes to not see anything stop in its appearance and die.
Cosí soltanto io posso vivere, ormai.
so|only|I|can|to live|now
This is the only way I can live now.
Rinascere attimo per attimo.
to be reborn|moment|for|moment
To be reborn moment by moment.
Impedire che il pensiero sí metta in me di nuovo a lavorare, e dentro mi rifaccia il vuoto delle vane costruzioni.
to prevent|that|the|thought|yes|puts|inside|me|to|new|to|to work|and|inside|me|remake|the|void|of the|empty|constructions
Prevent the thought from getting back to work in me, and inside it remakes the emptiness of vain constructions.
La città è lontana.
the|city|it is|far away
The city is far away.
Me ne giunge, a volte, nella calma del vespro, il suono delle campane.
I|it|comes|at|times|in the|calm|of the|evening|the|sound|of the|bells
Sometimes, in the calm of the evening, I hear the sound of the bells.
Ma ora quelle campane le odo non piú dentro di me, ma fuori, per sé sonare, che forse ne fremono di gioja nella loro cavità ronzante, in un bel cielo azzurro pieno di sole caldo tra lo stridío delle rondini o nel vento nuvoloso, pesanti e cosí alte sui campanili aerei.
but|now|those|bells|them|I hear|not|anymore|inside|of|me|but|outside|to|self|to ring|that|perhaps|they|they tremble|of|joy|in the|their|cavity|ringing|in|a|beautiful|sky|blue|full|of|sun|warm|between|the|screeching|of the|swallows|or|in the|wind|cloudy|heavy|and|so|high|on the|bell towers|airborne
But now I hear those bells no longer inside me, but outside, ringing on their own, perhaps they tremble with joy in their resonant cavity, in a beautiful blue sky full of warm sun among the chirping of swallows or in the cloudy wind, heavy and so high on the airy bell towers.
Pensa alla morte, a pregare.
think|to the|death|to|to pray
Think of death, to pray.
C'è pure chi ha ancora questo bisogno, e se ne fanno voce le campane.
there is|also|who|has|still|this|need|and|if|it|they make|voice|the|bells
There are also those who still have this need, and the bells give voice to it.
Io non l'ho piú questo bisogno, perché muoio ogni attimo, io, e rinasco nuovo e senza ricordi: vivo e intero, non piú in me, ma in ogni cosa fuori.
I|not|I have it|more|this|need|because|I die|every|moment|I|and|I am reborn|new|and|||||whole|not|more|inside|myself|but|in|every|thing|outside
I no longer have this need, because I die every moment, I, and I am reborn new and without memories: I live and whole, no longer in myself, but in everything outside.
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