5.9 Storia di un'associazione commerciale
5.9 Geschichte eines Berufsverbandes
5.9 Historique d'une association professionnelle
5.9 História de uma associação profissional
5.9 The Story of a Trade Association
Una sera, di Agosto, egli mi trascinò di nuovo a pesca con lui.
one|evening|of|August|he|me|he dragged|to|new|to|fishing|with|him
One evening in August, he dragged me fishing with him again.
Alla luce abbagliante di una luna quasi piena c'era poca probabilità di pigliare qualche cosa all'amo.
at the|light|blinding|of|a|moon|almost|full|there was|little|probability|to|to catch|some|thing|on the hook
In the dazzling light of a nearly full moon, there was little chance of catching anything on the hook.
Ma egli insistette dicendo che in mare avremmo trovato qualche sollievo al caldo.
but|he|he insisted|saying|that|in|sea|we would|found|some|relief|to the|heat
But he insisted, saying that at sea we would find some relief from the heat.
Infatti non vi trovammo altro.
indeed|not|you|we found|else
In fact, we found nothing else.
Dopo un solo tentativo, non inescammo neppure più gli ami e lasciammo pendere le lenze dalla barchetta che Luciano spinse al largo.
after|a|only|attempt|not|we even hooked|not even|more|the|hooks|and|we left|to hang|the|lines|from the|small boat|which|Luciano|he pushed|to the|offshore
After just one attempt, we didn't even bait the hooks anymore and let the lines dangle from the little boat that Luciano pushed out to sea.
I raggi della luna raggiungevano certo il fondo del mare affinando la vista agli animali grossi e rendendoli accorti dell'insidia ed anche agli animalucci piccoli capaci di rosicchiarci l'esca, ma non d'arrivare con la piccola bocca all'amo.
the|beams|of the|moon|they reached|certainly|the|bottom|of the|sea|sharpening|the|vision|to the|animals|large||making them|aware|of the trap|and|also|to the|small animals|small|able|to|to nibble at|the bait|but|not|to reach|with|the|small|mouth|to the hook
The moonlight certainly reached the bottom of the sea sharpening the sight of the large animals and making them aware of the danger, as well as the small creatures capable of nibbling at our bait, but unable to reach the hook with their tiny mouths.
Le nostre esche non erano altro che un dono alla minutaglia.
the|our|baits|not|they were|else|that|a|gift|to the|small fry
Our baits were nothing more than a gift to the small fry.
Guido si coricò a poppa ed io a prua.
Guido|he|he lay down|at|stern|and|I|at|bow
Guido lay down at the stern and I at the bow.
Egli mormorò poco dopo:
he|he murmured|shortly|after
He murmured shortly after:
— Che tristezza tutta questa luce!
— How sad all this light is!
Probabilmente diceva così perché la luce gl'impediva di dormire ed io assentii per fargli piacere ed anche per non turbare con una sciocca discussione la quiete solenne in cui lentamente ci movevamo.
probably|he was saying|like this|because|the|light|it prevented him|to|to sleep|and|I|I nodded|to|to make him|pleasure||also||not|to disturb|with|a|stupid|discussion|the|quiet|solemn|which|where|slowly|we|we were moving
He probably said that because the light prevented him from sleeping, and I nodded to please him and also to avoid disturbing the solemn quiet in which we were slowly moving.
Ma Luciano protestò dicendo che a lui quella luce piaceva moltissimo.
but|Luciano|he protested|saying|that|to|he|that|light|he liked|very much
But Luciano protested, saying that he liked that light very much.
Visto che Guido non rispondeva, volli farlo tacere dicendogli che la luce era certamente una cosa triste perché si vedevano le cose di questo mondo.
seen|that|Guido|not|he was responding|I wanted|to make him|to be silent|telling him|that|the|light|it was|certainly|a|thing|sad|because|one|they saw|the|things|of|this|world
Since Guido was not responding, I wanted to silence him by saying that the light was certainly a sad thing because it made the things of this world visible.
Eppoi impediva la pesca.
and then|he was preventing|the|fishery
And then it prevented fishing.
Luciano rise e tacque.
Luciano|he laughed|and|he became silent
Luciano laughed and fell silent.
Stemmo zitti molto tempo.
we stayed|silent|long|time
We remained silent for a long time.
Io sbadigliai più volte in faccia alla luna.
I|I yawned|more|times|in|face|to the|moon
I yawned several times in the face of the moon.
Rimpiangevo di essermi lasciato indurre di montare in quella barchetta.
I regretted|to|to have|left|to induce|to|to get on|in|that|small boat
I regretted having let myself be persuaded to get into that little boat.
Guido improvvisamente mi domandò:
Guido|suddenly|to me|he asked
Guido suddenly asked me:
— Tu che sei chimico, sapresti dirmi se sia più efficace il veronal puro o il veronal al sodio?
you|who|you are|chemist|would you know|to tell me|if|it is|more|effective|the|veronal|pure|or|||to the|sodium
— You, being a chemist, could you tell me if pure veronal or sodium veronal is more effective?
Io veramente non sapevo neppure che ci fosse un veronal al sodio.
I|really|not|I knew|not even|that|there|there was|a|veronal|to the|sodium
I really didn't even know there was a sodium veronal.
Non si può mica pretendere che un chimico sappia il mondo a mente.
not|one|can|at least|to expect|that|a|chemist|knows|the|world|by|mind
One can't expect a chemist to know the world by heart.
Io di chimica so tanto da poter trovare subito nei miei libri qualsiasi informazione e inoltre da poter discutere - come si vide in quel caso - anche delle cose che ignoro.
I|of|chemistry|I know|much|to|to be able to|to find|immediately|in the|my|books|any|information|and|moreover|to|to be able to|to discuss|as|one|he saw|in|that|case|also|of the|things|that|I ignore
I know enough chemistry to be able to find any information in my books right away and also to discuss - as was seen in that case - even things I don't know.
Al sodio?
to the|sodium
Ma se era saputo da tutti che le combinazioni al sodio erano quelle che più facilmente si assimilavano.
but|if|it was|known|by|everyone|that|the|combinations|to the|sodium|they were|those|that|more|easily|one|they assimilated
But if it was known by everyone that sodium combinations were the ones that were most easily assimilated.
Anzi a proposito del sodio ricordai - e riprodussi più o meno esattamente - un inno a quell'elemento elevato da un mio professore all'unica sua prelezione cui avessi assistito.
rather|at|regarding|of the|sodium|I remembered|and|I reproduced|more|or|less|exactly|a|hymn|to||raised|by|one|my|professor|the only|his|lecture|which|I had|attended
In fact, regarding sodium, I remembered - and reproduced more or less exactly - a hymn to that element raised by a professor of mine during the only lecture of his that I had attended.
Il sodio era un veicolo sul quale gli elementi montavano per moversi più rapidi.
the|sodium|it was|a|vehicle|on which|which|the|elements|they mounted|to||more|quickly
Sodium was a vehicle on which elements mounted to move more quickly.
E il professore aveva ricordato come il cloruro di sodio passava da organismo ad organismo e come andava adunandosi per la sola gravità nel buco più profondo della terra, il mare.
and|the|professor|he had|remembered|how|the|chloride|of|sodium|passed|from|organism|to|organism|and|how|went|accumulating|by|the|only|gravity|in the|hole|deepest|deep|of the|earth|the|sea
And the professor had recalled how sodium chloride passed from organism to organism and how it gathered solely by gravity in the deepest hole of the earth, the sea.
Io non so se riproducessi esattamente il pensiero del mio professore, ma in quel momento, dinanzi a quell'enorme distesa di cloruro di sodio, parlai del sodio con un rispetto infinito.
I|not|I know|if|I reproduced|exactly|the|thought|of the|my|professor|but|at|that|moment|before|to||expanse|of|chloride|sodium|sodium|I spoke|||||respects|infinite
I do not know if I reproduced my professor's thought exactly, but at that moment, in front of that enormous expanse of sodium chloride, I spoke of sodium with infinite respect.
Dopo un'esitazione, Guido domandò ancora:
after|a hesitation|Guido|he asked|again
After a hesitation, Guido asked again:
— Sicché chi volesse morire dovrebbe prendere il veronal al sodio?
so that|who|he would like|to die|he should|to take|the|Veronal|at the|sodium
— So, someone who wants to die should take sodium veronal?
— Sì, - risposi.
yes|I replied
— Yes, - I replied.
Poi ricordando che ci sono dei casi in cui si può voler simulare un suicidio e non accorgendomi subito che ricordavo a Guido un episodio spiacevole della sua vita, aggiunsi:
then|remembering|that|there|there are|some|cases|in|which|one|can|to want|to simulate|a|suicide|and|not|realizing|immediately|that|I remembered|to|Guido|a|episode|unpleasant|of the|his|life|I added
Then remembering that there are cases where one might want to simulate a suicide and not realizing immediately that I was reminding Guido of an unpleasant episode in his life, I added:
— E chi non vuole morire deve prendere del veronal puro.
and|who|not|he wants|to die|he must|to take|of the|veronal|pure
— And those who do not want to die should take pure veronal.
Gli studii di Guido sul veronal avrebbero potuto darmi da pensare.
the||of|Guido|on the|veronal|they would have|been able to|to give me|to|think
Guido's studies on veronal could have given me something to think about.
Invece io non compresi nulla, preoccupato com'ero dal sodio.
instead|I|not|I understood|nothing|worried|as I was|by the|sodium
Instead, I understood nothing, as I was worried about sodium.
Nei giorni seguenti fui in grado di portare a Guido nuove prove delle qualità che io avevo attribuite al sodio: anche per accelerare gli amalgami che non sono altro che degli abbracci intensi fra due corpi, abbracci che sostituiscono la combinazione o l'assimilazione, si aggiungeva al mercurio del sodio.
In the|days|following|I was|able|to|to|bring|to|Guido|new|proofs|of the|qualities|that|I|I had|attributed|to the|sodium|also|to|accelerate|the|amalgams|which|not|they are|else|that|of the|embraces|intense|between|two|bodies|embraces|that|replace|the|combination|or|the assimilation|one|was added|to the|mercury|of the|sodium
In the following days, I was able to bring Guido new evidence of the qualities I had attributed to sodium: even to accelerate the amalgams, which are nothing but intense embraces between two bodies, embraces that replace combination or assimilation, sodium was added to mercury.
Il sodio era il mezzano fra l'oro e il mercurio.
the|sodium|it was|the|middle|between||and|the|mercury
Sodium was the intermediary between gold and mercury.
Ma a Guido il veronal non importava più, ed io ora penso che in quel momento le sue viste alla Borsa si fossero migliorate.
but|to|Guido|the|veronal|not|it mattered|more|and|I|now|I think|that|at|that|moment|his|his|sights|at the|Stock Exchange|she|they were|improved
But to Guido, veronal no longer mattered, and I now think that at that moment his views on the Stock Exchange had improved.
Nel corso di una settimana, Ada venne in ufficio ben tre volte.
In the|course|of|a|week|Ada|she came|in|office|well|three|times
During the course of a week, Ada came to the office three times.
Soltanto dopo la seconda, sorse in me l'idea ch'essa mi volesse parlare.
only|after|the|second|arose|in|me|the idea|that she|to me|would want|to speak
Only after the second time did the idea arise in me that she wanted to talk to me.
La prima s'imbatté nel Nilini che s'era messo una volta di più ad educarmi.
the|first|she encountered|in the|Nilini|who|he had|put|one|time|of|more|to|to educate me
The first time she ran into Nilini, who had once again taken it upon himself to educate me.
Essa attese per un'ora intera che se ne andasse, ma ebbe il torto di ciarlare con lui ed egli credette perciò di dover restare.
she|she waited|for||whole|that|if|it|she would go away|but|she had|the|wrong|to|to chat|with|him|and|he|he believed|therefore|to|to have to|to stay
She waited for a whole hour for him to leave, but she made the mistake of chatting with him, and he therefore thought he had to stay.
Dopo fatte le presentazioni, io respirai, sollevato che il buco mandibolare del Nilini non fosse rivolto a me.
after|made|the|presentations|I|I breathed|relieved|that|the|hole|mandibular|of the|Nilini|not|was|turned|to|me
After the introductions were made, I breathed a sigh of relief that Nilini's jaw was not directed at me.
Non presi parte alla loro conversazione.
not|took|part|to the|their|conversation
I did not take part in their conversation.
Il Nilini fu persino spiritoso e sorprese Ada raccontando che si facevano altrettante maldicenze al Tergesteo come nel salotto di una signora.
the|Nilini|he was|even|funny|and|he surprised|Ada|telling|that|one|they made|as many|gossip|at the|Tergesteo|as|in the|living room|of|a|lady
Nilini was even witty and surprised Ada by saying that just as many rumors were spread at the Tergesteo as in a lady's salon.
Soltanto, secondo lui, alla Borsa, come sempre, si era meglio informati che altrove.
only|according to|him|at the|Stock Exchange|as|always|one|it was|better|informed|than|elsewhere
Only, according to him, at the Stock Exchange, as always, one was better informed than elsewhere.
Ad Ada sembrò ch'egli calunniasse le donne.
to|Ada|it seemed|that he|he slandered|the|women
Ada thought he was slandering women.
Disse di non saper neppure ciò che fosse la maldicenza.
he said|to|not|to know|even|what|that|was|the|malice
He said he didn't even know what gossip was.
A questo punto intervenni io per confermare che, nei lunghi anni in cui la conoscevo, non avevo mai sentita venir dalla sua bocca una parola che avesse neppur ricordato la maldicenza.
this|this|point|I intervened|I|to|to confirm|that|in the|long|years|in|which|the|I knew|not|I had|ever|heard|to come|from the|her|mouth|a|word|that|had|not even|remembered|the|malice
At this point, I intervened to confirm that, in the long years I had known her, I had never heard a word from her mouth that even hinted at gossip.
Sorrisi dicendo ciò perché mi parve di moverle un rimprovero.
I smiled|by saying|this|because|to me|it seemed|moving|to her|a|reprimand
I smiled as I said this because it seemed to me to be a reproach.
Essa non era maldicente perché dei fatti altrui non s'occupava.
she|not|she was|malicious|because|of the|facts|others'|not|she occupied herself
She was not a gossip because she did not concern herself with the affairs of others.
Dapprima, in piena salute, aveva pensato ai fatti proprii e, quando la malattia l'invase, non restò in lei che un piccolo posticino libero, occupato dalla sua gelosia.
at first|in|full|health|he had|thought|to the|deeds|own|and|when|the|disease|it invaded him|not|remained|in|she|that|a|small|little place|free|occupied|by the|her|jealousy
At first, in good health, she thought about her own matters, and when illness took over, there remained in her only a small free spot, occupied by her jealousy.
Era una vera egoista, ma essa accolse la mia testimonianza con gratitudine.
it was|a|true|selfish|but|she|she accepted|the|my|testimony|with|gratitude
She was a true egoist, but she received my testimony with gratitude.
Il Nilini finse di non prestar fede né a lei né a me.
the|Nilini|he pretended|to|not|to lend|faith|neither|to|she|neither||me
Nilini pretended to believe neither her nor me.
Disse di conoscermi da molti anni e di credermi di una grande ingenuità.
he said|to|to know me|for|many|years|and|to|to believe me|of|a|great|naivety
He said he had known me for many years and believed me to be very naive.
Ciò mi divertì e divertì anche Ada.
This amused me and also amused Ada.
Fui molto seccato invece quand'egli - per la prima volta dinanzi a terzi - proclamò ch'ero uno dei migliori suoi amici e che perciò mi conosceva a fondo.
I was|very|annoyed|instead||for|the|first|time|before|to|third parties|he proclaimed|that I was|one|of the|best|his|friends||that|therefore|me|he knew||
I was very annoyed, however, when he - for the first time in front of others - proclaimed that I was one of his best friends and that he therefore knew me well.
Non osai protestare, ma da quella dichiarazione sfacciata mi sentii offeso nel mio pudore, come una fanciulla cui in pubblico fosse stato rimproverato di aver fornicato.
not|I dared|to protest|but|from|that|statement|brazen|I|I felt|offended|in the|my|modesty|like|a|girl|whom|in|public|it was|been|rebuked|to|to have|fornicated
I did not dare to protest, but from that shameless declaration I felt offended in my modesty, like a girl who had been publicly accused of having fornicated.
Io ero tanto ingenuo, diceva il Nilini, che Ada, con la solita furberia delle donne, avrebbe potuto fare della maldicenza in mia presenza senza ch'io me ne accorgessi.
I|I was|so much|naive|he said|the|Nilini|that|Ada|with|the|usual|cleverness|of the|women|he would have|been able to|to do|of the|malicious gossip|in|my|presence|without|that I|me|it|I noticed
I was so naive, said Nilini, that Ada, with the usual cunning of women, could have gossiped in my presence without me noticing.
A me parve che Ada continuasse a divertirsi a quei complimenti di carattere dubbio mentre poi seppi ch'essa lo lasciava parlare sperando si esaurisse e se ne andasse.
to|me|it seemed|that|Ada|she continued|to|to have fun|to|those|compliments|of|character|doubtful|while|then|I learned|she|him|she let|to speak|hoping|it|to exhaust|and|if|it|to go away
It seemed to me that Ada continued to enjoy those compliments of dubious nature while later I learned that she let him talk hoping he would tire and leave.
Ma ebbe un bell'attendere.
But|he had|a|beautiful wait
But she had a long wait.
Quando Ada ritornò per la seconda volta, mi trovò con Guido.
when|Ada|she returned|for|the|second|time|me|she found|with|Guido
When Ada returned for the second time, she found me with Guido.
Allora lessi sulla sua faccia un'espressione d'impazienza e indovinai ch'essa voleva proprio me.
then|I read|on the|her|face|an expression|of impatience|and|I guessed|that she|she wanted|exactly|me
Then I read an expression of impatience on her face and guessed that she really wanted me.
Finché non ritornò, io mi baloccai coi miei soliti sogni.
as long as|not|he returned|I|I|I played|with the|my|usual|dreams
Until he returned, I amused myself with my usual dreams.
In fondo essa da me non domandava amore, ma troppo frequentemente voleva trovarsi da sola a solo con me.
fond|bottom|she|by|me|not|she asked|love|but|too|frequently|she wanted|to find herself|by|alone|to|alone|with|me
In the end, she did not ask me for love, but too often she wanted to be alone with me.
Per gli uomini era difficile d'intendere quello che le donne volevano anche perché esse stesse talvolta lo ignoravano.
for|the|men|it was|difficult|to understand|what|that|the|women|they wanted|also|because|they|same|sometimes|it|they ignored
For men, it was difficult to understand what women wanted, also because they themselves sometimes did not know.
Non mi derivò invece alcun nuovo sentimento dalle sue parole.
not|me|he derived|instead|any|new|feeling|from the|his|words
However, I did not derive any new feelings from her words.
Essa, non appena poté parlarmi, ebbe la voce strozzata dall'emozione, ma non già perché avesse rivolta la parola a me.
she|not|as soon as|she could|to speak to me|she had|the|voice|choked|by emotion|but|not|already|because|she had|turned|the|word|to|me
As soon as she could speak to me, her voice was choked with emotion, but not because she had directed her words to me.
Voleva sapere per quale ragione Carmen non fosse stata mandata via.
he wanted|to know|for|which|reason|Carmen|not|was|been|sent|away
She wanted to know why Carmen had not been sent away.
Io le raccontai tutto quanto ne sapevo, compreso quel nostro tentativo di procurarle un posto presso l'Olivi.
I|she|I told|everything|how much|of it|I knew|including|that|our|attempt|to|to get her|a|place|at|the Olivi
I told her everything I knew, including our attempt to get her a position at Olivi.
Essa fu subito più calma perché quello che le dicevo corrispondeva esattamente a quanto gliene era stato detto da Guido.
she|it was|immediately|more|calm|because|what|that|she|I was saying|it corresponded|exactly|to|how much|to her|it was|been|told|by|Guido
She immediately became calmer because what I was telling her matched exactly what Guido had told her.
Poi seppi che gli accessi di gelosia si seguivano da lei a periodi.
then|I knew|that|the|outbursts|of|jealousy|they|they followed|by|she|at|periods
Then I learned that her fits of jealousy came and went in periods.
Venivano senza causa apparente e andavano via per una parola che la convincesse.
they came|without|cause|apparent|and|they went|away|for|a|word|that|the|convinced
They would come without apparent cause and would go away with a word that convinced her.
Mi fece ancora due domande: se era proprio tanto difficile di trovare un posto per un'impiegata e se la famiglia di Carmen si trovasse in tali condizioni da dipendere dal guadagno della fanciulla.
I|he made|still|two|questions|if|it was|really|much|difficult|to|to find|a|place|for|a female employee|and||the|family|of|Carmen|it|he found|in|such|conditions|to|to depend|on the|earnings|of the|girl
She asked me two more questions: if it was really that difficult to find a job for a female employee and if Carmen's family was in such conditions that they depended on the girl's earnings.
Le spiegai che infatti a Trieste era difficile allora di trovare del lavoro per le donne, negli uffici.
the|I explained|that|indeed|at|Trieste|it was|difficult|then|to|to find|some|work|for|the|women|in the|offices
I explained to her that indeed it was difficult to find work for women in offices in Trieste at that time.
In quanto alla sua seconda domanda, non potevo risponderle perché della famiglia di Carmen io non conoscevo nessuno.
In|as for|to the|her|second|question|not|I could|to answer her|because|of the|family|of|Carmen|I|not|I knew|nobody
As for her second question, I couldn't answer her because I didn't know anyone from Carmen's family.
— Guido invece conosce tutti in quella casa, - mormorò Ada con ira e le lacrime le irrorarono di nuovo le guancie.
Guido|instead|he knows|everyone|in|that|house|he murmured|Ada|with|anger||the|tears||they watered|of|again||cheeks
— Guido, on the other hand, knows everyone in that house, - Ada murmured with anger, and tears again streamed down her cheeks.
Poi mi strinse la mano per congedarsi e mi ringraziò.
then|me|he shook|the|hand|to|to say goodbye|and|me|he thanked
Then she squeezed my hand to say goodbye and thanked me.
Sorridendo traverso le lacrime, disse che sapeva di poter contare su di me.
smiling|through|the|tears|he said|that|he knew|to|to be able to|to count|on|of|me
Smiling through tears, she said she knew she could count on me.
Il sorriso mi piacque perché certamente non era rivolto al cognato, ma a chi era legato a lei da vincoli segreti.
the|smile|to me|pleased|because|certainly|not|it was|addressed|to the|brother-in-law|but|to|who|was|linked|to|she|by|ties|secret
I liked the smile because it was certainly not directed at the brother-in-law, but at someone who was connected to her by secret bonds.
Tentai di dar prova che meritavo quel sorriso e mormorai:
I tried|to|to give|proof|that|I deserved|that|smile|and|I murmured
I tried to prove that I deserved that smile and murmured:
— Quello ch'io temo per Guido non è Carmen, ma il suo giuoco alla Borsa!
that|that I|I fear|for|Guido|not|it is|Carmen|but|the|his|game|at the|Stock Exchange
— What I fear for Guido is not Carmen, but his gambling on the Stock Exchange!
Essa si strinse nelle spalle:
she|herself|she tightened|in the|shoulders
She shrugged her shoulders:
— Quello non ha importanza.
— That doesn't matter.
Ne parlai anche con mamma.
about it|I talked|also|with|mom
I also talked about it with mom.
Papà giuocava anche lui alla Borsa e vi guadagnò tanti di quei denari!
dad|he played|also|he|at the|Stock Exchange|and|there|he earned|many|of|those|money
Dad also played the stock market and made a lot of money!
Io rimasi sconcertato dalla risposta e insistetti:
I|I remained|disconcerted|by the|response|and|I insisted
I was taken aback by the answer and insisted:
— Quel Nilini non mi piace.
— I don't like that Nilini.
Non è mica vero ch'io sia suo amico!
not|it is|really|true|that I|I am|his|friend
It's not true that I am his friend!
Essa mi guardò sorpresa:
she|me|she looked|surprised
She looked at me surprised:
— A me pare un gentiluomo.
to|me|he seems|a|gentleman
— To me, he seems like a gentleman.
Anche Guido gli vuole molto bene.
also|Guido|to him|he wants|very much|well
Guido cares for him a lot too.
Io credo, poi, che Guido sia ora molto attento ai suoi affari.
I|believe|then|that|Guido|he is|now|very|careful|to the|his|business
I believe, moreover, that Guido is now very attentive to his business.
Ero ben deciso di non dirle male di Guido e tacqui.
I was|well|determined|to|not|to tell her|badly|of|Guido|and|I remained silent
I was determined not to speak ill of Guido and remained silent.
Quando mi trovai solo non pensai a Guido, ma a me stesso.
when|I|I found|alone|not|I thought|to|Guido|but|to|me|self
When I found myself alone, I did not think of Guido, but of myself.
Era forse bene che Ada finalmente m'apparisse quale una mia sorella e null'altro.
it was|perhaps|good|that|Ada|finally|she appeared to me|as|a|my|sister|and|nothing else
Perhaps it was good that Ada finally appeared to me as nothing more than a sister.
Essa non prometteva e non minacciava amore.
she|not|she promised|and|not|she threatened|love
She neither promised nor threatened love.
Per varii giorni corsi la città inquieto e squilibrato.
for|various|days|I ran|the|city|restless|and|unbalanced
For several days I roamed the city restless and unbalanced.
Non arrivavo a intendermi.
not|I was arriving|to|to understand myself
I couldn't understand myself.
Perché mi sentivo come se Carla m'avesse lasciato in quell'istante?
why|I|I felt|as|if|Carla|she had|left|at|that moment
Why did I feel as if Carla had left me at that moment?
Non m'era avvenuto niente di nuovo.
not|it had happened to me|happened|nothing|of|new
Nothing new had happened to me.
Sinceramente credo ch'io abbia avuto sempre bisogno dell'avventura o di qualche complicazione che le somigli.
Honestly|I believe|that I|I have|had|always|need|of adventure|or|of|some|complication|that|the|resembles
Honestly, I believe I have always needed adventure or some complication that resembles it.
I miei rapporti con Ada non erano ormai più complicati affatto.
my|my|relationships|with|Ada|not|they were|by now|more|complicated|at all
My relationships with Ada were no longer complicated at all.
Il Nilini dal suo seggiolone un giorno predicò più del solito: dall'orizzonte s'avanzava un nembo, nient'altro che il rincaro del denaro.
the|Nilini|from the|his|high chair|a|day|he preached|more|of the|usual||it advanced|a|cloud|nothing else|that|the|increase|of the|money
The Nilini from his high chair preached more than usual one day: from the horizon a cloud was advancing, nothing but the rise in the cost of money.
La Borsa era tutt'ad un tratto satura e non poteva assorbire più nulla.
the|Stock Exchange|it was|all of a sudden|a|stroke|saturated|and|not|it could|to absorb|more|nothing
The Stock Exchange was suddenly saturated and could absorb nothing more.
— Gettiamoci del sodio!
let's throw|some|sodium
— Let's throw in some sodium!
- proposi io.
I proposed|I
- I proposed.
L'interruzione non gli piacque affatto, ma per non dover arrabbiarsi, la trascurò: tutt'ad un tratto il denaro a questo mondo era divenuto scarso e perciò caro.
the interruption|not|he|he liked|at all|but|to|not|to have to|to get angry|the|he neglected|all of a sudden|a|moment|the|money|at|this|world|it was|become|scarce||therefore|expensive
He did not like the interruption at all, but to avoid getting angry, he ignored it: suddenly money in this world had become scarce and therefore expensive.
Egli era sorpreso che ciò avvenisse ora mentre egli l'aveva preveduto per un mese più tardi.
he|he was|surprised|that|it|it happened|now|while|he|he had|foreseen|for|a|month|more|later
He was surprised that this was happening now when he had predicted it for a month later.
— Avranno mandato tutto il denaro alla luna!
they will have|sent|all|the|money|to the|moon
— They must have sent all the money to the moon!
- dissi io.
I said|I
- I said.
— Sono cose serie di cui non bisogna ridere, - affermò il Nilini guardando sempre il soffitto.
I am|things|serious|of|which|not|one must|laugh|he stated|the|Nilini|looking|always||ceiling
— These are serious matters that should not be laughed at, - affirmed Nilini, still looking at the ceiling.
- Adesso si vedrà chi avrà l'anima del vero lottatore e chi invece al primo colpo soggiacerà.
now|one|will see|who|will have|the soul|of the|true|fighter|and|who|instead|at the|first|hit|will yield
- Now we will see who has the soul of a true fighter and who will succumb at the first blow.
Come non intesi perché il denaro a questo mondo potesse divenire più scarso, così non indovinai che il Nilini ponesse Guido fra i lottatori di cui si doveva provare il valore.
as|not|I understood|why|the|money|at|this|world|could|to become|more|scarce|so||I guessed|that|the|||||||||||||value
As I did not understand why money in this world could become scarcer, I also did not guess that Nilini was placing Guido among the fighters whose worth was to be tested.
Ero tanto abituato a difendermi dalle sue prediche con la disattenzione, che anche questa, che pur sentii, passò via senza neppur scalfirmi.
I was|so much|used|to|to defend myself|from the|his|sermons|with|the|distraction|that|even|this|that|even||it passed|by|without|even|to scratch me
I was so used to defending myself from his sermons with inattention, that even this one, which I did hear, passed by without even scratching me.
Ma pochi giorni appresso il Nilini intonò tutt'altra musica.
but|few|days|after|the|Nilini|he intoned|quite another|music
But a few days later, Nilini struck a completely different note.
Era avvenuto un fatto nuovo.
it was|occurred|a|fact|new
A new event had occurred.
Egli aveva scoperto che Guido aveva fatti degli affari con un altro agente di cambio.
he|he had|discovered|that|Guido|he had|made|some|business|with|a|another|agent|of|exchange
He had discovered that Guido had made some deals with another stockbroker.
Il Nilini cominciò col protestare in un tono concitato che egli non aveva mai mancato in nulla verso Guido, neppure nella dovuta discrezione.
the|Nilini|he started|with the|to protest|in|a|tone|agitated|that|he|not|he had|ever|failed|in|nothing|towards|Guido|not even|in the|due|discretion
Nilini began to protest in an agitated tone that he had never failed in anything towards Guido, not even in the necessary discretion.
Di questo egli voleva la mia testimonianza.
this|this|he|he wanted|the|my|testimony
He wanted my testimony on this.
Non aveva tenuto celati gli affari di Guido persino a me ch'egli continuava a ritenere quale il suo miglior amico?
not|he had|held|hidden|the|affairs|of|Guido|even|to|me|that he|he continued|to|to consider|as|the|his|best|friend
Had he not kept Guido's affairs hidden even from me, whom he continued to consider his best friend?
Ma ormai egli era svincolato da qualunque riserbo e poteva gridarmi nelle orecchie che Guido era in perdita fino alla punta dei capelli.
but|by now|he|he was|unbound|from|any|reserve|and|he could|to shout at me|in the|ears|that|Guido|he was|in|loss|up to|to the|tip|of the|hair
But now he was free from any reserve and could shout in my ears that Guido was at a loss down to the tips of his hair.
Per gli affari ch'erano stati fatti col suo mezzo, egli assicurava che alla più lieve miglioria si sarebbe potuto resistere e aspettare tempi migliori.
for|the|business|that had been|been|made|with|his|means|he|he assured|that|to the|more||improvement|one|would be|able|to resist|and|to wait|times|better
For the dealings that had been made through him, he assured that with the slightest improvement one could resist and wait for better times.
Era però enorme che alla prima avversità Guido gli avesse fatto torto.
it was|however|huge|that|at the|first|adversity|Guido|to him|he had|done|wrong
It was huge that at the first adversity Guido had wronged him.
Altro che Ada!
Forget about Ada!
La gelosia del Nilini era indomabile.
the|jealousy|of the|Nilini|was|uncontrollable
Nilini's jealousy was uncontainable.
Io volevo avere da lui delle notizie ed egli invece si esasperava sempre più e continuava a parlare del torto che gli era stato fatto.
I|I wanted|to have|from|him|some|news|and|he|instead|he|he was exasperated|always|more|and|he continued|to|to talk|of the|wrong|that|to him|it was|been|done
I wanted to get news from him, but he instead became increasingly exasperated and kept talking about the wrong that had been done to him.
Perciò, contro ogni suo proposito, egli continuò a rimanere discreto.
therefore|against|every|his|purpose|he|he continued|to|to remain|discreet
Therefore, against all his intentions, he continued to remain discreet.
Nel pomeriggio trovai Guido in ufficio.
In the|afternoon|I found|Guido|in|office
In the afternoon I found Guido in the office.
Era sdraiato sul nostro sofà in un curioso stato intermedio fra la disperazione e il sonno.
he was|lying down|on the|our|sofa|in|a|curious|state|intermediate|between|the|despair|and|the|sleep
He was lying on our sofa in a curious state between despair and sleep.
Gli domandai:
to him|I asked
I asked him:
— Tu sei ora in perdita fino agli occhi?
you|are|now|at|loss|up to|to the|eyes
— Are you now in over your head?
Non mi rispose subito.
not|me|he answered|immediately
He didn't answer me right away.
Levò il braccio col quale si copriva il volto sfatto e disse:
he raised|the|arm|with the|which|he|he covered|the|face|ruined|and|he said
He raised the arm with which he was covering his disfigured face and said:
— Hai mai visto un uomo più disgraziato di me?
have you|ever|seen|a|man|more|unfortunate|than|me
— Have you ever seen a more miserable man than me?
Riabbassò il braccio e cambiò di posizione mettendosi supino.
he lowered again|the|arm|and|he changed|of|position|putting himself|supine
He lowered his arm again and changed position, lying on his back.
Rinchiuse gli occhi e parve avesse già dimenticata la mia presenza.
he closed|the|eyes|and|he seemed|he had|already|forgotten|the|my|presence
He shut his eyes and seemed to have already forgotten my presence.
Io non seppi offrirgli alcun conforto.
I|not|I knew|to offer him|any|comfort
I did not know how to offer him any comfort.
Davvero mi offendeva ch'egli credesse di essere l'uomo più disgraziato del mondo.
really|to me|he offended|that he|he believed|to|to be|the man|more|unfortunate|of the|world
It really offended me that he believed he was the most unfortunate man in the world.
Non era un'esagerazione la sua; era una vera e propria menzogna.
not|it was||the|his|it was|a|true|and|own|lie
His was not an exaggeration; it was a downright lie.
L'avrei soccorso se avessi potuto, ma mi era impossibile di confortarlo.
I would have||if|I had|been able|but|to me|it was|impossible|to|to comfort him
I would have helped him if I could, but it was impossible for me to comfort him.
Secondo me neanche chi è più innocente e più disgraziato di Guido merita compassione, perché altrimenti nella nostra vita non ci sarebbe posto che per quel sentimento, ciò che sarebbe un grande tedio.
according to|me|not even|who|he is|more|innocent|||unfortunate|of|Guido|deserves|compassion|because|otherwise|in the|our|life|not|there|there would be|place|that|for|that|feeling|what|which|would be|a|great|tedium
In my opinion, even those who are more innocent and more unfortunate than Guido do not deserve compassion, because otherwise there would be no room in our lives for that feeling, which would be a great boredom.
La legge naturale non dà il diritto alla felicità, ma anzi prescrive la miseria e il dolore.
the|law|natural|not|gives|the|right|to the|happiness|but|rather|prescribes||misery|and|the|pain
Natural law does not grant the right to happiness, but rather prescribes misery and pain.
Quando viene esposto il commestibile, vi accorrono da tutte le parti i parassiti e, se mancano, s'affrettano di nascere.
when|it is|exposed|the|edible|there|they rush|from|all|the|sides|the|parasites||if|they are missing|they hurry|to|to be born
When food is exposed, pests rush in from all sides, and if they are absent, they hurry to be born.
Presto la preda basta appena, e subito dopo non basta più perché la natura non fa calcoli, ma esperienze.
soon|the|prey|enough|just|and|immediately|after|not|it is enough|more|because|the|nature|not|does|calculations|but|experiences
Soon the prey is barely enough, and shortly after it is no longer enough because nature does not make calculations, but experiences.
Quando non basta più, ecco che i consumatori devono diminuire a forza di morte preceduta dal dolore e così l'equilibrio, per un istante, viene ristabilito.
when|not|enough|more|here|that|the|consumers|they must|to decrease|by|force|mortality|death|preceded|by the|pain|and|thus|the balance|for|a|moment|it is|restored
When it is no longer enough, the consumers must decrease through death preceded by pain, and thus the balance is momentarily restored.
Perché lagnarsi?
because|to complain
Why complain?
Eppure tutti si lagnano.
And yet everyone complains.
Quelli che non hanno avuto niente della preda muoiono gridando all'ingiustizia e quelli che ne hanno avuto parte trovano che avrebbero avuto diritto ad una parte maggiore.
those|who|not|they have|had|nothing|of the|prey|they die|shouting|at the injustice|and|those|who|of it|they have|had|part|they find|that|they would have|had|right||a|part|greater
Those who have received nothing from the prey die shouting about injustice, and those who have received a share find that they would have been entitled to a larger portion.
Perché non muoiono e non vivono tacendo?
why|not|they die|and|not|they live|by being silent
Why don't they die and live in silence?
È invece simpatica la gioia di chi ha saputo conquistarsi una parte esuberante del commestibile e si manifesti pure al sole in mezzo agli applausi.
it is|instead|nice|the|joy|of|who|has|known|to conquer|a|part|exuberant|of the|edible|and|it|it manifests|also|to the|sun|among|middle|to the|applause
Instead, the joy of those who have managed to secure an exuberant share of the edible is pleasant, and they should also manifest it in the sun amidst applause.
L'unico grido ammissibile è quello del trionfatore.
the only|shout|admissible|it is|that|of the|triumphator
The only admissible cry is that of the victor.
Guido, poi!
Guido, then!
Egli mancava di tutte le qualità per conquistare od anche solo per tenere la ricchezza.
he|he lacked|of|all|the|qualities|to|to conquer|or|also|only||to hold|the|wealth
He lacked all the qualities to acquire or even just to hold onto wealth.
Veniva dal tavolo di giuoco e piangeva per aver perduto.
he was coming|from the|table|of|game|and|he was crying|for|to have|lost
He came from the gaming table and was crying for having lost.
Non si comportava dunque neppure da gentiluomo e a me faceva nausea.
not|he|he behaved|therefore|not even|as|gentleman|and|to|me|he made|nausea
He did not behave like a gentleman, and he made me feel nauseous.
Perciò e solo perciò, nel momento in cui Guido avrebbe avuto tanto bisogno del mio affetto, non lo trovò.
therefore|and|only|therefore|in the|moment|at|which|Guido|he would have|had|much|need|of the|my|affection|not|it|he found
Therefore, and only for that reason, at the moment when Guido would have needed my affection the most, he did not find it.
Neppure i miei ripetuti propositi poterono accompagnarmi fin là.
not even|the|my|repeated|proposals|they could|to accompany me|until|there
Not even my repeated intentions could accompany me there.
Intanto la respirazione di Guido andava facendosi sempre più regolare e rumorosa.
meanwhile|the|breathing|of|Guido|was going|becoming|always|more|regular|and|noisy
Meanwhile, Guido's breathing was becoming increasingly regular and noisy.
he was falling asleep
He was falling asleep!
Com'era poco virile nella sventura!
how it was|not very|manly|in the|misfortune
How unmanly he was in misfortune!
Gli avevano portato via il commestibile e chiudeva gli occhi forse per sognare di possederlo tuttavia, invece di aprirli ben bene per vedere di strapparne una piccola parte.
they|they had|carried|away|the|food|and|he was closing|his|eyes|perhaps|to|to dream|of||however|instead|to|to open them|well|good|to|to see|to|to tear off|a|small|part
They had taken away his food, and he was closing his eyes perhaps to dream of still possessing it, instead of opening them wide to see if he could snatch a small part.
Mi venne la curiosità di sapere se Ada fosse stata informata della disgrazia che gli era toccata.
I|came|the|curiosity|to|to know|if|Ada|was|been|informed|of the|misfortune|that|to him|was|hit
I became curious to know if Ada had been informed of the misfortune that had befallen him.
Glielo domandai ad alta voce.
to him|I asked|at|high|voice
I asked him out loud.
Egli trasalì ed ebbe bisogno di una pausa per assuefarsi alla sua disgrazia che improvvisamente rivide intera.
he|he flinched|and|he had|need|to|a|break|to|to get used to|to the|his|misfortune|that|suddenly|he saw again|whole
He flinched and needed a moment to acclimate to his misfortune that he suddenly saw in its entirety.
— No!
— No!
- mormorò.
he murmured
- he murmured.
Poi rinchiuse gli occhi.
then|he closed|the|eyes
Then he closed his eyes.
Certamente tutti coloro che sono stati duramente percossi inclinano al sonno.
certainly|everyone|those|who|they are|have been|harshly|hit|they tend|to the|sleep
Certainly, all those who have been severely beaten tend to fall asleep.
Il sonno ridà le forze.
the|sleep|will give back|the|forces
Sleep restores strength.
Stetti ancora a guardarlo esitante.
I stood|still|to|to look at him|hesitant
I stood there watching him hesitantly.
Ma come si poteva aiutarlo se dormiva?
but|how|one|could|to help him|if|he was sleeping
But how could one help him if he was sleeping?
Non era questo il momento per dormire.
not|it was|this|the|moment|to|to sleep
This was not the time to sleep.
Lo afferrai rudemente per una spalla e lo scossi:
I|grabbed|roughly|by|a|shoulder|and|him|I shook
I grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and shook him:
— Guido!
— Guido!
Aveva proprio dormito.
he had|just|slept
He had really been sleeping.
Mi guardò incerto con l'occhio ancora velato dal sonno eppoi mi domandò:
I|he looked|uncertain|with|the eye|still|veiled|by the|sleep|and then|me|he asked
He looked at me uncertainly with his eye still clouded by sleep and then asked me:
— Che vuoi?
What|do you want
— What do you want?
- Subito dopo, adirato, ripeté la sua domanda: - Che vuoi dunque?
immediately|after|angry|he repeated|the|his|question|What|do you want|then
- Right after, angry, he repeated his question: - What do you want then?
Io volevo aiutarlo, altrimenti non avrei neppure avuto il diritto di destarlo.
I|I wanted|to help him|otherwise|not|I would have|not even|had|the|right|to|to wake him up
I wanted to help him, otherwise I wouldn't even have had the right to wake him.
M'arrabbiai anch'io e gridai che questo non era il momento di dormire perché bisognava affrettarsi di vedere come si avrebbe potuto correre ai ripari.
I got angry|also I|and|I shouted|that|this|not|it was|the|moment|to|to sleep|because|it was necessary|to hurry|to|to see|how|one|it would|could|to run|to the|shelters
I got angry too and shouted that this was not the time to sleep because we needed to hurry to see how we could take action.
C'era da calcolare e discutere con tutti i membri della nostra famiglia e quelli della sua di Buenos Aires.
there was|to|to calculate|and|to discuss|with|all|the|members|of the|our|family|and|those|of the|his|from||
We had to calculate and discuss with all the members of our family and those of his in Buenos Aires.
Guido si mise a sedere.
Guido|he|he put|to|to sit
Guido sat down.
Era ancora un po' sconvolto di essere stato destato a quel modo.
it was|still|a|bit|shocked|to|to be|has been|woken|at|that|way
He was still a bit shocked to have been woken up that way.
Mi disse amaramente:
I|he said|bitterly
He said to me bitterly:
— Avresti fatto meglio di lasciarmi dormire.
you would have|done|better|to|to let me|to sleep
— You would have done better to let me sleep.
Chi vuoi che ora m'aiuti?
who|do you want|that|now|you help me
Who do you think will help me now?
Non ricordi a quale punto dovetti giungere l'altra volta per avere quel poco di cui abbisognavo per salvarmi?
not|do you remember|at|which|point|I had to|to reach|the other|time|to|to have|that|little|of|which|I needed|to|to save myself
Don't you remember how far I had to go last time to get that little bit I needed to save myself?
Adesso si tratta di somme considerevoli!
now|it|it concerns|of|sums|considerable
Now it comes to considerable sums!
A chi vuoi mi rivolga?
to|who|do you want|me|to address
Who do you want me to address?
Senza nessun affetto e anzi con l'ira di dover dare e privare me e i miei, esclamai:
without|any|affection|and|on the contrary|with|the anger|to|to have to|to give|and|to deprive|me|and|the|my|
Without any affection and indeed with the anger of having to give and deprive myself and my family, I exclaimed:
— E non ci sono anch'io qui?
and|not|there|there are|me too|here
— And am I not here too?
- Poi l'avarizia mi suggerì di attenuare da bel principio il mio sacrificio:
then|the greed|to me|it suggested|to|to mitigate|from|beautiful|beginning|the|my|sacrifice
- Then greed suggested to me to mitigate my sacrifice from the very beginning:
— Non c'è Ada?
not|there is|Ada
— Is Ada not here?
Non c'è nostra suocera?
not|there is|our|mother-in-law
Is our mother-in-law not here?
Non possiamo unirci per salvarti?
not|we can|to join|to|to save you
Can't we join together to save you?
Egli si levò e mi si appressò con l'evidente intenzione di abbracciarmi.
he|himself|he raised|and|to me|he|he approached|with|the evident|intention|to|to hug me
He stood up and approached me with the obvious intention of hugging me.
Ma era proprio questo ch'io non volevo.
But|it was|exactly|this|that I|not|I wanted
But that was exactly what I did not want.
Avendogli offerto il mio aiuto, avevo ora il diritto di rampognarlo, e ne feci l'uso più largo.
having offered him|offered|the|my|help|I had|now|the|right|to|to scold him|and|of it|I made||more|wide
Having offered him my help, I now had the right to scold him, and I made the most of it.
Gli rimproverai la sua attuale debolezza eppoi anche la sua presunzione durata fino a quel momento e che l'aveva tratto alla rovina.
to him|you will reproach|the|his|current|weakness|and then|also|||presumption|lasting|until|to|that|moment|and|which||led|to the|ruin
I reproached him for his current weakness and also for his presumption that had lasted until that moment and had led him to ruin.
Aveva agito di propria testa non consultandosi con nessuno.
he had|acted|of|own|head|not|consulting himself|with|nobody
He had acted on his own without consulting anyone.
Tante volte io avevo tentato di avere sue comunicazioni per trattenerlo e salvarlo ed egli me le aveva rifiutate serbando la sua fiducia per il solo Nilini.
many|times|I|I had|attempted|to|to have|his|communications|to||||and|he|me|them|he had|refused|keeping|the|his|trust|for|the|only|Nilini
So many times I had tried to have communications with him to hold him back and save him, and he had refused me, keeping his trust only for Nilini.
Qui Guido sorrise, proprio sorrise, il disgraziato!
here|Guido|he smiled|just|he smiled|the|unfortunate
Here Guido smiled, he actually smiled, the unfortunate one!
Mi disse che da quindici giorni egli non lavorava più col Nilini essendosi fitto in capo che il grugno di costui gli portasse sventura.
I|he said|that|for|fifteen|days|he|not|he was working|anymore|with|Nilini|having|stuck|in|head|that|the|snout|of|this one|to him|he brought|misfortune
He told me that for fifteen days he had not been working with Nilini, having convinced himself that this guy's face brought him bad luck.
Egli era caratterizzato da quel sonno e da quel sorriso: rovinava tutti attorno a sé e sorrideva.
he|he was|characterized|by|that|sleep||||smile|he ruined|everyone|around|to|himself||he smiled
He was characterized by that sleepiness and that smile: he ruined everyone around him and smiled.
M'atteggiai a giudice severo perché per salvare Guido bisognava prima educarlo.
I acted|as|judge|strict|because|to|to save|Guido|it was necessary|first|to educate him
I took on the role of a strict judge because to save Guido, he first needed to be educated.
Volli sapere quanto egli avesse perduto e m'arrabbiai quando mi disse di non saperlo esattamente.
I wanted|to know|how much|he|he had|lost|and|I got angry|when|to me|he said|to|not|to know it|exactly
I wanted to know how much he had lost and I got angry when he told me he didn't know exactly.
M'arrabbiai ancora quand'egli mi disse una cifra relativamente piccola che poi risultò rappresentare l'importo che bisognava pagare alla liquidazione del quindici del mese da cui distavamo di soli due giorni.
I got angry|again||to me|he said|a|figure|relatively|small|which|then|it turned out|to represent|the amount|that|it was necessary|to pay|at the|settlement|of the|fifteenth|of the|month|from|which|we were away|of|only|two|days
I got even angrier when he told me a relatively small amount that later turned out to represent the sum that needed to be paid at the liquidation on the fifteenth of the month, from which we were only two days away.
Ma Guido asseriva che fino alla fine del mese c'era del tempo e che le cose potevano mutarsi.
but|Guido|he asserted|that|until|at the|end|of the|month|there was|some|time|and|that|the|things|they could|to change
But Guido asserted that there was still time until the end of the month and that things could change.
La scarsezza del denaro sul mercato non sarebbe durata eternamente.
the|scarcity|of the|money|on the|market|not|would be|last|forever
The scarcity of money in the market would not last forever.
I shouted:
— Se a questo mondo manca il denaro, vuoi riceverne dalla luna?
if|at|this|world|missing|the|money|do you want|to receive it|from the|moon
— If this world lacks money, do you want to receive it from the moon?
- Aggiunsi che non bisognava giocare neppure per un giorno di più.
I added|that|not|it was necessary|to play|not even|for|a|day|of|more
- I added that one should not play even for one more day.
Non si doveva rischiare di veder aumentare la perdita già enorme.
not|one|it should have|to risk|to|to see|to increase|the|loss|already|enormous
We should not risk seeing the already huge loss increase.
Dissi anche che la perdita sarebbe stata divisa in quattro parti che avremmo sopportate io, lui (cioè suo padre), la signora Malfenti e Ada, che bisognava ritornare al nostro commercio privo di rischi e che non volevo mai più vedere nel nostro ufficio né il Nilini né alcun altro sensale di cambio.
I said|also|that|the|loss|it would be|been|divided|in|four|parts|that|we would have|supported|I|him|that is|his|father|the|Mrs|Malfenti|and|Ada|that||||our|||of||||||||||||||||||||currency exchange
I also said that the loss would be divided into four parts that we would bear: I, him (that is, his father), Mrs. Malfenti, and Ada, and that we needed to return to our risk-free business and that I never wanted to see either Nilini or any other currency broker in our office again.
Egli, mite, mite, mi pregò di non gridare tanto, perché avremmo potuto essere sentiti dai vicini.
he|gentle||to me|he begged|to|not|to shout|much|because|we would have|been able|to be|heard|by the|neighbors
He, gentle, gentle, begged me not to shout so much, because we could be heard by the neighbors.
Feci un grande sforzo per calmarmi e vi riuscii anche a patto di poter dirgli a bassavoce delle altre insolenze.
I made|a|big|effort|to|calm myself|and|I|I managed|also|to|condition|to|to be able|to tell him|at|quiet voice|some|other|insults
I made a great effort to calm myself and I succeeded as long as I could tell him in a low voice about the other insolences.
La sua perdita era addirittura l'effetto di un crimine.
the|his|loss|it was|even|the effect|of|a|crime
His loss was even the result of a crime.
Bisognava essere un bestione per mettersi in frangenti simili.
one had to|to be|a|big beast|to|to get into|in|predicaments|similar
One had to be a big beast to get into such predicaments.
Proprio mi pareva ch'era necessario egli subisse intera la lezione.
just|to me|it seemed|that it was|necessary|he|he should undergo|entire|the|lesson
It really seemed to me that it was necessary for him to fully undergo the lesson.
Qui Guido mitemente protestò.
here|Guido|moderately|he protested
Here Guido mildly protested.
Chi non aveva giocato in Borsa?
who|not|he had|played|in|Stock Exchange
Who hadn't played in the stock market?
Nostro suocero, ch'era stato un commerciante tanto solido, non era stato un giorno solo della sua vita privo di qualche impegno.
our|father-in-law|who was|has been|a|merchant|so much|solid|not|he was|has been|a|day|only|of the|his|life|devoid|of|some|commitment
Our father-in-law, who had been such a solid merchant, had not spent a single day of his life without some commitment.
Eppoi - Guido lo sapeva - avevo giocato anch'io.
and then|Guido|he|he knew|I had|played|also I
And then - Guido knew it - I had played too.
Protestai che fra gioco e gioco c'era una differenza.
I protested|that|between|game|and||there was|a|difference
I protested that there was a difference between playing and playing.
Egli aveva rischiato alla Borsa tutto il suo patrimonio, io le rendite di un mese.
he|he had|risked|at the|Stock Exchange|all|the|his|wealth|I|the|returns|of|a|month
He had risked his entire fortune on the Stock Exchange, I the income of a month.
Mi fece un triste effetto che Guido tentasse puerilmente di liberarsi della sua responsabilità.
I|he made|a|sad|effect|that|Guido|he tried|childishly|to|to free oneself|of the|his|responsibility
It made me feel sad that Guido was trying childishly to free himself from his responsibility.
Egli asserì che il Nilini lo aveva indotto a giocare più di quanto egli avesse voluto, facendogli credere di avviarlo ad una grande fortuna.
he|he asserted|that|the|Nilini|him|he had|induced|to|to play|more|than|how much|he|he had|wanted|making him|to believe|to|to lead him|to|a|great|fortune
He claimed that Nilini had led him to gamble more than he wanted, making him believe he was on the path to a great fortune.
Io risi e lo derisi.
I laughed and mocked him.
Il Nilini non era da biasimarsi perché faceva gli affari suoi.
the|Nilini|not|he was|to|to be blamed|because|he did|the|business|his
Nilini was not to be blamed because he was minding his own business.
E - del resto - dopo di aver lasciato il Nilini, non si era egli precipitato ad aumentare la propria posta col mezzo di un altro sensale?
And|of the|rest|after|of|to have|left|the|Nilini|not|he|he was|he|hurried|to|to increase|the|own|stake|by the|means|of|a|another|broker
And - after all - after leaving Nilini, did he not rush to increase his own stake through another broker?
Avrebbe potuto vantarsi della nuova relazione se con essa si fosse messo a giocare al ribasso ad insaputa del Nilini.
he would have|been able to|to boast|of the|new|relationship|if|with|she|he|he had been|put|to|to play|at the|downward|to|unknown|of the|Nilini
He could have boasted about the new relationship if he had started to play it down without Nilini's knowledge.
Per riparare non poteva certo bastare di cambiare di rappresentante e continuare sulla stessa via perseguitato dallo stesso malocchio.
to|repair|not|could|certainly|to be enough|to|to change||representative|and|to continue|on the|same|way|persecuted|by the|same|evil eye
To repair things, it certainly wouldn't be enough to change representatives and continue on the same path, pursued by the same bad luck.
Egli volle indurmi finalmente a lasciarlo in pace, e, con un singhiozzo nella gola, riconobbe di aver sbagliato.
he|he wanted|to force me|finally|to|to leave him|in|peace|and|with|a|sob|in the|throat|he acknowledged|to|to have|wrong
He finally wanted to make me leave him alone, and, with a sob in his throat, he admitted he was wrong.
Cessai dal rampognarlo.
I stopped|from the|to scold him
I stopped scolding him.
Ora mi faceva veramente compassione e l'avrei anche abbracciato se egli avesse voluto.
now|me|he was doing|really|compassion|and|I would have|also|embraced|if|he|he had|wanted
Now I truly felt sorry for him and would have embraced him if he had wanted.
Gli dissi che mi sarei occupato subito di provvedere il denaro che io dovevo fornire e che avrei potuto anche occuparmi di parlare con nostra suocera.
to him|I said|that|to me|I would be|occupied|immediately|to|to provide|the|money|that|I|I had to|to supply|and|that|I would have|been able to|also|to take care of|to|to talk|with|our|mother-in-law
I told him that I would immediately take care of providing the money that I was supposed to supply and that I could also talk to our mother-in-law.
Egli, invece, si sarebbe incaricato di Ada.
he|instead|he|he would be|assigned|of|Ada
He, instead, would take care of Ada.
La mia compassione aumentò quand'egli mi confidò che volentieri avrebbe parlato con nostra suocera in vece mia, ma che lo tormentava di dover parlare con Ada.
the|my|compassion|increased|when he|to me|he confided|that|gladly|he would|spoken|with|our|mother-in-law|on|behalf|my|but|that|it|tormented|to|to have to|to speak|with|Ada
My compassion increased when he confided in me that he would gladly speak to our mother-in-law on my behalf, but he was tormented by the thought of having to talk to Ada.
— Tu sai come son fatte le donne!
you|you know|how|they are|made|the|women
— You know how women are!
Gli affari non li capiscono o soltanto quando finiscono bene!
the|business|not|them|they understand|or|only|when|they end|well
They don't understand business or only when it ends well!
- Egli non avrebbe parlato affatto e avrebbe pregata la signora Malfenti d'informarla lei di tutto.
he|not|he would have|spoken|at all|and||asked|the|Mrs|Malfenti|to inform her|she|of|everything
- He wouldn't have spoken at all and would have asked Mrs. Malfenti to inform her of everything.
Questa decisione l'alleggerì grandemente e uscimmo insieme.
this|decision|it lightened|greatly|and|we went out|together
This decision greatly relieved him and we left together.
Lo vedevo camminare accanto a me con la testa bassa e mi sentivo pentito di averlo trattato con tanta rudezza.
I|I saw|to walk|next to|to|me|with|the|head|down|and|I|I felt|regretful|of|to have him|treated|with|much|roughness
I saw him walking next to me with his head down and I felt regret for having treated him so harshly.
Ma come fare altrimenti se lo amavo?
but|how|to do|otherwise|if|him|I loved
But what else could I do if I loved him?
Doveva pur ravvedersi, se non voleva andare incontro alla sua rovina!
he had to|even|to repent|if|not|he wanted|to go|towards|to the|his|ruin
He had to repent, if he didn't want to meet his ruin!
Come dovevano essere fatte le sue relazioni con la moglie se temeva tanto di parlare con lei!
how|they had to|to be|made|the|his|relationships|with|the|wife|if|he feared|much|to|to talk|with|she
What must his relationship with his wife be like if he was so afraid to talk to her!
Ma intanto egli scoperse un modo per indispettirmi di nuovo.
but|meanwhile|he|he discovered|a|way|to|to annoy me|to|new
But in the meantime, he found a way to annoy me again.
Camminando aveva trovato di perfezionare il piano che gli era tanto piaciuto.
walking|he had|found|to|to perfect|the|plan|that|to him|it was|much|liked
While walking, he had found a way to perfect the plan that he had liked so much.
Non soltanto egli non avrebbe avuto da parlare con la moglie, ma avrebbe fatto in modo di non vederla per quella sera, perché sarebbe subito partito per la caccia.
not|only|he|not|he would have|had|to|to speak|with|the|wife|but||done|to|way|to||to see her|for|that|evening|because||immediately|departed|||hunting
Not only would he not have to talk to his wife, but he would make sure not to see her that evening, because he would leave immediately for the hunt.
Dopo quel proposito, fu libero da ogni nube.
after|that|purpose|he was|free|from|every|cloud
After that intention, he was free from any cloud.
Pareva fosse bastata la prospettiva di poter recarsi all'aria aperta, lontano da ogni pensiero, per avere l'aspetto di trovarvisi diggià e di goderne pienamente.
it seemed|it was|enough|the|perspective|to|to be able to|to go|outdoors|open|far|from|every|thought|to|to have|the appearance|to|to find oneself|already|and|to|to enjoy it|fully
It seemed that the prospect of being able to go outdoors, away from any thought, was enough for him to appear as if he were already there and to fully enjoy it.
Io ne fui indignato!
I|of it|I was|outraged
I was outraged!
Con lo stesso aspetto, certo, avrebbe potuto ritornare in Borsa per riprendervi il giuoco nel quale rischiava la fortuna della famiglia e anche la mia.
with|the|same|appearance|certainly|he would have|been able to|to return|to|Stock Exchange|to|to resume it|the|game|in the|which|he risked|the|fortune|of the|family|and|also||my
With the same appearance, of course, he could have returned to the Stock Exchange to resume the game in which he risked the family's fortune and also mine.
Mi disse:
to me|he said
He said to me:
— Voglio concedermi quest'ultimo divertimento e t'invito di venire con me a patto che tu prenda l'impegno di non rammentare con una sola parola gli avvenimenti di oggi.
I want|to allow myself|this last|fun|and|I invite you|to|to come|with|me|at|condition|that|you|you take|the commitment|to|not|to remember|with|a|single|word|the|events|of|today
— I want to allow myself this last amusement and I invite you to come with me on the condition that you commit to not mentioning a single word about today's events.
Fin qui aveva parlato sorridendo.
until|here|he had|talked|smiling
Up to this point, he had been speaking with a smile.
Dinanzi alla mia faccia seria, si fece più serio anche lui.
in front of|to the|my|face|serious|he|he became|more|serious|also|him
In front of my serious face, he became more serious himself.
he added
He added:
— Vedi anche tu che ho bisogno di un riposo dopo un colpo simile.
you see|also|you|that|I have|need|of|a|rest|after|a|blow|similar
— You see that I need a rest after such a blow.
Poi mi sarà più facile di riprendere il mio posto nella lotta.
Then|to me|it will be|more|easy|to|to regain|the|my|place|in the|fight
Then it will be easier for me to resume my place in the fight.
La sua voce s'era velata di un'emozione della cui sincerità non seppi dubitare.
the|his|voice|it had|veiled|of||of the|whose|sincerity|not|I knew|to doubt
His voice had taken on an emotion of which I could not doubt the sincerity.
Perciò seppi rattenere il mio dispetto o manifestarlo solo col rifiuto del suo invito, dicendogli che io dovevo restare in città per provvedere al denaro necessario.
therefore|I knew|to restrain|the|my|displeasure|or|to manifest it|only|with the|refusal|of the|his|invitation|telling him|that|I|I had to|to stay|in|city|to|to provide|to the|money|necessary
Therefore, I managed to hold back my annoyance or to express it only by refusing his invitation, telling him that I had to stay in the city to arrange for the necessary money.
Era già un rimprovero il mio!
it was|already|a|reprimand|the|my
It was already a reproach of mine!
Io, innocente, restavo al mio posto, mentre lui, il colpevole, poteva andare a spassarsela.
I|innocent|I remained|at the|my|place|while|he|the|culprit|he could|to go|to|to have fun
I, innocent, stayed in my place, while he, the guilty one, could go have fun.
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