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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 037

胡班 啊 奉 咗 太守 王 植 嘅 命令 啊 , 嗰 晚 呀 要 去 放火燒 賓館 啦 。 一切 都 準備 好 喇 , 之未到 時間 , 胡班 諗 : 啊 , 我 成日 咁 聽 人 哋 講起 關雲長 個名 , 都 未知 佢 係 點樣 嘅 , 哈哈 , 等 我 去裝 下 佢 至 得 。 噉 啊 走 去 賓館 問 嗰 個 管理 人 話 : 關將軍 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? 嗰 個人 話 嘞 : 誒 , 喺 正廳 睇 緊書 呀 。 胡班 就 踮 踮腳 行到 去 正廳 外便 , 裝入 去 一 睇 , 只見 關公 左手 捋 住 長 鬚 , 喺 盞 油燈 之下 睇 緊書 。 胡班 見到 就 忍 唔 住 讚 咗 一聲 : 嘩 嗨 ! 真 係 好似 天神 噉 啊 ! 咦 ? 邊個 ? 入 嚟 。 關公 發覺 嘞 , 就 嗌 胡班入 去 。 滎陽 太守 部下 , 從事 胡班 叩見 關將軍 。 啊 ! 你 就 係 許昌 城外 胡華個 仔 係 嘛 ? 係 呀 。 令尊 托 我 帶 咗 一封信 嚟 畀 你 。 關公 叫 人 喺 行李 裏 便 ,攞 咗 封信 嚟 交 咗 畀 胡班 。 胡班 睇 完信 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 ! 爭 啲 誤殺 忠良 啊 ! 關將軍 , 王 植 佢 心懷 不 仁 , 定 咗 奸計 要害 你 呀 。 佢 叫 我 帶兵 喺 四 便 圍住 賓館 , 然後 , 喺 三 更 時分 放火 , 燒死 你 哋 一個 不留 。 誒 而家 , 而家 我 先 去 打開 城門 , 關將軍 你 快 啲 執拾 好 出城 吖 。 多謝 你 搭救 ! 關公 連忙 披掛 , 提刀 上馬 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上車 , 出 咗 賓館 , 果然 見到 好多 軍士 , 個個 都 揸 住 火把 喺 度 待命 嘅 嘞 。 咦 唔 係 講笑 嘩 , 關公 急急 嚟 到 城門 邊 , 只見 城門 已經 打開 嘞 , 即刻 就 催促 車輛 快快 出 城 。 噉 胡班 呢 佢 亦 好 精 啊 , 放走 咗 關公 之後 , 佢 照樣 返去 賓館 放火 , 嘿 , 呢 趟 呀燒 清光 都 懶理 嘞 。 關公 行 咗 幾里路 , 只見 背後 火把 照耀 , 大隊人馬 追 嚟 。 王植 一馬當先 , 大聲 咁 嗌: 關某 你 咪 走 ! 關公 勒定 馬 , 喝 佢 話 : 哼 ! 你 呢 個 家伙 ! 我同 你 無冤無仇 , 點解 要 叫 人 放火燒 我 ! 王植 唔 出聲 嘞 , 拍 馬挺槍 直撲 關公 。 關公 攔腰 一刀 就 將 佢 斬 做 兩 碌 。 嗨 , 主將 一死 呀 , 啲 人馬 就 唔 使 打 都 散 喇 。 關公 催促 車輛 快 啲 行 。 一路 之上 佢 諗 起 胡 班 喇 , 個心 非常 之 感激 啊 , 好彩 得 佢 通水 啫 。 呢 一日 , 關公 佢 哋 嚟 到 滑 州界 口 。 太守 劉延 得到 報告 呀 , 親自 帶住 幾十人 , 騎馬 出城 嚟 迎接 。 見到 面 , 關公 就 喺 馬上 護一護個 身行個 禮話 : 太守 大人 , 分別 以來 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? 劉延話 喇 : 託福 託福 , 關將軍 而家 去 邊處 呀 ? 辭別 咗 丞相 , 要 去 尋找 兄長 。 係 咩 ? 玄 德 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 喎 。 袁紹 乃 係 丞相 嘅 仇人 , 噉 丞相 點肯 畀 將軍 你 去 㗎 ? 哦 , 往日 曾經 講定 咗 㗎 喇 。 不過 , 黃河 渡口 關隘 , 係 由 夏侯惇 嘅 部下 秦琪 把守 , 怕 佢 唔 肯 畀 將軍 你 過渡 喎 。 噉 樣 , 就 勞煩 太守 調 隻 船 畀 我 可以 嘛 ? 誒 , 誒 嘿 , 誒 嘿嘿 , 誒 船 呢 係 有 。 但 係 , 下官 唔 敢 畀 你 用 啊 。 以前 我 殺 顏良 、 文丑 , 亦 曾經 為 太守 你 解過 危難 。 今日 , 我 只 係 求 你 調 一隻 渡船 噉 你 都 唔 肯 , 點解 呀 ? 誒 , 就 係 怕 畀 夏侯惇 知道 咗 , 佢 實 會 怪罪 下官 嘅 , 真 係 對 唔 住 喎 關將軍 。 既然 係 噉 樣 , 唔 勉強 你 嘞 。 關公 知道 劉延 係 個 無用 之 人 , 於是 就 催促 車輛 繼續 向前 行 。 好 喇 , 嚟 到 黃河 渡口 嘞 。 秦琪 果然 帶住 兵馬 出 嚟 問 : 係 邊個 ? 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 ! 關將軍 , 你 要 去 邊處 啊 ? 要 去 河北 尋找 兄長 劉玄德 , 請 你 借 隻 渡船 喇 。 有 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 啊 ? 我 係 不受 丞相 節制 , 有 乜嘢 公文 ? 我 奉 咗 夏侯 將軍 嘅 將令 , 把守 關隘 。 你 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 , 就算 你 係 插翼 , 都 飛 唔 過去 ! 啊 ? 哼 ! 你 知 唔 知道 喺 路上 膽敢 攔截 我 嘅 , 我 都 已經 斬 咗 佢 喇 。 哼 ! 你 只 係 殺 得 嗰 啲 無名 下將 , 你 敢 唔 敢 殺 我 吖 ? 呸 ! 唔 通 你好 打得過 顏良 、 文丑 ? 秦琪 嬲 呀 , 縱 馬提刀 直取 關公 。 兩馬 相交 , 一個 回合 咋 , 關公 大刀 一起 , 秦琪 就 冇 咗 個 食飯 傢伙 嘞 。 關公 大聲 對 嗰 啲 軍士 話 : 攔 我 嘅 已經 死 咗 喇 , 其餘 嘅 人 唔 使 驚 亦 唔 使 走 。 你 哋 搵 人 快 啲 撐船 嚟 , 送 我 哋 過河 。 嗰 啲 軍士 喇喇聲 , 撐 隻 船過 嚟 , 泊 好 喺 岸邊 。 關公 就 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上船 。 竹高 一點 , 開船 嘞 。 就 係 噉 樣 , 乘風破浪 , 渡過 咗 黃河 , 就 嚟 到 袁紹 管轄 嘅 地方 。 嗱, 各位 , 上面 所講 嘅 呢 , 就 係 關雲長 過五關斬六將 。 大家 記唔 記得 啊 ? 過 第一關 , 東嶺 關就 斬 孔秀 ; 過 第二 關 , 洛陽城 , 斬孟坦 、 韓福 ; 過三關 , 係 汜 水關 , 斬 卞 喜 ; 過 第四 關 , 滎陽 城 , 斬 王植 ; 過 第五 關 , 黃河 渡口 關隘 , 斬 秦琪 。 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 。 掛印 封金 辭漢相 , 尋兄 遙望 遠途 還 。 馬 騎 赤兔 行 千里 , 刀 偃 青龍 出 五關 。 忠義 慨然 沖 宇宙 , 英雄 從此 震 江山 。 獨行 斬將 應 無敵 , 今古 留題 翰墨 間 。 過 咗 黃河 , 關公 佢 哋 繼續 向 北行 啦 。 關公 佢 諗 : 唉 ! 我 都 唔 係 想 沿路 殺人 嘅 , 都 係 逼不得已 嘅 唧 。 曹丞相 知道 , 必定 以為 我 係 個 忘恩負義 嘅 人 咯 。 呢 一日 , 行行 下 , 只見 有 個人 騎住 馬 由 北方 嗰 便 過 緊 嚟 。 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 係 孫乾 。 哎呀 ! 大家 都 好 高興 喇 。 關公 問 佢 : 自從 汝南 分別 之後 , 有 乜嘢 消息 啊 ? 孫乾話 嘞 : 自從 關將軍 你 返 咗 許都 , 劉辟 同 龔都 又 再次 奪返 汝南 。 跟 住 又 派 我 去 河北 , 結好 袁紹 , 請 玄德 一齊 嚟 商量 攻打 曹操 嘅 計策 。 點 知道 河北 嗰 班 將官 , 都 係 互相 妒忌 嘅 。 田豐 一直 都 仲 韞 喺 監 嚟 ; 沮授 被 革退 咗 , 冇 用到 佢 咯 ; 審配 同 郭圖 又 各自 爭權 ; 袁紹 嘅 為 人 唉 非常 多疑 㗎 , 樣樣 都 主持 不定 。 因此 呢 , 我 就 同 劉皇叔 商量 , 先求 個 脫身 之計 啦 。 而家 , 皇叔 已經 去 咗 汝南 同 劉辟 會合 㗎 喇 。 皇叔 啊 怕 將軍 你 唔 知道 呢 啲 事 , 去 咗 袁紹 嗰 處 ,摱 下手 畀 佢 害 咗 都 有 份 啊 。 所以 特登派 我 沿路 咁 嚟 撞 你 , 哎 , 好 彩 喺 呢 度 見到 面 啊 。 關將軍 , 你 快 啲 去 汝南 同 皇叔 相會 啦 ! 關公 就 帶 孫乾去 拜見 兩位 夫人 。 夫人 就 問及 劉玄德 嘅 近況 。 孫乾話 嘞 : 袁紹 呀 , 有 兩次 想 殺 咗 皇叔 㗎 喇 。 而家 好彩 走 甩 身去 咗 汝南 , 夫人 你 快 啲 同雲長 去 啦 。 兩位 夫人 聽 咗 真 係 又 高興 時 又 傷心 , 都 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 。 關公 得到 孫乾 呢 個 確切 消息 , 就 唔 去 河北 嘞 , 屈返 轉頭 去 汝南 嘞 喎 。 呢 一日 , 行行 下 , 背後 塵頭 起處 呀 , 一彪 人馬 飛快 噉 追過 嚟 。 夏侯惇 一馬當先 , 大 嗌 話 : 關某 你 咪 走 啊 ! 關公 即刻 叫 孫乾保 護住 車輛 行先 。 佢 自己 就 勒馬 按刀 , 回過 頭 嚟 等 住 追兵 。 夏侯惇 追到 嚟 , 關公 就 話 : 夏侯 將軍 , 你 噉 樣 嚟 追 我 , 豈 唔 係 有失 丞相 寬大 嘅 度量 ? 哼 ! 丞相 並 冇 明文 通報 話 要 放 你 走 。 而 你 竟然 沿路 殺人 , 斬 咗 我 部下 將官 , 無禮 到極 ! 我 要將 你 生擒活捉 , 獻 畀 丞相 處理 , 看槍 ! 夏侯惇 一 講完 , 拍 馬挺槍 就要 同 關公 打 過 。 呢 個 時候 , 只見 後 便 有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 大 嗌 話 : 唔 好 同 雲長交 戰 ! 關公 勒緊 馬 韁 唔 逳, 呢 個 使者 攞 出 一件 公文 對 夏侯惇 話 : 丞相 好 敬愛 關將軍 嘅 忠義 , 恐怕 路上 嘅 關隘 攔截 , 故此 , 特意 派 我 帶 住 公文 一路 通知 放行 啊 。 夏侯惇 就 話 嘞 : 關某 沿路 殺死 守關 將士 , 丞相 知道 唔 知 呀 ? 噉 啊 未知 呀 。 噉 我 就 活捉 佢 去 見 丞相 , 等 丞相 自己 放 佢 啦 。 關公 發火 嘞 , 唔 通 我 怕 你 咩 ? 關公 拍 馬舞刀 , 直取 夏侯惇 , 夏侯惇 就 挺 槍 上前 迎戰 。 兩個 人 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 又 有 個 使者 飛馬 嚟 到 大聲 高叫 : 兩位 將軍 停手 嘩 ! 夏侯惇 就 停 咗 支槍 問個 使者 話 : 係 唔 係 丞相 叫 我 捉關 某 啊 ? 唔 係 呀 唔 係 呀 ! 丞相 怕 守 關 嘅 將官 攔阻 關將軍 , 故此 又 派 我 帶 住 公文 嚟 通知 放行 唧 。 丞相 知 唔 知關 某 沿路 殺人 吖 ? 未知 呀 。 既然 丞相 未知 佢 殺人 , 唔 好 放 佢 走 ! 於是 夏侯惇 就 指揮 手下 嘅 軍 兵 , 將 關公 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 圍住 。 關公 真 係 怒火沖天 呀 , 佢 舞起 大刀 又 要 嚟 打過 。 兩個 人 正話 要 交鋒 , 陣後有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 , 高聲 大叫 : 兩位 將軍 唔 好 打 喇 ! 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 張 遼 嚟 到 。 噉 兩個 人 都 停 咗 手 勒住 馬 。 張 遼 行前 嚟 話 : 奉 丞相 鈞 旨 , 因為 聽 聞雲長 斬關 殺將 , 怕 佢 喺 路上 有 阻滯 , 特意 派 我 追住 嚟 命令 各處 關隘 一律 放行 ! 夏侯惇 就 話 : 秦琪 係 蔡 陽 嘅 外甥 , 佢 將 秦 琪 托付 畀 我 , 而家 竟然 畀 關某 殺死 , 蔡將軍 點肯 罷休 啊 ? 張遼話 : 蔡將軍 嗰 處 我會 去 同 佢 講 。 既然 丞相 寬容 大度 , 叫 放雲長 走 咯 , 噉 各位 就 唔 好 違反 丞相 嘅 心意 嘞 。 夏侯惇 就 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 叫 啲 兵馬 後退 。 張遼話 : 雲長 而家 要 去 邊處 呀 ? 聽講 兄長 又 唔 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我而家 準備 行遍 天下 去 搵 佢 。 既然 未知 玄 德 嘅 下落 , 不如 一齊 返去 見 丞相 先 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 點 能夠 噉 樣講 呢 ? 請 你 返 去 見 丞相 嘅 時候 , 為 我 謝罪 ! 小弟 告辭 ! 講完 對張 遼 拱 一 拱手 行個禮 , 就 縱馬 跑 咗 去 。 張遼同 夏侯惇 亦 帶兵 返扯 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 關公 追返 上 架車 , 就將 先頭 啲 事講 畀 孫乾 聽 , 噉 孫乾 就 放晒心 啦 。 佢 哋 行 咗 好幾日 , 呢 一日 , 忽然間 大雨滂沱 , 淋到 啲 行李 呀 冚𠾴唥 濕 晒 。 唉 , 好彩 , 遠遠 就 望見 嗰 便 山崗 旁邊 有座 莊院 。 關公 就 帶 住 大家 走 去 嗰 度 投宿 嘞 。 去 到 叫門 , 有個 伯父 行出 嚟 。 關公 就 說明 來意 話 要 借宿 噉 。 個 伯父 好 高興 啊 , 佢 話 : 我姓 郭 , 叫做 郭常 , 幾代 都 喺 處 住 㗎 喇 。 關將軍 嘅 大名 , 耳聞 好 耐 喇 ! 哈哈 , 今日 有幸 得以 相見 喇 , 請入 嚟 請入 嚟 ! 噉 啊 請 咗 大家 入去 ,劏 羊 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 哋 。 噉 啊 請 兩位 夫人 啊 喺 後堂 休息 。 郭常 呢 就 陪 關公 、 孫 乾 喺 草堂 飲酒 。 關公 就 吩咐 啲 隨行人員 , 一便 焙乾 啲 行李 , 一便 去 餵 啲 馬匹 。 到 咗 黃昏 嘅 時候 , 見到 有個 後生 哥 , 帶住 幾個 人添 一直 嚟 到 草堂 。 郭常話 嘞 : 啊 , 乖仔 , 快 啲 過 嚟 拜見 將軍 。 誒 關將軍 , 佢 就 係 我 嘅 小兒 呀 , 誒 啱 啱 打 完獵 返 嚟 。 嗰 個 後生 哥 拜見 過 關公 , 就行 咗 出去 。 郭常 忽然間 流 起 眼淚 嚟 佢 對 關公 話 : 唉 , 老夫 世代 耕田 讀書 , 就 係 得 呢 一粒 仔咯 。 之 佢 呀 不務正業 , 淨 係 鍾 意 打獵 , 唉 ! 真 係 家門不幸 啊 ! 關公 話 : 而家 正 係 亂世 嘅 時候 , 如果 練出 一身 好 武藝 , 亦 可以 取得 功名 吖 。 點解 老伯 話 係 不幸 呢 ? 唉 , 關將軍 , 你 唔 知 㗎 喇 。 佢 如果 肯 正正經經 學武 藝 , 噉 我 就 話 佢 有志氣 啦 。 佢 唔 係 㗎 , 佢 就 係 鍾 意 遊 遊蕩 蕩 無 所 不 為 , 唉 ! 老夫 噉 先至 憂心 啫 。 關公 聽 咗 亦 都 好 戥 佢 難過 。 噉 佢 哋 一直 傾到 好夜 , 郭常先 至 講聲 早 唞 就 告辭 返去 房 瞓 。 關公 同孫乾 呢 正話 想 休息 , 忽然間 聽聞 後院 啲 馬 又 叫 時人 又 嘈 喎 。 關公 嗌 啲 隨行人員 , 哈 冇 個 喺 處 , 就 即刻 同埋 孫乾 各人 都 揸 住 把 劍 出去 睇 下 咩 事 啦 。 誒 呀 , 只見 郭常個 仔 呀 , 碌 喺 地下 嚟 就 嗌 到 呀呀 聲 。 自己 啲 隨行人員 呢 正 喺 度 同 嗰 啲 莊客 打緊 喎 。 關公 就 喝 啲 人 : 停手 , 唔 好 打 ! 問 究竟 係 咩 事 。 隨行人員 就 話 嘞 : 啟 稟 將軍 個 後 生仔 嚟 偷 赤兔馬 , 畀 隻 馬 踢 低 咗 。 我 哋 聽見 有人 嗌 就 起身 出 嚟 巡下 啦 , 呢 班 莊客 仲走 嚟 打 我 哋 添 啊 。 關公 發火 嘞 : 你 個 鼠 賊 ! 竟然 膽敢 嚟 偷 我 嘅 馬 ! 關公 正話 想 發作 , 郭常 就褸 住件 衫 , 喇喇聲 趕到 嚟 𠼮 關公 話 : 將軍 啊 將軍 , 唉 , 我 呢 個 衰仔 唔 學好 , 做 埋 啲 噉 嘅 壞事 , 確係 罪該萬死 咯 。 無奈 我 老妻 就 最錫 呢 個 衰仔 嘅 , 誒 請 將軍 你 寬大 為懷 , 饒恕 佢 呢 一趟 啦 。 呢 個 後 生仔 果然 係 唔 學好 ! 剛剛 老伯 所講 嘅 , 真 係 知子莫若父 啊 ! 我 睇 在 老伯 嘅 份 上 , 姑且 饒恕 佢 啦 ! 於是 關公 啊 吩咐 啲 隨行人員 看好 馬匹 , 喝散 啲 莊客 , 就 同 孫乾返 去 草堂 瞓覺 休息 嘞 。 第 日 , 郭常 兩 夫妻 走 嚟 向 關公 賠禮 請罪 。 唉 尋晚 , 我 犬子 冒犯 虎威 , 好 感激 將軍 你 開恩 寬恕 佢 呀 ! 老伯 , 你 叫 佢 出 嚟 , 等 我 教 下 佢 啦 。 唉 , 嗰 個 衰仔 , 今朝 四 更 時分 , 又 帶 埋 幾個 無賴 之徒 唔 知 走 咗 去 邊處 咯 。 噉 食 完 早飯 , 關公 就 多謝 過郭常 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上 咗 車 , 出 咗 莊院 , 同孫乾 一 拍 咁 騎 住 馬 , 護衛 住 車輛 啊 跟 住 山路 向前 行 嘞 。 行 咗 唔 到卅里 , 突然 間 , 砰 咁 一聲 鑼響 , 喺 山 背後 湧出 百幾人 。 為首 兩個 騎住 馬 嘅 , 前 便 嗰 個 , 頭裹 黃巾 , 身穿 戰袍 ; 後 便 嗰 個 呢 , 嘿 ! 原來 就 係 郭常個 衰仔 。 嗰 個 黃巾 話 喇 : 嘿 ! 我 係 天公 將軍 張 角 嘅 部將 , 你 快 啲 留 低匹 赤兔馬 就 放 你 過去 啦 ! 關公 哈哈大笑 呀 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 無知 狂賊 ! 你 竟然 跟過 張角 ? 有 冇 聽 過劉 、 關 、 張三 兄弟 嘅 名 啊 ? 我 只 係 聽 人 講過 話 紅面 長 鬚 嘅 叫做 關雲長 , 未見 過 佢 面 㗎 , 你 係 邊個 啊 ? 好 ! 我 畀 你 睇 下 ! 於是 關公 勒住 馬 , 放好 刀 , 解開 個 鬚 囊 畀 啲 長 鬚 過 佢 睇 下 。 哎呀 ! 嗰 個 黃巾 立即 滾鞍 落馬 , 一手 揦 住 郭常個 仔 嘅 頭髮 , 揪 佢 嚟 跪 喺 關公 面前 。 關公 就 問 佢 嘅 姓名 , 嗰 個 黃巾 話 嘞 : 我姓 裴 , 名元紹 。 自從 張角 死 咗 之後 , 我 就 冇 咗 主 嘞 , 只有 上山 落草 , 一直 都 潛伏 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 今朝 早 , 呢 個 傢伙 嚟 講我 聽 , 話 有 個 客人 騎住 一匹 千里馬 , 喺 我 屋企 過夜 呀 噉 。 噉 啊 專登 走 嚟 喽 我 一齊 搶 呢 匹馬 , 點知 呀 遇見 將軍 你 呀 。 嘩 ! 呢 輪 就 郭常個 仔驚到 面青咯 , 以為 呢 趟實 冇 命 嘅 嘞 。 但 係 關公 話 : 我 睇 在 你 父親 嘅 面子 , 放生 你 啦 ! 誒 誒 誒 , 多 , 多謝 將軍 不殺 之恩 嘞 ! 郭常個 仔 執返 條命 就 抱頭鼠竄 走夾 冇 唞 咯 。 關公 又問 裴元紹 : 你 唔 認得 我 㗎 , 何以 知道 我個 名 呢 ? 關將軍 , 係 噉 嘅 , 離開 呢 度 二十幾 里 呀 有 座 臥牛山 。 山上 有 一個 關西 人 , 叫做 周倉 , 佢 兩隻手 嘩 , 有 成 千斤 氣力 啊 。 一面 攣攣 曲曲 嘅 鬍鬚 , 個樣 好 威 嘅 。 佢 呀 本來 喺 黃巾張 寶 部下 做 軍官 , 噉 張寶死 咗 之後 呢 , 就 上山 落草 。 就 係 佢 成日 同 我 講起 將軍 你 嘅 威名 , 所以 我 先至 知道 啫 , 就 係 一直 冇 門路 拜見 將軍 你 呀 。 綠林 唔 係 豪傑 棲身 嘅 地方 , 壯士 你 哋 今後 應該 改邪歸正 , 唔 好 自己 害 自己 喇 ! 對於 關公 嘅 規勸 , 裴元紹 啊 非常 之 感謝 。 正 喺 度 傾 傾下 , 遠遠 望見 一彪 人馬 嚟 緊 。 裴元紹 話 喇 : 實 係 周倉 嚟 喇 。 關公 就勒定 馬 喺 度 等 啦 。 冇 幾耐 , 果然 見到 有 個人 , 黑炭 噉 嘅 面色 , 身材高大 , 揸 住 支 長槍 , 騎住 馬 , 帶住 一班人 趕到 嚟 嘞 喎 。 佢 嚟 到 一 見到 關公 , 又驚又喜 : 啊 ! 係 關將軍 啊 ! 連忙 跳 落馬 , 跪 喺 路邊 行禮 : 周倉 參拜 將軍 ! 壯士 不必 多禮 , 請問 壯士 喺 邊 處 認得 我 嘅 呢 ? 哦 , 以前 跟隨 黃巾張 寶 嘅 時候 , 曾經 見過 將軍 。 就 係 嬲 自己 失身 於 賊黨 , 唔 能夠 追隨 關將軍 唧 。 今日 , 天幸 能夠 拜見 , 請 將軍 唔 好 嫌棄 我 , 收留 我 做 個步 卒 , 同 將軍 你 執鞭 牽馬 , 我 死 亦 甘心 呀 ! 你 如果 跟 咗 我 , 噉 你 手下 啲 人點 呢 ? 情願 跟 埋 嚟 嘅 就 一齊 嚟 , 唔 願 嘅 , 就 由 得 佢 哋 啦 。 嗰 班 人 呀 個個 都 話 願意 跟 埋 周倉 嚟 喎 。 關公 見到 周 倉 佢 哋 咁 誠意 , 就 落 咗 馬 , 行去 架車 處 問下 兩位 嫂嫂 同意 唔 同意 嘞 。 甘夫人 話 : 二叔 , 你 自從 離開 許都 嚟 到 呢 度 , 一路 都 係 獨自 一個 人 啫 , 經歷 過 咁 多 艱難險阻 咯 , 都 未曾 話 過要 兵馬 跟隨 嘅 。 前 嗰 次 廖 化 想 跟 你 , 二叔 你 都 推辭 唔 肯 收留 佢 咯 。 點解 而家 又 唯獨 是 要 收留 周倉 呢 一班人 呢 ? 不過 , 呢 啲 都 係 我 哋 女流之輩 嘅 淺見 啫 , 二叔 你 斟酌 啦 。 阿嫂 講得 好 啱 呀 ! 於是 關公 就行 過去 對 周倉 話 : 唔 係 我關 某 寡情 , 唔 肯 收留 你 哋 , 皆 因 兩位 夫人 唔 同意 呀 。 你 哋 仲 係 返 上山 先 , 等 我 搵 到 兄長 之後 , 一定 嚟 叫 你 哋 去 ! 周倉 跪 喺 度 叩頭 話 喇 : 想 我 周倉 , 係 個 粗魯 嘅 人 , 失身 做 咗 賊 。 今日 能夠 遇見 將軍 , 就 好似 重見天日 , 我點 能夠 仲 錯過 呢 個 機會 呢 ? 如果 將軍 認為 咁 多 人 跟 住 唔 方便 咯 , 噉 可以 叫 佢 哋 全部 跟 裴元紹 去 。 我 周倉 , 單身 步行 , 跟隨 將軍 , 就算 行 一萬里 都 唔 緊要 。 關公 又將 周倉 呢 番 說話 稟告 兩位 嫂嫂 。 甘夫人 話 喇 : 如果 只 係 一兩個 人 跟 埋 嚟 , 噉 就 唔 礙事 嘅 。 兩位 夫人 同意 咗 咯 , 關公 就 叫 周倉 安排 佢 嗰 班 人 去 跟 裴元紹 。 裴元紹 話 : 我 都 要 跟 埋 關將軍 喇 ! 周倉 話 嘞 : 你 如果 走 埋 , 啲 人馬 實 散 嘅 。 噉 啦 , 你 仲 係 暫時 率領 住 大家 先 。 我 呢 次 跟 關將軍 去 咗 , 只要 搵 到 地方 落腳 , 一定 嚟 接 你 ! 裴元紹 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 好 失望 噉 同 關公 告別 , 帶 啲 人馬 就 返 上山 喇 。 噉 周倉 呢 就 跟 住 關公 , 一路 去 汝南 嘞 喎 。 行 咗 好幾日 , 遠遠 就 望見 前 便 有 一座 山城 。 關公 喺 路上 遇見 個 當地人 , 就 問 佢 嗰 度 係 邊 處 呀 噉 。 嗰 個 路人 回答 話 : 呢 度 叫做 古城 啊 。 呢 , 幾個 月 前 呀 , 有 一個 將軍 喎 叫做 張飛 。 吓 ? 張飛 ? 係 , 係 叫做 張飛 呀 ! 佢 帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍去 到 嗰 處 , 趕走 咗 個 縣官 , 佔 咗 古城 , 喺 度 招軍買馬 , 積草 囤糧 。 聽 講話 , 而家 已經 聚集 咗 成 四五千 人馬 嘞 , 四周圍 冇 人 打 得 過 佢 噉 話 喎 。 好 嘩 ! 三弟 自從 喺 徐州 失散 之後 , 一直 都 唔 知 佢 嘅 下落 , 點都 想 唔 到 原來 喺 呢 一處 。 關公 即刻 叫 孫乾行 先 一步 , 飛 馬入城 去 通報 , 叫 張飛 嚟 迎接 兩位 嫂嫂 。 前 嗰 兩 回書 就 講過 張飛 呀 , 嗰 晚 去 劫 曹操 寨 , 打輸 之後 , 就 趯 咗 上去 芒 碭山 點解 而家 嚟 呢 處 呢 噉 ? 嗨 , 冇 錯 。 張飛 呀 , 佢 去 到 芒 碭山 裏 便 就 住 咗 個 幾月 。 有 一日 , 佢 就 出外 去 探聽 劉備 嘅 消息 , 偶然 經過 古城 , 就入 去 借 糧 喎 。 縣官 梗 係 唔 肯定 㗎 啦 , 又 唔 係 同 你 有親 。 張飛 發起 惡 嚟 就 趕走 咗 個 縣官 , 搶 咗 佢 個 官印 , 佔 咗 縣城 , 索性 就 喺 處 安 住 身 先 嘞 。 所以 點解 張飛 會 喺 古城 嘅 呢 , 就 係 噉 解 嘅 。 噉 當時 孫乾 就 奉 咗 關公 嘅 命令 , 行先 一步 , 飛馬 跑 去 古城 。 入到 城 見到 張飛 , 行過禮 , 就講 畀 張飛 聽 , 話 劉玄德 就 離開 咗 袁紹 , 投奔 去 咗 汝南 。 而家 關雲長 一直 由 許都 護送 兩位 夫人 嚟 到 呢 處 , 請 張飛 快 啲 出去 迎接 啦 噉 。 咁 好 嘅 消息 , 張飛 聽到 啊 本應 好 高興 至 係 㗎 。 哈哈 , 誰 不知 張飛 一聽 完 , 粒聲 唔 出 , 即刻 就 着 好 盔甲 , 揸 起支 丈八蛇矛 , 上 咗 馬 , 帶住 千幾人 , 直出 北門 噃。 孫乾 就 奇 喇 , 乜 噉 嘅 咩 嘢 事 呀 喂 ? 之 又 唔 敢 問啦 , 唯有 跟 住 張飛 出城 係 啦 。 好 喇 , 呢 便 關公 見到 張飛 騎住 馬 𡃈𡃈 聲 噉 跑 緊 嚟 , 歡喜 到 不得了 啦 , 一拍 隻 馬 就 迎上去 嘞 喎 。 誒 呀 見到 嗰 個 張飛 , 圓睜 環眼 , 倒 豎 虎鬚 , 吼聲 如雷 , 舉起 支 長矛 對住 關公 就 刺過 嚟 。 咦 , 哈兩 兄弟 打起 上 嚟 喎 。 噉 究竟 呢 件 事 點樣 收科 啊 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。

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胡班 啊 奉 咗 太守 王 植 嘅 命令 啊 , 嗰 晚 呀 要 去 放火燒 賓館 啦 。 Hu Ban|ah|to obey|past tense marker|governor|Wang|Zhi|possessive particle|order|ah|that|night|ah|must|go|set fire to|hotel|sentence-final particle Hu Ban, ah, received the order from the governor Wang Zhi, ah, that night, ah, to go and set fire to the hotel. 一切 都 準備 好 喇 , 之未到 時間 , 胡班 諗 : everything|all|ready|well|already|it hasn't arrived|time|Mr Hu|thought Everything is ready now, before the time comes, Hu Ban thinks: 啊 , 我 成日 咁 聽 人 哋 講起 關雲長 個名 , 都 未知 佢 係 點樣 嘅 , 哈哈 , 等 我 去裝 下 佢 至 得 。 ah|I|all the time|so|hear|||mention|Guan Yu||already|don't know|he|is|how|(possessive particle)|haha|wait|I||a little|he|only|okay Ah, I always hear people mention the name Guan Yun Chang, but I don't know what he is like, haha, let me go and pretend to be him. 噉 啊 走 去 賓館 問 嗰 個 管理 人 話 : 關將軍 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? then|ah|go|to|hotel|ask|that|classifier for people|management|person|said|General Kwan|at|where|place|come|question particle So, ah, he goes to the hotel and asks the manager: Where is General Guan? 嗰 個人 話 嘞 : 誒 , 喺 正廳 睇 緊書 呀 。 that|person|said|past tense marker|hey|at|living room|||sentence-final particle That person said: Eh, he is in the main hall reading a book. 胡班 就 踮 踮腳 行到 去 正廳 外便 , 裝入 去 一 睇 , 只見 關公 左手 捋 住 長 鬚 , 喺 盞 油燈 之下 睇 緊書 。 Mr Hu|then|tiptoe|on tiptoe|walked to|to|main hall|outside|peeped|to|one|look|only saw|Guan Gong|left hand|stroking|holding|long|beard|at|lamp|oil lamp|under|| Hu Ban tiptoed to the outside of the main hall, peeking in to take a look, and saw Guan Gong stroking his long beard with his left hand, reading a book under the oil lamp. 胡班 見到 就 忍 唔 住 讚 咗 一聲 : 嘩 嗨 ! 真 係 好似 天神 噉 啊 ! Mr Hu|saw|then||||||out loud|wow|hi|||like|god|like|ah Seeing this, Hu Ban couldn't help but exclaim: Wow! He really looks like a celestial being! 咦 ? 邊個 ? 入 嚟 。 eh|who|come|here Eh? Who is it? Come in. 關公 發覺 嘞 , 就 嗌 胡班入 去 。 Guan Gong|realized|past tense marker|then|called||inside Guan Gong noticed and called Hu Ban in. 滎陽 太守 部下 , 從事 胡班 叩見 關將軍 。 Xingyang|governor|subordinate|official|Hu Ban|respectfully meet| The subordinate of the governor of Xingyang, Hu Ban, pays his respects to General Guan. 啊 ! 你 就 係 許昌 城外 胡華個 仔 係 嘛 ? ah|you|just|are|Xuchang|outside the city||son|are|question particle Ah! You are Hu Hua's son outside of Xu Chang, right? 係 呀 。 yes|particle Yes. 令尊 托 我 帶 咗 一封信 嚟 畀 你 。 your father|entrusted|I|bring|past tense marker|a letter|here|to|you Your father asked me to bring a letter to you. 關公 叫 人 喺 行李 裏 便 ,攞 咗 封信 嚟 交 咗 畀 胡班 。 Guan Gong|called|person|in|luggage|inside|then|took|past tense marker|letter|here|delivered|past tense marker|to|Hu Ban Guan Gong told someone to take the letter from the luggage and hand it to Hu Ban. 胡班 睇 完信 就 話 喇 : 哎呀 ! 爭 啲 誤殺 忠良 啊 ! Teacher Hu|read|the letter|then|said|particle indicating completed action|oh no|||mistakenly kill|loyal and good person|particle for emphasis After Hu Ban read the letter, he said: Oh no! We almost mistakenly killed a loyal person! 關將軍 , 王 植 佢 心懷 不 仁 , 定 咗 奸計 要害 你 呀 。 General Kwan|Wang|Zhi|he|harbors|||determined|past tense marker|treachery|to harm|you|sentence-final particle General Guan, Wang Zhi has malicious intentions and has plotted to harm you. 佢 叫 我 帶兵 喺 四 便 圍住 賓館 , 然後 , 喺 三 更 時分 放火 , 燒死 你 哋 一個 不留 。 He|told|me|lead the troops|at|four|side|surround|hotel|then|at|three|watch|time|set fire|burn to death|you|plural marker|one|not left behind He told me to surround the hotel with troops, and then, at the third watch, set fire to it, leaving no one alive. 誒 而家 , 而家 我 先 去 打開 城門 , 關將軍 你 快 啲 執拾 好 出城 吖 。 hey|now||I|first|go|open|city gate|General Kwan|you|||pack up|well|leave the city|particle Hey, now, I will go open the city gate, General Guan, you quickly prepare to leave the city. 多謝 你 搭救 ! thank you|you|for saving me Thank you for your rescue! 關公 連忙 披掛 , 提刀 上馬 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上車 , 出 咗 賓館 , 果然 見到 好多 軍士 , 個個 都 揸 住 火把 喺 度 待命 嘅 嘞 。 Guan Gong|hurriedly|put on armor|drew his sword|mounted his horse|invited|two|sisters-in-law|get in the car|left|past tense marker|hotel|as expected|saw|many|soldiers|everyone|all|||torches|at|place|on standby|possessive particle|past action particle General Guan quickly donned his armor, drew his sword, invited the two sisters-in-law into the carriage, and upon exiting the hotel, indeed saw many soldiers, all holding torches and waiting. 咦 唔 係 講笑 嘩 , 關公 急急 嚟 到 城門 邊 , 只見 城門 已經 打開 嘞 , 即刻 就 催促 車輛 快快 出 城 。 eh|no|is|joking|wow|Guan Gong|hurriedly|||city gate|side|only saw|city gate|already|opened|past tense marker|immediately|then|urged|vehicles|quickly|exit|city Eh, no way, just kidding! Wow, Guan Gong hurriedly arrived at the city gate, and he saw that the city gate was already open. Immediately, he urged the vehicles to quickly leave the city. 噉 胡班 呢 佢 亦 好 精 啊 , 放走 咗 關公 之後 , 佢 照樣 返去 賓館 放火 , 嘿 , 呢 趟 呀燒 清光 都 懶理 嘞 。 then|Hu Ban|question particle|he|also|very|clever|particle indicating exclamation|let go|past tense marker|Guan Gong|after|he|as usual|returned|hotel|set fire|hey|this|trip||completely|all|didn't care|particle indicating completed action So, Hu Ban, he is also very clever. After letting Guan Gong go, he still went back to the hotel to set it on fire. Hey, this time, he didn't care if it burned down completely. 關公 行 咗 幾里路 , 只見 背後 火把 照耀 , 大隊人馬 追 嚟 。 Guan Gong|walked|past tense marker|several miles|only saw|behind|torch|shining|large group of soldiers|chasing|coming Guan Gong walked a few miles, and he saw torches shining behind him, with a large group of people chasing after him. 王植 一馬當先 , 大聲 咁 嗌: 關某 你 咪 走 ! Wang Zhi|leading the charge|loudly|like that|shouted|someone named Kwan|you|don't|run away Wang Zhi led the charge, shouting loudly: "Guan, don't run away!" 關公 勒定 馬 , 喝 佢 話 : Guan Gong|tied up|horse|shouted|he|said Guan Gong reined in his horse and shouted back: 哼 ! 你 呢 個 家伙 ! 我同 你 無冤無仇 , 點解 要 叫 人 放火燒 我 ! hum|you|question particle|measure word|guy||you|no grudges|why|want|to call|someone||me Hmph! You, this guy! I have no grudges against you, why do you want to call people to set me on fire! 王植 唔 出聲 嘞 , 拍 馬挺槍 直撲 關公 。 Wang Zhi|not|make a sound|past tense particle|slap|horse with a spear|charge straight at|Guan Gong Wang Zhi didn't say anything, just flattered and charged straight at Guan Gong. 關公 攔腰 一刀 就 將 佢 斬 做 兩 碌 。 Guan Gong|at the waist|one stroke|then|will|him|chop|make|two|pieces Guan Gong slashed him in half with one stroke. 嗨 , 主將 一死 呀 , 啲 人馬 就 唔 使 打 都 散 喇 。 Hi|general|dies|particle|plural marker|troops|then|not|need|fight|all|disperse|particle Hey, once the main general is dead, the troops will scatter without even needing to fight. 關公 催促 車輛 快 啲 行 。 一路 之上 佢 諗 起 胡 班 喇 , 個心 非常 之 感激 啊 , 好彩 得 佢 通水 啫 。 Guan Gong|urged|vehicle|quickly|particle|move|along the way|on|he|||||particle|his heart|very|particle|grateful|ah|fortunately|got|he|water supply|particle Guan Gong urged the vehicles to move faster. Along the way, he thought of Hu Ban, feeling very grateful, lucky that he was just a water supplier. 呢 一日 , 關公 佢 哋 嚟 到 滑 州界 口 。 this|one day|Guan Gong|he|plural marker|||Hualien|state border|checkpoint On this day, Guan Gong and his group arrived at the border of Huazhou. 太守 劉延 得到 報告 呀 , 親自 帶住 幾十人 , 騎馬 出城 嚟 迎接 。 the governor|Liu Yan|received|report|particle indicating surprise|personally|leading|dozens of people|riding|out of the city|here|to welcome The governor Liu Yan received the report and personally led dozens of people to ride out of the city to welcome them. 見到 面 , 關公 就 喺 馬上 護一護個 身行個 禮話 : saw|face|Guan Gong|then|at|once||| Upon meeting, Guan Gong respectfully bowed from his horse and said: 太守 大人 , 分別 以來 身體 好 吖 嘛 ? governor|sir|parting|since|health|good|question particle|question particle Governor, how have you been since we last parted? 劉延話 喇 : 託福 託福 , 關將軍 而家 去 邊處 呀 ? Liu Yan said|particle indicating a completed action|blessing|blessing|General Kwan|now|go|where|question particle Liu Yan replied: Thanks to your blessings, General Guan, where are you headed now? 辭別 咗 丞相 , 要 去 尋找 兄長 。 bid farewell|past tense marker|prime minister|need to|go|search for|elder brother I said goodbye to the Prime Minister, and I need to go find my brother. 係 咩 ? 玄 德 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 喎 。 is|what|||at|Yuan Shao|that|place|sentence-final particle What? Xuande is with Yuan Shao. 袁紹 乃 係 丞相 嘅 仇人 , 噉 丞相 點肯 畀 將軍 你 去 㗎 ? Yuan Shao|is|is|Prime Minister|possessive particle|enemy|then|Prime Minister||let|General|you|go|question particle Yuan Shao is the enemy of the Prime Minister, so how could the Prime Minister allow you, General, to go? 哦 , 往日 曾經 講定 咗 㗎 喇 。 oh|in the past|once|agreed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Oh, we had agreed on this in the past. 不過 , 黃河 渡口 關隘 , 係 由 夏侯惇 嘅 部下 秦琪 把守 , 怕 佢 唔 肯 畀 將軍 你 過渡 喎 。 however|Yellow River|crossing point|pass|is|by|Xiahou Dun|possessive particle|subordinate|Qin Qi|guarding|afraid|he|not|willing|let|general|you|cross|sentence-final particle However, the Yellow River crossing is guarded by Qin Qi, a subordinate of Xiahou Dun, and I'm afraid he won't let you pass, General. 噉 樣 , 就 勞煩 太守 調 隻 船 畀 我 可以 嘛 ? like this|appearance|then|trouble|magistrate|arrange|measure word for boats|boat|give|me|can|question particle So, can I trouble the governor to arrange a boat for me? 誒 , 誒 嘿 , 誒 嘿嘿 , 誒 船 呢 係 有 。 hey||hey||hee hee||boat|question particle|is|have Eh, eh hey, eh heh, there is a boat. 但 係 , 下官 唔 敢 畀 你 用 啊 。 ||I (humble self)|not|dare|give|you|use|sentence-final particle But, I dare not let you use it. 以前 我 殺 顏良 、 文丑 , 亦 曾經 為 太守 你 解過 危難 。 previously|I|killed|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|also|once|for|governor|you|resolved|danger In the past, I killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and I have also helped you out of danger. 今日 , 我 只 係 求 你 調 一隻 渡船 噉 你 都 唔 肯 , 點解 呀 ? today|I|||ask|you|arrange|a|ferry|like this|you|also|not|willing|why|question particle Today, I am only asking you to arrange a ferry boat, and you are still unwilling, why is that? 誒 , 就 係 怕 畀 夏侯惇 知道 咗 , 佢 實 會 怪罪 下官 嘅 , 真 係 對 唔 住 喎 關將軍 。 eh|||afraid|by|Xiahou Dun|to know|past tense marker|he|really|will|blame|this official|possessive particle||||||sentence-final particle|General Guan Eh, it's just that I'm afraid that Xiahou Dun will find out, he will really blame the lower officials, I'm really sorry, General Guan. 既然 係 噉 樣 , 唔 勉強 你 嘞 。 since|is|like this|situation|not|force|you|past tense particle Since that's the case, I won't force you. 關公 知道 劉延 係 個 無用 之 人 , 於是 就 催促 車輛 繼續 向前 行 。 Guan Gong|knew|Liu Yan|is|a|useless|of|person|so|then|urged|vehicle|continue|forward|drive Guan Gong knew that Liu Yan was a useless person, so he urged the vehicles to continue moving forward. 好 喇 , 嚟 到 黃河 渡口 嘞 。 good|particle indicating completed action|come|arrive|Yellow River|ferry crossing|particle indicating completed action Alright, we've arrived at the Yellow River crossing. 秦琪 果然 帶住 兵馬 出 嚟 問 : 係 邊個 ? Qin Qi|as expected|bringing|soldiers and horses|out|here|asked|is|who Qin Qi indeed brought soldiers out to ask: Who is it? 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 ! Han Shou|Pavilion|Marquis|Guan Yun Chang Han Shou Pavilion, General Guan Yu! 關將軍 , 你 要 去 邊處 啊 ? General Kwan|you|want|go|where|question particle General Guan, where are you going? 要 去 河北 尋找 兄長 劉玄德 , 請 你 借 隻 渡船 喇 。 want|to go|Hebei|to find|elder brother|Liu Xuande|please|you|lend|measure word for boats|ferry|sentence-final particle I am going to Hebei to find my brother Liu Xuande, please lend me a ferry. 有 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 啊 ? have|not have|Prime Minister|possessive particle|official document|certificate|question particle Do you have a document from the Prime Minister as proof? 我 係 不受 丞相 節制 , 有 乜嘢 公文 ? I|am|not subject to|Prime Minister|control|have|what|official document I am not under the Prime Minister's control, what document is there? 我 奉 咗 夏侯 將軍 嘅 將令 , 把守 關隘 。 I|received|past tense marker|Xiahou|general|possessive particle|military order|guard|pass I have received General Xiahou's orders to guard the pass. 你 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 , 就算 你 係 插翼 , 都 飛 唔 過去 ! you|don't have|prime minister|possessive particle|official document|even if|you|are|winged|still|fly|not|go past Without the Prime Minister's official document, even if you have wings, you can't fly over! 啊 ? 哼 ! ah|hum Ah? Hmph! 你 知 唔 知道 喺 路上 膽敢 攔截 我 嘅 , 我 都 已經 斬 咗 佢 喇 。 you|know|not|know|at|on the road|dare|intercept|I|possessive particle|I|already|already|killed|past tense marker|he|completed action particle Do you know that anyone who dared to intercept me on the road, I have already killed them. 哼 ! 你 只 係 殺 得 嗰 啲 無名 下將 , 你 敢 唔 敢 殺 我 吖 ? hum|you|||kill|||||||||||me|question particle Hmph! You only dare to kill those nameless lower generals, do you dare to kill me? 呸 ! 唔 通 你好 打得過 顏良 、 文丑 ? phew|not|understand|you|can defeat|Yan Liang|Wen Chou Pah! You can't possibly think you can defeat Yan Liang and Wen Chou? 秦琪 嬲 呀 , 縱 馬提刀 直取 關公 。 Qin Qi|angry|particle|let||directly attack|Guan Gong Qin Qi is angry, charging in with a sword straight for Guan Gong. 兩馬 相交 , 一個 回合 咋 , 關公 大刀 一起 , 秦琪 就 冇 咗 個 食飯 傢伙 嘞 。 two horses|intersect|one|round|how|Guan Gong|big knife|together|Qin Qi|then|has no|past tense marker|measure word|eating|guy|past action marker As the two horses collide, in one round, with Guan Gong's big sword, Qin Qi is left without a meal. 關公 大聲 對 嗰 啲 軍士 話 : 攔 我 嘅 已經 死 咗 喇 , 其餘 嘅 人 唔 使 驚 亦 唔 使 走 。 Guan Gong|loudly|to|that|plural marker|soldiers|said|stop|me|possessive particle|already|dead|past tense marker|completed action particle|the rest|possessive particle|people|not|need|afraid|also|not|need|run Guan Gong loudly tells the soldiers: "Those who tried to stop me are already dead, the rest of you don't need to be afraid or run away." 你 哋 搵 人 快 啲 撐船 嚟 , 送 我 哋 過河 。 ||find|person|||rowboat|come|take|||across the river You all hurry and find someone to support the boat, to take us across the river. 嗰 啲 軍士 喇喇聲 , 撐 隻 船過 嚟 , 泊 好 喺 岸邊 。 that|plural marker|soldiers|loudly|row|measure word for boats||here|dock|well|at|the shore The soldiers made a loud noise, supporting the boat to come over and docked it well by the shore. 關公 就 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上船 。 竹高 一點 , 開船 嘞 。 Guan Gong|then|invite|two|sisters-in-law|aboard the boat|bamboo is high|a little|set sail|past action particle Guan Gong then invited the two sisters-in-law onto the boat. The bamboo was a bit high, and the boat set sail. 就 係 噉 樣 , 乘風破浪 , 渡過 咗 黃河 , 就 嚟 到 袁紹 管轄 嘅 地方 。 then|||||||||||Yuan Shao|ruled|possessive particle|area Just like that, riding the wind and breaking the waves, they crossed the Yellow River and arrived at the territory governed by Yuan Shao. 嗱, 各位 , 上面 所講 嘅 呢 , 就 係 關雲長 過五關斬六將 。 well|everyone|above|what was said|possessive particle|this|just|is|Guan Yu| Now, everyone, what was mentioned above is about Guan Yunchang passing five passes and slaying six generals. 大家 記唔 記得 啊 ? everyone|remember|remember|question particle Does everyone remember? 過 第一關 , 東嶺 關就 斬 孔秀 ; pass|first checkpoint|Tung Ling||defeat|Kong Sau After passing the first level, at Dongling Pass, I beheaded Kong Xiu; 過 第二 關 , 洛陽城 , 斬孟坦 、 韓福 ; pass|second|level|Luoyang city||Han Fu After passing the second level, at Luoyang City, I beheaded Meng Tan and Han Fu; 過三關 , 係 汜 水關 , 斬 卞 喜 ; |is|Si||behead|Bian|Xi After passing the third level, at Si Shui Pass, I beheaded Bian Xi; 過 第四 關 , 滎陽 城 , 斬 王植 ; pass|fourth|level|Xingyang|city|behead|Wang Zhi After passing the fourth level, at Xingyang City, I beheaded Wang Zhi; 過 第五 關 , 黃河 渡口 關隘 , 斬 秦琪 。 pass|fifth|level|Yellow River|crossing|pass|behead|Qin Qi After passing the fifth level, at the Yellow River crossing, I beheaded Qin Qi. 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 。 this|has||particle This, there is poetry to prove it. 掛印 封金 辭漢相 , 尋兄 遙望 遠途 還 。 hanging seal|sealing gold|||gazing far|long journey|returning Hanging the seal and sealing the gold to bid farewell to the Han Prime Minister, seeking my brother while gazing far on the distant road. 馬 騎 赤兔 行 千里 , 刀 偃 青龍 出 五關 。 horse|rides|Red Hare|travels|a thousand miles|sword|Yan|Green Dragon|exits|five passes Riding the red hare, traveling a thousand miles, the knife of the green dragon emerges from the five passes. 忠義 慨然 沖 宇宙 , 英雄 從此 震 江山 。 loyalty and righteousness|with great enthusiasm|surge|universe|hero|from then on|shake|country Loyalty and righteousness surge through the universe, heroes from now on shake the mountains and rivers. 獨行 斬將 應 無敵 , 今古 留題 翰墨 間 。 walking alone|defeating generals|should|invincible|past and present|leaving a title|writing|between Walking alone to slay generals should be invincible, leaving a mark in the ink of ancient and modern times. 過 咗 黃河 , 關公 佢 哋 繼續 向 北行 啦 。 cross|past tense marker|Yellow River|Guan Gong|they|plural marker|continue|towards|north|sentence-final particle After crossing the Yellow River, Guan Gong and his companions continued to head north. 關公 佢 諗 : 唉 ! 我 都 唔 係 想 沿路 殺人 嘅 , 都 係 逼不得已 嘅 唧 。 Guan Gong|he|thought|sigh|I|also|not|am|want|along the way|kill|particle indicating past action|also|am|left with no choice|particle indicating past action|sound of regret Guan Gong thought: Sigh! I don't really want to kill people along the way, it's just that I have no choice. 曹丞相 知道 , 必定 以為 我 係 個 忘恩負義 嘅 人 咯 。 Prime Minister Cao|knows|definitely|thinks|I|am|a|ungrateful|possessive particle|person|sentence-final particle Prime Minister Cao must think that I am an ungrateful person. 呢 一日 , 行行 下 , 只見 有 個人 騎住 馬 由 北方 嗰 便 過 緊 嚟 。 this|one day|walk|down|only saw|there is|a person|riding|horse|from|north|that|then|pass|continuous|coming One day, while walking, they saw a person riding a horse coming from the north. 係 邊個 呢 ? 原來 係 孫乾 。 哎呀 ! 大家 都 好 高興 喇 。 Who is it? It turned out to be Sun Qian. Oh! Everyone is very happy. 關公 問 佢 : 自從 汝南 分別 之後 , 有 乜嘢 消息 啊 ? Guan Gong|asked|him|since|Runan|parting|after|have|what|news|particle Guan Gong asked him: Since the separation in Runan, what news do you have? 孫乾話 嘞 : 自從 關將軍 你 返 咗 許都 , 劉辟 同 龔都 又 再次 奪返 汝南 。 Sun Qian said|past tense marker|since|General Guan|you|returned|past tense marker|Xu Du|Liu Bi|and|Gong Du|again|once again|recaptured|Runan Sun Qian replied: Since General Guan returned to Xudu, Liu Biao and Gong Du have once again taken back Runan. 跟 住 又 派 我 去 河北 , 結好 袁紹 , 請 玄德 一齊 嚟 商量 攻打 曹操 嘅 計策 。 ||again|send|I|go|Hebei|ally|Yuan Shao|invite|Xuande|together|come|discuss|attacking|Cao Cao|possessive particle|strategy Then they sent me to Hebei to negotiate with Yuan Shao and invite Xuande to discuss strategies to attack Cao Cao. 點 知道 河北 嗰 班 將官 , 都 係 互相 妒忌 嘅 。 how|to know|Hebei|that|group|officers|all|are|mutually|jealous|particle indicating possession or description Little did I know that the officials in Hebei were all jealous of each other. 田豐 一直 都 仲 韞 喺 監 嚟 ; Tin Fung|always|also|still|hidden|at|prison|come Tian Feng is still locked up in prison. 沮授 被 革退 咗 , 冇 用到 佢 咯 ; dejected|passive marker|dismissed|past tense marker|not|utilized|he|sentence-final particle Zhu Shao has been dismissed, so he is of no use now; 審配 同 郭圖 又 各自 爭權 ; Shen Pei|and|Guo Tu|again|each|vying for power Shen Pei and Guo Tu are each vying for power; 袁紹 嘅 為 人 唉 非常 多疑 㗎 , 樣樣 都 主持 不定 。 Yuan Shao|possessive particle|to be|person|sigh|very|suspicious|sentence-final particle|everything|all|to hold|uncertain Yuan Shao is very suspicious by nature, and he is indecisive about everything. 因此 呢 , 我 就 同 劉皇叔 商量 , 先求 個 脫身 之計 啦 。 therefore|particle indicating a question|I|then|with|Liu the Emperor's uncle|discuss||measure word|escape||particle indicating suggestion Therefore, I discussed with Liu Huangshu to first seek a way to escape. 而家 , 皇叔 已經 去 咗 汝南 同 劉辟 會合 㗎 喇 。 now|uncle|already|go|past tense marker|a place|with|Liu Pi|meet|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Now, Huangshu has already gone to Runan to meet Liu Bi. 皇叔 啊 怕 將軍 你 唔 知道 呢 啲 事 , 去 咗 袁紹 嗰 處 ,摱 下手 畀 佢 害 咗 都 有 份 啊 。 uncle|ah|afraid|general|you|not|know|this|plural marker|matters|go|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|that|place|shake|hands|by|him|harm|past tense marker|also|have|share|ah Your Highness, General, you may not know about this matter. If you go to Yuan Shao's place and shake hands with him, you might get harmed too. 所以 特登派 我 沿路 咁 嚟 撞 你 , 哎 , 好 彩 喺 呢 度 見到 面 啊 。 so|specially sent|I|along the way|so|come|bump into|you|ah|||at|this|place|see|face|ah So I was specially sent to bump into you along the way. Ah, luckily I met you here. 關將軍 , 你 快 啲 去 汝南 同 皇叔 相會 啦 ! General Kwan|you|||go|Runan|with|Prince Huang|meet|sentence-final particle General Guan, you should hurry to meet Your Highness in Runan! 關公 就 帶 孫乾去 拜見 兩位 夫人 。 Guan Gong|then|took||pay respects to|two|ladies Guan Gong took Sun Qian to pay respects to the two ladies. 夫人 就 問及 劉玄德 嘅 近況 。 the lady|then|asked about|Liu Xuande|possessive particle|recent situation The ladies asked about Liu Xuande's recent situation. 孫乾話 嘞 : 袁紹 呀 , 有 兩次 想 殺 咗 皇叔 㗎 喇 。 Sun Qian said|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|sentence-final particle|has|two times|wanted|to kill|past tense marker|Uncle Huang|sentence-final particle|past tense marker Sun Qian said: Yuan Shao, there were two times he wanted to kill the Emperor's uncle. 而家 好彩 走 甩 身去 咗 汝南 , 夫人 你 快 啲 同雲長 去 啦 。 now|fortunately|leave|escape|body to|past tense marker|a place name|madam|you|quickly|comparative particle||go|sentence final particle Fortunately, he has escaped to Runan now, Madam, you should hurry and go with Yun Chang. 兩位 夫人 聽 咗 真 係 又 高興 時 又 傷心 , 都 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 。 two|ladies|heard|past tense marker|really|is|both|happy|time|also|sad|all|cover|continuous aspect marker|measure word for flat objects||rise|up|come The two ladies, upon hearing this, were both happy and sad, and they covered their faces and started crying. 關公 得到 孫乾 呢 個 確切 消息 , 就 唔 去 河北 嘞 , 屈返 轉頭 去 汝南 嘞 喎 。 Guan Gong|received|Sun Qian|this|measure word|accurate|news|then|not|go|Hebei|past action particle|turn back|immediately|go|Runan|past action particle|sentence-final particle When Guan Gong received this exact news from Sun Qian, he decided not to go to Hebei and turned back to Runan. 呢 一日 , 行行 下 , 背後 塵頭 起處 呀 , 一彪 人馬 飛快 噉 追過 嚟 。 this|one day|walking|down|behind|dust|rising place|particle|a group of|people and horses|very fast|like this|chased past|here On this day, while walking, a cloud of dust rose behind them, and a group of horsemen quickly chased after them. 夏侯惇 一馬當先 , 大 嗌 話 : 關某 你 咪 走 啊 ! Xiahou Dun|leading the charge|||saying|Guan someone|you|don't|run|particle Xiahou Dun took the lead and shouted: "Guan, don't run away!" 關公 即刻 叫 孫乾保 護住 車輛 行先 。 Guan Gong|immediately|call|Sun Qianbao|protect|vehicle|go first Guan Gong immediately ordered Sun Qian to protect the vehicle and move ahead. 佢 自己 就 勒馬 按刀 , 回過 頭 嚟 等 住 追兵 。 He|himself|then|reined in his horse|drew his sword|||to|||pursuing soldiers He himself reined in his horse and drew his sword, turning around to wait for the pursuers. 夏侯惇 追到 嚟 , 關公 就 話 : Xiahou Dun|caught up|here|Guan Gong|then|said When Xiahou Dun caught up, Guan Gong said: 夏侯 將軍 , 你 噉 樣 嚟 追 我 , 豈 唔 係 有失 丞相 寬大 嘅 度量 ? Xiahou|General|you|like this|manner|come|chase|me|how|not|is|losing|Prime Minister|magnanimous|possessive particle|tolerance "General Xiahou, is it not a loss of the Prime Minister's magnanimity for you to chase me like this?" 哼 ! 丞相 並 冇 明文 通報 話 要 放 你 走 。 hum|Prime Minister|and|not|written|notification|saying|wants|let|you|go Hmph! The Prime Minister has not formally announced that you are to be released. 而 你 竟然 沿路 殺人 , 斬 咗 我 部下 將官 , 無禮 到極 ! and|you|actually|along the way|kill people|killed|past tense marker|my|subordinate|officer|rude|to the extreme And you actually killed people along the way, beheading my subordinate officer, how rude! 我 要將 你 生擒活捉 , 獻 畀 丞相 處理 , 看槍 ! I||you|alive|to present|to|prime minister|deal with|watch out for the gun I want to capture you alive and present you to the Prime Minister for handling, look out! 夏侯惇 一 講完 , 拍 馬挺槍 就要 同 關公 打 過 。 Xiahou Dun|one|finished speaking|pat||then must|together|Guan Yu|| As soon as Xiahou Dun finished speaking, he drew his spear and was about to fight Guan Gong. 呢 個 時候 , 只見 後 便 有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 大 嗌 話 : 唔 好 同 雲長交 戰 ! this|measure word|time|suddenly|later|then|there is|a person|flying horse|come|to|loudly|shout|saying|not|good|with||battle At that moment, a person was seen riding a horse from behind, shouting: Don't fight with Yun Chang! 關公 勒緊 馬 韁 唔 逳, 呢 個 使者 攞 出 一件 公文 對 夏侯惇 話 : 丞相 好 敬愛 關將軍 嘅 忠義 , 恐怕 路上 嘅 關隘 攔截 , 故此 , 特意 派 我 帶 住 公文 一路 通知 放行 啊 。 Guan Gong|tightened|horse|reins|not|escape|this|measure word|messenger|took|out|a|official document|to|Xiahou Dun|said|Prime Minister|very|respectful|General Guan|possessive particle|loyalty and righteousness|afraid that|on the road|possessive particle|pass|interception|therefore|specially|sent|I||particle indicating continuous action|official document|all the way|notify|release|particle indicating exclamation Guan Gong tightened the reins of his horse and did not let go. This messenger took out a document and said to Xiahou Dun: 'The Prime Minister greatly respects General Guan's loyalty and righteousness. I fear that the checkpoints on the road may intercept him, so I was specially sent to bring this document to notify them to let him pass.' 夏侯惇 就 話 嘞 : 關某 沿路 殺死 守關 將士 , 丞相 知道 唔 知 呀 ? Xiahou Dun|then|said|past tense marker|Guan certain|along the way|killed|guarding the|soldiers|Prime Minister|knows|not|know|question particle Xiahou Dun replied: 'Does Guan know that he has killed the guards along the way? Does the Prime Minister know or not?' 噉 啊 未知 呀 。 then|ah|unknown|particle Well, I don't know. 噉 我 就 活捉 佢 去 見 丞相 , 等 丞相 自己 放 佢 啦 。 then|I|will|capture alive|him|to|see|Prime Minister|let|Prime Minister|himself|release|him|particle indicating suggestion or finality Then I will capture him alive to see the Prime Minister, so that the Prime Minister can decide to let him go himself. 關公 發火 嘞 , 唔 通 我 怕 你 咩 ? Guan Gong|get angry|past tense marker|||I|afraid|you|question particle Guan Gong got angry and said, 'Am I afraid of you?' 關公 拍 馬舞刀 , 直取 夏侯惇 , 夏侯惇 就 挺 槍 上前 迎戰 。 Guan Gong|slapped||directly attacked|Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Dun|then|raised|spear|stepped forward|to engage in battle Guan Gong strikes with his horse and dances with his knife, directly targeting Xiahou Dun, who steps forward with his spear to engage in battle. 兩個 人 打 咗 唔 到 十個 回合 , 又 有 個 使者 飛馬 嚟 到 大聲 高叫 : 兩位 將軍 停手 嘩 ! two|people|fight|past tense marker|not|reach|ten|rounds|again|have|a|messenger|flying horse|come|to|loudly|shout|both|generals|stop|wow The two fought for less than ten rounds when a messenger on horseback arrived, shouting loudly: 'Generals, stop!' 夏侯惇 就 停 咗 支槍 問個 使者 話 : 係 唔 係 丞相 叫 我 捉關 某 啊 ? Xiahou Dun|then|||his spear||messenger|said|is|||Prime Minister|ordered|me||someone|question particle Xiahou Dun stopped his spear and asked the messenger: 'Is it the Chancellor who ordered me to capture Guan?'. 唔 係 呀 唔 係 呀 ! 丞相 怕 守 關 嘅 將官 攔阻 關將軍 , 故此 又 派 我 帶 住 公文 嚟 通知 放行 唧 。 ||particle|||particle|Prime Minister|afraid|||possessive particle|military officer|obstruct|General Kwan|therefore|again|sent|I|||official document|come|notify|release|sound particle 'No, no! The Chancellor is afraid that the officers guarding the pass will obstruct General Guan, so he sent me with a document to notify you to let him pass.' 丞相 知 唔 知關 某 沿路 殺人 吖 ? Prime Minister|know|not|aware of|certain|along the way|murder|question particle Does the Chancellor know that Guan has been killing people along the way? 未知 呀 。 unknown|particle Unknown. 既然 丞相 未知 佢 殺人 , 唔 好 放 佢 走 ! since|Prime Minister|doesn't know|he|murder|||let|him|go Since the Prime Minister does not know that he killed someone, do not let him go! 於是 夏侯惇 就 指揮 手下 嘅 軍 兵 , 將 關公 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 圍住 。 then|Xiahou Dun|then|commanded|subordinates|possessive particle|army|soldiers|to surround|Guan Gong|trick||||surrounded So, Xiahou Dun commanded his soldiers to surround Guan Gong. 關公 真 係 怒火沖天 呀 , 佢 舞起 大刀 又 要 嚟 打過 。 Guan Gong|really|is|furious|particle|he|brandishes|broadsword|again|wants|to|fight again Guan Gong was really furious, he brandished his big knife and was ready to fight. 兩個 人 正話 要 交鋒 , 陣後有 個人 飛馬 嚟 到 , 高聲 大叫 : 兩位 將軍 唔 好 打 喇 ! two|people|were talking|about|fighting||a person|flying horse|||loudly|shouted|both|generals|||fight|particle indicating completed action Just as the two were about to clash, someone rode in on a horse from behind and shouted loudly: "Generals, don't fight!" 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 張 遼 嚟 到 。 everyone|at a glance|originally|is|Zhang|Liao|| Everyone took a look, and it turned out to be Zhang Liao. 噉 兩個 人 都 停 咗 手 勒住 馬 。 then|two|people|both|stopped|past tense marker|hands|pulled|horse So both of them stopped and held the horse. 張 遼 行前 嚟 話 : Zhang|Liao|before moving|coming|said Zhang Liao came forward and said: 奉 丞相 鈞 旨 , 因為 聽 聞雲長 斬關 殺將 , 怕 佢 喺 路上 有 阻滯 , 特意 派 我 追住 嚟 命令 各處 關隘 一律 放行 ! in accordance with|Prime Minister|your|decree|because|heard||||afraid|he|at|on the road|has|delays|specifically|sent|me|to catch up|here|ordered|all places|checkpoints|uniformly|to allow passage "By the order of the Prime Minister, because I heard that Yun Chang has been cutting through the passes and killing generals, fearing that he might encounter obstacles on the way, I was specially sent to follow and order all the passes to let him through!" 夏侯惇 就 話 : 秦琪 係 蔡 陽 嘅 外甥 , 佢 將 秦 琪 托付 畀 我 , 而家 竟然 畀 關某 殺死 , 蔡將軍 點肯 罷休 啊 ? Xiahou Dun|then|said|Qin Qi|is|||possessive particle|nephew|he|to|||entrusted|to|me|now|unexpectedly|to|a certain Guan|killed|General Cai|how could|let it go|ah Xiahou Dun then said: "Qin Qi is Cai Yang's nephew. He entrusted Qin Qi to me, and now he has been killed by Guan. How can General Cai let this go?" 張遼話 : 蔡將軍 嗰 處 我會 去 同 佢 講 。 |General Cai|that|place||go|with|him|talk Zhang Liao said: General Cai, I will go and talk to him there. 既然 丞相 寬容 大度 , 叫 放雲長 走 咯 , 噉 各位 就 唔 好 違反 丞相 嘅 心意 嘞 。 since|Prime Minister|tolerant|magnanimous|to let|Fang Yunchang|leave|particle indicating completion|then|everyone|then|||violate|Prime Minister|possessive particle|intention|particle indicating past action Since the Prime Minister is generous and magnanimous, let Guan Yu go, so everyone should not go against the Prime Minister's wishes. 夏侯惇 就 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 叫 啲 兵馬 後退 。 Xiahou Dun|then|has no|way|sentence-final particle|only|order|some|soldiers and horses|retreat Xiahou Dun had no choice but to order the troops to retreat. 張遼話 : 雲長 而家 要 去 邊處 呀 ? |Yun Chang|now|wants|to go|where|question particle Zhang Liao asked: Where is Guan Yu going now? 聽講 兄長 又 唔 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 , 我而家 準備 行遍 天下 去 搵 佢 。 I heard|elder brother|again|not|at|Yuan Shao|that|place||prepare|travel all over|the world|to|find|him I heard that my brother is not with Yuan Shao, so I am now preparing to travel the world to find him. 既然 未知 玄 德 嘅 下落 , 不如 一齊 返去 見 丞相 先 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? since|unknown|||possessive particle|whereabouts|might as well|together|return|see|Prime Minister|first|particle indicating suggestion||||question particle Since we do not know the whereabouts of Xuan De, why don't we go back to see the Prime Minister first, okay? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 點 能夠 噉 樣講 呢 ? hahaha||how|can|like that||question particle Hahahaha, how can you say that? 請 你 返 去 見 丞相 嘅 時候 , 為 我 謝罪 ! 小弟 告辭 ! please|you|return|to|see|Prime Minister|possessive particle|time|for|me|apologize|younger brother|take my leave Please apologize for me when you go back to see the Prime Minister! I take my leave! 講完 對張 遼 拱 一 拱手 行個禮 , 就 縱馬 跑 咗 去 。 finished speaking||Liao|cupped|one|cupped hands|paid respects|then|galloped|ran|past tense marker|away After saying this, he cupped his hands in salute to Zhang Liao and then galloped away. 張遼同 夏侯惇 亦 帶兵 返扯 , 呢 啲 就 不在話下 喇 。 |Xiahou Dun|also|lead troops|return to fight|this|plural marker|then|not worth mentioning|sentence-final particle Zhang Liao and Xiahou Dun also led their troops back, and that is not worth mentioning. 關公 追返 上 架車 , 就將 先頭 啲 事講 畀 孫乾 聽 , 噉 孫乾 就 放晒心 啦 。 Guan Gong|chase back|on|the car||first|plural marker||to|Sun Qian|hear|so|Sun Qian|then|relieved|particle Guan Gong chased after the cart and told Sun Qian about the situation at the front, which made Sun Qian feel relieved. 佢 哋 行 咗 好幾日 , 呢 一日 , 忽然間 大雨滂沱 , 淋到 啲 行李 呀 冚𠾴唥 濕 晒 。 They|plural marker|walk|past tense marker|several days|this||suddenly|heavy rain|drenched|plural marker|luggage|sentence-final particle|umbrella|wet|completely They had been traveling for several days, and one day, suddenly a heavy rain poured down, soaking all their luggage. 唉 , 好彩 , 遠遠 就 望見 嗰 便 山崗 旁邊 有座 莊院 。 sigh|fortunately|from afar|then|saw|that|soon|hill|next to|there is a|manor Alas, fortunately, they saw a manor beside a hill in the distance. 關公 就 帶 住 大家 走 去 嗰 度 投宿 嘞 。 Guan Gong|then|lead|with|everyone|walk|go|that|place|stay|past tense particle Guan Gong led everyone to that place to find lodging. 去 到 叫門 , 有個 伯父 行出 嚟 。 go|arrive|knock on the door||uncle||come When they arrived and knocked on the door, an elderly man came out. 關公 就 說明 來意 話 要 借宿 噉 。 Guan Gong|then|explained|purpose of coming|said|wanted|to stay overnight|like that Guan Gong explained his intention and said he wanted to borrow a place to stay. 個 伯父 好 高興 啊 , 佢 話 : the|uncle|very|happy|particle|he|said The uncle was very happy and said, 我姓 郭 , 叫做 郭常 , 幾代 都 喺 處 住 㗎 喇 。 |Kwok|called||several generations|all|at|Chue|live|particle|particle "My surname is Guo, and my name is Guo Chang. I have lived here for several generations." 關將軍 嘅 大名 , 耳聞 好 耐 喇 ! 哈哈 , 今日 有幸 得以 相見 喇 , 請入 嚟 請入 嚟 ! General Kwan|possessive particle|great name|heard|very|long|particle indicating completed action|haha|today|fortunate|able to|meet|particle indicating completed action|please come in|in|please come in|in "I have heard of General Guan's great name for a long time! Haha, today I am fortunate to meet you, please come in, please come in!" 噉 啊 請 咗 大家 入去 ,劏 羊 擺酒 嚟 款待 佢 哋 。 then|ah|please|past tense marker|everyone|go in|butcher|sheep||come|entertain|he|they So he invited everyone in, slaughtered a sheep, and prepared a feast to entertain them. 噉 啊 請 兩位 夫人 啊 喺 後堂 休息 。 then|particle|please|two|ladies|particle|at|back hall|rest So, please let the two ladies rest in the back hall. 郭常 呢 就 陪 關公 、 孫 乾 喺 草堂 飲酒 。 Guo Chang|this|then|accompany|Guan Gong|||at|grass hall|drink wine Guo Chang accompanied Guan Gong and Sun Qian to drink in the thatched cottage. 關公 就 吩咐 啲 隨行人員 , 一便 焙乾 啲 行李 , 一便 去 餵 啲 馬匹 。 Guan Gong|then|instructed|plural marker|entourage|at the same time|dry|plural marker|luggage|at the same time|to go|feed|plural marker|horses Guan Gong instructed the attendants to dry the luggage and to feed the horses. 到 咗 黃昏 嘅 時候 , 見到 有個 後生 哥 , 帶住 幾個 人添 一直 嚟 到 草堂 。 arrive|past tense marker|dusk|possessive particle|time|saw||young|brother|bringing|several||continuously|come|arrive|grass hall By dusk, a young man was seen bringing a few people to the thatched cottage. 郭常話 嘞 : 啊 , 乖仔 , 快 啲 過 嚟 拜見 將軍 。 Guo Chang said|past tense particle|ah|good boy|||||greet|general Guo Chang said: Ah, good boy, quickly come over to greet the general. 誒 關將軍 , 佢 就 係 我 嘅 小兒 呀 , 誒 啱 啱 打 完獵 返 嚟 。 hey|General Kwan|he|just|is|my|possessive particle|youngest son|sentence-final particle||||||return|come Hey, General Guan, he is my youngest son, just came back from hunting. 嗰 個 後生 哥 拜見 過 關公 , 就行 咗 出去 。 that|measure word|young|man|to meet|past tense marker|Guan Gong||past tense marker|outside That young man has paid his respects to Guan Gong, and then he left. 郭常 忽然間 流 起 眼淚 嚟 佢 對 關公 話 : 唉 , 老夫 世代 耕田 讀書 , 就 係 得 呢 一粒 仔咯 。 Guo Chang|suddenly|flow|up|tears|come|he|to|Guan Gong|said|sigh|old man|generations|farming|studying|only|is|have|this|one|child Guo Chang suddenly burst into tears and said to Guan Gong: "Alas, I have been farming and studying for generations, and this is my only child." 之 佢 呀 不務正業 , 淨 係 鍾 意 打獵 , 唉 ! 真 係 家門不幸 啊 ! possessive particle|he|sentence-final particle|not focused on proper work|only|is|||hunting|sigh|||family misfortune|exclamatory particle But he is not diligent, only loves to hunt, alas! Truly a misfortune for the family! 關公 話 : 而家 正 係 亂世 嘅 時候 , 如果 練出 一身 好 武藝 , 亦 可以 取得 功名 吖 。 Guan Gong|said|now|just|is|chaotic world|possessive particle|time|if|trained to achieve|a body|good|martial arts|also|can|achieve|fame and success|sentence-final particle Guan Gong said: "Now is indeed a time of chaos, if you cultivate good martial skills, you can also achieve fame." 點解 老伯 話 係 不幸 呢 ? why|old man|said|is|unfortunate|question particle Why did the old man say it is unfortunate? 唉 , 關將軍 , 你 唔 知 㗎 喇 。 sigh|General Kwan|you|not|know||past action particle Sigh, General Kwan, you don't know. 佢 如果 肯 正正經經 學武 藝 , 噉 我 就 話 佢 有志氣 啦 。 he|if|is willing|seriously|study martial arts|art|then|I|will|say|he|has ambition|particle If he were willing to seriously learn martial arts, then I would say he has ambition. 佢 唔 係 㗎 , 佢 就 係 鍾 意 遊 遊蕩 蕩 無 所 不 為 , 唉 ! 老夫 噉 先至 憂心 啫 。 he|not|is|question particle|he|just|is|||to play|to wander||no|place|not|to do|sigh|I (old man)|like this|only then|worried|only But he doesn't; he just likes to wander around aimlessly, sigh! That's what worries me. 關公 聽 咗 亦 都 好 戥 佢 難過 。 Guan Gong|heard|past tense marker|||very|to blame|him|sad General Kwan also felt very sorry for him after hearing this. 噉 佢 哋 一直 傾到 好夜 , 郭常先 至 講聲 早 唞 就 告辭 返去 房 瞓 。 then|they|plural marker|continuously|talked until||Guo Changxian|only|said|early|rest|then|took his leave|returned to|room|sleep So they kept talking until very late, and only when Guo Chang spoke up to say it was time to rest did he take his leave to go back to his room to sleep. 關公 同孫乾 呢 正話 想 休息 , 忽然間 聽聞 後院 啲 馬 又 叫 時人 又 嘈 喎 。 Guan Gong||question particle|seriously|wants|to rest|suddenly|heard|backyard|plural marker|horses|again|neighing|people at the time|again|noisy|sentence-final particle Guan Gong and Sun Qian were just saying they wanted to rest when suddenly they heard the horses in the backyard making noise. 關公 嗌 啲 隨行人員 , 哈 冇 個 喺 處 , 就 即刻 同埋 孫乾 各人 都 揸 住 把 劍 出去 睇 下 咩 事 啦 。 Guan Gong|shout|particle indicating plural|entourage|ah|not have|particle indicating a specific person|at|place|then|immediately|and|Sun Qian|everyone|all|draw|holding|measure word for swords|sword|go out|see|down|what|matter|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Guan Gong called his attendants, and since there was no one around, he and Sun Qian immediately drew their swords to go see what was happening. 誒 呀 , 只見 郭常個 仔 呀 , 碌 喺 地下 嚟 就 嗌 到 呀呀 聲 。 hey|particle|only saw||child|particle|roll|at|ground|come|then|shout|to|baby talk|sound Oh no, they saw Guo Chang's son rolling on the ground and crying out. 自己 啲 隨行人員 呢 正 喺 度 同 嗰 啲 莊客 打緊 喎 。 myself|plural marker|accompanying staff|question particle|currently|at|location particle|with|that|plural marker|customers|negotiating|sentence-final particle His attendants were currently fighting with those guests. 關公 就 喝 啲 人 : 停手 , 唔 好 打 ! 問 究竟 係 咩 事 。 Guan Gong|then|scolded|the|people|stop|||hit|asked|exactly|is|what|matter Guan Gong shouted at the people: Stop, don't fight! Ask what exactly is going on. 隨行人員 就 話 嘞 : 啟 稟 將軍 個 後 生仔 嚟 偷 赤兔馬 , 畀 隻 馬 踢 低 咗 。 escort|then|said|past tense marker|Qi|report|general|measure word|later|son|come|steal|Red Hare horse|by|measure word|horse|kick|down|past tense marker The accompanying personnel said: Reporting to the general, that young man came to steal the Red Hare horse and got kicked down by the horse. 我 哋 聽見 有人 嗌 就 起身 出 嚟 巡下 啦 , 呢 班 莊客 仲走 嚟 打 我 哋 添 啊 。 I|we|heard|someone|shout|then|got up|out|come|check|particle|this|group|gangsters||come|hit|us|we|also|particle We heard someone shouting and got up to patrol, and these villagers even came to hit us. 關公 發火 嘞 : 你 個 鼠 賊 ! 竟然 膽敢 嚟 偷 我 嘅 馬 ! Guan Gong|got angry|past tense marker|you|measure word|||unexpectedly|dare|come|steal|my|possessive particle|horse Guan Gong got angry: You little thief! How dare you come to steal my horse! 關公 正話 想 發作 , 郭常 就褸 住件 衫 , 喇喇聲 趕到 嚟 𠼮 關公 話 : Guan Gong|seriously|wanted|to act out|Guo Chang||the|shirt|hurriedly|rushed|here|to|Guan Gong|said Just as Guan Gong was about to explode, Guo Chang rushed over and said loudly to Guan Gong: 將軍 啊 將軍 , 唉 , 我 呢 個 衰仔 唔 學好 , 做 埋 啲 噉 嘅 壞事 , 確係 罪該萬死 咯 。 General|ah||sigh|I|this|measure word|bad boy|not|study well|do|also|some|like that|possessive particle|bad things|definitely|deserves to die a thousand deaths|sentence-final particle General, oh General, sigh, my bad son is not learning well, doing such bad things, he really deserves to die a thousand deaths. 無奈 我 老妻 就 最錫 呢 個 衰仔 嘅 , 誒 請 將軍 你 寬大 為懷 , 饒恕 佢 呢 一趟 啦 。 helpless|I|wife|just|loves the most|this|measure word for people|naughty boy|possessive particle|hey|please|general|you|lenient|in your heart|forgive|he|this|one time|sentence-final particle Unfortunately, my old wife loves this bad son the most, so please General, be magnanimous and forgive him this once. 呢 個 後 生仔 果然 係 唔 學好 ! 剛剛 老伯 所講 嘅 , 真 係 知子莫若父 啊 ! this|measure word|||as expected|is|not|study well|just now|old man||possessive particle|really|is|no one knows a son better than his father|particle indicating exclamation This young man really is not learning well! What the old man just said is true, no one knows a son better than a father! 我 睇 在 老伯 嘅 份 上 , 姑且 饒恕 佢 啦 ! I|see|at|grandfather|possessive particle|share|on|for the time being|forgive|him|sentence-final particle Considering the old man's feelings, I will temporarily forgive him! 於是 關公 啊 吩咐 啲 隨行人員 看好 馬匹 , 喝散 啲 莊客 , 就 同 孫乾返 去 草堂 瞓覺 休息 嘞 。 then|Guan Gong|ah|instructed|particle indicating plural|entourage|take care of|horses|disperse|particle indicating plural|patrons|then|with||to|straw hut|sleep|rest|past tense particle So, General Guan instructed his attendants to take good care of the horses, disperse the guests, and then returned to the cottage with Sun Qian to sleep and rest. 第 日 , 郭常 兩 夫妻 走 嚟 向 關公 賠禮 請罪 。 the|day|Guo Chang|two|husband and wife|walked|here|towards|Guan Gong|apologize|ask for forgiveness On that day, Guo Chang and his wife came to apologize to Guan Gong. 唉 尋晚 , 我 犬子 冒犯 虎威 , 好 感激 將軍 你 開恩 寬恕 佢 呀 ! sigh|last night|I|son|offended|the might of the tiger|very|grateful|general|you|show mercy|forgive|him|sentence-final particle Sigh, last night, my son offended the tiger's might, I really appreciate you, General, for your mercy in forgiving him! 老伯 , 你 叫 佢 出 嚟 , 等 我 教 下 佢 啦 。 old man|you|call|he|out|come|wait|I|teach|a little|he|particle indicating suggestion or request Old man, you call him out, let me teach him a lesson. 唉 , 嗰 個 衰仔 , 今朝 四 更 時分 , 又 帶 埋 幾個 無賴 之徒 唔 知 走 咗 去 邊處 咯 。 sigh|that|classifier for people|bad kid|this morning|||time|again|brought|along|a few|rascals|group|not|know|run|past tense marker|go|where|sentence-final particle Sigh, that naughty boy, this morning around the fourth watch, brought along a few rascals and I don't know where they went. 噉 食 完 早飯 , 關公 就 多謝 過郭常 , 請 兩位 嫂嫂 上 咗 車 , 出 咗 莊院 , 同孫乾 一 拍 咁 騎 住 馬 , 護衛 住 車輛 啊 跟 住 山路 向前 行 嘞 。 then|||breakfast|Guan Gong|then|thanked|Guo Chang|invited|two|sisters-in-law|||vehicle|||courtyard||one|clap|so||to||||vehicle|ah|||mountain road|forward|walked|past tense particle After finishing breakfast, Guan Gong thanked Guo Chang, invited the two sisters-in-law onto the carriage, left the courtyard, and rode alongside Sun Qian, guarding the vehicle as they proceeded along the mountain road. 行 咗 唔 到卅里 , 突然 間 , 砰 咁 一聲 鑼響 , 喺 山 背後 湧出 百幾人 。 walk|past tense marker|not||suddenly|moment|bang|like that|one sound|gong sound|at|mountain|behind|surged out|over a hundred people After walking for thirty miles, suddenly, with a loud bang, a gong sounded, and over a hundred people surged out from behind the mountain. 為首 兩個 騎住 馬 嘅 , 前 便 嗰 個 , 頭裹 黃巾 , 身穿 戰袍 ; 後 便 嗰 個 呢 , 嘿 ! 原來 就 係 郭常個 衰仔 。 leading|two|riding|horse|possessive particle|in front|then|that|classifier|head wrapped|yellow scarf|wearing|battle robe|behind|then|that|classifier|question particle|hey|originally|just|is||bad kid The first two were riding horses; the one in front had a yellow scarf wrapped around his head and was wearing battle armor; the one behind was, hey! It turned out to be Guo Chang's useless son. 嗰 個 黃巾 話 喇 : 嘿 ! 我 係 天公 將軍 張 角 嘅 部將 , 你 快 啲 留 低匹 赤兔馬 就 放 你 過去 啦 ! that|measure word|Yellow Turban|said|particle indicating completed action|hey|I|am|God of Heaven|general|||possessive particle|subordinate|you|quickly|particle indicating degree|||Red Hare horse|then|let|you|pass|particle indicating suggestion That yellow scarf guy said: Hey! I am the general of the Heavenly Duke, Zhang Jiao's subordinate. You better leave your red rabbit horse here, and I'll let you pass! 關公 哈哈大笑 呀 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 無知 狂賊 ! Guan Gong|laughing out loud|ah|hahaha||||ignorant|mad thief Guan Gong laughed heartily: Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, you ignorant bandit! 你 竟然 跟過 張角 ? 有 冇 聽 過劉 、 關 、 張三 兄弟 嘅 名 啊 ? you|actually|followed|Zhang Jiao|||||Guan|Zhang San|brothers|possessive particle|name|question particle You actually follow Zhang Jiao? Have you ever heard of the names of the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang? 我 只 係 聽 人 講過 話 紅面 長 鬚 嘅 叫做 關雲長 , 未見 過 佢 面 㗎 , 你 係 邊個 啊 ? I||are||||||||||||||||||who|exclamatory particle I only heard people say that the one with a red face and long beard is called Guan Yun Chang, but I have never seen him before. Who are you? 好 ! 我 畀 你 睇 下 ! good|I|give|you|see|later Alright! Let me show you! 於是 關公 勒住 馬 , 放好 刀 , 解開 個 鬚 囊 畀 啲 長 鬚 過 佢 睇 下 。 then|Guan Gong|reined in|horse|put away|sword|untied|the|beard|pouch|to|some|long|beard|to pass|him|see|down So, Guan Gong tightened the reins, put away his knife, and opened his beard pouch for the long beard to see. 哎呀 ! 嗰 個 黃巾 立即 滾鞍 落馬 , 一手 揦 住 郭常個 仔 嘅 頭髮 , 揪 佢 嚟 跪 喺 關公 面前 。 oh no|that|measure word|yellow turban|immediately|roll off|fall off horse|one hand||||son|possessive particle|hair|pulling|him|come|kneel|at|Guan Gong|in front of Oh no! That yellow turban immediately fell off his horse, grabbed Guo Chang's son's hair with one hand, and pulled him to kneel in front of Guan Gong. 關公 就 問 佢 嘅 姓名 , 嗰 個 黃巾 話 嘞 : 我姓 裴 , 名元紹 。 Guan Gong|then|asked|he|possessive particle|name|that|classifier|Yellow Turban|said|past tense marker||Pei| Guan Gong then asked him for his name, and the yellow turban said: My surname is Pei, and my name is Yuan Shao. 自從 張角 死 咗 之後 , 我 就 冇 咗 主 嘞 , 只有 上山 落草 , 一直 都 潛伏 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 since|Zhang Jiao|died|past tense marker|after|I|then|have not|past tense marker|master|sentence final particle|only|go up the mountain|become an outlaw|always|all|lurking|at|this|place|come Ever since Zhang Jiao died, I have lost my purpose, only going up the mountain and living in the wild, always lurking around here. 今朝 早 , 呢 個 傢伙 嚟 講我 聽 , 話 有 個 客人 騎住 一匹 千里馬 , 喺 我 屋企 過夜 呀 噉 。 this morning|early|this|measure word for people|guy|came|to me|to hear|said|there is|measure word for people|guest|riding|one|thoroughbred horse|at|my|home|stay overnight|particle|like that This morning, this guy came to tell me that a guest rode a steed and stayed overnight at my place. 噉 啊 專登 走 嚟 喽 我 一齊 搶 呢 匹馬 , 點知 呀 遇見 將軍 你 呀 。 like this|ah|specifically|run|come|particle indicating completed action|I|together|steal|this|horse|unexpectedly|ah|encountered|general|you|ah So I specifically came here to rob this horse together, but unexpectedly, I ran into you, General. 嘩 ! 呢 輪 就 郭常個 仔驚到 面青咯 , 以為 呢 趟實 冇 命 嘅 嘞 。 wow|this|round|then||||thought|this||not have|life|particle indicating past action|particle indicating completed action Wow! This time, Guo Chang's son was so scared that his face turned pale, thinking that this trip would really cost him his life. 但 係 關公 話 : 我 睇 在 你 父親 嘅 面子 , 放生 你 啦 ! ||Guan Gong|said|I|see|on|your|father|possessive particle|face|let go|you|sentence-final particle But Guan Gong said: I will spare you for the sake of your father! 誒 誒 誒 , 多 , 多謝 將軍 不殺 之恩 嘞 ! hey|||very|thank you|general|not killing|kindness|particle indicating completed action Eh eh eh, thank you very much, General, for not killing me! 郭常個 仔 執返 條命 就 抱頭鼠竄 走夾 冇 唞 咯 。 Guo Chang's|son|pick up|life|then|flee with his head down|run away|without|rest|particle indicating completed action Guo Chang's son took back his life and ran away in panic without stopping. 關公 又問 裴元紹 : 你 唔 認得 我 㗎 , 何以 知道 我個 名 呢 ? Guan Gong||Pei Yuanshao|you|not|recognize|me|question particle|how|know|my|name|question particle Guan Gong asked Pei Yuanshao: You don't recognize me, so how do you know my name? 關將軍 , 係 噉 嘅 , 離開 呢 度 二十幾 里 呀 有 座 臥牛山 。 General Kwan|is|like this|particle indicating description|leave|this|place|over twenty|miles|particle indicating exclamation|has|measure word for mountains|Mount Wo Niu General Guan, it's like this, twenty-something miles away from here, there is a mountain called Woniu Mountain. 山上 有 一個 關西 人 , 叫做 周倉 , 佢 兩隻手 嘩 , 有 成 千斤 氣力 啊 。 on the mountain|there is|a|Kansai|person|is called|Zhou Cang|he|both hands|wow|has|over|thousand pounds|strength|ah On the mountain, there is a man from the west named Zhou Cang, and he has the strength of thousands of pounds in both hands. 一面 攣攣 曲曲 嘅 鬍鬚 , 個樣 好 威 嘅 。 one side|curly|wavy|possessive particle|beard|appearance|very|intimidating|possessive particle A face with a twisted and curled beard, looking very imposing. 佢 呀 本來 喺 黃巾張 寶 部下 做 軍官 , 噉 張寶死 咗 之後 呢 , 就 上山 落草 。 he|particle indicating exclamation|originally|at|Zhang Jiao|Bao|subordinate|work as|military officer|then||past tense marker|after|particle indicating a question|then|go up the mountain|become a bandit He was originally an officer under Zhang Bao of the Yellow Turbans, and after Zhang Bao died, he went up the mountain to become a bandit. 就 係 佢 成日 同 我 講起 將軍 你 嘅 威名 , 所以 我 先至 知道 啫 , 就 係 一直 冇 門路 拜見 將軍 你 呀 。 He often talked about your reputation, General, so I only knew about it then; I just never had the opportunity to meet you, General. 綠林 唔 係 豪傑 棲身 嘅 地方 , 壯士 你 哋 今後 應該 改邪歸正 , 唔 好 自己 害 自己 喇 ! Green Forest|not|is|Hero|reside|possessive particle|place|brave man|you|plural marker|from now on|should|turn away from evil and return to righteousness|||oneself|harm|oneself|particle indicating completed action The Green Forest is not a place for heroes to reside; you brave men should change your ways and return to the right path, don't harm yourselves! 對於 關公 嘅 規勸 , 裴元紹 啊 非常 之 感謝 。 regarding|Guan Gong|possessive particle|admonition|Pei Yuanshao|ah|very|extremely|grateful Regarding Guan Gong's advice, Pei Yuanshao is very grateful. 正 喺 度 傾 傾下 , 遠遠 望見 一彪 人馬 嚟 緊 。 right|at|place|talking|chatting|from afar|saw|a group of|people and horses|coming|continuous action particle Just chatting here, I saw a group of people coming from a distance. 裴元紹 話 喇 : 實 係 周倉 嚟 喇 。 Pei Yuen-siu|said|particle indicating completed action|really|is|Chiu Cheung|come|particle indicating completed action Pei Yuanshao said: It's definitely Zhou Cang coming. 關公 就勒定 馬 喺 度 等 啦 。 Guan Gong|will definitely|horse|at|place|wait|particle Guan Gong is waiting on his horse. 冇 幾耐 , 果然 見到 有 個人 , 黑炭 噉 嘅 面色 , 身材高大 , 揸 住 支 長槍 , 騎住 馬 , 帶住 一班人 趕到 嚟 嘞 喎 。 not|long|as expected|saw|there is|a person|black|like that|possessive particle|complexion||||measure word for long objects|rifle|riding|horse|bringing|a group of people|rushing over|here|past action particle|sentence-final particle Before long, we indeed saw a person with a face as black as charcoal, tall in stature, holding a long spear, riding a horse, and leading a group of people rushing over. 佢 嚟 到 一 見到 關公 , 又驚又喜 : 啊 ! 係 關將軍 啊 ! he|||once|saw|Guan Gong||ah|is|General Guan|ah When he arrived and saw Guan Gong, he was both scared and happy: Ah! It's General Guan! 連忙 跳 落馬 , 跪 喺 路邊 行禮 : 周倉 參拜 將軍 ! hurriedly|jumped|off the horse|knelt|at|roadside|paid respects|Zhou Cang|worshipped|general Quickly jumped off the horse and knelt by the roadside to pay respects: General Zhou Cang, I pay my respects! 壯士 不必 多禮 , 請問 壯士 喺 邊 處 認得 我 嘅 呢 ? hero|no need to|be overly polite|may I ask|hero|at|where|place|recognize|I|possessive particle|question particle A warrior does not need to be overly polite, may I ask where the warrior recognizes me from? 哦 , 以前 跟隨 黃巾張 寶 嘅 時候 , 曾經 見過 將軍 。 oh|in the past|followed|Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban|Bao|possessive particle|when|once|saw|general Oh, I once followed Zhang Bao of the Yellow Turbans, and I have seen the general before. 就 係 嬲 自己 失身 於 賊黨 , 唔 能夠 追隨 關將軍 唧 。 ||angry|oneself|lost life|at|bandits|not|able to|follow|General Kwan|sound of disapproval It is just that I am angry with myself for losing my life to the bandits and unable to follow General Guan. 今日 , 天幸 能夠 拜見 , 請 將軍 唔 好 嫌棄 我 , 收留 我 做 個步 卒 , 同 將軍 你 執鞭 牽馬 , 我 死 亦 甘心 呀 ! today|fortunately|able to|meet|please|general|||disdain|me|take in|I|be||soldier|together|general|you|hold the reins|lead the horse|I|die|also|willing|particle Today, I am fortunate to meet you, please do not disdain me, take me in as a foot soldier, and I will hold the reins and lead the horse for you, I would be willing to die for it! 你 如果 跟 咗 我 , 噉 你 手下 啲 人點 呢 ? you|if|follow|past tense marker|me|then|you|subordinates|plural marker||question particle If you follow me, what about the people under you? 情願 跟 埋 嚟 嘅 就 一齊 嚟 , 唔 願 嘅 , 就 由 得 佢 哋 啦 。 would rather|||come|particle indicating possession|then|together|come|not|willing|particle indicating possession|then|||they|plural particle|particle indicating suggestion Those who are willing to follow can come along, those who are not can be left alone. 嗰 班 人 呀 個個 都 話 願意 跟 埋 周倉 嚟 喎 。 that|group|people|particle|everyone|all|said|willing|to follow|together|a person's name|to come|particle That group of people all said they are willing to follow Zhou Cang. 關公 見到 周 倉 佢 哋 咁 誠意 , 就 落 咗 馬 , 行去 架車 處 問下 兩位 嫂嫂 同意 唔 同意 嘞 。 Guan Gong|saw|Zhou|Cang|they|plural marker|so|sincerely|then|dismount|past tense marker|horse|walked to||place|ask|two|sisters-in-law|agree|not|agree|past tense marker When Guan Gong saw Zhou Cang and their sincerity, he got off his horse and went to ask the two sisters-in-law if they agreed. 甘夫人 話 : 二叔 , 你 自從 離開 許都 嚟 到 呢 度 , 一路 都 係 獨自 一個 人 啫 , 經歷 過 咁 多 艱難險阻 咯 , 都 未曾 話 過要 兵馬 跟隨 嘅 。 Mrs Kam|said|Uncle Two|you|since|left|Xu Du|come|to|this|place|all the way|all|are|alone|one|person|only|experienced|past|||hardships and obstacles|particle indicating realization|all|never|said||soldiers and horses|follow|particle indicating possession Lady Gan said: "Second Uncle, ever since you left Xu Du and came here, you have been alone all the way, experiencing so many hardships, and you have never mentioned wanting soldiers and horses to follow you." 前 嗰 次 廖 化 想 跟 你 , 二叔 你 都 推辭 唔 肯 收留 佢 咯 。 last|that|time|Liao|Hua|wanted|to follow|you|second uncle|you|also|refused|not|willing|to take in|him|particle indicating finality Last time, Liao Hua wanted to follow you, but you, Uncle, refused to take him in. 點解 而家 又 唯獨 是 要 收留 周倉 呢 一班人 呢 ? why|now|again|only|is|to|take in|Zhou Cang|question particle|group of people|question particle Why is it that now you only want to take in Zhou Chang and this group of people? 不過 , 呢 啲 都 係 我 哋 女流之輩 嘅 淺見 啫 , 二叔 你 斟酌 啦 。 but|||all|are|||women|possessive particle|shallow views|only|second uncle|you|consider|sentence-final particle However, these are just the shallow views of us women, Uncle, you should consider it. 阿嫂 講得 好 啱 呀 ! sister-in-law|speaks|very|right|sentence-final particle Sister-in-law is absolutely right! 於是 關公 就行 過去 對 周倉 話 : 唔 係 我關 某 寡情 , 唔 肯 收留 你 哋 , 皆 因 兩位 夫人 唔 同意 呀 。 then|Guan Gong||over there|to|Zhou Chang|said|not|is||certain|unkind|not|willing|to take in|you|plural marker|all|because|two|wives|not|agree|particle So Guan Gong walked over and said to Zhou Chang: It's not that I, Guan, am cold-hearted and unwilling to take you in, but both ladies do not agree. 你 哋 仲 係 返 上山 先 , 等 我 搵 到 兄長 之後 , 一定 嚟 叫 你 哋 去 ! ||||return|to the mountain|first|wait|I|||elder brother|after|definitely|come|call|||go You all go back to the mountain first. After I find my brother, I will definitely come to call you! 周倉 跪 喺 度 叩頭 話 喇 : 想 我 周倉 , 係 個 粗魯 嘅 人 , 失身 做 咗 賊 。 Zhou Cang|kneel|at|place|knock head (a gesture of respect)|said|particle indicating completed action|think|I|Zhou Cang|am|classifier|rude|possessive particle|person|lost his way|become|past tense marker|thief Zhou Cang knelt down and said: I, Zhou Cang, am a rough person who has lost my way and become a thief. 今日 能夠 遇見 將軍 , 就 好似 重見天日 , 我點 能夠 仲 錯過 呢 個 機會 呢 ? today|able to|meet|general|then|just like|seeing the light of day again||able to|still|miss|this|(measure word)|opportunity|this Today, being able to meet the general is like seeing the light of day again. How can I miss this opportunity? 如果 將軍 認為 咁 多 人 跟 住 唔 方便 咯 , 噉 可以 叫 佢 哋 全部 跟 裴元紹 去 。 if|the general|thinks|so|many|people|follow||||||||||||Pei Yuanshao|go If the general thinks it's inconvenient for so many people to follow, then he can ask them all to follow Pei Yuanshao. 我 周倉 , 單身 步行 , 跟隨 將軍 , 就算 行 一萬里 都 唔 緊要 。 I|Zhou Cang|single|walking|following|general|even if|walk|ten thousand miles|all|not|important I, Zhou Cang, will walk alone and follow the general. It doesn't matter if I have to walk ten thousand miles. 關公 又將 周倉 呢 番 說話 稟告 兩位 嫂嫂 。 Guan Gong||Zhou Cang|this|round|conversation|report|two|sisters-in-law Guan Gong then reported this conversation to the two sisters-in-law. 甘夫人 話 喇 : 如果 只 係 一兩個 人 跟 埋 嚟 , 噉 就 唔 礙事 嘅 。 Mrs Kam|said|particle indicating completed action|if|only|is|one or two|people|||come|then|then|not|troublesome|particle indicating possession or emphasis Lady Gan said: If it's just one or two people following along, then it won't be a problem. 兩位 夫人 同意 咗 咯 , 關公 就 叫 周倉 安排 佢 嗰 班 人 去 跟 裴元紹 。 the two|ladies|agreed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|Guan Gong|then|called|Zhou Cang|to arrange|he|that|group|people|to go|to follow|Pei Yuanshao The two ladies agreed, and Guan Gong asked Zhou Cang to arrange for his group to follow Pei Yuanshao. 裴元紹 話 : 我 都 要 跟 埋 關將軍 喇 ! Pei Yuen-siu|said|I|also|want|||General Kwan|particle indicating completed action Pei Yuanshao said: I also want to follow General Guan! 周倉 話 嘞 : 你 如果 走 埋 , 啲 人馬 實 散 嘅 。 Zhou Cang|said|past tense marker|you|if|leave|together|those|cavalry|really|disperse|particle indicating possession or modification Zhou Cang replied: If you go along, the troops will really scatter. 噉 啦 , 你 仲 係 暫時 率領 住 大家 先 。 like this|sentence final particle|you|still|are|temporarily|leading|currently|everyone|first Well then, you are still temporarily leading everyone for now. 我 呢 次 跟 關將軍 去 咗 , 只要 搵 到 地方 落腳 , 一定 嚟 接 你 ! I|this|time|to follow|General Kwan|go|past tense marker|as long as|find|reach|place|stay|definitely|come|pick up|you This time I went with General Guan, as long as I find a place to settle down, I will definitely come to pick you up! 裴元紹 冇 辦法 啦 , 唯有 好 失望 噉 同 關公 告別 , 帶 啲 人馬 就 返 上山 喇 。 Pei Yuen-siu|has no|way|sentence-final particle|only|very|disappointed|like this|with|Guan Gong|say goodbye|take|some|troops|then|return|to the mountain|sentence-final particle Pei Yuanshao has no choice, so he can only sadly say goodbye to Guan Gong and take his men back up the mountain. 噉 周倉 呢 就 跟 住 關公 , 一路 去 汝南 嘞 喎 。 then|Zhou Cang|this|then|||Guan Gong|all the way|go|Ruyin|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Zhou Cang is following Guan Gong, heading towards Runan. 行 咗 好幾日 , 遠遠 就 望見 前 便 有 一座 山城 。 walk|past tense marker|several days|from afar|then|saw|ahead|then|there is|a|mountain city After walking for several days, I can see a mountain city in the distance. 關公 喺 路上 遇見 個 當地人 , 就 問 佢 嗰 度 係 邊 處 呀 噉 。 Guan Gong|at|on the road|met|the|local person|then|asked|him|that|place|is|where|place|question particle|like that Guan Gong met a local person on the road and asked him where this place is. 嗰 個 路人 回答 話 : 呢 度 叫做 古城 啊 。 that|measure word for people|passerby|replied|saying|this|place|is called|ancient city|particle The passerby replied: This place is called the Ancient City. 呢 , 幾個 月 前 呀 , 有 一個 將軍 喎 叫做 張飛 。 this|several|months|ago|particle|there is|one|general|particle|called|Zhang Fei A few months ago, there was a general named Zhang Fei. 吓 ? 張飛 ? huh|Zhang Fei Huh? Zhang Fei? 係 , 係 叫做 張飛 呀 ! 佢 帶 住 幾十個 馬 軍去 到 嗰 處 , 趕走 咗 個 縣官 , 佔 咗 古城 , 喺 度 招軍買馬 , 積草 囤糧 。 yes||called|Zhang Fei||he|||several dozen|horses|||that|place|drove away|past tense marker|(measure word)|county magistrate|occupied||ancient city|at|(locative particle)||stockpile hay|store grain Yes, his name is Zhang Fei! He brought dozens of cavalry to that place, drove away the county magistrate, occupied the Ancient City, and started recruiting soldiers and buying horses, stockpiling grass and grain. 聽 講話 , 而家 已經 聚集 咗 成 四五千 人馬 嘞 , 四周圍 冇 人 打 得 過 佢 噉 話 喎 。 hear|talking|now|already|gathered|past tense marker|about|four to five thousand|people|sentence-final particle|all around|no|people||||them|like that|saying|sentence-final particle Listening to the conversation, there are already about four to five thousand people gathered now, and no one around can compete with them. 好 嘩 ! 三弟 自從 喺 徐州 失散 之後 , 一直 都 唔 知 佢 嘅 下落 , 點都 想 唔 到 原來 喺 呢 一處 。 good|wow|third younger brother|since|at|Xuzhou|separated|after|always|all|not|know|he|possessive particle|whereabouts||thought|not|to|originally|at|this| Wow! Ever since my third brother got separated in Xuzhou, I have not known his whereabouts, and I never expected he would be here. 關公 即刻 叫 孫乾行 先 一步 , 飛 馬入城 去 通報 , 叫 張飛 嚟 迎接 兩位 嫂嫂 。 Guan Gong|immediately|to call|Sun Qianxing|first|step|to fly||to|inform|to call|Zhang Fei|to come|welcome|two|sisters-in-law Guan Gong immediately asked Sun Qian to go ahead first, riding quickly into the city to report, asking Zhang Fei to come and welcome the two sisters-in-law. 前 嗰 兩 回書 就 講過 張飛 呀 , 嗰 晚 去 劫 曹操 寨 , 打輸 之後 , 就 趯 咗 上去 芒 碭山 點解 而家 嚟 呢 處 呢 噉 ? 嗨 , 冇 錯 。 previously|that|two||already|mentioned|Zhang Fei|particle|that|night|went|to rob|Cao Cao|stronghold|lost|after|then|hurriedly|past tense marker|up|||why|now|come|this|place|particle|like this|hi|not|wrong The last two letters mentioned Zhang Fei, who that night went to raid Cao Cao's camp, and after losing the fight, he fled to Mangdang Mountain. Why is he here now? Oh, that's right. 張飛 呀 , 佢 去 到 芒 碭山 裏 便 就 住 咗 個 幾月 。 Zhang Fei|particle indicating exclamation|he|||||inside|then|immediately|||a|few months Zhang Fei, he stayed in Mangdang Mountain for a few months. 有 一日 , 佢 就 出外 去 探聽 劉備 嘅 消息 , 偶然 經過 古城 , 就入 去 借 糧 喎 。 there is|one day|he|then|go out|to|inquire|Liu Bei|possessive particle|news|accidentally|passing by|ancient city|||borrow|grain|sentence-final particle One day, he went out to gather information about Liu Bei, and by chance passed by the ancient city, so he went in to borrow some grain. 縣官 梗 係 唔 肯定 㗎 啦 , 又 唔 係 同 你 有親 。 county magistrate|surely|is|not|certain|particle indicating uncertainty|particle indicating suggestion|again|not|is|with|you| The county official definitely wouldn't be sure, since he wasn't related to you. 張飛 發起 惡 嚟 就 趕走 咗 個 縣官 , 搶 咗 佢 個 官印 , 佔 咗 縣城 , 索性 就 喺 處 安 住 身 先 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|initiated|evil|came|then|drove away|past tense marker|the|county magistrate|robbed|past tense marker|his|the|official seal|occupied|past tense marker|county town|simply|then|at|place|settled|living|body|first|past tense marker Zhang Fei got angry and drove away the county official, seized his official seal, occupied the county city, and simply settled down there. 所以 點解 張飛 會 喺 古城 嘅 呢 , 就 係 噉 解 嘅 。 so|why|Zhang Fei|would|at|ancient city|possessive particle|question particle|just|is|like this|understand|particle indicating past action So that's why Zhang Fei was in the ancient city. 噉 當時 孫乾 就 奉 咗 關公 嘅 命令 , 行先 一步 , 飛馬 跑 去 古城 。 then|at that time|Sun Qian|then|obeyed|past tense marker|Guan Gong|possessive particle|order|go ahead|one step|Flying Horse|ran|to|Ancient City At that time, Sun Qian was following Guan Gong's orders, taking the lead and riding quickly to the ancient city. 入到 城 見到 張飛 , 行過禮 , 就講 畀 張飛 聽 , 話 劉玄德 就 離開 咗 袁紹 , 投奔 去 咗 汝南 。 arrived at|city|saw|Zhang Fei|exchanged greetings||to|Zhang Fei|heard|that|Liu Xuande|then|left|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|defected|to|past tense marker|Runan Upon entering the city, I saw Zhang Fei, paid my respects, and told him that Liu Xuande had left Yuan Shao and had gone to join the people of Runan. 而家 關雲長 一直 由 許都 護送 兩位 夫人 嚟 到 呢 處 , 請 張飛 快 啲 出去 迎接 啦 噉 。 right now|Guan Yu|continuously|from|Xu Du|escorting|two|wives|come|to|this|place|please|Zhang Fei|quickly|more|go out|welcome|particle|like this Now, Guan Yunchang has been escorting the two ladies from Xudu to this place, so please ask Zhang Fei to go out and welcome them quickly. 咁 好 嘅 消息 , 張飛 聽到 啊 本應 好 高興 至 係 㗎 。 so|good|possessive particle|news|Zhang Fei|heard|ah|should|very|happy|to|be|particle indicating certainty Such good news! Zhang Fei should be very happy to hear this. 哈哈 , 誰 不知 張飛 一聽 完 , 粒聲 唔 出 , 即刻 就 着 好 盔甲 , 揸 起支 丈八蛇矛 , 上 咗 馬 , 帶住 千幾人 , 直出 北門 噃。 haha|who|doesn't know|Zhang Fei|||a sound|||immediately|then|put on|good|armor|wielded||8-foot-long spear|got on|past tense marker|horse|leading|over a thousand men|directly out|North Gate|particle indicating certainty Haha, who would have thought that as soon as Zhang Fei heard it, he didn't say a word, immediately put on his armor, grabbed his eight-foot-long spear, mounted his horse, and led over a thousand men straight out the north gate. 孫乾 就 奇 喇 , 乜 噉 嘅 咩 嘢 事 呀 喂 ? 之 又 唔 敢 問啦 , 唯有 跟 住 張飛 出城 係 啦 。 Sun Qian|then|Qi|particle indicating completed action|what|like this|possessive particle|question particle||matter|particle indicating exclamation|hey|he|again|not|dare||only|follow|continuous action particle|Zhang Fei||is|particle indicating suggestion Sun Qian was puzzled, wondering what was going on. But he didn't dare to ask, so he could only follow Zhang Fei out of the city. 好 喇 , 呢 便 關公 見到 張飛 騎住 馬 𡃈𡃈 聲 噉 跑 緊 嚟 , 歡喜 到 不得了 啦 , 一拍 隻 馬 就 迎上去 嘞 喎 。 good|particle indicating completed action|this|then|Guan Gong|saw|Zhang Fei|riding|horse|galloping|sound|like that|running|continuous action|coming|happy|to|extremely|particle indicating completed action|with a pat|measure word for animals|horse|then|rushed up|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating affirmation Alright, at this moment, Guan Gong saw Zhang Fei riding on a horse, galloping towards him with a loud sound, extremely happy. He patted the horse and went to greet him. 誒 呀 見到 嗰 個 張飛 , 圓睜 環眼 , 倒 豎 虎鬚 , 吼聲 如雷 , 舉起 支 長矛 對住 關公 就 刺過 嚟 。 hey|particle|saw|that|measure word|Zhang Fei|wide open|round eyes|||tiger whiskers|roar||raised|measure word|spear|aimed at|Guan Gong|then|thrust|coming Oh, upon seeing that Zhang Fei, his eyes wide open, his tiger whiskers standing upright, roaring like thunder, he raised a long spear and charged at Guan Gong. 咦 , 哈兩 兄弟 打起 上 嚟 喎 。 eh|Ha Leung|brothers|fight|up|here|particle indicating realization Hey, the two brothers are starting to fight. 噉 究竟 呢 件 事 點樣 收科 啊 ? 就 且 聽 下回分解 。 then|exactly|this|measure word for events|matter|how|conclude|particle|then|and|listen| So how will this matter conclude? Let's wait for the next episode.

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