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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 040

嗰 一 晚 呀 , 孫權 同 魯肅 孖 鋪 瞓 , 傾到 三更半夜 。 魯肅 啊 指出 孫權 將來 奪取 天下 , 建立 帝王 之 業 嘅 途徑 。 孫權 聽 咗 魯肅 呢 一番 說話 , 歡喜 到極 啊 ! 立即 褸 返件 衫 , 起身 , 恭恭敬敬 向 魯肅 行禮 , 表示 深深 嘅 感謝 呀 。 第 日 , 送 咗 份 厚禮 畀 魯肅 , 又 送 咗 好多 衣服 帷帳 等等 嘅 禮物 畀 魯肅 嘅 母親 。 噉 魯肅 嚟 咗 之後 呢 , 佢 又 舉薦 咗 一個 人 嚟 見 孫權 啊 。 呢 個人 , 博學多才 , 侍奉 母親 啊 極之 孝順 嘅 。 佢 複姓 諸葛 , 名瑾 , 字子 瑜 , 係 琅 琊 南陽人 。 孫權 當 佢 為 上賓 噉 任用 佢 。 諸葛瑾 就 勸 孫權 唔 好 同 袁紹 聯合 , 目前 呢 要 先順住 曹操 , 然後 再 搵 機會 消滅 佢 。 孫權 聽從 佢 呢 個 建議 , 就 寫 咗 封信 , 叫 陳 震 呀 帶 返去 河北 畀 袁紹 , 一 於 回絕 咗 佢 嘞 , 唔 肯 聯合 去 打 曹操 嘞 。 而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 聽講 孫策 已經 死 咗 , 就 想起 兵下 江南 嘞 喎 。 侍御史 張 紘 勸 佢 話 喇 : 丞相 , 趁住 人家 有 喪事 去 打 佢 , 即使 係 取勝 , 亦 係 不合 道理 嘅 。 如果 打 唔 贏 嘞 , 就 變 咗 無端 端 破壞 咗 友好 嘅 關係 , 反而 結成 新 嘅 仇敵 添 。 不如 仲 係 保留 返 原來 嘅 關係 , 好好 噉 對待 佢 為 上 啊 。 曹操 同意 張 紘 嘅 建議 , 就 稟奏 過 皇帝 , 封孫權 做 將軍 , 兼 領會 稽 太守 。 同時 呢 , 任命 張 紘 做 會 稽 都尉 , 送個 大印 去 江東 。 噉 孫權 接 咗 印 啊 當然 高興 咯 , 而且 張 紘 又 返返 嚟 嘞 係 咪 呢 , 於是 就 叫 佢 呀 , 同張 昭 共同 管理 東吳 嘅 行政事務 。 張 紘 返 嚟 之後 , 佢 又 舉薦 一個 人 畀 孫權 。 呢 個人 姓 顧名 雍 , 字元 嘆 , 乃 係 中 郎蔡邕 嘅 學生 。 佢 為 人 沉默寡言 , 唔 好 飲酒 , 嚴厲 正大 。 孫權 呢 任命 佢 呀 做 自己 嘅 助理 , 執行 太守 嘅 職務 。 從此 之後 , 孫權 就 威震 江東 , 深得民心 嘞 。 嗯 而家 講下 陳 震 啊 , 佢 離開 咗 東吳 , 返到 去 河北 就 向 袁紹 報告 話 : 孫策 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 由 孫權 繼位 。 曹操 封 佢 做 將軍 , 聯合 咗 佢 做 外 應 喇 。 袁紹 聽 咗 就 火起 啊 , 即刻 就點 起 冀州 、 青州 、 幽州 、 並州 等等 幾處 嘅 人馬 , 總共 七 十幾萬 , 再次 去 進攻 許昌 嘞 。 噉 袁紹 嘅 大軍 , 一直 向 官渡 進發 。 夏侯惇 就 探聽到 河 北軍 到 唄 , 立即 就 向 曹操 告急 。 曹操 點起 七 萬軍 兵 前去 迎敵 , 留返 荀彧 啊 守衛 許都 。 嘩 嗨 , 袁紹 七 十幾萬 兵 乜 曹操 先至 得 七萬 咋 ? 係 呀 , 十與 一之比 呀 , 呢 場仗 呀 曹操 難 打 咯 。 當 袁紹 嘅 大軍 就 嚟 要 出發 嘅 時候 , 田豐 呢 , 雖然 係 仲 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 , 之 佢 仍然 係 忠心耿耿 。 上書 畀 袁紹 勸 佢 , 應該 靜守以 等待 天時 , 唔 好 立亂 出動 大軍 , 恐怕 會 出師不利 噉 。 之 另外 有個 謀士 逢紀 呢 , 就 喺 袁紹 面前 講 佢 壞話 喇 。 逢紀話 : 主公 , 你興 仁義之師 去 討伐 曹操 吖 。 田豐 點解 講埋 晒 啲 咁 不祥 嘅 說話 㗎 ? 太過 豈有此理 嘞 噃。 袁紹 畀 佢 一 撩 , 撩 到 嬲 晒 , 就 想 殺田豐 。 好彩 得到 眾位 官員 為 佢 求情 , 先至免 咗 一死唧 。 不過 袁紹 仲 係 嬲 呀 , 佢 話 : 好 ! 等 我 擊破 咗 曹操 , 再 嚟 定 你 嘅 罪 。 於是 就 擇日 出發 。 七 十幾萬 人馬 就 認真 威武 啊 , 真 係 旌旗 遍野 刀劍 如林 啊 。 一路 去 到 陽武 , 就 安營 扎寨 嘞 。 陽武 即 喺 而 家 河南省 , 原陽縣 東南 便 。 呢 笪 地方 呢 同 官渡 呀 隔 住 黃河 , 遙遙相對 。 陽武 呢 就 喺 黃河 以北 , 官渡 喺 黃河 以南 。 呢 一日 , 袁紹 同一 班 謀士 商量 點樣 作戰 。 沮授 提出 意見 話 : 我軍 雖然 係 人 多 , 但 係 勇猛 就 不及 曹 軍 。 曹 軍 雖然 精幹 不過 糧草 啊 唔 及 我軍 咁 充足 。 曹 軍 冇 糧 就 利 在 速戰 , 我軍 有 糧 就 宜於 堅守 。 所以 , 如果 能夠 拖長 時間 , 噉 曹 軍 就 不戰自敗 㗎 喇 。 咩 話 ? 拖長 時間 ? 豈有此理 ! 田豐 擾亂 軍心 , 我 返去 一定 要 殺 咗 佢 ! 你 而家 又 講埋 啲 噉 嘢 ? 人 嚟 ! 將 沮授 鎖起 嚟 , 韞 起 佢 ! 等 我 打敗 曹操 之後 , 同田豐 一齊 治罪 ! 袁紹 於是 下令 將 七十萬 大軍 , 分開 喺 東 、 西 、 南 、 北 周圍 安營 扎寨 , 連綿 九十 幾里 。 曹操 嘅 部隊 誒 駐 扎 喺 官渡 , 袁 軍 嘅 消息 不歇 咁 傳 嚟 。 嘿 , 唔 使講 乜 啊 , 淨 係 七十萬 人 呢 個 軍威 嚇 親人 喇 。 曹 軍 嘅 士兵 , 一 聽到 咗 呀 個個 都 心驚 。 呢 一日 , 曹操 搵 齊 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 。 荀攸話 : 袁 軍人 數 雖然 眾多 , 之 唔 使 怕 嘅 , 我軍 嘅 人馬 都 係 十分 精銳 , 個個 都 係 一以當十 。 但 係 一定 要 速戰 , 如果 拖延 時日 , 糧草 唔 夠 噉 就 弊 咯 。 曹操 話 : 你 講得 啱 , 我 亦 係 噉 考慮 嘅 。 於是 曹操 就 傳令 落 去 : 全軍 展開 進攻 ! 曹軍一 攻過 嚟 呀 袁軍出 嚟 迎戰 嘞 , 兩邊 都 各自 排成 陣勢 。 袁軍好 有 準備 呀 , 審配 呢 , 就 撥 咗 一萬名 弩手 就 埋伏 喺 兩翼 。 弩 啊 就 係 用 摱 機 嚟 發 箭 嘅 弓 。 噉 啊 另外 撥 五千名 弓箭手 埋伏 喺 門 旗 之內 , 約定 炮聲 一響 就 一齊 射箭 。 好 喇 , 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 三通 鼓打 完 , 袁紹 金盔 金甲 , 錦袍 玉帶 就 立馬 陣前 。 喺 佢 嘅 左右 , 排列 住 張 郃 、 高覽 、 韓猛 、 淳于瓊 等等 將官 , 旌旗 節鉞 , 軍容 非常 之 嚴整 。 曹 軍 兵陣 之上 呢 , 門旗 一開 , 曹操 出馬 , 許諸 、 張 遼 、 徐晃 、 李典 等等 大將 各執 兵器 , 前後 護衛 。 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指住 袁紹 鬧 佢 話 : 我 喺 天子 面前 , 保奏 你 做 大將軍 , 今日 , 你 為 乜嘢 要 謀反 啊 ? 袁紹 鬧返 轉頭 嘞 : 呸 ! 你 名為 漢相實 為漢賊 啊 , 罪惡滔天 , 更 甚於 王莽 董卓 , 你仲 反而 誣衊 人 哋 造反 ? 我 今日 係 奉 咗 皇上 聖旨 , 嚟 討伐 你 ! 我 係 奉 咗 天子 嘅 衣帶詔 討伐 漢賊 ! 曹操 嬲 嘞 , 叫 張 遼 出戰 。 張 邰 躍馬 上前 嚟 迎敵 。 兩員 大將 呀鬥 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 曹操 見 咗 張 邰 咁 打 得 啊 , 覺得 好 驚奇 呀 。 呢 個 時候 , 許褚忍 唔 住 就 揮刀 縱 馬直 出去 助戰 。 高覽 挺 槍 接住 , 噉 四員 大將 分 做 兩對 廝殺 。 曹操 命令 夏侯惇 、 曹洪 , 各人 帶領 三千 士兵 , 一齊 去 衝擊 袁 軍 兵陣 。 審配 見到 曹 軍 嚟 衝陣唄 , 即刻 叫 人 嘣 噉 放起 號炮 。 兩便 萬 弩 齊發 啊 , 中軍 之內 , 五千 弓箭手 一齊 湧到 陣前 , 搏命 噉 亂 咁 射 。 噉 曹軍點 頂得住 呢 , 喇喇聲 向 住 南 便 急急 撤退 。 袁紹 揮兵 掩殺 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 一直 退返 去 官渡 。 袁紹 打贏 咗 一仗 , 立即 全軍 向前 移動 逼近 官渡 扎寨 。 審配 向 袁紹 獻計 話 : 我 哋 馬上 派 十萬 兵 守住 官渡 , 喺 曹 軍營 寨 前 便 , 築起 一座 土山 。 然後 就 派兵 居高臨下 對 住 曹 軍營 寨 嚟 放箭 。 噉 曹操 如果 放棄 官渡 趯 返 扯 , 噉 我 哋 奪取 到 呢 個 咁 險要 嘅 隘口 , 許昌 就 完全 可以 攻破 啦 嘛 。 袁紹 決定 用 佢 呢 個 辦法 , 就 命令 喺 各個 營寨 呀 , 挑選 一批 精壯 嘅 軍人 , 帶齊 鋤頭 鐵鏟 擔挑 籮 篸, 去 到 曹操 個 營寨 附近 就 堆起 個 泥山 。 曹 營裏 便 見到 袁 軍 喺 度 堆泥 山 , 就 派兵 出去 衝咯 喎 。 但 係 審配 早就 安排 好 弓弩手 , 控制 住 咽喉 要道 , 曹軍呀 冇 辦法 衝得過 。 就 喺 十日 之內 , 堆起 咗 成五 十幾座 泥山 。 又 喺 泥 山上 便 就 搭起 高台 , 派 啲 弓弩手 喺 上 便 射箭 。 嘩 呀 真 係 冇 得 頂 啊 , 曹軍怕 到 不得了 , 唯有 人人 都 舉起 個 遮箭 盾牌 嚟 擋住 啦 。 嘿 只 聽聞 , 泥山 上面 卟 卟 卟 噉 幫子 一響 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 落 大雨 咁 射落 嚟 。 曹 軍人 人 都 用個 盾牌 , 遮 冚 自己 伏 喺 地 嚟 。 嘿好 睇 咯 , 哦 噉 袁 軍 就 得意 啦 , 又 大聲 吶喊 又 笑 咯 喎 。 曹操 見到 軍心 慌亂 , 立即 召集 啲 謀士 嚟 商量對策 。 劉曄 建議 話 : 我 哋 可以 做 一 批發 石車 嚟 破 佢 啊 。 噉 曹操 就 叫 劉曄畫 個 圖樣 出 嚟 , 漏夜 備料 開工 , 做到 幾百 架發 石車 , 分佈 喺 營 場 之內 , 對 正泥 山上 便 高台 嘅 雲梯 。 袁軍就 唔 知道 曹 軍 搞 到 啲 新式 武器 喎 。 呢 一日 唔 係 照板 煮 碗 咯 , 又 嚟 射箭 嘞 。 點 知道 啱 啱 想 逳 手 開工 唧 , 曹 營裏 便 一齊 拉 逳 嗰 啲 石車 , 拂拂 聲 嗰 啲 炮 石 飛 起 嚟 , 對住 高台 亂 咁 揈 過去 。 呢 輪 就 弊 傢伙 咯 。 啲 弓箭手 啊 企 晒 喺 高台 處 , 根本 就 冇 埞 趯 亦 冇 埞 匿 嘅 。 畀 石頭 打死 打傷 嘅 就 不計其數 。 袁軍呀 都 叫 呢 啲 石車 做 霹靂車 呀 。 嘩 , 乜 咁 厲害 㗎 ? 從此 呢 , 袁軍就 唔 敢 爬高 射箭 嘞 。 一計 不成 , 審配 又 獻 一計 , 點呢 ? 佢 又 派兵 靜靜 掘條 地道 , 一直 要 穿 到 去 曹營 裏頭 嘅 。 曹兵 望見 袁 軍 喺 山後 猛 咁 掘窿 , 就 去 報告 曹操 啦 。 噉 曹操 又 試問 劉曄有 咩 好計 嘞 喎 。 劉曄話 : 哦 , 呢 個 係 袁 軍 見到 明攻 唔 得 喇 , 就 用 暗攻 啫 。 佢 哋 實 係 要 掘 條 地道 , 喺 地底 一直 穿 到 我 哋 嘅 營寨 之內 嘅 。 噉 點樣 防禦 佢 好 呢 ? 我 哋 可以 氹 氹 𡃈, 圍繞 住 營寨 掘 一條 壕溝 , 噉 袁軍想 由 地道 入 嚟 就 冇 術 㗎 喇 。 於是 曹操 啊 就 派兵 漏夜 掘 壕溝 嘞 喎 。 哈真 係 , 袁軍掘 地道 一掘 掘 到 壕溝 嗰 處 就 暴露 嘞 , 再 唔 入 得 喇 , 所以 就 白白 嘥 咗 咁 多 兵力 。 噉 曹操 守住 官渡 , 佢 由 八月 起到 九月底 , 兵力 啊 漸漸 缺乏 , 糧草 又 唔 夠 。 噉 啊 想 放棄 官渡 退返 去 許昌 , 考慮 嚟 考慮 去 , 總 係 決定 唔 落 。 就 寫 一封信 , 派 人 帶 去 許昌 問 下 荀彧 。 荀彧 就 寫 返 封信 嚟 回覆 曹操 , 勸 曹操 一定 要 堅守 , 緊緊 控制 官渡 呢 個 咽喉 地帶 , 使 袁 軍 不能 前進 半步 。 佢 仲 指出 : 目前 我軍 係 以少 敵多 , 以弱 敵強 , 確係 處於 劣勢 , 但 係 情況 最終 係 對 我軍 有利 嘅 噉 。 曹操 睇 完 回信 好 高興 , 命令 全軍 將士 呀 , 要 誓死 守衛 官渡 。 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 嘅 軍 兵 係 退後 咗 卅 幾里 。 有 一日 , 徐晃部 下 嘅 將官 史渙出 營去 巡哨 。 捉 到 一個 袁 軍 嘅 哨子 , 就 解 佢 去 見 徐 晃 。 徐晃 審問 佢 袁 軍 嘅 虛實 情況 , 個 探子 話 : 今日 , 大將 韓猛 就 會 運糧 嚟 到 嘞 , 所以 誒 派 我 哋 出 嚟 探下路 先 。 咦 , 呢 個 情報 重要 啊 , 徐晃立 即將 呢 件 事 報告 曹操 。 荀攸話 嘞 : 韓猛 不過 係 匹夫之勇 唧 , 如果 派 一個 人 率領 幾千名 輕騎兵 , 喺 半路 襲擊 佢 , 斷 咗 佢 嘅 糧草 供應 , 袁軍就會 自己 亂起 上 嚟 喇 。 曹操 問 : 派邊 個人 去 啱 呢 ? 派 徐晃 去 就 得 喇 。 於是 曹操 派 徐晃帶 埋史 渙 , 率領 佢 部下 嘅 人馬 先出 , 然後 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 帶兵 去 接應 。 當晚 , 韓猛 押 住 幾千 架 糧車 , 運糧 去 袁紹 嘅 營寨 。 行行 下 , 嚟 到 一個 山谷 , 徐晃 、 史 渙 帶齊 人馬 截住 去路 。 韓猛 飛馬 上前 嚟 打 啦 , 徐晃接 住 同 佢 廝殺 起上 嚟 。 嗰 頭 呢 , 史 渙 帶兵 殺散 咗 運糧 啲 夫力 , 就 放火燒 啲 糧車 嘞 。 打 咗 幾十個 回合 , 韓猛 抵擋 唔 住 回馬 就 走 。 徐晃 亦 唔 去 追 佢 , 只 係 一味 咁 催促 啲 士兵 , 快 啲 燒晒 袁 軍 啲 物資 。 袁紹 喺 軍營 裏 便 , 望見 西北方 大火 沖天 , 正 喺 度 驚疑 就 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 喎 。 嗰 啲 打敗 咗 嘅 士兵 趯 到 嚟 報告 話 : 糧草 被劫 喇 噉 。 袁紹 急急 派 張 郃 、 高覽 去 截住 條 大路 。 啱 嘞 , 撞 正 徐晃燒 糧返 嚟 , 就 兩 便 正話 想 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 後 便 張 遼 、 許 褚 嘅 人馬 已經 嚟 到 , 兩下 夾攻 , 殺散 咗 袁 軍 。 四員 大將 將兵 馬 集合 埋 一齊 , 返去 官渡 啦 。 返到 營寨 , 曹操 就 歡喜 到 非常 咯 , 重重 咁 獎賞 慰勞 得勝 嘅 官兵 。 跟 住 , 又 分出 一部分 兵力 , 喺 寨 前 便 安營 , 成為 犄角之勢 互相 呼應 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 韓猛 , 佢 打敗 咗 返到 軍營 , 袁紹 呀 嬲 到 不得了 要 殺 咗 佢 。 好彩 得到 班 文武 官員 講情 就免 咗 佢 一 死 。 審配 話 : 行軍 打仗 以 糧食 為重 , 不可不 用心 提防 啊 ! 烏巢 係 囤放 糧草 嘅 地方 , 必定 要 派 重兵 守衛 至 得 。 袁紹 話 : 我 已經 籌劃 妥 嘞 , 我要 你 返 去鄴 郡 監督 糧草 , 必須 要 保證供給 充足 , 唔 好 畀 佢 缺乏 。 審配 接受 咗 命令 就 返 去鄴 郡 啦 。 同時 呀 , 袁紹 派 大將 淳于瓊 , 帶住 眭元進 、 韓莒子 、 呂威璜 、 趙 睿 等等 幾名 將官 就 率領 二萬 人馬 去 守衛 烏巢 。 嚱嚱, 呢 趟 袁紹 用錯 人 喇 。 嗰 個 淳于瓊 呀 , 性情 暴烈 又 極鍾意 飲酒 嘅 , 啲 兵 都 怕 佢 怕 過 老虎 。 佢 去 到 烏 巢 之後 , 終之 無日 就 同埋 嗰 班 將官 喺 埋 一處 飲酒 啊 。 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 嘅 軍糧 已經 冇 晒 , 急急 派個 使者 去 許昌 , 叫 荀彧 十萬火急 籌辦 糧草 運 嚟 前線 。 個 使者 帶住 封信 起程 趕路 啦 , 行 咗 唔 到 三十里 , 就 畀 袁 軍 捉住 , 綁 起 佢 , 押 咗 去 見 謀士 許攸 。 許 攸 嘅 別字 叫做 子遠 , 佢 年青 嘅 時候 , 同 曹操 係 好 朋友 嚟 , 但 係 而家 呢 , 佢 喺 袁紹處 嚟 做 謀士 喎 。 當時 , 佢 喺 嗰 個 使者 身上 抄出 曹操 催糧 嘅 書信 , 就 即刻 去 見 袁紹 嘞 佢 話 : 曹操 嘅 兵馬 喺 官渡 同 我 哋 相持 已經 好耐 , 許昌 必定 空虛 。 而家 曹操 個 糧草 已經 盡 喇 , 我 哋 正 係 可以 趁 呢 個 機會 , 分兩路 去 攻 佢 呀 。 但 係 袁紹 話 : 嗯 , 曹操 詭計多端 , 呢 封信 , 乃 係 誘敵 之計 呀 ! 將軍 , 今日 唔 去 打 佢 , 日後 會 反受 其害 㗎 。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 忽然間 喺 鄴 郡 有 使者 嚟 , 帶 咗 審配 一封信 嚟 呈 畀 袁紹 。 呢 封信 , 首先 係 講 運糧 嘅 事 , 後 便 呢 , 就 講許 攸 往日 喺 冀州 嘅 時候 , 曾經 濫收 民間 財物 , 又 縱容 佢 嘅 子侄 多收 稅款 , 錢糧 入 晒 自己 荷包 。 審配 話 而家 已經 拉 咗 佢 嘅 子侄 , 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 喇 噉 。 袁紹 睇 完 封信 當堂 發火 。 你 呢 個 傢伙 , 行為 真 係 惡劣 ! 你仲有 面目 嚟 向 我 獻計 , 吓 ? 你 係 同 曹操 有 交情 嘅 , 我 睇 你 而家 , 實 係 受 咗 佢 嘅 賄賂 , 為 佢 做 奸細 走 嚟 欺騙 我 , 哼 ! 本應 我 要 殺 咗 你 嘅 , 而家 姑且 留住 你 嘅 頭殼 喺 條 頸 處 先 , 你 快 啲 出去 , 以後 唔 准 再 嚟 見 我 ! 許攸 唯有 扯 啦 , 佢 返 到 去 自己 嘅 帳篷 , 越 諗 越 唔 抵 呀 。 唉 ! 忠言逆耳 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 蠢人 , 跟 住 佢 有 乜 用 啊 ? 唉 ! 我 嘅 子侄 已經 畀 審配 害 咗 咯 , 我仲 邊度 有面 返去 見 冀州 嘅 人 呢 ? 嘿 ! 許 攸 掹 出 把 劍 想 自刎 喎 。 佢 左右 嘅 親信 即刻 上前 搶 咗 佢 把 劍 , 勸 佢 話 : 許公 何必 噉 樣 輕生 呢 ? 袁紹 唔 聽 你 嘅 說話 , 日後 必定會 畀 曹操 打敗 嘅 。 許公 , 你 既然 過去 同 曹操 有 交情 嘅 , 點解 唔 棄暗投明 呢 ? 哎呀 ! 就 係 呢 兩句 說話 點醒 咗 許攸 , 於是 許攸一 於 去 投奔 曹操 。 當晚 深夜 , 許攸 偷偷 離開 營寨 , 一直 走 去 曹 軍 嗰 便 。 行到 上下 到 , 畀 曹 軍 嘅 哨兵 捉住 。 許攸話 : 我 係 曹丞相 嘅 舊 朋友 , 你 快 啲 同 我 去 報 畀 丞相 知 , 話 南陽 許攸 嚟 見 佢 噉 啦 。 嗰 個 哨兵 連忙 報告 入去 。 當時 曹操 啱 啱 除衫 想 上床 瞓覺 㗎 喇 。 一 聽講 許攸 逃跑 嚟 到 唄 , 歡喜 到 佢 呀 , 直情 忘 晒 形 啊 。 連鞋 都 唔 着 , 就 噉 除 大 赤腳 就 行出 嚟 迎接 。 一 見到 許攸 , 佢 拍 起 掌 噉 笑 到 咔 咔 聲 , 然後 拖住 手 一齊 入去 中軍帳 。 曹操 呀 , 首先 跪低 對許 攸 行禮 。 哎呀 , 許攸 慌忙 還禮 扶 起 曹操 話 : 曹公 , 你 係 漢朝 丞相 , 我 不過 係 個 平民百姓 唧 , 乜 你 咁 謙恭 啊 , 唔 敢當 , 唔 敢當 啊 ! 先生 係 我 嘅 舊 朋友 , 點敢 話 用 爵位 嚟 分 高低 上下 嘅 呢 ? 我 過去 , 冇 選擇 好 一位 主公 , 屈身 於 袁紹 , 言 不 聽計 不 從 , 所以 今日 特意 離開 佢 嚟 見 舊 朋友 。 希望 曹公 能夠 收留 我 ! 你 肯 嚟 , 我實 成功 咯 。 子遠 , 請 你 指教 我 點樣 先至 能夠 擊敗 袁紹 啊 。 我 曾經 教 袁紹 用 輕騎兵 , 乘虛 襲擊 許都 , 兩路 嚟 夾攻 你 呀 。 哎呀 , 啊 ! 如果 袁紹 聽 你 話 , 哈哈哈 , 我 就 一敗塗地 喇 。 曹公 , 你 而 家 嘅 軍糧 仲有 幾多 啊 ? 可以 支持 一年 啊 。 嘿嘿嘿 , 恐怕 未必 掛 。 誒 , 誒 夠 半年度 啦 。 許攸 衫袖 一拂 , 企 起身 行出 中軍帳 : 我 誠心誠意 嚟 投奔 曹公 你 , 而 你 竟然 噉 嚟 呃 我 , 我 真 係 失望 啊 ! 曹操 急急 拉住 許攸 : 誒 子 遠 你 唔 好 嬲 , 坐 , 坐 。 等 我 老實 講 你 聽 啦 , 軍隊 嘅 糧草 , 實際上 可以 支持 三個 月 嘅 咋 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 唔 怪 得 人人 都 話 曹孟德 係 個 奸雄 , 而家 睇 嚟 , 確係 冇 講錯 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 開講 有話 : 兵不厭詐 吖 嘛 。 軍隊 裏頭 , 只 係 有 呢 個 月 嘅 糧食 咋 。 唔 好 呃 我 喇 , 你 嘅 糧 盡 咯 ! 吓 ? 你 點知 㗎 ? 曹公 , 你 自己 睇 下 啦 。 許攸將 曹操 寫 畀 荀彧 嘅 信 攞 出 嚟 畀 曹操 睇 : 呢 封信 係 邊個 寫 㗎 ? 哦 ! 喺 邊 處 得 嚟 㗎 ? 於是 許攸就將 捉 到 使者 嘅 事 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 執住 許攸 隻 手話 喇 : 子遠 , 你 既然 係 念 在 往日 交情 而 嚟 嘅 , 請 你 指教 我 啦 ! 明公 你 以 孤軍 嚟 抗擊 大敵 , 但 係 又 唔 去 想 急 勝 嘅 辦法 , 呢 個 乃 係 取 死 之 道 啊 ! 我 有 一條 計策 , 不 出 三日 , 能夠 使 袁紹 百萬 之眾 不戰自敗 , 唔 知明 公肯 唔 肯 聽 我 話 呢 ? 請講 , 請講 ! 袁紹 嘅 軍糧 輜重 , 全部 都 囤 放 喺 烏 巢 。 而家 派 咗 淳于瓊 喺 度 把守 。 淳于瓊 一味 爛酒 , 毫無準備 嘅 。 明公 可以 挑選 一支 精兵 , 冒認 係 袁紹 嘅 將官 蔣奇 , 帶兵 去 佢 嗰 處 護 糧 , 乘機 放火燒 晒 佢 嘅 糧草 輜重 。 噉 樣 呀 , 不 出 三日 , 袁 軍 唔 使 打 佢 , 自己 就 亂 起 嚟 咯 。 曹操 極之 歡喜 啊 , 畀 許攸好 高 嘅 待遇 留 佢 喺 度 。 第 日 , 曹操 親自 挑選 馬步軍 士 五千 人 , 準備 去 烏巢劫 糧 。 張 遼 就 話 : 袁紹 囤糧 嘅 地方 , 點會 話 冇 防備 嘅 呢 ? 丞相 唔 好 隨便 去 劫 糧 啊 , 恐怕 許攸耍 咩 嘢 詭計 喎 。 唔 會 嘅 , 許攸 呢 次 嚟 乃 係 天敗 袁紹 啊 ! 而家 , 我 哋 軍糧 已經 接濟 唔 上 , 好難 堅持 落 去 。 如果 唔 用許 攸 嘅 計策 , 係 坐響 處 等 失敗 嘅 啫 。 仲有 , 如果 佢 係 搞 詭計 嘅 , 佢 又 點 肯 留 喺 我 營寨 處 呢 ? 而且 , 我 亦 都 想 去 劫寨 好 耐 嘅 喇 。 呢 次 劫 糧 嘅 行動 , 計在 必行 , 你 唔 使思疑 喇 。 噉 亦 都 要 提防 袁紹 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 至 好 啊 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 已經 諗 妥 晒 咯 。 曹操 就 命令 荀 攸 、 賈詡 、 曹洪同許 攸 一齊 , 守衛 大寨 ; 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 就 率領 一支 部隊 埋伏 喺 左 便 ; 曹仁 、 李典 , 率領 一支 部隊 埋伏 喺 右 便 , 以防不測 。 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 在 前 , 徐晃 、 于禁 在 後 ; 曹操 自己 呀 帶領 其他 將官 居中 , 總共 五千 人馬 , 打住 曹 軍旗 號 。 啲 兵士 呀 , 個個 都 孭 住 一 紮 柴草 , 人 銜枚 馬勒 口 , 喺 黃昏時分 向 烏巢 進發 。 所謂 人 銜枚 馬勒 口 啊 , 乃 係 古代 行軍 嘅 時候 嘅 一種 保密 措施 。 兵士 嘅 口 呢 就 打橫 銜住 枚 。 噉 枚 係 咩 嘢 呀 ? 枚 係 一種 好似 筷子 咁 上下 嘅 嘢 , 一頭 呢 就 用 條繩 仔 綁住 掛 喺 條 頸 嚟 。 馬匹 呢 就 勒緊 佢 哋 嘅 嘴 。 呢 就 係 用 呢種 辦法 啊 , 防止 兵士 行軍 嘅 時候 講 說話 喧嘩 同埋 馬 叫 , 以免 敵人 發覺 。 而家講 下 嗰 個 沮 授 。 佢 係 畀 袁紹 監禁 起 嚟 㗎 , 呢 一晚 , 佢 見到 外便 星光燦爛 , 就 叫 個 看守 帶 佢 出去 睇 下 天象 嘞 喎 。 忽然間 佢 睇 睇 下 就 嗌 喇 : 啊 ! 不得了 ! 大禍 到 喇 ! 噉 究竟 佢 睇 下 個 天 又 嗌 起 大禍 到 係 點解 呢 ? 噉 啊 下次 先至 講喇 。

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嗰 一 晚 呀 , 孫權 同 魯肅 孖 鋪 瞓 , 傾到 三更半夜 。 that|one|night|particle|Sun Quan|and|Lu Su|together|bed|sleep|talked until|midnight That night, Sun Quan and Lu Su shared a bed and talked until the early hours of the morning. 魯肅 啊 指出 孫權 將來 奪取 天下 , 建立 帝王 之 業 嘅 途徑 。 Lu Su|ah|pointed out|Sun Quan|in the future|to seize|the world|to establish|emperor|possessive particle|undertaking|possessive particle|path Lu Su pointed out to Sun Quan the path to seizing the world and establishing an imperial career. 孫權 聽 咗 魯肅 呢 一番 說話 , 歡喜 到極 啊 ! Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|Lu Su|this|one round of|conversation|happy||exclamatory particle Sun Quan was extremely delighted to hear Lu Su's words! 立即 褸 返件 衫 , 起身 , 恭恭敬敬 向 魯肅 行禮 , 表示 深深 嘅 感謝 呀 。 immediately|jacket|return|shirt|get up|respectfully|towards|Lu Su|bow|express|deep|possessive particle|gratitude|final particle He immediately put on a coat, got up, and respectfully bowed to Lu Su, expressing his deep gratitude. 第 日 , 送 咗 份 厚禮 畀 魯肅 , 又 送 咗 好多 衣服 帷帳 等等 嘅 禮物 畀 魯肅 嘅 母親 。 the|day|sent|past tense marker|measure word for gifts|generous gift|to|Lu Su|also|sent|past tense marker|many|clothes|curtains|etc|possessive particle|gifts|to|Lu Su|possessive particle|mother The next day, he sent a generous gift to Lu Su and also sent many clothes, tents, and other gifts to Lu Su's mother. 噉 魯肅 嚟 咗 之後 呢 , 佢 又 舉薦 咗 一個 人 嚟 見 孫權 啊 。 then|Lu Su|come|past tense marker|after|question particle|he|again|recommended|past tense marker|one|person|come|meet|Sun Quan|exclamation particle After Lu Su came, he recommended a person to meet Sun Quan. 呢 個人 , 博學多才 , 侍奉 母親 啊 極之 孝順 嘅 。 this|person|knowledgeable and talented|serves|mother|ah|extremely|filial|possessive particle This person is knowledgeable and talented, and he is extremely filial to his mother. 佢 複姓 諸葛 , 名瑾 , 字子 瑜 , 係 琅 琊 南陽人 。 he|double surname|Zhuge|||Yu|is|Lang|Ya| His surname is Zhuge, his name is Jin, and his courtesy name is Ziyu. He is from Langya, Nanyang. 孫權 當 佢 為 上賓 噉 任用 佢 。 Sun Quan|treated|him|as|honored guest|so|employed|him Sun Quan treated him as a distinguished guest and employed him. 諸葛瑾 就 勸 孫權 唔 好 同 袁紹 聯合 , 目前 呢 要 先順住 曹操 , 然後 再 搵 機會 消滅 佢 。 Zhuge Jin|then|advised|Sun Quan|||with|Yuan Shao|unite|currently|this|need to||Cao Cao|then|again|find|opportunity|eliminate|him Zhuge Jin advised Sun Quan not to ally with Yuan Shao, but to first accommodate Cao Cao, and then look for opportunities to eliminate him. 孫權 聽從 佢 呢 個 建議 , 就 寫 咗 封信 , 叫 陳 震 呀 帶 返去 河北 畀 袁紹 , 一 於 回絕 咗 佢 嘞 , 唔 肯 聯合 去 打 曹操 嘞 。 Sun Quan|listened to|he|this|measure word|suggestion|then|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|instructed|Chen|Zhen|particle|to bring||Hebei|to|Yuan Shao|at once|in|rejecting|past tense marker|him|particle|not|willing|to unite|to|fight|Cao Cao|particle Sun Quan followed this suggestion and wrote a letter, asking Chen Zhen to take it back to Hebei for Yuan Shao, firmly rejecting him and refusing to unite to fight Cao Cao. 而家 講下 曹操 啊 , 佢 聽講 孫策 已經 死 咗 , 就 想起 兵下 江南 嘞 喎 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|ah|he|heard that|Sun Ce|already|dead|past tense marker|then|remembered||Jiangnan|past action marker|sentence-final particle Now let's talk about Cao Cao. He heard that Sun Ce had already died, and he thought about sending troops to Jiangnan. 侍御史 張 紘 勸 佢 話 喇 : 丞相 , 趁住 人家 有 喪事 去 打 佢 , 即使 係 取勝 , 亦 係 不合 道理 嘅 。 Imperial Censor|Zhang|Hong|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|taking advantage of|others|has|funeral|to|attack|him|even if|is|victory|also|is|not in accordance with|reason|particle indicating possession The Imperial Attendant Zhang Hang advised him, saying: "Prime Minister, taking advantage of someone else's mourning to attack them, even if victorious, is still unreasonable." 如果 打 唔 贏 嘞 , 就 變 咗 無端 端 破壞 咗 友好 嘅 關係 , 反而 結成 新 嘅 仇敵 添 。 if|fight|not|win|past tense particle|then|become|past tense particle|||destroy|past tense particle|friendly|possessive particle|relationship|instead|form|new|possessive particle|enemy|also If he couldn't win, it would result in unnecessarily damaging the friendly relationship, instead creating new enemies. 不如 仲 係 保留 返 原來 嘅 關係 , 好好 噉 對待 佢 為 上 啊 。 why not|still|to be|to maintain|back|original|possessive particle|relationship|very well|like this|treat|him|for|superior|particle It would be better to maintain the original relationship and treat him well. 曹操 同意 張 紘 嘅 建議 , 就 稟奏 過 皇帝 , 封孫權 做 將軍 , 兼 領會 稽 太守 。 Cao Cao|agreed|Zhang|Hong|possessive particle|suggestion|then|report|to|Emperor||as|general|concurrently|||prefect Cao Cao agreed to Zhang Hong's suggestion and reported it to the emperor, appointing Sun Quan as a general and concurrently as the governor of Kuaiji. 同時 呢 , 任命 張 紘 做 會 稽 都尉 , 送個 大印 去 江東 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|appoint|Zhang|Hong|to be|meeting|inspection|district military officer|send a|great seal|to|Jiangdong At the same time, Zhang Hong was appointed as the commander of Kuaiji, and a large seal was sent to Jiangdong. 噉 孫權 接 咗 印 啊 當然 高興 咯 , 而且 張 紘 又 返返 嚟 嘞 係 咪 呢 , 於是 就 叫 佢 呀 , 同張 昭 共同 管理 東吳 嘅 行政事務 。 then|Sun Quan|received|past tense marker|seal|ah|of course|happy|particle indicating realization|moreover|Zhang|Hong|again|return|come|past tense marker|is|right|particle indicating a question|so|then|called|him|particle indicating a suggestion||Zhao|jointly|manage|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|administrative affairs When Sun Quan received the seal, he was of course very happy, and since Zhang Hong returned, he called him to jointly manage the administrative affairs of Eastern Wu with Zhang Zhao. 張 紘 返 嚟 之後 , 佢 又 舉薦 一個 人 畀 孫權 。 Zhang|Hong|return|here|after|he|again|recommended|one|person|to|Sun Quan After Zhang Hong returned, he recommended a person to Sun Quan. 呢 個人 姓 顧名 雍 , 字元 嘆 , 乃 係 中 郎蔡邕 嘅 學生 。 this|person|surname|Gu Ming|Yong||Tan|is|is|Zhong||possessive particle|student This person is surnamed Gu and named Yong, courtesy name Yuantan, and he is a student of the scholar Cai Yong. 佢 為 人 沉默寡言 , 唔 好 飲酒 , 嚴厲 正大 。 He|is|person|quiet|not|good|drink alcohol|strict|honest He is a reserved person, does not drink alcohol, and is strict and upright. 孫權 呢 任命 佢 呀 做 自己 嘅 助理 , 執行 太守 嘅 職務 。 Sun Quan|this|appointed|him|particle|to be|his own|possessive particle|assistant|executing|governor|possessive particle|duties Sun Quan appointed him as his assistant to carry out the duties of the governor. 從此 之後 , 孫權 就 威震 江東 , 深得民心 嘞 。 from then on|after|Sun Quan|then|dominated|Jiangdong||past action particle From then on, Sun Quan became a powerful figure in Jiangdong and gained the people's support. 嗯 而家 講下 陳 震 啊 , 佢 離開 咗 東吳 , 返到 去 河北 就 向 袁紹 報告 話 : 孫策 已經 死 咗 嘞 , 由 孫權 繼位 。 um|now|let's talk about|Chen|Zhen|ah|he|left|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|returned|to|Hebei|then|to|Yuan Shao|report|said|Sun Ce|already|died|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|by|Sun Quan|succeeded to the throne Now let's talk about Chen Zhen. He left Eastern Wu and returned to Hebei to report to Yuan Shao that Sun Ce had died and Sun Quan had succeeded him. 曹操 封 佢 做 將軍 , 聯合 咗 佢 做 外 應 喇 。 Cao Cao|appointed|him|as|general|united|past tense marker|he|as|foreign|aid|sentence-final particle Cao Cao appointed him as a general and allied with him as an external support. 袁紹 聽 咗 就 火起 啊 , 即刻 就點 起 冀州 、 青州 、 幽州 、 並州 等等 幾處 嘅 人馬 , 總共 七 十幾萬 , 再次 去 進攻 許昌 嘞 。 Yuan Shao|heard|past tense marker|then|furious|particle|immediately||raise|Jizhou|Qingzhou|Youzhou|Bingzhou|etc|several places|possessive particle|troops|in total|seven|over a hundred thousand||go|attack|Xuchang|past action particle Yuan Shao heard this and became furious, immediately summoning troops from Ji Province, Qing Province, You Province, Bing Province, and several other places, totaling over 700,000, to once again attack Xuchang. 噉 袁紹 嘅 大軍 , 一直 向 官渡 進發 。 then|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|army|continuously|towards|Guandu|advance Thus, Yuan Shao's army marched towards Guandu. 夏侯惇 就 探聽到 河 北軍 到 唄 , 立即 就 向 曹操 告急 。 Xiahou Dun|then|heard about|river|northern army|arriving|particle indicating action completion|immediately|then|to|Cao Cao|report the emergency Xiahou Dun learned that the Hebei army was coming and immediately reported to Cao Cao. 曹操 點起 七 萬軍 兵 前去 迎敵 , 留返 荀彧 啊 守衛 許都 。 Cao Cao|mobilized|seven|ten thousand troops|soldiers|went forward|to meet the enemy|left behind|Xun Yu|particle|to guard|Xu Du Cao Cao gathered 70,000 troops to confront the enemy, leaving Xun Yu to guard Xudu. 嘩 嗨 , 袁紹 七 十幾萬 兵 乜 曹操 先至 得 七萬 咋 ? wow|hi|Yuan Shao|seven|over a hundred thousand|soldiers|what|Cao Cao|only|has|seventy thousand|how Wow, with Yuan Shao having over 700,000 troops, how can Cao Cao only have 70,000? 係 呀 , 十與 一之比 呀 , 呢 場仗 呀 曹操 難 打 咯 。 |particle|||particle||||Cao Cao|difficult|to defeat|particle Yes, the ratio of ten to one, this battle is difficult for Cao Cao. 當 袁紹 嘅 大軍 就 嚟 要 出發 嘅 時候 , 田豐 呢 , 雖然 係 仲 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 , 之 佢 仍然 係 忠心耿耿 。 when|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|army|then|arrives|needs to|depart|past tense particle|time|Tian Feng|question particle|although|is|still|hidden|in|prison|coming|but|he|still|is|loyal When Yuan Shao's army was about to set out, Tian Feng, although still in prison, remained loyal. 上書 畀 袁紹 勸 佢 , 應該 靜守以 等待 天時 , 唔 好 立亂 出動 大軍 , 恐怕 會 出師不利 噉 。 write a letter|to|Yuan Shao|advise|him|should|quietly defend and wait for|waiting for|opportune moment|||hastily|mobilize|large army|afraid that|will|be unsuccessful in battle|like that He wrote a letter to Yuan Shao advising him to stay put and wait for the right moment, and not to rashly mobilize the army, fearing it would lead to failure. 之 另外 有個 謀士 逢紀 呢 , 就 喺 袁紹 面前 講 佢 壞話 喇 。 possessive particle|in addition|there is a|strategist|Feng Ji|question particle|then|at|Yuan Shao|in front of|to say|he|bad words|final particle Additionally, there was a strategist named Feng Ji who spoke ill of him in front of Yuan Shao. 逢紀話 : 主公 , 你興 仁義之師 去 討伐 曹操 吖 。 Fung Kei said|Lord||righteous army|go|to attack|Cao Cao|particle Feng Ji said: 'My lord, you are raising a righteous army to attack Cao Cao.' 田豐 點解 講埋 晒 啲 咁 不祥 嘅 說話 㗎 ? 太過 豈有此理 嘞 噃。 Tien Fung|why|say all|completely|particle|so|ominous|possessive particle|words|question particle|too|unreasonable|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating surprise Why did Tian Feng say such ominous words? It's just too unreasonable. 袁紹 畀 佢 一 撩 , 撩 到 嬲 晒 , 就 想 殺田豐 。 Yuan Shao|give|him|one|poke|||angry|completely|then|wanted| Yuan Shao got provoked by him, got really angry, and wanted to kill Tian Feng. 好彩 得到 眾位 官員 為 佢 求情 , 先至免 咗 一死唧 。 fortunately|received|all|officials|for|him|plead for leniency||past tense marker|a death sentence Fortunately, the officials pleaded for him, and he was spared from death. 不過 袁紹 仲 係 嬲 呀 , 佢 話 : 好 ! 等 我 擊破 咗 曹操 , 再 嚟 定 你 嘅 罪 。 however|Yuan Shao|still|is|angry|particle|he|said|good|wait|I|defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao|again|come|settle|your|possessive particle|crime However, Yuan Shao was still angry. He said: "Alright! Once I defeat Cao Cao, I will come back and punish you." 於是 就 擇日 出發 。 so|then|choose a day|depart So he chose a day to set off. 七 十幾萬 人馬 就 認真 威武 啊 , 真 係 旌旗 遍野 刀劍 如林 啊 。 ||troops|then|serious|mighty|ah|||banners|everywhere|swords|like a forest|ah Seventy to eighty thousand troops are really impressive, with flags all over the place and swords like a forest. 一路 去 到 陽武 , 就 安營 扎寨 嘞 。 all the way|||Yangwu|then|set up camp|build fortifications|past tense marker They marched all the way to Yangwu and set up camp. 陽武 即 喺 而 家 河南省 , 原陽縣 東南 便 。 Yangwu|is|at|and|home|Henan Province|Yuanyang County|southeast|convenient Yangwu is currently in Henan Province, southeast of Yuanyang County. 呢 笪 地方 呢 同 官渡 呀 隔 住 黃河 , 遙遙相對 。 this|bus|place|this|with|Guandu|particle|separated|by|Yellow River| This place is separated from Guandu by the Yellow River, facing each other from a distance. 陽武 呢 就 喺 黃河 以北 , 官渡 喺 黃河 以南 。 Yangwu|this|just|at|Yellow River|north of|Guandu|at|Yellow River|south of Yangwu is located north of the Yellow River, while Guandu is south of the Yellow River. 呢 一日 , 袁紹 同一 班 謀士 商量 點樣 作戰 。 this|one day|Yuan Shao||group|strategists|discussed|how|to fight On this day, Yuan Shao and a group of strategists discussed how to engage in battle. 沮授 提出 意見 話 : 我軍 雖然 係 人 多 , 但 係 勇猛 就 不及 曹 軍 。 Ju Shou|put forward|opinion|said|our army|although|is|||||bravery|then|not as good as|| Jushou suggested that although our army is large, it is not as brave as Cao's army. 曹 軍 雖然 精幹 不過 糧草 啊 唔 及 我軍 咁 充足 。 ||although|elite|but|supplies|ah|not|reach|our army|so|sufficient Cao's army, although elite, does not have as sufficient supplies as our army. 曹 軍 冇 糧 就 利 在 速戰 , 我軍 有 糧 就 宜於 堅守 。 ||has no|supplies|then|advantageous|in|quick battle|our army|has|supplies|then|suitable for|holding out Without supplies, Cao's army benefits from a quick battle, while our army, having supplies, is suitable for a strong defense. 所以 , 如果 能夠 拖長 時間 , 噉 曹 軍 就 不戰自敗 㗎 喇 。 so|if|can|prolong|time|then|||will|lose without fighting|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Therefore, if we can prolong the time, Cao's army will defeat itself without fighting. 咩 話 ? 拖長 時間 ? 豈有此理 ! 田豐 擾亂 軍心 , 我 返去 一定 要 殺 咗 佢 ! what|did you say|prolong|time|how is this reasonable|Tian Feng|disturb|morale|I|return|definitely|will|kill|past tense marker|him What did you say? Dragging out the time? How ridiculous! Tian Feng is disturbing the morale of the army, I must go back and kill him! 你 而家 又 講埋 啲 噉 嘢 ? 人 嚟 ! you|now|again|talking about|those|like that|things|people|come Are you talking about that kind of thing again? Come on! 將 沮授 鎖起 嚟 , 韞 起 佢 ! 等 我 打敗 曹操 之後 , 同田豐 一齊 治罪 ! will|Ju Shou|lock up|here|release|get|him|wait|I|defeat|Cao Cao|after||jointly|punish Lock up the prisoners, keep them safe! After I defeat Cao Cao, I will punish Tian Feng together! 袁紹 於是 下令 將 七十萬 大軍 , 分開 喺 東 、 西 、 南 、 北 周圍 安營 扎寨 , 連綿 九十 幾里 。 Yuan Shao|then|ordered|to move|700000|troops|to divide|at|east|west|south|north|around|to set up camp|to build fortifications|continuous|ninety|miles Yuan Shao then ordered the seventy thousand troops to be divided and camped around the east, west, south, and north, stretching over ninety miles. 曹操 嘅 部隊 誒 駐 扎 喺 官渡 , 袁 軍 嘅 消息 不歇 咁 傳 嚟 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|interjection|stationed|firmly|at|Guandu|Yuan|army|possessive particle|news|incessantly|so|spread|coming Cao Cao's troops are stationed at Guandu, and news of Yuan's army keeps coming in. 嘿 , 唔 使講 乜 啊 , 淨 係 七十萬 人 呢 個 軍威 嚇 親人 喇 。 hey|||what|particle|||700000|people|this|measure word|military might|scare|relatives|particle Hey, no need to say anything, just the presence of 700,000 people is enough to scare anyone. 曹 軍 嘅 士兵 , 一 聽到 咗 呀 個個 都 心驚 。 ||possessive particle|soldiers|one|heard|past tense marker|exclamatory particle|everyone|all|frightened When the soldiers of Cao's army hear about it, they all feel frightened. 呢 一日 , 曹操 搵 齊 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 。 this|one day|Cao Cao|called|together|a group of|strategists|to|discuss On this day, Cao Cao gathered a group of strategists to discuss. 荀攸話 : 袁 軍人 數 雖然 眾多 , 之 唔 使 怕 嘅 , 我軍 嘅 人馬 都 係 十分 精銳 , 個個 都 係 一以當十 。 Xun You said|Yuan|soldiers|number|although|numerous|they|not|need|fear|possessive particle|our army|possessive particle|troops|all|are|very|elite|each|all|are|worth ten men Xun You said: Although Yuan's army is numerous, there's no need to be afraid, our troops are all elite, each one is worth ten. 但 係 一定 要 速戰 , 如果 拖延 時日 , 糧草 唔 夠 噉 就 弊 咯 。 ||definitely|must|quick battle|if|delay|time|supplies|||like this|then|disadvantage|particle indicating finality But we must fight quickly; if we delay, we won't have enough supplies and that would be a problem. 曹操 話 : 你 講得 啱 , 我 亦 係 噉 考慮 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said|you|speak|right|I|also|am|like that|considered|particle Cao Cao said: You are right, I am also considering it this way. 於是 曹操 就 傳令 落 去 : 全軍 展開 進攻 ! then|Cao Cao|then|issued an order|down|to|the whole army|launch|attack So Cao Cao ordered: The entire army, advance and attack! 曹軍一 攻過 嚟 呀 袁軍出 嚟 迎戰 嘞 , 兩邊 都 各自 排成 陣勢 。 Cao army one|attacked over|come|particle|Yuan army out|come|meet battle|past tense particle|both sides|all|each|arranged into|formation As the Cao army attacked, the Yuan army came out to meet them, and both sides formed their formations. 袁軍好 有 準備 呀 , 審配 呢 , 就 撥 咗 一萬名 弩手 就 埋伏 喺 兩翼 。 Yuan's army is good|has|preparation|particle|Shen Pei|particle|then|allocate|past tense marker|ten thousand|crossbowmen|then|ambush|at|both flanks The Yuan army was well prepared; Shen Pei had deployed ten thousand crossbowmen to ambush on both flanks. 弩 啊 就 係 用 摱 機 嚟 發 箭 嘅 弓 。 crossbow|ah|just|is|use|pull|mechanism|to|shoot|arrow|possessive particle|bow A crossbow is a bow that uses a mechanism to shoot arrows. 噉 啊 另外 撥 五千名 弓箭手 埋伏 喺 門 旗 之內 , 約定 炮聲 一響 就 一齊 射箭 。 then|ah|in addition|assign|5000|archers|ambush|at|gate|banner|inside|agreed|cannon fire||then|together|shoot arrows So, additionally, deploy five thousand archers to ambush inside the gate flag, and agree that when the cannon sounds, they will shoot arrows together. 好 喇 , 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 氹 三通 鼓打 完 , 袁紹 金盔 金甲 , 錦袍 玉帶 就 立馬 陣前 。 good|particle indicating completion|to drive||||||||three strikes|drumbeat|finished|Yuan Shao|golden helmet|golden armor|brocade robe|jade belt|immediately|right away|in front of the army Alright, after the three drum beats are finished, Yuan Shao in his golden helmet and armor, with his brocade robe and jade belt, will immediately stand in front of the formation. 喺 佢 嘅 左右 , 排列 住 張 郃 、 高覽 、 韓猛 、 淳于瓊 等等 將官 , 旌旗 節鉞 , 軍容 非常 之 嚴整 。 at|he|possessive particle|around|arranged|indicating continuous action|Zhang|He|Gao|Han|Chunyu Qiong|etc|officers|flags|ceremonial axes|military appearance|very|possessive particle|orderly On his left and right, generals such as Zhang He, Gao Lan, Han Meng, and Chunyu Qiong are arranged, with banners and halberds, the military appearance is very strict. 曹 軍 兵陣 之上 呢 , 門旗 一開 , 曹操 出馬 , 許諸 、 張 遼 、 徐晃 、 李典 等等 大將 各執 兵器 , 前後 護衛 。 Cao|army|battle formation||question particle|||Cao Cao|||Zhang|Liao|||etc|generals||weapons|front and back|guarding Above the Cao army's formation, when the gate flag opens, Cao Cao rides out, with generals like Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, and Li Dian each holding their weapons, guarding in front and behind. 曹操 用條 馬鞭 指住 袁紹 鬧 佢 話 : 我 喺 天子 面前 , 保奏 你 做 大將軍 , 今日 , 你 為 乜嘢 要 謀反 啊 ? Cao Cao||riding whip|pointed at|Yuan Shao|scolded|him|said|I|at|emperor|in front of|recommend|you|be|great general|today|you|for|what|want|rebel|question particle Cao Cao pointed at Yuan Shao with a riding whip and scolded him, saying: In front of the Son of Heaven, I have recommended you to be the Grand General, today, why do you want to rebel? 袁紹 鬧返 轉頭 嘞 : 呸 ! 你 名為 漢相實 為漢賊 啊 , 罪惡滔天 , 更 甚於 王莽 董卓 , 你仲 反而 誣衊 人 哋 造反 ? Yuan Shao|retorted|immediately|particle indicating completed action|phew|you|named|||ah|crimes are boundless|even|worse than|Wang Mang|Dong Zhuo|you still|instead|slandering|others|plural marker|rebellion Yuan Shao shouted back: "Bah! You claim to be the Prime Minister of Han but are actually a traitor to Han. Your crimes are heinous, even worse than Wang Mang and Dong Zhuo. And you dare to slander others for rebelling?" 我 今日 係 奉 咗 皇上 聖旨 , 嚟 討伐 你 ! I|today|am|received|past tense marker|Emperor|imperial decree|come|punish|you I am here today under the Emperor's decree to punish you! 我 係 奉 咗 天子 嘅 衣帶詔 討伐 漢賊 ! I|am|received|past tense marker|Son of Heaven|possessive particle|imperial decree|to attack|Han traitors I am here under the Emperor's secret edict to punish the traitors of Han! 曹操 嬲 嘞 , 叫 張 遼 出戰 。 Cao Cao|angry|past tense marker|ordered|Zhang|Liao|to battle Cao Cao was furious and called for Zhang Liao to battle. 張 邰 躍馬 上前 嚟 迎敵 。 Cheung|Tai|galloping horse|advanced|came|to meet the enemy Zhang Liao rode forward to meet the enemy. 兩員 大將 呀鬥 咗 四五十個 回合 , 不分勝負 。 two members|generals|fought|past tense marker|forty to fifty|rounds|no winner or loser The two generals fought for about forty to fifty rounds, with no clear winner. 曹操 見 咗 張 邰 咁 打 得 啊 , 覺得 好 驚奇 呀 。 Cao Cao|saw|past tense marker|Zhang|Tai|so|fight|well|sentence-final particle|felt|very|surprised|sentence-final particle Cao Cao saw how well Zhang Tai was fighting and felt very surprised. 呢 個 時候 , 許褚忍 唔 住 就 揮刀 縱 馬直 出去 助戰 。 this|measure word|time||||then|wielded his sword|urged||out|to assist in battle At this moment, Xu Chu couldn't hold back and charged out with his sword to assist in the battle. 高覽 挺 槍 接住 , 噉 四員 大將 分 做 兩對 廝殺 。 Gao Lam|raised|gun|caught|then|four|generals|divided|into|two pairs|fight to the death Gao Lan held his spear to intercept, and the four generals split into two pairs to fight. 曹操 命令 夏侯惇 、 曹洪 , 各人 帶領 三千 士兵 , 一齊 去 衝擊 袁 軍 兵陣 。 Cao Cao|ordered|Xiahou Dun|Cao Hong|each|lead|three thousand|soldiers|together|to|attack|Yuan|army|formation Cao Cao ordered Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong, each to lead three thousand soldiers, to charge at Yuan's army formation together. 審配 見到 曹 軍 嚟 衝陣唄 , 即刻 叫 人 嘣 噉 放起 號炮 。 Shen Pei|saw|Cao|army|come|charge into battle|immediately|ordered|people|bang|like that|fire|signal cannon When Shen Pei saw the Cao army charging, he immediately ordered the men to fire the signal cannon. 兩便 萬 弩 齊發 啊 , 中軍 之內 , 五千 弓箭手 一齊 湧到 陣前 , 搏命 噉 亂 咁 射 。 both sides|ten thousand|crossbow|fire together|ah|central army|within|five thousand|archers|all together|rushed to|the front of the formation|risking their lives|like that|chaotically|so|shoot With both sides firing their crossbows, within the central army, five thousand archers surged to the front line, shooting wildly as if fighting for their lives. 噉 曹軍點 頂得住 呢 , 喇喇聲 向 住 南 便 急急 撤退 。 then||withstand|question particle|sound of retreat|towards|indicating direction|south|then|hurriedly|retreat How could the Cao army withstand this? They quickly retreated towards the south. 袁紹 揮兵 掩殺 , 打到 曹 軍 大敗 一直 退返 去 官渡 。 Yuan Shao|to march his troops|to encircle and kill|fought until|Cao|army|was defeated|continuously|retreated|to|Guandu Yuan Shao led his troops to encircle and attack, defeating the Cao army and forcing them to retreat all the way back to Guandu. 袁紹 打贏 咗 一仗 , 立即 全軍 向前 移動 逼近 官渡 扎寨 。 Yuan Shao|won|past tense marker|a battle|immediately|the whole army|forward|moved|approached|Guandu|set up camp Having won a battle, Yuan Shao immediately ordered the entire army to move forward and encamp near Guandu. 審配 向 袁紹 獻計 話 : Shen Pei|to|Yuan Shao|offer a strategy|said Shen Pei suggested to Yuan Shao, saying: 我 哋 馬上 派 十萬 兵 守住 官渡 , 喺 曹 軍營 寨 前 便 , 築起 一座 土山 。 ||immediately|send|one hundred thousand|soldiers|defend|Guandu|at|Cao|army camp|fort|in front of|then|build|a|earthen mound "We should immediately send 100,000 troops to guard Guandu, and build a dirt mound right in front of Cao's camp. 然後 就 派兵 居高臨下 對 住 曹 軍營 寨 嚟 放箭 。 then|just|send troops|from a position of advantage|||Cao|military camp|fort|to|shoot arrows Then we can send troops to shoot arrows down from a high position at Cao's camp. 噉 曹操 如果 放棄 官渡 趯 返 扯 , 噉 我 哋 奪取 到 呢 個 咁 險要 嘅 隘口 , 許昌 就 完全 可以 攻破 啦 嘛 。 then|Cao Cao|if|gives up|Guandu|to retreat|back|to chase||||capture|at|this|classifier for nouns|so|strategically important|possessive particle|pass|Xuchang|then|completely|can|be defeated|particle indicating completed action|particle indicating obviousness If Cao Cao decides to abandon Guandu and retreat, we can seize this critical pass, and then Xuchang can be completely conquered. 袁紹 決定 用 佢 呢 個 辦法 , 就 命令 喺 各個 營寨 呀 , 挑選 一批 精壯 嘅 軍人 , 帶齊 鋤頭 鐵鏟 擔挑 籮 篸, 去 到 曹操 個 營寨 附近 就 堆起 個 泥山 。 Yuan Shao|decided|to use|his|this|measure word|method|then|ordered|at|each|camp|particle|to select|a group of|strong|possessive particle|soldiers|to bring all|hoe|shovel|to carry on a pole|basket|load|to go|to|Cao Cao|measure word|camp|nearby|then|to pile up|measure word|mound of earth Yuan Shao decided to use this method and ordered each camp to select a group of strong soldiers, equipped with shovels, iron spades, and baskets, to go near Cao Cao's camp and build a dirt mound. 曹 營裏 便 見到 袁 軍 喺 度 堆泥 山 , 就 派兵 出去 衝咯 喎 。 Cao|in the camp|then|saw|Yuan|army|at|there|pile of mud|hill|then|sent troops|out|charged|particle indicating certainty Cao saw Yuan's army building a mound of dirt, so he sent troops to charge. 但 係 審配 早就 安排 好 弓弩手 , 控制 住 咽喉 要道 , 曹軍呀 冇 辦法 衝得過 。 ||Shen Pei|already|arranged|well|crossbowmen|control|the|throat|vital road||has no|way|to charge through However, Shen Pei had already arranged archers to control the vital passage, so Cao's army had no way to break through. 就 喺 十日 之內 , 堆起 咗 成五 十幾座 泥山 。 just|at|ten days|within|piled up|past tense marker||over ten|mud hills Within ten days, they piled up more than fifty mounds of dirt. 又 喺 泥 山上 便 就 搭起 高台 , 派 啲 弓弩手 喺 上 便 射箭 。 again|at|mud|on the mountain|then|immediately|built|high platform|send|some|crossbowmen|at|above|then|shoot arrows They also built high platforms on the mounds and stationed archers on top to shoot arrows. 嘩 呀 真 係 冇 得 頂 啊 , 曹軍怕 到 不得了 , 唯有 人人 都 舉起 個 遮箭 盾牌 嚟 擋住 啦 。 wow|particle|really|is|not|able|withstand|particle||to|extremely|only|everyone|all|raise|measure word|arrow shield|shield|come|block|particle Wow, it was really unbearable; Cao's army was terrified and could only raise their shields to block the arrows. 嘿 只 聽聞 , 泥山 上面 卟 卟 卟 噉 幫子 一響 , 嗰 啲 箭 呀 好似 落 大雨 咁 射落 嚟 。 hey|only|heard|mud hill|on top||||like|bow|one sound|those|plural marker|arrows|particle|seem|falling|heavy rain|so|shoot down|coming Hey, I heard that on the mud mountain, there was a loud noise, and those arrows were shooting down like heavy rain. 曹 軍人 人 都 用個 盾牌 , 遮 冚 自己 伏 喺 地 嚟 。 Cao|soldier|people|all|use a|shield|cover|hide|himself|lie|at|ground|down The soldiers of Cao all used shields to cover themselves while lying on the ground. 嘿好 睇 咯 , 哦 噉 袁 軍 就 得意 啦 , 又 大聲 吶喊 又 笑 咯 喎 。 hey good|watch|particle|oh|like that|Yuan|army|then|proud|particle|again|loudly|shout|again|laugh|particle|particle It looks good, oh, then the Yuan army is pleased, shouting loudly and laughing. 曹操 見到 軍心 慌亂 , 立即 召集 啲 謀士 嚟 商量對策 。 Cao Cao|saw|morale|panic|immediately|gathered|plural marker|strategists|to| Cao Cao saw that the morale of the army was in chaos, and immediately summoned the strategists to discuss countermeasures. 劉曄 建議 話 : 我 哋 可以 做 一 批發 石車 嚟 破 佢 啊 。 Liu Ye|suggested|said|we|plural marker|can|make|a|wholesale|stone cart|come|break|it|particle Liu Ye suggested: We can make a batch of stone carts to break them. 噉 曹操 就 叫 劉曄畫 個 圖樣 出 嚟 , 漏夜 備料 開工 , 做到 幾百 架發 石車 , 分佈 喺 營 場 之內 , 對 正泥 山上 便 高台 嘅 雲梯 。 then|Cao Cao|then|ordered||the|diagram|out|come|overnight|prepare materials|start work|completed|several hundred|||distributed|in|camp|area||facing|||then|high platform|possessive particle|siege ladder So Cao Cao asked Liu Ye to draw a design, and they worked overnight to prepare materials, making hundreds of catapults, distributed within the camp, facing the high platform of the ladder on the mud hill. 袁軍就 唔 知道 曹 軍 搞 到 啲 新式 武器 喎 。 |not|know|Cao|army|||some|new type|weapons|sentence-final particle The Yuan army did not know that Cao's army had developed new weapons. 呢 一日 唔 係 照板 煮 碗 咯 , 又 嚟 射箭 嘞 。 this|day|not|is|according to plan|cook|bowl|particle indicating completed action|again|come|archery|particle indicating completed action This day is not just a routine, they are going to shoot arrows again. 點 知道 啱 啱 想 逳 手 開工 唧 , 曹 營裏 便 一齊 拉 逳 嗰 啲 石車 , 拂拂 聲 嗰 啲 炮 石 飛 起 嚟 , 對住 高台 亂 咁 揈 過去 。 how|to know|||wanted|to pull|hand|to start work|sound of pulling|name|in the camp|then|together|to pull|to pull|that|plural marker|stone cart|fluttering|sound|that|plural marker|cannon|stone|to fly|up|here|facing|high platform|wildly|like that|to throw|over Little did they know that just as they were about to start working, the Cao camp simultaneously pulled those catapults, and the sound of the stones flying up filled the air, randomly shooting towards the high platform. 呢 輪 就 弊 傢伙 咯 。 this|round|then|useless|guy|particle This round is a disaster for them. 啲 弓箭手 啊 企 晒 喺 高台 處 , 根本 就 冇 埞 趯 亦 冇 埞 匿 嘅 。 plural marker|archers|sentence-final particle|stand|completely|at|high platform|location|fundamentally|just|not have|cover|hide|also|not have|cover|hide|possessive particle The archers are all standing on the high platform, there is simply no way to dodge or hide. 畀 石頭 打死 打傷 嘅 就 不計其數 。 by|stone|killed|injured|possessive particle|then|countless The number of people killed or injured by stones is countless. 袁軍呀 都 叫 呢 啲 石車 做 霹靂車 呀 。 Yuen Kwan|all|call|these|particle indicating plural|stone car|make|thunder car|particle indicating exclamation The Yuan army even calls these stone carts 'thunder carts'. 嘩 , 乜 咁 厲害 㗎 ? 從此 呢 , 袁軍就 唔 敢 爬高 射箭 嘞 。 wow|what|so|impressive|question particle|from then on|this||not|dare|climb high|shoot arrows|past action particle Wow, how powerful is that? From then on, the Yuan army dared not climb high to shoot arrows. 一計 不成 , 審配 又 獻 一計 , 點呢 ? one plan|unsuccessful|Shen Pei|again|offer|another plan|what to do One plan failed, and Shen Pei proposed another plan, what is it? 佢 又 派兵 靜靜 掘條 地道 , 一直 要 穿 到 去 曹營 裏頭 嘅 。 He|again|sent troops|quietly||tunnel|continuously|needs to|penetrate|to|the|Cao camp|inside|possessive particle They quietly sent troops to dig a tunnel, aiming to reach the Cao camp. 曹兵 望見 袁 軍 喺 山後 猛 咁 掘窿 , 就 去 報告 曹操 啦 。 Cao's soldiers|saw|Yuan|army|at|behind the mountain|fiercely|so|digging holes|then|went|report|Cao Cao|final particle The Cao soldiers saw the Yuan army digging fiercely behind the mountain and reported it to Cao Cao. 噉 曹操 又 試問 劉曄有 咩 好計 嘞 喎 。 then|Cao Cao|again|ask||what|good plan|past action particle|sentence-final particle So Cao Cao asked Liu Ye if he had any good plans. 劉曄話 : 哦 , 呢 個 係 袁 軍 見到 明攻 唔 得 喇 , 就 用 暗攻 啫 。 Liu Ye said|oh|this|measure word|is|Yuan|army|seeing|open attack|not|feasible|particle indicating change|then|use|surprise attack|only Liu Ye said: Oh, this is the Yuan army realizing that a direct attack won't work, so they are resorting to a sneak attack. 佢 哋 實 係 要 掘 條 地道 , 喺 地底 一直 穿 到 我 哋 嘅 營寨 之內 嘅 。 They|plural marker|really|are|need|dig|measure word for long objects|tunnel|at|underground|straight|pass|to|we|plural marker|possessive particle|camp|inside|possessive particle They really want to dig a tunnel that goes underground straight into our camp. 噉 點樣 防禦 佢 好 呢 ? then|how|defend|him|well|question particle So how can we defend against them? 我 哋 可以 氹 氹 𡃈, 圍繞 住 營寨 掘 一條 壕溝 , 噉 袁軍想 由 地道 入 嚟 就 冇 術 㗎 喇 。 ||can||||||camp|dig|a|trench|then||from|tunnel|||then|have no|method|particle|particle We can dig a trench around the camp, so that the Yuan army won't be able to enter through the tunnels. 於是 曹操 啊 就 派兵 漏夜 掘 壕溝 嘞 喎 。 then|Cao Cao|ah|then|sent troops|overnight|digged|trench|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So Cao Cao sent troops to dig the trench overnight. 哈真 係 , 袁軍掘 地道 一掘 掘 到 壕溝 嗰 處 就 暴露 嘞 , 再 唔 入 得 喇 , 所以 就 白白 嘥 咗 咁 多 兵力 。 really|is||tunnel|one dig|||trench|that|place|then|exposed|past tense marker|again|not|||particle indicating completed action|so|then|in vain|wasted|past tense marker|so|many|troops Indeed, when the Yuan army dug the tunnel and reached the trench, they were exposed and could no longer enter, wasting a lot of manpower. 噉 曹操 守住 官渡 , 佢 由 八月 起到 九月底 , 兵力 啊 漸漸 缺乏 , 糧草 又 唔 夠 。 then|Cao Cao|defended|Guandu|he|from|August||the end of September|troops|(particle indicating exclamation)|gradually|dwindled|supplies|again|not|sufficient So Cao Cao held the position at Guandu, but from August to the end of September, his troops gradually became insufficient and supplies were lacking. 噉 啊 想 放棄 官渡 退返 去 許昌 , 考慮 嚟 考慮 去 , 總 係 決定 唔 落 。 like this|ah|want|give up|Guandu|retreat|to|Xuchang|consider|coming|consider|going|always|is|decision|not|fall So, ah, I want to give up on Guandu and retreat to Xuchang. I consider it and consider it, but ultimately decide not to. 就 寫 一封信 , 派 人 帶 去 許昌 問 下 荀彧 。 then|write||send|person|take|to|Xuchang|ask|about|Xun Yu So I write a letter and send someone to take it to Xuchang to ask Xun Yu. 荀彧 就 寫 返 封信 嚟 回覆 曹操 , 勸 曹操 一定 要 堅守 , 緊緊 控制 官渡 呢 個 咽喉 地帶 , 使 袁 軍 不能 前進 半步 。 Xun Yu|then|write|back|letter|to|reply|Cao Cao|advise|Cao Cao|definitely|must|hold firmly|tightly|control|Guandu|this|measure word|throat|area|make|Yuan|army|cannot|advance|half a step Xun Yu then writes a letter back to Cao Cao, advising him to definitely hold firm and tightly control the strategic area of Guandu, so that Yuan's army cannot advance even a step. 佢 仲 指出 : 目前 我軍 係 以少 敵多 , 以弱 敵強 , 確係 處於 劣勢 , 但 係 情況 最終 係 對 我軍 有利 嘅 噉 。 he|still|pointed out|currently|our army|is|with fewer|enemies|with weaker|enemies|certainly|in a|disadvantage|but|is|situation|ultimately|is|against|our army|advantageous|possessive particle|like this He also points out: currently our army is outnumbered and outmatched, indeed in a disadvantageous position, but the situation will ultimately be favorable for our army. 曹操 睇 完 回信 好 高興 , 命令 全軍 將士 呀 , 要 誓死 守衛 官渡 。 Cao Cao|to read|finish|reply letter|very|happy|ordered|entire army|soldiers|particle|must|to die swearing|defend|Guandu Cao Cao was very happy after reading the reply and ordered all the soldiers to vow to defend Guandu to the death. 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁紹 嘅 軍 兵 係 退後 咗 卅 幾里 。 at|this|measure word|time|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|army|soldiers|was|retreated|past tense marker|thirty|several miles At this time, Yuan Shao's troops had retreated over thirty miles. 有 一日 , 徐晃部 下 嘅 將官 史渙出 營去 巡哨 。 there is|one day||under|possessive particle|officer|||patrol One day, the officer Shi Huan from Xu Huang's unit went out of the camp to patrol. 捉 到 一個 袁 軍 嘅 哨子 , 就 解 佢 去 見 徐 晃 。 catch|past tense marker|a|Yuan|army|possessive particle|whistle|then|take|him|to|see|Xu|Huang He captured a sentry from Yuan's army and brought him to see Xu Huang. 徐晃 審問 佢 袁 軍 嘅 虛實 情況 , 個 探子 話 : Xu Huang|interrogated|he|Yuan|army|possessive particle|strengths and weaknesses|situation|the|spy|said Xu Huang interrogated him about the situation of Yuan's army, and the scout said: 今日 , 大將 韓猛 就 會 運糧 嚟 到 嘞 , 所以 誒 派 我 哋 出 嚟 探下路 先 。 today|General|Han Mang|then|will|transport supplies|come|arrive|past tense marker|so|ah|send|I|plural marker|go out|come|scout the road|first Today, the general Han Mang will be bringing supplies, so they sent us out to scout the road first. 咦 , 呢 個 情報 重要 啊 , 徐晃立 即將 呢 件 事 報告 曹操 。 hey|this|measure word|information|important|particle|||this|measure word|matter|report|Cao Cao Oh, this information is important! Xu Huang will immediately report this matter to Cao Cao. 荀攸話 嘞 : 韓猛 不過 係 匹夫之勇 唧 , 如果 派 一個 人 率領 幾千名 輕騎兵 , 喺 半路 襲擊 佢 , 斷 咗 佢 嘅 糧草 供應 , 袁軍就會 自己 亂起 上 嚟 喇 。 Xun You said|past tense marker|Han Meng|but|is|bravery of a common man|exclamation|if|send|one|person|lead|several thousand|light cavalry|at|halfway|ambush|him|cut off|past tense marker|his||supplies|supply||itself|become chaotic|up|come|completed action particle Xun You said: Han Meng is just a man of brute strength. If we send someone to lead a few thousand light cavalry to ambush him halfway and cut off his supply of provisions, the Yuan army will fall into chaos by themselves. 曹操 問 : 派邊 個人 去 啱 呢 ? Cao Cao|asked|which side|person|go|right|question particle Cao Cao asked: Who should we send? 派 徐晃 去 就 得 喇 。 send|Xu Huang|go|then|can|particle indicating completed action Just send Xu Huang. 於是 曹操 派 徐晃帶 埋史 渙 , 率領 佢 部下 嘅 人馬 先出 , 然後 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 帶兵 去 接應 。 then|Cao Cao|sent|||Huan|led|his|subordinates|possessive particle|troops||then|ordered|Zhang|Liao||lead troops|to|support So Cao Cao sent Xu Huang along with Shi Huan, leading his troops out first, and then ordered Zhang Liao and Xu Chu to bring their troops to support. 當晚 , 韓猛 押 住 幾千 架 糧車 , 運糧 去 袁紹 嘅 營寨 。 that night|Han Meng|||several thousand|classifier for vehicles|grain trucks|transport grain|to|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|camp That night, Han Meng was escorting several thousand grain carts to transport supplies to Yuan Shao's camp. 行行 下 , 嚟 到 一個 山谷 , 徐晃 、 史 渙 帶齊 人馬 截住 去路 。 walking|down|come|to arrive|a|valley|Xu Huang|||brought together|troops|blocked|path As they were moving along, they arrived at a valley where Xu Huang and Shi Huan had gathered their troops to block the road. 韓猛 飛馬 上前 嚟 打 啦 , 徐晃接 住 同 佢 廝殺 起上 嚟 。 Han Meng|Flying Horse|stepped forward|to|fight|particle indicating action|||with|him|fight to the death|up|to Han Meng rode forward to fight, and Xu Huang engaged him in combat. 嗰 頭 呢 , 史 渙 帶兵 殺散 咗 運糧 啲 夫力 , 就 放火燒 啲 糧車 嘞 。 that|head|question particle|Si|Huan|led the troops|scattered|past tense marker|transporting grain|plural marker|laborers|then||plural marker|grain trucks|past tense marker Meanwhile, Shi Huan led his troops to scatter the laborers transporting the supplies and set the grain carts on fire. 打 咗 幾十個 回合 , 韓猛 抵擋 唔 住 回馬 就 走 。 fight|past tense marker|several dozen|rounds|Han Mang|defend|||counterattack|then|ran away After fighting for several dozen rounds, Han Meng could not hold out any longer and retreated. 徐晃 亦 唔 去 追 佢 , 只 係 一味 咁 催促 啲 士兵 , 快 啲 燒晒 袁 軍 啲 物資 。 Xu Huang|also|not|go|chase|him|only|is|mindlessly|so|urging|plural marker|soldiers|quickly|plural marker|burn up|Yuan|army|plural marker|supplies Xu Huang also did not pursue him, only urging the soldiers to quickly burn all the supplies of Yuan's army. 袁紹 喺 軍營 裏 便 , 望見 西北方 大火 沖天 , 正 喺 度 驚疑 就 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 喎 。 Yuan Shao|at|barracks|inside|then|saw|northwest|big fire|soaring|just|at|in|surprised and suspicious|then|not|know|what|thing|event|particle indicating realization Yuan Shao was in the camp, seeing a great fire rising in the northwest, and was puzzled, not knowing what was happening. 嗰 啲 打敗 咗 嘅 士兵 趯 到 嚟 報告 話 : 糧草 被劫 喇 噉 。 that|plural marker|defeated|past tense marker|possessive particle|soldiers|rushed|to|come|report|said|supplies||completed action particle|like this The defeated soldiers rushed back to report that the supplies had been looted. 袁紹 急急 派 張 郃 、 高覽 去 截住 條 大路 。 Yuan Shao|urgently|sent|Zhang|He|Gao Lan|to|intercept|the|main road Yuan Shao hurriedly sent Zhang He and Gao Lan to block the main road. 啱 嘞 , 撞 正 徐晃燒 糧返 嚟 , 就 兩 便 正話 想 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 後 便 張 遼 、 許 褚 嘅 人馬 已經 嚟 到 , 兩下 夾攻 , 殺散 咗 袁 軍 。 ||clash|just|||come|then|two|just|when|wanted|duel|possessive particle|time|after|then|||||possessive particle|troops|already|||in two moves|flanking attack|scattered|past tense marker|| Just then, they ran into Xu Huang returning from burning the supplies, and at that moment, Zhang Liao and Xu Chu's troops had already arrived, launching a joint attack that scattered Yuan's army. 四員 大將 將兵 馬 集合 埋 一齊 , 返去 官渡 啦 。 four officers|general|soldiers|horses|gather|together|all|return|Guandu|particle indicating suggestion or command The four generals gathered their troops and horses together and returned to Guandu. 返到 營寨 , 曹操 就 歡喜 到 非常 咯 , 重重 咁 獎賞 慰勞 得勝 嘅 官兵 。 return to|camp|Cao Cao|then|happy|to|extremely|particle indicating completion|heavily|so|reward|consolation|victorious|possessive particle|soldiers Upon returning to the camp, Cao Cao was extremely happy and rewarded the victorious soldiers generously. 跟 住 , 又 分出 一部分 兵力 , 喺 寨 前 便 安營 , 成為 犄角之勢 互相 呼應 。 ||again|allocate|a portion of|troops|at|stockade|front|then|set up camp|become|flanking position|mutually|supporting each other Then, he divided a portion of the troops to set up camp in front of the fort, forming a flanking position to support each other. 而家返 轉頭 講下 韓猛 , 佢 打敗 咗 返到 軍營 , 袁紹 呀 嬲 到 不得了 要 殺 咗 佢 。 |later|talk about|Han Meng|he|defeated|past tense marker|||||||||||him Now let's turn back to Han Meng, who was defeated and returned to the military camp, and Yuan Shao was furious and wanted to kill him. 好彩 得到 班 文武 官員 講情 就免 咗 佢 一 死 。 fortunately|received|group|civil and military|officials|plead for leniency||past tense marker|him|one|death Fortunately, a group of civil and military officials interceded, and he was spared from death. 審配 話 : 行軍 打仗 以 糧食 為重 , 不可不 用心 提防 啊 ! Shen Pei|said|marching|fighting|taking|food|||attentively|be on guard|ah Shen Pei said: In marching and fighting, food is of utmost importance, and we must be vigilant! 烏巢 係 囤放 糧草 嘅 地方 , 必定 要 派 重兵 守衛 至 得 。 crow's nest|is|storing|fodder|possessive particle|place|must|need|deploy|heavy troops|guard|until|secure Wu Chao is the place for storing grain and fodder, and it must be heavily guarded. 袁紹 話 : 我 已經 籌劃 妥 嘞 , 我要 你 返 去鄴 郡 監督 糧草 , 必須 要 保證供給 充足 , 唔 好 畀 佢 缺乏 。 Yuan Shao|said|I|already|planned|properly|past tense particle|I want|you|return||county|supervise|supplies|must|ensure||sufficient|||let|him|lack Yuan Shao said: I have already made plans, and I want you to return to Ye County to supervise the grain and fodder, ensuring that the supply is sufficient and not lacking. 審配 接受 咗 命令 就 返 去鄴 郡 啦 。 Shen Pei|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|return||county|sentence-final particle Shen Pei accepted the order and returned to Ye County. 同時 呀 , 袁紹 派 大將 淳于瓊 , 帶住 眭元進 、 韓莒子 、 呂威璜 、 趙 睿 等等 幾名 將官 就 率領 二萬 人馬 去 守衛 烏巢 。 at the same time|particle|Yuan Shao|sent|general|Chunyu Qiong|leading|Sui Yuanjin|Han Juci|Lyu Weihuang|Zhao|Rui|etc|several|military officers|then|led|twenty thousand|troops|to|guard|Wuchao At the same time, Yuan Shao sent the general Chunyu Qiong, along with several officers including Sui Yuanjin, Han Juzi, Lu Weihuang, Zhao Rui, and others, to lead twenty thousand troops to guard Wu Chao. 嚱嚱, 呢 趟 袁紹 用錯 人 喇 。 haha|this|trip|Yuan Shao|used the wrong|person|particle Ah, this time Yuan Shao used the wrong person. 嗰 個 淳于瓊 呀 , 性情 暴烈 又 極鍾意 飲酒 嘅 , 啲 兵 都 怕 佢 怕 過 老虎 。 that|measure word|Chunyu Qiong|sentence-final particle|temperament|violent|and|extremely likes|drinking|possessive particle|plural marker|soldiers|all|fear|he|fear|more than|tiger That Chunyu Qiong, his temperament is violent and he loves to drink, the soldiers are more afraid of him than a tiger. 佢 去 到 烏 巢 之後 , 終之 無日 就 同埋 嗰 班 將官 喺 埋 一處 飲酒 啊 。 he|go|arrive|black|nest|after|eventually||then|and|that|group|officers|at|together||drink|ah After he arrived at Wu Chao, it didn't take long before he was drinking with those generals. 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 嘅 軍糧 已經 冇 晒 , 急急 派個 使者 去 許昌 , 叫 荀彧 十萬火急 籌辦 糧草 運 嚟 前線 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|he|possessive particle|military rations|already|have not|all gone|urgently|send a|messenger|to|Xuchang|ask|Xun Yu|extremely urgent|arrange|supplies|transport|come|front line Now let's talk about Cao Cao, his military supplies have run out, so he urgently sent a messenger to Xuchang, asking Xun Yu to urgently arrange for supplies to be transported to the front line. 個 使者 帶住 封信 起程 趕路 啦 , 行 咗 唔 到 三十里 , 就 畀 袁 軍 捉住 , 綁 起 佢 , 押 咗 去 見 謀士 許攸 。 the|messenger|carrying|letter|set off|hurried on|particle indicating completed action|traveled|past tense marker|not|reach|thirty li|then|by|Yuan|army|captured|tied|up|him|escorted|past tense marker|to|see|strategist|Xu You The messenger set off with a letter, but after traveling less than thirty miles, he was captured by Yuan's army, tied up, and taken to meet the strategist Xu You. 許 攸 嘅 別字 叫做 子遠 , 佢 年青 嘅 時候 , 同 曹操 係 好 朋友 嚟 , 但 係 而家 呢 , 佢 喺 袁紹處 嚟 做 謀士 喎 。 Xu|You|possessive particle|courtesy name|is called|Ziyuan|he|young|possessive particle|time|with|Cao Cao|is|good|friend|particle indicating action|but|is|now|particle indicating a question|he|at||particle indicating action|to be|strategist|particle indicating affirmation Xu You's courtesy name is Ziyuan. When he was young, he was a good friend of Cao Cao, but now he is serving as an advisor to Yuan Shao. 當時 , 佢 喺 嗰 個 使者 身上 抄出 曹操 催糧 嘅 書信 , 就 即刻 去 見 袁紹 嘞 佢 話 : at that time|he|at|||messenger|on|copied out|Cao Cao|urging for grain|possessive particle|letter|then|immediately|go|see|Yuan Shao|past tense particle|he|said At that time, he copied a letter from Cao Cao urging for supplies from that messenger and immediately went to see Yuan Shao, saying: 曹操 嘅 兵馬 喺 官渡 同 我 哋 相持 已經 好耐 , 許昌 必定 空虛 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|at|Guandu|with|I|plural marker|stalemate|already|a long time|Xuchang|definitely|vulnerable Cao Cao's troops have been at a stalemate with us at Guandu for a long time, and Xu Chang must be empty. 而家 曹操 個 糧草 已經 盡 喇 , 我 哋 正 係 可以 趁 呢 個 機會 , 分兩路 去 攻 佢 呀 。 now|Cao Cao|possessive particle|supplies|already|exhausted|past action particle|I|plural marker|currently|am|can|take advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity||to|attack|him|sentence-final particle Now that Cao Cao's supplies are exhausted, we can take this opportunity to attack him from two directions. 但 係 袁紹 話 : 嗯 , 曹操 詭計多端 , 呢 封信 , 乃 係 誘敵 之計 呀 ! ||Yuan Shao|said|hmm|Cao Cao|full of cunning schemes|this|letter|||luring the enemy|strategy|particle But Yuan Shao said: Hmm, Cao Cao is full of tricks, this letter is a scheme to lure the enemy! 將軍 , 今日 唔 去 打 佢 , 日後 會 反受 其害 㗎 。 general|today|not|go|hit|him|in the future|will|suffer||particle indicating certainty General, if we don't go and fight him today, we will suffer the consequences in the future. 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 忽然間 喺 鄴 郡 有 使者 嚟 , 帶 咗 審配 一封信 嚟 呈 畀 袁紹 。 just|at|place|talking|continuous aspect particle|suddenly|at|Ye|county|has|messenger|come|bring|past tense marker|Shen Pei||come|present|to|Yuan Shao Just as we were discussing, suddenly a messenger arrived from Ye County, bringing a letter from Shen Pei to present to Yuan Shao. 呢 封信 , 首先 係 講 運糧 嘅 事 , 後 便 呢 , 就 講許 攸 往日 喺 冀州 嘅 時候 , 曾經 濫收 民間 財物 , 又 縱容 佢 嘅 子侄 多收 稅款 , 錢糧 入 晒 自己 荷包 。 this|letter|first|is|talking|transportation of grain|possessive particle|matter|later|then|this|just||You|in the past|at|Jizhou|possessive particle|time|once|extorted|from the people|property|also|condoned|his|possessive particle|nephews and nieces||taxes|money and grain|entered|all|his own|pocket This letter first talks about the issue of grain transportation, and then it mentions that Xu You, in the past while in Jizhou, had abused his power to collect wealth from the people, and also allowed his relatives to collect excessive taxes, pocketing all the money. 審配 話 而家 已經 拉 咗 佢 嘅 子侄 , 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 喇 噉 。 Shen Pui|said|now|already|arrested|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|nephew|Yun|at|prison|come|completed action particle|like this Shen Pei said that he has already arrested his relatives and they are now in prison. 袁紹 睇 完 封信 當堂 發火 。 Yuan Shao|read|finished|letter|on the spot|got angry Yuan Shao became furious after reading the letter. 你 呢 個 傢伙 , 行為 真 係 惡劣 ! you|question particle|measure word|guy|behavior|||bad You, this guy, your behavior is really terrible! 你仲有 面目 嚟 向 我 獻計 , 吓 ? |face|come|towards|me|give advice|huh You still have the face to give me advice, huh? 你 係 同 曹操 有 交情 嘅 , 我 睇 你 而家 , 實 係 受 咗 佢 嘅 賄賂 , 為 佢 做 奸細 走 嚟 欺騙 我 , 哼 ! you|are|with|Cao Cao|have|friendship|possessive particle|I|see|you|now|really|are|receiving|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|bribe|for|him|doing|spy|running|here|deceiving|me|humph You have connections with Cao Cao, I see you now, you are really bribed by him, doing his dirty work to deceive me, hum! 本應 我 要 殺 咗 你 嘅 , 而家 姑且 留住 你 嘅 頭殼 喺 條 頸 處 先 , 你 快 啲 出去 , 以後 唔 准 再 嚟 見 我 ! should have|I|to|kill|past tense marker|you|possessive particle|now|for the time being|keep|you|possessive particle|head|at|measure word for long objects|neck|location|first|you|quickly|comparative particle|go out|in the future|not|allowed|again|come|see|me I should have killed you, but for now, I'll just keep your head on your neck, you hurry up and get out, and don't come to see me again! 許攸 唯有 扯 啦 , 佢 返 到 去 自己 嘅 帳篷 , 越 諗 越 唔 抵 呀 。 Xu You|only|to pull|particle|he||||his own|possessive particle|tent|the more|think|the more|not|worth|particle Xu You can only complain, he returns to his own tent, the more he thinks about it, the more it doesn't make sense. 唉 ! 忠言逆耳 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 蠢人 , 跟 住 佢 有 乜 用 啊 ? sigh||this|plural marker|like that|possessive particle|foolish people|||him/her|have|what|use|question particle Sigh! Honest advice is often unwelcome. What use is it to follow such foolish people? 唉 ! 我 嘅 子侄 已經 畀 審配 害 咗 咯 , 我仲 邊度 有面 返去 見 冀州 嘅 人 呢 ? sigh|I|possessive particle|nephews and nieces|already|by|Shen Pei|harmed|past tense marker|final particle||where||return|see|Jizhou|possessive particle|people|question particle Sigh! My nephews have already been harmed by Shen Pei. Where do I have the face to go back and see the people of Jizhou? 嘿 ! 許 攸 掹 出 把 劍 想 自刎 喎 。 hey|Xu|You|pull out|out|measure word for tools|sword|want|to commit suicide|particle indicating realization or confirmation Hey! Xu You pulled out a sword and wanted to commit suicide. 佢 左右 嘅 親信 即刻 上前 搶 咗 佢 把 劍 , 勸 佢 話 : 許公 何必 噉 樣 輕生 呢 ? he|around|possessive particle|trusted aide|immediately|stepped forward|snatched|past tense marker|his|measure word for tools|sword|advised|him|said|Mr Hsu|why|like this|way|take his own life|question particle His trusted aides immediately rushed forward to grab his sword, advising him: "Why must you take your life like this, Xu Gong?" 袁紹 唔 聽 你 嘅 說話 , 日後 必定會 畀 曹操 打敗 嘅 。 Yuan Shao|not|listen|you|possessive particle|words|in the future||by|Cao Cao|defeated|particle indicating past action Yuan Shao does not listen to your words, and in the future, he will definitely be defeated by Cao Cao. 許公 , 你 既然 過去 同 曹操 有 交情 嘅 , 點解 唔 棄暗投明 呢 ? Lord Xu|you|since|in the past|with|Cao Cao|have|friendship|past tense particle|why|not|abandon darkness and embrace light|question particle Xu Gong, since you had a past friendship with Cao Cao, why not abandon the darkness and seek the light? 哎呀 ! 就 係 呢 兩句 說話 點醒 咗 許攸 , 於是 許攸一 於 去 投奔 曹操 。 oh no|just|is|these|two sentences|words|awakened|past tense marker|Xu You|so|Xu You immediately|at|go|defect to|Cao Cao Ah! It was these two sentences that awakened Xu You, and so he immediately went to seek refuge with Cao Cao. 當晚 深夜 , 許攸 偷偷 離開 營寨 , 一直 走 去 曹 軍 嗰 便 。 that night|late at night|Xu You|secretly|left|camp|continuously|walked|to|Cao|army|that|place That night, in the deep of night, Xu You secretly left the camp and walked towards Cao's army. 行到 上下 到 , 畀 曹 軍 嘅 哨兵 捉住 。 walk to|up and down|arrive|by|Cao|army|possessive particle|soldier|caught When he arrived, he was caught by the sentries of Cao's army. 許攸話 : 我 係 曹丞相 嘅 舊 朋友 , 你 快 啲 同 我 去 報 畀 丞相 知 , 話 南陽 許攸 嚟 見 佢 噉 啦 。 Xu You said|I|am|Prime Minister Cao|'s|old|friend|you|||with|me|go|report|to|Prime Minister|know|saying|Nanyang|Xu You|come|see|him|like this|particle Xu You said: I am an old friend of Prime Minister Cao, please hurry and report to the Prime Minister that Xu You from Nanyang has come to see him. 嗰 個 哨兵 連忙 報告 入去 。 that|measure word for people|soldier|hurriedly|report|go in The sentry quickly reported in. 當時 曹操 啱 啱 除衫 想 上床 瞓覺 㗎 喇 。 at that time|Cao Cao|||took off his shirt|wanted|to get into bed|sleep|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action At that time, Cao Cao had just taken off his clothes and was about to go to bed. 一 聽講 許攸 逃跑 嚟 到 唄 , 歡喜 到 佢 呀 , 直情 忘 晒 形 啊 。 one|heard|Xu You|ran away|come|arrive|particle|happy|when|he|particle|completely|forgot|all|appearance|particle Upon hearing that Xu You had escaped here, he was so happy that he completely forgot his manners. 連鞋 都 唔 着 , 就 噉 除 大 赤腳 就 行出 嚟 迎接 。 even shoes|all|not|wear|then|like this|take off|big|barefoot|then|walk out|here|to greet He didn't even put on his shoes, just went out barefoot to welcome him. 一 見到 許攸 , 佢 拍 起 掌 噉 笑 到 咔 咔 聲 , 然後 拖住 手 一齊 入去 中軍帳 。 one|saw|Xu You|he|clapped|up|hands|like|||||sound|then|holding|hand|together|entered|the central army tent As soon as he saw Xu You, he clapped his hands and laughed loudly, then took his hand and went into the central army tent together. 曹操 呀 , 首先 跪低 對許 攸 行禮 。 Cao Cao|ah|first|kneel down||You|pay respects Cao Cao, first kneel down and pay respects to Xu You. 哎呀 , 許攸 慌忙 還禮 扶 起 曹操 話 : oh no|Xu You|hurriedly|returned the greeting|||Cao Cao|said Ah, Xu You hurriedly returned the greeting and helped Cao Cao up, saying: 曹公 , 你 係 漢朝 丞相 , 我 不過 係 個 平民百姓 唧 , 乜 你 咁 謙恭 啊 , 唔 敢當 , 唔 敢當 啊 ! Lord Cao|you|are|Han Dynasty|Prime Minister|I|just|am|a|commoner|ah|why|you|so|humble|ah|not|deserve|not|deserve|ah Lord Cao, you are the Chancellor of the Han Dynasty, I am just a commoner, why are you being so humble? I dare not accept it, I dare not accept it! 先生 係 我 嘅 舊 朋友 , 點敢 話 用 爵位 嚟 分 高低 上下 嘅 呢 ? sir|is|I|possessive particle|old|friend|how dare|say|use|title|to|distinguish|high and low|superior and inferior|possessive particle|question particle Sir is an old friend of mine, how could I say that we should distinguish between high and low based on titles? 我 過去 , 冇 選擇 好 一位 主公 , 屈身 於 袁紹 , 言 不 聽計 不 從 , 所以 今日 特意 離開 佢 嚟 見 舊 朋友 。 I|in the past|had no|choice|good|one|lord|submit|to|Yuan Shao|words|not||not|follow|so|today|intentionally|leave|him|to|meet|old|friend In the past, I did not choose a good lord, I bent my knees to Yuan Shao, who did not listen to my words or follow my plans, so today I specifically left him to meet an old friend. 希望 曹公 能夠 收留 我 ! hope|Lord Cao|can|take in|me I hope Lord Cao can take me in! 你 肯 嚟 , 我實 成功 咯 。 子遠 , 請 你 指教 我 點樣 先至 能夠 擊敗 袁紹 啊 。 you|willing|come||succeed|particle indicating completed action|Ziyuan|please|you|teach|I|how|only then|able to|defeat|Yuan Shao|particle indicating a question or exclamation If you are willing to come, I will definitely succeed. Ziyuan, please teach me how to defeat Yuan Shao. 我 曾經 教 袁紹 用 輕騎兵 , 乘虛 襲擊 許都 , 兩路 嚟 夾攻 你 呀 。 I|once|taught|Yuan Shao|to use|light cavalry|taking advantage of a gap|attack|Xudu|two routes|come|encircle and attack|you|particle I once taught Yuan Shao to use light cavalry to launch a surprise attack on Xudu, attacking you from two directions. 哎呀 , 啊 ! 如果 袁紹 聽 你 話 , 哈哈哈 , 我 就 一敗塗地 喇 。 oh no|ah|if|Yuan Shao|listens|you|words|hahaha|I|then|utterly defeated|particle indicating completed action Oh no! If Yuan Shao listens to you, hahaha, I will be utterly defeated. 曹公 , 你 而 家 嘅 軍糧 仲有 幾多 啊 ? Lord Cao|you|||possessive particle|military rations|still have|how much|question particle Lord Cao, how much food do you have left for the army? 可以 支持 一年 啊 。 can|support|one year|particle It can support for a year. 嘿嘿嘿 , 恐怕 未必 掛 。 hehehe|I'm afraid|not necessarily|hang up Hehehe, I'm afraid it might not work. 誒 , 誒 夠 半年度 啦 。 hey||enough|half year|particle indicating completion or change of state Eh, eh, it's enough for half a year. 許攸 衫袖 一拂 , 企 起身 行出 中軍帳 : 我 誠心誠意 嚟 投奔 曹公 你 , 而 你 竟然 噉 嚟 呃 我 , 我 真 係 失望 啊 ! Xu You|sleeve|with a flick|to stand|up|walk out|central army tent|I|sincerely|come|seek refuge|Lord Cao|you|but|you|unexpectedly|like this|come|deceive|me|I|really|am|disappointed|ah Xu You waved his sleeves and stood up to walk out of the central army tent: I sincerely came to seek refuge with you, Cao Gong, and yet you deceived me like this. I am truly disappointed! 曹操 急急 拉住 許攸 : 誒 子 遠 你 唔 好 嬲 , 坐 , 坐 。 Cao Cao|urgently|grabbed|Xu You|hey|||you|||angry|sit|sit Cao Cao hurriedly grabbed Xu You: Eh, Ziyuan, don't be angry, sit down, sit down. 等 我 老實 講 你 聽 啦 , 軍隊 嘅 糧草 , 實際上 可以 支持 三個 月 嘅 咋 ! wait|I|honestly|tell|you|listen|particle|army|possessive particle|food and supplies|actually|can|support|three|months|particle|how Let me be honest with you, the army's supplies can actually support for three months! 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 唔 怪 得 人人 都 話 曹孟德 係 個 奸雄 , 而家 睇 嚟 , 確係 冇 講錯 。 hahaha|ha|not|||everyone|all|says|Cao Mengde|is|a|villain|now|||indeed|not|wrong Hahaha, no wonder everyone says Cao Mengde is a cunning hero, it seems they are not wrong. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 開講 有話 : 兵不厭詐 吖 嘛 。 hahaha|haha||let's talk|have something to say|all's fair in war|particle|particle Hahahaha, as they say: all's fair in war. 軍隊 裏頭 , 只 係 有 呢 個 月 嘅 糧食 咋 。 army|inside|only|is|have|this|measure word|month|possessive particle|food|only Inside the army, there is only food for this month. 唔 好 呃 我 喇 , 你 嘅 糧 盡 咯 ! not|good|trick|me|past tense particle|you|possessive particle|food|run out|completed action particle Don't fool me, your supplies are gone! 吓 ? 你 點知 㗎 ? huh|you|how do you know|question particle Huh? How do you know that? 曹公 , 你 自己 睇 下 啦 。 Lord Cao|you|yourself|see|down|particle indicating suggestion or urging Cao Gong, you take a look for yourself. 許攸將 曹操 寫 畀 荀彧 嘅 信 攞 出 嚟 畀 曹操 睇 : 呢 封信 係 邊個 寫 㗎 ? Xu Youjiang|Cao Cao|wrote|to|Xun Yu|possessive particle|letter|take|out|come|to|Cao Cao|read|this|letter|is|who|wrote|question particle Xu You took out the letter that Cao Cao wrote to Xun Yu and showed it to Cao Cao: Who wrote this letter? 哦 ! 喺 邊 處 得 嚟 㗎 ? oh|at|||||question particle Oh! Where did it come from? 於是 許攸就將 捉 到 使者 嘅 事 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 then||capture|to|messenger|possessive particle|matter|to tell|to|Cao Cao|to hear So Xu You told Cao Cao about capturing the messenger. 曹操 執住 許攸 隻 手話 喇 : 子遠 , 你 既然 係 念 在 往日 交情 而 嚟 嘅 , 請 你 指教 我 啦 ! Cao Cao|holding|Xu You|one|hand|particle|Ziyuan|you|since|are|||past|friendship|and|come|particle|please|you|instruct|me|particle Cao Cao held Xu You's hand and said: "Ziyuan, since you have come here thinking of our past friendship, please give me your advice!" 明公 你 以 孤軍 嚟 抗擊 大敵 , 但 係 又 唔 去 想 急 勝 嘅 辦法 , 呢 個 乃 係 取 死 之 道 啊 ! Your Excellency|you|with|lone army|come|to fight against|great enemy|||again|not|go|think|||possessive particle|method|this|classifier|||taking|death|possessive particle|way|ah My lord, you are using your lone army to confront a great enemy, but you are not considering urgent methods for a quick victory. This is a path to death! 我 有 一條 計策 , 不 出 三日 , 能夠 使 袁紹 百萬 之眾 不戰自敗 , 唔 知明 公肯 唔 肯 聽 我 話 呢 ? I|have|one|strategy|not|within|three days|can|make|Yuan Shao|one million||defeat without battle|not|Zhiming||not|willing|listen|my|words|question particle I have a strategy that, within three days, can make Yuan Shao's million troops defeat themselves without a fight. I wonder if my lord is willing to listen to me? 請講 , 請講 ! please speak|please speak Please speak, please speak! 袁紹 嘅 軍糧 輜重 , 全部 都 囤 放 喺 烏 巢 。 Yuan Shao|possessive particle|military rations|supplies|all|all|||at|| Yuan Shao's military supplies and provisions are all stored in Wuchao. 而家 派 咗 淳于瓊 喺 度 把守 。 now|send|past tense marker|Chunyu Qiong|at|place|guarding Right now, Chunyu Qiong is stationed here. 淳于瓊 一味 爛酒 , 毫無準備 嘅 。 Chunyu Qiong|only|bad wine|completely unprepared|possessive particle Chunyu Qiong is just a heavy drinker, completely unprepared. 明公 可以 挑選 一支 精兵 , 冒認 係 袁紹 嘅 將官 蔣奇 , 帶兵 去 佢 嗰 處 護 糧 , 乘機 放火燒 晒 佢 嘅 糧草 輜重 。 Your Excellency|can|select|a unit of|elite soldiers|impersonating|is|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|general|Jiang Qi|lead troops|to|his|that|place|protect|grain|take the opportunity|set fire to|all|his|possessive particle|fodder|supplies The Ming Duke can select a group of elite soldiers, pretending to be Yuan Shao's general Jiang Qi, to lead the troops to guard the supplies there, and take the opportunity to set fire to all his grain and supplies. 噉 樣 呀 , 不 出 三日 , 袁 軍 唔 使 打 佢 , 自己 就 亂 起 嚟 咯 。 like this|appearance|question particle|not|come out|three days|Yuan|army|not|need|fight|him|he himself|then|randomly|rise|come|particle indicating a change of state In this way, within three days, the Yuan army won't even need to fight him; they will create chaos on their own. 曹操 極之 歡喜 啊 , 畀 許攸好 高 嘅 待遇 留 佢 喺 度 。 Cao Cao|extremely|happy|ah|give||high|possessive particle|treatment|keep|him|at|place Cao Cao was extremely pleased and gave Xu You a very high treatment to keep him here. 第 日 , 曹操 親自 挑選 馬步軍 士 五千 人 , 準備 去 烏巢劫 糧 。 the|day|Cao Cao|personally|selected|cavalry and infantry|soldiers|five thousand|people|prepared|to go||grain On that day, Cao Cao personally selected 5,000 cavalry and infantry soldiers, preparing to raid the grain at Wu Chao. 張 遼 就 話 : 袁紹 囤糧 嘅 地方 , 點會 話 冇 防備 嘅 呢 ? ||then|said|Yuan Shao|stockpiling grain|possessive particle|place|how could|say|not have|defenses|particle indicating a question|question particle Zhang Liao then said: "How could Yuan Shao's grain storage be unguarded?" 丞相 唔 好 隨便 去 劫 糧 啊 , 恐怕 許攸耍 咩 嘢 詭計 喎 。 Prime Minister|not|very|casually|go|rob|grain|ah|I'm afraid||what|thing|trick|particle The Prime Minister shouldn't casually raid grain; I'm afraid Xu You might be plotting something. 唔 會 嘅 , 許攸 呢 次 嚟 乃 係 天敗 袁紹 啊 ! not|can|particle indicating possession|Xu You|this|time|come|only|is|heavenly defeat|Yuan Shao|ah It won't happen; Xu You is here this time to defeat Yuan Shao! 而家 , 我 哋 軍糧 已經 接濟 唔 上 , 好難 堅持 落 去 。 now|||military rations|already|subsidized|||very difficult|to persist|| Right now, our military supplies are already insufficient, and it's very difficult to hold on. 如果 唔 用許 攸 嘅 計策 , 係 坐響 處 等 失敗 嘅 啫 。 if|not||You|possessive particle|strategy|is||place|wait|failure|particle indicating past action|only If we don't use Xu You's strategy, we are just waiting here for failure. 仲有 , 如果 佢 係 搞 詭計 嘅 , 佢 又 點 肯 留 喺 我 營寨 處 呢 ? moreover|if|he|is|doing|tricks|possessive particle|he|again|how|willing|stay|at|my|camp|place|question particle Moreover, if he is plotting something, why would he stay in our camp? 而且 , 我 亦 都 想 去 劫寨 好 耐 嘅 喇 。 moreover|I|also|all|want|to go|rob the village|very|long|past tense particle|completed action particle Also, I have wanted to raid the camp for a long time. 呢 次 劫 糧 嘅 行動 , 計在 必行 , 你 唔 使思疑 喇 。 this|time|rob|food|possessive particle|action|planned|must be executed|you|not||final particle This operation to raid the grain is necessary, you don't need to doubt it. 噉 亦 都 要 提防 袁紹 乘虛 嚟 偷襲 至 好 啊 。 then|also|all|need to|be on guard against|Yuan Shao|take advantage of a weakness|come|surprise attack|until|good|particle We also need to be on guard against Yuan Shao taking advantage of the situation to launch a surprise attack. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 已經 諗 妥 晒 咯 。 hahaha||I|already|think|settled|completely|particle indicating completion Hahaha, I have already thought it through. 曹操 就 命令 荀 攸 、 賈詡 、 曹洪同許 攸 一齊 , 守衛 大寨 ; Cao Cao|then|ordered|Xun|You|Jia Xu||You|all|guard|Dazhai Cao Cao ordered Xun You, Jia Xu, and Cao Hong to guard the main camp together; 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 就 率領 一支 部隊 埋伏 喺 左 便 ; Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Yuan|then|led|a|unit|ambush|at|left|side Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan led a troop to ambush on the left side; 曹仁 、 李典 , 率領 一支 部隊 埋伏 喺 右 便 , 以防不測 。 Cao Ren|Li Dian|led|a|troop|ambush|at||| Cao Ren and Li Dian led a troop to ambush on the right side, to guard against unforeseen circumstances. 命令 張 遼 、 許褚 在 前 , 徐晃 、 于禁 在 後 ; order|Zhang|Liao|Xu Chu|at|front|Xu Huang|Yu Jin|at|rear He ordered Zhang Liao and Xu Chu to be in the front, with Xu Huang and Yu Jin in the back; 曹操 自己 呀 帶領 其他 將官 居中 , 總共 五千 人馬 , 打住 曹 軍旗 號 。 Cao Cao|himself|particle indicating exclamation|led|other|generals|in the center|a total of|five thousand|troops|carrying|Cao|military flag|insignia Cao Cao himself led other generals in the center, with a total of five thousand troops, carrying the Cao army flag. 啲 兵士 呀 , 個個 都 孭 住 一 紮 柴草 , 人 銜枚 馬勒 口 , 喺 黃昏時分 向 烏巢 進發 。 the|soldiers|particle|everyone|all|carry|in a state of|one|bundle|firewood|people|||mouth|at||towards|Wuchao|set out The soldiers each carried a bundle of firewood, with their mouths holding a stick, advancing towards the crow's nest at dusk. 所謂 人 銜枚 馬勒 口 啊 , 乃 係 古代 行軍 嘅 時候 嘅 一種 保密 措施 。 so-called|people|carrying a wooden stick|horse|mouth|ah|is|is|ancient|marching|possessive particle|time|possessive particle|a kind of|secrecy|measure The so-called 'mouth holding a stick' was a kind of secrecy measure used during ancient military marches. 兵士 嘅 口 呢 就 打橫 銜住 枚 。 soldier|possessive particle|mouth|question particle|then|sideways|holding|classifier for small objects The soldiers held the stick horizontally in their mouths. 噉 枚 係 咩 嘢 呀 ? 枚 係 一種 好似 筷子 咁 上下 嘅 嘢 , 一頭 呢 就 用 條繩 仔 綁住 掛 喺 條 頸 嚟 。 like this|measure word for objects|is|what|thing|question particle||||like|chopsticks|so|up and down|possessive particle||one end|this|then|use||small|tied|hang|at|measure word for long objects|neck|come So what is this stick? It is something like chopsticks, with one end tied with a rope and hung around the neck. 馬匹 呢 就 勒緊 佢 哋 嘅 嘴 。 The horse|this|then|pulled tight|it|they|possessive particle|mouth The horses are being restrained by their mouths. 呢 就 係 用 呢種 辦法 啊 , 防止 兵士 行軍 嘅 時候 講 說話 喧嘩 同埋 馬 叫 , 以免 敵人 發覺 。 this|just|is|using|this kind of|method|ah|prevent|soldiers|marching|possessive particle|time|talking|conversation|noise|and|horses|neighing|in order to avoid|enemy|noticing This is the method used to prevent soldiers from talking loudly and the horses from neighing while marching, so as not to alert the enemy. 而家講 下 嗰 個 沮 授 。 |later|that|measure word|frustrated|teacher Now let's talk about that person. 佢 係 畀 袁紹 監禁 起 嚟 㗎 , 呢 一晚 , 佢 見到 外便 星光燦爛 , 就 叫 個 看守 帶 佢 出去 睇 下 天象 嘞 喎 。 He|is|by|Yuan Shao|imprisoned|up|come|particle|this||He|saw|outside|starry sky|then|asked|the|guard|to take|him|outside|to see|the|celestial phenomena|particle|particle He was imprisoned by Yuan Shao. That night, he saw the stars shining brightly outside, so he asked the guard to take him out to observe the sky. 忽然間 佢 睇 睇 下 就 嗌 喇 : 啊 ! 不得了 ! 大禍 到 喇 ! suddenly|he|looked|read|a little|then|shouted|particle indicating completed action|ah|terrible|great disaster|arrived|particle indicating completed action Suddenly, he looked up and shouted: Ah! This is terrible! A disaster is coming! 噉 究竟 佢 睇 下 個 天 又 嗌 起 大禍 到 係 點解 呢 ? then|exactly|he|see|next|the|day|again|call|bring|disaster|arrive|is|why|question particle So what exactly happened that made him look at the sky and cause such a disaster? 噉 啊 下次 先至 講喇 。 like this|ah|next time|only then|will talk Well, let's talk about it next time.

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