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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 041

有 一晚 , 沮 授 佢 就 見到 外便 星光燦爛 , 就 叫 個 看守 帶 佢 出去 睇 下 天象 吖 。 忽然間 , 佢 睇 見 太白金星 逆行 , 侵犯 牛 、 斗之分 就 大吃一驚 。 佢 話 : 哎呀 ! 不得了 啊 ! 大禍 就 到 喇 。 於是 漏夜 去 求見 袁紹 。 當時 , 袁紹 已經 飲 醉酒 瞓 咗 㗎 喇 。 噉 聽 講話 有 機密 事要 報告 喎 , 就 嗌 佢 入 嚟 問 下 啦 。 沮授 話 : 將軍 呀 將軍 , 我 啱 啱 觀察 天象 , 見到 太白 逆行 於 柳 、 鬼 之間 , 流光 射入 牛 、 斗之分 , 恐怕 係 會 有 賊兵 劫掠 之害 喎 。 烏巢 乃 係 我軍 囤糧 之 所 , 不可不 提防 啊 ! 請 將軍 派遣 精兵 猛將 , 喺 啲 險要 嘅 地方 巡邏 , 以免 畀 曹操 暗算 啊 。 呸 ! 你 係 個 有罪 之 人 , 仲 咁 大膽 亂 噏 一通 , 危言 惑眾 ! 袁紹 又 鬧 嗰 個 看守 : 我 叫 你 韞 住 佢 , 你 放 佢 出 嚟 做 咩 ? 於是 袁紹 叫 刀斧手 拉個 看守 出去 斬首 , 另外 叫過 一個 人去 監押 沮授 。 沮授 行 咗 出去 眼淚 惦流 啊 , 唉 ! 我軍 亡 在 旦夕 , 誒 我 嘅 屍骸 都 唔 知會 落 喺 邊 處 嚟 咯 ! 而家 再 講下 曹操 , 佢 率領 五千 輕騎兵 喺 夜色 朦朧 之下 , 含枚 疾走 。 當 佢 哋 路過 袁紹 嘅 一座 營寨 嘅 時候 , 寨 兵 喝問 係 邊 處 嘅 軍馬 噉 。 曹操 就 叫 人 應 佢 話 : 蔣奇 奉命 去 烏巢護 糧 啊 ! 袁 軍 見到 係 自己 部隊 嘅 旗號 , 一 啲 都 唔 疑心 啦 。 如是者 連氣 經過 幾處 營寨 都 係 冒認 蔣 奇 嘅 兵馬 , 哈一 啲 阻滯 都 冇 。 及至 去 到 烏巢個 時候 , 四 更 已經 盡 嘞 。 曹操 傳令 , 將帶 嚟 嘅 柴草 點着 , 周圍 一齊 舉火 , 大聲 吶喊 搏命 咁 衝入 去 。 當 其時 , 淳于瓊 正話 同班 將官 飲 完酒 啊 飲 到 醉 昏昏 瞓 咗 。 突然 間 畀 啲 吶喊聲 嘈醒 , 就 連忙 跳 起身 問 : 咩 嘢 事 咁 嘈 啊 ? 話口 未 完 , 就 畀 啲 撈 鉤 一下 搭住 鉤 低 冇 得 逳 卒 嘞 。 眭元進 、 趙 睿 佢 兩個 啱 啱 運糧 返 嚟 , 見到 糧倉 起火 , 弊 ! 急急 嚟 救應 。 噉 曹軍飛 報 曹操 話 : 賊兵 喺 後 便 打 過 嚟 呀 , 請 丞相 分兵 去 頂住 佢 ! 曹操 大聲 喝話 : 全體 將士 , 只顧 奮力 向前 殺敵 , 等 賊兵 嚟 到 背後 , 再 回過 頭 嚟 打 佢 ! 於是 全軍 將士 呀 個個 爭先 掩殺 。 霎時之間 , 火焰 四起 黑煙 滾滾 。 眭元進 、 趙 睿 兩個 人 帶兵 衝到 埋 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 勒 轉馬 就 回身 迎戰 。 佢 兩個 抵敵 唔 住 呀 , 都 畀 曹 軍 殺死 咗 。 噉 啲 糧草 呢 就 冚𠾴唥 燒 清光 。 淳于瓊 畀 曹 軍 捉住 , 押 咗 去 見 曹操 。 嚱! 曹操 叫 人 將 佢 嘅 耳 仔 、 鼻哥 、 手指 通通 割 咗 去 。 然後 將 佢 綁住 喺 馬背上 便 , 放 佢 返 去 袁紹 營寨 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 羞辱 下 袁紹 。 話分 兩頭 , 而家 又 講返 下 袁紹 。 佢 喺 中軍帳 內 得到 報告 話 , 正北 方向 嗰 頭 , 火光 滿天 。 佢 一下 就 諗 到實 係 烏巢 撞 板 喇 , 急急 召集 啲 文武 官員 , 商量 派兵 去 救 啦 。 張 郃 話 : 等 小將 同高覽 一齊 去 救 啦 。 郭圖 話 : 唔 好 ! 袁軍劫 糧 , 曹操 必定 親自 去 嘅 。 曹操 既然 出發 咗 嘞 , 佢 嘅 大本營 必定 空虛 㗎 啦 。 我 哋 應該 先 用兵 去 攻擊 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 噉 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 必定 快快 返 嚟 嘅 。 呢 個 乃 係 孫臏 圍魏救趙 之計 呀 。 係 嘞 , 孫臏 圍魏救趙 之計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? 講起 嚟 又 係 一個 古仔 , 孫臏 係 戰國 時候 一個 好 有名 嘅 兵法 家 。 有 一次 , 魏國 就 圍攻 趙國 嘅 首都 邯鄲 。 趙國 唔 夠打 , 就 向 齊國 求救 。 齊王 就 派 咗 田忌同 孫臏 呀 , 帶兵 去 救 趙國 。 孫臏 一 分析 形勢 , 認為 魏國 嘅 精銳部隊 都 去 咗 打 趙國 咯 , 內部 空虛 。 於是 佢 並 冇 直接 去 邯鄲 解圍 , 而 係 率領 軍隊 去 攻打 魏國 嘅 首都 。 魏軍就 即刻 趕返 去 救 本國 啦 。 齊 軍 就 趁 住 魏 軍長 途 行軍 , 士兵 疲勞 , 就 打 到 魏 軍 大敗 。 於是 趙國 嘅 圍 就 解 咗 喇 , 噉 就 叫做 圍魏救趙 嘞 。 噉 郭圖 當時 提出 要 用 圍魏救趙 之法 去 攻打 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 張 郃 話 : 唔 得 啊 ! 曹操 好多 計謀 㗎 , 佢 外出 , 必定會 做好 內部 個 準備 以防不測 嘅 。 如果 去 攻打 曹營 打 佢 唔 落 , 噉 不但 淳于瓊 佢 哋 危險 , 就 係 我 哋 亦 會 畀 佢 哋 捉 咗 去 㗎 。 郭圖 話 嘞 : 曹操 只 係 顧住 劫 糧 嘅 啫 , 點會 留 兵 喺 營寨 嗰 度 至 得 㗎 。 郭圖 再三再四 請 袁紹 派兵 去 劫 曹營 。 於是 袁紹 就 派 張 郃 、 高覽帶 五千 人馬 去 官渡 襲擊 曹營 ; 啊 派 蔣奇 帶 一萬 人馬 去 救 烏巢 。 而家 又 返 轉頭 講 曹操 。 佢 殺 敗 咗 淳于瓊 嘅 部隊 , 就 搶 晒 佢 哋 嗰 啲 衣甲 旗幟 , 偽裝成 淳于瓊 嘅 人馬 , 打敗 咗 趯 返 營寨 噉 個樣 , 就 行到 去 山裏 頭 啲 小路 。 啱 啱 撞 正 蔣 奇 嘅 軍馬 。 蔣軍就 問 佢 哋 係 咩 人 啦 , 就 話 係 烏 巢 嘅 敗軍 逃跑 返 嚟 唧 噉 。 蔣奇 就 冇 思疑 啦 , 拍下 隻 馬 就 一直 過 咗 去 。 點 知道 張 遼 、 許褚 突然 出現 , 大喝一聲 : 蔣奇 你 咪 走 ! 蔣奇 措手不及 , 畀 張 遼 一刀 就 斬 咗 落馬 。 噉 蔣奇 啲 兵 呢 ,嚱, 全部 被 消滅 晒 呀 。 曹操 啊 , 跟 住 使 人 去 報假信 , 話 蔣奇 已經 殺散 晒 烏巢 啲 兵 , 打贏 咗 喇 噉 。 袁紹 梗 係 高興 夾 放心 定 啦 , 就 冇 再 派 人 去 接應 烏巢 , 而 只 係 增加 啲 人馬 趕 去 官渡 。 噉 張 郃 、 高覽 就 帶 咗 五千 人馬 去 攻打 曹營 吖 。 點知 左邊 夏侯惇 , 右邊 曹仁 , 中路 曹洪 一齊 衝出 嚟 , 三路 攻擊 啊 打 到 袁 軍 大敗 。 等到 接應 嘅 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 , 曹操 又 喺 背後 掩殺 過 嚟 。 張 郃 、 高覽 就 搏晒命 先至 突破 重圍 , 殺 開條 血路 走 甩 咗 。 袁紹 收拾 返烏 巢 嘅 殘兵敗將 返到 營寨 。 咦 ? 見到 淳于瓊 耳仔 鼻哥 都 冇 咗 手指 又 斬斷 晒 , 就問 嘞 : 烏巢 點失 㗎 ? 啲 敗軍 講 佢 聽 , 話 淳于瓊 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓 大 覺 , 所以 冇 辦法 抵敵 噉 。 袁紹 嬲 到 抌 心口 啊 , 即刻 就 殺 咗 佢 。 郭圖 呢 個 嘢 好 抵死 吓 , 佢 又 怕 張 郃 同 高 覽 返 到 嚟 對證 是非 , 就 先下手 為強 嘞 , 走 去 同 袁紹 講衰張 郃 同高覽 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : 張 郃 、 高覽 見到 主公 你 打敗仗 呀 , 佢 哋 就 高興 喇 。 因乜事 你 噉 講呢 ? 佢 兩個 , 平時 早就 想 投降 曹操 㗎 喇 。 呢 次 派 佢 哋 去 襲擊 曹營 , 佢 哋 就 故意 唔 肯 賣力 , 所以 就 打敗 啦 損失 人馬 啦 。 豈有此理 吖 袁紹 嬲 到極 , 就 派 人 急急 召張 郃 、 高覽返 嚟 問 佢 嘅 罪 。 郭圖 真 係 陰濕 呀 , 佢 又 搵 個人 , 預先 去 通水 畀 張 郃 同高覽 , 佢 話 : 主公 就要 殺 你 哋 喇 噉 。 好 喇 , 等到 袁紹 嘅 使者 嚟 到 個 時候 , 高覽 就 問 佢 : 主公 叫 我 哋 去 有 咩 事 呀 ? 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 噃 將軍 。 唔 知 ? 高覽 一 掹 出 把 劍 , 當堂 就 殺 咗 個 使者 , 嚇到 張 郃 大驚 。 高覽話 喇 : 袁紹 信 埋 嗰 啲 壞話 , 日後 必定 畀 曹操 打敗 嘅 , 我 哋 何必 坐 喺 處 等 死 呢 ? 不如 去 投奔 曹操 罷啦 。 好 啊 ! 我 都 有 呢 個 心好 耐 嘅 喇 。 於是 兩個 人 就 帶 住 本部 人馬 去 曹操 營寨 投降 。 夏侯惇 知道 咗 就 對 曹操 話 : 張 郃 、 高覽 嚟 投降 都 未知 真假 㗎 噃。 曹操 話 : 我用 恩德 嚟 對待 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 即使 係 有 異心 , 亦 都 會 變 嘅 。 於是 就 命令 打開 營門 , 請 佢 哋 兩個 入 嚟 。 張 郃 、 高覽 一入 到 中軍帳 , 倒 低 槍頭 卸 咗 鐵甲 , 跪住 伏 喺 地下 嚟 。 曹操 對 佢 哋 話 : 如果 袁紹 肯 聽從 你 兩位 將軍 嘅 說話 , 不至於 有 今日 嘅 失敗 呀 ! 而家 , 兩位 將軍 肯 嚟 投奔 我 , 真 係 好似 微子 離開 紂王 , 韓信 歸附 漢朝 一樣 啊 ! 於是 就 封張 郃 做 偏 將軍 、 都亭侯 , 封高覽 做 偏 將軍 、 東萊 侯 。 嗱, 袁紹 就 走 咗 許攸 , 又 走 咗 張 郃 、 高覽 , 又 失 咗 烏 巢 嘅 糧草 , 軍心 惶惶 咯 呢 勻 。 喺 曹 軍 嗰 便 呢 , 許攸 又 勸 曹操 快 啲 進兵 。 張 郃 、 高覽 呢 , 又 請求 派 佢 哋 做 先鋒 。 曹操 呀 聽 晒 佢 哋 , 即刻 命令 張 郃 、 高覽 帶兵 去 劫 袁紹 營寨 。 當晚 三 更 時分 , 出兵 三路 去 劫寨 。 一場 混戰 打 到 天光 , 先至 各自 收兵 。 點 一點 , 袁紹 嘅 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 荀 攸 又 對 曹操 獻計 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 放 聲氣 出去 , 話 調撥 人馬 , 一路 就 去 奪取 酸棗 攻進 鄴 郡 ; 一路 係 去 奪取 黎陽 截斷 袁 軍 嘅 退路 。 袁紹 聽到 啊實 驚起 上 嚟 , 要 分兵 嚟 抵敵 我 哋 嘅 。 噉 我 哋 趁 住 佢 嘅 兵馬 調動 嘅 時候 去 打 佢 , 袁紹 必定 打敗 㗎 。 曹操 啊 採納 咗 佢 呢 條 計策 。 就 使 大小 三軍 , 到處 咁 去 散播 咯 喎 。 袁軍一 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 立即 返去 報告 袁紹 話 , 曹操 分 兵 兩路 , 一路 去 打鄴 郡 一路 去 打 黎陽 啊 噉 。 袁紹 大吃一驚 , 急急 派 袁 譚分兵 五萬 去 救鄴 郡 ; 派 辛明 分兵 五萬 去 救 黎陽 , 漏夜 出發 。 曹操 探聽到 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 逳 動 喇 , 即刻 將 大隊人馬 分為 八路 一齊 出動 , 直衝 袁紹 嘅 營盤 。 呢 陣時 呀 , 袁 軍 已經 士無 鬥志 咯亂 咁 趯 噉 啊 直情 潰散 嘞 。 袁紹 就 狼狽 喇 , 連 盔甲 都 着 唔 切 , 就 噉 着 住件 單衫 , 搵 幅布 呀 包住 啲 頭髮 就 上馬 。 佢 個 細 仔 袁 尚 喺 後 便 跟 實 佢 。 張 遼 、 許褚 、 徐晃 、 于禁 四員 猛將 , 帶住 兵馬 猛追 袁紹 。 袁紹 急急 渡過 咗 黃河 , 嗰 啲 圖書 文件 、 金銀 財帛 冚𠾴唥 掉 低 晒 唔 要 嘞 , 只 係 帶 住 隨行 嘅 八百 幾名 馬 軍 趯 走 咗 。 曹 軍 追 佢 追 唔 到 , 就 繳獲 晒 袁紹 掉 低 嗰 啲 嘢 。 當 其時 , 殺 咗 袁 軍 呀 八萬 幾人 。 噉 至於 袁 軍 嘅 士兵 浸 死 嘅 呢 , 嘿 就 不計其數 。 官渡 呢 一仗 , 曹操 就 獲得 全勝 嘞 。 佢 將 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 金銀 寶貝 、 綾羅綢緞 , 全部 愛 嚟 賞賜 畀 啲 士兵 。 喺 啲 圖書 文件 裏頭 啊執 咗 一沓 信 。 全部 都 係 許都 以及 兵 隊裏 便 嗰 啲 人 啊 , 平時 同 袁紹 暗中 勾結 嘅 信 嚟 㗎 。 噉 左右 啲 親信 就 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 逐個 逐個 記低 呢 啲 人 嘅 名 , 捉起 嚟 殺 咗 佢 哋 就 啱 嘞 。 曹操 話 : 哎 , 當 袁紹 咁 強盛 嘅 時候 , 我 亦 都 自身難保 啊 , 何況 他人 呢 ? 於是 曹操 叫 人 將 嗰 啲 信 全部 燒 咗 佢 , 冇 再 追問 呢 件 事 。 哎 , 曹操 真 係 叻 呀 吓 , 你 話 係 咪 呢 嗱, 佢 噉 樣 嘅 度量 呀 好多 人 做 唔 到 㗎 。 袁紹 打敗 咗 趯 佬 嘞 。 沮授 因為 係 被 監禁 住 , 所以 走 都 走 唔 甩 , 就 畀 曹 軍 俘虜 咗 , 拉 佢 嚟 見 曹操 。 曹操 平時 呀 同 佢 相識 嘅 。 沮授 一見 曹操 面 就 大聲 嗌: 我 唔 投降 㗎 ! 曹操 話 嘞 : 袁紹 無謀 之輩 , 唔 聽 先生 你 嘅 說話 , 先生 點解 仲 執迷不悟 呢 ? 我 如果 早 啲 得到 先生 , 天下 嘅 事 我 就 唔 使 咁 憂慮 咯 。 曹操 待 佢 好好 , 留 佢 喺 軍隊 處 。 有 一日 , 沮 授 喺 軍營 處偷馬 , 想 逃跑 返去 袁紹 嗰 處 。 曹操 一時 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 就 下令 殺 咗 佢 。 沮授 一直 到 死 呀 , 神色 不變 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 啊 ! 我 誤殺 忠義 之士 咯 ! 於是 叫 人用 厚禮 斂 咗 佢 , 將 佢 安葬 喺 黃河 渡口 , 建 咗 個 墳墓 , 立 咗 個 碑 , 上面 刻住 , 忠烈 沮君 之 墓 噉 。 而家講 下 喺 官渡之戰 之後 啊 , 曹操 乘勝追擊 , 下令 進攻 冀州 。 袁紹 一幅 頭巾 一件 單衫 , 帶住 八百 幾人 趯 到 去 黎陽 北岸 。 大將 蔣義渠 出寨 嚟 迎接 佢 。 唞 過氣 嘞 , 袁紹 就將 整個 經過 講 畀 蔣義渠 聽 。 蔣義渠 呢 , 就 協助 袁紹 , 招集 返 嗰 啲 散兵游勇 。 啲 人 聽聞 袁紹 喺 度 喎 , 就 㗾㗾 聲返 嚟 歸隊 咯 喎 。 於是 呢 就 重新 振起 軍威 , 準備 返去 冀州 嘞 。 呢 一日 , 喺 行軍 途中 , 夜晚 喺 荒山 露營 。 袁紹 喺 中軍帳 聽見 遠遠 有 啲 哭聲 , 就 靜靜 行 出去 聽下 。 啊 ! 原來 係 嗰 啲 敗兵 走 埋 一齊 , 傾 講起 死 咗 兄弟 親戚 嘅 苦處 。 講到 傷心 之處 忍 唔 住 又 抌 心口 時 又 𨂽 腳 , 喊 到 諤 諤 聲 。 啲 人 都 話 嘞 : 唉 ! 你 話 吖 , 如果 當初 聽田 豐 嘅 說話 , 我 哋 又 點會 捱 噉 嘅 苦楚 吖 ! 袁紹 好 悔恨 啊 ! 佢 諗 : 我 唔 聽 田 豐 嘅 說話 , 搞 到 兵敗將亡 , 呢 次 返去 , 有 乜嘢 面 嚟 見 佢 呢 ? 唉 ! 第二日 , 騎住 馬 一路行 遇到 逢紀 帶 住 兵馬 嚟 接 。 袁紹 就 對 逢 紀話 : 當日 , 我 冇 聽 田 豐 嘅 說話 以至 有 今日 嘅 失敗 。 我 呢 趟 返去 見到 佢 就 真 係 醜 咯 。 哈哈 , 你 哋 估逢 紀點 吖 嗱? 佢 講 田 豐 壞話 喎 , 煮 重人 哋 米 , 佢 話 : 田 豐 喺 監獄 裏頭 , 佢 聽到 主公 兵 敗 嘅 消息 竟然 拍掌 大笑 啊 , 佢 話 , 果然 不出 我 之 所料 啊 噉 。 吓 ? 呢 個 衰人 竟然 敢 笑 我 咁 斗膽 ? 我 殺 咗 你 ! 袁紹 即刻 派個 使者 帶 一把 寶劍 行先 一步 , 趕 去 冀州 , 就 喺 監獄 殺田豐 。 田豐 一直 都 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 吖 。 呢 一日 , 監獄 官走 嚟 對 田 豐話 嘞 : 恭喜 呀 , 恭喜 呀 ! 田豐話 : 有 乜嘢 好 恭喜 呀 ? 袁將軍 大敗 返 嚟 呀 , 先生 呀 , 一定 會 得到 重用 㗎 喇 。 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 呢 次 死 喇 。 點解 呢 ? 人人 都 為 先生 高興 , 先生 點解 話會 死 㗎 ? 袁將軍 嘅 為 人 , 外表 寬厚 而 內心 狹隘 , 不 念 忠誠 。 唉 呢 趟 如果 打勝 咗 佢 一 歡喜 上 嚟 , 都 仲 可以 赦免 我 。 而家 戰敗 咗 返 嚟 , 就 覺得 羞愧 難堪 , 噉 我 就 唔 敢 望 生咯 。 唔 會 啩? 先生 你 過慮 啫 。 監獄 官 唔 信 喎 , 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 使者 帶住 寶劍 嚟 嘞 。 去 傳達 袁紹 嘅 命令 , 要 攞 田 豐 嘅 人頭 。 嘩 , 乜真 係 㗎 ? 個 監獄 官而家 先至 驚 呀 。 田豐話 : 我 早就 知道 必定 要死 㗎 喇 。 哈哈 , 你 哋 唔 使 流眼淚 , 大丈夫 生於 天地 之間 , 唔 能夠 識別 一位 好 嘅 主公 嚟 為 佢 效力 , 係 冇 智慧 呀 ! 我 今日 受死 , 有 乜嘢 可惜 呢 ? 於是 攞 起 把 劍 , 喺 頸 處 一 割 , 自刎 而 死 。 而家 再 講下 袁紹 , 佢 返 到 冀州 心煩意亂 唔 理 正事 。 佢 嘅 妻子 劉氏 呢 就 勸 佢 立 後嗣 , 即 係 , 決定 個 繼承人 啊 。 袁紹 有 三個 仔 , 大仔 袁譚 , 字 顯思 , 外出 守衛 青州 ; 第二 仔 袁熙 , 字顯 奕 , 就 外出 守衛 幽州 。 細仔 袁尚 , 字 顯甫 , 係 袁紹 嘅 後妻 劉氏 生 嘅 。 佢 生 得 容貌 俊偉 , 袁紹 極之 鍾愛 佢 , 因此 呢 將 佢 留 喺 身邊 。 自從 官渡 兵敗 之後 呢 , 劉氏 就 勸 袁紹 啊 立 袁尚 做 後嗣 㗎 喇 。 袁紹亦 都 搵 齊 佢 四個 最 得力 嘅 謀士 , 就 係 審配 、 逢紀 、 辛評 、 郭圖 嚟 商量 。 原來 審配 、 逢 紀 佢 兩個 呢 , 一向 都 係 輔助 袁 尚 嘅 ; 而 辛評 同 郭圖 啊 , 就 一向 輔助 袁譚 , 噉 啊 四個 人 各為 其主 啦 。 當時 袁紹 對 呢 四個 謀士 話 : 當前 , 外患 一直 冇 停過 ; 噉 內部 嘅 事情 , 就要 早 啲 定 咗 佢 好 嘞 。 我 想 同 各位 商量 下立 後嗣 嘅 事 , 啊 。 大仔 阿 譚為 人 呢 性 剛好 殺 ; 二仔 阿熙 為 人 柔懦 難成 ; 細仔 阿尚 呢 , 有 英雄 嘅 氣概 , 禮賢下士 , 我 呀 想 立 佢 , 各位 嘅 意思 點呢 ? 郭圖 話 : 三個 仔 之中 阿 譚為 大 , 而 家 喺 外 便 嚟 , 主公 如果 廢 長立幼 呢 個 乃 係 禍亂 嘅 根苗 嚟 㗎 。 而家 , 我 哋 嘅 軍威 稍 為 受 咗 挫折 , 敵兵 壓境 , 喺 噉 嘅 時候 仲點 可以 再 使 到 父子 兄弟 自 相爭鬥 吖 ? 主公 仲 係 考慮 抵禦 敵人 嘅 計策 好 , 至於 立嗣 嘅 事 不必 商量 咁 多咯 。 但 係 袁紹 躊 躊躇 躇 唔 能夠 落得 決心 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁熙 帶兵 六萬 喺 幽州 嚟 到 , 袁譚 帶兵 五萬 喺 青州 嚟 到 。 外甥 高幹 呢 亦 帶兵 五萬 喺 並 州 嚟 到 , 都 係 嚟 冀州 助戰 嘅 。 好 嘩 ! 三處 人馬 加埋 有成 十六萬 , 得 喇 ! 袁紹 好 高興 啊 。 於是 將 啲 人馬 整頓 一番 , 又 要 嚟 同 曹操 打過 嘞 喎 。 當 其時 , 曹操 率領 得勝 之兵 駐 扎 喺 黃河 岸邊 。 呢 一日 , 有 一班 當地 嘅 居民 , 帶住 酒菜 嚟 慰勞 軍隊 。 曹操 見到 其中 有 幾位 父老 頭髮 鬍鬚 都 白 晒 嘅 , 就 叫 佢 哋 入 去 中軍帳 , 請 佢 哋 坐落 。 曹操 問 佢 哋 : 老伯 , 你 哋 幾大 年紀 呀 ? 哦 , 個個 都 將近 一百歲 嘅 喇 。 我 嘅 兵士 騷擾 到 你 哋 家鄉 , 我 嘅 心 好 不安 啊 。 乜 說話 啦 乜 說話 啦 , 誒 , 誒 喺 桓 帝 嘅 時候 啊 , 有 一粒 黃 星 出現 喺 楚 、 宋之分 。 有個 遼東 人 叫做 殷馗 , 誒 佢 啊 好 識 天文 嘅 。 誒 嗰 晚 佢 喺 度過 夜 , 誒 佢 對 我 哋 講 啊 , 話 誒 黃 星 出現 於 乾象 , 照正 呢 處 。 誒 過後 五十年 , 必定 有 真命天子 喺 梁 沛 之間 嘅 地方 興起 嘅 噉 。 誒 佢 講 呢 一番 說話 到 而家 , 誒 啱 啱 五十年 咯 。 袁本初 誒 加重 稅收 , 刮削 百姓 , 民眾 個個 都 怨恨 佢 。 呵 , 丞相 , 你興 仁義之師 , 討伐 袁紹 , 撫慰 我 哋 受害 嘅 黎民百姓 。 喺 官渡 一戰 , 擊敗 咗 袁紹 百萬 之眾 呀 ! 正 係 應 咗 當年 殷 馗 嘅 說話 喇 。 噉 我 哋 咁 多民眾 呀 , 有 太平 日子 過咯 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 老伯 噉 樣講 , 我點 敢當 呀 ! 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 於是 曹操 叫 人 攞 啲 酒菜 布匹 嚟 賜 畀 啲 老人 , 然後 叫 佢 哋 返 去 。 同時 , 曹操 號令 三軍 , 如果 有 下鄉 殺人 家雞 犬 嘅 , 以 殺人罪 論處 ! 嘩 ! 呢條 命令 一落 , 軍民 震服 啊 ! 得人心 啊 ! 見到 老百姓 咁 擁戴 自己 , 曹操 個心 亦 十分 歡喜 。 有 一日 , 曹操 得到 報告 話 袁紹 聚集 咗 四個 州 嘅 兵馬 , 總共 二三十萬 就 嚟 到 倉亭 扎寨 喇 噉 。 曹操 立即 帶兵 前進 , 安好 營寨 。 第 日 , 兩 軍 相對 , 各自 佈 好 陣勢 。 曹操 帶住 眾位 將官 出陣 。 袁紹亦 帶住 三個 仔 一個 外甥 , 以及 一班 文官 武將 嚟 到 陣前 。 曹操 話 : 袁本初 , 你 已經 計窮力盡 嘞 , 點解 仲 唔 投降 啊 ? 如果 等到 把 刀割 到 嚟 條頸處 , 就 後悔莫及 喇 。 袁紹 嬲 啊 , 捩 轉頭 問 嗰 班 將官 話 : 邊個 敢 出馬 ? 袁尚 啊 想 喺 父親 面前 顯下 本事 演下 嘢 。 就 舞起 雙刀 , 飛馬 出陣 來往 奔馳 。 曹操 指 住 佢 問 啲 將官 : 呢 個 係 邊個 嚟 呀 ? 有人 認得 嘅 就 話 嘞 : 呢 個 係 袁紹 嘅 第三 仔 袁尚 啊 。 話口 未 完 , 有 一員 將官 已經 挺槍 出馬 喇 。 曹操 睇 下 , 原來 係 徐晃部 下 嘅 將官 史 渙 。 兩馬 相交 未到 三個 回合 , 袁尚 一撥 隻 馬 , 斜 斜 噉 就 跑 咗 去 。 史 渙 急急 追上去 啦 , 袁尚 拈 弓 搭 箭 , 翻身 一箭 。 𠻘 聲 正中 史 渙 隻 左眼 , 噼啪 噉 𢴈 咗 落地 , 當堂 冇 命 。 袁紹見 個 仔 得勝 唄 , 用 馬鞭 一揮 , 大隊人馬 㗾㗾 聲湧過 嚟 。 噉 雙方 混戰 大殺 一場 , 然後 呢 就 各自 打鑼 收兵 回寨 嘞 。 曹操 同 袁紹 龍爭虎鬥 啊 , 究竟 邊個 贏 邊個 輸 呢 ?

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有 一晚 , 沮 授 佢 就 見到 外便 星光燦爛 , 就 叫 個 看守 帶 佢 出去 睇 下 天象 吖 。 there is|one night|||he|then|saw|outside|starry sky|then|asked|the|guard|to take|him|outside|to see|the|celestial phenomena|particle One night, he saw the stars shining brightly outside, so he asked the guard to take him out to observe the celestial phenomena. 忽然間 , 佢 睇 見 太白金星 逆行 , 侵犯 牛 、 斗之分 就 大吃一驚 。 suddenly|he|||Jupiter|retrograde|invade|Ox|Dipper|then|was greatly shocked Suddenly, he saw Venus in retrograde, encroaching upon the constellations of Taurus and Gemini, and he was greatly shocked. 佢 話 : 哎呀 ! 不得了 啊 ! 大禍 就 到 喇 。 he|said|oh no|terrible|ah|great disaster|just|arrive|particle indicating completed action He exclaimed: "Oh no! This is terrible! A great disaster is coming!" 於是 漏夜 去 求見 袁紹 。 then|late at night|went|to request an audience|Yuan Shao So he went out at night to seek an audience with Yuan Shao. 當時 , 袁紹 已經 飲 醉酒 瞓 咗 㗎 喇 。 at that time|Yuan Shao|already|drank|alcohol|sleep|past tense marker|sentence final particle|past action marker At that time, Yuan Shao was already drunk and had fallen asleep. 噉 聽 講話 有 機密 事要 報告 喎 , 就 嗌 佢 入 嚟 問 下 啦 。 then|hear|talking|has|confidential||report|particle indicating suggestion|then|call|he|come|here|ask|particle indicating a brief action|particle indicating a suggestion or softening tone So, I heard there are confidential matters to report, so let's call him in to ask. 沮授 話 : 將軍 呀 將軍 , 我 啱 啱 觀察 天象 , 見到 太白 逆行 於 柳 、 鬼 之間 , 流光 射入 牛 、 斗之分 , 恐怕 係 會 有 賊兵 劫掠 之害 喎 。 Ju Shou|said|General|ah||I|||observed|celestial phenomenon|saw|Venus|retrograde|between|Liu|Gui||light|shining into|Niu||I'm afraid|is|will|have|bandits|plundering||particle indicating suggestion or reminder Zhuo Shou said: General, I just observed the celestial phenomena and saw the comet moving in reverse between Liu and Gui, with light streaming into the positions of Niu and Dou. I'm afraid there will be a threat of bandits raiding. 烏巢 乃 係 我軍 囤糧 之 所 , 不可不 提防 啊 ! crow's nest|||our army|stockpiling food|possessive particle|place|must not|let down one's guard|ah The Wuchao is where our army stores grain, so we must be vigilant! 請 將軍 派遣 精兵 猛將 , 喺 啲 險要 嘅 地方 巡邏 , 以免 畀 曹操 暗算 啊 。 please|general|dispatch|elite soldiers|fierce generals|at|plural marker|strategic|possessive particle|locations|patrol|to prevent|be|Cao Cao|ambush|sentence-final particle Please, General, send elite soldiers to patrol the dangerous areas to prevent Cao Cao from plotting against us. 呸 ! 你 係 個 有罪 之 人 , 仲 咁 大膽 亂 噏 一通 , 危言 惑眾 ! phew|you|are|classifier for people|guilty|possessive particle|person|still|so|bold|randomly|talk|a lot|alarmist words|mislead the public Pah! You are a guilty person, and yet you boldly speak nonsense, causing panic among the people! 袁紹 又 鬧 嗰 個 看守 : 我 叫 你 韞 住 佢 , 你 放 佢 出 嚟 做 咩 ? Yuan Shao|again|scolded|that|classifier for people|guard|I|told|you|keep|holding|him|you|let|him|out|come|do|what Yuan Shao scolded the guard: "I told you to keep him, why did you let him out?" 於是 袁紹 叫 刀斧手 拉個 看守 出去 斬首 , 另外 叫過 一個 人去 監押 沮授 。 then|Yuan Shao|ordered|executioner|to bring a|guard|outside|beheaded|additionally|called over|one||guard|Ju Shou So Yuan Shao ordered the executioners to take the guard out and behead him, and also called for another person to take over the custody of Ju Shou. 沮授 行 咗 出去 眼淚 惦流 啊 , 唉 ! 我軍 亡 在 旦夕 , 誒 我 嘅 屍骸 都 唔 知會 落 喺 邊 處 嚟 咯 ! dejected|walk|past tense marker|go out|tears|continuously flowing|particle|sigh|our army|perish|at|day and night|sigh|I|possessive particle|corpse|also|not|know|fall|at|where|place|come|particle Ju Shou walked out with tears streaming down his face, sighing! "My army is doomed at any moment, oh, I don't even know where my corpse will end up!" 而家 再 講下 曹操 , 佢 率領 五千 輕騎兵 喺 夜色 朦朧 之下 , 含枚 疾走 。 now|again|talk about|Cao Cao|he|led|five thousand|light cavalry|in|night|hazy|under|with bows|galloped swiftly Now let's talk about Cao Cao, he led five thousand light cavalry under the dim night, galloping swiftly. 當 佢 哋 路過 袁紹 嘅 一座 營寨 嘅 時候 , 寨 兵 喝問 係 邊 處 嘅 軍馬 噉 。 when|they|plural marker|passed|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|a|camp|possessive particle|time|camp|soldiers|asked|is|where|place|possessive particle|cavalry|like that When they passed by one of Yuan Shao's camps, the camp soldiers shouted to ask where the horses were. 曹操 就 叫 人 應 佢 話 : 蔣奇 奉命 去 烏巢護 糧 啊 ! Cao Cao|then|ordered|people|should|he|said|Jiang Qi|under orders|to go||grain|ah Cao Cao ordered people to say to him: Jiang Qi was ordered to go to Wu Chao to guard the supplies! 袁 軍 見到 係 自己 部隊 嘅 旗號 , 一 啲 都 唔 疑心 啦 。 Yuan|army|saw|is|own|troops|possessive particle|insignia|one|a little|all|not|suspicion|final particle The Yuan army saw the flag of their own troops and had no doubts at all. 如是者 連氣 經過 幾處 營寨 都 係 冒認 蔣 奇 嘅 兵馬 , 哈一 啲 阻滯 都 冇 。 in this way|without any hesitation|passing|several places|camps|all|are|impersonating|Jiang|Qi|possessive particle|troops|not a single|measure word for small amounts|hindrance|all|none Thus, they passed through several camps, all pretending to be Jiang Qi's troops, without any hindrance. 及至 去 到 烏巢個 時候 , 四 更 已經 盡 嘞 。 until|go|arrive||time|four|watch|already|finished|past tense particle By the time they reached Wu Chao, it was already the fourth watch. 曹操 傳令 , 將帶 嚟 嘅 柴草 點着 , 周圍 一齊 舉火 , 大聲 吶喊 搏命 咁 衝入 去 。 Cao Cao|issued orders||here|possessive particle|firewood|ignited|around|together|raised fire|loudly|shouted|desperately|like that|rushed in|to Cao Cao gave the order to set fire to the firewood they brought, to raise the fire all around, and to shout loudly as they charged in. 當 其時 , 淳于瓊 正話 同班 將官 飲 完酒 啊 飲 到 醉 昏昏 瞓 咗 。 at that time|at that time|Chunyu Qiong||classmate|officer|drink||ah|||drunk|drowsy|sleep|past tense marker At that time, Chunyu Qiong was talking with his companions who had just finished drinking and were completely drunk. 突然 間 畀 啲 吶喊聲 嘈醒 , 就 連忙 跳 起身 問 : 咩 嘢 事 咁 嘈 啊 ? suddenly|moment|by|some|shouting|woke up|then|hurriedly|jumped|up|asked|what|thing|matter|so|noisy|particle Suddenly, he was awakened by some shouting and quickly jumped up to ask: What’s going on, why is it so noisy? 話口 未 完 , 就 畀 啲 撈 鉤 一下 搭住 鉤 低 冇 得 逳 卒 嘞 。 speaking|not yet|finished|then|give|some|fishing|hook|a little|catching|hook|down|not|able|escape|fish|past tense particle Before he could finish speaking, he was caught by a hook and couldn't escape. 眭元進 、 趙 睿 佢 兩個 啱 啱 運糧 返 嚟 , 見到 糧倉 起火 , 弊 ! 急急 嚟 救應 。 Sui Yuen Chun|Zhao|Rui|They|two|||transport rice||come|||||||help Sui Yuanjin and Zhao Rui had just returned with supplies and saw the granary on fire, oh no! They rushed to help. 噉 曹軍飛 報 曹操 話 : 賊兵 喺 後 便 打 過 嚟 呀 , 請 丞相 分兵 去 頂住 佢 ! then|Cao Junfei|report|Cao Cao|said|enemy soldiers|at|rear|then||||particle|please|Prime Minister|divide troops|to|hold off|them Then Cao Junfei reported to Cao Cao: The enemy troops are attacking from behind, please, Prime Minister, divide the troops to hold them off! 曹操 大聲 喝話 : 全體 將士 , 只顧 奮力 向前 殺敵 , 等 賊兵 嚟 到 背後 , 再 回過 頭 嚟 打 佢 ! Cao Cao|loudly|shouted|all|soldiers|only focus on|desperately|forward|killing the enemy|wait for|enemy soldiers|to|||||||fight|them Cao Cao shouted loudly: "All soldiers, just focus on fighting forward and killing the enemy. When the bandits come from behind, we will turn around and fight them!" 於是 全軍 將士 呀 個個 爭先 掩殺 。 then|the whole army|soldiers|particle|everyone|competing to be first|to ambush So all the soldiers in the army rushed forward to attack. 霎時之間 , 火焰 四起 黑煙 滾滾 。 in an instant|flames|rose up|black smoke|billowing In an instant, flames erupted and black smoke billowed. 眭元進 、 趙 睿 兩個 人 帶兵 衝到 埋 嚟 嘞 , 曹操 勒 轉馬 就 回身 迎戰 。 Sui Yuanjin|Zhao|Rui|two|men|lead troops|charged in|close|here|past tense particle|Cao Cao|hurriedly|turned his horse|then|turned around|engaged in battle Sun Yuanjin and Zhao Rui led their troops to charge in, and Cao Cao turned his horse around to face the battle. 佢 兩個 抵敵 唔 住 呀 , 都 畀 曹 軍 殺死 咗 。 he|two|resist|not|able to|particle|all|by|Cao|army|killed|past tense particle The two of them couldn't withstand the fight and were killed by Cao's army. 噉 啲 糧草 呢 就 冚𠾴唥 燒 清光 。 then|plural marker|fodder|question particle|then|burn up completely|burn|clear up So the supplies were completely burned up. 淳于瓊 畀 曹 軍 捉住 , 押 咗 去 見 曹操 。 Chunyu Qiong|by|Cao|army|captured|escorted|past tense marker|to|see|Cao Cao Shunyu Qiong was captured by Cao's army and taken to see Cao Cao. 嚱! 曹操 叫 人 將 佢 嘅 耳 仔 、 鼻哥 、 手指 通通 割 咗 去 。 wow|Cao Cao|ordered|people|to take|him|possessive particle|ear|child|nose|finger|all|cut|past tense marker|away Ah! Cao Cao ordered his men to cut off all his ears, nose, and fingers. 然後 將 佢 綁住 喺 馬背上 便 , 放 佢 返 去 袁紹 營寨 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 羞辱 下 袁紹 。 then|to|him|tie|on|horse's back|then|send|him|return|to|Yuan Shao|camp|using|such|possessive particle|method|to|humiliate|lower|Yuan Shao Then they tied him to a horse and sent him back to Yuan Shao's camp, using this method to humiliate Yuan Shao. 話分 兩頭 , 而家 又 講返 下 袁紹 。 to talk about|two sides|now|again|talk about|next|Yuan Shao Now, let's talk about Yuan Shao again. 佢 喺 中軍帳 內 得到 報告 話 , 正北 方向 嗰 頭 , 火光 滿天 。 he|at|the central army tent|inside|received|report|saying|true north|direction|that|side|firelight|all over the sky He received a report in the central military tent that there were flames filling the sky to the north. 佢 一下 就 諗 到實 係 烏巢 撞 板 喇 , 急急 召集 啲 文武 官員 , 商量 派兵 去 救 啦 。 he|suddenly|immediately|||is|Wuchao|crash|board|particle indicating completed action|hurriedly|gathered|plural marker|civil and military|officials|discussed|send troops|to|rescue|particle indicating suggestion He immediately thought it was definitely the Wu Nest attacking, and quickly summoned the civil and military officials to discuss sending troops to rescue. 張 郃 話 : 等 小將 同高覽 一齊 去 救 啦 。 ||said|let|young general||all|go|rescue|particle Zhang He said: Let the young general and Gao Lan go together to rescue. 郭圖 話 : 唔 好 ! 袁軍劫 糧 , 曹操 必定 親自 去 嘅 。 Guo Tu|said||||grain|Cao Cao|definitely|personally|go|particle indicating past action Guo Tu said: No! The Yuan army is raiding supplies, Cao Cao will definitely go in person. 曹操 既然 出發 咗 嘞 , 佢 嘅 大本營 必定 空虛 㗎 啦 。 Cao Cao|since|has departed|past tense marker|completed action marker|he|possessive particle|base camp|definitely|empty|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Since Cao Cao has set off, his main camp must be empty. 我 哋 應該 先 用兵 去 攻擊 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 ||should|first|use troops|to|attack|Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp We should first use troops to attack Cao Cao's camp. 噉 曹操 一 得到 消息 , 必定 快快 返 嚟 嘅 。 then|Cao Cao|once|receives|news|definitely|quickly|return|here|particle indicating action completion Once Cao Cao receives the news, he will definitely return quickly. 呢 個 乃 係 孫臏 圍魏救趙 之計 呀 。 this|measure word|actually|is|Sun Bin|surrounding Wei to rescue Zhao|strategy|sentence-final particle This is the strategy of Sun Bin to surround Wei and rescue Zhao. 係 嘞 , 孫臏 圍魏救趙 之計 係 點 嘅 呢 ? is||||||how|question particle|question particle Right, what is the strategy of Sun Bin to surround Wei and rescue Zhao? 講起 嚟 又 係 一個 古仔 , 孫臏 係 戰國 時候 一個 好 有名 嘅 兵法 家 。 speaking of|coming|again|is|a|story|Sun Bin|is|Warring States|period|a|very|famous|possessive particle|military strategy|master Speaking of which, it's another old story. Sun Bin was a very famous military strategist during the Warring States period. 有 一次 , 魏國 就 圍攻 趙國 嘅 首都 邯鄲 。 there is|one time|Wei state|then|besieged|Zhao state|possessive particle|capital|Handan Once, the State of Wei besieged the capital of the State of Zhao, Handan. 趙國 唔 夠打 , 就 向 齊國 求救 。 Zhao state|not||then|towards|Qi state|ask for help The State of Zhao was unable to defend itself, so it sought help from the State of Qi. 齊王 就 派 咗 田忌同 孫臏 呀 , 帶兵 去 救 趙國 。 King of Qi|then|sent|past tense marker||Sun Bin|sentence-final particle|lead troops|to|rescue|State of Zhao The King of Qi sent Tian Ji and Sun Bin to lead troops to rescue the State of Zhao. 孫臏 一 分析 形勢 , 認為 魏國 嘅 精銳部隊 都 去 咗 打 趙國 咯 , 內部 空虛 。 Sun Bin|one|analyze|situation|believes|Wei State|possessive particle|elite troops|all|go|past tense marker|attack|Zhao State|sentence-final particle|internal|weakness After analyzing the situation, Sun Bin believed that the elite troops of Wei had all gone to fight Zhao, leaving their own territory vulnerable. 於是 佢 並 冇 直接 去 邯鄲 解圍 , 而 係 率領 軍隊 去 攻打 魏國 嘅 首都 。 so|he|and|did not|directly|go|Handan|rescue|but|is|led|army|to|attack|Wei|possessive particle|capital Therefore, he did not go directly to Handan to break the siege, but instead led his army to attack the capital of Wei. 魏軍就 即刻 趕返 去 救 本國 啦 。 |immediately|rush back|to|save|homeland|sentence-final particle The Wei army immediately rushed back to save their own country. 齊 軍 就 趁 住 魏 軍長 途 行軍 , 士兵 疲勞 , 就 打 到 魏 軍 大敗 。 Qi|army|then|take advantage of|during|Wei|general|on the way|march|soldiers|tired|then|attack|reach|Wei|army|was defeated The Qi army took advantage of the Wei army's long march, and with the soldiers fatigued, they defeated the Wei army badly. 於是 趙國 嘅 圍 就 解 咗 喇 , 噉 就 叫做 圍魏救趙 嘞 。 then|Zhao state|possessive particle|siege|then|lift|past tense marker|completed action particle|so|then|is called|Wei's siege of Zhao|sentence-final particle As a result, the siege of Zhao state was lifted, which is called 'surrounding Wei to rescue Zhao'. 噉 郭圖 當時 提出 要 用 圍魏救趙 之法 去 攻打 曹操 嘅 營寨 。 then|Guo Tu|at that time|proposed|to|use|surround Wei to rescue Zhao|method|to|attack|Cao Cao|possessive particle|camp At that time, Guo Tu proposed to use the strategy of 'surrounding Wei to rescue Zhao' to attack Cao Cao's camp. 張 郃 話 : 唔 得 啊 ! 曹操 好多 計謀 㗎 , 佢 外出 , 必定會 做好 內部 個 準備 以防不測 嘅 。 ||said||||Cao Cao|many|schemes|particle|he|goes out||do well|internal|particle|preparations|to guard against unforeseen events|particle Zhang He said: 'No way! Cao Cao has many schemes, and when he goes out, he will definitely make internal preparations to guard against unexpected events.' 如果 去 攻打 曹營 打 佢 唔 落 , 噉 不但 淳于瓊 佢 哋 危險 , 就 係 我 哋 亦 會 畀 佢 哋 捉 咗 去 㗎 。 if|go|attack|Cao camp|fight|he|not|fall|then|not only|Chunyu Qiong|they|plural marker|in danger|then|is|we|plural marker|also|will|be|they|plural marker|capture|past tense marker|go|sentence final particle If we attack Cao's camp and they don't fall, not only will Chunyu Qiong and his men be in danger, but we will also be caught by them. 郭圖 話 嘞 : 曹操 只 係 顧住 劫 糧 嘅 啫 , 點會 留 兵 喺 營寨 嗰 度 至 得 㗎 。 Guo Tu|said|past tense marker|Cao Cao|only|is|concerned with|robbing|grain|possessive particle|only|how could|leave|soldiers|at|camp|that|place|until|sufficient|question particle Guo Tu said: Cao Cao is only focused on plundering supplies, how could he leave troops in the camp? 郭圖 再三再四 請 袁紹 派兵 去 劫 曹營 。 Guo Tu|repeatedly|please|Yuan Shao|send troops|to|raid|Cao's camp Guo Tu repeatedly urged Yuan Shao to send troops to raid Cao's camp. 於是 袁紹 就 派 張 郃 、 高覽帶 五千 人馬 去 官渡 襲擊 曹營 ; then|Yuan Shao|then|sent|Zhang|He||five thousand|troops|to|Guandu|attack|Cao's camp So Yuan Shao sent Zhang He and Gao Lan with five thousand troops to attack Cao's camp at Guandu; 啊 派 蔣奇 帶 一萬 人馬 去 救 烏巢 。 ah|send|Jiang Qi|lead|ten thousand|troops|to|rescue|Wu Chao and sent Jiang Qi with ten thousand troops to rescue Wuchao. 而家 又 返 轉頭 講 曹操 。 now|again|return|turn around|talk|Cao Cao Now let's go back and talk about Cao Cao. 佢 殺 敗 咗 淳于瓊 嘅 部隊 , 就 搶 晒 佢 哋 嗰 啲 衣甲 旗幟 , 偽裝成 淳于瓊 嘅 人馬 , 打敗 咗 趯 返 營寨 噉 個樣 , 就 行到 去 山裏 頭 啲 小路 。 He|killed|defeated|past tense marker|Chunyu Qiong|possessive particle|troops|then|robbed|all|them|plural marker|that|plural marker|armor|banners|disguised as|||soldiers|defeated|past tense marker|retreat|return|camp|like||then|walked to|to|in the mountains|inside|plural marker|small paths He defeated Chunyu Qiong's troops, then seized all their armor and banners, disguising himself as Chunyu Qiong's forces, and defeated the troops that were retreating to the camp, then made his way through the small paths in the mountains. 啱 啱 撞 正 蔣 奇 嘅 軍馬 。 ||hit|right|Chiang|Kai-shek|possessive particle|military horse He just happened to run into Jiang Qi's cavalry. 蔣軍就 問 佢 哋 係 咩 人 啦 , 就 話 係 烏 巢 嘅 敗軍 逃跑 返 嚟 唧 噉 。 |asked|he|they|are|what|people|particle|then|said|are|Wu|Chao|possessive particle|defeated army|escape|return|to|like|that Jiang's troops asked who they were, and they said they were the defeated soldiers from Wuchao who were fleeing back. 蔣奇 就 冇 思疑 啦 , 拍下 隻 馬 就 一直 過 咗 去 。 Jiang Qi|then|not|doubt|particle|pat|measure word for animals|horse|then|continuously|pass|past tense marker|go Jiang Qi didn't suspect anything, gave his horse a pat, and just passed by. 點 知道 張 遼 、 許褚 突然 出現 , 大喝一聲 : 蔣奇 你 咪 走 ! how|to know|Zhang|Liao|Xu Chu|suddenly|appeared|||you|don't|run away How did Zhang Liao and Xu Chu suddenly appear, shouting: "Jiang Qi, don't run away!" 蔣奇 措手不及 , 畀 張 遼 一刀 就 斬 咗 落馬 。 Jiang Qi|caught off guard|by|Zhang|Liao|one knife|then|cut|past tense marker|off the horse Jiang Qi was caught off guard and was struck down by Zhang Liao with a single blow. 噉 蔣奇 啲 兵 呢 ,嚱, 全部 被 消滅 晒 呀 。 then|Chiang Kai-shek|possessive particle|soldiers|question particle|sound of realization|all|by|annihilated|completely|final particle As for Jiang Qi's soldiers, they were all completely wiped out. 曹操 啊 , 跟 住 使 人 去 報假信 , 話 蔣奇 已經 殺散 晒 烏巢 啲 兵 , 打贏 咗 喇 噉 。 Cao Cao|ah|||send|person|to||said|Jiang Qi|already|defeated|all|Wu Chao|particle indicating plural|soldiers|won|past tense marker|particle indicating completion|like this Cao Cao then sent someone to report false news, saying that Jiang Qi had already defeated all the soldiers at Wu Chao. 袁紹 梗 係 高興 夾 放心 定 啦 , 就 冇 再 派 人 去 接應 烏巢 , 而 只 係 增加 啲 人馬 趕 去 官渡 。 Yuan Shao|surely|is|happy|to be in a hurry|don't worry|definitely|particle|then|not|again|send|people|to|assist|Wu Chao|and|only|is|increase|some|troops|rush|to|Guandu Yuan Shao was certainly pleased and relieved, so he did not send anyone to support Wu Chao, but only increased the troops heading to Guandu. 噉 張 郃 、 高覽 就 帶 咗 五千 人馬 去 攻打 曹營 吖 。 then|Zhang|He|Gao Lian|then|led|past tense marker|five thousand|troops|to|attack|Cao's camp|sentence-final particle So Zhang He and Gao Lan led five thousand troops to attack Cao's camp. 點知 左邊 夏侯惇 , 右邊 曹仁 , 中路 曹洪 一齊 衝出 嚟 , 三路 攻擊 啊 打 到 袁 軍 大敗 。 who would have known|left|Xiahou Dun|right|Cao Ren|middle|Cao Hong|together|charged out|here|three routes|attack|ah|fought|until|Yuan|army|was defeated Unexpectedly, on the left was Xiahou Dun, on the right was Cao Ren, and in the center was Cao Hong, all charging out together, launching a three-pronged attack that resulted in a great defeat for Yuan's army. 等到 接應 嘅 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 , 曹操 又 喺 背後 掩殺 過 嚟 。 when|reinforcements|possessive particle|troops|here||||||||| By the time the reinforcements arrived, Cao Cao had also ambushed from behind. 張 郃 、 高覽 就 搏晒命 先至 突破 重圍 , 殺 開條 血路 走 甩 咗 。 Zhang|He|Gao|then|fought for their lives|only then|broke through|encirclement|opened||blood path|ran|escaped|past tense marker Zhang He and Gao Lan fought desperately to break through the encirclement, carving a bloody path to escape. 袁紹 收拾 返烏 巢 嘅 殘兵敗將 返到 營寨 。 Yuan Shao|to clean up|return to Wu|nest|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|returned to|camp Yuan Shao gathered the remaining defeated soldiers from Wu Chao and returned to the camp. 咦 ? 見到 淳于瓊 耳仔 鼻哥 都 冇 咗 手指 又 斬斷 晒 , 就問 嘞 : 烏巢 點失 㗎 ? eh|saw|Chunyu Qiong|ear|nose|all|without|past tense marker|fingers|again|cut off|completely||past tense marker|Wu Chao||question particle Eh? Seeing that Chunyu Qiong's ears and nose are all missing fingers and have been completely severed, I asked: How did Wu Chao lose them? 啲 敗軍 講 佢 聽 , 話 淳于瓊 飲醉 咗 酒 瞓 大 覺 , 所以 冇 辦法 抵敵 噉 。 plural marker|defeated army|said|he|heard|said|a person's name|drunk|past tense marker|alcohol|sleep|deep|sleep|so|no|way|resist|like that The defeated soldiers said they heard that Chunyu Qiong got drunk and fell into a deep sleep, so he couldn't resist. 袁紹 嬲 到 抌 心口 啊 , 即刻 就 殺 咗 佢 。 Yuan Shao|angry|to|hit|heart|ah|immediately|then|||him Yuan Shao was so angry that he clutched his chest and immediately killed him. 郭圖 呢 個 嘢 好 抵死 吓 , 佢 又 怕 張 郃 同 高 覽 返 到 嚟 對證 是非 , 就 先下手 為強 嘞 , 走 去 同 袁紹 講衰張 郃 同高覽 嘞 噃, 佢 話 : Guo Tu|this|measure word|thing|very|worth dying for|ah|he|again|afraid|Zhang|He|and|Gao|Lan|return|to|here|testify|right and wrong|then||preemptively|particle|go|to|with|Yuan Shao||He||particle||he|said Guo Tu was really afraid of this, and he was worried that Zhang He and Gao Lan would come back and testify against him, so he took the initiative and went to slander Zhang He and Gao Lan to Yuan Shao, saying: 張 郃 、 高覽 見到 主公 你 打敗仗 呀 , 佢 哋 就 高興 喇 。 ||Gao Lan|saw|Lord|you|lost battle|particle|||then|happy|particle When Zhang He and Gao Lan see that you, the lord, have lost a battle, they will be very happy. 因乜事 你 噉 講呢 ? why|you|like that|say this Why are you saying that? 佢 兩個 , 平時 早就 想 投降 曹操 㗎 喇 。 he|two|usually|long ago|wanted|to surrender|Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action The two of them have been wanting to surrender to Cao Cao for a long time. 呢 次 派 佢 哋 去 襲擊 曹營 , 佢 哋 就 故意 唔 肯 賣力 , 所以 就 打敗 啦 損失 人馬 啦 。 this|time|send|he|they|go|attack|Cao camp|he|they|then|deliberately|not|willing|exert themselves|so|then|defeated|particle|loss|personnel|particle This time, they were sent to attack Cao's camp, but they deliberately didn't put in any effort, so they were defeated and lost troops. 豈有此理 吖 袁紹 嬲 到極 , 就 派 人 急急 召張 郃 、 高覽返 嚟 問 佢 嘅 罪 。 how could this be reasonable|ah|Yuan Shao|angry|extremely|then|send|people|urgently||He||here|ask|him|possessive particle|crime This is outrageous! Yuan Shao was extremely angry and quickly sent someone to summon Zhang He and Gao Lan back to question them about their crimes. 郭圖 真 係 陰濕 呀 , 佢 又 搵 個人 , 預先 去 通水 畀 張 郃 同高覽 , 佢 話 : Guo Tu|really|is|sinister|particle|he|again|looking for|someone|in advance|go|inform|to|Zhang|He||he|said Guo Tu is really sinister. He found someone to secretly inform Zhang He and Gao Lan in advance, saying: 主公 就要 殺 你 哋 喇 噉 。 lord|will soon|kill|you|plural marker|sentence final particle|like that The lord is going to kill you all. 好 喇 , 等到 袁紹 嘅 使者 嚟 到 個 時候 , 高覽 就 問 佢 : good|particle indicating completed action|when|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|messenger|||particle for counting|time|Gao Lan|then|asked|him Alright, when Yuan Shao's messenger arrives, Gao Lan will ask him: 主公 叫 我 哋 去 有 咩 事 呀 ? the lord|called|I|we|go|have|what|matter|question particle What does the lord want us to do? 唔 知 咩 嘢 事 噃 將軍 。 not|know|what|thing|matter|particle|general I don't know what it is, General. 唔 知 ? 高覽 一 掹 出 把 劍 , 當堂 就 殺 咗 個 使者 , 嚇到 張 郃 大驚 。 ||Gao Lian|one|draw|out|measure word for weapons|sword|on the spot|then|||measure word for people|messenger|scared|Zhang|He|very shocked Don't know? Gao Lan drew his sword and immediately killed the messenger, shocking Zhang He. 高覽話 喇 : 袁紹 信 埋 嗰 啲 壞話 , 日後 必定 畀 曹操 打敗 嘅 , 我 哋 何必 坐 喺 處 等 死 呢 ? Gao Lian said|particle indicating completed action|Yuan Shao|believe|also|that|plural marker|bad words|in the future|definitely|by|Cao Cao|defeated|particle indicating possession|I|plural marker|why|sit|at|place|wait|death|question particle Gao Lan said: Yuan Shao believes those bad words, and in the future, he will definitely be defeated by Cao Cao. Why should we sit here and wait for death? 不如 去 投奔 曹操 罷啦 。 might as well|go|seek refuge with|Cao Cao|forget it Why not go and seek refuge with Cao Cao instead? 好 啊 ! 我 都 有 呢 個 心好 耐 嘅 喇 。 ||I|also|have|this|measure word|good heart|long|possessive particle|completed action particle Alright! I've had this thought for a long time. 於是 兩個 人 就 帶 住 本部 人馬 去 曹操 營寨 投降 。 then|two|people|then|brought|with|headquarters|troops|to|Cao Cao|camp|surrender So the two of them took their troops and went to surrender to Cao Cao's camp. 夏侯惇 知道 咗 就 對 曹操 話 : 張 郃 、 高覽 嚟 投降 都 未知 真假 㗎 噃。 Xiahou Dun|knows|past tense marker|then|to|Cao Cao|said|Zhang|He|Gao Lan|come|surrender|all|unknown|true or false|sentence-final particle| Xiahou Dun, upon hearing this, said to Cao Cao: Zhang He and Gao Lan coming to surrender, we don't know if it's true or not. 曹操 話 : 我用 恩德 嚟 對待 佢 哋 , 佢 哋 即使 係 有 異心 , 亦 都 會 變 嘅 。 Cao Cao|said||benevolence|to|treat|they|plural marker|||even if|are|have|ulterior motives|also|all|will|change|particle indicating action completion Cao Cao said: I treat them with kindness, and even if they have ulterior motives, they will change. 於是 就 命令 打開 營門 , 請 佢 哋 兩個 入 嚟 。 then|immediately|ordered|to open|camp gate|please|he|plural marker|two|come|in So he ordered to open the camp gates and invited the two of them in. 張 郃 、 高覽 一入 到 中軍帳 , 倒 低 槍頭 卸 咗 鐵甲 , 跪住 伏 喺 地下 嚟 。 Zhang|He|Gao Lian||to|central army tent|down|lower|gun muzzle|remove|past tense marker|armor|kneeling|lie down|at|ground|come Zhang He and Gao Lan entered the central army tent, lowered their spearheads, removed their armor, and knelt on the ground. 曹操 對 佢 哋 話 : 如果 袁紹 肯 聽從 你 兩位 將軍 嘅 說話 , 不至於 有 今日 嘅 失敗 呀 ! Cao Cao|to|he|plural marker|said|if|Yuan Shao|willing|listen to|you|two|generals|possessive particle|advice|would not|have|today|possessive particle|defeat|sentence-final particle Cao Cao said to them: If Yuan Shao had listened to the words of you two generals, he would not have faced today's defeat! 而家 , 兩位 將軍 肯 嚟 投奔 我 , 真 係 好似 微子 離開 紂王 , 韓信 歸附 漢朝 一樣 啊 ! now|two|generals|willing|to come|seek refuge|me|really|is|like|Wei Zi|leaving|King Zhou|Han Xin|joining|Han Dynasty|the same|ah Now, the two generals are willing to come and join me, it is truly like Wei Zi leaving King Zhou and Han Xin joining the Han Dynasty! 於是 就 封張 郃 做 偏 將軍 、 都亭侯 , 封高覽 做 偏 將軍 、 東萊 侯 。 then|immediately|confer Zhang|He|made|subordinate|general|Duke of Duting|confer Gao Lan|made|subordinate|general|Donglai|Duke So, he appointed He Jin as a general and the Duke of Duting, and Gao Lan as a general and the Duke of Donglai. 嗱, 袁紹 就 走 咗 許攸 , 又 走 咗 張 郃 、 高覽 , 又 失 咗 烏 巢 嘅 糧草 , 軍心 惶惶 咯 呢 勻 。 well|Yuan Shao|then|||Xu You|also|||Zhang|He|Gao Lan|also|||Wu|Chao|possessive particle|supplies|morale|anxious|past tense particle|this|battle Now, Yuan Shao had lost Xu You, and also lost Zhang He and Gao Lan, and had lost the supplies at Wu Chao, causing the morale of the army to be in turmoil. 喺 曹 軍 嗰 便 呢 , 許攸 又 勸 曹操 快 啲 進兵 。 at|Cao|army|that|time|question particle|Xu You|again|advised|Cao Cao|quickly|more|advance the troops On the side of Cao's army, Xu You urged Cao Cao to advance quickly. 張 郃 、 高覽 呢 , 又 請求 派 佢 哋 做 先鋒 。 Zhang|He||question particle|again|requested|to send|they|plural marker|to be|vanguard Zhang He and Gao Lan also requested to be sent as vanguards. 曹操 呀 聽 晒 佢 哋 , 即刻 命令 張 郃 、 高覽 帶兵 去 劫 袁紹 營寨 。 Cao Cao|particle indicating exclamation|hear|completely|he|plural marker|immediately|ordered|Zhang|He|Gao Lan|lead troops|to|raid|Yuan Shao|camp Cao Cao listened to them and immediately ordered Zhang He and Gao Lan to lead troops to raid Yuan Shao's camp. 當晚 三 更 時分 , 出兵 三路 去 劫寨 。 that night|||at the time|send troops|from three directions|to|raid the village That night, at the third watch, troops were sent out in three directions to raid the camp. 一場 混戰 打 到 天光 , 先至 各自 收兵 。 a|free-for-all|fight|until|dawn|only then|each|withdraw A chaotic battle lasted until dawn, and only then did each side withdraw their troops. 點 一點 , 袁紹 嘅 人馬 損失 咗 成 大半 。 how much|a little|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|troops|loss|past tense marker|completely|more than half At one point, Yuan Shao's forces suffered significant losses, losing more than half. 荀 攸 又 對 曹操 獻計 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 放 聲氣 出去 , 話 調撥 人馬 , 一路 就 去 奪取 酸棗 攻進 鄴 郡 ; 一路 係 去 奪取 黎陽 截斷 袁 軍 嘅 退路 。 Xun|You|again|to|Cao Cao|offer a plan|said|past tense particle|Prime Minister|particle|we|plural marker|let out|sound|go out|saying|redeploy|troops|all the way|then|go|seize|Suanzhao|advance into|Ye|county|all the way|is|go|seize|Liyang|cut off|Yuan|army|possessive particle|retreat route Xun You then advised Cao Cao, saying: "Prime Minister, let's spread the word that we are reallocating troops, one group will go to seize Suanzhao and advance towards Ye County; another group will go to capture Liyang to cut off Yuan's army's retreat route." 袁紹 聽到 啊實 驚起 上 嚟 , 要 分兵 嚟 抵敵 我 哋 嘅 。 Yuan Shao|heard|Ah Shih|startled|up|come|needs|divide troops|come|resist the enemy|we|plural marker|possessive particle Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao was alarmed and decided to split his forces to counter us. 噉 我 哋 趁 住 佢 嘅 兵馬 調動 嘅 時候 去 打 佢 , 袁紹 必定 打敗 㗎 。 then|we|plural marker|||he|possessive particle|troops|movement|possessive particle|time|go|defeat|him|Yuan Shao|definitely|defeat|sentence-final particle So, we take advantage of his troop movements to attack him; Yuan Shao will definitely be defeated. 曹操 啊 採納 咗 佢 呢 條 計策 。 Cao Cao|ah|adopted|past tense marker|he|this|measure|strategy Cao Cao adopted this strategy. 就 使 大小 三軍 , 到處 咁 去 散播 咯 喎 。 then|use|all|three armies|everywhere|so|go|spread|particle|particle He sent both large and small armies to spread out everywhere. 袁軍一 聽到 呢 個 消息 , 立即 返去 報告 袁紹 話 , 曹操 分 兵 兩路 , 一路 去 打鄴 郡 一路 去 打 黎陽 啊 噉 。 Yuan Junyi|heard|this|measure word|news|immediately|returned|to report|Yuan Shao|said|Cao Cao|divided|troops|into two routes|one route|to||county|another route|to|attack|Liyang|ah|like that As soon as the Yuan army heard this news, they immediately returned to report to Yuan Shao that Cao Cao had divided his troops into two routes, one to attack Yan County and the other to attack Liyang. 袁紹 大吃一驚 , 急急 派 袁 譚分兵 五萬 去 救鄴 郡 ; 派 辛明 分兵 五萬 去 救 黎陽 , 漏夜 出發 。 Yuan Shao|was greatly shocked|hurriedly|sent|Yuan||fifty thousand|to|rescue Ye|county|sent|Xin Ming|divided his troops|fifty thousand|to|rescue|Liyang|in the night|departed Yuan Shao was greatly shocked and hurriedly sent Yuan Tan to divide 50,000 troops to rescue Yan County; he sent Xin Ming to divide 50,000 troops to rescue Liyang, setting off at night. 曹操 探聽到 袁紹 嘅 兵馬 逳 動 喇 , 即刻 將 大隊人馬 分為 八路 一齊 出動 , 直衝 袁紹 嘅 營盤 。 Cao Cao|heard|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|troops|movement|move|past action particle|immediately|to divide|main army|divided into|eight routes|together|mobilized|charged straight at|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|camp Cao Cao learned that Yuan Shao's troops were on the move, so he immediately divided his large army into eight routes and set out together, charging straight towards Yuan Shao's camp. 呢 陣時 呀 , 袁 軍 已經 士無 鬥志 咯亂 咁 趯 噉 啊 直情 潰散 嘞 。 this|moment|particle|Yuan|army|already|soldiers have no|fighting spirit|in disarray|so|hurriedly|like that|particle|simply|collapse|past tense particle At this time, the Yuan army had already lost their fighting spirit and was in chaos, completely collapsing. 袁紹 就 狼狽 喇 , 連 盔甲 都 着 唔 切 , 就 噉 着 住件 單衫 , 搵 幅布 呀 包住 啲 頭髮 就 上馬 。 Yuan Shao|then|in a sorry state|particle indicating completed action|even|armor|all|wear|not|fit|then|like that|wearing|wearing a|single shirt|find|piece of cloth|particle|wrap around|some|hair|then|mount the horse Yuan Shao was in a desperate situation, unable to even put on his armor, so he just wore a single shirt, wrapped a piece of cloth around his head, and got on his horse. 佢 個 細 仔 袁 尚 喺 後 便 跟 實 佢 。 He|(possessive particle)|small|son|Yuan|Shang|at|back|then|follow|closely|him His son Yuan Shang was following closely behind him. 張 遼 、 許褚 、 徐晃 、 于禁 四員 猛將 , 帶住 兵馬 猛追 袁紹 。 Zhang|Liao|||||fierce generals|leading|troops|fiercely pursuing|Yuan Shao The four fierce generals, Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Xu Huang, and Yu Jin, led their troops to fiercely pursue Yuan Shao. 袁紹 急急 渡過 咗 黃河 , 嗰 啲 圖書 文件 、 金銀 財帛 冚𠾴唥 掉 低 晒 唔 要 嘞 , 只 係 帶 住 隨行 嘅 八百 幾名 馬 軍 趯 走 咗 。 Yuan Shao|hurriedly|crossed|past tense marker|Yellow River|those|plural marker|books|documents|gold and silver|wealth|all|dropped|down|completely|not|needed|past tense marker|only|was|brought|with|accompanying|possessive particle|eight hundred|several|horse|soldiers|hurriedly|left|past tense marker Yuan Shao hurriedly crossed the Yellow River, leaving behind all those books, documents, and gold and silver treasures, only taking with him the eight hundred cavalrymen that were with him. 曹 軍 追 佢 追 唔 到 , 就 繳獲 晒 袁紹 掉 低 嗰 啲 嘢 。 Cao|army|chase|him|chase|not|catch|then|capture|all|Yuan Shao|drop|down|that|plural marker|things The Cao army couldn't catch up with him, so they seized all the things that Yuan Shao had left behind. 當 其時 , 殺 咗 袁 軍 呀 八萬 幾人 。 ||||||particle|eighty thousand|more than a few people At that time, more than eighty thousand of Yuan's troops were killed. 噉 至於 袁 軍 嘅 士兵 浸 死 嘅 呢 , 嘿 就 不計其數 。 then|as for|Yuan|army|possessive particle|soldiers|drowned|dead|possessive particle|question particle|they|then|countless As for the soldiers of Yuan's army who drowned, they were countless. 官渡 呢 一仗 , 曹操 就 獲得 全勝 嘞 。 Guandu|this|battle|Cao Cao|then|obtained|complete victory|past tense marker In the battle of Guandu, Cao Cao achieved a complete victory. 佢 將 繳獲 返 嚟 嘅 金銀 寶貝 、 綾羅綢緞 , 全部 愛 嚟 賞賜 畀 啲 士兵 。 He|will|spoils|return|here|possessive particle|gold and silver|treasures|silk and satin|all|love|here|reward|to|plural marker|soldiers He will give all the gold, silver, treasures, and fine silk he has captured as rewards to the soldiers. 喺 啲 圖書 文件 裏頭 啊執 咗 一沓 信 。 in|plural marker|books|documents|inside|I found|past tense marker|a stack of|letters In the documents, he found a stack of letters. 全部 都 係 許都 以及 兵 隊裏 便 嗰 啲 人 啊 , 平時 同 袁紹 暗中 勾結 嘅 信 嚟 㗎 。 all|also|are|Xu Du|and|soldiers|in the army|then|those|plural marker|people|sentence-final particle|usually|with|Yuan Shao|secretly|colluding|possessive particle|letters|come|sentence-final particle All of them are letters from Xu Du and those people in the army, who usually collude with Yuan Shao in secret. 噉 左右 啲 親信 就 對 曹操 話 嘞 : 丞相 呀 , 我 哋 逐個 逐個 記低 呢 啲 人 嘅 名 , 捉起 嚟 殺 咗 佢 哋 就 啱 嘞 。 like this|approximately|plural marker|trusted aides|then|to|Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle|I|plural marker|one by one|one by one|write down|these|plural marker|people|possessive particle|names|capture|to|kill|past tense marker|they|plural marker|then|right|past tense marker Then the trusted aides said to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, let's write down the names of these people one by one, and then we can capture and kill them." 曹操 話 : 哎 , 當 袁紹 咁 強盛 嘅 時候 , 我 亦 都 自身難保 啊 , 何況 他人 呢 ? Cao Cao|said|sigh|when|Yuan Shao|so|powerful|possessive particle|time|I||||ah|let alone|others|question particle Cao Cao said: "Ah, when Yuan Shao is so powerful, I can barely protect myself, let alone others?" 於是 曹操 叫 人 將 嗰 啲 信 全部 燒 咗 佢 , 冇 再 追問 呢 件 事 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered|someone|to take|those|plural marker|letters|all|burn|past tense marker|he|did not|again|question|this|measure word for events|matter So, Cao Cao ordered someone to burn all those letters, and he no longer pursued this matter. 哎 , 曹操 真 係 叻 呀 吓 , 你 話 係 咪 呢 嗱, 佢 噉 樣 嘅 度量 呀 好多 人 做 唔 到 㗎 。 ah|Cao Cao|really|is|smart|particle|huh|you|said|is|just|particle|look|he|like|appearance|possessive particle|tolerance|particle|many|people|do|not|able to|particle Ah, Cao Cao is really clever, isn't he? You see, his level of tolerance is something many people cannot achieve. 袁紹 打敗 咗 趯 佬 嘞 。 Yuan Shao|defeated|past tense marker|Tuoba|man|past tense marker Yuan Shao defeated the bandits. 沮授 因為 係 被 監禁 住 , 所以 走 都 走 唔 甩 , 就 畀 曹 軍 俘虜 咗 , 拉 佢 嚟 見 曹操 。 Ju Shou|because|is|by|imprisonment|continuous aspect particle|so|escape|all||||then|by|Cao|army|captured|past tense marker|take|him|come|see|Cao Cao Ju Shou was imprisoned, so he couldn't escape and was captured by Cao's army, and brought to see Cao Cao. 曹操 平時 呀 同 佢 相識 嘅 。 Cao Cao|usually|particle|with|he|acquainted|past tense particle Cao Cao usually knew him. 沮授 一見 曹操 面 就 大聲 嗌: 我 唔 投降 㗎 ! Ju Shou|upon seeing|Cao Cao|face|immediately|loudly|shouted|I|not|surrender|sentence-final particle Jue Shou shouted loudly as soon as he saw Cao Cao: I will not surrender! 曹操 話 嘞 : 袁紹 無謀 之輩 , 唔 聽 先生 你 嘅 說話 , 先生 點解 仲 執迷不悟 呢 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense particle|Yuan Shao|reckless|person|not|listen|sir|you|possessive particle|words||why|still|stubbornly confused|question particle Cao Cao said: Yuan Shao is a reckless person, he doesn't listen to your advice, why are you still so stubborn? 我 如果 早 啲 得到 先生 , 天下 嘅 事 我 就 唔 使 咁 憂慮 咯 。 I|if|||get|Mr|world|possessive particle|things|I|then|not|need|so|worry|sentence-final particle If I had gotten you earlier, I wouldn't have to worry so much about the affairs of the world. 曹操 待 佢 好好 , 留 佢 喺 軍隊 處 。 Cao Cao|treat|him|very well|keep|him|in|army|place Cao Cao treated him very well and kept him in the army. 有 一日 , 沮 授 喺 軍營 處偷馬 , 想 逃跑 返去 袁紹 嗰 處 。 there is|one day|||at|military camp||wanted|to escape|to return|Yuan Shao|that|place One day, Jue Shou stole a horse from the camp, wanting to escape back to Yuan Shao. 曹操 一時 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 就 下令 殺 咗 佢 。 Cao Cao|for a moment|angry|rise|up|come|then|ordered|kill|past tense marker|him Cao Cao, in a fit of anger, ordered his execution. 沮授 一直 到 死 呀 , 神色 不變 。 dejected|continuously|until|death|particle|expression|unchanged Ju Shou remained calm until his death. 曹操 話 嘞 : 啊 ! 我 誤殺 忠義 之士 咯 ! Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|ah|I|accidentally killed|loyal and righteous|man|past tense marker Cao Cao said: Ah! I have mistakenly killed a loyal and righteous man! 於是 叫 人用 厚禮 斂 咗 佢 , 將 佢 安葬 喺 黃河 渡口 , 建 咗 個 墳墓 , 立 咗 個 碑 , 上面 刻住 , 忠烈 沮君 之 墓 噉 。 so|ordered||a generous gift|to collect|past tense marker|him|to take|him|buried|at|Yellow River|ferry crossing|built|past tense marker|a|tomb|erected|past tense marker|a|monument|on it|inscribed|loyal and brave|a name|possessive particle||like So he ordered people to bury him with great honors, and he was buried at the Yellow River crossing, with a tomb built and a stele erected, inscribed with 'The Tomb of the Loyal and Brave Lord Ju'. 而家講 下 喺 官渡之戰 之後 啊 , 曹操 乘勝追擊 , 下令 進攻 冀州 。 |after|at|Battle of Guandu|after|ah|Cao Cao||ordered|attack|Jizhou Now let's talk about what happened after the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao, having gained victory, ordered an attack on Jizhou. 袁紹 一幅 頭巾 一件 單衫 , 帶住 八百 幾人 趯 到 去 黎陽 北岸 。 Yuan Shao|a|headband|a|shirt|bringing|eight hundred|several people|hurried|arrive|to|Liyang|north bank Yuan Shao, wearing a headscarf and a single shirt, brought along over eight hundred people to the northern bank of Liyang. 大將 蔣義渠 出寨 嚟 迎接 佢 。 General|Jiang Yiqu|leave the camp|to|welcome|him The general Jiang Yiqu came out of the camp to welcome him. 唞 過氣 嘞 , 袁紹 就將 整個 經過 講 畀 蔣義渠 聽 。 take a break|out of breath|past tense marker|Yuan Shao||entire|process|tell|to|Jiang Yiqu|listen After taking a break, Yuan Shao explained the entire situation to Jiang Yiqu. 蔣義渠 呢 , 就 協助 袁紹 , 招集 返 嗰 啲 散兵游勇 。 Jiang Yiqu|this|then|assist|Yuan Shao|gather|back|those|particle|scattered soldiers and wandering warriors Jiang Yiqu then assisted Yuan Shao by gathering the scattered soldiers. 啲 人 聽聞 袁紹 喺 度 喎 , 就 㗾㗾 聲返 嚟 歸隊 咯 喎 。 these|people|heard|Yuan Shao|at|place|particle|then|hurriedly||here|to the team|particle|particle When the people heard that Yuan Shao was there, they quickly returned to regroup. 於是 呢 就 重新 振起 軍威 , 準備 返去 冀州 嘞 。 so|particle indicating a question|then|again|raise|military might|prepare|return|Jizhou|particle indicating completed action So, they reestablished their military might and prepared to return to Jizhou. 呢 一日 , 喺 行軍 途中 , 夜晚 喺 荒山 露營 。 this|day|at|marching|on the way|night|at|wilderness|camping On this day, while marching, they camped at night in the desolate mountains. 袁紹 喺 中軍帳 聽見 遠遠 有 啲 哭聲 , 就 靜靜 行 出去 聽下 。 Yuan Shao|at|the central army tent|heard|from afar|there is|some|crying|then|quietly|walked|outside|to listen Yuan Shao heard some crying sounds from afar in the central army tent, so he quietly went out to listen. 啊 ! 原來 係 嗰 啲 敗兵 走 埋 一齊 , 傾 講起 死 咗 兄弟 親戚 嘅 苦處 。 ah|originally|is|that|plural marker|defeated soldiers|run|together|together|talk|mentioning|died|past tense marker|brothers|relatives|possessive particle|hardships Ah! It turned out to be those defeated soldiers gathering together, talking about the hardships of their deceased brothers and relatives. 講到 傷心 之處 忍 唔 住 又 抌 心口 時 又 𨂽 腳 , 喊 到 諤 諤 聲 。 talking about|sadness|place||||again|hit|chest|time|again|kick|leg||||| When they spoke of their sorrowful moments, they couldn't help but clutch their chests and stomp their feet, crying out loudly. 啲 人 都 話 嘞 : 唉 ! 你 話 吖 , 如果 當初 聽田 豐 嘅 說話 , 我 哋 又 點會 捱 噉 嘅 苦楚 吖 ! these|people|all|said|past tense marker|sigh|you|say|sentence-final particle|if|at the beginning|||possessive particle|words|we|plural marker|again|how would|endure|so|past tense marker|suffering|sentence-final particle People all say: Ah! You say, if we had listened to Tian Feng's words back then, how would we have endured such suffering! 袁紹 好 悔恨 啊 ! 佢 諗 : 我 唔 聽 田 豐 嘅 說話 , 搞 到 兵敗將亡 , 呢 次 返去 , 有 乜嘢 面 嚟 見 佢 呢 ? 唉 ! Yuan Shao|very|regretful|ah|he|thought|I|not|listened|||possessive particle|advice|||in a state of defeat|this|time|return|have|what|face|come|see|him|this|sigh Yuan Shao is very regretful! He thinks: I didn't listen to Tian Feng's words, which led to my defeat. This time when I go back, what face do I have to see him? 第二日 , 騎住 馬 一路行 遇到 逢紀 帶 住 兵馬 嚟 接 。 the next day|riding|horse||encountered|Feng Ji|||soldiers and horses|to|pick up The next day, riding on horseback, he encountered Feng Ji who came with troops to meet him. 袁紹 就 對 逢 紀話 : 當日 , 我 冇 聽 田 豐 嘅 說話 以至 有 今日 嘅 失敗 。 Yuan Shao|then|to|Feng|Ji|that day|I|did not|listen|Tian|Feng|possessive particle|words|leading to|have|today|possessive particle|failure Yuan Shao then said to Feng Ji: On that day, I didn't listen to Tian Feng's words, which resulted in today's failure. 我 呢 趟 返去 見到 佢 就 真 係 醜 咯 。 I|this|trip|return|see|he|then|really|is|ugly|particle This time when I go back to see him, it really is embarrassing. 哈哈 , 你 哋 估逢 紀點 吖 嗱? haha|||guess|how many|question particle|look Haha, what do you think about the situation? 佢 講 田 豐 壞話 喎 , 煮 重人 哋 米 , 佢 話 : he|said|Tin|Fung|bad things|particle indicating realization|cook|other|plural marker|rice|he|said He spoke ill of Tian Feng, cooking someone else's rice, and he said: 田 豐 喺 監獄 裏頭 , 佢 聽到 主公 兵 敗 嘅 消息 竟然 拍掌 大笑 啊 , 佢 話 , 果然 不出 我 之 所料 啊 噉 。 ||at|prison|inside|he|heard|Lord|army|defeat|possessive particle|news|unexpectedly|clapped|laughed loudly|ah|he|said|as expected|not out of|my|possessive particle|expectation|ah|like this Tian Feng is in prison, and when he heard the news of the lord's defeat, he actually clapped and laughed! He said, 'As expected, it didn't go as I anticipated.' 吓 ? 呢 個 衰人 竟然 敢 笑 我 咁 斗膽 ? 我 殺 咗 你 ! huh|this|measure word|bad person|actually|dare|laugh|I|so|audaciously|I|kill|past tense marker|you Huh? This scoundrel actually dares to laugh at me so boldly? I'll kill you! 袁紹 即刻 派個 使者 帶 一把 寶劍 行先 一步 , 趕 去 冀州 , 就 喺 監獄 殺田豐 。 Yuan Shao|immediately|send a|messenger|bring|one|sword|go ahead|one step|hurry|to|Jizhou|then|at|prison| Yuan Shao immediately sent a messenger with a treasured sword to go ahead and kill Tian Feng in prison. 田豐 一直 都 韞 喺 監獄 嚟 吖 。 Tin Fung|always|also|hidden|in|prison|come|particle Tian Feng has been in prison all along. 呢 一日 , 監獄 官走 嚟 對 田 豐話 嘞 : 恭喜 呀 , 恭喜 呀 ! this|one day|prison||here|to|Tian||particle indicating completed action|congratulations|particle for emphasis|congratulations|particle for emphasis One day, the prison officer came to Tian Feng and said: Congratulations! Congratulations! 田豐話 : 有 乜嘢 好 恭喜 呀 ? Tien Fung speaking|have|what|very|congratulations|question particle Tian Feng asked: What is there to congratulate about? 袁將軍 大敗 返 嚟 呀 , 先生 呀 , 一定 會 得到 重用 㗎 喇 。 General Yuan|suffered a great defeat|return|here|particle|sir|particle|definitely|will|receive|reemployment|particle|particle General Yuan has returned from a great defeat, sir, you will definitely be reused. 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 呢 次 死 喇 。 huh|hahaha||I|this|time|die|past tense particle Huh? Hahahaha, I'm dead this time. 點解 呢 ? 人人 都 為 先生 高興 , 先生 點解 話會 死 㗎 ? why|question particle|everyone|all|for|sir|happy|sir|why||die|question particle Why is that? Everyone is happy for the sir, why does the sir say he will die? 袁將軍 嘅 為 人 , 外表 寬厚 而 內心 狹隘 , 不 念 忠誠 。 General Yuan|possessive particle|as|person|outward appearance|broad-minded|but|inner self|narrow-minded|not|thought|loyalty General Yuen's character is broad on the outside but narrow on the inside, lacking loyalty. 唉 呢 趟 如果 打勝 咗 佢 一 歡喜 上 嚟 , 都 仲 可以 赦免 我 。 sigh|this|trip|if|defeat|past tense marker|he|one|happy|up|come|still|again|can|forgive|me Sigh, if we had won this battle, I would have been happy and could still be pardoned. 而家 戰敗 咗 返 嚟 , 就 覺得 羞愧 難堪 , 噉 我 就 唔 敢 望 生咯 。 now|defeated|past tense marker|return|here|then|feel|ashamed|embarrassed|so|I|then|not|dare|hope| Now that we have lost and returned, I feel ashamed and embarrassed, so I dare not hope for life. 唔 會 啩? 先生 你 過慮 啫 。 not|can|question particle|sir|you|overthink|only No way? Sir, you are overthinking it. 監獄 官 唔 信 喎 , 就 喺 呢 個 時候 , 使者 帶住 寶劍 嚟 嘞 。 prison|officer|not|believe|sentence particle|then|at|this|measure word|time|messenger|carrying|sword|come|past action particle The prison officer doesn't believe it, and at this moment, the messenger arrives with a sword. 去 傳達 袁紹 嘅 命令 , 要 攞 田 豐 嘅 人頭 。 go|convey|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|order|must|take|||possessive particle|head He is here to convey Yuan Shao's orders to take Tian Feng's head. 嘩 , 乜真 係 㗎 ? 個 監獄 官而家 先至 驚 呀 。 wow||||the|prison||only just|scared|sentence-final particle Wow, is this really happening? The prison officer is only scared now. 田豐話 : 我 早就 知道 必定 要死 㗎 喇 。 Tianfeng speaking|I|long ago|knew|definitely|will die|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Tian Feng said: I have known for a long time that I would definitely die. 哈哈 , 你 哋 唔 使 流眼淚 , 大丈夫 生於 天地 之間 , 唔 能夠 識別 一位 好 嘅 主公 嚟 為 佢 效力 , 係 冇 智慧 呀 ! haha|||||cry|real man|born in|heaven and earth|between|||recognize|a|good|possessive particle|lord|come|for|him|serve|is|no|wisdom|sentence-final particle Haha, you don't need to shed tears. A true man born between heaven and earth should be able to recognize a good lord to serve; otherwise, it shows a lack of wisdom! 我 今日 受死 , 有 乜嘢 可惜 呢 ? I|today|die|have|what|regretful|question particle I am dying today, what is there to regret? 於是 攞 起 把 劍 , 喺 頸 處 一 割 , 自刎 而 死 。 then|take|up|measure word for tools|sword|at|neck|location|one|cut|commit suicide|and|die So I took up the sword, made a cut at my neck, and committed suicide. 而家 再 講下 袁紹 , 佢 返 到 冀州 心煩意亂 唔 理 正事 。 now|again|talk about|Yuan Shao|he|||Jizhou|agitated|not|pay attention to|important matters Now let's talk about Yuan Shao, he returned to Jizhou feeling troubled and neglected important matters. 佢 嘅 妻子 劉氏 呢 就 勸 佢 立 後嗣 , 即 係 , 決定 個 繼承人 啊 。 he|possessive particle|wife|Liu|this|then|advised|him|have|descendants|||deciding|the|heir|sentence-final particle His wife, Liu, advised him to establish an heir, that is, to decide on a successor. 袁紹 有 三個 仔 , 大仔 袁譚 , 字 顯思 , 外出 守衛 青州 ; Yuan Shao|has|three|sons|eldest son|Yuan Tan|courtesy name|Xiansi|went out|to guard|Qingzhou Yuan Shao has three sons, the eldest son Yuan Tan, courtesy name Xiansi, is stationed to guard Qingzhou. 第二 仔 袁熙 , 字顯 奕 , 就 外出 守衛 幽州 。 second|son|Yuan Xi||Yi|then|went out|to guard|Youzhou The second son, Yuan Xi, styled Xianyi, went out to guard Youzhou. 細仔 袁尚 , 字 顯甫 , 係 袁紹 嘅 後妻 劉氏 生 嘅 。 youngest son|Yuan Shang|courtesy name|Xianfu|is|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|later wife|Liu family|born|possessive particle The youngest son, Yuan Shang, styled Xianfu, was born to Yuan Shao's later wife, Liu. 佢 生 得 容貌 俊偉 , 袁紹 極之 鍾愛 佢 , 因此 呢 將 佢 留 喺 身邊 。 he|||appearance|handsome|Yuan Shao|extremely|fond of|him|therefore|this|will|him|keep|at|side He was born with handsome features, and Yuan Shao loved him very much, thus keeping him by his side. 自從 官渡 兵敗 之後 呢 , 劉氏 就 勸 袁紹 啊 立 袁尚 做 後嗣 㗎 喇 。 since|Guandu|defeat in battle|after|question particle|Liu family|then|advised|Yuan Shao|particle|establish|Yuan Shang|as|heir|particle|particle Since the defeat at Guandu, Liu has been urging Yuan Shao to establish Yuan Shang as his heir. 袁紹亦 都 搵 齊 佢 四個 最 得力 嘅 謀士 , 就 係 審配 、 逢紀 、 辛評 、 郭圖 嚟 商量 。 Yuan Shao|all|find|gather|his|four|most|capable|possessive particle|strategists|then|is|Shen Pei|Feng Ji|Xin Ping|Guo Tu|come|discuss Yuan Shao also gathered his four most capable strategists, namely Shen Pei, Feng Ji, Xin Ping, and Guo Tu, to discuss. 原來 審配 、 逢 紀 佢 兩個 呢 , 一向 都 係 輔助 袁 尚 嘅 ; 而 辛評 同 郭圖 啊 , 就 一向 輔助 袁譚 , 噉 啊 四個 人 各為 其主 啦 。 it turns out|Shen Pei|||they|two|question particle|always|all|are|assisting|||possessive particle|and|Xin Ping|and|Guo Tu|ah|then|always|assisting|Yuan Tan|then|ah|four|people|each for|their own master|final particle It turns out that Shen Pei and Feng Ji have always been assisting Yuan Shao; while Xin Ping and Guo Tu have always been assisting Yuan Tan, so these four people each serve their own masters. 當時 袁紹 對 呢 四個 謀士 話 : at that time|Yuan Shao|to|these|four|strategists|said At that time, Yuan Shao said to these four strategists: 當前 , 外患 一直 冇 停過 ; 噉 內部 嘅 事情 , 就要 早 啲 定 咗 佢 好 嘞 。 currently|external threats|always|not|stopped|then|internal|possessive particle|matters||early|more|settle|past tense marker|it|well|particle indicating completion Currently, external threats have not ceased; thus, internal matters need to be settled as soon as possible. 我 想 同 各位 商量 下立 後嗣 嘅 事 , 啊 。 I|want|with|everyone|discuss||heirs|possessive particle|matter|sentence-final particle I want to discuss the matter of establishing a successor with everyone. 大仔 阿 譚為 人 呢 性 剛好 殺 ; eldest son|a particle||person|question particle|nature|just right|kill My eldest son, Ah Tan, has a character that is just right for killing. 二仔 阿熙 為 人 柔懦 難成 ; Er Zai|Ah Xi|is|person|timid| Second son Ah Hei is soft-hearted and difficult to succeed; 細仔 阿尚 呢 , 有 英雄 嘅 氣概 , 禮賢下士 , 我 呀 想 立 佢 , 各位 嘅 意思 點呢 ? little boy|Ah Sheung|question particle|has|hero|possessive particle|spirit|respectful to the virtuous and humble to the inferior|I|particle for emphasis|want|establish|him|everyone|possessive particle|opinion|how about The younger son Ah Shang has the spirit of a hero, respects the worthy and is humble. I want to establish him. What do you all think? 郭圖 話 : 三個 仔 之中 阿 譚為 大 , 而 家 喺 外 便 嚟 , 主公 如果 廢 長立幼 呢 個 乃 係 禍亂 嘅 根苗 嚟 㗎 。 Guo Tu|said|three|sons|among|a||eldest|and|family|at|outside|then|come|lord|if|abolish||this|classifier|is|is|chaos|possessive particle|root|coming|particle indicating certainty Guo Tu said: Among the three sons, Ah Tam is the eldest. If the lord abolishes the elder and establishes the younger, that is the root of chaos. 而家 , 我 哋 嘅 軍威 稍 為 受 咗 挫折 , 敵兵 壓境 , 喺 噉 嘅 時候 仲點 可以 再 使 到 父子 兄弟 自 相爭鬥 吖 ? now|I|we|possessive particle|military might|||received|past tense marker|setback|enemy|pressing on the borders|at|such|possessive particle|time||can|again|use|to|father and son|brothers|||sentence-final particle Right now, our military might has suffered a setback, and the enemy is pressing in. In such a situation, how can we allow father and son, brothers to fight among themselves? 主公 仲 係 考慮 抵禦 敵人 嘅 計策 好 , 至於 立嗣 嘅 事 不必 商量 咁 多咯 。 lord|still|is|considering|resisting|enemy|possessive particle|strategy|good|as for|succession|possessive particle|matter|no need to|discuss|so|much The lord should still consider strategies to resist the enemy. As for the matter of succession, there is no need to discuss it so much. 但 係 袁紹 躊 躊躇 躇 唔 能夠 落得 決心 。 ||Yuan Shao||hesitated||not|able to|make|decision But Yuan Shao hesitated and could not make a decision. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁熙 帶兵 六萬 喺 幽州 嚟 到 , 袁譚 帶兵 五萬 喺 青州 嚟 到 。 just|at|this|measure word|time|Yuan Xi|led troops|60000|from|Youzhou|come|arrived|Yuan Tan|led troops|50000|from|Qingzhou|come|arrived At this moment, Yuan Xi brought an army of 60,000 from Youzhou, and Yuan Tan brought an army of 50,000 from Qingzhou. 外甥 高幹 呢 亦 帶兵 五萬 喺 並 州 嚟 到 , 都 係 嚟 冀州 助戰 嘅 。 nephew|high-ranking official|question particle|also|lead troops|fifty thousand|at|Bing|state|come|arrive|all|are|come|Jizhou|assist in battle|possessive particle His nephew Gao Gan also brought an army of 50,000 from Bingzhou, all coming to assist in the battle in Jizhou. 好 嘩 ! 三處 人馬 加埋 有成 十六萬 , 得 喇 ! 袁紹 好 高興 啊 。 good|wow|three places|people and horses|together|have|160000|enough|particle indicating completion|Yuan Shao|very|happy|particle indicating exclamation Wow! With the three groups of troops combined, there are a total of 160,000, that's great! Yuan Shao was very happy. 於是 將 啲 人馬 整頓 一番 , 又 要 嚟 同 曹操 打過 嘞 喎 。 then|to arrange|plural marker|troops|to reorganize|thoroughly|again|to need|to come|with|Cao Cao|to fight|past tense marker|sentence-final particle So he organized the troops and prepared to fight against Cao Cao. 當 其時 , 曹操 率領 得勝 之兵 駐 扎 喺 黃河 岸邊 。 ||Cao Cao|led|victorious||||at|Yellow River|riverside At that time, Cao Cao led the victorious troops stationed by the Yellow River. 呢 一日 , 有 一班 當地 嘅 居民 , 帶住 酒菜 嚟 慰勞 軍隊 。 this|one day|there are|a group of|local|possessive particle|residents|bringing|food and drink|to|reward|army On this day, a group of local residents brought food and drinks to慰勞 the army. 曹操 見到 其中 有 幾位 父老 頭髮 鬍鬚 都 白 晒 嘅 , 就 叫 佢 哋 入 去 中軍帳 , 請 佢 哋 坐落 。 Cao Cao|saw|among them|there are|a few|elders|hair|beard|all|white|completely|(possessive particle)|then|called|they|plural marker|enter|to|central army tent|invited|them|plural marker|to sit down Cao Cao saw that among them were several elderly men with completely white hair and beards, so he invited them into the central military tent and asked them to sit down. 曹操 問 佢 哋 : 老伯 , 你 哋 幾大 年紀 呀 ? Cao Cao|asked|he|they|old man|you|they|how old|age|question particle Cao Cao asked them: "Old man, how old are you?" 哦 , 個個 都 將近 一百歲 嘅 喇 。 oh|everyone|all|nearly|one hundred years old|possessive particle|final particle Oh, they are all nearly a hundred years old. 我 嘅 兵士 騷擾 到 你 哋 家鄉 , 我 嘅 心 好 不安 啊 。 I|possessive particle|soldier|disturb|to|you|plural marker|hometown|I|possessive particle|heart|very|uneasy|sentence-final particle My soldiers have disturbed your hometown, and my heart is very uneasy. 乜 說話 啦 乜 說話 啦 , 誒 , 誒 喺 桓 帝 嘅 時候 啊 , 有 一粒 黃 星 出現 喺 楚 、 宋之分 。 what|talking|particle|what|talking|particle|eh||at|Huan|Emperor|possessive particle|time|ah|there is|one|yellow|star|appeared|at|Chu| What are you talking about, what are you talking about? Ah, during the time of Emperor Huan, a yellow star appeared in the division of Chu and Song. 有個 遼東 人 叫做 殷馗 , 誒 佢 啊 好 識 天文 嘅 。 there is|Liaodong|person|named|Yin Kui|ah|he|particle|very|knowledgeable|astronomy|possessive particle There was a person from Liaodong named Yin Kui, and he was very knowledgeable about astronomy. 誒 嗰 晚 佢 喺 度過 夜 , 誒 佢 對 我 哋 講 啊 , 話 誒 黃 星 出現 於 乾象 , 照正 呢 處 。 hey|that|night|he|at|spent|night|hey|||||||||Huang|star|appeared|at|Qianxiang|correcting|this|place That night he was staying here, and he told us that the yellow star appeared in the Qianxiang, shining directly on this place. 誒 過後 五十年 , 必定 有 真命天子 喺 梁 沛 之間 嘅 地方 興起 嘅 噉 。 eh|after|fifty years|definitely|have|true destined partner|in|Leung|Pui|between|possessive particle|place|rise|possessive particle|like that After fifty years, there will definitely be a true destined emperor rising in the area between Liang and Pei. 誒 佢 講 呢 一番 說話 到 而家 , 誒 啱 啱 五十年 咯 。 hey|he|said|this|one|speech|until|now||||fifty years|particle indicating completion Hey, he said this speech until now, it's been exactly fifty years. 袁本初 誒 加重 稅收 , 刮削 百姓 , 民眾 個個 都 怨恨 佢 。 Yuan Benchu|eh|increase|taxes|squeeze|common people|citizens|everyone|all|resent|him Yuan Benchu increased taxes, oppressing the common people, and everyone resents him. 呵 , 丞相 , 你興 仁義之師 , 討伐 袁紹 , 撫慰 我 哋 受害 嘅 黎民百姓 。 ha|Prime Minister||righteous army|to attack|Yuan Shao|comfort|we|plural marker|victimized|possessive particle|common people Ah, Prime Minister, you raise the righteous army to fight against Yuan Shao and comfort us, the suffering common people. 喺 官渡 一戰 , 擊敗 咗 袁紹 百萬 之眾 呀 ! at|Guandu|battle|defeated|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|one million||sentence-final particle In the Battle of Guandu, we defeated Yuan Shao's million troops! 正 係 應 咗 當年 殷 馗 嘅 說話 喇 。 right|is|should|past tense marker|back then|Yin|Kui|possessive particle|words|sentence-final particle This is exactly in line with what Yin Kui said back then. 噉 我 哋 咁 多民眾 呀 , 有 太平 日子 過咯 ! then|we|plural marker|so||sentence-final particle|have|peaceful|days|live So, we have so many people, we are living in peaceful times! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 老伯 噉 樣講 , 我點 敢當 呀 ! 吓 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hahaha||old man|like that|||dare to take on|particle|huh||hahaha Hahaha, the old man said that, how can I dare to take it! Huh? Hahaha. 於是 曹操 叫 人 攞 啲 酒菜 布匹 嚟 賜 畀 啲 老人 , 然後 叫 佢 哋 返 去 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered|someone|to take|some|food and drink|cloth|to come|to bestow|to give|some|old people|then|ordered|they|plural marker|return|to So, Cao Cao ordered people to bring wine, food, and cloth to give to the elderly, and then told them to go back. 同時 , 曹操 號令 三軍 , 如果 有 下鄉 殺人 家雞 犬 嘅 , 以 殺人罪 論處 ! at the same time|Cao Cao|commanded|the three armies|if|there are|going to the countryside|murder|domestic fowl|dogs|possessive particle|according to|murder crime|punished At the same time, Cao Cao ordered the army that if anyone killed people or livestock in the countryside, they would be punished for murder! 嘩 ! 呢條 命令 一落 , 軍民 震服 啊 ! 得人心 啊 ! wow|this|order|once issued|military and civilians|were impressed|particle|winning people's hearts| Wow! Once this order was issued, the military and civilians were impressed! It won people's hearts! 見到 老百姓 咁 擁戴 自己 , 曹操 個心 亦 十分 歡喜 。 seeing|common people|so|support|himself|Cao Cao||also|very|happy Seeing the common people support him so much, Cao Cao was also very pleased. 有 一日 , 曹操 得到 報告 話 袁紹 聚集 咗 四個 州 嘅 兵馬 , 總共 二三十萬 就 嚟 到 倉亭 扎寨 喇 噉 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|received|report|that|Yuan Shao|gathered|past tense marker|four|provinces|possessive particle|troops|a total of|two to three hundred thousand|soon|come|to|Cangting|set up camp|particle indicating completed action|like this One day, Cao Cao received a report that Yuan Shao had gathered troops from four provinces, totaling around two to three hundred thousand, and was about to set up camp at Cangting. 曹操 立即 帶兵 前進 , 安好 營寨 。 Cao Cao|immediately|lead the troops|advance|secure|camp Cao Cao immediately led his troops forward to secure the camp. 第 日 , 兩 軍 相對 , 各自 佈 好 陣勢 。 the|day|two|armies|faced each other|each|deployed|well|formation The next day, the two armies faced each other, each having arranged their formations. 曹操 帶住 眾位 將官 出陣 。 Cao Cao|leads|all|generals|to battle Cao Cao led the generals into battle. 袁紹亦 帶住 三個 仔 一個 外甥 , 以及 一班 文官 武將 嚟 到 陣前 。 Yuan Shao also|brought|three|sons|one|nephew|and|a group of|civil officials|military generals|||the front line Yuan Shao also brought three sons, one nephew, and a group of civil and military officials to the front line. 曹操 話 : 袁本初 , 你 已經 計窮力盡 嘞 , 點解 仲 唔 投降 啊 ? Cao Cao|said|Yuan Benchu|you|already|out of ideas and exhausted|past tense marker|why|still|not|surrender|question particle Cao Cao said: Yuan Benchu, you have already exhausted all your plans and efforts, why don't you surrender? 如果 等到 把 刀割 到 嚟 條頸處 , 就 後悔莫及 喇 。 if|when|(particle indicating the action of cutting)||to|come||then||(particle indicating completed action) If you wait until the knife is at your neck, it will be too late to regret. 袁紹 嬲 啊 , 捩 轉頭 問 嗰 班 將官 話 : 邊個 敢 出馬 ? Yuan Shao|angry|ah|turn|turn around|ask|that|group|generals|said|who|dares|to take the lead Yuan Shao was angry and turned to ask the generals: Who dares to take the lead? 袁尚 啊 想 喺 父親 面前 顯下 本事 演下 嘢 。 Yuen Seung|ah|want|in|front of father|face|show|skills|perform|thing Yuan Shang wanted to show off his abilities in front of his father. 就 舞起 雙刀 , 飛馬 出陣 來往 奔馳 。 then|dance with|dual swords|flying horse|charge into battle|back and forth|galloping With dual swords dancing, the flying horse charges into battle. 曹操 指 住 佢 問 啲 將官 : 呢 個 係 邊個 嚟 呀 ? Cao Cao|pointed|at|him|asked|plural marker|generals|this|classifier|is|who|come|question particle Cao Cao pointed at him and asked the generals: Who is this? 有人 認得 嘅 就 話 嘞 : 呢 個 係 袁紹 嘅 第三 仔 袁尚 啊 。 someone|recognized|possessive particle|then|said|past tense particle|this|measure word|is|Yuan Shao|possessive particle|third|son|Yuan Shang|ah particle Someone who recognized him said: This is Yuan Shao's third son, Yuan Shang. 話口 未 完 , 有 一員 將官 已經 挺槍 出馬 喇 。 speaking|not|finished|there is|one member|officer|already|drew his gun|took action|particle indicating completed action Before he finished speaking, one of the generals had already drawn his spear and charged out. 曹操 睇 下 , 原來 係 徐晃部 下 嘅 將官 史 渙 。 Cao Cao|look|down|originally|is||under|possessive particle|general|Shi|Huan Cao Cao looked and saw that it was General Shi Huan from Xu Huang's unit. 兩馬 相交 未到 三個 回合 , 袁尚 一撥 隻 馬 , 斜 斜 噉 就 跑 咗 去 。 two horses|intersect|not yet|three|rounds|Yuan Shang|a group|measure word for animals|horse||||then|||away Two horses intersect, not yet reaching the third round, Yuan Shang flicked his horse and dashed away at an angle. 史 渙 急急 追上去 啦 , 袁尚 拈 弓 搭 箭 , 翻身 一箭 。 Shi|Huan|urgently|chase after|particle indicating action|Yuan Shang|to hold|bow|to place|arrow|turn over|one shot Shi Huan hurriedly chased after him, Yuan Shang drew his bow and shot an arrow. 𠻘 聲 正中 史 渙 隻 左眼 , 噼啪 噉 𢴈 咗 落地 , 當堂 冇 命 。 to hit|sound|right in the|name of a person|name of a person|one|left eye|sound of something hitting|like that|to fall|past tense marker|to the ground|on the spot|not have|life The arrow struck Shi Huan's left eye with a thud, and he fell to the ground, dead on the spot. 袁紹見 個 仔 得勝 唄 , 用 馬鞭 一揮 , 大隊人馬 㗾㗾 聲湧過 嚟 。 |the|boy|victorious|particle indicating suggestion|used|whip|with a single swing|large army|sound of galloping||here Seeing his son victorious, Yuan Shao waved his whip, and a large group of soldiers surged over. 噉 雙方 混戰 大殺 一場 , 然後 呢 就 各自 打鑼 收兵 回寨 嘞 。 then|both sides|melee|heavy casualties|one battle|then|this|just|each|beat the drum|recall troops|return to camp|particle indicating completed action Thus, both sides engaged in a fierce battle, and then they each beat their drums to retreat back to their camps. 曹操 同 袁紹 龍爭虎鬥 啊 , 究竟 邊個 贏 邊個 輸 呢 ? Cao Cao|and|Yuan Shao|dragon and tiger fight|ah|after all|who|wins|who|loses|question particle Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are in a fierce battle, who will win and who will lose?

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