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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 043

郭圖 啊 入 去 冀州 觀察 下 形勢 啦 。 佢 見到 袁尚 行個禮 , 袁尚 問 佢 嘞 : 兄長 點解 唔 嚟 呢 ? 郭圖 話 : 佢 因 為 有 病 , 所以 今日 冇 嚟 啫 。 根據 父親 嘅 遺命 , 立 我 為 主 , 而家 加封 兄長 做 車騎 將軍 。 目前 曹兵 壓境 啊 , 請 兄長 率領 本部 人馬 作為 前鋒 , 我 隨後 就 調兵 嚟 接應 㗎 喇 。 誒 , 我 哋 軍隊 裏頭 , 冇 邊個 可以 出謀 獻計 嘅 , 所以 想 借審 正南 同逢元圖 兩位 去 幫手 噃。 哦 噉 唔 得 , 唔 得 ! 我 亦 係 全 靠 佢 哋 兩個 人幫 我 籌劃 嘅 , 我點 離得開 佢 哋 兩個 吖 ? 噉 啊 , 唔 啱 就 喺 佢 哋 兩位 之中 派 一個 去 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? 袁尚 到底 係 年輕 , 唔 夠郭圖 呢 個 扭計 師爺 扭 。 不得已 就 唯有 叫 佢 兩個 出 嚟 執籌 , 邊個 執到 邊個 去 啦 。 結果 係 逢紀 執到 。 袁尚 就 叫 逢 紀帶 住 車騎 將軍 嘅 大印 , 同埋 郭圖 一齊 去 袁 譚 嘅 部隊 處 。 逢紀 一去 到 , 見到 袁 譚精 精神 神乜病 都 冇 嚱 知道 唔 妥 喇 , 個心 十五 十六 。 但 係 人 已經 嚟 到 嘞 , 哎 死就死 係 啦 , 就 裝作 笑容 , 將 大印 呈 上去 畀 袁譚 。 袁譚 好 嬲 啊 , 想 殺逢紀 嚟 出氣 。 郭 圖拉 開 佢 靜靜 對 佢 講 : 而家 曹兵 壓境 啊 , 我 哋 仲 係 留逢 紀 喺 處 , 好好 噉 款待 佢 等 阿 尚 安心 吖 。 等到 打敗 咗 曹操 之後 , 再 嚟 同 佢 爭 冀州 都 未 遲 吖 嘛 。 袁譚 聽 佢 話 , 即刻 就 下令 拔寨 出發 。 噉 啊 一路 去 到 黎陽 , 就 同 曹 軍 相遇 。 袁 譚派 大將 汪昭 出戰 , 曹操 派 徐晃 迎敵 。 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 徐晃 一刀斬 咗 汪昭 落馬 。 曹 軍 乘機 掩殺 , 打到 袁 軍 大敗 就 趯 咗 入 去 黎陽 城 。 袁譚 急急 派 人 去 搵 袁尚 求救 呢 。 袁尚同 審配 諗 咗 一輪 , 只 係 發 五千 幾人 去 幫手 唧 。 曹操 探聽到 話 有 袁 軍 嚟 嘞 , 就 即刻 派 樂進 、 李典 , 帶 一支 部隊 喺 半路 埋伏 , 就 兩頭 圍住 佢 , 將呢 五千 幾袁兵 冚𠾴唥 殺 清光 。 袁譚 知道 袁尚 只 係 撥 咗 五千 兵 嚟 , 而且 又 喺 半路 全部 被 曹 軍 消滅 咗 嬲 到 不得了 , 就 叫 逢 紀出 嚟 鬧 佢 一餐 。 逢紀話 嘞 : 等 我 寫封信 畀 主公 , 請 佢 親自 帶兵 嚟 救 啦 。 好 啦 ! 袁譚 即刻 叫逢紀 寫信 , 然後 就 派 人 日夜 趕路 送 去 冀州 畀 袁尚 。 袁尚 收到 逢 紀 嘅 來信 就 同 審配 商量 啦 。 審配 話 嘞 : 郭圖 此人 成肚計 㗎 , 前次 乜 都 唔 爭 就 去 咗 點解 呢 ? 因為 曹兵 壓境 咋 嘛 , 如果 而 家 佢 哋 打敗 咗 曹操 , 噉 就 必定 嚟 爭 冀州 嘅 嘞 噃。 我 睇 , 不如 我 哋 唔 發 救兵 , 借 曹操 隻 手 嚟 剷除 咗 佢 唔 係 仲 好 ? 係 噃! 袁尚 聽 佢 話 , 唔 肯 發兵 。 噉 袁 譚 嘅 使者 返去 報告 啦 。 啊 袁譚 嬲 到 怒火沖天 , 即刻 殺 咗 逢紀 , 就 同 啲 謀士 商量 要 投降 曹操 嘞 。 呢 件 事 呢 , 就 畀 袁 尚 嘅 偵探 知道 咗 , 即刻 返去 報告 畀 袁尚知 。 袁尚 又 同 審配 商量 話 : 噉 唔 妥 噃, 如果 阿譚 投降 曹操 , 兩個 合力 嚟 攻 我 噉 冀州 就 危險 嘞 噃。 於是 袁尚 呢 就 留低 審配 同埋 大將 蘇由 , 鎮守 冀州 , 自己 就 率領 大軍 去 黎陽 救 袁譚 嘞 。 袁尚 問 嗰 班 將官 , 有 邊個 敢 擔當 前部 先鋒 啊 噉 。 大將 呂曠 、 呂翔 兩 兄弟 話 願意 承當 。 噉 袁尚 呢 就點 咗 三萬 兵 , 派 佢 兩個 做 先鋒 , 先 去 黎陽 。 袁譚 知道 袁尚 呢 趟 親自 嚟 喇 , 好 歡喜 啦 , 就 唔 諗 投降 曹操 嘅 事 嘞 喎 。 袁 尚 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 , 就 駐 扎 喺 城外 。 袁 譚 嘅 兵馬 呢 就 駐 扎 喺 城內 , 成為 犄角之勢 就 互相 照應 。 過 咗 幾日 , 袁熙 、 高幹 都 各自 帶兵 嚟 到 黎陽 城外 嘞 就 分 三 笪 地方 駐兵 。 每日 都 出兵 同 曹操 交戰 。 嚱, 但 係 袁尚 打親 都 輸 , 當然 曹操 打親 就 贏喇 。 就 係 噉 樣 , 一直 打 到 建安 八年 二月 , 即 係 打 咗 頭尾 兩個 年頭 㗎 喇吓 。 噉 啊 曹操 分 幾路 嚟 進攻 , 卒 之 打到 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 袁尚 、 高幹 大敗 , 放棄 咗 黎陽 逃跑 。 曹操 率領 軍馬 一路 追到 去 冀州 。 袁 譚同 袁尚 呢 入 咗 冀州 城 堅守 。 袁熙 同 高幹 呀 , 就 離城 三十里 扎寨 虛張聲勢 。 曹操 連日 發動 進攻 都 打 唔 落 。 呢 一日 , 郭嘉 就 對 曹操 建議 話 : 袁紹 廢 長立幼 , 而 佢 哋 兄弟 之間 , 互相 爭權 各自 結黨 。 如果 我 哋 攻 佢 攻 得 緊 啊 , 佢 哋 就 互相 救應 啦 ; 之 如果 我 哋 放鬆 下 佢 呢 , 佢 哋 就 會 立刻 互相 爭起 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 所以 , 丞相 不如 統率 大軍 南向 荊州 , 征討 劉表 。 等待 袁氏 兄弟 之間 發生 變故 , 到 其時 , 然後 先至 打 佢 , 噉 就 可以 一舉 而定 嘞 。 哈 , 呢 個 分析判斷 好 啱 呀 ! 曹操 同意 郭 嘉 嘅 意見 , 就 任命 賈詡 做 太守 , 鎮守 黎陽 。 曹洪 就 帶 一支 部隊 鎮守 官渡 。 佢 自己 呢 , 就 統率 大軍 向 荊州 進兵 嘞 。 袁 譚同 袁尚 聽聞 曹操 兵馬 自行 撤退 咗 , 哎呀 高興 咯 , 互相 慶賀 啊 。 袁熙 、 高幹 見 冀州 冇 危險 嘞 , 亦 都 告辭 返去 本州 。 啱 啱 解除 咗 危險 , 過 咗 幾日 太平 日子 唧 , 袁譚 就 同 郭圖 、 辛評 商量 喇 佢 話 : 我 係 長子 , 唔 能夠 繼承 父業 , 阿尚 係 繼母 生 嘅 , 啊 反而 要 佢 嚟 繼承 爵位 。 嘿 ! 我 真 係 唔 甘心 。 郭圖 就 獻計 話 喇 : 不如 噉 啦 , 主公 你 帶定 兵馬 喺 城外 。 畀 一日 就 話 請 阿尚同 審配 嚟 宴會 , 預先 埋伏 定 刀斧手 殺 咗 佢 ! 噉 大事 就 定局 啦 嘛 。 係 噉 話 啦 ! 正話 商量 定 , 咁 啱 別駕 王修 啊 喺 青州 嚟 。 袁譚 就 將殺 袁尚 、 審 配 嘅 計劃 講 畀 佢 聽 。 王修 聽 咗 就 反對 , 佢 話 : 兄弟 就 好似 一個 人 嘅 左右手 噉 。 而家 正話 同人 哋 打緊 交 , 一刀 斬斷 咗 隻 右手 , 仲話 我實 贏 嘅 噉 。 主公 你 話 噉 得 唔 得 呢 ? 實唔 得 㗎 嘛 。 有 兄弟 都 唔 親 , 噉 天下 仲有 邊個 親呢 ? 有 啲 人 專門 講 是非 離間 骨肉 , 嚟 追求 暫時 嘅 利益 。 呢 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 主公 你 要塞 埋 雙耳 唔 好聽 佢 呀 ! 唔 聽 佢 ? 唔 聽 你 王修 就 真 喇 , 忠言逆耳 吖 嘛 。 袁譚 嬲 啊 , 鬧 佢 幾句 , 趕 咗 佢 走 。 過 咗 幾日 , 樣樣 準備 妥當 喇 , 袁譚 就 使 人 去 請 袁尚 咯 喎 。 袁尚 聽 講話 大佬 請 飲 啊 , 就 同 審配 商量 。 審配 話 : 呢 個 呀 , 實 係 郭圖 諗 嘅 計 呀 。 主公 你 一去親 , 必定 中 佢 奸計 主公 , 我 哋 不如 乘機 攻 佢 呢 ? 袁尚 聽 佢 話 , 就 披掛 上馬 , 帶 五萬 兵出 城 。 袁譚 見到 袁尚 帶兵 嚟 唄 就 知道 事情 洩露 , 索性 打明 嚟 啦 , 亦 都 即刻 披掛 上馬 , 同 袁尚 交鋒 。 兩 兄弟 一 見面 , 大家 都將 對方 呀 鬧 到 狗血淋頭 。 袁 譚話 嘞 : 你 毒死 父親 , 篡奪 爵位 都 不 特止 , 今日 又 想 嚟 殺 大佬 係 嘛 ? 兩個 人 都 火 烚烚 啊 , 親自出馬 交鋒 。 哈哈 , 袁譚 唔 夠打 , 一敗塗地 。 袁尚 搏晒命 啊 , 喺 刀光劍影 之中 呀 左衝右 殺 , 打到 袁 譚帶 住 啲 殘兵敗將 趯 咗 去 平原郡 。 袁尚 呢 噉 先至 收兵 回城 啊 。 平原郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 即 係 而 家 山東省 嘅 平原縣 。 噉 啊 袁 譚 喺 平原郡 整頓 咗 一輪 兵馬 , 就 同 郭圖 研究 好 , 就 任命 岑璧 做 大將 , 帶兵 再 去 進攻 冀州 。 袁尚 又 試 親自 帶兵 出城 嚟 迎戰 。 兩陣 對圓 , 旗鼓相望 。 岑璧 出馬 嚟 罵陣 嘞 。 袁尚 本來 想 自己 嚟 打 佢 嘅 , 但 大將 呂曠 呢 早就 拍 馬舞刀 衝上去 同岑 璧 交戰 。 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 呂曠 一刀 就 斬 咗 岑璧 落馬 。 噉 袁譚 又 打敗 嘞 喎 , 急急 撤退 。 呢 次 呀 , 審配 勸 袁尚 乘勝追擊 咯 , 噉 啊 一直 追到 去 平原 。 袁 譚頂 唔 順 嘞 就 唯有 退 咗 入 去 平原郡 城 , 死守 住 唔 出 嚟 。 袁 尚 喺 三面 圍城 猛攻 。 袁譚 就 同 郭圖 商量對策 。 郭圖 話 喇 : 而家 城裏 便 糧食 好 缺乏 , 佢 地 嘅 軍隊 氣勢 正 係 旺盛 嘅 時候 , 打 佢 唔 過 㗎 。 計我話 可以 噉 樣 , 將軍 你 派 人 去 見 曹操 , 話 要 投降 佢 , 請 佢 帶兵 去 攻 冀州 。 噉 嘅 時候 , 阿尚 必定 退兵 返去 救 嘅 。 到 時 將軍 你 帶兵 夾擊 佢 , 噉 就 可以 捉到 阿尚 啦 。 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! 仲有 , 如果 曹操 打敗 咗 阿尚 , 我 哋 就 乘機 擸 咗 佢 嘅 人馬 同 物資 頂住 曹操 。 曹 兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 糧食 實 係 接濟 唔 上 嘅 , 唔 使 幾耐 自然 就 唔 走 都 要 走 㗎 嘞 。 到 其時 , 我 哋 就 仍然 可以 據守 冀州 , 再 尋找機會 嚟 發展 啦 嘛 。 你 嘅 意見 係 啱 嘅 , 噉 , 派 邊個 做 使者 好 呢 ? 辛評 嘅 細 佬 辛 毗 , 而家 做 緊 平原 令 。 此人 能言善辯 , 佢 做 使者 呀 最合適 嘞 。 袁譚 立即 召辛 毗 嚟 , 將 任務 講 畀 佢 聽 。 啊 辛 毗 好 高興 啊 。 於是 袁譚 寫 好 一封信 交 畀 佢 , 仲派 三千 兵 護送 佢 出境 。 辛 毗 日夜兼程 趕路 去 見 曹操 。 當時 曹操 正在 帶兵 去 打 劉表 , 駐 扎 喺 西平 嚟 。 劉表 呢 就 派 劉備 做 前部 先鋒 去 迎戰 。 兩軍都 未曾 交鋒 , 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 辛 毗 就 嚟 到 曹操 處 。 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 曹操 問 佢 嘅 來意 啦 。 辛毗 就將 袁譚 求 佢 出兵 打 袁 尚 嘅 意見 講 咗 。 同時 呢 , 將袁 譚 嘅 親筆信 呈 上去 畀 曹操 。 曹操 睇 完信 就 留辛 毗 喺 營寨 嚟 , 請 佢 去 休息 先 。 然後 呢 就 召集 一班 文官 武將 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 程昱 就 話 : 袁譚 係 畀 袁尚 攻打 到 十分 危急 嘞 , 不得已 先至 嚟 投降 嘅 啫 。 都 係 信 唔 過 㗎 。 呂虔 、 滿寵 亦 都 話 喇 : 丞相 既然 已經 帶兵 嚟 到 呢 度 嘞 , 仲點 好話 掉 開 劉表 唔 打 而 去 幫助 袁譚 啊 。 但 係 荀 攸 唔 同意 佢 哋 嘅 意見 喎 , 佢 話 : 三位 先生 嘅 說話 都 唔 見得 妥當 , 我 嘅 諗 法 呢 係 噉 嘅 。 而家 天下 正 係 多事之秋 。 但 係 劉表 此人 呢 , 只 係 坐守 於 江漢 之間 , 一步 都 唔 敢 行開 下 , 此人 並無 大志 就 可想而知 嘞 。 袁氏據 四州 之 地 有 幾十萬 人馬 。 如果 佢 兩個 仔 係 和和睦睦 嘅 , 共同 守住 呢 一份 事業 , 噉 天下大事 點樣 變化 發展 都 尚未 可料 㗎 。 目前 , 佢 哋 兄弟 相爭 , 袁譚 勢窮力竭 要 嚟 投降 我 哋 。 我 哋 就 應該 出兵 , 首先 剷除 袁尚 , 然後 , 再 睇 下 變化 點樣 , 一齊 消滅 埋 袁譚 , 噉 就 天下 定 矣 咯 。 丞相 , 良機勿失 啊 ! 曹操 好 歡喜 , 佢 十分 同意 荀 攸 呢 個 意見 。 呢 一日 , 曹操 請辛 毗 嚟 飲酒 同 佢 話 : 袁 譚話 要 投降 , 係 真定 假 㗎 ? 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 , 我 哋 係 唔 係 實 打得贏 佢 呢 ? 辛 毗 就 回答 話 : 明公 唔 使問 係 真 係 假 , 淨 係 睇 下 形勢 就 得 㗎 啦 。 袁氏 年 年 失敗 , 兵將 在外 疲於奔命 ; 謀臣 在內 就 互相殘殺 ; 而 兄弟 之間 , 又 聽信 讒言 彼此 仇恨 , 國分 為 二 ; 加之 以 饑荒 嚴重 , 天災人禍 。 所以 , 無論 邊 個人 , 聰明 嘅 又 好 , 愚蠢 嘅 亦 好 , 都 知道 袁氏 就 快 土崩瓦解 。 呢 個 乃 係 天滅 袁氏 之時 呀 ! 而家 , 如果 明公 帶兵 去 攻打 葉殯 , 元上 唔 返 去 救 , 就會失 咗 巢穴 。 如果 返去 救 呢 , 袁譚 一定 跟 住 佢 尾 打 佢 嘅 。 以明公 咁 強大 嘅 兵力 , 打 佢 呢 一支 疲乏 嘅 軍隊 , 直情 好似 秋風掃落葉 一樣 啦 。 至於 話 唔 係 噉 諗 , 反而 要 去 打 荊州 , 我 睇 唔 妥 啊 。 荊州 乃 係 豐樂 之地 , 國和民順 , 唔 係 咁 容易 打 嘅 。 何況 天下 四方 最大 嘅 禍患 就 係 河北 , 河北 一 平定 , 霸業 就 成功 咯 。 希望 明公 你 考慮 啦 。 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我同 先生 , 真 係 相見恨晚 啊 ! 於是 曹操 即日 下令 , 全 軍轉 返去 攻打 冀州 。 噉 劉備 呢 , 佢 又 怕 曹操 耍 咩 陰謀 喎 亦 唔 敢 去 追 佢 嘞 , 自己 帶兵 返去 荊州 就 了 。 而家 講下 袁尚 , 佢 一 接到 消息 話 曹操 大軍 渡過 黃河 北上 , 自己 急急 率領 人馬 趕返 去鄴 郡 , 命令 呂曠 、 呂翔 押後 。 噉 袁 譚一 見到 袁尚 撤兵 , 就 出 盡 平原 嘅 兵馬 , 咬住 尾 窮追不捨 。 追 咗 幾十里 , 突然 聽見 一聲 炮響 啊 , 左便 呂曠 右邊 呂翔 兩支 軍隊 一齊 衝出 嚟 , 攔住 去路 。 袁 譚勒定 馬 , 對 佢 兩 兄弟 話 : 我 父親 在世 嘅 時候 , 並 冇 待 薄 兩位 將軍 吖 , 點解 今日 竟然 跟 埋 我 細佬 嚟 逼 我 呢 ? 呂曠 、 呂翔 聽 阿 袁譚 噉 樣講 , 個心 覺得 好 慚愧 , 立即 落馬 投降 袁譚 。 袁 譚話 嘞 : 唔 好 投降 我 , 你 哋 投降 曹丞相 啦 。 於是 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 呢 , 就 跟 住 袁 譚返 去 。 等到 曹操 大軍 嚟 嘞 , 袁譚 就 帶 呂曠 兩 兄弟 去 見 曹操 。 曹操 十分高興 , 將個 女 許配 畀 袁譚 做 妻子 , 同時 呢 , 就 請 呂曠 、 呂翔 做媒 人 。 過 咗 幾日 , 袁譚 請 曹操 去 攻打 冀州 。 但 係 曹操 話 而家 唔 得 啊 , 事關 糧草 接濟 唔 上 。 喺 陸路 長途 搬運 太 辛苦 嘞 , 要 引 沂水 入 白溝 , 就 搞 通條 運糧 嘅 水路 , 然後 先至 能夠 進兵 。 所以 曹操 呢 , 就 叫 袁譚 暫時 喺 平原 住 住 先 。 曹操 自己 就 率領 大軍 去 到 黎陽 駐扎 , 封 咗 呂曠同 呂翔 做 列侯 , 叫 佢 哋 隨軍 聽用 。 噉 袁 譚 喺 平原 呢 住 咗 一段 時候 , 有 一日 , 郭圖 對 袁 譚話 喇 : 曹操 話 將個 女 許配 畀 將軍 你 , 恐怕 都 唔 係 真心實意 㗎 。 而家 , 又 封 咗 呂曠 、 呂翔 做 侯爵 , 將 佢 哋 帶 埋 喺 軍隊 裏頭 , 呢 啲 亦 不過 係 做 嚟 籠絡 河北 人心 嘅 啫 。 日後 呀 , 曹操 終歸 會成 為 我 哋 嘅 禍患 㗎 。 嗯 , 噉 你 睬 點好 呢 ? 主公 , 我睬 噉 啦 , 你 暗中 派人將 兩個 將軍 大印 攞 去 送 畀 呂 曠 兩 兄弟 , 叫 佢 哋 做 內應 , 等 曹操 攻破 袁尚 之後 , 就 睺 個 機會 殺 咗 佢 ! 主公 你 話 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? 袁譚 聽 佢 話 , 就刻 咗 兩個 將軍 大印 , 派 人 暗中 送 去 畀 呂曠 兩 兄弟 。 點 知道 佢 兩個 受落 咗 之後 , 轉過 便 就 直情 帶 埋個 印去 稟告 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 聽 咗 之後 哈哈大笑 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 袁譚 所以 暗中 送印 畀 你 哋 , 就 係 要 你 哋 做 內應 , 等 我 打敗 咗 袁尚 之後 , 搵 個 機會 嚟 謀害 我 啫 。 你 哋 即管 受落 個 大印 啦 , 我 自有辦法 嘅 。 從此 之後 啊 , 曹操 就 有 殺 袁 譚 嘅 念頭 嘞 。 而家 講返 下 袁 尚 嗰 便 , 呢 一日 , 袁尚同 審配 商量 話 : 而家 曹兵 運糧 入 白溝 , 必定 係 要 嚟 打 冀州 , 噉 點 嚟 應付 佢 好 呢 ? 審配 就 建議 話 : 主公 你 發個 檄文 , 命令 武安 長 尹楷 駐兵 毛城 , 打通 上黨 嘅 運糧 道路 ; 再 命令 沮授 個 仔 沮 鵠 堅守 邯鄲 , 遙為 聲援 。 主公 你 就 進兵 平原 , 急攻 袁譚 。 打敗 咗 袁 譚先 , 然後 就 去 打 曹操 啦 。 袁尚 認為 審配 呢條 計策 好 嘢 , 非常高興 。 就 決定 留審配 同陳琳 兩個 人守 冀州 , 任命 馬 延 、 張顗 兩員 大將 做 先鋒 , 立即 起兵 去 攻打 平原 。 袁譚 知道 袁 尚 嘅 兵馬 就 嚟 殺 到 嘞 , 就 去向 曹操 告急 。 曹操 話 : 哈哈 ! 我 呢 次 必定 得到 冀州 喇 ! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 啱 啱 許 攸 喺 許都 嚟 , 佢 聽聞 袁尚 又 嚟 攻打 袁 譚唄 , 就 走 嚟 見 曹操 話 喇 : 丞相 , 坐守 喺 呢 處 , 係 唔 係 想 等 天 雷擊 殺二 袁 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 已經 諗 妥 晒 喇 ! 於是 曹操 命令 曹洪 先行 進兵 去 攻打 鄴 郡 , 曹操 自己 率領 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 尹楷 。 曹軍一到 , 尹楷 帶齊 人馬 迎敵 。 兩陣 相對 就 尹楷 出馬 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 許仲 康 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 許褚 應聲 而出 , 縱 馬舞刀 直取 尹楷 。 呢 個 尹楷 十分 水皮 呀 , 打 都 冇 得 打 , 就 畀 許褚 一刀斬 咗 落馬 。 嗰 班 卒 仔 㗾㗾 聲 潰散 晒 。 曹操 將 啲 敗兵 全部 招降 , 跟 住 就 揮兵 直取 邯鄲 嘞 。 沮鵠出 嚟 迎戰 。 呢 趟 張 遼 出馬 , 同 沮 鵠 交鋒 , 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 沮鵠 大敗 呀 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 跑 。 張 遼 喺 後 便 猛追 , 噉 兩匹馬 相距 唔 遠 啊 , 張 遼 拈 弓 搭 箭 一箭 射過去 , 沮鵠 應然 落馬 , 係 咁 大 喇 。 曹操 指揮 兵馬 掩殺 過去 , 打 到 嗰 班 卒 仔 呀 走 夾 冇 唞 , 散晒 。 曹操 馬不停蹄 , 立即 率領 大軍 就 直逼 冀州 。 當時 呢 , 曹洪 已經 打 到 逼近 冀州 城下 㗎 嘞 。 曹操 嚟 到 之後 啊 , 就 叫 全軍 兵士 , 氹 氹 𡃈 繞住 冀州 城 築起 土山 。 同時 又 暗中 掘 地道 準備 攻城 。 審配 此人 亦 唔 弱 㗎 , 佢 想盡辦法 嚟 堅守 。 佢 個 法令 好 嚴 嘅 。 呢 東門 有個 守城 嘅 軍官 叫做 馮禮 , 有 一次 , 因為 飲醉 咗 酒 啊 , 冇 去 巡查 , 審配 知道 咗 就 重重 咁 責罰 佢 。 嗰 個 馮 禮 又 懷恨在心 喎 , 竟然 偷偷 趯 咗 出城 去 投降 曹操 。 曹操 問 佢 有 咩 破 城 嘅 好 辦法 。 馮禮話 喇 : 喺 突 門 入 便 , 嗰 度 啲 泥 好 厚 , 喺 嗰 處 掘 地道 入去 係 最好 嘞 。 噉 曹操 就 叫 馮禮帶 住 三百名 精壯 士兵 , 趁 夜晚 掘條 地道 入去 。 而家 講下 審配 , 佢 自從 馮禮 趯 咗 出去 投降 之後 呢 , 佢 每晚 都 親自 上城 巡視 嘅 。 呢 一晚 , 佢 喺 突 門 嘅 城樓 上面 望見 城外 烏燈黑火 。 審配 一 諗 : 啊 ! 馮禮實 係 帶 人掘 地道 入 嚟 呀 。 佢 立即 組織 一批 精兵 , 喇喇聲 運 咗 啲 大石 嚟 猛 咁 撞 嗰 道 突 閘門 , 撞 到 嗰 道 門閂 死 咗 。 噉 馮禮 同 嗰 三百名 兵丁 呢 , 全部 喺 地道 裏頭 壅 死 晒 。 曹操 輸蝕 咗 呢 一場 , 就 唔 諗 掘 地道 呢 條計 喇 。 索性 將軍 隊 呀 撤到 去 洹 水 一帶 等 住 袁尚 回兵 然後 先 打 佢 。 洹 水即 係 而 家 嘅 安陽 河 , 喺 河南省 臨漳縣 境 嚟 。 袁尚 帶兵 去 攻 平原 㗎 。 佢 接到 消息 , 知道 曹操 啊 已經 擊破 咗 尹楷 、 沮鵠 , 大軍 圍困 冀州 , 就 撤兵 返去 救 嘞 。 先鋒 馬 延話 : 如果 混 大路 去 , 曹操 一定 有 伏兵 ; 不如 我 哋 行 小路 , 由 西山 出 滏 水口 去 劫 佢 曹 營 , 噉 就 可以 解 冀州 嘅 圍 喇 。 袁尚 聽 佢 嘅 話 , 親自 率領 大軍 行先 , 叫馬 延同 張 顗 押後 。 袁尚 軍隊 嘅 行動 啊 , 早就 畀 曹操 嘅 偵探 探聽到 。 曹操 得到 報告 就 話 嘞 : 哼 , 如果 佢 由 大路 嚟 , 我要 避開 下 佢 嘅 ; 如果 佢 由 西山 小路 嚟 , 實 畀 我 捉 到 佢 ! 嗯 , 我 諗 袁尚 必定 係 用 點火 做 信號 , 叫 城內 接應 佢 嘅 。 好 ! 我 哋 分兵 兩路 嚟 打 佢 ! 於是 曹操 就 將兵 馬 調撥 好 , 等 住 袁尚 嚟 嘞 喎 。 袁尚 一出 咗 滏 水界 口 , 就 向東 一直 嚟 到 陽平 將軍 隊 駐 扎 喺 陽平 亭 。 呢 度 呢 就 離開 冀州 十七里 , 一邊 係 靠 住 滏 水 嘅 。 呢 真 係 畀 曹操 估中 晒 , 袁尚 叫 啲 軍士 呀 冧 起 啲 乾柴 乾草 , 準備 一到 夜晚 就燒 起火 嚟 做 信號 。 然後 呢 , 袁尚 派 主簿 李孚 , 化裝 成 曹 軍 都督 噉 樣 就 去 到 城下 叫 開門 。 審配 認得 呢 個 係 李孚 把 聲 啊 , 即刻 就 開門 放 咗 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 李孚講 畀 審配 聽 , 佢 話 : 袁將軍 嘅 大軍 , 已經 嚟 到 陽平 亭 擺開 晒 喇 , 就 係 等候 城內 接應 。 如果 城內 帶兵 打出 嚟 , 就 點火 為號 啦 。 誒 , 而家 城裏 便 好 缺糧 㗎 喇 。 噉 我 哋 可以 搵 一批 老弱殘兵 , 同埋 啲 婦女 出城 去 投降 , 曹 軍 必定 唔 會 戒備 嘅 。 噉 我 哋 嘅 兵士 就 跟 住 百姓 後 便 衝出去 攻 佢 。 噉 究竟 李孚 呢 條計 仔 呀 呃 唔 呃 得過 曹操 呢 ? 且 聽 下回分解 。

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郭圖 啊 入 去 冀州 觀察 下 形勢 啦 。 Guo Tu|ah|enter|to|Jizhou|observe|the|situation|particle Guo Tu went to Ji Province to observe the situation. 佢 見到 袁尚 行個禮 , 袁尚 問 佢 嘞 : 兄長 點解 唔 嚟 呢 ? he|saw|Yuen Seung|bow|Yuen Seung|asked|him|past tense particle|elder brother|why|not|come|here He saw Yuan Shang and greeted him. Yuan Shang asked him: "Why didn't you come, elder brother?" 郭圖 話 : 佢 因 為 有 病 , 所以 今日 冇 嚟 啫 。 Guo Tu|said|he|because|for|has|illness|so|today|did not|come|only Guo Tu replied: "He is ill, so he couldn't come today." 根據 父親 嘅 遺命 , 立 我 為 主 , 而家 加封 兄長 做 車騎 將軍 。 according to|father|possessive particle|will|appoint|me|as|lord|now|confer|elder brother|as|cavalry|general According to my father's last wishes, I have been established as the leader, and now I am promoting my elder brother to General of Cavalry. 目前 曹兵 壓境 啊 , 請 兄長 率領 本部 人馬 作為 前鋒 , 我 隨後 就 調兵 嚟 接應 㗎 喇 。 currently|Cao's troops|pressing the border|ah|please|elder brother|lead|our unit|troops|act as|vanguard|I|afterwards|then|dispatch troops|here|support|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion Currently, Cao's troops are pressing at the borders. I ask my elder brother to lead our troops as the vanguard, and I will follow up with reinforcements. 誒 , 我 哋 軍隊 裏頭 , 冇 邊個 可以 出謀 獻計 嘅 , 所以 想 借審 正南 同逢元圖 兩位 去 幫手 噃。 hey|I|we|army|inside|no|one|can|offer advice|give suggestions|particle indicating possession|so|want||Zhengnan||two people|to go|help|particle indicating suggestion Hey, in our army, there’s no one who can come up with strategies, so I want to borrow Shen Zhengnan and Feng Yuantu to help. 哦 噉 唔 得 , 唔 得 ! 我 亦 係 全 靠 佢 哋 兩個 人幫 我 籌劃 嘅 , 我點 離得開 佢 哋 兩個 吖 ? oh|like that|||||I|also|am|completely|rely on|they|plural marker|two||me|plan|past tense marker||can leave|they|plural marker|two|question particle Oh, that won’t do, that won’t do! I also rely entirely on those two to help me plan, how can I leave them? 噉 啊 , 唔 啱 就 喺 佢 哋 兩位 之中 派 一個 去 啦 , 好 唔 好 呢 ? like this|ah|not|right|then|at|they|plural marker|two people|among|send|one|go|sentence final particle|good|not|good|question particle Well then, if it’s not appropriate, let’s send one of them to go, how about that? 袁尚 到底 係 年輕 , 唔 夠郭圖 呢 個 扭計 師爺 扭 。 Yuan Shang|after all|is|young|not||this|measure word|scheming|advisor|twist Yuan Shang is still young, not as cunning as Guo Tu, that scheming advisor. 不得已 就 唯有 叫 佢 兩個 出 嚟 執籌 , 邊個 執到 邊個 去 啦 。 no choice|then|only|tell|him|both|go out|come|pick up|whoever|picks up|whoever|go|particle If there’s no other choice, we can only call those two out to take charge, whoever can take charge will go. 結果 係 逢紀 執到 。 result|is|Fung Kei|found As a result, Feng Ji was captured. 袁尚 就 叫 逢 紀帶 住 車騎 將軍 嘅 大印 , 同埋 郭圖 一齊 去 袁 譚 嘅 部隊 處 。 Yuan Shao|then|ordered|Feng|Ji Dai|to live|Che Qi|general|possessive particle|great seal|and|Guo Tu|together|to go|Yuan|Tan|possessive particle|troops|location Yuan Shang then instructed Feng Ji to take the general's seal and go with Guo Tu to Yuan Tan's troops. 逢紀 一去 到 , 見到 袁 譚精 精神 神乜病 都 冇 嚱 知道 唔 妥 喇 , 個心 十五 十六 。 Fung Kei|once gone|arrived|saw|Yuen||spirit|any illness|all|not|sure|knew|not|right|particle|heart|fifteen|sixteen When Feng Ji arrived, he saw that Yuan Tan was in good spirits and seemed to be fine, but he knew something was wrong, feeling very anxious. 但 係 人 已經 嚟 到 嘞 , 哎 死就死 係 啦 , 就 裝作 笑容 , 將 大印 呈 上去 畀 袁譚 。 |is||||||||||then|pretend|smile|to take|big stamp|present|up|to give|Yuan Tan However, since he was already there, he thought, 'If I die, I die,' and forced a smile as he presented the seal to Yuan Tan. 袁譚 好 嬲 啊 , 想 殺逢紀 嚟 出氣 。 Yuen Tam|very|angry|particle|wants|kill Fung Kei|to|vent anger Yuan Tan was very angry and wanted to kill Feng Ji to vent his frustration. 郭 圖拉 開 佢 靜靜 對 佢 講 : Guo|Tula|opened|he|quietly|to|him|said Guo Tula quietly said to him: 而家 曹兵 壓境 啊 , 我 哋 仲 係 留逢 紀 喺 處 , 好好 噉 款待 佢 等 阿 尚 安心 吖 。 right now|Cao Bing|pressure|ah|I|we|still|are|Liu Feng|Ji|at|place|very well|like this|entertain|him|let|ah|Shang|feel at ease|ah Right now, Cao's troops are pressing down on us, we are still in a situation where we need to treat him well so that Ah Shang can feel at ease. 等到 打敗 咗 曹操 之後 , 再 嚟 同 佢 爭 冀州 都 未 遲 吖 嘛 。 wait until|defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao|after|again|come|with|him||Jizhou|all|not yet|late|sentence-final particle|question particle After we defeat Cao Cao, it won't be too late to fight him for Jizhou. 袁譚 聽 佢 話 , 即刻 就 下令 拔寨 出發 。 Yuan Tan|heard|he|said|immediately|then|ordered|to leave the camp|to depart Yuan Tan heard what he said and immediately ordered the troops to leave the camp. 噉 啊 一路 去 到 黎陽 , 就 同 曹 軍 相遇 。 then|ah|all the way|go|arrive|Lai Yang|then|with|Cao|Jun|meet So they went all the way to Liyang and encountered Cao's army. 袁 譚派 大將 汪昭 出戰 , 曹操 派 徐晃 迎敵 。 Yuan|Tan's faction|general|Wang Zhao|to battle|Cao Cao|sent|Xu Huang|to confront the enemy Yuan Tan sent his general Wang Zhao to battle, while Cao Cao sent Xu Huang to meet the enemy. 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 徐晃 一刀斬 咗 汪昭 落馬 。 the two|fought|past tense marker|several|rounds|Xu Huang|one slash|past tense marker|Wang Zhao|off his horse The two fought for several rounds, and Xu Huang struck down Wang Zhao, causing him to fall off his horse. 曹 軍 乘機 掩殺 , 打到 袁 軍 大敗 就 趯 咗 入 去 黎陽 城 。 Cao|army|took the opportunity|ambush|defeated|Yuan|army|heavily defeated|then|rushed|past tense marker|into|the|Liyang|city The Cao army took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, defeating the Yuan army and then rushing into Liyang City. 袁譚 急急 派 人 去 搵 袁尚 求救 呢 。 Yuen Tam|urgently|send|someone|to|find|Yuen Seung|ask for help|question particle Yuan Tan urgently sent someone to find Yuan Shang for help. 袁尚同 審配 諗 咗 一輪 , 只 係 發 五千 幾人 去 幫手 唧 。 Yuen Seung-tung|Sham Pui|thought|past tense marker|for a while|only|is|sent|five thousand|a few people|to|help|do the work Yuan Shang and Shen Pei thought it over and only sent over five thousand or so men to assist. 曹操 探聽到 話 有 袁 軍 嚟 嘞 , 就 即刻 派 樂進 、 李典 , 帶 一支 部隊 喺 半路 埋伏 , 就 兩頭 圍住 佢 , 將呢 五千 幾袁兵 冚𠾴唥 殺 清光 。 Cao Cao|heard|that|there are|Yuan|army|coming|past tense particle|then|immediately|sent|Yue Jin|Li Dian|led|a|troop|at|halfway|ambush|then|from both sides|surrounded|him||five thousand||completely|killed|wiped out Cao Cao heard that there were Yuan troops coming, so he immediately sent Le Jin and Li Dian to lead a unit to ambush them halfway, surrounding them from both sides and completely wiping out the more than five thousand Yuan soldiers. 袁譚 知道 袁尚 只 係 撥 咗 五千 兵 嚟 , 而且 又 喺 半路 全部 被 曹 軍 消滅 咗 嬲 到 不得了 , 就 叫 逢 紀出 嚟 鬧 佢 一餐 。 Yuan Tan|knows|Yuan Shang|only|is|allocate|past tense marker|five thousand|soldiers|here|moreover|again|at|halfway|all|by|Cao|army|annihilated|past tense marker|angry|to|extremely|then|called|Feng||here|scolded|him|a meal Yuan Tan knew that Yuan Shang had only sent five thousand troops, and that they had all been wiped out by Cao's army halfway, making him extremely angry, so he called Feng Ji out to scold him. 逢紀話 嘞 : 等 我 寫封信 畀 主公 , 請 佢 親自 帶兵 嚟 救 啦 。 Fung Kei said|past tense marker|wait|I|write a letter|to|Lord|request|he|personally|bring troops|come|rescue|sentence-final particle Feng Ji said: Let me write a letter to the lord, asking him to personally lead troops to rescue us. 好 啦 ! 袁譚 即刻 叫逢紀 寫信 , 然後 就 派 人 日夜 趕路 送 去 冀州 畀 袁尚 。 ||Yuan Tan|immediately|call Feng Ji|write a letter|then|then|send|someone|day and night|travel fast|deliver|to|Jizhou|to|Yuan Shang Alright! Yuan Tan immediately asked Feng Ji to write the letter, and then sent someone to rush day and night to deliver it to Yuan Shang in Jizhou. 袁尚 收到 逢 紀 嘅 來信 就 同 審配 商量 啦 。 Yuen Seung|received|Fung|Kei|possessive particle|letter|then|with|Sham Pui|discuss|sentence-final particle When Yuan Shang received the letter from Feng Ji, he discussed it with Shen Pei. 審配 話 嘞 : 郭圖 此人 成肚計 㗎 , 前次 乜 都 唔 爭 就 去 咗 點解 呢 ? Shen Pei|said|past tense marker|Guo Tu|this person|very cunning|particle indicating certainty|last time|anything|at all|not|compete|then|go|past tense marker|why|question particle Shen Pei said: Guo Tu is a schemer. Last time, he didn't fight for anything and just went away, why is that? 因為 曹兵 壓境 咋 嘛 , 如果 而 家 佢 哋 打敗 咗 曹操 , 噉 就 必定 嚟 爭 冀州 嘅 嘞 噃。 because|Cao's troops|pressing the borders|how|question particle|if|||||defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao|then|then|definitely|come||Jizhou|possessive particle|past action particle| Because Cao's troops are pressing at the borders. If they defeat Cao Cao now, they will definitely come to fight for Jizhou. 我 睇 , 不如 我 哋 唔 發 救兵 , 借 曹操 隻 手 嚟 剷除 咗 佢 唔 係 仲 好 ? I|see|might as well|||not|send|reinforcements|borrow|Cao Cao|measure word for hands|hand|come|eliminate|past tense marker|he|||still|good I think, why don't we not send reinforcements and use Cao Cao's hand to eliminate him instead? 係 噃! 袁尚 聽 佢 話 , 唔 肯 發兵 。 yes|particle indicating affirmation|Yuan Shang|heard|he|said|not|willing|send troops That's right! Yuan Shang listened to him and refused to send troops. 噉 袁 譚 嘅 使者 返去 報告 啦 。 then|Yuen|Tam|possessive particle|messenger|return|report|sentence-final particle Then Yuan Tan's messenger should go back and report. 啊 袁譚 嬲 到 怒火沖天 , 即刻 殺 咗 逢紀 , 就 同 啲 謀士 商量 要 投降 曹操 嘞 。 ah|Yuan Tan|annoyed|to|furious|immediately|killed|past tense marker|Feng Ji|then|with|plural marker|strategists|discussed|want|to surrender|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Ah, Yuan Tan was so furious that he immediately killed Feng Ji and then discussed with his advisors about surrendering to Cao Cao. 呢 件 事 呢 , 就 畀 袁 尚 嘅 偵探 知道 咗 , 即刻 返去 報告 畀 袁尚知 。 this|classifier for events|matter|this|then|by|||possessive particle|detective|knew|past tense marker|immediately|return|report|to| This matter was reported to Yuan Shang by his scouts, who immediately returned to inform Yuan Shang. 袁尚 又 同 審配 商量 話 : 噉 唔 妥 噃, 如果 阿譚 投降 曹操 , 兩個 合力 嚟 攻 我 噉 冀州 就 危險 嘞 噃。 Yuan Shang|again|with|Shen Pei|discuss|said|like this|not|appropriate|particle|if|Ah Tan|surrenders|Cao Cao|the two|work together|come|attack|me|like this|Jizhou|then|dangerous|particle|particle Yuan Shang then discussed with Shen Pei, saying: "This is not good. If Tan surrenders to Cao Cao, the two of them could join forces to attack us, which would put Jizhou in danger." 於是 袁尚 呢 就 留低 審配 同埋 大將 蘇由 , 鎮守 冀州 , 自己 就 率領 大軍 去 黎陽 救 袁譚 嘞 。 then|Yuan Shang|particle indicating a question|then|left|Shen Pei|and|general|Su You|garrisoned|Jizhou|himself|then|led|army|to|Liyang|rescue|Yuan Tan|particle indicating completed action So Yuan Shang left Shen Pei and the general Su You to defend Jizhou, while he led a large army to Liyang to rescue Yuan Tan. 袁尚 問 嗰 班 將官 , 有 邊個 敢 擔當 前部 先鋒 啊 噉 。 Yuan Shang|asked|that|group|officers|have|who|dares|to take on|front|vanguard|ah|then Yuan Shang asked the generals, "Who dares to take on the vanguard?" 大將 呂曠 、 呂翔 兩 兄弟 話 願意 承當 。 General|Lue Kwang|Lue Cheung|two|brothers|said|willing|to take responsibility The generals Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, the two brothers, said they were willing to take on the responsibility. 噉 袁尚 呢 就點 咗 三萬 兵 , 派 佢 兩個 做 先鋒 , 先 去 黎陽 。 then|Yuan Shang|this||past tense marker|thirty thousand|soldiers|to send|he|two|to be|vanguards|first|to go|Liyang So Yuan Shang sent out thirty thousand troops, assigning the two of them as vanguards to head to Liyang first. 袁譚 知道 袁尚 呢 趟 親自 嚟 喇 , 好 歡喜 啦 , 就 唔 諗 投降 曹操 嘅 事 嘞 喎 。 Yuan Tan|knows|Yuan Shang|this|trip|personally|come|particle indicating completed action|very|happy|particle indicating suggestion or change of state|then|not|think|surrender|Cao Cao|possessive particle|matter|past action particle|particle indicating realization or reminder Yuan Tan was very happy to know that Yuan Shang had come in person this time, and he no longer thought about surrendering to Cao Cao. 袁 尚 嘅 兵馬 嚟 到 , 就 駐 扎 喺 城外 。 Yuan|Shang|possessive particle|troops|come|arrive|then|||at|outside the city When Yuan Shang's troops arrived, they stationed themselves outside the city. 袁 譚 嘅 兵馬 呢 就 駐 扎 喺 城內 , 成為 犄角之勢 就 互相 照應 。 Yuan|Tan|possessive particle|troops|question particle|then|stationed|entrenched|in|the city|become|flanking position|then|mutually|supporting each other Yuan Tan's troops were stationed inside the city, forming a flanking position to support each other. 過 咗 幾日 , 袁熙 、 高幹 都 各自 帶兵 嚟 到 黎陽 城外 嘞 就 分 三 笪 地方 駐兵 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|Yuan Xi|Gao Gan|both|each|led troops|came|to|Liyang|outside the city|past tense marker|then|divided|three|camps|places|stationed troops A few days later, Yuan Xi and Gao Gan each brought their troops to outside Liyang City and stationed them in three different places. 每日 都 出兵 同 曹操 交戰 。 every day|all|send troops|with|Cao Cao|engage in battle Every day they sent troops to battle against Cao Cao. 嚱, 但 係 袁尚 打親 都 輸 , 當然 曹操 打親 就 贏喇 。 to scold|||Yuan Shang|fight|all|lose|of course|Cao Cao|fight|then|win However, Yuan Shang always lost in battle, while Cao Cao always won. 就 係 噉 樣 , 一直 打 到 建安 八年 二月 , 即 係 打 咗 頭尾 兩個 年頭 㗎 喇吓 。 just|is|like this|manner|continuously|fight|until|Jian'an||February|that is|is|fought|past tense marker|beginning and end|two|years|particle|already In this way, the fighting continued until February of the eighth year of Jian'an, which means it lasted for almost two full years. 噉 啊 曹操 分 幾路 嚟 進攻 , 卒 之 打到 袁譚 、 袁熙 、 袁尚 、 高幹 大敗 , 放棄 咗 黎陽 逃跑 。 then|ah|Cao Cao|divide|several routes|come|attack|soldiers|possessive particle|defeated|Yuan Tan|Yuan Xi|Yuan Shang|Gao Gan|major defeat|abandoned|past tense marker|Liyang|escape At this point, Cao Cao launched multiple attacks, ultimately defeating Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, and Gao Gan, forcing them to abandon Liyang and flee. 曹操 率領 軍馬 一路 追到 去 冀州 。 Cao Cao|led|cavalry|all the way|chased|to|Jizhou Cao Cao led his troops and horses all the way to pursue them to Jizhou. 袁 譚同 袁尚 呢 入 咗 冀州 城 堅守 。 Yuan|||this|entered|past tense marker|Jizhou|city|defended Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang entered Jizhou city and held their ground. 袁熙 同 高幹 呀 , 就 離城 三十里 扎寨 虛張聲勢 。 Yuan Xi|with|Gao Gan|particle|then|leave the city|thirty miles|set up camp|bluffing Yuan Xi and Gao Gan set up camp thirty miles away from the city to bluff. 曹操 連日 發動 進攻 都 打 唔 落 。 Cao Cao|for consecutive days|launched|attacks|all|defeat|not|fall Cao Cao launched attacks for several days but could not break through. 呢 一日 , 郭嘉 就 對 曹操 建議 話 : this|one day|Guo Jia|then|to|Cao Cao|suggested|words One day, Guo Jia suggested to Cao Cao: 袁紹 廢 長立幼 , 而 佢 哋 兄弟 之間 , 互相 爭權 各自 結黨 。 Yuan Shao|depose|eldest and youngest|but|they|plural marker|brothers|between|mutually|vie for power|each|form factions Yuan Shao deposed the young Longli, and among his brothers, they fought for power and formed their own factions. 如果 我 哋 攻 佢 攻 得 緊 啊 , 佢 哋 就 互相 救應 啦 ; if|I|we|attack|him||||particle|||then|mutually|help each other|particle If we attack them fiercely, they will support each other; 之 如果 我 哋 放鬆 下 佢 呢 , 佢 哋 就 會 立刻 互相 爭起 嚟 㗎 嘞 。 particle indicating possession|if|I|plural marker|relax|particle indicating action|he|question particle|he|plural marker|then|will|immediately|mutually|compete|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action but if we relax our attack, they will immediately start fighting among themselves. 所以 , 丞相 不如 統率 大軍 南向 荊州 , 征討 劉表 。 so|prime minister|might as well|lead|large army|southward|Jingzhou|campaign against|Liu Biao Therefore, it would be better for the Prime Minister to lead a large army south to Jingzhou to conquer Liu Biao. 等待 袁氏 兄弟 之間 發生 變故 , 到 其時 , 然後 先至 打 佢 , 噉 就 可以 一舉 而定 嘞 。 waiting|Yuan family|brothers|between|happen|unforeseen event|arrive|that time|then|only then|hit|him|like this|then|can|in one move|be settled|particle indicating completed action We should wait for changes to occur among the Yuan brothers, and only then strike them, which would allow us to secure a decisive victory. 哈 , 呢 個 分析判斷 好 啱 呀 ! ha|this|measure word|analysis and judgment|very|correct|sentence-final particle Ha, this analysis and judgment is very accurate! 曹操 同意 郭 嘉 嘅 意見 , 就 任命 賈詡 做 太守 , 鎮守 黎陽 。 Cao Cao|agreed|||possessive particle|suggestion|then|appointed|Jia Xu|as|governor|to defend|Liyang Cao Cao agreed with Guo Jia's opinion and appointed Jia Xu as the governor to defend Liyang. 曹洪 就 帶 一支 部隊 鎮守 官渡 。 Cao Hong|then|lead|a|troop|garrison|Guandu Cao Hong took a troop to defend Guandu. 佢 自己 呢 , 就 統率 大軍 向 荊州 進兵 嘞 。 he|himself|particle indicating a change of state|then|to lead|army|towards|Jingzhou|advance|particle indicating completed action As for himself, he led the main army to advance towards Jingzhou. 袁 譚同 袁尚 聽聞 曹操 兵馬 自行 撤退 咗 , 哎呀 高興 咯 , 互相 慶賀 啊 。 Yuan||Yuan Shang|heard|Cao Cao|troops|on their own|retreated|past tense marker|oh|happy|particle indicating realization|each other|congratulated|particle indicating exclamation Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, upon hearing that Cao Cao's troops had retreated, were very happy and celebrated together. 袁熙 、 高幹 見 冀州 冇 危險 嘞 , 亦 都 告辭 返去 本州 。 Yuan Xi|Gao Gan|saw|Jizhou|no|danger|past tense marker|||took leave|returned|Benzhou Yuan Xi and Gao Gan saw that there was no danger in Jizhou, so they also took their leave to return to their home state. 啱 啱 解除 咗 危險 , 過 咗 幾日 太平 日子 唧 , 袁譚 就 同 郭圖 、 辛評 商量 喇 佢 話 : ||lifted|past tense marker|danger|after|past tense marker|a few days|peaceful|days|sound of a pen|Yuan Tan|then|with|Guo Tu|Xin Ping|discussed|sentence-final particle|he|said Just after the danger was lifted, a few days of peace passed, and Yuan Tan began to discuss with Guo Tu and Xin Ping, saying: 我 係 長子 , 唔 能夠 繼承 父業 , 阿尚 係 繼母 生 嘅 , 啊 反而 要 佢 嚟 繼承 爵位 。 I|am|eldest son|not|able to|inherit|father's business|Ah Sheung|is|stepmother|born|possessive particle|ah|on the contrary|want|him|to|inherit|title I am the eldest son, I cannot inherit my father's business, and Ah Shang is born of the stepmother, yet he is the one who should inherit the title. 嘿 ! 我 真 係 唔 甘心 。 hey|I|||| Hey! I really feel unwilling. 郭圖 就 獻計 話 喇 : 不如 噉 啦 , 主公 你 帶定 兵馬 喺 城外 。 Guo Tu|then|offered a plan|said|particle indicating completion|might as well|like this|particle suggesting suggestion|lord|you|lead|troops|at|outside the city Guo Tu then suggested: How about this, my lord, you take your troops and stay outside the city. 畀 一日 就 話 請 阿尚同 審配 嚟 宴會 , 預先 埋伏 定 刀斧手 殺 咗 佢 ! 噉 大事 就 定局 啦 嘛 。 give|one day|then|tell|invite||Sam Pui|come|banquet|in advance|ambush|set|assassin|kill|past tense marker|him|then|big event|just|settled|final particle|rhetorical particle Just one day, it was said to invite Ah Shang and Shen Pei to the banquet, and to preemptively ambush and kill them with assassins! Then the big matter would be settled, right? 係 噉 話 啦 ! yes|like that|to say|sentence final particle That's how it is! 正話 商量 定 , 咁 啱 別駕 王修 啊 喺 青州 嚟 。 correct words|discuss|decided|so|right|don't drive|Wang Xiu|ah|at|Qingzhou|come Just discussing it, coincidentally, the officer Wang Xiu is coming from Qingzhou. 袁譚 就 將殺 袁尚 、 審 配 嘅 計劃 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Yuan Tan|then||Yuan Shang|Shen|Pei|possessive particle|plan|tell|to|him|hear Yuan Tan then explained the plan to kill Yuan Shang and Shen Pei to him. 王修 聽 咗 就 反對 , 佢 話 : Wang Siu|heard|past tense marker|then|opposed|he|said Wang Xiu listened and opposed, he said: 兄弟 就 好似 一個 人 嘅 左右手 噉 。 brother|just|like|one|person|possessive particle|left and right hand|like that Brothers are just like a person's left and right hands. 而家 正話 同人 哋 打緊 交 , 一刀 斬斷 咗 隻 右手 , 仲話 我實 贏 嘅 噉 。 now|just saying|with others|they|are fighting|exchange|one knife|cut off|past tense marker|measure word for hands|right hand|||win|past tense marker|like this Right now, they are saying they are fighting with others, and they cut off the right hand with one stroke, and still claim that I have won. 主公 你 話 噉 得 唔 得 呢 ? 實唔 得 㗎 嘛 。 lord|you|say|like this|okay|not|okay|question particle|really not|okay|particle|particle My lord, do you think this is acceptable? It really isn't. 有 兄弟 都 唔 親 , 噉 天下 仲有 邊個 親呢 ? have|brothers|all|not|close|then|world||who| If there are brothers who are not close, then who else in the world can be close? 有 啲 人 專門 講 是非 離間 骨肉 , 嚟 追求 暫時 嘅 利益 。 there is|some|people|specialize in|talking|gossip|sowing discord|family|come|pursuing|temporary|possessive particle| Some people specialize in gossiping and sowing discord among family, just to pursue temporary benefits. 呢 啲 噉 嘅 說話 , 主公 你 要塞 埋 雙耳 唔 好聽 佢 呀 ! ||like that|possessive particle|words|my lord|you|||both ears|||him|sentence-final particle These kinds of words, my lord, you should cover your ears and not listen to them! 唔 聽 佢 ? 唔 聽 你 王修 就 真 喇 , 忠言逆耳 吖 嘛 。 not|hear|he|not|hear|you|Wang Xiu|then|really|particle indicating change||particle|particle Not listen to them? If you don't listen, Wang Xiu will really be in trouble; honest advice is often hard to hear. 袁譚 嬲 啊 , 鬧 佢 幾句 , 趕 咗 佢 走 。 Yuen Tam|angry|ah|scolded|him|a few words|drove|past tense marker|him|away Yuan Tan is angry, scolded him a few times, and drove him away. 過 咗 幾日 , 樣樣 準備 妥當 喇 , 袁譚 就 使 人 去 請 袁尚 咯 喎 。 passed|past tense marker|few days|everything|prepared|properly|completed action particle|Yuen Tam|then|had|someone|to go|invite|Yuen Shang|sentence-final particle|suggestion particle A few days later, everything was ready, and Yuan Tan sent someone to invite Yuan Shang. 袁尚 聽 講話 大佬 請 飲 啊 , 就 同 審配 商量 。 Yuen Seung|hear|talking|boss|please|drink|ah|then|with|Sham Pui|discuss When Yuan Shang heard that the big boss was inviting him to drink, he discussed it with Shen Pei. 審配 話 : 呢 個 呀 , 實 係 郭圖 諗 嘅 計 呀 。 Shen Pei|said|this|classifier for people|particle|really|is|Guo Tu|thought|possessive particle|plan|particle Shen Pei said: This is indeed a plan thought of by Guo Tu. 主公 你 一去親 , 必定 中 佢 奸計 主公 , 我 哋 不如 乘機 攻 佢 呢 ? Your Majesty|you||will definitely|fall for|him|trick|Your Majesty|I|plural marker|might as well|take the opportunity|attack|him|question particle My lord, if you go, you will definitely fall into his trap. Why don't we take the opportunity to attack him? 袁尚 聽 佢 話 , 就 披掛 上馬 , 帶 五萬 兵出 城 。 Yuan Shang|heard|he|say|then|put on armor|mounted|led|fifty thousand||city Yuan Shang listened to him and immediately donned his armor, leading fifty thousand troops out of the city. 袁譚 見到 袁尚 帶兵 嚟 唄 就 知道 事情 洩露 , 索性 打明 嚟 啦 , 亦 都 即刻 披掛 上馬 , 同 袁尚 交鋒 。 Yuan Tan|saw|Yuan Shang|bringing troops|here|particle indicating realization|then|knew|matter|leaked|simply|fight openly|here|particle indicating suggestion|||immediately|put on armor|mounted|with|Yuan Shang|clashed When Yuan Tan saw Yuan Shang bringing troops, he knew the matter was exposed, so he decided to confront him directly and also immediately donned his armor to engage Yuan Shang. 兩 兄弟 一 見面 , 大家 都將 對方 呀 鬧 到 狗血淋頭 。 two|brothers|one|meet|everyone||each other|particle|tease|to|extremely badly When the two brothers met, they both scolded each other fiercely. 袁 譚話 嘞 : 你 毒死 父親 , 篡奪 爵位 都 不 特止 , 今日 又 想 嚟 殺 大佬 係 嘛 ? Yuan|Tan said|past tense marker|you|poisoned to death|father|usurp|title|all|not|only|today|again|want|to come|kill|elder brother|is|question particle Yuan Tan said: You poisoned your father and usurped the title, and now you want to come and kill the boss? 兩個 人 都 火 烚烚 啊 , 親自出馬 交鋒 。 both|people|all|fire||ah||clash Both of them were furious and personally engaged in battle. 哈哈 , 袁譚 唔 夠打 , 一敗塗地 。 haha|Yuen Tam|not||utterly defeated Haha, Yuan Tan was not strong enough and was utterly defeated. 袁尚 搏晒命 啊 , 喺 刀光劍影 之中 呀 左衝右 殺 , 打到 袁 譚帶 住 啲 殘兵敗將 趯 咗 去 平原郡 。 Yuan Shang|fought for his life|ah|in|amidst the chaos of battle|within|ah|||fought until|Yuan||with|the|remnants of his defeated army|fled|past tense marker|to|Pingyuan County Yuan Shang fought desperately, charging left and right amidst the clash of swords, driving Yuan Tan and his remaining troops back to Pingyuan County. 袁尚 呢 噉 先至 收兵 回城 啊 。 Yuan Shang|question particle|like this|only then|withdraw troops|return to the city|final particle Only then did Yuan Shang withdraw his troops back to the city. 平原郡 嘅 郡 城 呢 即 係 而 家 山東省 嘅 平原縣 。 Pingyuan County|possessive particle|county|city|question particle|that is|is|||Shandong Province||Pingyuan County The county seat of Pingyuan County is now Pingyuan County in Shandong Province. 噉 啊 袁 譚 喺 平原郡 整頓 咗 一輪 兵馬 , 就 同 郭圖 研究 好 , 就 任命 岑璧 做 大將 , 帶兵 再 去 進攻 冀州 。 then|ah|Yuan|Tan|at|Pingyuan County|reorganized|past tense marker|a round of|troops|then|with|Guo Tu|study|well|then|appointed|Cen Bi|as|general|leading troops|again|to|attack|Jizhou So, Yuan Tan organized a round of troops in Pingyuan County, and after discussing with Guo Tu, he appointed Cen Bi as the general to lead the troops to attack Jizhou again. 袁尚 又 試 親自 帶兵 出城 嚟 迎戰 。 Yuan Shang|again|tried|in person|to lead troops|out of the city|to|engage in battle Yuan Shang also tried to personally lead the troops out of the city to confront the enemy. 兩陣 對圓 , 旗鼓相望 。 two armies|face each other|flags and drums facing each other The two armies faced each other, their flags and drums in sight. 岑璧 出馬 嚟 罵陣 嘞 。 Sam Bik|come out|to|argue|past tense marker Cen Bi came out to scold the enemy. 袁尚 本來 想 自己 嚟 打 佢 嘅 , 但 大將 呂曠 呢 早就 拍 馬舞刀 衝上去 同岑 璧 交戰 。 Yuan Shang|originally|wanted|by himself|to come|fight|him|possessive particle|but|general|Lue Kuang|particle indicating a question|long ago|strike||charged forward||Bi|engaged in battle Yuan Shang originally wanted to fight him himself, but the general Lu Kuang had already charged in with his sword drawn to battle Cen Bi. 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 , 呂曠 一刀 就 斬 咗 岑璧 落馬 。 the two|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|Lui Kwang|with one stroke|then|cut|past tense marker|Sum Pik|off the horse The two fought for several rounds, and with one strike, Lu Kuang knocked Cen Bi off his horse. 噉 袁譚 又 打敗 嘞 喎 , 急急 撤退 。 then|Yuan Tan|again|defeated|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|hurriedly|retreat So Yuan Tan was defeated again and had to retreat in a hurry. 呢 次 呀 , 審配 勸 袁尚 乘勝追擊 咯 , 噉 啊 一直 追到 去 平原 。 this|time|particle|Shen Pei|advised|Yuan Shang|to pursue the victory|particle|then|particle|continuously|chased to|the|plain This time, Shen Pei advised Yuan Shang to pursue the victory, and they chased all the way to the plain. 袁 譚頂 唔 順 嘞 就 唯有 退 咗 入 去 平原郡 城 , 死守 住 唔 出 嚟 。 Yuan|Tan Ding|not|smooth|past tense particle|then|only|retreat|past tense particle|enter|go|Pingyuan County|city|defend to the death|continuously|not|come out|come Yuan Tan, unable to withstand the pressure, could only retreat into the city of Pingyuan County and hold his ground. 袁 尚 喺 三面 圍城 猛攻 。 Yuan|Shang|at|three sides|besieged city|fierce attack Yuan Shang is launching a fierce attack on the city from three sides. 袁譚 就 同 郭圖 商量對策 。 Yuan Tan|then|with|Guo Tu| Yuan Tan is discussing strategies with Guo Tu. 郭圖 話 喇 : 而家 城裏 便 糧食 好 缺乏 , 佢 地 嘅 軍隊 氣勢 正 係 旺盛 嘅 時候 , 打 佢 唔 過 㗎 。 Guo Tu|said|particle indicating completed action|now|in the city|then|food|very|scarce|they|possessive particle|particle indicating possession|army|morale|just|is|strong|particle indicating possession|time|fight|them|not|able to win|particle indicating certainty Guo Tu said: Right now, the city is severely lacking in food, and their army is currently in high spirits, so we can't defeat them. 計我話 可以 噉 樣 , 將軍 你 派 人 去 見 曹操 , 話 要 投降 佢 , 請 佢 帶兵 去 攻 冀州 。 |can|like this|manner|general|you|send|people|to|meet|Cao Cao|said|to|surrender|him|ask|him||to|attack|Jizhou I suggest this: General, you send someone to meet Cao Cao and say we want to surrender to him, asking him to lead his troops to attack Jizhou. 噉 嘅 時候 , 阿尚 必定 退兵 返去 救 嘅 。 like this|possessive particle|time|Ah Sheung|definitely|withdraw troops|return|rescue|possessive particle At that time, Ah Shang will definitely retreat his troops to rescue. 到 時 將軍 你 帶兵 夾擊 佢 , 噉 就 可以 捉到 阿尚 啦 。 when|time|general|you|lead troops|encircle|him|then|just|can|catch|Ah Sheung|particle indicating completion or affirmation When the time comes, General, you lead the troops to ambush him, and then we can catch Ah Shang. 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! Alright, alright! 仲有 , 如果 曹操 打敗 咗 阿尚 , 我 哋 就 乘機 擸 咗 佢 嘅 人馬 同 物資 頂住 曹操 。 also|if|Cao Cao|defeated|past tense marker|Ah Shang|we|plural marker|then|take the opportunity||past tense marker|his||troops|and|supplies|hold off|Cao Cao Also, if Cao Cao defeats Ah Shang, we can take the opportunity to seize his troops and supplies to hold off Cao Cao. 曹 兵 喺 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 糧食 實 係 接濟 唔 上 嘅 , 唔 使 幾耐 自然 就 唔 走 都 要 走 㗎 嘞 。 Cao|Bing|at|so|far|come|here|food|really|is|assistance|not|up|particle|not||||||leave|all|have to|leave|particle|particle Cao's troops are coming from so far away, their supplies really can't keep up, and soon enough they will have to leave even if they don't want to. 到 其時 , 我 哋 就 仍然 可以 據守 冀州 , 再 尋找機會 嚟 發展 啦 嘛 。 at|that time|I|plural marker|then|still|can|hold|Jizhou|again||to|develop|sentence-final particle|question particle By then, we can still hold onto Jizhou and look for opportunities to develop further. 你 嘅 意見 係 啱 嘅 , 噉 , 派 邊個 做 使者 好 呢 ? you|possessive particle|opinion|is|correct|particle indicating state|then|send|who|be|messenger|good|question particle Your opinion is correct, so who should we send as the messenger? 辛評 嘅 細 佬 辛 毗 , 而家 做 緊 平原 令 。 Sin Ping|possessive particle|small|boy|Sin|Pi|now|doing|continuous aspect particle|flatland|order The young man from Xinping, Xin Pi, is currently working on the plains. 此人 能言善辯 , 佢 做 使者 呀 最合適 嘞 。 this person|eloquent and persuasive|he|to be|messenger|sentence-final particle||sentence-final particle This person is eloquent and articulate, he is the most suitable to be the messenger. 袁譚 立即 召辛 毗 嚟 , 將 任務 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Yuen Tam|immediately|summon Sin|Pi|here|will|mission|tell|to|him|listen Yuan Tan immediately summoned Xin Pi and explained the mission to him. 啊 辛 毗 好 高興 啊 。 ah|Xin|Pi|very|happy|ah Ah, Xin Pi is very happy. 於是 袁譚 寫 好 一封信 交 畀 佢 , 仲派 三千 兵 護送 佢 出境 。 then|Yuan Tan|||a letter|to deliver|to|him||three thousand|soldiers|to escort|him|out of the country So, Yuan Tan wrote a letter and handed it to him, and also sent three thousand soldiers to escort him out of the country. 辛 毗 日夜兼程 趕路 去 見 曹操 。 Xin|Pi|traveling day and night|hurry on the road|to|meet|Cao Cao Xin Pi traveled day and night to meet Cao Cao. 當時 曹操 正在 帶兵 去 打 劉表 , 駐 扎 喺 西平 嚟 。 at that time|Cao Cao|was|leading troops|to|fight|Liu Biao|stationed|encamped|at|Xiping|here At that time, Cao Cao was leading his troops to fight Liu Biao, stationed in Xiping. 劉表 呢 就 派 劉備 做 前部 先鋒 去 迎戰 。 Liu Biao|this|then|sent|Liu Bei|to be|front|vanguard|to|engage in battle Liu Biao sent Liu Bei as the vanguard to confront the enemy. 兩軍都 未曾 交鋒 , 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 辛 毗 就 嚟 到 曹操 處 。 |have not yet|engaged in battle|just|at|this|classifier for events|time|||then|come|to|Cao Cao|place The two armies had not yet engaged in battle, and at that moment, Xin Pi arrived at Cao Cao's location. 見 咗 面行 過禮 , 曹操 問 佢 嘅 來意 啦 。 see|past tense marker|face|after greeting|Cao Cao|asked|he|possessive particle|intention|sentence final particle After meeting, Cao Cao asked him about his intentions. 辛毗 就將 袁譚 求 佢 出兵 打 袁 尚 嘅 意見 講 咗 。 Xin Pi||Yuan Tan|ask|him|send troops|fight|||possessive particle|opinion|say|past tense marker Xin Pi then conveyed Yuan Tan's request for him to send troops to fight Yuan Shang. 同時 呢 , 將袁 譚 嘅 親筆信 呈 上去 畀 曹操 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question||Tan|possessive particle|handwritten letter|to present|to go up|to give|Cao Cao At the same time, he presented Yuan Tan's handwritten letter to Cao Cao. 曹操 睇 完信 就 留辛 毗 喺 營寨 嚟 , 請 佢 去 休息 先 。 Cao Cao|read||then||Pi|at|camp|come|invite|him|to go|rest|first After Cao Cao finished reading the letter, he kept Xin Pi in the camp and asked him to rest first. 然後 呢 就 召集 一班 文官 武將 嚟 商量 呢 件 事 。 then|question particle|then|gather|a group of|civil officials|military generals|to come|discuss|this|measure word for events|matter Then he gathered a group of civil and military officials to discuss this matter. 程昱 就 話 : Cheng Yu|then|said Cheng Yu said: 袁譚 係 畀 袁尚 攻打 到 十分 危急 嘞 , 不得已 先至 嚟 投降 嘅 啫 。 Yuan Tan|is|by|Yuan Shang|attacked|to|very|urgent|past tense particle|had no choice|only then|came|surrender|possessive particle|only Yuan Tan was in a very dangerous situation due to Yuan Shao's attack, and he had no choice but to surrender. 都 係 信 唔 過 㗎 。 |||||particle indicating certainty It's hard to believe. 呂虔 、 滿寵 亦 都 話 喇 : 丞相 既然 已經 帶兵 嚟 到 呢 度 嘞 , 仲點 好話 掉 開 劉表 唔 打 而 去 幫助 袁譚 啊 。 Lueh Chien|Man Chong|also|all|said|particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|since|already|brought troops|come|to|this|place|particle indicating completed action||good words|turn|away|Liu Biao|not|fight|and|go|help|Yuan Tan|ah Lü Qian and Man Chong also said: Since the Prime Minister has already brought troops here, how can we say that Liu Biao should not fight and instead go help Yuan Tan? 但 係 荀 攸 唔 同意 佢 哋 嘅 意見 喎 , 佢 話 : ||Xun|You|not|agree|they|plural marker|possessive particle|opinion|sentence-final particle|he|said But Xun You disagreed with their opinion, saying: 三位 先生 嘅 說話 都 唔 見得 妥當 , 我 嘅 諗 法 呢 係 噉 嘅 。 three|gentlemen|possessive particle|speech|all|not|seen|appropriate|I|possessive particle|||this|is|like that|possessive particle The words of the three gentlemen are not very appropriate, my thoughts are like this. 而家 天下 正 係 多事之秋 。 now|world|currently|is|a time of many troubles Right now, the world is indeed in a time of turmoil. 但 係 劉表 此人 呢 , 只 係 坐守 於 江漢 之間 , 一步 都 唔 敢 行開 下 , 此人 並無 大志 就 可想而知 嘞 。 ||Liu Biao|this person|question particle|||stationed|at|Jianghan|between|one step|at all|not|dare|move away|down|this person|does not have|great ambition|then|it is obvious|final particle However, this Liu Biao person is just sitting tight between Jianghan, not daring to take a step away, it is clear that this person has no great ambitions. 袁氏據 四州 之 地 有 幾十萬 人馬 。 Yuan's family occupies|Four Provinces|possessive particle|land|has|hundreds of thousands|troops The Yuan family controls the land of four provinces with hundreds of thousands of troops. 如果 佢 兩個 仔 係 和和睦睦 嘅 , 共同 守住 呢 一份 事業 , 噉 天下大事 點樣 變化 發展 都 尚未 可料 㗎 。 if|they|two|sons|are|harmonious|possessive particle|together|maintain|this|one|career|then|major events in the world|how|change|development|all|not yet|predictable|question particle If his two sons were harmonious and jointly guarding this enterprise, then how the major events of the world would change and develop is still unpredictable. 目前 , 佢 哋 兄弟 相爭 , 袁譚 勢窮力竭 要 嚟 投降 我 哋 。 currently|||brothers|fight|Yuan Tan|exhausted and at the end of his rope|wants|to|surrender|| Currently, they are in conflict, and Yuan Tan is exhausted and wants to surrender to us. 我 哋 就 應該 出兵 , 首先 剷除 袁尚 , 然後 , 再 睇 下 變化 點樣 , 一齊 消滅 埋 袁譚 , 噉 就 天下 定 矣 咯 。 I|we|then|should|deploy troops|first|eliminate|Yuan Shang|then|again|||changes|how|together|annihilate|also|Yuan Tan|then|will|world|settled|already|particle indicating certainty We should send troops, first eliminate Yuan Shang, and then see how things change, and together we can also eliminate Yuan Tan, then the world will be settled. 丞相 , 良機勿失 啊 ! Prime Minister|don't miss the good opportunity|ah Chancellor, don't miss this good opportunity! 曹操 好 歡喜 , 佢 十分 同意 荀 攸 呢 個 意見 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|he|completely|agrees|Xun|You|this|measure word|opinion Cao Cao was very pleased and fully agreed with Xun You's opinion. 呢 一日 , 曹操 請辛 毗 嚟 飲酒 同 佢 話 : 袁 譚話 要 投降 , 係 真定 假 㗎 ? this|one day|Cao Cao||Pi|to come|drink wine|and|he|said|Yuan||wants|to surrender|is||false|question particle On this day, Cao Cao invited Xin Pi to drink and asked him: Is it true or false that Yuan Tan wants to surrender? 袁 尚 嘅 軍隊 , 我 哋 係 唔 係 實 打得贏 佢 呢 ? Yuen|Sheung|possessive particle|army|I|plural marker|am|not|am|really|can defeat|him|question particle Yuan Shang's army, can we really defeat him? 辛 毗 就 回答 話 : 明公 唔 使問 係 真 係 假 , 淨 係 睇 下 形勢 就 得 㗎 啦 。 Xin|Pi|then|replied|said|Sir Ming|not||is|true|is|false|only|just|to look|at|situation|then|fine|particle|particle Xin Pi replied: 'Your Highness, there's no need to ask if it's true or false, just look at the situation.' 袁氏 年 年 失敗 , 兵將 在外 疲於奔命 ; 謀臣 在內 就 互相殘殺 ; 而 兄弟 之間 , 又 聽信 讒言 彼此 仇恨 , 國分 為 二 ; 加之 以 饑荒 嚴重 , 天災人禍 。 Yuan family|year||failure|soldiers|outside|exhausted from fighting|strategists|inside|then||and|brothers|among|again|believing|slander|each other|hate||into|two|in addition|with|famine|severe|natural and man-made disasters The Yuan family fails year after year, their soldiers are exhausted from fighting; the strategists inside are killing each other; and among the brothers, they listen to slanders and hate each other, dividing the country in two; coupled with severe famine and natural disasters. 所以 , 無論 邊 個人 , 聰明 嘅 又 好 , 愚蠢 嘅 亦 好 , 都 知道 袁氏 就 快 土崩瓦解 。 so|no matter|which|person|smart|possessive particle|also|good|stupid|possessive particle|also|good|all|know|Yuan family|then|soon|collapse Therefore, no matter who it is, whether clever or foolish, everyone knows that the Yuan family is about to collapse. 呢 個 乃 係 天滅 袁氏 之時 呀 ! this|measure word|indeed|is|heaven destroy|Yuan family||sentence-final particle This is the time for the downfall of the Yuan family! 而家 , 如果 明公 帶兵 去 攻打 葉殯 , 元上 唔 返 去 救 , 就會失 咗 巢穴 。 now|if|Ming Gong|leads troops|to|attack|Ye Bin|Yuan Shang|not|return|to|rescue||past tense marker|lair Right now, if Ming Gong leads the troops to attack Ye Bin, and Yuan Shang does not return to rescue, they will lose their stronghold. 如果 返去 救 呢 , 袁譚 一定 跟 住 佢 尾 打 佢 嘅 。 if|go back|save|question particle|Yuen Tam|definitely|follow|closely|he|tail|hit|him|possessive particle If they go back to rescue, Yuan Tan will definitely follow closely and attack them. 以明公 咁 強大 嘅 兵力 , 打 佢 呢 一支 疲乏 嘅 軍隊 , 直情 好似 秋風掃落葉 一樣 啦 。 with your esteemed self|so|powerful|possessive particle|military strength|defeat|them|this|a|exhausted|possessive particle|army|simply|like|autumn wind sweeping away leaves|the same|sentence-final particle With Ming Gong's powerful military strength, attacking this exhausted army is like sweeping leaves in autumn. 至於 話 唔 係 噉 諗 , 反而 要 去 打 荊州 , 我 睇 唔 妥 啊 。 as for|saying|not|is|like that|thought|on the contrary|need to|go|attack|Jingzhou|I|see|not|appropriate|particle As for saying that it shouldn't be thought this way, but rather to attack Jingzhou, I don't think that's appropriate. 荊州 乃 係 豐樂 之地 , 國和民順 , 唔 係 咁 容易 打 嘅 。 Jingzhou|is|is|prosperous|||not|is|so|easy|to defeat|particle indicating past action Jingzhou is a land of abundance, with a harmonious country and people, and it's not so easy to conquer. 何況 天下 四方 最大 嘅 禍患 就 係 河北 , 河北 一 平定 , 霸業 就 成功 咯 。 希望 明公 你 考慮 啦 。 moreover|the world|all directions|greatest|possessive particle|calamity|then|is|Hebei||one|pacification|hegemony|then|successful|final particle|hope|Lord Ming|you|consider|final particle Moreover, the greatest disaster in the world is Hebei. Once Hebei is pacified, the hegemony will be successful. I hope you will consider this, my lord. 好 啊 , 好 啊 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我同 先生 , 真 係 相見恨晚 啊 ! |ah||||||||||| Alright, alright! Hahahaha, I really feel like I've met my match with you, sir! 於是 曹操 即日 下令 , 全 軍轉 返去 攻打 冀州 。 then|Cao Cao|on the same day|gave the order|whole||back|to attack|Jizhou Thus, on that day, Cao Cao ordered the entire army to return and attack Jizhou. 噉 劉備 呢 , 佢 又 怕 曹操 耍 咩 陰謀 喎 亦 唔 敢 去 追 佢 嘞 , 自己 帶兵 返去 荊州 就 了 。 then|Liu Bei|question particle|he|again|afraid|Cao Cao|play|what|schemes|sentence-final particle|also|not|dare|to go|chase|him|past action particle|himself|lead troops|return to|Jingzhou|then|completed action particle As for Liu Bei, he was also afraid of Cao Cao's schemes and did not dare to pursue him, so he led his troops back to Jingzhou. 而家 講下 袁尚 , 佢 一 接到 消息 話 曹操 大軍 渡過 黃河 北上 , 自己 急急 率領 人馬 趕返 去鄴 郡 , 命令 呂曠 、 呂翔 押後 。 now|talk about|Yuan Shang|he|once|received|news|saying|Cao Cao|army|crossed|Yellow River|northward|he himself|hurriedly|led|troops|rushed back||county|ordered|Lü Kuang|Lü Xiang|hold back Now, let's talk about Yuan Shang. Upon receiving the news that Cao Cao's army had crossed the Yellow River and was heading north, he hurriedly led his troops back to Ye County and ordered Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to hold back. 噉 袁 譚一 見到 袁尚 撤兵 , 就 出 盡 平原 嘅 兵馬 , 咬住 尾 窮追不捨 。 then|Yuan|Tan Yi|saw|Yuan Shang|retreat|then|||plain|possessive particle|troops|biting|tail|relentlessly pursued When Yuan Tan saw Yuan Shang retreating, he sent out all the troops from the plains and relentlessly pursued him. 追 咗 幾十里 , 突然 聽見 一聲 炮響 啊 , 左便 呂曠 右邊 呂翔 兩支 軍隊 一齊 衝出 嚟 , 攔住 去路 。 chased|past tense marker|several dozen miles|suddenly|heard|a sound|cannon fire|ah|on the left|Lu Kuang|on the right|Lu Hsiang|two|armies|together|charged out|here|blocked|path After chasing for several dozen miles, he suddenly heard a cannon shot, and on the left was Lu Kuang and on the right was Lu Xiang, both armies charging out together to block the way. 袁 譚勒定 馬 , 對 佢 兩 兄弟 話 : Yuen|Tam Lik-ding|Ma|to|he|two|brothers|said Yuan Tan reined in his horse and said to his two brothers: 我 父親 在世 嘅 時候 , 並 冇 待 薄 兩位 將軍 吖 , 點解 今日 竟然 跟 埋 我 細佬 嚟 逼 我 呢 ? I|father|alive|possessive particle|when|and|did not|treat|disrespect|two|generals|sentence-final particle|why|today|unexpectedly|follow|along|me|younger brother|come|pressure|me|question particle When my father was alive, he did not treat the two generals poorly, so why are you both following my younger brother today to pressure me? 呂曠 、 呂翔 聽 阿 袁譚 噉 樣講 , 個心 覺得 好 慚愧 , 立即 落馬 投降 袁譚 。 Lui Kwong|Lui Cheung|heard|a prefix for addressing someone|Yuan Tan|like that||heart|felt|very|ashamed|immediately|dismounted|surrendered|Yuan Tan Upon hearing Yuan Tan speak like this, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang felt very ashamed and immediately dismounted to surrender to Yuan Tan. 袁 譚話 嘞 : 唔 好 投降 我 , 你 哋 投降 曹丞相 啦 。 Yuan|Tan said|past tense marker|not|good|surrender|I|you|plural marker|surrender|Prime Minister Cao|sentence-final particle Yuan Tan said: Don't surrender to me, you should surrender to Prime Minister Cao. 於是 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 呢 , 就 跟 住 袁 譚返 去 。 then|they|plural marker|two|brothers|question particle|then|||Yuan||home So the two brothers followed Yuan Tan back. 等到 曹操 大軍 嚟 嘞 , 袁譚 就 帶 呂曠 兩 兄弟 去 見 曹操 。 when|Cao Cao|army|arrives|past tense marker|Yuan Tan|then|took|Lue Kuang|two|brothers|to go|meet|Cao Cao When Cao Cao's army arrived, Yuan Tan took the two brothers, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, to meet Cao Cao. 曹操 十分高興 , 將個 女 許配 畀 袁譚 做 妻子 , 同時 呢 , 就 請 呂曠 、 呂翔 做媒 人 。 Cao Cao|||daughter|betrothed|to|Yuan Tan|to be|wife|at the same time|(particle indicating a question)|then|to invite|Lü Kuang|Lü Xiang|to act as matchmakers|person Cao Cao was very pleased and promised his daughter to Yuan Tan as a wife, and at the same time, he asked Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to be the matchmakers. 過 咗 幾日 , 袁譚 請 曹操 去 攻打 冀州 。 passed|past tense marker||Yuan Tan|invited|Cao Cao|to|attack|Jizhou A few days later, Yuan Tan invited Cao Cao to attack Jizhou. 但 係 曹操 話 而家 唔 得 啊 , 事關 糧草 接濟 唔 上 。 ||Cao Cao|said|now|||ah|regarding|supplies|support|| But Cao Cao said it is not possible right now, as the supply of food and resources is insufficient. 喺 陸路 長途 搬運 太 辛苦 嘞 , 要 引 沂水 入 白溝 , 就 搞 通條 運糧 嘅 水路 , 然後 先至 能夠 進兵 。 at|land|long-distance|transportation|too|difficult|past tense marker|need|divert|Yishui River|into|Baigou|then|establish|a thorough|grain transport|possessive particle|waterway|then|only then|able to|advance troops Transporting overland for long distances is too difficult, so we need to divert the Yishui River into the Baigou River to create a waterway for transporting supplies, and only then can we advance. 所以 曹操 呢 , 就 叫 袁譚 暫時 喺 平原 住 住 先 。 so|Cao Cao|question particle|then|asked|Yuan Tan|temporarily|at|Plain|live|live|first Therefore, Cao Cao told Yuan Tan to stay in the plains for the time being. 曹操 自己 就 率領 大軍 去 到 黎陽 駐扎 , 封 咗 呂曠同 呂翔 做 列侯 , 叫 佢 哋 隨軍 聽用 。 Cao Cao|himself|then|led|large army|||Liyang|stationed|enfeoffed|past tense marker||Lu Xiang|made|marquesses|ordered|they|plural marker|with the army|at their disposal Cao Cao himself led a large army to station at Liyang, appointing Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang as marquises, and ordered them to follow the army. 噉 袁 譚 喺 平原 呢 住 咗 一段 時候 , 有 一日 , 郭圖 對 袁 譚話 喇 : then|Yuan|Tan|at|the plain|here|lived|past tense marker|a period of||there was|one day|Guo Tu|to|||sentence-final particle So Yuan Tan stayed in the plains for a while, and one day, Guo Tu said to Yuan Tan: 曹操 話 將個 女 許配 畀 將軍 你 , 恐怕 都 唔 係 真心實意 㗎 。 Cao Cao|said|his|daughter|betrothed|to|general|you|I'm afraid|all|not|is|sincere|particle indicating certainty Cao Cao said that he would betroth his daughter to the general, but I fear it is not sincere. 而家 , 又 封 咗 呂曠 、 呂翔 做 侯爵 , 將 佢 哋 帶 埋 喺 軍隊 裏頭 , 呢 啲 亦 不過 係 做 嚟 籠絡 河北 人心 嘅 啫 。 now|again|confer|past tense marker|Lü Kuang|Lü Xiang|made|marquis|to take|they|plural marker|bring|together|in|army|inside|this|plural marker|also|only|is|||win over|Hebei|people's hearts|possessive particle|only Now, he has also conferred titles of marquis on Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, bringing them into the army; this is merely to win over the hearts of the people of Hebei. 日後 呀 , 曹操 終歸 會成 為 我 哋 嘅 禍患 㗎 。 in the future|particle|Cao Cao|eventually|||we|plural marker|possessive particle|calamity| In the future, Cao Cao will ultimately become our calamity. 嗯 , 噉 你 睬 點好 呢 ? hmm|then|you|respond|how|question particle Hmm, what do you think we should do? 主公 , 我睬 噉 啦 , 你 暗中 派人將 兩個 將軍 大印 攞 去 送 畀 呂 曠 兩 兄弟 , 叫 佢 哋 做 內應 , 等 曹操 攻破 袁尚 之後 , 就 睺 個 機會 殺 咗 佢 ! Your Majesty||like this|particle indicating completion|you|secretly||two||great seals|take|to|deliver|to|Lu|Kuang|two|brothers|tell|them|plural particle|be|inside informants|wait|Cao Cao|defeat|Yuan Shang||then|find|a|opportunity|kill|past tense marker|him My lord, here's what I think: you should secretly send someone to take the two generals' seals and deliver them to the Lu brothers, asking them to act as insiders, so that after Cao Cao defeats Yuan Shang, we can seize the opportunity to kill him! 主公 你 話 噉 好 唔 好 呢 ? lord|you|say|like this|good|not|good|question particle My lord, what do you think about this? 袁譚 聽 佢 話 , 就刻 咗 兩個 將軍 大印 , 派 人 暗中 送 去 畀 呂曠 兩 兄弟 。 Yuan Tan|heard|he|say||past tense marker|two|generals|large seals|sent|people|secretly|deliver|to|to|Lue Kuang|two|brothers Yuan Tan heard him and immediately made two general seals, sending people to secretly deliver them to the Lu brothers. 點 知道 佢 兩個 受落 咗 之後 , 轉過 便 就 直情 帶 埋個 印去 稟告 畀 曹操 聽 。 how|to know|he|two|received|past tense marker|after|turned around|then|immediately|directly|brought|along with the||report|to|Cao Cao|hear Little did they know that after receiving them, they directly took the seals to report to Cao Cao. 曹操 聽 咗 之後 哈哈大笑 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 袁譚 所以 暗中 送印 畀 你 哋 , 就 係 要 你 哋 做 內應 , 等 我 打敗 咗 袁尚 之後 , 搵 個 機會 嚟 謀害 我 啫 。 Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|after|laughed heartily|said|sentence-final particle|haha|haha|Yuan Tan|therefore|secretly|sent seal|to|you|plural marker|just|is|want|you|plural marker|to be|internal traitor|wait|I|defeat|past tense marker|Yuan Shang|after|find|a|opportunity|to|harm|me|only After hearing this, Cao Cao laughed heartily and said: Hahaha, Yuan Tan secretly sent the seals to you, just so you would act as insiders, allowing me to defeat Yuan Shang and then find an opportunity to harm me. 你 哋 即管 受落 個 大印 啦 , 我 自有辦法 嘅 。 ||right away|accept|the|big stamp|sentence final particle|I||possessive particle You can just accept the seals; I have my own ways. 從此 之後 啊 , 曹操 就 有 殺 袁 譚 嘅 念頭 嘞 。 from then on|after|ah|Cao Cao|then|had|kill|Yuan|Tan|possessive particle|thought|past action particle From then on, Cao Cao had the intention to kill Yuan Tan. 而家 講返 下 袁 尚 嗰 便 , 呢 一日 , 袁尚同 審配 商量 話 : now|talk about|next|Yuan|Shang|that|convenience|this|one day|||discuss|said Now let's talk about Yuan Shang. One day, Yuan Shang discussed with Shen Pei and said: 而家 曹兵 運糧 入 白溝 , 必定 係 要 嚟 打 冀州 , 噉 點 嚟 應付 佢 好 呢 ? now|Cao's troops|transport supplies|enter|Bai Gou|definitely|is|need|come|attack|Jizhou|then|how|come|deal with|him|well|question particle Now that Cao's troops are transporting supplies into Baigou, they must be coming to attack Jizhou. How should we deal with them? 審配 就 建議 話 : Shun Pui|then|suggested|said Shen Pei suggested: 主公 你 發個 檄文 , 命令 武安 長 尹楷 駐兵 毛城 , 打通 上黨 嘅 運糧 道路 ; 再 命令 沮授 個 仔 沮 鵠 堅守 邯鄲 , 遙為 聲援 。 Your Majesty|you|issue a|proclamation|order|Wu'an|commander|Yin Kai|station troops|Maocheng|secure|Shangdang|possessive particle|transportation of grain|route|then|order|Ju Shou|possessive particle|son|Ju|Hu|firmly defend|Handan||support My lord, you should issue a proclamation, ordering the commander of Wu'an, Yin Kai, to station troops at Maocheng to open up the supply route to Shangdang; and also order Ju Shou's son, Ju He, to firmly defend Handan as a distant support. 主公 你 就 進兵 平原 , 急攻 袁譚 。 Your Majesty|you|then|advance troops|plain|urgently attack|Yuan Tan My lord, you should advance your troops to the plains and urgently attack Yuan Tan. 打敗 咗 袁 譚先 , 然後 就 去 打 曹操 啦 。 defeated|past tense marker|Yuan|Tan Xian|then|just|go|fight|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle Defeat Yuan Tan first, then we will go and fight Cao Cao. 袁尚 認為 審配 呢條 計策 好 嘢 , 非常高興 。 Yuan Shang|thinks|Shen Pei|this|strategy|good|thing| Yuan Shang believes that this strategy by Shen Pei is a good one and is very pleased. 就 決定 留審配 同陳琳 兩個 人守 冀州 , 任命 馬 延 、 張顗 兩員 大將 做 先鋒 , 立即 起兵 去 攻打 平原 。 then|decided|Liu Shenpei||two||Jizhou|appointed|||Zhang Yi|two|generals|as|vanguard|immediately|raised troops|to|attack|Pingyuan He decided to leave Shen Pei and Chen Lin to guard Jizhou, appointing generals Ma Yan and Zhang Yi as vanguards, and immediately mobilized troops to attack the plains. 袁譚 知道 袁 尚 嘅 兵馬 就 嚟 殺 到 嘞 , 就 去向 曹操 告急 。 Yuan Tan|knows|Yuan|Shang|possessive particle|troops|then|come|kill|arrive|past tense particle|then||Cao Cao|report urgent situation Yuan Tan knew that Yuan Shang's troops were about to come and went to report the emergency to Cao Cao. 曹操 話 : 哈哈 ! 我 呢 次 必定 得到 冀州 喇 ! Cao Cao|said|haha|I|this|time|definitely|obtain|Jizhou|particle indicating certainty Cao Cao said: Haha! This time I will definitely capture Jizhou! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 啱 啱 許 攸 喺 許都 嚟 , 佢 聽聞 袁尚 又 嚟 攻打 袁 譚唄 , 就 走 嚟 見 曹操 話 喇 : just|at|place|talking|continuous tense marker|||Xu|You|at|Xu Du|come|he|heard|Yuan Shang|again|come|attack|Yuan|Tan|then|ran|over here|to see|Cao Cao|said|final particle While he was talking, Xu You had just arrived from Xudu. He heard that Yuan Shang was attacking Yuan Tan again, so he came to see Cao Cao and said: 丞相 , 坐守 喺 呢 處 , 係 唔 係 想 等 天 雷擊 殺二 袁 啊 ? Prime Minister|stationed|at|this|place|is|not|is|want|to wait|heaven|||Yuan|question particle Prime Minister, are you sitting here because you want to wait for a thunderbolt to strike the two Yuans? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 已經 諗 妥 晒 喇 ! hahaha||I|already|thought|settled|completely|particle indicating completed action Hahahaha, I have already thought it through! 於是 曹操 命令 曹洪 先行 進兵 去 攻打 鄴 郡 , 曹操 自己 率領 一支 軍隊 去 攻打 尹楷 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered|Cao Hong|to advance first|troops|to|attack|Ye|county|Cao Cao|himself|led|a|army|to|attack|Yin Kai So Cao Cao ordered Cao Hong to advance first to attack Ye County, while Cao Cao himself led a troop to attack Yin Kai. 曹軍一到 , 尹楷 帶齊 人馬 迎敵 。 when the Cao army arrives|Yin Kai|brings together|troops|to face the enemy As soon as the Cao army arrived, Yin Kai gathered his troops to meet the enemy. 兩陣 相對 就 尹楷 出馬 。 two teams|face off|then|Yin Kai|take the field Facing each other, Yin Kai charged out. 曹操 話 嘞 : 許仲 康 喺 邊 處 呀 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|||at|||question particle Cao Cao asked: Where is Xu Zhongkang? 許褚 應聲 而出 , 縱 馬舞刀 直取 尹楷 。 Xu Chu|in response|rushed out|to ride||directly attacking|Yin Kai Xu Chu responded and rode out, wielding his sword directly at Yin Kai. 呢 個 尹楷 十分 水皮 呀 , 打 都 冇 得 打 , 就 畀 許褚 一刀斬 咗 落馬 。 this|measure word|Yin Kai|very|skilled|sentence final particle|fight|even|not|able|fight|then|by|Xu Chu||past tense marker|off the horse This Yin Kai is quite useless; he couldn't even fight back and was struck down by Xu Chu with a single blow. 嗰 班 卒 仔 㗾㗾 聲 潰散 晒 。 that|group|||crying|sound|scattered|completely That group of soldiers scattered with a whimper. 曹操 將 啲 敗兵 全部 招降 , 跟 住 就 揮兵 直取 邯鄲 嘞 。 Cao Cao|will|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|all|surrender|||then|march|directly attack|Handan|past action particle Cao Cao surrendered all the defeated soldiers, then led his troops straight to Handan. 沮鵠出 嚟 迎戰 。 |here|to face the battle Ju Hu came out to face the battle. 呢 趟 張 遼 出馬 , 同 沮 鵠 交鋒 , 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 沮鵠 大敗 呀 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 跑 。 this|trip|Zhang|Liao|came out to fight|with|Ju|Hu|clash|fought|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|Ju Hu|was defeated|exclamatory particle|turned|horse's head|then|ran This time, Zhang Liao took the field and clashed with Ju Hu. After not even three rounds, Ju Hu was defeated and turned his horse to flee. 張 遼 喺 後 便 猛追 , 噉 兩匹馬 相距 唔 遠 啊 , 張 遼 拈 弓 搭 箭 一箭 射過去 , 沮鵠 應然 落馬 , 係 咁 大 喇 。 Zhang|Liao|at|rear|then|chased fiercely|so|two horses|were apart|not|far|particle|Zhang|Liao|drew|bow|nocked|arrow|one arrow|shot over|Juhe|should|fall off horse|was|so|big|particle Zhang Liao pursued fiercely from behind, and the two horses were not far apart. Zhang Liao drew his bow and shot an arrow, which should have knocked Ju Hu off his horse. 曹操 指揮 兵馬 掩殺 過去 , 打 到 嗰 班 卒 仔 呀 走 夾 冇 唞 , 散晒 。 Cao Cao|commanded|troops|ambushed|past|fought|to|that|group|||particle|ran|surrounded|not|rested|scattered Cao Cao commanded his troops to ambush and attack, causing those soldiers to flee without rest, scattering everywhere. 曹操 馬不停蹄 , 立即 率領 大軍 就 直逼 冀州 。 Cao Cao|without stopping|immediately|led|the army|then|directly approached|Jizhou Cao Cao, without stopping, immediately led his army to press directly towards Jizhou. 當時 呢 , 曹洪 已經 打 到 逼近 冀州 城下 㗎 嘞 。 at that time|question particle|Cao Hong|already|fight|to|approaching|Jizhou|under the city|particle indicating certainty|past action particle At that time, Cao Hong had already fought to the point of approaching the city of Jizhou. 曹操 嚟 到 之後 啊 , 就 叫 全軍 兵士 , 氹 氹 𡃈 繞住 冀州 城 築起 土山 。 Cao Cao|arrive|at|after|ah|then|ordered|entire army|soldiers|to dig||to fill|surround|Jizhou|city|build|earth mound After Cao Cao arrived, he ordered all the soldiers to dig around the city of Jizhou to build earthen mounds. 同時 又 暗中 掘 地道 準備 攻城 。 at the same time|also|secretly|dig|tunnel|prepare|to attack the city At the same time, they secretly dug tunnels in preparation for the siege. 審配 此人 亦 唔 弱 㗎 , 佢 想盡辦法 嚟 堅守 。 Shen Pei|this person|also|not|weak|particle indicating certainty|he|tried every possible way|to|hold firm Shen Pei is not weak either; he tries every means to hold his ground. 佢 個 法令 好 嚴 嘅 。 he|measure word|law|very|strict|particle indicating possession or description His orders are very strict. 呢 東門 有個 守城 嘅 軍官 叫做 馮禮 , 有 一次 , 因為 飲醉 咗 酒 啊 , 冇 去 巡查 , 審配 知道 咗 就 重重 咁 責罰 佢 。 this|East Gate||city defense|possessive particle|officer|called|Feng Li|has|one time|because|drunk|past tense marker|alcohol|particle|did not|go|patrol|Shen Pei|knew|past tense marker|then|heavily|so|punish|him There is a city guard officer at the East Gate named Feng Li. Once, because he got drunk, he didn't go on patrol, and when Shen Pei found out, he punished him severely. 嗰 個 馮 禮 又 懷恨在心 喎 , 竟然 偷偷 趯 咗 出城 去 投降 曹操 。 that|measure word|Feng|Li|again|harbored resentment|sentence-final particle|unexpectedly|secretly|ran|past tense marker|out of the city|to|surrender|Cao Cao That Feng Li held a grudge and secretly sneaked out of the city to surrender to Cao Cao. 曹操 問 佢 有 咩 破 城 嘅 好 辦法 。 Cao Cao|asked|him|has|what|||possessive particle|good|method Cao Cao asked him if he had any good methods to break the city. 馮禮話 喇 : 喺 突 門 入 便 , 嗰 度 啲 泥 好 厚 , 喺 嗰 處 掘 地道 入去 係 最好 嘞 。 Fung Lei said|particle indicating a change of state|at|sudden|door|enter|convenient|that|place|particle indicating plural|mud|very|thick|at|that|place|dig|tunnel|to enter|is||particle indicating completion or change of state Feng Li said: When you enter through the breach, the mud there is very thick, so it's best to dig a tunnel in that place. 噉 曹操 就 叫 馮禮帶 住 三百名 精壯 士兵 , 趁 夜晚 掘條 地道 入去 。 then|Cao Cao|then|ordered||with||strong|soldiers|take advantage of|night||tunnel|to enter So Cao Cao ordered Feng Li to take three hundred strong soldiers and dig a tunnel in at night. 而家 講下 審配 , 佢 自從 馮禮 趯 咗 出去 投降 之後 呢 , 佢 每晚 都 親自 上城 巡視 嘅 。 now|let's talk about|Shen Pei|he|since|Feng Li|kicked|past tense marker|outside|surrender|after|particle indicating a situation|he|every night|all|personally|the city|patrol|past tense marker Now let's talk about Shen Pei. Ever since Feng Li went out to surrender, he has personally inspected the city every night. 呢 一晚 , 佢 喺 突 門 嘅 城樓 上面 望見 城外 烏燈黑火 。 this|one night|he|at|||possessive particle|city tower|on|saw|outside the city|dark and chaotic That night, he saw the outside of the city was pitch black from the watchtower at the breach. 審配 一 諗 : 啊 ! 馮禮實 係 帶 人掘 地道 入 嚟 呀 。 Shen Pui|a|thought|ah|Fung Lai Sat|is|bringing||tunnel|into|come|particle Shen Pei thought: Ah! Feng Li is indeed bringing people to dig a tunnel in! 佢 立即 組織 一批 精兵 , 喇喇聲 運 咗 啲 大石 嚟 猛 咁 撞 嗰 道 突 閘門 , 撞 到 嗰 道 門閂 死 咗 。 He|immediately|organized|a group of|elite soldiers|with a loud noise|carried|past tense marker|some|large stones|here|fiercely|so|crashed|that|measure word for roads|sudden|gate|||that|measure word for roads|lock|broke|past tense marker He immediately organized a group of elite soldiers, loudly transporting large stones to violently crash into the sudden gate, smashing the lock dead. 噉 馮禮 同 嗰 三百名 兵丁 呢 , 全部 喺 地道 裏頭 壅 死 晒 。 then|Feng Li|and|that|three hundred|soldiers|particle indicating a question|all|at|tunnel|inside|blocked|die|completely Thus, Feng Li and the three hundred soldiers were all trapped and died inside the tunnel. 曹操 輸蝕 咗 呢 一場 , 就 唔 諗 掘 地道 呢 條計 喇 。 Cao Cao|lost|past tense marker|this|match|then|not|think|dig|tunnel|this||final particle Cao Cao lost this battle, so he no longer considered digging the tunnel. 索性 將軍 隊 呀 撤到 去 洹 水 一帶 等 住 袁尚 回兵 然後 先 打 佢 。 simply|general|troops|particle|withdraw to|go|Huan|River|area|wait|for|Yuan Shang|reinforcements|then|first|attack|him Instead, the general's team retreated to the area around the Huan River to wait for Yuan Shang's reinforcements before attacking. 洹 水即 係 而 家 嘅 安陽 河 , 喺 河南省 臨漳縣 境 嚟 。 Huan||is|and|now|possessive particle|Anyang|river|in|Henan Province|Linzhang County|area|coming The Huan River is now known as the Anyang River, located in the Linzhang County of Henan Province. 袁尚 帶兵 去 攻 平原 㗎 。 Yuan Shang|lead troops|to|attack|plain|sentence-final particle Yuan Shang led his troops to attack the plains. 佢 接到 消息 , 知道 曹操 啊 已經 擊破 咗 尹楷 、 沮鵠 , 大軍 圍困 冀州 , 就 撤兵 返去 救 嘞 。 He|received|news|knew|Cao Cao|ah|already|defeated|past tense marker|Yin Kai|Ju Hu|army|besieging|Jizhou|then|withdrew|returned|to rescue|past tense marker He received news that Cao Cao had already defeated Yin Kai and Ju Hu, and that the main army was besieging Jizhou, so he withdrew his troops to rescue it. 先鋒 馬 延話 : 如果 混 大路 去 , 曹操 一定 有 伏兵 ; 不如 我 哋 行 小路 , 由 西山 出 滏 水口 去 劫 佢 曹 營 , 噉 就 可以 解 冀州 嘅 圍 喇 。 vanguard|Ma|Yan said|if|mixed|main road|go|Cao Cao|definitely|has|ambush troops|might as well|we|plural marker|take|small road|from|West Mountain|exit|||go|rob|his|||then|then|can|relieve|Ji Province|possessive particle|siege|completed action particle The vanguard Ma Yan said: If we take the main road, Cao Cao will definitely have ambushes; instead, let's take the small road, go out from Xishan to the Fushui Pass to raid his camp, then we can relieve the siege of Jizhou. 袁尚 聽 佢 嘅 話 , 親自 率領 大軍 行先 , 叫馬 延同 張 顗 押後 。 Yuan Shang|heard|he|possessive particle|words|personally|lead|army|advance first|||Zhang|Yi|hold back Yuan Shang listened to his words and personally led the main army ahead, instructing Ma Yan and Zhang Yi to follow behind. 袁尚 軍隊 嘅 行動 啊 , 早就 畀 曹操 嘅 偵探 探聽到 。 Yuan Shang|army|possessive particle|movements|sentence-final particle|already|by|Cao Cao|possessive particle|spies|heard about Yuan Shang's army movements had already been discovered by Cao Cao's scouts. 曹操 得到 報告 就 話 嘞 : 哼 , 如果 佢 由 大路 嚟 , 我要 避開 下 佢 嘅 ; 如果 佢 由 西山 小路 嚟 , 實 畀 我 捉 到 佢 ! Cao Cao|received|report|then|said|past tense marker|humph|if|he|from|main road|comes|I must|avoid|under|him|possessive particle|if|he|from|West Mountain|small road|comes|really|let|me|||him Cao Cao received the report and said: Hmph, if he comes from the main road, I will avoid him; if he comes from the small road in the western mountains, I will definitely catch him! 嗯 , 我 諗 袁尚 必定 係 用 點火 做 信號 , 叫 城內 接應 佢 嘅 。 hmm|I|think|Yuan Shang|definitely|is|using|fire|to make|signal|to call|within the city|to support|him|possessive particle Hmm, I think Yuan Shang must be using fire as a signal to call for support from within the city. 好 ! 我 哋 分兵 兩路 嚟 打 佢 ! good|||divide troops|two ways|come|fight|him Good! Let's split our troops into two routes to attack him! 於是 曹操 就 將兵 馬 調撥 好 , 等 住 袁尚 嚟 嘞 喎 。 then|Cao Cao|then|troops|cavalry|redeployed|well|waiting|for|Yuan Shang|to come|past tense particle|sentence-final particle So Cao Cao arranged his troops well, waiting for Yuan Shang to come. 袁尚 一出 咗 滏 水界 口 , 就 向東 一直 嚟 到 陽平 將軍 隊 駐 扎 喺 陽平 亭 。 Yuan Shang|as soon as|past tense marker|Fu River|water boundary|entrance|then||straight|came|to|Yangping|general|unit|stationed|set up|at|Yangping|pavilion As soon as Yuan Shang came out of the Fushui boundary, he headed east straight to the Yangping General's camp stationed at Yangping Pavilion. 呢 度 呢 就 離開 冀州 十七里 , 一邊 係 靠 住 滏 水 嘅 。 this|place|this|then|leave|Jizhou|seventeen miles|one side|is|||Fu|water|possessive particle This place is seventeen miles away from Jizhou, and one side is next to the Fushui River. 呢 真 係 畀 曹操 估中 晒 , 袁尚 叫 啲 軍士 呀 冧 起 啲 乾柴 乾草 , 準備 一到 夜晚 就燒 起火 嚟 做 信號 。 this|really|is|by|Cao Cao|guessed right|completely|Yuan Shang|ordered|particle for plural|soldiers|particle for exclamation|to stack|up|particle for plural|dry firewood|dry grass|prepare|once|night|||come|to make|signal This really caught Cao Cao off guard. Yuan Shang ordered the soldiers to gather dry wood and dry grass, preparing to light a fire at night as a signal. 然後 呢 , 袁尚 派 主簿 李孚 , 化裝 成 曹 軍 都督 噉 樣 就 去 到 城下 叫 開門 。 then|question particle|Yuan Shang|sent|chief clerk|Li Fu|disguised|as|Cao|army|commander|like|appearance|then|went|to|outside the city|shouted|open the gate Then, Yuan Shang sent the chief clerk Li Fu, disguised as a Cao army general, to the city gate to call for it to be opened. 審配 認得 呢 個 係 李孚 把 聲 啊 , 即刻 就 開門 放 咗 佢 入 嚟 啦 。 Shun Pui|recognized|this|measure word|is|Lee Fu|measure word|voice|particle|immediately|then|opened the door|let|past tense marker|he|in|come|particle Shen Pei recognized that this was Li Fu's voice and immediately opened the gate to let him in. 李孚講 畀 審配 聽 , 佢 話 : |to|Sham Pui|hear|he|said Li Fu told Shen Pei, he said: 袁將軍 嘅 大軍 , 已經 嚟 到 陽平 亭 擺開 晒 喇 , 就 係 等候 城內 接應 。 General Yuan|possessive particle|army|already|||Yangping|pavilion|set up|completely|particle indicating completion|||waiting|inside the city|reinforcements General Yuan's army has already arrived at Yangping Pavilion and is all set up, just waiting for the signal from the city. 如果 城內 帶兵 打出 嚟 , 就 點火 為號 啦 。 if|inside the city|leading troops|fight out|come|then|set fire|as a signal|particle indicating suggestion or emphasis If the troops from the city come out, then we will light a fire as a signal. 誒 , 而家 城裏 便 好 缺糧 㗎 喇 。 hey|now|in the city|then|very|short of food|particle|particle Ah, right now the city is really short on supplies. 噉 我 哋 可以 搵 一批 老弱殘兵 , 同埋 啲 婦女 出城 去 投降 , 曹 軍 必定 唔 會 戒備 嘅 。 then|we|plural marker|can|find|a group of|old weak and disabled soldiers|and|plural marker|women|leave the city|to|surrender|Cao|army|definitely|not|will|be on guard|particle indicating past action So we can find a group of old, weak, and disabled soldiers, as well as women, to go out of the city and surrender; the Cao army will definitely not be on guard. 噉 我 哋 嘅 兵士 就 跟 住 百姓 後 便 衝出去 攻 佢 。 then|we|plural marker|possessive particle|soldiers|then|||civilians|behind|then|charged out|attack|them Then our soldiers will follow the civilians and rush out to attack them. 噉 究竟 李孚 呢 條計 仔 呀 呃 唔 呃 得過 曹操 呢 ? then|after all|Li Fu|question particle||child|exclamation particle|hesitation sound|not||better than|Cao Cao|question particle So, is Li Fu's plan going to trick Cao Cao or not? 且 聽 下回分解 。 and|listen| Let's wait for the next part to find out.

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