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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 074

而家 接住 講許 褚同 徐晃 啊 爭 嗰 件 錦袍 , 大打出手 , 嗰 件 錦袍 呢 都 撕 到爛 融融 。 曹操 叫 佢 哋 兩個 都 上台 , 曹操 都 忍 唔 住 笑 起 上 嚟 話 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 係 特意 想 睇 下 你 哋 各位 嘅 武藝 啫 。 一件 錦袍 算 得 乜嘢 呢 ? 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 各位 將軍 都 請 上台 嚟 ! 曹操 叫 大家 都 上 嚟 , 每人 都 賞賜 咗 一匹 蜀錦 好 靚 嘅 , 噉 啊 大家 都 齊聲 多謝 丞相 啦 。 然後 , 就 開始 宴會 嘞 , 文武 官員 就 按住 次序 埋位 入席 。 呢 個 時候 呀 , 奏起 悠揚 悅耳 嘅 音樂 , 筵席 上 擺滿 各種 佳餚 , 真 係 天上飛 嘅 , 陸上 跑 嘅 水裏遊 嘅 山珍海味 應有盡有 。 文官 武將 啊 輪流 噉 敬酒 啊 熱鬧 非常 啊 。 曹操 對 嗰 班 文官 話 : 剛才 武將 比賽 過 騎馬 射箭 , 已經 顯示 過 佢 哋 嘅 威武 喇 。 你 哋 各位 都 係 熟讀 詩書 , 飽學之士 , 今日 登臨 呢 座 高台 , 點 能夠 冇 啲 佳作 , 嚟 吟詠 下 眼前 嘅 盛況 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 嗰 班 文官 當然 想 趁 呢 個 機會 露一手 啦 , 所以 個個 都 鞠躬 行禮 話 : 願 從 丞相 鈞命 , 願 從 丞相 鈞命 ! 當時 , 確實 有 好多 名家 在場 喎 , 好似 王朗 啦 、 鍾繇 啦 、 王 粲 啦 、 陳 琳 啦 等等 , 佢 哋 即席 賦詩 , 獻 畀 曹操 。 噉 呢 啲 詩呢 , 大多數 都 係 對 曹操 歌功頌德 , 稱頌 佢 啊 理應 承受 上天 之命 , 登位 做 皇帝 。 曹操 逐一 逐二 噉 篇篇 都 睇 過晒 , 然後 佢 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 各位 嘅 佳作 , 認真 過譽 咯 , 過譽 咯 ! 哈哈哈哈 。 我 呢 個人 , 生 嚟 係 好 蠢 鈍 , 初時 , 被 選拔 做 孝廉 。 收尾 正當 天下大亂 , 噉 我 就 喺 家鄉 譙 郡 城東 五十里 嘅 地方 , 起 咗 間 書齋 , 想 喺 春夏 兩季 讀書 , 秋冬 兩季 就 射獵 練武 。 等到 天下 清平 嘞 , 先至 出 嚟 做官 啦 噉 。 點 知道 朝廷 征召 我 做典 軍校 尉 , 噉 我 就 改變 咗 初時 嘅 主意 喇 , 專一 想為 國家 討伐 逆賊 , 建立 功 勛 。 希望 喺 我 死 後 , 能夠 喺 墓碑 上 便刻 住 , 漢 , 故征 西 將軍 曹侯 之 墓 噉 , 我 平生之願 就 足矣 咯 , 吓 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 。 啊 , 我 諗 呀 , 自從 討伐 董卓 、 剿滅 黃巾 以來 , 除 袁術 、 破 呂布 、 滅 袁紹 、 定 劉表 , 於是 就 平定 咗 天下 。 今日 , 身為 宰相 , 正 所謂 一人之下 萬人之上 , 人臣 之 尊貴 已經 係 極點 喇 , 我仲望 乜嘢 呢 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 啊 , 各位 , 我 唔 係 誇口 講 , 如果 國家 冇 咗 我 呢 個人 , 都 唔 知會 有 幾多 人要 稱王 , 幾多 人要 稱帝 啊 。 有 啲 人 , 可能 見到 我 權力 咁 大 , 就 亂 咁 猜測 , 懷疑 我 有 異心 , 哈哈 , 噉 就 大錯特錯 喇 ! 我 經常 都 記住 孔子 稱頌 文王 , 最高 無 上 嘅 美德 , 呢 啲 說話 , 我 緊緊 噉 銘刻 喺 個 心 處 。 至於 想 我 放棄 兵權 , 返去 封 畀 我 嘅 地方 過 一種 榮華富貴 , 優哉 游 哉 嘅 生活 , 噉 就 唔 得 㗎 。 事關 , 我怕 一 解除 兵權 就 為 人 所害 , 而 我 一 失勢 敗亡 , 噉 國家 就 會 覆滅 。 所以 , 我 唔 去 貪圖 一個 好聽 嘅 名聲 , 而 招致 國家 嘅 禍害 啊 。 相信 各位 , 都 冇 邊個 知道 我 呢 點心 事 㗎 , 吓 。 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 講完 呢 一番 說話 , 所有 嘅 文武 官員 都 向 佢 跪拜 行禮 , 個個 都 話 : 就算 係 伊尹 、 周公都 不及 丞相 啊 ! 關於 曹操 噉 樣 嘅 表白 啊 , 後 嚟 有人 就 寫 咗 首詩 : 周公 恐懼 流言 日 , 王莽 謙恭下士 時 ; 假使 當年 身便 死 , 一生 真偽 有 誰知 ! 曹操 當時 就 興高采烈 , 連氣 飲 咗 幾大 杯酒 , 哎 都 好 醉 下 喇 。 佢 叫 人 攞 筆墨 嚟 , 想作 返首 銅雀台 詩 噃。 佢 啱 啱 落筆 唧 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 : 啟 稟 丞相 , 東吳 派 咗 華欽 做 使臣 , 上表 朝廷 , 奏請 任命 劉備 做 荊州 牧 。 孫權 又 將個 妹嫁 咗 畀 劉備 , 而家 , 漢上 九郡 , 大半 都 屬於 劉備 喇 。 曹操 一聽 , 當堂 手忙腳亂 連支筆 都 跌 咗 落地 。 程昱 見到 噉 就問 嘞 : 丞相 , 你 喺 萬軍 之中 矢石 橫飛 嘅 時候 , 個心 都 未曾 驚過 。 而家 聽聞 劉備 得 咗 荊州 , 點解 會 失驚 成 噉 呢 ? 哈 , 劉備 , 乃 係 人中之龍 啊 , 佢 生平 未試過 得水 , 今日 佢 得到 荊州 , 就 係 困龍入 咗 大海 咯 , 我點 能 話 個 心 唔 驚 啊 ? 程昱 又 話 嘞 : 誒 , 噉 丞相 知 唔 知華 欽 嘅 來意 呢 ? 唔 知 。 孫權 本來 好忌 劉備 , 一直 都 想 出兵 打 佢 。 但 係 呢 , 孫權 又 怕 丞相 你 乘虛 去 襲擊 東吳 。 故此 , 就 派華欽 做 使者 , 上表 推薦 劉備 。 佢 噉 樣 做 , 不外 係 安定 劉備 個心 , 絕 咗 丞相 嘅 希望 啫 。 係 啊 , 你 講得 啱 。 我 有 一條 計 , 可以 使到孫 、 劉自相 吞併 。 噉 丞相 睺 正個 機會 去 打 佢 , 一下 就 可以 將 兩個 敵人 同時 攻破 喇 。 好極 喇 , 請 你 講一講 你 嘅 計 係 點 嘅 。 東吳 所 依靠 嘅 , 係 周瑜 吖 。 丞相 你 就 上表 奏請 朝廷 , 任命 周瑜 做 南郡 太守 , 程普 做 江夏 太守 , 將華欽 留 喺 朝廷 , 重用 佢 。 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 周瑜 就 必定 會同 劉備 做 仇敵 㗎 喇 。 噉 我 哋 呢 , 就 趁 佢 哋 互相 吞併 嘅 時候 , 嚟 謀 佢 , 噉 豈 唔 係 好 咩 ? 啊 你 嘅 說話 合晒 我 嘅 意思 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 於是 曹操 立即 召華欽 上台 , 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 當日 , 痛飲 一場 就 盡歡而散 嘞 。 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 帶住 文武百官 返去 許昌 , 上表 稟奏 皇上 , 任命 周瑜 總領 南郡 太守 , 程普 做 江夏 太守 , 封華欽 做 大理寺 少卿 , 就 留 佢 喺 許都 。 跟 住 曹操 就 派 使者 去 東吳 , 對 周瑜 、 程普 宣佈 呢 項 任命 。 噉 佢 兩個 啊 當然 都 接受 咗 呢 個 新 嘅 職務 定 嘞 。 周瑜 既然 總領 南郡 唄 , 就 越發 想 報仇 啦 。 於是 佢 寫封信 去 畀 孫權 , 請 佢 命令 魯肅 就 去 攞 返 荊州 。 噉 孫權 就 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 當日 , 借 荊州 畀 劉備 你 又 做 擔保 嘅 , 而家 劉備 拖延 時日 唔 肯 交還 , 噉 我 哋 究竟 要 等到 幾時 啊 ? 魯肅 話 : 文件 上 便 寫 得 明明白白 嘅 , 話 得 咗 西川 就還 㗎 喇 。 唓! 一味 講話 去 攞 西川 攞 西川 , 到 而家 都 仲 唔 出兵 , 豈 唔 係 等到 人 都 老 ? 噉 , 噉 等 我 去 追問 佢 啦 , 於是 魯肅 就 坐船去 荊州 。 而家 講下 劉備 佢 又 同 孔明 喺 荊州 , 就 大量 積聚 糧草 , 訓練 士兵 。 遠遠近近 啲 有 學問 嘅 人 啊 , 好多 都 嚟 投奔 佢 , 噉 勢力 呢 就 漸漸 壯大 。 呢 一日 , 有 報告 嚟 話 魯肅 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 劉備 就 同 孔明 商量 話 : 子敬 呢 次 嚟 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 吓 ? 孔明 話 : 日前 , 孫權 上表 推薦 主公 你 做 荊州 牧 , 呢 個 , 乃 係 佢 害怕 曹操 而 用 嘅 計謀 啫 。 而 曹操 封 周瑜 做 南郡 太守 , 呢 個 係 曹操 想 使 到 我 哋 兩家 自 相 吞併 , 佢 就 從中 得利 啊 。 哼哼 , 今日 魯肅 嚟 到 , 不過 係 周瑜 受 咗 太守 嘅 職位 咯 , 所以 就要 佢 嚟 索取 荊州 唧 。 噉 , 我 點樣 回答 佢 好 呢 吓 軍師 ? 等 一陣 , 如果 魯肅 提起 荊州 嘅 事 呢 , 主公 你 就 放聲大哭 啦 , 你 喊 到 淒涼 嘅 時候 我 自然 會出 嚟 講 說話 㗎 喇 。 哦 , 我 就 係 喊 就 得 㗎 嘞 ? 冇 錯 , 喊 就 得 㗎 嘞 。 哦哦哦 哦 哦 , 噉 我會 做 喇 我會 做 喇 。 商量 妥當 嘞 , 劉備 就 請 魯肅入 府 , 彼此 行過禮 , 寒暄 問候 一番 , 噉 啊 劉備 請 魯肅 坐 。 魯肅 話 : 誒 而家 皇叔 你 做 咗 東吳 嘅 女婿 , 就 係 我 嘅 主人 喇 , 我點 敢坐 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 同 我 係 老朋友 , 使 乜 咁 客氣 呢 , 請 坐 請 坐 ! 魯肅 噉 先 至 喺 客位 坐落 , 獻過 茶 喇 , 魯肅 開聲 : 呢 次 , 我 奉 咗 吳 侯 嘅 鈞命 , 專門 係 為 咗 荊州 嘅 事情 嚟 嘅 。 誒 皇叔 已經 借 荊州 嚟 暫住 咁 長時間 嘞 , 都 仲 未曾 歸還 。 今日 , 既然 兩家 結親 , 噉 就 應該 睇 在 親戚 嘅 份 上 , 早早 交還 啦 。 吓 ? 哎 ! 劉備 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 喎 。 誒 ? 誒 皇叔 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 喊 啊 ? 我 , 哦 , 我 啊 。 劉備 記住 孔明 嘅 說話 , 乜 都 唔 講就 係 一味 喊 。 呢 個 時候 孔明 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 我 聽 咗 好 耐 喇 , 子敬 你 知 唔 知道 我 主公 為 咩 事 喊 呢 ? 誒 , 我 確實 唔 知 喎 。 哎子敬 呀 , 有 咩 咁 難 明白 嘅 呢 ? 當初 我 主公 借 荊州 嘅 時候 , 就 曾經 應承 過 攞 到 西川 就還 。 不過 收尾 仔細 噉 諗 下 呢 , 哎 , 益州劉 璋 係 我 主公 嘅 細 佬 。 大家 都 係 漢朝 嘅 骨肉 , 如果 起兵 去 奪取 佢 嘅 城池 , 就 怕 畀 外人 鬧 兼 夾睇 唔 起 。 之 如果 唔 去 奪取 佢 , 噉 還 咗 荊州 又 去 邊度 安身 呢 ? 如果 唔 還 咩 , 噉 喺 阿 舅 嘅 面上 又過 唔 去 係 咪 呢 ? 呢 件 事 兩頭 難 做 , 因此 先至 喊 起 嚟 啫 。 孔明 呢 番 說話 講到 正 劉備 嘅 心事 。 嘿嘿 開頭 嗰 陣 , 如果 話 劉備 只 係 聽 孔明 呢 位 導演 嚟 到 指 , 要 佢 喊 佢 就 喊 , 喊 得 嚟 冇 乜 感情 嘅 話 呢 , 嘿而家 就 唔 同 晒 咯 。 佢 真 係 悲從中來 就 喊 到 捶胸頓足 。 魯肅 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 皇叔 啊 皇叔 , 你 唔 使 咁 煩惱 嘅 吓 , 同 孔明 從長計議 下 啦 。 孔明 話 : 子敬 , 真 係 要 勞煩 你 , 你 返去 見到 吳 侯 嘅 時候 , 唔 該 你將 我 主公 呢 啲 憂心 煩惱 嘅 情形 , 講 畀 吳侯知 , 懇求 佢 再 寬容 一 啲 時間 啦 。 我 返去 講下 就 冇 所謂 啊 , 如果 吳侯 唔 肯咯 , 如之奈何 呢 ? 吳侯 既然 將個 親妹 嫁 咗 畀 皇叔 咯 , 冇 話 唔 肯 嘅 , 希 望子敬 你 返去 講多 幾句 好話 啦 吓 。 魯肅 係 個 忠厚 長者 , 佢 見 劉備 咁 傷心 就 應承 。 劉備 同 孔明 就 好 多謝 佢 , 請 佢 宴會 完 之後 呢 , 就 送 佢 落 船 。 魯肅 返到 柴桑 就 去 見 周瑜 , 報告 談判 嘅 經過 。 周瑜 聽 咗 就 猛 咁 𨂽 腳 , 子敬 啊 子敬 你 又 中 咗 諸葛亮 之計 喇 ! 當初 劉備 依附 劉表 嘅 時候 , 早就 有 吞併 佢 嘅 意思 , 對 劉表 尚且 如此 , 何況 對 西川劉 璋 呢 ? 唉 好似 噉 樣 推 嚟 推去 , 未免 會 累及 老兄 你 㗎 嘞 噃。 不過 , 哈 , 我 有 一條 妙計 , 使到 諸葛 亮點 都 走 唔 甩 嘅 , 要 勞煩 子敬 你 再行 一趟 。 誒 , 請 你將 妙計 講出 嚟 聽 下 。 子敬 , 你 唔 使 返 去 見 吳侯 嘞 。 你 再 去 荊州 同 劉備 講 , 話孫 、 劉 兩家 , 既然 結成 至親 , 就 變成 一家人 喇 。 如果 劉備 唔 忍心 去 奪取 西川 , 噉 就 等 我 東吳 起兵 去 奪取 啦 。 攞 到 西川 嘅 時候 , 就將 西川 作為 嫁妝 , 到 時 , 就 請 佢 將 荊州 交還 畀 我 哋 東吳 啦 。 都督 , 西川 咁 遠 , 要 攞 佢 極 不 容易 噃, 都督 呢 一條 計 , 睇 嚟 行 唔 通 喎 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 真 係 個 忠厚 長者 啊 。 你估 我 真 係 去 攞 西川 嚟 送 畀 佢 咩 ? 我 不過 係 以 攞 西川 為名 , 實則 , 係 去 攞 荊州 , 等 佢 哋 冇 準備 咋 嘛 。 我 哋 東吳 兵馬 去 打 西川 , 路過 荊州 , 就問 劉備 要 錢糧 嚟 供應 軍隊 。 劉備 必定會 出 城 勞軍 嘅 , 到 其時 , 乘機 殺 咗 佢 , 奪取 荊州 。 一來 , 可以 雪 我 嘅 恨 ; 二來 , 又 可以 解 咗 你 嘅 禍 啦 嘛 。 啊 , 都督 呢條 計策 妙極 , 妙極 啊 ! 魯肅 好 歡喜 , 即刻 又 起程 去 荊州 嘞 喎 。 劉備 聽講 魯肅 又 嚟 喇 , 就 同 孔明 商量 啦 。 孔明 話 : 魯肅 實 係 未曾 去 見 吳侯 , 只 係 去 咗 柴桑同 周瑜 商量 咗 啲 咩 計策 嚟 呃 我 哋 嘅 啫 。 誒 , 等 一陣 , 但凡 佢 講 乜嘢 都 好 , 主公 你 見到 我岌頭 呢 , 就 滿口 應承 就 得 嘞 。 商量 好 喇 , 就 請 魯肅入 嚟 見面 。 行過禮 , 魯肅 就 話 喇 : 吳 侯非常 稱讚 皇叔 嘅 盛德 , 所以 就 同 大家 商量 , 決定 起兵 嚟 幫 皇叔 你 去 奪取 西川 。 攞 到 西川 , 就要 嚟 換 荊州 , 吳侯話 , 用 西川 嚟 做 嫁妝 喎 。 誒 不過 第 日 兵馬 經過 嘅 時候 , 希望 皇叔 能夠 支援 一 啲 錢糧 啊 。 孔明聽 咗 就 連忙 岌頭 , 哎呀 , 難得 吳侯 咁 好心 啊 。 劉備 作個 揖 話 : 唔 該 晒 喇真 係 , 呢 啲 都 係 多得子 敬幫 我 哋 講 說話 啊 。 孔明 又 話 嘞 : 東吳 嘅 雄師 一到 , 我 哋 必定 遠遠 出 嚟 迎接 , 犒勞 全軍 將士 嘅 。 好 極好 極 , 噉 我 哋 就 一言 為定 喇 。 魯肅 個心 偷笑 嘞 , 宴會 完 之後 就 告辭 返 東吳 。 劉備 仲 係 唔 明白 喎 , 佢 問 孔明 話 : 噉 係 咩 嘢 意思 啊 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 周瑜 就 快 死 喇 佢 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 計策 , 連細佬哥 都 呃 唔 過啦 , 哈哈哈哈 。 佢 呀 想 用 乜嘢 計策 呢 吓 ? 軍師 。 佢 呢 個 乃 係 假途滅虢 之計 啊 。 各位 , 咩 嘢 叫做 假途滅虢 呢 ? 係 噉 嘅 , 春秋 嘅 時候 啊 , 晉國 就 向 虞國 借路 去 攻打 虢國 。 滅 咗 虢國 之後 呢 , 喺 返 嚟 嘅 路上 啊 乘機 將 虞國 亦 都 滅埋 。 噉 啊 所謂 假途 即 係 借路 噉 解 。 孔明 話 : 周瑜 佢 名 為 取 西川 , 實質 係 取 荊州 。 等 主公 你 出城 勞軍 嘅 時候 , 乘機 捉住 你 殺入 荊州 城 , 攻其無備 , 出其不意 啊 佢 想 。 噉 啊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? 主公 你 寬心 啦 , 即管 準備 窩 弓 擒 猛虎 安排 香餌 釣鰲魚 就 得 喇 。 等 周瑜 嚟 到 , 我 要 佢 就算 唔 死 都 九成 冇 氣 啊 。 於是 孔明 啊 叫 趙雲 嚟 , 佈置 好 計策 , 話 如此 如 彼 噉 , 其餘 呢 , 我 自有 擺佈 㗎 喇 。 劉備 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 喎 : 周瑜 決策 取 荊州 , 諸葛 先知 第一 籌 。 指望 長江 香餌 穩 , 不知 暗裡 釣 魚鉤 。 好 喇 , 魯肅 就 返去 報告 周瑜 , 話 劉備 、 孔明 都 好 高興 啊 , 準備 出 城 勞軍 喇 噉 。 周瑜 哈哈大笑 話 : 哈哈哈 , 原來 你 今次 亦 中計 喇吓 。 周瑜 於是 叫 魯肅 去 稟報 孫權 , 請 佢 派 程 普 帶兵 嚟 接應 。 呢 陣時 啊 , 周瑜 嘅 箭 傷 已經 漸漸 好返 , 身體 冇 事 。 佢 命令 甘寧 做 先鋒 , 自己 同 徐盛 、 丁奉 做 中間 第二隊 , 凌統 、 呂蒙 做後隊 , 總共 率領 水陸 大軍 五萬名 , 浩浩蕩蕩 向 住 荊州 出發 。 喺 船上 , 周瑜 諗 起 又 笑 諗 起 又 笑 , 以為 孔明 呢 次 中計 喇 , 個 心情 呀 一直 都 極為 之 歡暢 嘅 。 當 前軍 到達 夏 口 嘅 時候 , 周瑜 問喇 : 荊州 有 冇 人 喺 前面 迎接 啊 吓 ? 啲 人 報告 話 喇 : 劉皇叔 派 咗 糜竺 嚟 見 都督 啊 。 請 佢 嚟 見 我 。 周瑜 叫 咗 糜竺 嚟 就 問 佢 勞軍 嘅 事 點 啊 噉 。 糜竺 話 : 我 主公 同 孔明 都 喺 荊州 城門 外 專誠 等候 , 同 都督 敬酒 啊 。 豈敢 豈敢 ! 不過 , 今日 係 為 咗 你 哋 劉家 嘅 事 , 出兵 遠征 , 所以 勞軍 之禮 , 唔 好 輕率 啊 。 係 , 一切 都 準備 好 㗎 喇 , 請 都督 放心 。 糜竺 告辭 走人 嘞 。 噉 周瑜 嘅 大隊 戰船 , 密密 噉 排好 隊形 , 依住 次序 就 前進 嘞 喎 。 眼睇 住 嚟 到 公安 嘞 , 咦 ? 一隻 軍艦 都 唔 見 , 連 一個 出 嚟 迎接 嘅 人 都 唔 見 噃, 奇怪 。 周瑜 催促 艦隊 加速 前進 。 好 嘞 , 已經 嚟 到 離 荊州 十零 里 嘅 地方 嘞 。 哈 江面 上靜 嚶 嚶 , 啊 真 係 水靜 河飛 。 喺 前面 偵查 嘅 人員 返 嚟 報告 話 : 稟告 都督 , 荊州 城上 插住 兩面 白旗 , 人影 都 唔 見 一個 。 知道 喇 。 周瑜 個心 好 思疑 , 命令 隻 船 靠岸 。 親自 上岸 騎馬 , 帶 埋 甘寧 、 徐盛 、 丁奉 噉 一班 軍官 , 率領 親隨 嘅 精兵 三千 人 直奔 荊州 城 。 嚟 到 城下 , 真 係 唔 見 動靜 噃, 周瑜 勒定 馬 , 叫 軍士 去 叫門 。 城樓 上問 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 個 軍士 就 話 喇 : 係 東吳 周 都督 親自 嚟 到 , 快快 開門 啊 ! 話口 未 完 , 忽然 㩧 噉 一聲 梆子 響 , 城頭 上 嘅 軍隊 一齊 豎起 槍刀 。 城樓 上 , 趙子龍 出現 喇 , 佢 話 : 都督 呢 次 嚟 , 究竟 為 咗 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 周瑜 話 喇 : 我 為 你 哋 主人 去 奪取 西川 , 唔 通 你 仲 唔 知 咩 ? 周 都督 請 你 聽 住 , 孔明 軍師 , 已經 睇 穿 咗 都督 假途滅虢 之計 , 故此 留 我 趙雲 喺 處 等候 都督 。 我 主公 講 : 我同 劉璋 都 係 漢室 宗親 , 點 能夠 唔 講義 理去 搶 佢 嘅 西川 呢 ? 如果 東吳 確確實實 係 去 攞 西川 嘅 話 , 我 一 於 打散 頭髮 入山 隱居 , 決不 失信 於 天下 ! 周瑜 聽 趙雲 講完 , 一句 說話 都 唔 講喇 , 勒 轉馬 頭就返 轉頭 。 只見 探馬 打住 令字旗 飛跑 嚟 到 馬 前 報告 : 稟告 都督 , 探聽到 有 四路 軍馬 一齊 殺到 。 關某 , 由 江陵 殺 嚟 , 張飛 由 姊 歸 殺 嚟 , 黃忠 由 公安 殺 嚟 , 魏延 由 孱陵 小路 殺 嚟 , 呢 四路 都 唔 知 幾多 人馬 。 吶喊聲 震動 百幾里 , 口口聲聲 都 話 要 。 都 話 要 咩 嘢 ? 都 話 要 。 講 ! 都 話 要 活捉 , 周瑜 ! 哎 吖 ! 周瑜 大叫 一聲 , 箭傷 又 試 裂開 成 個人 跌 咗 落馬 。 噉 啊 左右 嗰 啲 侍從 啊 , 急 急救 起 佢 返 落 船 。 過 咗 一陣 , 又 聽到 啲 軍士 喺 度 傳 嘞 , 話 咩 嘢 劉備 、 孔明 呀 喺 前面 山頂 上 便 , 飲酒 取樂 啊 噉 。 嘩 嬲 到 周瑜 火冒三丈 , 咬牙切齒 : 你 話 我 攞 唔 到 西川 , 我 發誓 攞 到 佢 ! 正 喺 度 嬲 到 不得了 嘅 時候 , 孫權派 佢 細 佬 孫 瑜 嚟 到 。 周瑜 接 咗 佢 入 嚟 , 將 經過 講 畀 佢 聽 。 孫瑜 話 : 我 奉 咗 兄長 之命 , 嚟 協助 都督 啊 。 啱 晒 啦 , 去 ! 周瑜 立即 下令 : 艦隊 繼續前進 ! 噉 啊 行到 巴丘 呢 笪 地方 , 得到 報告 話 嘞 : 劉封 、 關平 兩個 人 , 帶住 軍隊 喺 上游 截住 水路 。 周瑜 就 火上加油 就 越發 嬲 啦 。 呢 個 時候 , 孔明 派 人 送 咗 封信 嚟 畀 周瑜 啊 。 周瑜 拆開 封信 睇 下 , 大意 係 話 : 自從 柴桑 一別 , 係 非常 之 懷念 , 聽講 都督 要 去 奪取 西川 , 我 認為 唔 應該 去 啊 。 事關 益州 呢 笪 地方 , 民強 地險 。 劉璋 為 人 雖然 軟弱 , 但 係 , 佢 完全 有 力量 守得 住 嘅 。 而家 都督 勞師遠 征 輾轉 萬里 , 想 獲得 全勝 啊 , 就算 係 古往今來 最 善用 兵 嘅 大將 都 做 唔 到 㗎 。 而且 , 曹操 喺 赤壁 打 咗 敗仗 , 無時無刻 都 想 住 要 報仇 嘅 。 而家 都督 你 興兵 遠征 , 萬一 曹操 乘虛 而 至 , 江南 噉 就 畀 佢 打 到 粉碎 都 得 咯 。 我 不忍 坐視不理 , 所以 特意 寫封信 講 畀 都督 知 , 希望 都督 你 考慮 考慮 。 周瑜 一睇 完 封信 , 唉 噉 長 歎 一聲 , 叫 人 攞 紙筆 嚟 , 寫 咗 封信 畀 孫權 。 然後 召集 所有 嘅 軍官 嚟 對 佢 哋 話 : 唔 係 我 唔 想 盡忠報國 , 但 係 天命 已經 絕喇 。 你 哋 要 好好 噉 輔助 吳侯 , 一齊 去 建成 帝王 之業 啊 ! 講完 , 成個暈 咗 過去 , 然後 慢慢 慢慢 又 醒 返 , 佢 長 歎 一聲 話 : 唉 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 啊 ! 連氣 嗌 咗 幾聲 就 死 咗 咯 , 周瑜 死 嘅 時候 先至 係 三十六歲 。 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 紀念 佢 : 赤壁 遺雄烈 , 青年 有俊聲 。 弦歌 知 雅意 , 杯酒 謝 良朋 。 曾 謁 三千 斛 , 常驅 十萬 兵 。 巴丘 終命 處 , 憑弔 欲 傷情 。 各位 , 以上 講 嘅 呢 一段 啊 , 就 係 孔明 三氣 周公瑾 喇 。

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而家 接住 講許 褚同 徐晃 啊 爭 嗰 件 錦袍 , 大打出手 , 嗰 件 錦袍 呢 都 撕 到爛 融融 。 right now|just now|talking about|Zhu Tong|Xu Huang|ah|fighting over|that|classifier for clothing|brocade robe|had a big fight|that|classifier for clothing|brocade robe|this|also|torn||completely Now, continuing to talk about Xu and Zhu, they fought over that brocade robe, and that robe was torn to shreds. 曹操 叫 佢 哋 兩個 都 上台 , 曹操 都 忍 唔 住 笑 起 上 嚟 話 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 我 係 特意 想 睇 下 你 哋 各位 嘅 武藝 啫 。 Cao Cao|called|he|they|two|both|go on stage|Cao Cao|also||||laugh||||said|hahaha||I|am|intentionally|wanted|||||all|possessive particle|martial arts|just Cao Cao called both of them up to the stage, and he couldn't help but laugh and said: Hahaha, I just wanted to see your martial arts. 一件 錦袍 算 得 乜嘢 呢 ? a|brocade robe|count|as|what|question particle What is a piece of brocade worth? 嚟 嚟 嚟 , 各位 將軍 都 請 上台 嚟 ! come|come|come|everyone|general|all|please|come up to the stage|come Come, come, come, all generals please come up to the stage! 曹操 叫 大家 都 上 嚟 , 每人 都 賞賜 咗 一匹 蜀錦 好 靚 嘅 , 噉 啊 大家 都 齊聲 多謝 丞相 啦 。 Cao Cao|called|everyone|all|||each person|all|rewarded|past tense marker|one bolt of|Shu brocade|very|beautiful|possessive particle|then|ah|everyone|all|in unison|thank|Prime Minister|sentence-final particle Cao Cao asked everyone to come up, and each person was rewarded with a beautiful piece of Shu brocade, and everyone thanked the Chancellor in unison. 然後 , 就 開始 宴會 嘞 , 文武 官員 就 按住 次序 埋位 入席 。 then|then|start|banquet|past tense marker|civil and military|officials|then|following|order|seated|seated Then, the banquet began, and the civil and military officials took their seats in order. 呢 個 時候 呀 , 奏起 悠揚 悅耳 嘅 音樂 , 筵席 上 擺滿 各種 佳餚 , 真 係 天上飛 嘅 , 陸上 跑 嘅 水裏遊 嘅 山珍海味 應有盡有 。 this|measure word|time|particle|play|melodious|pleasant to the ear|possessive particle|music|banquet|on|filled with|various|delicacies|really|is||possessive particle|on land|running|possessive particle||possessive particle|delicacies from land and sea|everything one could wish for At this time, melodious and pleasant music was played, and the banquet was filled with all kinds of delicacies, truly a feast of heavenly delicacies, with mountain treasures and sea flavors from the sky, land, and water. 文官 武將 啊 輪流 噉 敬酒 啊 熱鬧 非常 啊 。 civil officials|military generals|ah|take turns|like this|toast|ah|lively|very|ah The civil officials and military generals took turns toasting, creating a very lively atmosphere. 曹操 對 嗰 班 文官 話 : 剛才 武將 比賽 過 騎馬 射箭 , 已經 顯示 過 佢 哋 嘅 威武 喇 。 Cao Cao|to|that|group|civil officials|said|just now|military generals|competed|past|horse riding|archery|already|showed|past|they|plural marker|possessive particle|mightiness|final particle Cao Cao said to the group of civil officials: Just now, the military generals competed in horseback riding and archery, which has already shown their might. 你 哋 各位 都 係 熟讀 詩書 , 飽學之士 , 今日 登臨 呢 座 高台 , 點 能夠 冇 啲 佳作 , 嚟 吟詠 下 眼前 嘅 盛況 啊 , 吓 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ||everyone|all|are|well-read|literature|learned person|today|ascends|this|measure word for seats|high platform|how|able to|have not|some|fine works|come|recite|down|in front of|possessive particle|grand occasion|ah|huh|hahaha|hahaha You all are well-versed in poetry and literature, knowledgeable scholars. Today, as you stand on this high platform, how can you not have some excellent works to recite in celebration of the splendid scene before you, huh? Hahaha hahaha. 嗰 班 文官 當然 想 趁 呢 個 機會 露一手 啦 , 所以 個個 都 鞠躬 行禮 話 : 願 從 丞相 鈞命 , 願 從 丞相 鈞命 ! that|group|civil servants|of course|want|to take advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|show their skills|particle indicating suggestion|so|everyone|all|bow|greet|said|willing|to follow|prime minister|orders|||| Those officials certainly wanted to take this opportunity to show off, so everyone bowed and said: 'We are willing to follow the Prime Minister's orders, we are willing to follow the Prime Minister's orders!' 當時 , 確實 有 好多 名家 在場 喎 , 好似 王朗 啦 、 鍾繇 啦 、 王 粲 啦 、 陳 琳 啦 等等 , 佢 哋 即席 賦詩 , 獻 畀 曹操 。 at that time|indeed|there were|many|famous scholars|present|particle indicating certainty|like|Wang Lang|particle indicating finality|Zhong Yao||||||||etc|||impromptu|composed poetry|presented|to|Cao Cao At that time, there were indeed many famous figures present, such as Wang Lang, Zhong Yao, Wang Can, Chen Lin, and so on. They composed poems on the spot to present to Cao Cao. 噉 呢 啲 詩呢 , 大多數 都 係 對 曹操 歌功頌德 , 稱頌 佢 啊 理應 承受 上天 之命 , 登位 做 皇帝 。 then|question particle|plural marker||most|all|are|towards|Cao Cao|praising his merits and virtues|praising|him|ah|should|bear|heaven||ascend the throne|become|emperor Most of these poems were praises for Cao Cao, extolling him as someone who should rightfully receive the mandate of heaven and ascend to the throne as emperor. 曹操 逐一 逐二 噉 篇篇 都 睇 過晒 , 然後 佢 話 喇 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 各位 嘅 佳作 , 認真 過譽 咯 , 過譽 咯 ! 哈哈哈哈 。 Cao Cao|one by one|two by two|like this|every piece|all|read|completely|then|he|said|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|hahaha||||||||| Cao Cao read each poem one by one, and then he said: 'Hahaha, hahaha, everyone's excellent works are truly overrated, overrated! Hahaha.' 我 呢 個人 , 生 嚟 係 好 蠢 鈍 , 初時 , 被 選拔 做 孝廉 。 I|this|person|||is|very|||at first|was|selected|to be|filial and incorruptible As for me, I was born quite dull and slow; at first, I was selected as a filial and incorrupt official. 收尾 正當 天下大亂 , 噉 我 就 喺 家鄉 譙 郡 城東 五十里 嘅 地方 , 起 咗 間 書齋 , 想 喺 春夏 兩季 讀書 , 秋冬 兩季 就 射獵 練武 。 conclusion|just when|the world was in chaos|then|I|then|at|hometown|Qiao|county|east of the city|fifty miles|possessive particle|place|built|past tense marker|measure word for buildings|study|wanted|at|spring and summer|two seasons|study|autumn and winter|two seasons|then|hunting|martial arts practice At the end, when the world was in chaos, I set up a study in my hometown, fifty miles east of the county town, intending to read books in spring and summer, and practice hunting and martial arts in autumn and winter. 等到 天下 清平 嘞 , 先至 出 嚟 做官 啦 噉 。 wait until|world|peace|particle indicating completed action|only then|come out|to|be an official|particle indicating suggestion or change|like that I planned to only come out to serve as an official when the world was peaceful. 點 知道 朝廷 征召 我 做典 軍校 尉 , 噉 我 就 改變 咗 初時 嘅 主意 喇 , 專一 想為 國家 討伐 逆賊 , 建立 功 勛 。 how|to know|imperial court|conscription|I||military academy|officer|then|I|then|changed|past tense marker|initially|possessive particle|idea|final particle|solely||country|to subdue|traitors|to establish|merit|achievements But unexpectedly, the court summoned me to be a military officer, so I changed my initial intention and focused on fighting against the rebels for the country and establishing achievements. 希望 喺 我 死 後 , 能夠 喺 墓碑 上 便刻 住 , 漢 , 故征 西 將軍 曹侯 之 墓 噉 , 我 平生之願 就 足矣 咯 , 吓 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 。 hope|at|I|die|after|able to|at|tombstone|on||live|Han||Western|general|Cao Hou|possessive particle|grave|like|my||just|sufficient|particle|ah|hahaha|haha|haha|hahaha I hope that after my death, I can have on my tombstone, 'Cao Hou, General of the Western Expedition of Han,' and that would fulfill my lifelong wish, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 啊 , 我 諗 呀 , 自從 討伐 董卓 、 剿滅 黃巾 以來 , 除 袁術 、 破 呂布 、 滅 袁紹 、 定 劉表 , 於是 就 平定 咗 天下 。 ah|I|think|particle|since|campaign against|Dong Zhuo|extermination of|Yellow Turban|since|except|Yuan Shu|defeat|Lu Bu|destroy|Yuan Shao|pacify|Liu Biao|then|just|pacified|past tense marker|the world Ah, I think, since the campaign against Dong Zhuo and the suppression of the Yellow Turbans, apart from defeating Yuan Shu, breaking Lü Bu, destroying Yuan Shao, and stabilizing Liu Biao, I have pacified the world. 今日 , 身為 宰相 , 正 所謂 一人之下 萬人之上 , 人臣 之 尊貴 已經 係 極點 喇 , 我仲望 乜嘢 呢 ? today|as|prime minister|just|so-called|below one person|above ten thousand people|subject|possessive particle|nobility|already|is|extreme point|particle indicating completed action||what|question particle Today, as the Prime Minister, I am indeed in a position just below one person and above ten thousand. The honor of being a minister has already reached its peak, what more can I hope for? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha Hahahaha. 啊 , 各位 , 我 唔 係 誇口 講 , 如果 國家 冇 咗 我 呢 個人 , 都 唔 知會 有 幾多 人要 稱王 , 幾多 人要 稱帝 啊 。 ah|everyone|I|not||||||||||||||have|how many||to become king|how many||to become emperor|ah Ah, everyone, I'm not boasting, but if the country were to lose someone like me, I don't know how many people would want to claim the throne, how many would want to be emperor. 有 啲 人 , 可能 見到 我 權力 咁 大 , 就 亂 咁 猜測 , 懷疑 我 有 異心 , 哈哈 , 噉 就 大錯特錯 喇 ! there is|some|people|might|see|I|power|so|big|then|randomly|so|speculate|doubt|I|have|ulterior motives|haha|then|then|very wrong|particle indicating completed action Some people, seeing my great power, might speculate wildly and doubt my loyalty. Haha, that would be a huge mistake! 我 經常 都 記住 孔子 稱頌 文王 , 最高 無 上 嘅 美德 , 呢 啲 說話 , 我 緊緊 噉 銘刻 喺 個 心 處 。 I|often|all|remember|Confucius|praised|King Wen|highest|||possessive particle|virtue|||words|I|firmly|like this|engraved|in|the|heart|place I always remember Confucius praising King Wen, the highest virtue without equal. These words are firmly engraved in my heart. 至於 想 我 放棄 兵權 , 返去 封 畀 我 嘅 地方 過 一種 榮華富貴 , 優哉 游 哉 嘅 生活 , 噉 就 唔 得 㗎 。 as for|to want|I|to give up|military power|to return|to seal|to|I|possessive particle|place|to live|a kind of|wealth and prosperity|carefree|||possessive particle|life|then|then|not|allowed|sentence-final particle As for wanting me to give up my military power and return to the place where I was granted to live a life of luxury and leisure, that is not possible. 事關 , 我怕 一 解除 兵權 就 為 人 所害 , 而 我 一 失勢 敗亡 , 噉 國家 就 會 覆滅 。 concerning||one|lifting|military power|then|by|people||and|I|one|lose power|defeat|then|country|then|will|perish The reason is that I fear that once I relinquish my military power, I will be harmed by others, and if I lose power and fail, the country will be destroyed. 所以 , 我 唔 去 貪圖 一個 好聽 嘅 名聲 , 而 招致 國家 嘅 禍害 啊 。 so|I|not|go|pursue|a|good-sounding|possessive particle|reputation|and|bring about|country|possessive particle|harm|ah Therefore, I do not seek a good reputation that would bring disaster to the country. 相信 各位 , 都 冇 邊個 知道 我 呢 點心 事 㗎 , 吓 。 I believe|everyone|all|no|one|knows|I|this|dim sum|thing|question particle|huh I believe that none of you know my true thoughts. 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. 曹操 講完 呢 一番 說話 , 所有 嘅 文武 官員 都 向 佢 跪拜 行禮 , 個個 都 話 : 就算 係 伊尹 、 周公都 不及 丞相 啊 ! Cao Cao|finished speaking|this|one round of|speech|all|possessive particle|civil and military|officials|all|towards|him|kneel and bow|pay respects|everyone|all|said|even if|is|Yi Yin||not as good as|Prime Minister|ah After Cao Cao finished this speech, all the civil and military officials bowed and paid their respects to him, each saying: Even Yi Yin and the Duke of Zhou cannot compare to the Prime Minister! 關於 曹操 噉 樣 嘅 表白 啊 , 後 嚟 有人 就 寫 咗 首詩 : about|Cao Cao|like|appearance|possessive particle|confession|ah|later|come|someone|then|write|past tense marker|a poem Regarding Cao Cao's declaration, later someone wrote a poem: 周公 恐懼 流言 日 , 王莽 謙恭下士 時 ; 假使 當年 身便 死 , 一生 真偽 有 誰知 ! Duke Zhou|feared|rumors|day|Wang Mang||time|if|that year|body|died|whole life|truth and falsehood|has| The Duke of Zhou feared rumors in his day, Wang Mang was humble towards his subordinates; if he had died back then, who would know the truth of his life! 曹操 當時 就 興高采烈 , 連氣 飲 咗 幾大 杯酒 , 哎 都 好 醉 下 喇 。 Cao Cao|at that time|then|in high spirits||drank|past tense marker||cups of wine|sigh|all|very|drunk|down|past action particle Cao Cao was then in high spirits, drinking several large cups of wine, oh, he was quite drunk. 佢 叫 人 攞 筆墨 嚟 , 想作 返首 銅雀台 詩 噃。 He|asked|someone|to bring|writing materials|here||a poem|Tongque Terrace|poem|particle indicating suggestion He called for someone to bring ink and brush, wanting to compose a poem about the Copper Sparrow Terrace. 佢 啱 啱 落筆 唧 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 : He|||started writing|typing|someone|came|to report|saying He just put down his pen when someone came to report saying: 啟 稟 丞相 , 東吳 派 咗 華欽 做 使臣 , 上表 朝廷 , 奏請 任命 劉備 做 荊州 牧 。 ||Prime Minister|Eastern Wu|sent|past tense marker|Hua Qin|to be|envoy|to submit a memorial|imperial court|to request|to appoint|Liu Bei|to be|Jingzhou|governor "I report to the Prime Minister, Eastern Wu has sent Hua Qin as an envoy to the court, requesting the appointment of Liu Bei as the governor of Jingzhou." 孫權 又 將個 妹嫁 咗 畀 劉備 , 而家 , 漢上 九郡 , 大半 都 屬於 劉備 喇 。 Sun Quan|again|||past tense marker|to|Liu Bei|now|in Han|nine commanderies|most|all|belong to|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle Sun Quan has also married his sister to Liu Bei, and now, out of the nine commanderies of Han, most of them belong to Liu Bei. 曹操 一聽 , 當堂 手忙腳亂 連支筆 都 跌 咗 落地 。 Cao Cao|upon hearing|right there|flustered||all|fell|past tense marker|on the ground When Cao Cao heard this, he became flustered and even dropped his pen on the ground. 程昱 見到 噉 就問 嘞 : 丞相 , 你 喺 萬軍 之中 矢石 橫飛 嘅 時候 , 個心 都 未曾 驚過 。 Cheng Yu|saw|like that||particle indicating completed action|Prime Minister|you|at|ten thousand troops|among|arrows and stones|flying horizontally|possessive particle|time|heart|all|never|been frightened Cheng Yu saw this and asked: "Prime Minister, have you ever felt scared even when arrows and stones are flying in the midst of ten thousand troops?" 而家 聽聞 劉備 得 咗 荊州 , 點解 會 失驚 成 噉 呢 ? now|heard|Liu Bei|obtained|past tense marker|Jingzhou|why|would|startled|so|like this|question particle Now, I heard that Liu Bei has taken Jingzhou, why is he so startled? 哈 , 劉備 , 乃 係 人中之龍 啊 , 佢 生平 未試過 得水 , 今日 佢 得到 荊州 , 就 係 困龍入 咗 大海 咯 , 我點 能 話 個 心 唔 驚 啊 ? ha|Liu Bei|is|is|the dragon among men|ah|he|in his lifetime|never experienced|getting water|today|he|obtained|Jingzhou|then|is||past tense marker|the ocean|particle indicating realization||can|say|the|heart|not|scared|ah Ha, Liu Bei is a dragon among men, he has never had a good fortune in his life. Today, he has obtained Jingzhou, it's like a trapped dragon entering the sea, how can I not be scared? 程昱 又 話 嘞 : 誒 , 噉 丞相 知 唔 知華 欽 嘅 來意 呢 ? Cheng Yu|again|said|past tense marker|hey|then|Prime Minister|knows|not||Qin|possessive particle|intention|question particle Cheng Yu also said: Hey, does the Prime Minister know what Hua Qin's intentions are? 唔 知 。 not|know I don't know. 孫權 本來 好忌 劉備 , 一直 都 想 出兵 打 佢 。 Sun Quan|originally|very jealous of|Liu Bei|always|all|wanted|to send troops|to fight|him Sun Quan has always been wary of Liu Bei and has been wanting to send troops to attack him. 但 係 呢 , 孫權 又 怕 丞相 你 乘虛 去 襲擊 東吳 。 |||Sun Quan|again|fears|Chancellor|you|take advantage of the situation|to|attack|Eastern Wu However, Sun Quan is afraid that the Prime Minister will take advantage of the situation to attack Eastern Wu. 故此 , 就 派華欽 做 使者 , 上表 推薦 劉備 。 therefore|then||act as|messenger|submit a memorial|recommend|Liu Bei Therefore, he sent Hua Qin as an envoy to formally recommend Liu Bei. 佢 噉 樣 做 , 不外 係 安定 劉備 個心 , 絕 咗 丞相 嘅 希望 啫 。 he|like that|way|does|nothing more|is|stabilizing|Liu Bei||cutting off|past tense marker|Prime Minister|possessive particle|hope|only By doing this, he is merely stabilizing Liu Bei's heart and cutting off the Prime Minister's hopes. 係 啊 , 你 講得 啱 。 ||you|speak|right Yes, you are right. 我 有 一條 計 , 可以 使到孫 、 劉自相 吞併 。 I|have|a|plan|can||Liu Zixiang|merge I have a plan that can lead to the mutual absorption of Sun and Liu. 噉 丞相 睺 正個 機會 去 打 佢 , 一下 就 可以 將 兩個 敵人 同時 攻破 喇 。 then|Prime Minister|see|right|opportunity|to|hit|him|in one go|then|can|to take|two|enemies|simultaneously|defeat|particle indicating completion Then the Prime Minister should take the opportunity to attack him, and in one go, he can defeat both enemies at the same time. 好極 喇 , 請 你 講一講 你 嘅 計 係 點 嘅 。 extremely good|sentence-final particle|please|you|talk about|your|possessive particle|plan|is|how|question particle Great, please tell me what your plan is. 東吳 所 依靠 嘅 , 係 周瑜 吖 。 Eastern Wu|the|relies on|possessive particle|is|Zhou Yu|sentence-final particle What Eastern Wu relies on is Zhou Yu. 丞相 你 就 上表 奏請 朝廷 , 任命 周瑜 做 南郡 太守 , 程普 做 江夏 太守 , 將華欽 留 喺 朝廷 , 重用 佢 。 Prime Minister|you|then|submit a memorial|request|imperial court|appoint|Zhou Yu|as|Nanjun|governor|Cheng Pu||Jiangxia|governor||keep|at|imperial court|reuse|him Prime Minister, you should submit a memorial to the court, appoint Zhou Yu as the Governor of Nanjun, Cheng Pu as the Governor of Jiangxia, and keep Hua Qin in the court, giving him more responsibilities. 噉 樣 一 嚟 , 周瑜 就 必定 會同 劉備 做 仇敵 㗎 喇 。 like this|situation|once|comes|Zhou Yu|then|definitely||Liu Bei|be|enemies|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action In this way, Zhou Yu will definitely become an enemy of Liu Bei. 噉 我 哋 呢 , 就 趁 佢 哋 互相 吞併 嘅 時候 , 嚟 謀 佢 , 噉 豈 唔 係 好 咩 ? then|we|plural marker|question particle|then|take advantage of|they|plural marker|mutually|swallow up|possessive particle|time|come|scheme against|them|then|how|not|is|good|question particle So, we should take advantage of their mutual absorption and plot against them, wouldn't that be great? 啊 你 嘅 說話 合晒 我 嘅 意思 啊 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ah|you|possessive particle|words|completely match|I|possessive particle|meaning|ah|hahaha|hahaha Ah, what you said aligns perfectly with my thoughts, hahaha. 於是 曹操 立即 召華欽 上台 , 重重 噉 賞賜 佢 。 then|Cao Cao|immediately||onto the stage|heavily|like this|rewarded|him Thus, Cao Cao immediately summoned Hua Qin to the stage and heavily rewarded him. 當日 , 痛飲 一場 就 盡歡而散 嘞 。 that day|drink heavily|one round|then|partied happily|past tense marker On that day, after a hearty drink, everyone parted happily. 過 咗 冇 幾耐 , 曹操 帶住 文武百官 返去 許昌 , 上表 稟奏 皇上 , 任命 周瑜 總領 南郡 太守 , 程普 做 江夏 太守 , 封華欽 做 大理寺 少卿 , 就 留 佢 喺 許都 。 passed|past tense marker|not|long|Cao Cao|brought|civil and military officials|returned|Xu Chang|submitted a memorial|reported to|the Emperor|appointed|Zhou Yu|commander|South County|governor|Cheng Pu|made|Jiangxia|governor||made|Dali Temple|junior official|then|kept|him|in|Xu Du Not long after, Cao Cao returned to Xuchang with civil and military officials, and submitted a report to the emperor, appointing Zhou Yu as the governor of Nanjun, Cheng Pu as the governor of Jiangxia, and conferring Hua Qin as the junior minister of the Dali Temple, leaving him in Xudu. 跟 住 曹操 就 派 使者 去 東吳 , 對 周瑜 、 程普 宣佈 呢 項 任命 。 ||Cao Cao|then|send|messenger|to|Eastern Wu|to|Zhou Yu|Cheng Pu|announce|this|item|appointment Then Cao Cao sent envoys to Eastern Wu to announce this appointment to Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu. 噉 佢 兩個 啊 當然 都 接受 咗 呢 個 新 嘅 職務 定 嘞 。 then|he|both|particle|of course|also|accepted|past tense marker|this|measure word|new|possessive particle|position|or|particle So both of them naturally accepted this new position. 周瑜 既然 總領 南郡 唄 , 就 越發 想 報仇 啦 。 Zhou Yu|since|commander|Nanjun|particle indicating suggestion|then|even more|wants|revenge|particle indicating finality Since Zhou Yu was in charge of the southern region, he increasingly wanted to take revenge. 於是 佢 寫封信 去 畀 孫權 , 請 佢 命令 魯肅 就 去 攞 返 荊州 。 then|he|wrote a letter|to|give|Sun Quan|request|he|order|Lu Su|then|to|||Jingzhou So he wrote a letter to Sun Quan, asking him to order Lu Su to retrieve Jingzhou. 噉 孫權 就 對 魯肅 話 喇 : 當日 , 借 荊州 畀 劉備 你 又 做 擔保 嘅 , 而家 劉備 拖延 時日 唔 肯 交還 , 噉 我 哋 究竟 要 等到 幾時 啊 ? then|Sun Quan|then|to|Lu Su|said|particle indicating completed action|that day|borrowed|Jingzhou|to|Liu Bei|you|again|to be|guarantee|possessive particle|now|Liu Bei|delaying|time|not|willing|return|then|I|plural marker|exactly|should|wait until|when|particle for questioning Then Sun Quan said to Lu Su: On that day, you guaranteed Liu Bei when we lent him Jingzhou, and now Liu Bei is delaying and refusing to return it. So how long are we supposed to wait? 魯肅 話 : 文件 上 便 寫 得 明明白白 嘅 , 話 得 咗 西川 就還 㗎 喇 。 Lu Su|said|document|on|then|write|able to|clearly|particle|said|able to|past tense marker|Xichuan||particle|particle Lu Su said: The document clearly states that once we have taken Xichuan, we will return. 唓! 一味 講話 去 攞 西川 攞 西川 , 到 而家 都 仲 唔 出兵 , 豈 唔 係 等到 人 都 老 ? ah|always|saying|to|take|Xichuan|take|Xichuan|until|now|all|still|not|send troops|how|not|is|waiting until|people|all|old Oh! They keep talking about going to take Xichuan, but until now they still haven't sent troops. Are they waiting until everyone is old? 噉 , 噉 等 我 去 追問 佢 啦 , 於是 魯肅 就 坐船去 荊州 。 then||wait|I|go|ask|him|particle|so|Lu Su|then||Jingzhou Then, let me go and ask him. So Lu Su took a boat to Jingzhou. 而家 講下 劉備 佢 又 同 孔明 喺 荊州 , 就 大量 積聚 糧草 , 訓練 士兵 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei|he|again|with|Kongming|at|Jingzhou|then|a large amount of|accumulated|grain and fodder|trained|soldiers Now let's talk about Liu Bei, who is with Kongming in Jingzhou, gathering a large amount of grain and training soldiers. 遠遠近近 啲 有 學問 嘅 人 啊 , 好多 都 嚟 投奔 佢 , 噉 勢力 呢 就 漸漸 壯大 。 near and far|plural marker|have|knowledge|possessive particle|people|particle|many|all|come|seek refuge|him|then|power|this|then|gradually|grow stronger Many knowledgeable people from near and far have come to seek refuge with him, and his power is gradually growing. 呢 一日 , 有 報告 嚟 話 魯肅 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 this|one day|has|report|come|said|Lu Su|||particle indicating completed action|like this On this day, there was a report saying that Lu Su has arrived. 劉備 就 同 孔明 商量 話 : 子敬 呢 次 嚟 , 係 咩 嘢 意思 呢 吓 ? Liu Bei|then|with|Kongming|discuss|said|Zijing|this|time|come|is|what|thing|meaning|this|particle Liu Bei discussed with Kongming, saying: What does this visit from Zijing mean? 孔明 話 : 日前 , 孫權 上表 推薦 主公 你 做 荊州 牧 , 呢 個 , 乃 係 佢 害怕 曹操 而 用 嘅 計謀 啫 。 Kongming|said|recently|Sun Quan|submitted a memorial|recommending|lord|you|to be|Jingzhou|governor|this|classifier for people|is|is|he|afraid of|Cao Cao|and|using|possessive particle|strategy|only Kongming said: Recently, Sun Quan submitted a recommendation for you to be the Governor of Jingzhou. This is merely a strategy he used out of fear of Cao Cao. 而 曹操 封 周瑜 做 南郡 太守 , 呢 個 係 曹操 想 使 到 我 哋 兩家 自 相 吞併 , 佢 就 從中 得利 啊 。 and|Cao Cao|appointed|Zhou Yu|as|Nanjun|governor|||is|Cao Cao|wanted|to use|to|||two families|each other|mutually|to swallow up|he|then|from this|profited|ah And Cao Cao appointed Zhou Yu as the Governor of Nanjun. This is Cao Cao's plan to make our two families swallow each other, so he can benefit from it. 哼哼 , 今日 魯肅 嚟 到 , 不過 係 周瑜 受 咗 太守 嘅 職位 咯 , 所以 就要 佢 嚟 索取 荊州 唧 。 humph|today|Lu Su|come|||||||||||||||demand|Jingzhou|something Hmph, today Lu Su has come, but it is only because Zhou Yu has received the position of Governor, so he has to come to demand Jingzhou. 噉 , 我 點樣 回答 佢 好 呢 吓 軍師 ? then|I|how|answer|he|well|question particle|huh|strategist So, how should I respond to him, huh, strategist? 等 一陣 , 如果 魯肅 提起 荊州 嘅 事 呢 , 主公 你 就 放聲大哭 啦 , 你 喊 到 淒涼 嘅 時候 我 自然 會出 嚟 講 說話 㗎 喇 。 wait|a moment|if|Lu Su|brings up|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter|question particle|lord|you|then|cry out loud|final particle|you|cry|to the point of|desolation|possessive particle|time|I|naturally||here|speak|words|final particle|final particle Wait a moment, if Lu Su brings up the matter of Jingzhou, then, my lord, you just cry out loud, and when you cry to the point of being desolate, I will naturally come out to speak. 哦 , 我 就 係 喊 就 得 㗎 嘞 ? oh|I|just|am|cry|just|okay|question particle|past action particle Oh, so I just need to cry, right? 冇 錯 , 喊 就 得 㗎 嘞 。 not|wrong|shout|then|okay|particle|particle That's right, just cry. 哦哦哦 哦 哦 , 噉 我會 做 喇 我會 做 喇 。 oh oh oh|oh||then||do|particle indicating completed action||| Oh oh oh oh, then I will do it, I will do it. 商量 妥當 嘞 , 劉備 就 請 魯肅入 府 , 彼此 行過禮 , 寒暄 問候 一番 , 噉 啊 劉備 請 魯肅 坐 。 discuss|properly|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|then|invite||residence|each other|exchanged greetings|small talk|inquiries|one round|then|ah|Liu Bei|invite|Lu Su|sit After discussing and coming to an agreement, Liu Bei invited Lu Su into the residence. They exchanged greetings and pleasantries, and then Liu Bei invited Lu Su to sit. 魯肅 話 : 誒 而家 皇叔 你 做 咗 東吳 嘅 女婿 , 就 係 我 嘅 主人 喇 , 我點 敢坐 啊 ? Lu Su|said|eh|now|Uncle Huang|you|became|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|son-in-law|then|is|I|possessive particle|master|sentence-final particle|||sentence-final particle Lu Su said: "Now that you, my royal uncle, have become the son-in-law of Eastern Wu, you are my master, how can I dare to sit?" 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 同 我 係 老朋友 , 使 乜 咁 客氣 呢 , 請 坐 請 坐 ! hahaha||Zijing|you|and|I|am|old friends|use|what|so|polite|question particle|please|sit|| Hahaha, Zijing, you and I are old friends, why be so polite? Please, have a seat! 魯肅 噉 先 至 喺 客位 坐落 , 獻過 茶 喇 , 魯肅 開聲 : Lu Su|then|first|only|at|guest seat|seated|offered|tea|particle indicating completion|Lu Su|spoke Only then did Lu Su take a seat in the guest position. After tea was served, Lu Su spoke up: 呢 次 , 我 奉 咗 吳 侯 嘅 鈞命 , 專門 係 為 咗 荊州 嘅 事情 嚟 嘅 。 this|time|I|carry out|past tense marker|Wu|Hou|possessive particle|imperial edict|specifically|is|for|past tense marker|Jingzhou|possessive particle|matter|come|possessive particle This time, I come on the orders of the Marquis of Wu, specifically for matters concerning Jingzhou. 誒 皇叔 已經 借 荊州 嚟 暫住 咁 長時間 嘞 , 都 仲 未曾 歸還 。 hey|uncle|already|borrowed|Jingzhou|to|stay temporarily|so|long time|past action particle|still|again|not yet|returned Hey, Uncle Huang, you have already borrowed Jingzhou to stay for such a long time, and still haven't returned it. 今日 , 既然 兩家 結親 , 噉 就 應該 睇 在 親戚 嘅 份 上 , 早早 交還 啦 。 today|since|both families|are related by marriage|then|should|ought to|consider|in|relatives|possessive particle|share|on|early|return|sentence-final particle Today, since the two families are related, you should return it early considering our kinship. 吓 ? 哎 ! huh|oh Huh? Oh! 劉備 揞 住 塊 面喊 起 上 嚟 喎 。 Liu Bei|cover|past tense marker|piece||rise|up|come|sentence-final particle Liu Bei is crying with his face covered. 誒 ? 誒 皇叔 , 你 為 咩 嘢 事 喊 啊 ? eh||Uncle Wang|you|for|what|thing|matter|cry|particle Hey? Uncle Huang, why are you crying? 我 , 哦 , 我 啊 。 I|oh|I|ah I, oh, me ah. 劉備 記住 孔明 嘅 說話 , 乜 都 唔 講就 係 一味 喊 。 Liu Bei|remember|Kongming|possessive particle|words|what|all|not||is|only|crying Liu Bei remembered Kong Ming's words, not saying anything and just crying. 呢 個 時候 孔明 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 話 喇 : 我 聽 咗 好 耐 喇 , 子敬 你 知 唔 知道 我 主公 為 咩 事 喊 呢 ? this|measure word|time|Kongming|at|screen|behind|then|walked out|here|said|particle|I|heard|past tense marker|very|long|particle|Zijing|you|know|not|know|I|lord|for|what|matter|cry|this At this moment, Kong Ming came out from behind the screen and said: I have been listening for a long time, Zijing, do you know why my lord is crying? 誒 , 我 確實 唔 知 喎 。 hey|I|really|not|know|sentence-final particle Eh, I really don't know. 哎子敬 呀 , 有 咩 咁 難 明白 嘅 呢 ? Aizijeng|ah|have|what|so|||question particle|particle indicating a question Oh Zijing, what is so difficult to understand? 當初 我 主公 借 荊州 嘅 時候 , 就 曾經 應承 過 攞 到 西川 就還 。 at that time|I|my lord|borrowed|Jingzhou|possessive particle|time|then|once|promised|past tense marker|take|to|Xichuan| At the beginning, when my lord borrowed Jingzhou, he promised to return it once he obtained Xichuan. 不過 收尾 仔細 噉 諗 下 呢 , 哎 , 益州劉 璋 係 我 主公 嘅 細 佬 。 but|wrap up|carefully|like this|think|a bit|this|sigh||Zhang|is|my|lord|possessive particle|younger|brother However, upon careful consideration, sigh, Liu Zhang of Yizhou is my lord's younger brother. 大家 都 係 漢朝 嘅 骨肉 , 如果 起兵 去 奪取 佢 嘅 城池 , 就 怕 畀 外人 鬧 兼 夾睇 唔 起 。 everyone|all|is|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|flesh and blood|if|raise an army|to|seize|his||city|then|afraid|by|outsiders|scold|and|look down upon|not|rise We are all kin of the Han dynasty, and if we raise an army to seize his territory, we might be scolded and looked down upon by outsiders. 之 如果 唔 去 奪取 佢 , 噉 還 咗 荊州 又 去 邊度 安身 呢 ? possessive particle|if|not|go|take|him|then|return|past tense marker|Jingzhou|again|go|where|settle down|question particle If we do not seize it, then after returning Jingzhou, where will we settle down? 如果 唔 還 咩 , 噉 喺 阿 舅 嘅 面上 又過 唔 去 係 咪 呢 ? if|not|return|what|then|at|||possessive particle|face||not|go|is|question particle|final particle If we do not return it, then we cannot face our uncle, can we? 呢 件 事 兩頭 難 做 , 因此 先至 喊 起 嚟 啫 。 this|classifier for events|matter|both ends|difficult|to do|therefore|only then||||just This matter is difficult to handle from both ends, that's why it was only brought up now. 孔明 呢 番 說話 講到 正 劉備 嘅 心事 。 Zhuge Liang|this|time|conversation|talking about|exactly|Liu Bei|possessive particle|worries Kongming's words this time really touched Liu Bei's heart. 嘿嘿 開頭 嗰 陣 , 如果 話 劉備 只 係 聽 孔明 呢 位 導演 嚟 到 指 , 要 佢 喊 佢 就 喊 , 喊 得 嚟 冇 乜 感情 嘅 話 呢 , 嘿而家 就 唔 同 晒 咯 。 hee hee|at the beginning|that|time|if|say|Liu Bei|only|is|listening|Kong Ming|this|position|director|come|to|point|want|he|cry|he|then|cry|cry|able|to|not have|any|emotion|possessive particle|words|this|hee now|then|not|the same|completely|particle Hehe, at the beginning, if Liu Bei only listened to Kongming, the director, and just followed his instructions, crying when told to cry without any real emotion, it would be very different now. 佢 真 係 悲從中來 就 喊 到 捶胸頓足 。 he|really|is|sadness came from within|then|cried|until|pounded his chest and stamped his feet He truly cried out in sorrow, beating his chest and stamping his feet. 魯肅 就 勸 佢 話 喇 : 皇叔 啊 皇叔 , 你 唔 使 咁 煩惱 嘅 吓 , 同 孔明 從長計議 下 啦 。 Lu Su|then|advised|him|said|particle indicating completed action|Uncle Huang|ah|Uncle Huang|you|not|need|so|worried|particle indicating possession|particle indicating suggestion|with|Kongming|plan long-term|particle indicating action|particle indicating suggestion Lu Su advised him, saying: "Your Highness, Your Highness, you don't need to worry so much, let's discuss it with Kongming in the long run." 孔明 話 : 子敬 , 真 係 要 勞煩 你 , 你 返去 見到 吳 侯 嘅 時候 , 唔 該 你將 我 主公 呢 啲 憂心 煩惱 嘅 情形 , 講 畀 吳侯知 , 懇求 佢 再 寬容 一 啲 時間 啦 。 Zhuge Liang|said|Zijing|really|is|to|trouble|you||return|when you see|||possessive particle|time|||you will convey|I|lord|||worries|troubles|possessive particle|situation|tell|to||sincerely request|he|again|be lenient|||time|sentence-final particle Kong Ming said: "Zi Jing, I really need to trouble you. When you go back to see Wu Hou, please tell him about my lord's worries and troubles, and kindly ask him to be a little more lenient with the time." 我 返去 講下 就 冇 所謂 啊 , 如果 吳侯 唔 肯咯 , 如之奈何 呢 ? I|go back|talk about it|then|no|problem|ah|if|Mr Ng|not|willing|what to do|question particle I can just go back and say it, it doesn't matter. If Wu Hou is unwilling, what can we do? 吳侯 既然 將個 親妹 嫁 咗 畀 皇叔 咯 , 冇 話 唔 肯 嘅 , 希 望子敬 你 返去 講多 幾句 好話 啦 吓 。 Lord Wu|since||younger sister|married|past tense marker|to|uncle by marriage|sentence-final particle|not|saying|not|willing|possessive particle|||you|go back|say more|a few sentences|good words|sentence-final particle|particle indicating surprise or questioning Since Wu Hou has married his sister to the Emperor's uncle, he has no reason to refuse. I hope Zi Jing you can say a few more good words when you go back. 魯肅 係 個 忠厚 長者 , 佢 見 劉備 咁 傷心 就 應承 。 Lu Su|is|a|loyal and honest|elder|he|saw|Liu Bei|so|sad|then|promised Lu Su is a loyal and honest elder, and seeing Liu Bei so heartbroken, he should agree. 劉備 同 孔明 就 好 多謝 佢 , 請 佢 宴會 完 之後 呢 , 就 送 佢 落 船 。 Liu Bei|and|Kongming|then|very|grateful to|him|invite|him|banquet|finished|after|particle|then|send|him|off|boat Liu Bei and Kong Ming are very grateful to him, and after the banquet, they send him down to the boat. 魯肅 返到 柴桑 就 去 見 周瑜 , 報告 談判 嘅 經過 。 Lu Su|returned to|Chaisang|then|went|to see|Zhou Yu|reported|negotiation|possessive particle|progress Lu Su returned to Chaisang and went to see Zhou Yu, reporting on the progress of the negotiations. 周瑜 聽 咗 就 猛 咁 𨂽 腳 , 子敬 啊 子敬 你 又 中 咗 諸葛亮 之計 喇 ! Zhou Yu|heard|past tense marker|then|suddenly|so|kicked|leg|Zijing|ah|Zijing|you|again|fell for|past tense marker|Zhuge Liang||final particle Zhou Yu listened and then stomped his foot, "ZijIng, oh ZijIng, you have fallen for Zhuge Liang's scheme again!" 當初 劉備 依附 劉表 嘅 時候 , 早就 有 吞併 佢 嘅 意思 , 對 劉表 尚且 如此 , 何況 對 西川劉 璋 呢 ? at that time|Liu Bei|relied on|Liu Biao|possessive particle|time|long ago|had|the intention to conquer|him|possessive particle|intention|towards|Liu Biao|even|like this|let alone|towards||Zhang| When Liu Bei was allied with Liu Biao, he already had the intention to swallow him up. If he treated Liu Biao like this, how much more so with Liu Zhang of Xichuan? 唉 好似 噉 樣 推 嚟 推去 , 未免 會 累及 老兄 你 㗎 嘞 噃。 sigh|seems|like|appearance|push|come|push away|inevitably|will|burden|brother|you|particle|particle| Alas, it seems that pushing back and forth like this might end up exhausting you, my friend. 不過 , 哈 , 我 有 一條 妙計 , 使到 諸葛 亮點 都 走 唔 甩 嘅 , 要 勞煩 子敬 你 再行 一趟 。 but|ha|I|have|a|brilliant plan|that will make|Zhuge|Liang|all|escape|not|slip away|particle indicating possession|need|trouble|Zijing|you||one trip However, ha, I have a brilliant plan that will make Zhuge Liang unable to escape. I need to trouble you, ZijIng, to make another trip. 誒 , 請 你將 妙計 講出 嚟 聽 下 。 hey|please||clever plan|say out|here|listen|a bit Hey, please tell me your clever plan. 子敬 , 你 唔 使 返 去 見 吳侯 嘞 。 Zijing|you|not|need|return|to|see|Lord Wu|past tense particle Zijing, you don't need to go back to see Lord Wu. 你 再 去 荊州 同 劉備 講 , 話孫 、 劉 兩家 , 既然 結成 至親 , 就 變成 一家人 喇 。 you|again|go|Jingzhou|with|Liu Bei|talk||Liu|two families|since|formed|close relatives|then|become|one family|particle indicating completed action You should go to Jingzhou and talk to Liu Bei, saying that since the Sun and Liu families have become closely related, they are now one family. 如果 劉備 唔 忍心 去 奪取 西川 , 噉 就 等 我 東吳 起兵 去 奪取 啦 。 if|Liu Bei|not|heartless|to|seize|Western Shu|then|then|wait|I|Eastern Wu|raise troops|to|seize|particle indicating suggestion or completion If Liu Bei can't bear to take Xichuan, then let our Eastern Wu raise an army to take it. 攞 到 西川 嘅 時候 , 就將 西川 作為 嫁妝 , 到 時 , 就 請 佢 將 荊州 交還 畀 我 哋 東吳 啦 。 take|to|Xichuan|possessive particle|time|||as|dowry|when|time|then|ask|he|to|Jingzhou|return|to|us|plural marker|Eastern Wu|final particle When we take Xichuan, we will use it as a dowry, and then we will ask him to return Jingzhou to us, Eastern Wu. 都督 , 西川 咁 遠 , 要 攞 佢 極 不 容易 噃, 都督 呢 一條 計 , 睇 嚟 行 唔 通 喎 。 governor|Xichuan|so|far|to|capture|him|extremely|not|easy|particle||this|a|plan|see|come|go|not|work|particle Governor, West Sichuan is so far away, it's extremely difficult to take it. This plan of the governor seems to be unfeasible. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 子敬 你 真 係 個 忠厚 長者 啊 。 hahaha||Zijing|you|really|are|a|honest|elder|ah Hahaha, Zijing, you really are a loyal and honest elder. 你估 我 真 係 去 攞 西川 嚟 送 畀 佢 咩 ? you guess|I|really|am|go|take|Nishikawa|come|deliver|to|him|question particle Do you really think I'm going to take West Sichuan to give it to him? 我 不過 係 以 攞 西川 為名 , 實則 , 係 去 攞 荊州 , 等 佢 哋 冇 準備 咋 嘛 。 I|just|am|by|taking|Xichuan||in reality|am|going|taking|Jingzhou|let|them|they|not|prepared|only|particle I'm just using the excuse of taking West Sichuan, but in reality, I'm going to take Jingzhou, so that they are unprepared. 我 哋 東吳 兵馬 去 打 西川 , 路過 荊州 , 就問 劉備 要 錢糧 嚟 供應 軍隊 。 we|plural marker|Eastern Wu|troops|go|fight|Western Shu|passing through|Jingzhou||Liu Bei|to ask for|money and provisions|to come|supply|army Our Eastern Wu troops will go to attack West Sichuan, and on the way, we will pass by Jingzhou and ask Liu Bei for supplies to support the army. 劉備 必定會 出 城 勞軍 嘅 , 到 其時 , 乘機 殺 咗 佢 , 奪取 荊州 。 Liu Bei|will definitely|leave|city|inspect troops|particle indicating possession|arrive|that time|take the opportunity|kill|past tense marker|him|seize|Jingzhou Liu Bei will definitely come out of the city to inspect the troops. At that time, we can take the opportunity to kill him and seize Jingzhou. 一來 , 可以 雪 我 嘅 恨 ; 二來 , 又 可以 解 咗 你 嘅 禍 啦 嘛 。 first of all|can|relieve|my|possessive particle|hatred|second of all|also|can|resolve|past tense marker|your|possessive particle|misfortune|final particle|final particle Firstly, it can avenge my hatred; secondly, it can also relieve your troubles. 啊 , 都督 呢條 計策 妙極 , 妙極 啊 ! ah|governor|this|strategy|extremely clever|extremely clever|ah Ah, this strategy from the governor is excellent, truly excellent! 魯肅 好 歡喜 , 即刻 又 起程 去 荊州 嘞 喎 。 Lu Su|very|happy|immediately|again|set off|to|Jingzhou|past action particle|sentence-final particle Lu Su was very pleased and immediately set off for Jingzhou. 劉備 聽講 魯肅 又 嚟 喇 , 就 同 孔明 商量 啦 。 Liu Bei|heard|Lu Su|again|come|particle indicating completed action|then|with|Kongming|discuss|particle indicating suggestion When Liu Bei heard that Lu Su was coming, he discussed it with Kongming. 孔明 話 : 魯肅 實 係 未曾 去 見 吳侯 , 只 係 去 咗 柴桑同 周瑜 商量 咗 啲 咩 計策 嚟 呃 我 哋 嘅 啫 。 Kongming|said|Lu Su|really|is|never|go|meet|Lord Wu|only|is|go|past tense marker||Zhou Yu|discuss|past tense marker|some|what|strategies|come|deceive|us|we|possessive particle|only Kongming said: Lu Su actually has not gone to see the Wu Lord, he only went to Chaisang to discuss some strategies with Zhou Yu to deceive us. 誒 , 等 一陣 , 但凡 佢 講 乜嘢 都 好 , 主公 你 見到 我岌頭 呢 , 就 滿口 應承 就 得 嘞 。 hey|wait|a moment|as long as|he|says|anything|all|fine|my lord|you|see|me in trouble|particle|then|full of|promises|just|fine|particle Hey, wait a moment, whatever he says is fine, as long as you, my lord, see my situation, just agree wholeheartedly. 商量 好 喇 , 就 請 魯肅入 嚟 見面 。 discuss|good|particle indicating completion|then|please||here|meet After discussing, please invite Lu Su in to meet. 行過禮 , 魯肅 就 話 喇 : after exchanging greetings|Lu Su|then|said|particle indicating completion After exchanging greetings, Lu Su said: 吳 侯非常 稱讚 皇叔 嘅 盛德 , 所以 就 同 大家 商量 , 決定 起兵 嚟 幫 皇叔 你 去 奪取 西川 。 Wu||praised|uncle|possessive particle|Shengde|so|then|with|everyone|discussed|decided|raise troops|to|help|uncle|you|go|seize|Xichuan The Wu Lord highly praises the virtues of the Emperor's uncle, so he discussed with everyone and decided to raise troops to help the Emperor's uncle seize Xichuan. 攞 到 西川 , 就要 嚟 換 荊州 , 吳侯話 , 用 西川 嚟 做 嫁妝 喎 。 take|to|Xichuan|then must|come|exchange|Jingzhou||use|Xichuan|to|be|dowry|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Once we get to Xichuan, we need to exchange it for Jingzhou. The Wu lord said to use Xichuan as a dowry. 誒 不過 第 日 兵馬 經過 嘅 時候 , 希望 皇叔 能夠 支援 一 啲 錢糧 啊 。 hey|but|next|day|troops|pass|possessive particle|time|hope|uncle|can|support|a|little|money and provisions|particle However, when the troops pass by the other day, I hope the royal uncle can support us with some money and supplies. 孔明聽 咗 就 連忙 岌頭 , 哎呀 , 難得 吳侯 咁 好心 啊 。 |past tense marker|then|hurriedly|at the moment|oh no|rare|Lord Wu|so|kind|ah Kongming heard this and quickly responded, 'Oh, it's rare for the Wu lord to be so kind!' 劉備 作個 揖 話 : 唔 該 晒 喇真 係 , 呢 啲 都 係 多得子 敬幫 我 哋 講 說話 啊 。 Liu Bei|made a|bow|said|||very much||are|||||||us|plural marker|speak|conversation|particle Liu Bei made a bow and said, 'Thank you very much, really. These are all thanks to Zikeng helping us to speak up.' 孔明 又 話 嘞 : 東吳 嘅 雄師 一到 , 我 哋 必定 遠遠 出 嚟 迎接 , 犒勞 全軍 將士 嘅 。 Kongming|again|said|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|possessive particle|mighty army||we|plural marker|surely|from afar|come|here|to welcome|to reward|entire army|soldiers|possessive particle Kongming also said, 'Once the mighty army of Eastern Wu arrives, we will definitely come out to welcome them from afar and reward all the soldiers.' 好 極好 極 , 噉 我 哋 就 一言 為定 喇 。 good|excellent|extremely|then|||then|||particle indicating completed action Good, extremely good, then we have a deal. 魯肅 個心 偷笑 嘞 , 宴會 完 之後 就 告辭 返 東吳 。 Lu Su|in his heart|secretly smiled|past tense marker|banquet|finished|after|then|took his leave|returned|Eastern Wu Lu Su is secretly laughing, after the banquet he will take his leave and return to Eastern Wu. 劉備 仲 係 唔 明白 喎 , 佢 問 孔明 話 : 噉 係 咩 嘢 意思 啊 吓 ? Liu Bei|still|is|not|understand|particle indicating realization|he|asked|Kongming|said|like this|is|what|thing|meaning|ah|huh Liu Bei still doesn't understand, he asks Kongming, "What does that mean?" 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 周瑜 就 快 死 喇 佢 , 呢 啲 噉 嘅 計策 , 連細佬哥 都 呃 唔 過啦 , 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha||Zhou Yu|then|soon|die|particle indicating completed action|he|this|plural marker|like this|possessive particle|strategies||also|deceive|not||hahahaha Hahaha, Zhou Yu is about to die, these kinds of strategies can't even fool my little brother, hahaha. 佢 呀 想 用 乜嘢 計策 呢 吓 ? 軍師 。 he|question particle|wants|to use|what|strategy|question particle|to express surprise|strategist What strategy does he want to use? Military advisor. 佢 呢 個 乃 係 假途滅虢 之計 啊 。 he|this|measure word|is|is|a strategy to eliminate the enemy by taking a detour||sentence-final particle This is the strategy of borrowing a road to destroy Guo. 各位 , 咩 嘢 叫做 假途滅虢 呢 ? everyone|||is called|a phrase from Chinese history|question particle Everyone, what does it mean to borrow a road to destroy Guo? 係 噉 嘅 , 春秋 嘅 時候 啊 , 晉國 就 向 虞國 借路 去 攻打 虢國 。 is|like this|possessive particle|Spring and Autumn|possessive particle|time|particle|Jin State|then|towards|Yu State|borrowed a route|to|attack|Guo State Well, during the Spring and Autumn period, the Jin state borrowed a road from the Yu state to attack the Guo state. 滅 咗 虢國 之後 呢 , 喺 返 嚟 嘅 路上 啊 乘機 將 虞國 亦 都 滅埋 。 destroy|past tense marker|State of Guo|after|sentence final particle|at|return|coming|possessive particle|on the road|sentence final particle|take the opportunity|to take|State of Yu|also|all|destroy completely After destroying the Guo state, on the way back, they took the opportunity to also destroy the Yu state. 噉 啊 所謂 假途 即 係 借路 噉 解 。 then|ah|so-called|false way|just|is|borrowing road|then|understood So, the so-called borrowing a road means to borrow a route. 孔明 話 : 周瑜 佢 名 為 取 西川 , 實質 係 取 荊州 。 Zhuge Liang|said|Zhou Yu|he|name|for|taking|Xichuan|actually|is|taking|Jingzhou Kongming said: Zhou Yu's name is to take Xichuan, but in reality, it is to take Jingzhou. 等 主公 你 出城 勞軍 嘅 時候 , 乘機 捉住 你 殺入 荊州 城 , 攻其無備 , 出其不意 啊 佢 想 。 wait|lord|you|leave the city|lead the troops|possessive particle|time|take the opportunity|capture|you|invade|Jingzhou|city|||ah|he|thought When you, my lord, go out of the city to rally the troops, he plans to take the opportunity to capture you and storm into Jingzhou City, attacking when they are unprepared and catching them off guard. 噉 啊 , 噉 如之奈何 呢 ? then|ah||what to do|question particle So, what should we do about this? 主公 你 寬心 啦 , 即管 準備 窩 弓 擒 猛虎 安排 香餌 釣鰲魚 就 得 喇 。 my lord|you|don't worry|particle|just go ahead|prepare|nest|bow|catch|fierce tiger|arrange|fragrant bait||then|can|particle My lord, don't worry, just prepare the bow to catch the fierce tiger and arrange the bait to fish for the big catch. 等 周瑜 嚟 到 , 我 要 佢 就算 唔 死 都 九成 冇 氣 啊 。 wait|Zhou Yu|||I|want|him|even if|not|die|still|90%|have no|energy|ah particle When Zhou Yu arrives, I want him to be at least 90% out of breath, even if he doesn't die. 於是 孔明 啊 叫 趙雲 嚟 , 佈置 好 計策 , 話 如此 如 彼 噉 , 其餘 呢 , 我 自有 擺佈 㗎 喇 。 then|Kongming|ah|called|Zhao Yun|to come|arrange|good|strategy|said|like this|as|that|like|the rest|question particle|I|have my own|arrangements|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action So, Kongming called Zhao Yun over to arrange a strategy, saying this and that, as for the rest, I will handle it myself. 劉備 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 喎 : Liu Bei|then|very|happy|particle indicating completion|particle indicating a question|has||particle indicating realization Liu Bei was very happy, and there is a poem to prove it: 周瑜 決策 取 荊州 , 諸葛 先知 第一 籌 。 指望 長江 香餌 穩 , 不知 暗裡 釣 魚鉤 。 Zhou Yu|decision|take|Jingzhou|Zhuge|foresight|first|strategy|hope|Yangtze River|fragrant bait|stable|unaware|secretly|fishing|fish hook Zhou Yu decided to take Jingzhou, and Zhuge was the first to foresee the plan. Hoping for the Yangtze River's bait to be stable, unaware of the hidden fishing hooks. 好 喇 , 魯肅 就 返去 報告 周瑜 , 話 劉備 、 孔明 都 好 高興 啊 , 準備 出 城 勞軍 喇 噉 。 very|particle||||||||||||||||||like that Alright, Lu Su then returned to report to Zhou Yu, saying that Liu Bei and Kongming were both very happy and were preparing to go out of the city to reward the troops. 周瑜 哈哈大笑 話 : 哈哈哈 , 原來 你 今次 亦 中計 喇吓 。 Zhou Yu|laughed heartily|said|hahaha|it turns out|you|this time|also|fell into the trap|already Zhou Yu laughed heartily and said: Hahaha, it turns out you fell for the trick this time too. 周瑜 於是 叫 魯肅 去 稟報 孫權 , 請 佢 派 程 普 帶兵 嚟 接應 。 Zhou Yu|then|called|Lu Su|to|report|Sun Quan|request|he|send|||lead troops|here|support Zhou Yu then instructed Lu Su to report to Sun Quan, asking him to send Cheng Pu to bring troops to support. 呢 陣時 啊 , 周瑜 嘅 箭 傷 已經 漸漸 好返 , 身體 冇 事 。 this|moment|ah|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|arrow|injury|already|gradually|recovered|body|no|problem At this time, Zhou Yu's arrow wound was gradually healing, and he was in good health. 佢 命令 甘寧 做 先鋒 , 自己 同 徐盛 、 丁奉 做 中間 第二隊 , 凌統 、 呂蒙 做後隊 , 總共 率領 水陸 大軍 五萬名 , 浩浩蕩蕩 向 住 荊州 出發 。 He|ordered|Gan Ning|to be|vanguard|he himself|with|Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|to be|middle|second unit|Ling Tong|Lu Meng||in total|led|land and water|army|50000 men|in great force|towards|residing|Jingzhou|departed He ordered Gan Ning to be the vanguard, while he, along with Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, formed the second team in the middle, and Ling Tong and Lu Meng made up the rear team, leading a total of 50,000 troops by land and water, setting off towards Jingzhou. 喺 船上 , 周瑜 諗 起 又 笑 諗 起 又 笑 , 以為 孔明 呢 次 中計 喇 , 個 心情 呀 一直 都 極為 之 歡暢 嘅 。 on|the boat|Zhou Yu|||again|laughed|||||thought|Kong Ming|this|time|tricked|particle indicating completed action|the|mood|particle for exclamation|always|all|extremely|particle indicating possession|cheerful|particle indicating possession On the ship, Zhou Yu kept thinking and laughing, believing that Kong Ming had fallen into his trap this time, and his mood was extremely cheerful. 當 前軍 到達 夏 口 嘅 時候 , 周瑜 問喇 : 荊州 有 冇 人 喺 前面 迎接 啊 吓 ? when|vanguard|arrived|||possessive particle|time|Zhou Yu||Jingzhou|has|no|people|at|front|welcoming|question particle|surprise particle When the front troops arrived at Xiakou, Zhou Yu asked: Is there anyone from Jingzhou here to welcome us? 啲 人 報告 話 喇 : 劉皇叔 派 咗 糜竺 嚟 見 都督 啊 。 plural marker|people|report|said|sentence-final particle|Liu the Emperor's Uncle|sent|past tense marker|Mi Zhu|to|see|governor|sentence-final particle People reported that Liu Bei sent Mi Zhu to see the governor. 請 佢 嚟 見 我 。 please|he|come|see|me Please have him come to see me. 周瑜 叫 咗 糜竺 嚟 就 問 佢 勞軍 嘅 事 點 啊 噉 。 Zhou Yu|called|past tense marker|Mi Zhu|here|then|asked|he|military affairs|possessive particle|matter|how|question particle|like that Zhou Yu called Mi Zhu and asked him about the military affairs. 糜竺 話 : 我 主公 同 孔明 都 喺 荊州 城門 外 專誠 等候 , 同 都督 敬酒 啊 。 Mi Zhu|said|I|lord|and|Kongming|both|at|Jingzhou|city gate|outside|sincerely|waiting|with|governor|toasting|ah Mi Zhu said: My lord and Kong Ming are waiting sincerely outside the gates of Jingzhou, toasting the governor. 豈敢 豈敢 ! 不過 , 今日 係 為 咗 你 哋 劉家 嘅 事 , 出兵 遠征 , 所以 勞軍 之禮 , 唔 好 輕率 啊 。 how dare (I)||however|today|is|for|past tense marker|you|plural marker|Liu family|possessive particle|matter|deploy troops|expedition|so|reward the army||not|very|rash|sentence-final particle How could I dare! However, today is for the Liu family's affairs, to send troops on an expedition, so the courtesy of military greetings should not be taken lightly. 係 , 一切 都 準備 好 㗎 喇 , 請 都督 放心 。 糜竺 告辭 走人 嘞 。 yes|everything|all|ready|well|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|please|governor|don't worry|Mi Zhu (a character's name)|take leave|leave|particle indicating completed action Yes, everything is ready now, please rest assured, Governor. Mi Zhu has taken his leave. 噉 周瑜 嘅 大隊 戰船 , 密密 噉 排好 隊形 , 依住 次序 就 前進 嘞 喎 。 like this|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|main army|warships|closely|like this|arranged|formation|according to|order|then|advance|past action particle|sentence-final particle So, Zhou Yu's fleet of warships is lined up closely in formation, advancing in order. 眼睇 住 嚟 到 公安 嘞 , 咦 ? 一隻 軍艦 都 唔 見 , 連 一個 出 嚟 迎接 嘅 人 都 唔 見 噃, 奇怪 。 looking|at|come|arrive|police|past tense particle|huh|one|warship|also|not|seen|even|one|out|come|welcome|possessive particle|person|also|not|seen|particle|strange Looking ahead to the public security, huh? Not a single warship in sight, and not even one person coming out to greet us, strange. 周瑜 催促 艦隊 加速 前進 。 Zhou Yu|urged|fleet|to accelerate|advance Zhou Yu urged the fleet to speed up. 好 嘞 , 已經 嚟 到 離 荊州 十零 里 嘅 地方 嘞 。 |past action particle|||||||||| Alright, we have already arrived at a place about ten miles away from Jingzhou. 哈 江面 上靜 嚶 嚶 , 啊 真 係 水靜 河飛 。 ha|river surface||||ah|||water is calm|river flies The river surface is calm, ah, it really is a tranquil waterway. 喺 前面 偵查 嘅 人員 返 嚟 報告 話 : 稟告 都督 , 荊州 城上 插住 兩面 白旗 , 人影 都 唔 見 一個 。 at|front|reconnaissance|possessive particle|personnel|return|come|report|said|to report|governor|Jingzhou|on the city|raised|two|white flags|shadow of a person|all|not|see|one The scouts in front returned to report: "Reporting to the governor, there are two white flags raised over Jingzhou city, and not a single person can be seen." 知道 喇 。 周瑜 個心 好 思疑 , 命令 隻 船 靠岸 。 know|particle indicating certainty|Zhou Yu||very|suspicious|ordered|measure word for boats|boat|dock I see. Zhou Yu's heart was very suspicious, and he ordered the ship to dock. 親自 上岸 騎馬 , 帶 埋 甘寧 、 徐盛 、 丁奉 噉 一班 軍官 , 率領 親隨 嘅 精兵 三千 人 直奔 荊州 城 。 personally|disembark|ride|bring|along|Gan Ning|Xu Sheng|Ding Feng|like|a group of|military officers|lead|personal entourage|possessive particle|elite soldiers|three thousand|people|head straight for|Jingzhou|city He personally disembarked and rode a horse, bringing along Gan Ning, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, and a group of officers, leading his elite troops of three thousand straight to Jingzhou city. 嚟 到 城下 , 真 係 唔 見 動靜 噃, 周瑜 勒定 馬 , 叫 軍士 去 叫門 。 come|arrive|under the city|really|is|not|see|movement|particle|Zhou Yu|reined in|horse|ordered|soldier|to|knock on the door Upon arriving at the city walls, there was indeed no movement, Zhou Yu reined in his horse and instructed the soldiers to knock on the door. 城樓 上問 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 city tower|asked above|is|who|ah|then On the city tower, someone asked, 'Who is it?'. 個 軍士 就 話 喇 : 係 東吳 周 都督 親自 嚟 到 , 快快 開門 啊 ! the|soldier|then|said|particle indicating completed action|is|Eastern Wu|Zhou|governor|personally|come|arrived|quickly|open the door|particle indicating urgency The soldier replied, 'It's the Eastern Wu General Zhou himself who has come, quickly open the gate!'. 話口 未 完 , 忽然 㩧 噉 一聲 梆子 響 , 城頭 上 嘅 軍隊 一齊 豎起 槍刀 。 speaking|not|finished|suddenly|hit|like that|one sound|gong|rang|city wall|on|possessive particle|army|together|raised|guns and swords Before he finished speaking, suddenly a loud bang sounded, and the soldiers on the city tower all raised their weapons. 城樓 上 , 趙子龍 出現 喇 , 佢 話 : city tower|on|Zhao Zilong|appeared|particle indicating completed action|he|said On the city tower, Zhao Zilong appeared and said: 都督 呢 次 嚟 , 究竟 為 咗 乜嘢 事 呢 ? governor|this|time|come|exactly|for|past tense marker|what|matter|question particle 'Why has the general come this time, what is it for?' 周瑜 話 喇 : 我 為 你 哋 主人 去 奪取 西川 , 唔 通 你 仲 唔 知 咩 ? Zhou Yu|said|particle indicating completed action|I|for|you|plural marker|master|go|seize|Western Shu|||you|still|||question particle Zhou Yu said: I am going to seize the West River for you, the master, don't you know? 周 都督 請 你 聽 住 , 孔明 軍師 , 已經 睇 穿 咗 都督 假途滅虢 之計 , 故此 留 我 趙雲 喺 處 等候 都督 。 Zhou|Commander|please|you|listen|carefully|Kongming|strategist|already|see|through|past tense marker|Commander|false pretext to destroy Guo||therefore|leave|me|Zhao Yun|at|place|waiting|Commander Zhou the Governor, please listen, Master Kongming has already seen through the Governor's plan to use a false route to destroy Guo, so I, Zhao Yun, will stay here and wait for the Governor. 我 主公 講 : 我同 劉璋 都 係 漢室 宗親 , 點 能夠 唔 講義 理去 搶 佢 嘅 西川 呢 ? I|my lord|said|I and|Liu Zhang|both|are|Han dynasty|clan relatives|how|able to|not|||seize|his|possessive particle|Xichuan|question particle My lord said: Liu Zhang and I are both relatives of the Han family, how can I not talk about righteousness and seize his West River? 如果 東吳 確確實實 係 去 攞 西川 嘅 話 , 我 一 於 打散 頭髮 入山 隱居 , 決不 失信 於 天下 ! if|Eastern Wu|truly|is|to|take|Xichuan|possessive particle|words|I|definitely|in|let down|hair|into the mountains|live in seclusion|absolutely not|break trust|to|the world If Eastern Wu is indeed going to take the West River, I will simply let my hair down and hide in the mountains, and I will never lose my trust in the world! 周瑜 聽 趙雲 講完 , 一句 說話 都 唔 講喇 , 勒 轉馬 頭就返 轉頭 。 Zhou Yu|heard|Zhao Yun|finished speaking|a single|word|all|not|saying|then|turn the horse||turn around After Zhao Yun finished speaking, Zhou Yu said nothing, turned his horse around and went back. 只見 探馬 打住 令字旗 飛跑 嚟 到 馬 前 報告 : 稟告 都督 , 探聽到 有 四路 軍馬 一齊 殺到 。 only saw|scout horse|carrying|command flag|ran fast|come|arrived|horse|in front|report|respectfully report|governor|found out|there are|four routes|cavalry|together|charging in Only to see the scout galloping towards the horse with the flag, reporting: 'I report to the governor, I have heard that four armies are coming together.' 關某 , 由 江陵 殺 嚟 , 張飛 由 姊 歸 殺 嚟 , 黃忠 由 公安 殺 嚟 , 魏延 由 孱陵 小路 殺 嚟 , 呢 四路 都 唔 知 幾多 人馬 。 Guan certain|from|Jiangling|kill|come|Zhang Fei|from|sister|return|kill|come|Huang Zhong|from|Gong'an|kill|come|Wei Yan|from|Chanling|small road|kill|come|this|four routes|all|not|know|how many|troops Guan is coming from Jiangling, Zhang Fei is coming from Zhi Gui, Huang Zhong is coming from Gong'an, and Wei Yan is coming from the small road of Chanling. We don't know how many troops are in these four routes. 吶喊聲 震動 百幾里 , 口口聲聲 都 話 要 。 shouting|vibrated|over a hundred miles|everyone|all|said|wanted The shouting shook for hundreds of miles, everyone was saying they want. 都 話 要 咩 嘢 ? all|say|want|what|thing What do they want? 都 話 要 。 all|said|want They all said they want. 講 ! speak Speak! 都 話 要 活捉 , 周瑜 ! all|said|to|capture alive|Zhou Yu They said they want to capture Zhou Yu alive! 哎 吖 ! 周瑜 大叫 一聲 , 箭傷 又 試 裂開 成 個人 跌 咗 落馬 。 ah|particle|Zhou Yu|shouted|one shout|arrow wound|again|tried|to split|whole|person|fell|past tense marker|off the horse Oh no! Zhou Yu shouted loudly, and the arrow wound opened up, causing him to fall off the horse. 噉 啊 左右 嗰 啲 侍從 啊 , 急 急救 起 佢 返 落 船 。 like that|particle|around|that|plural marker|servants|particle|hurry|first aid|lift|him|return|onto|boat Then, the attendants rushed to help him back onto the ship. 過 咗 一陣 , 又 聽到 啲 軍士 喺 度 傳 嘞 , 話 咩 嘢 劉備 、 孔明 呀 喺 前面 山頂 上 便 , 飲酒 取樂 啊 噉 。 past|completed action particle|a while|again|heard|plural marker|soldiers|at|place|spread|past action particle|said|what|thing|Liu Bei|Kongming|particle|at|front|mountain top|on|then|drinking|enjoying|particle|like that After a while, I heard the soldiers saying that Liu Bei and Kong Ming were up on the mountain peak, drinking and having fun. 嘩 嬲 到 周瑜 火冒三丈 , 咬牙切齒 : 你 話 我 攞 唔 到 西川 , 我 發誓 攞 到 佢 ! wow|angry|to|Zhou Yu|furious|gritting his teeth|you|said|I|get|not|to|Xi Chuan|I|swear|get|to|him Wow, Zhou Yu was so angry that he was furious, gritting his teeth: You say I can't take Xichuan, I swear I will take it! 正 喺 度 嬲 到 不得了 嘅 時候 , 孫權派 佢 細 佬 孫 瑜 嚟 到 。 just|at|here|angry|to the point of|extremely|possessive particle|time||his|younger|son|Sun|Yu|come|arrived Just when he was extremely angry, Sun Quan sent his younger brother Sun Yu to him. 周瑜 接 咗 佢 入 嚟 , 將 經過 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Zhou Yu|received|past tense marker|he|come|in|will|incident|tell|to|him|hear Zhou Yu welcomed him in and explained what had happened. 孫瑜 話 : 我 奉 咗 兄長 之命 , 嚟 協助 都督 啊 。 Sun Yu|said|I|received|past tense marker|elder brother||came|assist|governor|sentence-final particle Sun Yu said: I am here to assist the governor on my brother's orders. 啱 晒 啦 , 去 ! right|completely|particle|go That's perfect, go! 周瑜 立即 下令 : 艦隊 繼續前進 ! Zhou Yu|immediately|gave the order|fleet| Zhou Yu immediately ordered: The fleet continues to advance! 噉 啊 行到 巴丘 呢 笪 地方 , 得到 報告 話 嘞 : 劉封 、 關平 兩個 人 , 帶住 軍隊 喺 上游 截住 水路 。 then|ah|walk to|Ba Qiu|this|place|place|received|report|saying|past tense marker|Liu Feng|Guan Ping|two|people|bringing|army|at|upstream|blocking|waterway When they reached the place called Baqiu, they received a report saying: Liu Feng and Guan Ping are blocking the waterway with their troops upstream. 周瑜 就 火上加油 就 越發 嬲 啦 。 Zhou Yu|then|add fuel to the fire|then|increasingly|angry|particle indicating change of state Zhou Yu was even more furious. 呢 個 時候 , 孔明 派 人 送 咗 封信 嚟 畀 周瑜 啊 。 this|measure word|time|Kongming|sent|person|deliver|past tense marker|letter|come|to|Zhou Yu|sentence-final particle At this time, Kongming sent someone to deliver a letter to Zhou Yu. 周瑜 拆開 封信 睇 下 , 大意 係 話 : Zhou Yu|open|sealed letter|read|down|main idea|is|saying Zhou Yu opened the letter to read, and the gist was saying: 自從 柴桑 一別 , 係 非常 之 懷念 , 聽講 都督 要 去 奪取 西川 , 我 認為 唔 應該 去 啊 。 since|Chai Sang|parting|is|very|possessive particle|nostalgic|I heard|governor|wants|to go|to seize|Xichuan|I|think|not|should|go|ah Since parting from Chaisang, I have been very nostalgic. I heard that the governor wants to go and seize Xichuan, but I believe he should not go. 事關 益州 呢 笪 地方 , 民強 地險 。 concerning|Yizhou|this|small|place|strong|dangerous The reason is that Yizhou is a very dangerous place with strong people. 劉璋 為 人 雖然 軟弱 , 但 係 , 佢 完全 有 力量 守得 住 嘅 。 Liu Zhang|as|person|although|weak|||he|completely|has|strength|||particle indicating possession Although Liu Zhang is weak, he completely has the strength to defend it. 而家 都督 勞師遠 征 輾轉 萬里 , 想 獲得 全勝 啊 , 就算 係 古往今來 最 善用 兵 嘅 大將 都 做 唔 到 㗎 。 now|commander|to march troops far|expedition|in a roundabout way|ten thousand miles|want|to achieve|total victory|ah|even if|is|throughout history|most|good at using|troops|possessive particle|general|all||||particle indicating certainty Now the governor is leading his troops on a long expedition, traveling thousands of miles. To achieve complete victory, even the greatest generals throughout history cannot accomplish that. 而且 , 曹操 喺 赤壁 打 咗 敗仗 , 無時無刻 都 想 住 要 報仇 嘅 。 moreover|Cao Cao|at|Red Cliffs|fought|past tense marker|defeat|all the time|all|wanted|to live|to|take revenge|possessive particle Moreover, Cao Cao suffered a defeat at Chibi and is constantly thinking about revenge. 而家 都督 你 興兵 遠征 , 萬一 曹操 乘虛 而 至 , 江南 噉 就 畀 佢 打 到 粉碎 都 得 咯 。 now|commander|you|raise troops|expedition|in case|Cao Cao|take advantage of a gap|and|arrives|Jiangnan|like that|then|be|him|defeated|to|destruction|completely|fine|particle indicating certainty Now, General, you are mobilizing troops for a distant expedition. If Cao Cao takes advantage of this, the south will be crushed by him. 我 不忍 坐視不理 , 所以 特意 寫封信 講 畀 都督 知 , 希望 都督 你 考慮 考慮 。 I|cannot bear|to sit by and do nothing|so|intentionally|write a letter|tell|to|governor|know|hope|governor|you|consider|consider I cannot sit idly by, so I specially wrote a letter to inform the General, hoping you will consider it. 周瑜 一睇 完 封信 , 唉 噉 長 歎 一聲 , 叫 人 攞 紙筆 嚟 , 寫 咗 封信 畀 孫權 。 Zhou Yu|at a glance|finished|letter|sigh|then|||one time|called|someone|take|paper and pen|come|wrote|past tense marker|letter|to|Sun Quan After Zhou Yu finished reading the letter, he sighed deeply, called for paper and pen, and wrote a letter to Sun Quan. 然後 召集 所有 嘅 軍官 嚟 對 佢 哋 話 : 唔 係 我 唔 想 盡忠報國 , 但 係 天命 已經 絕喇 。 then|gather|all|possessive particle|officers|here|to|them|plural marker|said|not|is|I|not|want|serve the country loyally|||destiny|already|exhausted Then he gathered all the military officers and told them: It's not that I don't want to be loyal to the country, but the mandate of heaven has already run out. 你 哋 要 好好 噉 輔助 吳侯 , 一齊 去 建成 帝王 之業 啊 ! ||need to|well|like this|assist|Lord Wu|together|go|establish|emperor|cause|ah You all need to assist the Wu Lord well, and together build the foundation of an empire! 講完 , 成個暈 咗 過去 , 然後 慢慢 慢慢 又 醒 返 , 佢 長 歎 一聲 話 : finished speaking||past tense marker|passed out|then|slowly||again|||he|||one time|said After speaking, he fainted completely, and then slowly, slowly woke up again. He sighed and said: 唉 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 ! 既生 瑜 , 何生亮 啊 ! sigh|already born|Yu||||||||ah Alas! Since there is Yu, why is there Liang! Since there is Yu, why is there Liang! Since there is Yu, why is there Liang! 連氣 嗌 咗 幾聲 就 死 咗 咯 , 周瑜 死 嘅 時候 先至 係 三十六歲 。 in one breath|shout|past tense marker|a few times|then|die|||||possessive particle|time|only then|was|36 years old He shouted a few times and then died. Zhou Yu died at the age of thirty-six. 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 首詩 紀念 佢 : ||someone|wrote|past tense marker|a poem|to commemorate|him Later, someone wrote a poem to commemorate him: 赤壁 遺雄烈 , 青年 有俊聲 。 弦歌 知 雅意 , 杯酒 謝 良朋 。 曾 謁 三千 斛 , 常驅 十萬 兵 。 巴丘 終命 處 , 憑弔 欲 傷情 。 Red Cliffs|left behind heroic spirit|youth||string music|knows|refined intention|cup of wine|thank|good friend|once|visited|three thousand|a unit of measure|often drove|one hundred thousand|soldiers|Baqiu|final resting place|place|relying on mourning|wanting to|hurt feelings The hero of Chibi remains fierce, the youth has a handsome voice. The strings and songs know the elegant meaning, a cup of wine to thank good friends. Once met three thousand measures, often led a hundred thousand troops. At the place of Baqiu's final fate, I mourn with a heavy heart. 各位 , 以上 講 嘅 呢 一段 啊 , 就 係 孔明 三氣 周公瑾 喇 。 everyone|above|said||this|segment|ah|just|is|Kongming|three times angered|Zhou Gongjin|particle indicating completion Everyone, the segment mentioned above is about Kongming's three frustrations with Zhou Gongjin.

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