**Episodi 1: Hola, soc la Laura!**
episode|Hello|I am|the|Laura
Folge 1: Hallo, ich bin Laura!
Episode 1: Hi, I'm Laura!
Episodio 1: ¡Hola, soy Laura!
Épisode 1 : Salut, je suis Laura !
Episodio 1: Ciao, sono Laura!
エピソード 1: こんにちは、ローラです!
Aflevering 1: Hallo, ik ben Laura!
Odcinek 1: Cześć, jestem Laura!
Episódio 1: Oi, eu sou Laura!
Эпизод 1: Привет, я Лора!
Avsnitt 1: Hej, jag heter Laura!
Bölüm 1: Merhaba, ben Laura!
Епізод 1: Привіт, я Лаура!
第 1 集:嗨,我是劳拉!
Hola, com estàs?
Hello|how|are you
Hello how are you?
Soc la Laura i aquest és el primer episodi del meu nou podcast.
I am|the|Laura|I|this|is|the|first|episode|of|my|new|podcast
I'm Laura and this is the first episode of my new podcast.
Avui et vull parlar de mi.
today|you|want|speak to|about|me
Today I want to tell you about myself.
Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о себе.
Qui soc?
Who I am?
Em dic Laura i tinc un canal de YouTube que es diu Couch Polyglot.
I|call myself|Laura|I|"I have"|a|channel|of|YouTube channel|that|is|is called|Couch|polyglot
My name is Laura and I have a YouTube channel called Couch Polyglot.
En aquest canal, entre altres coses, ensenyo català.
In|this||among|other|things|teach|Catalan language
On this channel, among other things, I teach Catalan.
En aquest nou podcast, m'agradaria molt seguir ensenyant català i fer-ho d'una manera natural.
in||new||I would like|very much|continue|teaching|||do it|it|of a|way manner|natural
|questo|nuovo|podcast|mi piacerebbe|molto|seguire|insegnare|catalano||farlo|farlo|in un|maniera|naturale
In this new podcast, I would really like to continue teaching Catalan and do it in a natural way.
M'agradaria parlar de temes que t'interessin i per això et demano que vagis al meu canal de YouTube i deixis un comentari en un dels vídeos i diguis quins temes t'interessen més.
I would like||about|topics|that|interest you|I|for|that|to you|ask|that|go to|to the|my|||YouTube channel|and|deixis a comment||comment|||of the|videos||say|which||interest you|more
mi piacerebbe|parlare||argomenti||ti interessino|||per questo||chiedo||vada|||||||lasci|||||dei|||dica|quali|||
I would like to talk about topics that interest you and so I ask you to go to my YouTube channel and leave a comment on one of the videos and say which topics interest you the most.
I ara et parlaré una mica de mi.
|now||I will talk|a|bit||
And now I will tell you a little about myself.
Jo soc de Torelló, que és un poble d'Osona, de Catalunya.
|||Torelló||||town|of Osona||Catalonia
I am from Torelló, which is a town in Osona, Catalonia.
Però fa deu anys que visc a Alemanya.
but|it makes|ten|years||live|in|Germany
But I've been living in Germany for ten years.
M'agraden molt els idiomes.
I like|||languages
mi piacciono|||
I really like languages.
De fet, en parlo, es pot dir, vuit.
in|fact|it|I speak|it|can|say|eight
In fact, I'm talking about, you could say, eight.
Alguns millors que altres i m'apassiona aprendre idiomes.
Some better than others and I'm passionate about learning languages.
També parlo d'això en el meu canal.
also||of this||||channel
||di questo||||
I also talk about this on my channel.
De fet, el meu canal és multilingüe, faig vídeos en diferents idiomes.
||||||multilingual|I make|||different|
Actually, my channel is multilingual, I make videos in different languages.
I res... També m'agraden altres coses.
And nothing... I also like other things.
M'agrada escoltar música, m'agrada passejar, m'agrada quedar amb amics i prendre un cafè.
I like|listening to|music||walk||to meet|with|friends|and to|have||
I like to listen to music, I like to walk, I like to hang out with friends and drink coffee.
Què més m'agrada? Què més m'agrada?
what||I like|what||
What else do I like? What else do I like?
No ho sé, potser per avui ja n'hi ha prou.
no|it|know|maybe|for||already|of it|there is|enough
|||forse||oggi||ce n'è|c'è|sufficiente
I don't know, maybe that's enough for today.
No sé, quizás para hoy ya es suficiente.
Només us volia dir qui soc i què faig. Sí.
I just wanted to tell you who I am and what I do. Yes.
I espero que us agradi aquest primer episodi del podcast.
|hope||you|you like|||||
And I hope you enjoy this first episode of the podcast.
Veureu que són episodis curtets.
You will see||they are|episodes|short episodes
You will see that they are short episodes.
Vedrai che sono episodi brevi.
De fet, ja ho diu el nom del podcast que són episodis curts.
In fact, the name of the podcast already says that they are short episodes.
Infatti il nome del podcast dice già che si tratta di episodi brevi.
I el que us recomano és que escolteu els episodis més d'una vegada, si voleu.
|||you all|I recommend|||listen|||||time|if|want
||||raccomando||||||di più||volta||volete
And what I recommend is that you listen to the episodes more than once, if you want.
I res, espero que siguin útils.
||||they are|useful
And nothing, I hope they are useful.
I si són massa difícils us recomano anar a veure el meu curs d'introducció al català, que és al meu canal de YouTube.
|||too|difficult|||to go||see|||course|introduction to|||||||||
And if they are too difficult, I recommend you go and see my introductory course to Catalan, which is on my YouTube channel.
E se sono troppo difficili, ti consiglio di andare a vedere il mio corso introduttivo al catalano, che è sul mio canale YouTube.
El canal es diu “__Couch Polyglot__”, en anglès, com si fos un sofà.
The channel is called "Couch Polyglot", in English, as if it were a sofa.
Il canale si chiama "Couch Polyglot", in inglese, come se fosse un divano.
Perquè a mi m'agrada aprendre llengües de manera relaxada.
Because I like to learn languages in a relaxed way.
Llavors, __Couch Polyglot__: ce, o, u, ce, hac, “__polyglot__”, amb i grega.
Then, Couch Polyglot: ce, o, u, ce, hac, “polyglot”, with Greek i.
Espero veure-us-hi perquè allà també creo molt materials per aprendre català.
|see|you|there||there||create||materials for learning||learn|
I hope to see you there because I also create a lot of materials to learn Catalan there.
I ara amb aquest nou podcast, espero que pugueu encara tenir més recursos per aprendre aquesta llengua.
And now with this new podcast, I hope you can have even more resources to learn this language.
I espero que us sigui molt útil.
||||be useful||useful
And I hope it will be very useful for you.
Si veieu que parlo massa ràpid, massa de pressa, m'ho podeu dir també.
|you see||||quick|||hurry|tell me|can||
||||||||demasiado rápido||||
If you see that I speak too fast, too hastily, you can tell me that too.
Deixeu-me un comentari!
Leave me a comment!
Lasciami un commento!
Moltes gràcies, fins aviat!
many|thank you|until|soon
|||a presto
Thank you very much, see you soon!